1 Introduction
Gear is one of the most common mechanisms for transmit- is geometrically different from the rectilinear model of Azar
ting power and motion. Usage of gears can be found in and Crossley [4]. By taking advantage of involute tooth pro-
numerous industrial applications and also in our daily lives. file, it has successfully taken material compliance, energy
Because of advances in modern technologies, high-speed and dissipation, and the alternation of number of contact pairs in-
high-precision control systems and machinery such as in- to account.
dustrial robots demand a thorough understanding of gear Yet the previous impact dynamic models [1-4] lack the con-
meshing dynamics with frequent stop-and-start type of mo- sideration of tooth bending, axial compression, and Coulomb
tion. There are many issues involved in the dynamics of friction which should also exist in meshing gears. In this study,
meshing gears, such as backlash, material compliance, energy based on Yang and Sun's rotary model, we want to include
dissipation, tooth geometry and meshing friction, etc. these absences in our consideration. In addition, via simula-
Backlash between gear teeth may be due to the relative tion, we will quantitatively evaluate the contributions of all
deformations, vibrations, misalignments, and clearances factors included in the model to the system's dynamics.
among gears and their shafts. However, in most cases,
backlash is also a necessity for the application of lubricant and
the prevention of jammed conditions [1-4]. Equally impor- 2 Modeling of Spur Gear Dynamics
tant, in high-speed operation including frequent impact, are In order to consider the effect of friction, we add a fric-
compliance and energy dissipation. The compliance depends tional force into the original Yang and Sun rotary model, as
mainly on the material property and the tooth geometry [5-8]. shown in Fig. 1. For involute tooth profile, the line of action,
The energy dissipation can be classified into two categories: A^ (or A y , which is the common tangent of the two base
the loss from the damping effect of the elastic parts in the circles, is always the common normal of the contact surfaces.
system [1, 9-11] and the loss from the frictional effect of the The direction of the frictional force which is on the direction
moving parts in the system [12, 13]. of sliding motion should then always be perpendicular to this
In 1971, Dubowsky and Freudenstein [2, 3] developed a rec- line of action. Referring to Fig. 1, because backlashes exist
tilinear model called "Impact Pair" to analyze the dynamic between teeth, the dynamic equations of the gear pair during
response of a mechanical system with clearance. Using meshing depend on three different geometrical situations.
Dubowsky's model, Azar and Crossley [4] later studied the
dynamic behaviors of meshing gears including the effects of (1): Rbxdx-Rb262>B
backlash, time-varying stiffness, and damping of the gear JMt) = Ty(t) - [F(t) + G(t)]Rbl -FfWXiW
teeth. Recently, Yang and Sun [1] developed a dynamic model
for spur gear systems with backlash. The model is circular and J A ( 0 = T2(t) + [F(t) + G(t)]Rb2 + Ff(t)[lp -X, (t)] (1)
(2): B>Rbl6i-Rb282>-B
Jx6l(t) = Tl(t)
Contributed by the Mechanisms Committee and presented at the Design
Engineering Technical Conference, Columbus, Ohio, October 5-8, 1986, of THE J2e2U) = T2(t) (2)
Headquarters, July 10, 1986. Paper No. 86-DET-64. (3): R^-R^d^B
Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design JUNE 1987, Vol. 109/189
J2d2(t) = T2(t)-[F(t) + G(t)]Rb2-Ff(t)[lp-Xl'(t)] (3) 3.2 Bending and Axial Compressive Energies. For in-
Kh = stiffness of the Hertzian contact
A = point of contact lp = distance between C, and C2 on the line of
*P = point of contact of the second contact pair action
B = backlash M,- = moment associated with the parallel
C, = tangent point between TV! and base circle 1 shifting of Fai
C[ = tangent point between N2 and base circle 1 rrij = modulus of gear i
D = damping factor N\, N2 = common normals (lines of action)
E = Young's modulus O, = geometric center of gear i
e = coefficient of restitution Rbi = radius of the base circle of gear i
F,F(t) = elastic force between contact teeth ThTj(t) = external torque applied to gear i
Fai = axial tooth force of gear ;' t0 = base circular pitch
Fbi = bending tooth force of gear i Uh — Hertzian potential energy
FpFf(t) = friction force between contact teeth Ua = axial energy
F/P(t) = friction force between teeth of the second Ub = bending energy
contact pair V-, = initial relative impact velocity
F„(t) elastic force between teeth of the second Vs = sliding velocity
contact pair Xj, Xl (t) = distance between Ct and contact point on
G,G(t) Hertzian damping force between contact
teeth X{, X{(t) = distance between C[ and contact point on
G„(t) damping force of the second contact pair
distance between the contact point and the Z, = number of teeth on gear i
gear center line a0 = pressure angle
J, = mass moment of inertia of gear / j3,- = angle between lines OjCj and 0,Aj
Ka = effective stiffness in the tooth axial 5 = depth of interpenetration
direction Sjfiiit) = angular displacement of gear ('
Kb = effective stiffness in the tooth transverse 8b = half of the tooth angle
direction 4>t = angle between OlCl and Ol02
K„ = effective stiffness of a tooth v = Poisson's ratio
F2 F2
[(/, — A^COS^! - / i j s i n ^ ) , ] ^ ^ -2K
F1 , F2
U, (17)
•-i: 2EA smz4>\dx= 2K
1 _ f'l 1
[(/, -x)cos4>l -Ajsin^jpdx: (18)
# M J O ~EI^X
Fig. 4(a) Case 1 Relative displacement along the line of action 7.1 Case 1: Free Vibration. As shown in Fig. 4(a), the
penetration decreases very fast, which means that energy
dissipates quickly. This phenomenon indicates that the damp-
0.09- (RaJ-•)
^ - ^ ^ ^
5 10 is ao
Fig. 4(b) Case 1 Angular displacements Fig. 4(c) Case 1 Angular velocities
10 IS 2D 25 3D 35 HO
Fig. 5(a) Case 2 Relative displacement along the line of action TIME IN MILLISECONDS
ri A
uV V \-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Table 1 design specifications. The only exception here is that the fric-
tion coefficient is considered as a parameter; its value is
T{(t) T2(t) Initial speed (rad/s)
assigned from 0.01 to 0.09 with the increment of 0.01. Figure 7
Case (N — mm) (N - mm) shows the results. The horizontal axis is the friction coefficient
0, S2
and the vertical is the ratio of friction loss/damping loss.
1 0 0 50 0 Lines with stars and triangles are for Case 1 (free vibration)
2 50 -50 50 0
3 200 sin. (10000 0 0 0 and Case 3 (sinusoidal excitation), respectively. Clearly, in
these two cases, the energy loss due to the Hertzian damping is
the predominant one in comparison to the friction loss. The
former is about 7 to 67 times larger than the latter as the fric-
tion coefficient changes from 0.09 to 0.01. For Case 2, as
action Nl and N2. After about 5 ms, impacts occur only on shown by the line with squares, when external torques are ap-
N{. This is because sufficient energy has been lost due to plied to the meshing gears, the importance of friction effect in-
damping and friction effects; consequently, the normal impact creases substantially. In this case, the ratio between damping
force becomes small and not enough to overcome the applied and friction is about from 29 to 3, depending on the assigned
torque. Eventually the two teeth will penetrate into each other value for the friction coefficient. From the figure, we also can
on one side with an elastic deformation and meanwhile move find that the energy ratio is almost linearly related to the fric-
with a constant acceleration due to the two external torques. tion coefficient.
7.3 Case 3: Sinusoidal Torque Input. The dynamic 8.2 Elastic Energies. Another comparison is made on the
response of the relative displacement is shown in Fig. 6(a). The importance among the elastic energies. As shown in Fig. 8, the
one with lower frequency and higher magnitude corresponds horizontal axis represents the angular position of a tooth
to the driving sinusoidal torque. The vibration with higher fre- meshing cycle, from the beginning of engagement to the
quency and lower amplitude is caused by the tooth impact. release from contact. Periods with angles from - 1 to about 12
Figure 6(b) shows the angular velocities of both gears under deg and from about 17 to 29 deg are in two-pair contact, and
this sinusoidal excitation. angles from 12 to 17 deg are in one-pair contact. The vertical
axis tells the energy ratio. Four curves are drawn. The line
8 Comparisons of Major Factors Based on Energies with " + " signs represents the ratio of Hertzian deformation
energy to the bending energy of one-pair teeth in contact only.
The proposed gear dynamic model contains five major con- The shape of the curve reflects the change of the effective
cerns, namely, bending deflection, Hertzian deformation, ax- bending stiffness of two meshing teeth. According to tooth
ial compression, Hertzian damping, and friction effect. In this geometries, this effective stiffness starts with a relatively small
section, we want to compare their contributions to the value to its peak value at 22 deg of its contact angle and then
system's energy. Contributions from bending deflection, decreasing. The curve with triangles is the system energy ratio
Hertzian deformation, and axial compression are measured by between Hertzian deformation energy to bending energy. This
the corresponding stored energies; those from Hertzian damp- curve shows that in real cases, i.e., when gear contact ratio is
ing and friction effect are evaluated by the corresponding about 1.6, the variation of the effective bending stiffness will
dissipated energies. be smoothed out by the engagement of the second contact
8.1 Dissipated Energies. The relative importance be- pair. On the average, the bending energy is about 4 to 11 times
tween the two dissipated energies is evaluated by examining as high as the Hertzian deformation.
their ratio, friction loss/damping loss. We repeat those three The lower two curves are the energy ratios between the axial
simulations given in the previous section with the same gear compressive energy and the bending energy. They have the
Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design JUNE 1987, Vol. 109/195
9 ]0 11 12 13 11 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29
same pattern as the Hertzian/bending ratio curves. However, 3 Dubowsky, S., and Freudenstein, F., "Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical
the magnitude of the compressive energy is much smaller. It Systems With Clearances, Part 2: Dynamic Response," ASME Journal of
Engineering for Industry, Vol. 93, February 1972, pp. 310-316.
represents only about 2-3 percent of the bending energy, and 4 Azar, R. C , and Crossley, F. R. E., "Digital Simulation of Impact
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dustry, Vol. 99, August 1977, pp. 792-798.
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9 Concluding Remarks ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 103, April 1981, pp. 447-459.
Based on Yang and Sun's rotary model [1], in this study we 6 Terauchi, Y., and Nagamura, K., "Study on Deflection of Spur Gear
Teeth," Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 23, October 1980, Paper No. 184-17.
have successfully integrated the new considerations of bending 7 Terauchi, Y., and Nagamura, K., "Study on Deflection of Spur Gear
deflection, axial compression, Coulomb friction, and the Teeth," Bulletin of the JSME, Vol. 24, February 1981, Paper No. 188-24.
alternation of number of contact pairs. Despite the complexity 8 Shigley, J. E., Design of Mechanical Elements, 3rd edition, 1977, pp.
in gear geometry, formulas for modeling of these newly in- 424-428.
9 Hunt, K. H., and Crossley, F . R. E., "Coefficient of Restitution Inter-
cluded factors are all analytically derived without applying preted as Damping in Vibroimpact," ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics,
any simplification. A simulation package is developed for this Vol. 97, June 1975, pp. 440-445.
model. Via this package, we are able to study the behaviors of 10 Veluswami, M. A., Crossley, F . R. E., and Horray, G., "Multiple Im-
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This model may be considered as a contribution toward the position of Pulses From an Impact Pair," ASME Journal of Engineering for In-
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should be useful in the study of high-speed geared systems 12 Ishibashi, A., and Yoshino, H., "Power Transmission Efficiencies and
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References 13 Benedict, G. H., and Kelley, B. W., "Instantaneous Coefficients of Gear
Tooth Friction," Trans. ASLE, Vol. 4, 1961, pp. 59-70.
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