Text Report Turtle

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Turtles are prehistoric group of reptiles that developed when the dinosaurs were still living on
earth. They are known as a slow-moving animal and indeed certain land turtles are quite
slow. However, some species such as sea turtles tend to move faster, even on land. The land
turtles are also known as tortoises.

Turtles can be found in most parts of the world, except in the coldest regions. They mostly
spread over from south-eastern North America to south-eastern Asia. Most turtles live in
fresh water. Other species live in salt water or on land. Turtles inhabit the oceans, lakes,
ponds, salt swamps, rivers, woodlands, and even deserts.

Turtles’ sizes and appearances vary significantly among different species. The smallest one,
for examples mud turtles, may be less than 10 cm in length and less than 0,5 kg in weight. In
contrast, the Atlantic leatherback turtle grows to a length of more than 2 m and may weigh
more than 680 kg.

Most turtles have a hard shell surrounds their body, protecting their vital organs like a suit of
armor. The shell is separated into two parts, an arched upper section, called carapace, and a
flat lower section, called plastron. Most of turtle species can tuck their head, legs and tail into
it for protection from predator. However, other species don’t have such feature.

Turtles are omnivores. They eat living or dead plant and animal. They eat smaller creatures,
involving snails, insects, worms, jellyfish, clams, crayfishes, and other crustaceans. However,
many tortoises are herbivores, eat only plants.

Some turtles are kept as pets by animal lover, but people in several regions of the world also eat their
meat and eggs. In United States, for instance, certain species of turtles are harvested for sale to
restaurants. This practice makes many native species, the snapping turtles, for instance, have been
drastically reduced in numbers. Furthermore, turtle populations have decreased worldwide since their
environments have completely changed or been damaged. A few of turtle species, including most
tortoises and sea turtles, are in danger of completely in danger of extinction nowadays.

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