Specifications Functionality
Size Height Width Depth Weight Heads Up Technologies XMD-076 using
(Behind Panel) XM WX Satellite Weather Service including:
EXP5000 PFD 8.5” 10.7” 9.4” 12.0 lbs. • NEXRAD
21.6cm 27.2cm 23.9cm 5.45kgm • NEXRAD cell movement, Integrated Flight Deck System
• Graphical METARs
EX5000 MFD 8.5” 10.7” 4.62” 6.75 lbs.
• Plain-English textual METARs
21.6cm 27.2cm 11.7cm 3.07kgm • AIRMETs
TSO Compliance Displays • TFRs
TSO-C2d Airspeed Instruments 10.4” Diagonal, Color Active-Matrix LCD • Winds Aloft
TSO-C3d Turn & Slip Instruments Sunlight readable • Freezing Levels
TSO-C4c Bank & Pitch Instruments 800x600 pixels, 65,536 colors • TAFs
TSO-C6d Magnetic Direction • Cloud Tops
Instruments System Power • Hail Warnings
Avidyne’s Entegra Integrated Flight Deck system presents standard flight instrumenta-
TSO-C8d Vertical Velocity Instruments 6.0 A @ 28VDC • Lightning Strikes
TSO-C10b Altimeter, Pressure Actuated (from National Lightning Detection Network®) tion including attitude direction indicator (EADI), horizontal situation indicator
TSO-C37d VHF Radio Communications Operating Altitude Internal two-way datalink transceiver
Transmitting Equipment Up to 25,000 ft. (cabin pressure) for FlightCenter™ Services. Avidyne Entegra (EHSI), altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, moving map, weather, terrain, and traffic
TSO-C38d VHF Radio Communications • Flight Tracking on large 10.4-inch diagonal, high-resolution, sunlight-readable full color displays,
Receiving Equipment Operating Temperature • Two-Way Text Messaging
TSO-C43c Temperature Instruments
TSO-C44b Fuel Flow Meters
-20C to +55C
+70C Short term
brings affordable, in easy-to-read formats.
Vector-Graphic Moving Map
TSO-C45a Manifold Absolute • Americas Jeppesen NavData
Pressure Instruments Warranty • International Jeppesen NavData (Optional) The Entegra EXP5000 PFD conveys traditional primary flight instrumentation as well as
TSO-C47 Pressure Instruments– 2 Years parts & labor included • Portable Dataloader - Optional state-of-the-art a pilot-selectable moving map presentation of flight plan data and an RMI pointer, all
Fuel, Oil, Hydraulic Extended warranty service available
TSO-C49b Electric Tachometer GPS/FMS/LOC interface within the primary field of view, reducing pilot workload. The versatile EX5000 MFD
TSO C106 Air Data Computer
TSO C110a Airborne Passive
• ARINC 429 GAMA Graphics integrated display displays navigation data, MultiLink datalink weather, lightning, traffic, obstacles, and
Thunderstorm Detection Approach Charts terrain with an intuitive user interface.
TSO C113 Airborne Multipurpose • CMax™ - Jeppesen Electronic Airway
Electronic Display Manual Charts (Optional) capability to the
TSO C147 Traffic Advisory System (TAS) The fully-integrated design of Entegra makes it ideal for entry level through high-
Traffic Interfaces
performance singles, piston twins, turboprops, and light jets. Many original equipment
• Avidyne TAS600 Series
• Ryan 9900B/9900BX TAS
business and
manufacturers (OEMs) have integrated Entegra into their new production aircraft,
• Honeywell KTA870 TAS
• Honeywell KMH880 IHAS setting off a waveof integrated flight deck technology adoption
• L3 Skywatch/Skywatch HP TAS general aviation
• Garmin GTX 330 TIS Transponder not seen since the migration of EFIS from air
transport to business jets.
Autopilot Interface
• S-Tec 55X
flight deck.
• Bendix/King KAP 140
Terrain Awareness
• Color-Contoured Terrain Base Map Built-In
- Americas Terrain & US Obstacle Data
- International Terrain Data (Optional)
• EGPWS/TAWS Interface (Optional)
- Honeywell MK V, VI, VII, VIII, XXI,XXII
- Honeywell KMH880 IHAS
- Honeywell KGP 560 G.A.
Radar Interface
• Bendix/King RDR 2000
Avionics installations require special skills and test equipment. Avidyne’s limited warranty is valid only for equipment installed
by an authorized Avidyne Service Center. Avidyne reserves the right to make changes to product specifications and design
features without notice.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Avidyne Corporation
55 Old Bedford Rd. • Lincoln, MA 01773
Ph: 781-402-7400 • Toll Free: 800-AVIDYNE
Fax: 781-402-7599
www.avidyne.com • info@avidyne.com ©2005 Avidyne Corporation 11/05 2.5K All Rights Reserved.
Entegra brochure 10/24/05 6:21 PM Page 3
Integrated EHSI MultiLink™ - XM Weather & FlightCenter™ EMax™ Engine Indication System
The electronic horizontal Datalink Services Entegra’s EMax™ Engine Indication System provides a handy
situation indicator (EHSI) graphical fuel totalizer, a lean assist mode, and a percent power
puts advanced navigation dis- display, which take the
play capability in the primary field of view. guess work out of fuel
Fully integrated with your VLOC/GPS, Entegra and power management.
provides synchronized switching as you transi- EMax monitors fuelflow
tion from the en route phase to the approach and computes nautical
phase of your flight. When an instrument miles per gallon, fuel
approach is selected, lateral and vertical guidance indications are Full-time Wind Vector remaining, fuel to way
presented on the attitude display for increased precision and An integrated air data computer provides you with a full-time point, and fuel to desti-
reduced scanning. Entegra’s EHSI can be viewed in standard 360- instantaneous wind vector, taking the guesswork out of finding nation. Temperatures,
degree compass rose, or in a 180-degree forward view, with selec- the right altitude to optimize your flight time. It is equally pressures, RPM, fuel flow,
table bearing pointer and flight-plan moving map display. valuable as you correct for wind while entering the pattern OAT, and electrical bus
or flying an instrument approach. voltages are also
Easy-to-Fly Trend Indicators monitored and dis-
The Entegra EXP5000 PFD provides 6-second trend indicators for Cross-Compare System™ played. EMax provides the most intuitive engine performance
Avidyne’s exclusive MultiLink™ technology seamlessly inte-
airspeed, altitude and heading. Trend indicators, typically found In dual-PFD installations, Avidyne’s unique Cross-Compare monitoring and analysis capability available. EMax is also avail-
grates broadcast and two-way datalink capability for the most
on air transport and high-end corporate jets, allow you to fly with System™ constantly monitors both ADAHRS and provides able for twin-engine and turbine aircraft.
advanced and easiest-to-use datalink system you can get.
higher precision and reduced workload when changing or visual alerts in the unlikely event of any discrepancy. The
maintaining critical airspeeds or altitudes. Cross-Compare System also monitors the aircraft navigation With MultiLink, the Entegra system displays aviation weather at CMax™ Maximizing Your Approach
systems and provides alerts in the event of any inconsistency. the high-speed update rates of the XM broadcast system, with Avidyne’s CMax™ Electronic Charts option offers a world-wide
Integrated Autopilot Functions the added enhancement of two-way datalink capability for library of geo-referenced approach charts and airport diagrams,
The Entegra EXP5000 PFD may be coupled with the autopilot helping you manage and access critical flight information and
aircraft-specific datalink communications.
for altitude preselect, vertical speed select and heading select reducing the amount of paper required on board your aircraft.
Solid-State ADAHRS
modes without the need for external controllers. Selection bugs The XM WX™ Satellite Weather service gives pilots comprehen-
and digital readouts for each of these parameters are provided The Enabling Technology of FlightMax Entegra Utilizing Jeppesen’s trusted JeppView™ Electronic Airway Manual,
sive, graphical information about weather conditions all across
for concise operation. the Continental United States (CONUS). XM WX delivers CMax makes accessing an approach or viewing an airport
critical, real-time information for pilots including NEXRAD diagram a breeze. At startup, your departure airport chart is
Primary Engine Instruments Radar in high resolution, full-color graphical format, overlayed automatically loaded for ease of orientation, especially at unfa-
Entegra displays critical engine data on the EXP5000 PFD during miliar fields. Your destination airport diagram and the list of
on Entegra’s industry-leading moving map. XM also provides
startup, and engine power data during all phases of flight
graphical and plain-English textual METARs,
enabling the pilot to quickly and efficiently manage engine set-
AIRMETs, SIGMETs, TFRs, winds aloft,
tings during periods of high workload. Primary Engine data for
freezing levels, TAFs, and cloud tops, as
piston aircraft includes manifold pressure, RPM, percent power,
well as NEXRAD cell movement, hail
fuel flow and oil pressure,and turbine inlet temp, torque, Fuel
warnings. and lightning strikes from the
flow, total fuel, oil pressure, Turbine RPM (Ng) and Prop RPM
National Lightning Detection Network®.
(Np) for turbine aircraft.
At the heart of the Entegra EXP5000 PFD is Avidyne’s fully- Using the two-way satellite network, Entegra
Simple Controls integrated, solid-state Air Data/ Attitude and Heading connects the aircraft to FlightCenter™ and
The straight-forward user interface makes flying the Entegra a Reference System (ADAHRS). Avidyne’s exclusive suite of datalink services
breeze. Human-factors studies and flight test experience suggest
including two-way text messaging and flight
less is more in terms of PFD modes, and we’ve kept it simple, yet The compact, lightweight, ADAHRS system uses a 3-axis tracking. MultiLink also provides the added
elegant. Entegra provides one-button access to frequent pilot set- solid state gyro and accelerometer system combined with advantage of Canadian and Caribbean
tings such as BARO and altitude/ vertical speed/ heading bugs. a magnetometer to replace vertical and directional gyros. (Non-CONUS) coverage.
Nav sources are push-button selectable for the EHSI needle, the available approaches are automatically loaded at the time your
bearing pointer, and the flight-plan moving map. The Entegra Avidyne’s state-of-the-art ADAHRS provides Roll, Pitch, flight plan is entered, and can be viewed easily using the Auto-fill
Whether you choose the high-speed XM WX solution for
EXP5000 PFD was designed to have a learning curve of less than and Heading data with reliability far exceeding mechanical capability, or you can easily select and view any approach at any
weather, or the advanced capability of MultiLink for XM WX
five minutes. It’s simply that easy to use. gyros, at a price point far below solid-state systems found airport in the database.
and FlightCenter, Entegra delivers datalink benefits you simply
in high-end corporate aircraft. can not get with any other system.
Integrated EHSI MultiLink™ - XM Weather & FlightCenter™ EMax™ Engine Indication System
The electronic horizontal Datalink Services Entegra’s EMax™ Engine Indication System provides a handy
situation indicator (EHSI) graphical fuel totalizer, a lean assist mode, and a percent power
puts advanced navigation dis- display, which take the
play capability in the primary field of view. guess work out of fuel
Fully integrated with your VLOC/GPS, Entegra and power management.
provides synchronized switching as you transi- EMax monitors fuelflow
tion from the en route phase to the approach and computes nautical
phase of your flight. When an instrument miles per gallon, fuel
approach is selected, lateral and vertical guidance indications are Full-time Wind Vector remaining, fuel to way
presented on the attitude display for increased precision and An integrated air data computer provides you with a full-time point, and fuel to desti-
reduced scanning. Entegra’s EHSI can be viewed in standard 360- instantaneous wind vector, taking the guesswork out of finding nation. Temperatures,
degree compass rose, or in a 180-degree forward view, with selec- the right altitude to optimize your flight time. It is equally pressures, RPM, fuel flow,
table bearing pointer and flight-plan moving map display. valuable as you correct for wind while entering the pattern OAT, and electrical bus
or flying an instrument approach. voltages are also
Easy-to-Fly Trend Indicators monitored and dis-
The Entegra EXP5000 PFD provides 6-second trend indicators for Cross-Compare System™ played. EMax provides the most intuitive engine performance
Avidyne’s exclusive MultiLink™ technology seamlessly inte-
airspeed, altitude and heading. Trend indicators, typically found In dual-PFD installations, Avidyne’s unique Cross-Compare monitoring and analysis capability available. EMax is also avail-
grates broadcast and two-way datalink capability for the most
on air transport and high-end corporate jets, allow you to fly with System™ constantly monitors both ADAHRS and provides able for twin-engine and turbine aircraft.
advanced and easiest-to-use datalink system you can get.
higher precision and reduced workload when changing or visual alerts in the unlikely event of any discrepancy. The
maintaining critical airspeeds or altitudes. Cross-Compare System also monitors the aircraft navigation With MultiLink, the Entegra system displays aviation weather at CMax™ Maximizing Your Approach
systems and provides alerts in the event of any inconsistency. the high-speed update rates of the XM broadcast system, with Avidyne’s CMax™ Electronic Charts option offers a world-wide
Integrated Autopilot Functions the added enhancement of two-way datalink capability for library of geo-referenced approach charts and airport diagrams,
The Entegra EXP5000 PFD may be coupled with the autopilot helping you manage and access critical flight information and
aircraft-specific datalink communications.
for altitude preselect, vertical speed select and heading select reducing the amount of paper required on board your aircraft.
Solid-State ADAHRS
modes without the need for external controllers. Selection bugs The XM WX™ Satellite Weather service gives pilots comprehen-
and digital readouts for each of these parameters are provided The Enabling Technology of FlightMax Entegra Utilizing Jeppesen’s trusted JeppView™ Electronic Airway Manual,
sive, graphical information about weather conditions all across
for concise operation. the Continental United States (CONUS). XM WX delivers CMax makes accessing an approach or viewing an airport
critical, real-time information for pilots including NEXRAD diagram a breeze. At startup, your departure airport chart is
Primary Engine Instruments Radar in high resolution, full-color graphical format, overlayed automatically loaded for ease of orientation, especially at unfa-
Entegra displays critical engine data on the EXP5000 PFD during miliar fields. Your destination airport diagram and the list of
on Entegra’s industry-leading moving map. XM also provides
startup, and engine power data during all phases of flight
graphical and plain-English textual METARs,
enabling the pilot to quickly and efficiently manage engine set-
AIRMETs, SIGMETs, TFRs, winds aloft,
tings during periods of high workload. Primary Engine data for
freezing levels, TAFs, and cloud tops, as
piston aircraft includes manifold pressure, RPM, percent power,
well as NEXRAD cell movement, hail
fuel flow and oil pressure,and turbine inlet temp, torque, Fuel
warnings. and lightning strikes from the
flow, total fuel, oil pressure, Turbine RPM (Ng) and Prop RPM
National Lightning Detection Network®.
(Np) for turbine aircraft.
At the heart of the Entegra EXP5000 PFD is Avidyne’s fully- Using the two-way satellite network, Entegra
Simple Controls integrated, solid-state Air Data/ Attitude and Heading connects the aircraft to FlightCenter™ and
The straight-forward user interface makes flying the Entegra a Reference System (ADAHRS). Avidyne’s exclusive suite of datalink services
breeze. Human-factors studies and flight test experience suggest
including two-way text messaging and flight
less is more in terms of PFD modes, and we’ve kept it simple, yet The compact, lightweight, ADAHRS system uses a 3-axis tracking. MultiLink also provides the added
elegant. Entegra provides one-button access to frequent pilot set- solid state gyro and accelerometer system combined with advantage of Canadian and Caribbean
tings such as BARO and altitude/ vertical speed/ heading bugs. a magnetometer to replace vertical and directional gyros. (Non-CONUS) coverage.
Nav sources are push-button selectable for the EHSI needle, the available approaches are automatically loaded at the time your
bearing pointer, and the flight-plan moving map. The Entegra Avidyne’s state-of-the-art ADAHRS provides Roll, Pitch, flight plan is entered, and can be viewed easily using the Auto-fill
Whether you choose the high-speed XM WX solution for
EXP5000 PFD was designed to have a learning curve of less than and Heading data with reliability far exceeding mechanical capability, or you can easily select and view any approach at any
weather, or the advanced capability of MultiLink for XM WX
five minutes. It’s simply that easy to use. gyros, at a price point far below solid-state systems found airport in the database.
and FlightCenter, Entegra delivers datalink benefits you simply
in high-end corporate aircraft. can not get with any other system.
Specifications Functionality
Size Height Width Depth Weight Heads Up Technologies XMD-076 using
(Behind Panel) XM WX Satellite Weather Service including:
EXP5000 PFD 8.5” 10.7” 9.4” 12.0 lbs. • NEXRAD
21.6cm 27.2cm 23.9cm 5.45kgm • NEXRAD cell movement, Integrated Flight Deck System
• Graphical METARs
EX5000 MFD 8.5” 10.7” 4.62” 6.75 lbs.
• Plain-English textual METARs
21.6cm 27.2cm 11.7cm 3.07kgm • AIRMETs
TSO Compliance Displays • TFRs
TSO-C2d Airspeed Instruments 10.4” Diagonal, Color Active-Matrix LCD • Winds Aloft
TSO-C3d Turn & Slip Instruments Sunlight readable • Freezing Levels
TSO-C4c Bank & Pitch Instruments 800x600 pixels, 65,536 colors • TAFs
TSO-C6d Magnetic Direction • Cloud Tops
Instruments System Power • Hail Warnings
Avidyne’s Entegra Integrated Flight Deck system presents standard flight instrumenta-
TSO-C8d Vertical Velocity Instruments 6.0 A @ 28VDC • Lightning Strikes
TSO-C10b Altimeter, Pressure Actuated (from National Lightning Detection Network®) tion including attitude direction indicator (EADI), horizontal situation indicator
TSO-C37d VHF Radio Communications Operating Altitude Internal two-way datalink transceiver
Transmitting Equipment Up to 25,000 ft. (cabin pressure) for FlightCenter™ Services. Avidyne Entegra (EHSI), altitude, airspeed, vertical speed, moving map, weather, terrain, and traffic
TSO-C38d VHF Radio Communications • Flight Tracking on large 10.4-inch diagonal, high-resolution, sunlight-readable full color displays,
Receiving Equipment Operating Temperature • Two-Way Text Messaging
TSO-C43c Temperature Instruments
TSO-C44b Fuel Flow Meters
-20C to +55C
+70C Short term
brings affordable, in easy-to-read formats.
Vector-Graphic Moving Map
TSO-C45a Manifold Absolute • Americas Jeppesen NavData
Pressure Instruments Warranty • International Jeppesen NavData (Optional) The Entegra EXP5000 PFD conveys traditional primary flight instrumentation as well as
TSO-C47 Pressure Instruments– 2 Years parts & labor included • Portable Dataloader - Optional state-of-the-art a pilot-selectable moving map presentation of flight plan data and an RMI pointer, all
Fuel, Oil, Hydraulic Extended warranty service available
TSO-C49b Electric Tachometer GPS/FMS/LOC interface within the primary field of view, reducing pilot workload. The versatile EX5000 MFD
TSO C106 Air Data Computer
TSO C110a Airborne Passive
• ARINC 429 GAMA Graphics integrated display displays navigation data, MultiLink datalink weather, lightning, traffic, obstacles, and
Thunderstorm Detection Approach Charts terrain with an intuitive user interface.
TSO C113 Airborne Multipurpose • CMax™ - Jeppesen Electronic Airway
Electronic Display Manual Charts (Optional) capability to the
TSO C147 Traffic Advisory System (TAS) The fully-integrated design of Entegra makes it ideal for entry level through high-
Traffic Interfaces
performance singles, piston twins, turboprops, and light jets. Many original equipment
• Avidyne TAS600 Series
• Ryan 9900B/9900BX TAS
business and
manufacturers (OEMs) have integrated Entegra into their new production aircraft,
• Honeywell KTA870 TAS
• Honeywell KMH880 IHAS setting off a waveof integrated flight deck technology adoption
• L3 Skywatch/Skywatch HP TAS general aviation
• Garmin GTX 330 TIS Transponder not seen since the migration of EFIS from air
transport to business jets.
Autopilot Interface
• S-Tec 55X
flight deck.
• Bendix/King KAP 140
Terrain Awareness
• Color-Contoured Terrain Base Map Built-In
- Americas Terrain & US Obstacle Data
- International Terrain Data (Optional)
• EGPWS/TAWS Interface (Optional)
- Honeywell MK V, VI, VII, VIII, XXI,XXII
- Honeywell KMH880 IHAS
- Honeywell KGP 560 G.A.
Radar Interface
• Bendix/King RDR 2000
Avionics installations require special skills and test equipment. Avidyne’s limited warranty is valid only for equipment installed
by an authorized Avidyne Service Center. Avidyne reserves the right to make changes to product specifications and design
features without notice.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective companies.
Avidyne Corporation
55 Old Bedford Rd. • Lincoln, MA 01773
Ph: 781-402-7400 • Toll Free: 800-AVIDYNE
Fax: 781-402-7599
www.avidyne.com • info@avidyne.com ©2005 Avidyne Corporation 11/05 2.5K All Rights Reserved.