Classification of living things
Classification of living things
Classification of living things
Scientists use group things so they can be studied easily, this is called Classification.
All things can be classified into either Living things or Non-living things.
Living things undergo
1. The 7 life processes (MRS GREN)
2. They have organised cells.
Non living things
1. Do not undergo the 7 life processes
2. Do not have organised cells.
3. They are made up of chemicals.
Living things can further be classified into kingdoms, the Animal Kingdom and the Plant
Kingdom. These kingdoms are the largest groups of living things and each kingdom has
similar major features.
The Plant Kingdom (both flowering and non-flowering plants)
1. Is made up of autotrophs (food producers)
2. They contain cellulose for support as well as the green pigment chlorophyll.
3. Their movement is limited as they can not change position (limited to one place).
The Animal Kingdom
1. Is made up of heterotrophs (food consumers).
2. They do not contain both cellulose and chlorophyll.
3. They can move freely and change position.
A species is a group of organisms, that have a very large number of similarities. When the
male and female mate they produce fertile offspring.
Some organisms have similarities and are able to mate but produce infertile offspring eg when
a donkey and a horse mate a mule is produced, this mule cannot reproduce.
Some species are endangered whilst some are already extinct because of
1. Loss of habitat
2. Over hunting
3. Pollution
4. Loss of genetic variation.