Unit 1 Week 1 Writing Exemplar

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Exemplar Student Response: Information


Title: The Amazing World of Sea Turtles

Sea turtles are fascinating creatures that live in oceans around the world. They have been
around for millions of years and are known for their unique characteristics and behaviors. In this
report, we will learn about the different types of sea turtles, their habitats, their diets, and the
threats they face. By the end of this report, you will understand why these animals are so
special and why we need to protect them.

Types of Sea Turtles

There are seven different species of sea turtles, each with its own unique traits. The most well-
known are the Loggerhead, Green, and Leatherback turtles.

- Loggerhead Turtles: These turtles are famous for their large heads and strong jaws, which
help them eat hard-shelled prey like conchs and sea urchins. Loggerheads can weigh up to 400
pounds and are found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.

- Green Turtles: Known for their greenish fat, Green turtles are mostly herbivores, feeding on
seagrass and algae. They can weigh between 240 and 420 pounds and are often found in warm
coastal waters. Interestingly, Green turtles can also help maintain healthy seagrass beds, which
are important for other marine life.

- Leatherback Turtles: The largest of all sea turtles, Leatherbacks can weigh over 2,000
pounds and can dive deeper than any other species, reaching depths of over 4,000 feet. Unlike
other sea turtles, they do not have a hard shell; instead, their bodies are covered in leathery
skin. Leatherbacks primarily feed on jellyfish, which makes them crucial for controlling jellyfish
Habitats of Sea Turtles
Sea turtles are found in oceans all over the world, but they prefer warm waters. They usually
live in shallow coastal areas where they can find food. Some sea turtles migrate long distances
to find nesting sites. For example, female sea turtles return to the same beach where they were
born to lay their eggs. This journey can be very dangerous as they face many challenges along
the way.

During nesting season, a female turtle may lay about 100 to 200 eggs in a single nest. After
about 60 days, the baby turtles, called hatchlings, emerge and make their way to the ocean.
This journey from the nest to the water is perilous, as they are vulnerable to predators like birds
and crabs.

Diet of Sea Turtles

Sea turtles have varied diets depending on their species.

- Loggerhead Turtles primarily eat hard-shelled animals, such as crabs and mollusks.
- Green Turtles, on the other hand, are mostly herbivores and feed on seagrass and algae.
This diet helps keep seagrass beds healthy, which benefits other marine animals.
- Leatherback Turtles mainly consume jellyfish, which are abundant in their habitats.

Each species plays a vital role in its ecosystem, and their diets help maintain balance in marine

Threats to Sea Turtles

Unfortunately, sea turtles face many threats that endanger their survival. One major threat is
habitat loss due to coastal development. Beaches where they lay their eggs are often destroyed
to make way for hotels and homes. Another threat is pollution, especially plastic waste, which
can be mistaken for food. Sea turtles often ingest plastic bags, thinking they are jellyfish, which
can lead to serious health problems or even death.

Additionally, many sea turtles are injured or killed by boat propellers, and fishing gear can
accidentally trap them. Climate change also poses a significant threat, as rising sea levels can
erode nesting beaches and alter the temperature of the sand, affecting the sex of hatchlings. It
is important for us to help protect their habitats and reduce pollution to ensure their survival.

In Islam, caring for animals is emphasized. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,
“Whoever is kind to the creatures of God, he is kind to himself.” (Sahih Bukhari). This highlights
the importance of protecting all living beings, including sea turtles.

In conclusion, sea turtles are incredible animals that play an important role in our oceans. They
come in different species, live in warm coastal waters, and face many dangers. By learning
about them, we can understand the importance of protecting these amazing creatures and their
habitats for future generations. Every small action counts in helping sea turtles thrive, whether
it's reducing plastic use, supporting conservation efforts, or spreading awareness about their
plight. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that sea turtles continue to swim in our
oceans for years to come!

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