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Front cover

IBM Spectrum Archive

Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2
Installation and Configuration Guide

Hiroyuki Miyoshi
Khanh Ngo
Arnold Byron Lua
Yuka Sasaki
Yasuhiro Yoshihara
Larry Coyne

International Technical Support Organization

IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2:

Installation and Configuration Guide

March 2022

Note: Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on
page ix.

Tenth Edition (March 2022)

This edition applies to Version 1, Release 3, Modification 2, Fix Level 2 of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition (product number 5639-LP1).

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved.
Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule
Contract with IBM Corp.

Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x

Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Authors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Now you can become a published author, too! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
Comments welcome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv
Stay connected to IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv

Summary of changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
December 2021, Tenth Edition Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
June 2021, Ninth Edition Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
February 2020, Eighth Edition Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvi
April 2019, Seventh Edition Version 1.3.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
June 2018, Sixth Edition Version 1.2.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
January 2018, Fifth Edition Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
August 2017, Fourth Edition Version 1.2.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xviii
February 2017, Third Edition Version 1.2.2 minor update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
January 2017, Third Edition Version 1.2.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix
August 2016, Second Edition Version 1.2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
June 2016, First Edition, Version 1.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xx
January 2015, Third Edition Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxi
November 2014, Second Edition Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxii

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.1.1 Operational storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.2 Active archive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 IBM Spectrum Archive EE functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.2.1 User Task Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE terms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.3.2 Hierarchical Storage Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.3 Multi-Tape Management Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.3.4 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster configuration introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.1 Introduction to IBM Spectrum Archive and LTFS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.1.1 Tape media capacity with IBM Spectrum Archive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.1.2 Comparison of the IBM Spectrum Archive products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
2.1.3 IBM Spectrum Archive Single Drive Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.1.4 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.1.5 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2 IBM Spectrum Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.2 Storage pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.3 Policies and policy rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2.4 Migration or premigration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. iii
2.2.5 Active File Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.2.6 Scale Out Backup and Restore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.3 OpenStack SwiftHLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE dashboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
2.5 IBM Spectrum Archive EE REST API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.6 Types of archiving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

3.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE deployment options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.1.1 On IBM Spectrum Scale Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.1.2 As an IBM Spectrum Scale Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.1.3 As an IBM Elastic Storage Systems IBM Spectrum Scale Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.1.4 As an IBM Spectrum Scale stretched cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.2 Data-access methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.2.1 Data access using application or users on IBM Spectrum Scale Clients . . . . . . . 46
3.2.2 Data access using Protocol Nodes on IBM Spectrum Scale Server Nodes with IBM
Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
3.2.3 Data access using Protocol Nodes integrated with the IBM ESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
3.3 System requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.3.1 Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
3.4 Required software for Linux systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.1 Required software packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems . . . . . . . . . . 54
3.4.2 Required software to support REST API service on RHEL systems . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.3 Required software to support a dashboard for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.4.4 Required software for SwiftHLM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
3.5 Hardware and software setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
3.6 IBM Spectrum Archive deployment examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.6.1 Deploying on Lenovo servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
3.6.2 Deploying on Versastack converged infrastructure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
3.7 Sizing and settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.7.1 Redundant copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
3.7.2 Planning for LTO-9 Media Initialization/Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.7.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
3.7.4 Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.7.5 Ports that are used by IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
3.8 High-level component upgrade steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

4.1 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE on a Linux system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2 Installation prerequisites for IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
4.2.1 Installing the host bus adapter and device driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
4.3.1 Extracting binary rpm files from an installation package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3.2 Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
4.4 Installing a RESTful server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
4.5 Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.6 Library replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
4.6.1 Library replacement procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
4.6.2 Pool relocation procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
4.7 Tips when upgrading host operating system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

5.1 Configuration prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

iv IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
5.1.1 Configuration worksheet tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
5.1.2 Obtaining configuration information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
5.1.3 Configuring key-based login with OpenSSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
5.1.4 Preparing the IBM Spectrum Scale file system for IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . 104
5.2 Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.2.1 The ltfsee_config utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
5.2.2 Configuring a single node cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
5.2.3 Configuring a multiple-node cluster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
5.2.4 Configuring a multiple-node cluster with two tape libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
5.2.5 Modifying a multiple-node configuration for control node redundancy . . . . . . . . 116
5.3 First-time start of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
5.3.1 Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE with IBM Spectrum Scale AFM . . . . . . . 119
5.3.2 Configuring a Centralized Archive Repository solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
5.3.3 Configuring an Asynchronous Archive Replication solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 129
6.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.1.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE command summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.1.2 Using the command-line interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
6.2 Status information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.2.1 IBM Spectrum Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
6.2.2 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
6.2.3 Hierarchical Space Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
6.2.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
6.3 Upgrading components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.3.1 IBM Spectrum Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
6.3.2 IBM Spectrum Archive LE component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.3.3 Hierarchical Storage Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.3.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
6.4 Starting and stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6.4.1 Starting IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
6.4.2 Stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.5 Task command summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.5.1 eeadm task list . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
6.5.2 eeadm task show . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
6.6 IBM Spectrum Archive EE database backup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
6.7 IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatic node failover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.7.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE monitoring daemon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
6.8 Tape library management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.8.1 Adding tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
6.8.2 Moving tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
6.8.3 Formatting tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
6.8.4 Removing tape drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
6.8.5 Adding tape drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
6.9 Tape storage pool management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.9.1 Creating tape cartridge pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
6.9.2 Deleting tape cartridge pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.10 Pool capacity monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
6.11 Migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
6.11.1 Managing file migration pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6.11.2 Threshold-based migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
6.11.3 Manual migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
6.11.4 Replicas and redundant copies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177

Contents v
6.11.5 Data Migration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
6.11.6 Migration hints and tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
6.12 Premigration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
6.12.1 Premigration with the eeadm premigrate command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6.12.2 Premigration running the mmapplypolicy command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6.13 Preserving file system objects on tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
6.13.1 Saving file system objects with the eeadm save command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
6.13.2 Saving file system objects with policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
6.14 Recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6.14.1 Transparent recall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
6.14.2 Selective recall using the eeadm recall command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
6.14.3 Read Starts Recalls: Early trigger for recalling a migrated file . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
6.14.4 Recommend Access Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
6.15 Recalling files to their resident state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
6.16 Reconciliation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
6.17 Reclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.17.1 Reclamation considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
6.18 Checking and repairing tapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
6.19 Importing and exporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
6.19.1 Importing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
6.19.2 Exporting tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
6.19.3 Offlining tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
6.20 Drive Role settings for task assignment control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
6.21 Tape drive intermix support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
6.21.1 Objective for WORM tape support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
6.21.2 Function overview for WORM tape support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
6.21.3 The effects of file operations on immutable and appendOnly files . . . . . . . . . . 211
6.22 Obtaining the location of files and data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
6.23 Obtaining system resources, and tasks information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
6.24 Monitoring the system with SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
6.25 Configuring Net-SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
6.25.1 Starting and stopping the snmpd daemon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.25.2 Example of an SNMP trap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.26 IBM Spectrum Archive REST API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.26.1 Pools endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
6.26.2 Tapes endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
6.26.3 Libraries endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
6.26.4 Nodegroups endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
6.26.5 Nodes endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
6.26.6 Drives endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
6.26.7 Task endpoint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
6.27 File system migration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233

7.1 Preventing migration of the .SPACEMAN and metadata directories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.2 Maximizing migration performance with redundant copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
7.3 Changing the SSH daemon settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7.4 Setting mmapplypolicy options for increased performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
7.5 Preferred inode size for IBM Spectrum Scale file systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
7.6 Determining the file states for all files within the GPFS file system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
7.7 Memory considerations on the GPFS file system for increased performance . . . . . . 242
7.8 Increasing the default maximum number of inodes in IBM Spectrum Scale . . . . . . . . 242
7.9 Configuring IBM Spectrum Scale settings for performance improvement. . . . . . . . . . 243

vi IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.10 Use cases for mmapplypolicy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
7.10.1 Creating a traditional archive system policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
7.10.2 Creating active archive system policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
7.10.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration policy with AFM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
7.11 Capturing a core file on Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
7.12 Anti-virus considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7.13 Automatic email notification with rsyslog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7.14 Overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
7.15 Storage pool assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
7.16 Tape cartridge removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
7.16.1 Reclaiming tape cartridges before you remove or export them . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
7.16.2 Exporting tape cartridges before physically removing them from the library. . . 251
7.17 Reusing LTFS formatted tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
7.17.1 Reformatting LTFS tape cartridges through eeadm commands . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
7.18 Reusing non-LTFS tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
7.19 Moving tape cartridges between pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7.19.1 Avoiding changing assignments for tape cartridges that contain files. . . . . . . . 254
7.19.2 Reclaiming a tape cartridge and changing its assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7.20 Offline tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7.20.1 Do not modify the files of offline tape cartridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7.20.2 Solving problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254
7.21 Scheduling reconciliation and reclamation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.22 License Expiration Handling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
7.23 Disaster recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
7.23.1 Tiers of disaster recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256
7.23.2 Preparing IBM Spectrum Archive EE for a tier 1 disaster recovery strategy (offsite
vaulting) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
7.23.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE tier 1 DR procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
7.24 IBM Spectrum Archive EE problem determination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
7.24.1 Rsyslog log suppression by rate-limiting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7.25 Collecting IBM Spectrum Archive EE logs for support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
7.26 Backing up files within file systems that are managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE 264
7.26.1 Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
7.26.2 Backing up a GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
7.27 IBM TS4500 Automated Media Verification with IBM Spectrum Archive EE . . . . . . 266
7.28 How to disable commands on IBM Spectrum Archive EE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
7.29 LTO 9 Media Optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275

8.1 Overview of use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
8.1.1 Use case for archive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
8.1.2 Use case for tiered and scalable storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
8.1.3 Use case data exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
8.2 Media and Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
8.3 Media and Entertainment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
8.4 High-Performance Computing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
8.5 Healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
8.6 Genomics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
8.7 Archive of research and scientific data for extended periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
8.8 University Scientific Data Archive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
8.9 Oil and gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
8.10 S3 Object Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288

Contents vii
8.11 AFM use cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.11.1 Centralized archive repository. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290
8.11.2 Asynchronous archive replication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition . . . . . . . . . . 293

9.1 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.1.1 Quick health check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.1.2 Common startup errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
9.2 Hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
9.2.1 Tape library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
9.2.2 Tape drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
9.3 Recovering data from a write failure tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
9.4 Recovering data from a read failure tape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
9.5 Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
9.5.1 Linux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
9.5.2 IBM Spectrum Scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
9.5.3 IBM Spectrum Archive LE component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
9.5.4 Hierarchical storage management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
9.5.5 IBM Spectrum Archive EE logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
9.6 Recovering from system failures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9.6.1 Power failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9.6.2 Mechanical failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9.6.3 Inventory failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
9.6.4 Abnormal termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313

Chapter 10. Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315

10.1 Command-line reference. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
10.1.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE help guide for commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
10.1.2 Drive status and state codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
10.1.3 Node status codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
10.1.4 Tape status codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
10.1.5 IBM Spectrum Scale commands. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
10.1.6 IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
10.2 Formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration . . . . . . . . 325
10.3 System calls and IBM tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
10.3.1 Downloading the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327
10.3.2 Using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
10.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE interoperability with IBM Spectrum Archive products . . . 330

Related publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331

IBM Redbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Other publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Online resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Help from IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332

viii IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

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x IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

This IBM® Redbooks® publication helps you with the planning, installation, and configuration
of the new IBM Spectrum® Archive Enterprise Edition (EE) Version for the IBM
TS4500, IBM TS3500, IBM TS4300, and IBM TS3310 tape libraries.

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition enables the use of the LTFS for the policy
management of tape as a storage tier in an IBM Spectrum Scale based environment. It also
helps encourage the use of tape as a critical tier in the storage environment.

This edition of this publication is the tenth edition of IBM Spectrum Archive Installation and
Configuration Guide.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE can run any application that is designed for disk files on a physical
tape media. IBM Spectrum Archive EE supports the IBM Linear Tape-Open (LTO) Ultrium 9,
8, 7, 6, and 5 tape drives. and the IBM TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, and TS1140 tape drives.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE can play a major role in reducing the cost of storage for data that
does not need the access performance of primary disk. The use of IBM Spectrum Archive EE
to replace disks with physical tape in tier 2 and tier 3 storage can improve data access over
other storage solutions because it improves efficiency and streamlines management for files
on tape. IBM Spectrum Archive EE simplifies the use of tape by making it transparent to the
user and manageable by the administrator under a single infrastructure.

This publication is intended for anyone who wants to understand more about IBM Spectrum
Archive EE planning and implementation. This book is suitable for IBM customers, IBM
Business Partners, IBM specialist sales representatives, and technical specialists.

This book was produced by a team working with the IBM Tokyo and IBM Tucson development

Hiroyuki Miyoshi is a manager of the tape development team

in Tokyo. His team is engaged in developing tape drive
hardware, linear tape file system (LTFS), and Hierarchical
Storage Management (HSM) solution, which is IBM Spectrum
Archive. He is a Master Inventor and joined IBM in 2001 with a
master’s degree in Electrical Science at Waseda University.
Before becoming the manager in 2020, he was a developer for
various storage products, such as RAID subsystems,
BladeCenter storage/switch module, TS7700, SONAS, IBM
Spectrum Scale, and IBM Spectrum Archive.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. xi

Khanh Ngo is an IBM Senior Technical Staff Member and
Master Inventor in Tucson, Arizona. Khanh is in the Storage
CTO Office specializing in data integration with IBM Storage
products. He joined IBM in 2000 with a Bachelor of Science
degree in Electrical Engineering and a Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science. Later, he received a Master of Science
degree in Engineering Management. Because of his design
and implementation work with many IBM Spectrum Archive EE
customers across multiple industries worldwide, Khanh is often
sought out for his expertise to lead, execute, and successfully
complete proof of concepts and custom engineering solutions
that integrate IBM Spectrum Archive EE into customers’
production environments.

Arnold Byron Lua is the IBM Storage Architect and Systems

Storage Product Line Manager in the ASEAN region. He has
extensive experience in the Technology industry as an IBM
Storage Technical Specialist, Systems Architect, and Systems
Engineer in various companies over a period of 20 years.
Aside from product line management, he designs
fit-for-purpose architecture solutions that focus on business
value while streamlining costs. Arnold is a Professional
Electronics Engineer of the Philippines with a Bachelor of
Science degree in Electronics and Communications

Yuka Sasaki is a software developer for the IBM Spectrum

Archive family of products: IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition, Library Edition, and Single Drive Edition in the IBM
Tokyo Development Lab. Her team is engaged in developing
and providing technical support of IBM Spectrum Archive. She
joined IBM in 2019 with a Master’s degree in Media and
Governance degree from Keio University, where she received
her Cyber Security and Cyber Informatics Certificate.

Yasuhiro Yoshihara is an Open Tape Subject Matter Expert

who works in Yokohama since 2018 supporting IBM Spectrum
Archive (LTFS), ProtecTIER®, and Open Tape Libraries/Tape
Drives. He joined IBM in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in
Commerce (Corporate Accounting). He has many years of
experience in software support in charge of IBM Operating
System/2® and then, host integration software, such as
Personal Communications, Host On-Demand, Host Access
Transformation Services, and Communications server. In
addition to Host Integration Software, he started supporting
Tape Software products, such as LTFS and ProtecTIER since

xii IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Larry Coyne is a Project Leader at the International Technical
Support Organization, Tucson Arizona center. He has over 35
years of IBM experience with 23 years in IBM storage software
management. He holds degrees in Software Engineering from
the University of Texas at El Paso and Project Management
from George Washington University. His areas of expertise
include customer relationship management, quality assurance,
development management, and support management for IBM
Storage Software.

Thanks to the following people for their contributions and support for this project:

Atsushi Abe
Hiroshi Itagaki
Takeshi Ishimoto
Osamu Matsumiya
Junta Watanabe
IBM Systems

Joseph Chuen Wei Liew

IBM Cloud® and Cognitive Software

Thanks to the authors of the previous editions of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Redbooks:

Illarion Borisevich, Larry Coyne, Chris Hoffmann, Stefan Neff, Khanh Ngo, Wei Zheng Ong,
and Markus Schaefer

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Preface xiii
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xiv IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Summary of changes

This section describes the technical changes that are made in this edition of the book and in
previous editions. This edition might also include minor corrections and editorial changes that
are not identified.

Summary of Changes
for SG24-8333-09
for IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
as created or updated on March 10, 2022.

December 2021, Tenth Edition Version

New and changed information Version
This IBM Redbooks publication includes new functions and updates for Version,, and

Note: Review the readme and important notice files in IBM Fix Central for the latest IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition Version to make sure your upgrade plan will be
current with important recommended updates.

These updates include the following support:

 File system migration support using SOBAR
 Recommended Access Order (RAO) function in IBM TS11xx and LTO 9 drives

High level modifications for publication include:

 The IBM tape drive TS1160 model 60S is now supported.

June 2021, Ninth Edition Version

New and changed information Version
High level updates to this Redbooks publication include:

Updated the following sections in Chapter 3., “Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition” on page 39.
 Added deployment options to “IBM Spectrum Archive EE deployment options” on page 40
 Updated “Data-access methods” on page 46

Reclaim tape drive usage has been updated in Chapter 6., “Managing daily operations of IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 129 to describe how IBM Spectrum Archive
supports the parallel reclaim feature.

Added the following new use cases to Chapter 8., “IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
use cases” on page 275.
 8.4, “High-Performance Computing” on page 281
 8.10, “S3 Object Interface” on page 288

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. xv

Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers and IBM Spectrum Scale levels.

New and changed information Version

The following updates were made to the list of supported software:
 The IBM tape drive TS1160 model 60S is now supported.
 Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers and IBM Spectrum Scale levels
 Updated the required software

New and changed information Version

 Added support for the TS1160 Model 60E tape drive.
 Added new response data fields to the REST API task information, in support of
transparent recall tasks.

February 2020, Eighth Edition Version

New and changed information Version
 Supports the enable/disable control of certain tasks by type.
 Supports the assignment of TCP/UDP ports that IBM Spectrum Archive uses within a
certain range.
 Supports FC/SAS port load balancing.
 Supports the syslog-ng facility.
 Supports a multi-node upgrade by using a single “ltfsee_install” command:
ltfsee_install --upgrade --all
 Supports the following new eeadm commands:
– eeadm cluster set/show
– eeadm drive up/down
– eeadm drive set/show
 Enhanced the tape drive status indication.
 Adds the following new options to the existing eeadm commands:
– eeadm MIGRATE --premigrate
– eeadm LIST --migrate, --premigrate, --save, and --recall
 Changed the eeadm reclaim command behavior when only a pool is specified as the
reclaim target.
 Renamed some of the eeadm reclaim command options.

New and changed information Version

 Performance improvements of eeadm migrate command and eeadm recall --resident

New and changed information Version

 Improved the eeadm cluster stop command to complete more quickly
 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition can be configured to use the IBM Spectrum
Scale admin network, rather than the daemon network.
 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition can be configured without SAN zoning in a
multi-server configuration.

xvi IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 Enhanced the eeadm migrate, eeadm premigrate and eeadm save commands to accept a
list of files from stdin or from an input file.
 Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers and IBM Spectrum Scale levels
 Updated the required software
 Added the description of ports used by IBM Spectrum Archive
 Added the description of disabling/enabling the transparent recalls
 Updated recommended inode size
 Added limitation of file path length
 Updated REST API definition
 Renamed LE+ component to LE component
 All examples and references have been updated with the new CLI syntax changes and
output. Added online help description for the eeadm CLI command.
 Removed chapter about upgrading from 1.1.x

April 2019, Seventh Edition Version 1.3.0

New information Version 1.3.0
 User Task Control and Reporting: Usability enhancements with new command-line
interface (CLI) with more support for monitoring the progress and results of user
operations and for tape maintenance
– Active/Completed task listing including detailed information and output of command
– Task results including file state transition results
– Ability to run the command in background, with --async option
 Supports the Storage Networking Industry Association’s LTFS format specification 2.4
 Expanded storage capacity with the TS1160 tape drive
 Supports the IBM Spectrum Scale backup function (mmbackup) for the same file system
managed by IBM Spectrum Archive
 Bundles the open source package for external monitoring of IBM Spectrum Archive
through a GUI/dashboard
 Usage of /dev/sgX device (lin_tape device driver is no longer required to be installed)

Changed Information
 Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers and IBM Spectrum Scale levels
 All examples and references have been updated with the new CLI syntax changes and

June 2018, Sixth Edition Version 1.2.6

New information Version 1.2.6
 Added support for IBM Power Server in Little Endian Mode (Power8 8 or later)
 Library replacement procedure phase two
 Tape intermix in pool for technology upgrade

Summary of changes xvii

 Datamigrate command for technology upgrade

Changed Information
 Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers and IBM Spectrum Scale levels
 Updated various examples to include new information

January 2018, Fifth Edition Version

New information Version
 Provides new tape media support for LTO 8 tape drives with LTO 8 Type M cartridge (M8).
The LTO program introduced a new capability with LTO 8 tape drives: the ability to write
9 TB (native) on a brand new LTO Ultrium 7 cartridge instead of 6 TB (native) as specified
by the LTO 7 format.
 Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers and IBM Spectrum Scale levels

New information Version 1.2.5

 Provides support for the new 12 TB LTO 8 tape drive and TS1155 FC tape drive in the
TS3500 tape library
 A library replacement procedure has been provided to allow the replacing of an old tape
library (for example, TS3500 tape library) with a new tape library (for example, TS4500
tape library)

Changed Information
 Upgraded the HSM component

August 2017, Fourth Edition Version 1.2.4

This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below.

New information
 Added support for Active File Management (AFM) Independent Writer (IW) mode starting
with IBM Spectrum Archive v1.2.3.0 and later
 Added support for a RESTful API
 Added high availability features:
– Control node failover
– Monitoring daemon
– New start/stop
 Added a GUI dashboard for data monitoring
 Added low pool threshold attribute for pools
 Added support for 15 TB tape support with TS1155 tape drive
 Added new ltfsee node show command
 Added new ltfsee failover command

xviii IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 Added new IBM Spectrum Archive EE database backup
 Added IBM Swift HLM support

Changed Information
 Added new traps to SNMP
 Updated ltfsee info nodes command

February 2017, Third Edition Version 1.2.2 minor update

This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below.
 Added the following link for the new Performance white paper information in section 3.7.2,
“Planning for LTO-9 Media Initialization/Optimization” on page 63.

Note: For more information about migration performance, see IBM Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition v1.2.2 Performance here.

 Updated the following examples: Example 6-60 on page 169, Example 6-62 on page 170,
Example 6-63 on page 171, Example 6-64 on page 175, Example 6-66 on page 177,
Example 7-7 on page 244, Example 7-8 on page 245, Example 7-9 on page 246,
Example 7-19 on page 259.

January 2017, Third Edition Version 1.2.2

This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below.

New information
The following topics are new in Version 1.2.2:
 Added new write failure state, Write Fenced
 Added new pool remove option, -E for removing tapes with no file references
 Increased stability and performance
 Improved export/import
 Improved reconcile
 Automated the recover process of write failure tapes
 Added improved method for recovering read failure tapes

Changed information
The following information was changed from the previous edition:
 Added performance section
 Renamed “Recovering data from a write-failure tape” to 6.16, “Reconciliation” on page 197
 Updated the ltfsee recover command in 10.1, “Command-line reference” on page 316
 Added section about recovering data from write failure tapes
 Added section about recovering data from read failure tapes
 Added section for handling Normal Export errors

Summary of changes xix

 Added “boost-filesystem” to system requirements
 Added section about memory considerations on the IBM Spectrum Scale file system for
increased performance
 Added new information about how migrations are handled
 Added section about handling read failure tapes
 Added new rule for adding tapes into pools
 Added table about valid commands on different tape status

August 2016, Second Edition Version 1.2.1

This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below.

New information
What’s New in Version 1.2.1:
 Added procedures for upgrading from IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition version
 Updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux Servers
 Added information about avoiding errors during an upgrade on multiple nodes in 4.3.2,
“Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78

Changed information
 Removed commands for creating a list of files to use with migration, premigration, and
save functions. v1.2.1.x and later now only uses the IBM GPFS scan result file.
 Updated the options for the ltfsee_install command.

June 2016, First Edition, Version 1.2

This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below.

New information
What’s New in Version 1.2:
 Multiple tape library attachment (up to two) support to a single IBM Spectrum Scale
– Data replication to the pools in separate libraries for added data resiliency.
– You can use the read replica policy to specify file recall behavior if there is a failure.
– Total capacity expansion beyond a single library limit.
– IBM Spectrum Scale cluster in single site or across metro distance locations through
IBM Spectrum Scale synchronous mirroring.
– Mixed type library support with different drive types.
– Pools can be configured with a subset of tapes in one tape library as an LTO tape pool,
3592 tape pool, or 3592 write-once, read-many (WORM) tape pool.

xx IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 Data recording on WORM tape cartridges:
– WORM cartridges are great for long-term records retention applications.
– Support for 3592 WORM cartridges (3592-JY and 3592-JZ tapes).
– Selection of rewritable or WORM cartridges per tape pool.
– Files can be migrated (or premigrated) to the specified WORM pool as the destination
in the IBM Spectrum Scale policy file or CLI option.
– Files on WORM tapes will not be overwritten and are not erasable:
• Reclamation, reconciliation, and reformat operations are disabled.
• As a preferred practice, set the immutable flag on IBM Spectrum Scale disk to
prevent the deletion of stub file for more data protection.
 Expand storage capacity with LTO7 support:
– You have 2.4 - 4 times the capacity in the same foot print compared to LTO6 and LTO5
– Support for migration of files larger than 2.x TB (up to 6.x TB).
– Intermixing of LTO generation in single library is supported (the pool must be
 Performance improvement for large-scale systems:
– Optimization of file migration operations for many small files and for multi-node
– Reduced IBM Spectrum Scale file system size requirements for IBM Spectrum Archive
EE metadata.
– Collocation of files within a pool for speedier file recall.
 Flexibility in pool-based data management:
– Improved automatic recovery process on failure by switching to replica pools.
– Improved support of tape drive intermix.

January 2015, Third Edition Version

This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below.

New information
 Added support for IBM GPFS V4.1
 Added support for IBM TS1150 tape drive and media
 v1.1.1.2 (PGA2.1) updates

Changed information
Added the -u option to the reconcile command to skip the pretest that checks for the
necessity to reconcile before mounting the tapes.

Summary of changes xxi

November 2014, Second Edition Version
This revision reflects the addition, deletion, or modification of new and changed information,
which is summarized below:

New information
 Premigration commands
 Added support for IBM TS4500 and TS3310 tape libraries
 More operating system platform support
 Preserving file system objects on tape
 Recall commands
 Version (PGA1) and Version (PGA2) updates

Changed information
 Improved small file migration performance
 Improved data resiliency (All copies are now referenced.)

xxii IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise

This chapter introduces the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (formerly IBM Linear
Tape File System Enterprise Edition [LTFS EE]) and describes its business benefits, general
use cases, technology, components, and functions.

This chapter includes the following topics for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (EE):
 1.1, “Introduction” on page 2
 1.2, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE functions” on page 6
 1.3, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE components” on page 9
 1.4, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster configuration introduction” on page 15

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 1

1.1 Introduction
IBM Spectrum Archive, a member of the IBM Spectrum Storage family, enables direct,
intuitive, and graphical access to data stored in IBM tape drives and libraries by incorporating
the LTFS format standard for reading, writing, and exchanging descriptive metadata on
formatted tape cartridges. IBM Spectrum Archive eliminates the need for more tape
management and software to access data.

IBM Spectrum Archive offers three software solutions for managing your digital files with the
LTFS format: Single Drive Edition (SDE), Library Edition (LE), and Enterprise Edition (EE).
This book focuses on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides seamless integration of LTFS with IBM Spectrum Scale,
which is another member of the IBM Spectrum Storage family, by creating a tape-based
storage tier. You can run any application that is designed for disk files on tape by using IBM
Spectrum Archive EE because it is fully transparent and integrates in the IBM Spectrum Scale
file system. IBM Spectrum Archive EE can play a major role in reducing the cost of storage for
data that does not need the access performance of primary disk.

With IBM Spectrum Archive EE, you can enable the use of LTFS for the policy management
of tape as a storage tier in an IBM Spectrum Scale environment and use tape as a critical tier
in the storage environment.

The use of IBM Spectrum Archive EE to replace online disk storage with tape in tier 2 and tier
3 storage can improve data access over other storage solutions because it improves
efficiency and streamlines management for files on tape. IBM Spectrum Archive EE simplifies
the use of physical tape by making it not apparent to the user and manageable by the
administrator under a single infrastructure.

Figure 1-1 shows the integration of an IBM Spectrum Archive EE archive solution.

Figure 1-1 High-level overview of an IBM Spectrum Archive EE archive solution

2 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses the IBM Spectrum Archive LE for the movement of files to
and from tape devices. The scale-out architecture of IBM Spectrum Archive EE can add
nodes and tape devices as needed to satisfy bandwidth requirements between IBM Spectrum
Scale and the IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape tier.

Low-cost storage tier, data migration, and archive needs that are described in the following
use cases can benefit from IBM Spectrum Archive EE:
 Operational storage
Provides a low-cost, scalable tape storage tier.
 Active archive
A local or remote IBM Spectrum Archive EE node serves as a migration target for IBM
Spectrum Scale that transparently archives data to tape that is based on policies set by
the user.

The following IBM Spectrum Archive EE characteristics cover a broad base of integrated
storage management software with leading tape technology and the highly scalable IBM tape
 Integrates with IBM Spectrum Scale by supporting file-level migration and recall with an
innovative database-less storage of metadata.
 Provides a scale-out architecture that supports multiple IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes
that share tape inventory with load balancing over multiple tape drives and nodes.
 Enables tape cartridge pooling and data exchange for IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape tier
– Tape cartridge pooling allows the user to group data on sets of tape cartridges.
– Multiple copies of files can be written on different tape cartridge pools, including
different tape libraries in different locations.
– Supports tape cartridge export with and without the removal of file metadata from IBM
Spectrum Scale.
– Supports tape cartridge import with pre-population of file metadata in IBM Spectrum

Furthermore, IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides the following key benefits:

 A low-cost storage tier in an IBM Spectrum Scale environment.
 An active archive or big data repository for long-term storage of data that requires file
system access to that content.
 File-based storage in the LTFS tape format that is open, self-describing, portable, and
interchangeable across platforms.
 Lowers capital expenditure and operational expenditure costs by using cost-effective and
energy-efficient tape media without dependencies on external server hardware or
 Allows the retention of data on tape media for long-term preservation (10+ years).
 Provides the portability of large amounts of data by bulk transfer of tape cartridges
between sites for disaster recovery and the initial synchronization of two IBM Spectrum
Scale sites by using open-format, portable, self-describing tapes.
 Migration of data to newer tape or newer technology that is managed by IBM Spectrum

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 3

 Provides ease of management for operational and active archive storage.
 Expand archive capacity simply by adding and provisioning media without affecting the
availability of data already in the pool.

Tip: To learn more about IBM Spectrum Archive EE and try it in a virtual tape library
environment, see IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition Fundamentals & Lab Access.

1.1.1 Operational storage

This section describes how IBM Spectrum Archive EE is used as a storage tier in an IBM
Spectrum Scale environment.

Using an IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier as operational storage is useful when a significant
portion of files on a disk storage system infrastructure is static, meaning the data is not

In this case, as shown in Figure 1-2, it is optimal to move the content to a lower-cost storage
tier, in this case a physical tape. The files that are migrated to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
tape tier remain online, meaning they are accessible from the IBM Spectrum Scale file system
under the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace at any time. Tape cartridge pools within IBM
Spectrum Archive EE can also be used for backup.


IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

node node
IBM Spectrum
Archive EE




Figure 1-2 Tiered operational storage with IBM Spectrum Archive EE managing the tape tier

4 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
With IBM Spectrum Archive EE, the user specifies files to be migrated to the IBM Spectrum
Archive tape tier by using standard IBM Spectrum Scale scan policies. IBM Spectrum Archive
EE then manages the movement of IBM Spectrum Scale file data to the IBM Spectrum
Archive tape cartridges. It also edits the metadata of the IBM Spectrum Scale files to point to
the content on the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier.

Access to the migrated files through the IBM Spectrum Scale file system remains unchanged,
with the file data provided at the data rate and access times of the underlying tape
technology. The IBM Spectrum Scale namespace is unchanged after migration, making the
placement of files in the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier not apparent to users and
applications. See 7.10.1, “Creating a traditional archive system policy” on page 244.

1.1.2 Active archive

This section describes how IBM Spectrum Archive EE is used as an active archive in an IBM
Spectrum Scale environment.

The use of an LTFS tape tier as an active archive is useful when you need a low-cost,
long-term archive for data that is maintained and accessed for reference. IBM Spectrum
Archive satisfies the needs of this type of archiving by using open-format, portable, and
self-describing tapes based on the LTFS standard.

In an active archive, the IBM Spectrum Archive file system is the main store for the data while
the IBM Spectrum Scale file system, with its limited disk capacity, is used as a staging area,
or cache, in front of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. IBM Spectrum Scale policies are used to
stage and de-stage data from the IBM Spectrum Scale disks to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
tape cartridge.

Figure 1-3 shows the archive storage management with the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier in
the IBM Spectrum Scale file system, the disk that is used for caching, and the namespace
that is mapped to the tape cartridge pool.


IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

node node
IBM Spectrum
Archive EE

Disk cache

Figure 1-3 Archive storage management with IBM Spectrum Archive EE

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 5

The tapes from the archive can be exported for vaulting or for moving data to another
location. Because the exported data is in the LTFS format, it can be read on any
LTFS-compatible system.

For more information see 7.10.2, “Creating active archive system policies” on page 245.

1.2 IBM Spectrum Archive EE functions

This section describes the main functions that are found within IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Figure 1-4 shows where IBM Spectrum Archive EE fits within the solution architecture that
integrates with IBM Spectrum Archive LE and IBM Spectrum Scale. This integration enables
the functions of IBM Spectrum Archive to represent the external tape cartridge pool to IBM
Spectrum Scale and file migration based on IBM Spectrum Scale policies. IBM Spectrum
Archive EE can be configured on multiple nodes with those instances of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE sharing a physical tape library.

User data

User file system IBM Spectrum

Archive EE Data transfer via
HSM Fibre Channel
or SAS
IBM Spectrum Scale node MMM Tape Library
file system MD

IBM Spectrum
Archive LE

Figure 1-4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE integration with IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive LE

With IBM Spectrum Archive EE, you can perform the following management tasks on your
 Create and define tape cartridge pools for file migrations.
 Migrate files in the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace to the IBM Spectrum Archive tape
 Recall files that were migrated to the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier back into IBM
Spectrum Scale.
 Reconcile file inconsistencies between files in IBM Spectrum Scale and their equivalents
in IBM Spectrum Archive.
 Reclaim tape space that is occupied by non-referenced files and non-referenced content
that is present on the physical tapes.
 Export tape cartridges to remove them from your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
 Import tape cartridges to add them to your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
 Add tape cartridges to your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system to expand the tape
cartridge pool with no disruption to your system.
 Obtain inventory, task status of your IBM Spectrum Archive EE solution.

6 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
1.2.1 User Task Reporting
Versions prior to IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.3.0.0 reported any running or pending
operations through the ltfsee info scans and ltfsee info jobs commands. However any
successes or failures of prior commands, history of operations, or output of commands
cannot be seen except through examination of the trace logs. Furthermore, the result of any
file state changes from any migration, premigration, or recall commands cannot be viewed.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.3.0.0 introduced the concept of user tasks. A user task is
defined as:
 User initiated command or operation where each is considered a single task.
 Each task is uniquely identified by a task ID in the range of 1,000 to 99,999 with the next
task ID after 99,999 starting back at 1,000.
 A maximum number of tasks that can be accepted is defined as follows:
– 128 transparent recalls per each active control node
– For tasks other than transparent recall, 512 tasks for each active control node
 If a task cannot be accepted due to this limit, the command is rejected immediately without
assigning a task ID.
 Tasks can be manually cleared for any completed tasks.
 The last 10 tasks with errors will always be preserved unless manually cleared.

The following commands and operations create user tasks:

 eeadm migrate
 eeadm premigrate
 eeadm recall
 reading of a file (transparent recall)
 eeadm save
 eeadm drive down
 eeadm drive unassign
 eeadm drive up
 eeadm tape assign
 eeadm tape datamigrate
 eeadm tape export
 eeadm tape import
 eeadm tape move
 eeadm tape offline
 eeadm tape online
 eeadm tape reclaim
 eeadm tape reconcile
 eeadm tape replace
 eeadm tape unassign
 eeadm tape validate
 eeadm task clearhistory

The current user task features are:

 A task which is currently being processed or will be processed is defined as an “active”
task. An “active” task status can be in one of the following:
– interrupted: The task was running but currently not running due to other higher priority
tasks such as recall tasks
– running: The task is running using at least 1 tape cartridge in 1 tape drive resource
– waiting: The task is created but is not running yet (pending to run)

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 7

 A task which has been processed is defined as a “completed” task. A “completed” task
status can be in one of the following:
– aborted: The task was running but a control node failover occurred or the cluster was
stopped forcefully by 'eeadm cluster stop -f'. The task needs to be manually
– failed: The task completed with one or more errors
– succeeded: The task completed with a success (no errors)
 List active tasks and completed tasks including the following information:
– Task ID
– Type
– Priority
– Status
– Number of drives used for the task
– Created time
– Started time
 Show details of active tasks and completed tasks within the last 3 months including the
following information:
– Task ID
– Type
– Command and parameters
– Status
– Result
– Accepted time
– Started time
– Completed time
– In-use resources for pools, tape drives, and tape cartridges
– Workload
– Progress
 Show file results (success or failure) for any completed migration, premigration, or recall
 Support an --async option which allows the task to be started asynchronously (i.e. when
specified, the command returns immediately with the task ID after the request has been
issued and the status of the command can be monitored later). It should be used on
longer running commands where the administrator does not want to wait for it’s
completion. Using the --async option, the administrator can start the command, later
query the status of the command using the eeadm task list command and finally review
detailed information using the eeadm task show command. The following commands
support this --async option:
– eeadm drive down
– eeadm drive unassign
– eeadm drive up
– eeadm tape export
– eeadm tape import
– eeadm tape assign
– eeadm tape unassign
– eeadm tape datamigrate
– eeadm tape reclaim
– eeadm tape replace
– eeadm tape reconcile
– eeadm tape validate
– eeadm tape move

8 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
– eeadm task clearhistory
– eeadm task cancel

Note: The other commands (eeadm migrate, eeadm premigrate, eeadm recall, and eeadm
save) does not fit well with the “--async” option when used through the mmapplypolicy
command because it will cause mmapplypolicy command to continuously submit the same
files repeatedly.

1.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE components

This section describes the components that make up IBM Spectrum Archive EE:
 EE components: Multi-tape management module (MMM) and Monitoring Daemon (MD)
 Library Edition (LE) component
 Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) component

IBM Spectrum Scale is a required component for the IBM Spectrum Archive solution.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE is composed of multiple components that enable an IBM Spectrum
Archive tape tier to be used for migration and recall with the IBM Spectrum Scale. Files are
migrated to, and recalled from, the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier by using the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE components that are shown in Figure 1-5 on page 10 and Figure 1-6 on
page 11.

1.3.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE terms

An IBM Spectrum Archive EE solution consists of the following components:
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE node
An x86_64 or ppc64le IBM Spectrum Scale server that is running on IBM Spectrum
Archive EE. Each EE node must be connected to a set of tape drives in a tape library,
through an FC, SAS, or RoCE connection. One EE node cannot be connected to more
than one logical library.
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE Cluster
A set of EE nodes that are connected to a single IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. All nodes in
a cluster can see the files on the IBM Spectrum Scale file system with same inode
IBM Spectrum Scale clusters that are connected by active file management (AFM) are
considered as two separate IBM Spectrum Scale clusters by IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
 IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster
IBM Spectrum Scale servers (non-EE nodes) and EE nodes.
 IBM Spectrum Scale only Node
An IBM Spectrum Scale server that is running on a supported platform, such as Linux or
Microsoft Windows, without IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
 Tape Pool
A set of tape cartridges of the same type (either Write Once Read Many (WORM) or
Non-WORM, and either LTO or 3592) that are in one logical tape library.
A tape pool does not span across multiple tape libraries.
A tape pool is assigned to only one node group.

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 9

 Node Group
Nodes that are connected to the same tape library. Normally there is a one-to-one
relationship between a node group and a tape library, so a dual-library EE cluster has two
node groups, at minimum. In theory, you can divide one tape library into multiple node
groups, just like partitioning.
Tape pools are assigned to only one node group, but a node group can access multiple
tape pools.
 Control Node
An EE node that is running in an MMM. IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1r2 and subsequent
releases require you to configure one control node per tape library. The control node
manages all the requests for access to its associated tape library. The control node
redirects requests for access to other tape libraries to the control nodes of the other tape

Figure 1-5 shows the components that make up IBM Spectrum Archive EE. The components
are shown with IBM Spectrum Scale configured on separate nodes for maximum scalability.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Scale-out Cluster

IBM Spectrum Archive EE IBM Spectrum Archive EE IBM Spectrum Archive EE IBM Spectrum Scale
Control node 1 alternate Control node 2 node k only nodes

IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum

Archive EE Archive EE Archive EE
MD MD IBM Spectrum
IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum Archive LE
Archive LE Archive LE

Tape Library

Tape Drive Tape Drive Tape Drive

Set #1 Set #2 Set #k

Tape Storage Pool Tape Storage Pool Tape Storage Pool

Figure 1-5 Components of IBM Spectrum Archive EE with separate IBM Spectrum Scale nodes

10 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
In Figure 1-6, the components that make up IBM Spectrum Archive EE are shown with no
separate IBM Spectrum Scale nodes. Also shown is how IBM Spectrum Scale can be
configured to run on the same nodes as the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Scale-out Cluster

IBM Spectrum Archive EE IBM Spectrum Archive EE IBM Spectrum Archive EE
Control node 1 alternate Control node 2 node k

IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum

Archive EE Archive EE Archive EE
MD MD IBM Spectrum
IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum Archive LE
Archive LE Archive LE

Tape Library

Tape Drive Tape Drive Tape Drive

Set #1 Set #2 Set #k

Tape Storage Pool Tape Storage Pool Tape Storage Pool

Figure 1-6 Components of IBM Spectrum Archive EE with no separate IBM Spectrum nodes

A second tape library can be added to the configuration, which expands the storage capacity
and offers the opportunity to add nodes and tape devices. Availability can be improved by
storing redundant copies on different tape libraries.

With multiple tape library attachments, the tape libraries can be connected to an IBM
Spectrum Scale cluster in a single site or can be placed in the metro distance locations
through IBM Spectrum Scale synchronous mirroring (stretched cluster).

For IBM Spectrum Scale V5.0.0 and later, distances up to 300 km (186.4 miles) are
supported for stretched cluster with synchronous mirroring using block-level replication.

For more information, see IBM Documentation.

It is important to remember that this is still a single IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. In a
configuration using IBM Spectrum Scale replication, a single IBM Spectrum Scale cluster is
defined over two geographically separated sites consisting of two active production sites and
by using tiebreaker disks.

One or more file systems are created, mounted, and accessed concurrently from the two
active production sites. The data and metadata replication features of IBM Spectrum Scale
are used to maintain a secondary copy of each file system block, relying on the concept of
disk failure groups to control the physical placement of the individual copies:
1. Separate the set of available disk volumes into two failure groups. Define one failure group
at each of the active production sites.
2. Create a replicated file system. Specify a replication factor of 2 for both data and

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 11

When allocating new file system blocks, IBM Spectrum Scale always assigns replicas of the
same block to distinct failure groups. This feature provides a sufficient level of redundancy,
allowing each site to continue operating independently should the other site fail.

For more information about synchronous mirroring that uses IBM Spectrum Scale replication,
see IBM Documentation.

Important: Stretched cluster is available for distances of 100 km (62 miles) - 300 km
(186.4 miles). For longer distances, use the AFM feature of IBM Spectrum Scale with IBM
Spectrum Archive.

With the release of IBM Spectrum Archive v1.2.3.0, limited support is provided for IBM
Spectrum Scale AFM. The only supported AFM is with two different IBM Spectrum Scale
clusters with one instance of IBM Spectrum Archive at each site.

For more information about IBM Spectrum Scale AFM, see 2.2.5, “Active File
Management” on page 30.

For more information, see IBM Documentation.

Figure 1-7 shows a fully configured IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

GPFS Native Client GPFSNative
Client GPFS Native Client GPFSNative
Native Client
NFS ClientClient GPFS
Spectrum Client
Scale Client GPFS
FTP ClientClient

IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Cluster
EE Node Group 1 Site 1 EE Node Group 2 Site 2
EE Control EE Control EE Control EE Control
Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum EE Node 3 Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum EE Node 6
Node 1 Scale Node 2 Scale Scale Node 4 Scale Node 5 Scale


SAN or
shared NSD access

Library 1 Library 2
Pool 1 primary Pool 1 secondary

T1 T2 T3 Redundant pool pair Ta Tb Tc

Pool 2 primary Pool 2 secondary

T4 T5 Redundant pool pair

Td Te

Network Connection
IBM Spectrum Archive Node F Fibre Channel or SAS Port Tape Cartridge
SAN Connection
Tape Library (logical) D Tape Drive Disk or Flash Storage Tape Drive Connection

Figure 1-7 IBM Spectrum Archive EE

12 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
1.3.2 Hierarchical Storage Manager
A Hierarchical Storage Manager (HSM) solution typically moves the file’s data to back-end
storage (in most cases, physical tape media) and leaves a small stub file in the local storage
file system. The stub file uses minimal space, but leaves all metadata information about the
local storage in such a way that for a user or a program the file looks like a normal, local
stored file. When the user or a program accesses the file, the HSM solution automatically
recalls (moves back) the file’s data from the back-end storage and gives the reading
application access to the file when all the data is back retrieved and available online again.

1.3.3 Multi-Tape Management Module

This component is a service of IBM Spectrum Archive EE control node. The MMM service
implements policy-based tape cartridge selection and maintains the state of all of the
resources that are available in the system. There is one control node per tape library.

The scheduler component of the control node uses policy-based cartridge selection to
schedule and process task requests, such as migration and recall requests, which are fulfilled
by using available system nodes and tape resources. The following tasks are performed by
the scheduler:
 Choosing a task from the task queue
 Choosing an appropriate tape cartridge and tape drive to handle the work
 Starting the task

The control node also manages the creation of replicas across multiple tape libraries. For
example, when the eeadm migrate command specifies making replicas of files in multiple tape
libraries, the command accesses the control node that manages the tape pool for the primary

The control node puts the copy job in the task queue for the primary tape library, then passes
the secondary copy task to the control node for the second tape library. The second control
node puts the copy task in the task queue for the second tape library.

When the scheduler component of the control node selects a tape cartridge and tape drive for
a migration task, it manages the following conditions:
 If the migration is to a tape cartridge pool, the tape drive must belong to the node group
that owns the tape cartridge pool.
 If a format generation property is defined for a tape cartridge pool, the tape cartridge must
be formatted as that generation, and the tape drive must support that format.
 The number of tape drives that are being used for migration to a tape cartridge pool at one
time must not exceed the defined mount limit.
 If there are multiple candidate tapes available for selection, the scheduler tries to choose a
tape cartridge that is already mounted on an available tape drive.

When the scheduler selects a tape cartridge and tape drive for tasks other than migration, it
makes the following choices:
 Choosing an available tape drive in the node group that owns the tape cartridge and tape
cartridge pool
 Choosing the tape drive that has the tape drive attribute for the task

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 13

When the control node scheduler selects a tape cartridge for transparent recalls such as
double-clicks or application reads, it manages the following conditions:
 If the file has a replica, the scheduler always chooses the primary copy. The first tape
cartridge pool that is used by the migration process contains the primary copy.
 If the primary copy cannot be accessed, the scheduler automatically retries the recall task
by using the other replicas if available.

Other functions that are provided by the control node include the following functions:
 Maintains a catalog of all known drives that are assigned to each IBM Spectrum Archive
node in the system
 Maintains a catalog of tape cartridges in the tape library/libraries
 Maintains an estimate of the free space on each tape cartridge
 Allocates space on tape cartridges for new data

The MMM service is started when IBM Spectrum Archive EE is started by running the
eeadm cluster start command. The MMM service runs on only one IBM Spectrum Archive
EE control node, for each library, at a time. Several operations, including migration and recall,
fail if the MMM service stops. If SNMP traps are enabled, a notification is sent when the MMM
service starts or stops.

For more information, see 6.4, “Starting and stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on
page 146, and 6.24, “Monitoring the system with SNMP” on page 216.

Important: If the eeadm cluster start command does not return after several minutes, it
might be because the firewall is running. The firewall service must be disabled on the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE nodes. For more information, see 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or
uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78.

The eeadm cluster start command also does the unmount of the tape drives, so the
process might take a long time if there are many mounted tape drives.

1.3.4 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition component

The IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition (LE) component is the IBM Spectrum Archive tape
tier of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. The LE is configured to work with the EE.

The LE component is installed on all of the IBM Spectrum Scale nodes that are connected to
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE library. It is the migration target for IBM Spectrum Scale. The
LE component accesses the recording space on the physical tape cartridges through its file
system interface and handles the user data as file objects and associated metadata in its

With IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.3.0.0 and later, IBM Spectrum Archive LE is started
automatically when running the eeadm cluster start command. If errors occur during start of
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system, run the eeadm node list command to display which
component failed to start.

For more information about the updated eeadm node list command, see 6.7, “IBM Spectrum
Archive EE automatic node failover” on page 153.

14 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
1.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster configuration
This section describes a cluster configuration for IBM Spectrum Archive EE. This
configuration is for single-library, multiple-node access.

Single-library, multiple-node access enables access to the same set of IBM Spectrum Archive
EE tape cartridges from more than one IBM Spectrum Archive EE node. The purpose of
enabling this capability is to improve data storage and retrieval performance by assigning
fewer tape drives to each node.

When this cluster configuration is used, each IBM Spectrum Archive EE node must have its
own set of drives that is not shared with any other node. In addition, each IBM Spectrum
Archive EE node must have at least one control path drive that is designated as a control path
by an operator of the attached IBM tape library.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses the drive that is designated as a control path to communicate
with the tape library. This type of control path is also known as a media changer device. IBM
Spectrum Archive EE is scalable so you can start out with a single node and add nodes later.

Important: As part of your planning, work with your IBM tape library administrator to
ensure that each IBM Spectrum Archive EE node in your configuration has its own media
changer device (control path) defined in its logical library.

Chapter 1. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 15

Figure 1-8 shows the typical setup for an IBM Spectrum Archive EE single-library,
multiple-node access.

,%0Spectrum Archive EE nodes

,%0Spectrum Scale ,%0Spectrum Scale ,%0Spectrum Scale

,%0Spectrum ,%0Spectrum ,%0Spectrum

Archive EE Archive EE Archive EE
Control node node node

SAN or
shared NSD access

Tape Library

Control Path Other Control Path Other Control Path Other

Drive(s) Drive(s) Drive(s) Drive(s) Drive(s) Drive(s)

Changer Changer Changer

Interface Interface Interface

Tape Drive Set



Figure 1-8 Single-library multiple-node access setup

IBM Spectrum Archive EE manages all aspects of the single-library, multiple-node access,
which includes the management of the following areas:
 Multiple tenancy
The contents of the tape cartridge are managed automatically by the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE system so that each IBM Spectrum Archive EE node does not have to be
aware of any changes made on other IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes. The index on each
tape cartridge is updated when the tape is mounted and the index is read from this tape.
 Single node management of library inventory
The IBM Spectrum Archive EE system automatically keeps the library inventory up to date
to manage the available drives and tape cartridges. The library inventory is kept on the
node on which the MMM service runs.
 Space reclaim management
When data is moved from one tape cartridge to another to reclaim the space on the first
tape cartridge, the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system ensures that the physical changes
on the cartridges are handled correctly.

16 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview

This chapter provides an overview of the IBM Spectrum Archive product family and the
individual components of the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (EE).

This chapter includes the following topics:

 2.1, “Introduction to IBM Spectrum Archive and LTFS” on page 18
 2.2, “IBM Spectrum Scale” on page 27
 2.3, “OpenStack SwiftHLM” on page 33
 2.4, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE dashboard” on page 34
 2.5, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE REST API” on page 36
 2.6, “Types of archiving” on page 36

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 17

2.1 Introduction to IBM Spectrum Archive and LTFS
LTFS is the first file system that works with LTO tape technology and IBM Enterprise tape
drives, providing ease of use and portability for open systems tape storage.

Note: Throughout this publication, the terms supported tape libraries, supported tape
drives, and supported tape media are used to represent the following tape libraries, tape
drives, and tape media. Unless otherwise noted, as of the date of publication, IBM
Spectrum Archive EE supports these libraries:
 IBM TS4500 tape librarya
 IBM TS4300 tape library
 IBM TS3500 tape libraryab
 IBM TS3310 tape library
 IBM LTO Ultrium 9, 8, 7, 6, or 5 tape drives, and IBM TS1160 (3592 60E,60F, 60G, or
60S), TS1155 (3592 55F or 55G), TS1150, or TS1140 tape drives
 LTO Ultrium 9, 8, M8c, 7, 6, and 5, and 3592 JB, JC, JD, JE, JK, JL, JM, JV, JY, and JZ
tape media

For more information about the latest system requirements, see IBM Documentation.

For the latest IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition Support Matrix (supported tape library
and tape drive firmware levels, see IBM Support’s Fix Central web page.
a. IBM TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, and IBM TS1140 support on IBM TS4500 and IBM TS3500
tape libraries only.
b. TS3500 does not support the LTO-9 tape drive.
c. Uninitialized M8 media (MTM 3589-452) is only supported on the following tape libraries in IBM
Spectrum Archive EE: TS4500, TS4300, and TS3310. TS3500 will only support pre-initialized

With this application, accessing data that is stored on an IBM tape cartridge is as easy and
intuitive as the use of a USB flash drive. Tapes are self-describing, and you can quickly recall
any file from a tape cartridge without having to read the whole tape cartridge from beginning
to end. Furthermore, any LTFS-capable system can read a tape cartridge that is created by
any other LTFS-capable system (regardless of the operating system). Any LTFS-capable
system can identify and retrieve the files that are stored on it. LTFS-capable systems have the
following characteristics:
 Files and directories are shown to you as a directory tree listing.
 More intuitive searches of tape cartridges and library content are now possible because of
the addition of file tagging.
 Files can be moved to and from LTFS tape cartridges by using the familiar drag method
that is common to many operating systems.
 Many applications that were written to use files on disk can now use files on tape
cartridges without any modification.
 All standard File Open, Write, Read, Append, Delete, and Close functions are supported.
 No need for another external tape management system or database tracking the content
of each tape.

18 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Archival data storage requirements are growing at over 60% annually. The LTFS format is an
ideal option for long-term archiving of large files that must be easily shared with others. This
option is especially important because the tape media that it uses (LTO and 3592) are
designed to have a 10+ years lifespan (depending on the number of read/write passes).

Industries that most benefit from this tape file system are the banking, digital media, medical,
geophysical, and entertainment industries. Many users in these industries use Linux or
Macintosh systems, which are fully compatible with LTFS.

LTO Ultrium tape cartridges from earlier LTO generations (that is, LTO-1 through LTO-4)
cannot be partitioned and be used by LTFS/IBM Spectrum Archive. Also, if LTO Ultrium 4 tape
cartridges are used in an LTO Ultrium 5 tape drive to write data, the LTO-4 tape cartridge is
treated as an unpartitioned LTO-5 tape cartridge. Even if an application can manage
partitions, it is not possible to partition the LTO-4 media that is mounted in an LTO Ultrium 5

Starting with the release of IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.2, corresponding Write Once, Read
Many (WORM) tape cartridges are supported in an IBM Spectrum Archive EE solution that
operates supported IBM Enterprise tape drives. With the same release, tape drives in mixed
configurations are supported. For more information, see 6.21, “Tape drive intermix support”
on page 208.

Although LTFS presents the tape cartridge as a disk drive, the underlying hardware is still a
tape cartridge and is therefore sequential in nature. Tape does not allow random access. Data
is always appended to the tape, and there is no overwriting of files. File deletions do not erase
the data from tape, but instead erase the pointers to the data. So, although with LTFS you can
simultaneously copy two (or more) files to an LTFS tape cartridge, you get better performance
if you copy files sequentially.

To operate the tape file system, the following components are needed:
 Software in the form of an open source LTFS package
 Data structures that are created by LTFS on tape

Together, these components can manage a file system on the tape media as though it is a
disk file system for accessing tape files, including the tape directory tree structures. The
metadata of each tape cartridge, after it is mounted, is cached to the server. Therefore,
metadata operations, such as browsing the directory or searching for a file name, do not
require any tape movement and are quick.

2.1.1 Tape media capacity with IBM Spectrum Archive

Table 2-1 lists the tape drives and media that are supported by LTFS. The table also gives the
native capacity of supported media, and raw capacity of the LTFS data partition on the media.

Table 2-1 Tape media capacity with IBM Spectrum Archive

Tape drive Tape mediaa Native capacityb, c LTFS data partition sizecd

IBM TS1160 tape Advanced type E data (JE) 20000 GB (18626 GiB) 19485 GB (18147 GiB)
drivee, f

Advanced type E WORM 20000 GB (18626 GiB) 19485 GB (18147 GiB)

data (JV)

Advanced type D data (JD) 15000 GB (13969 GiB) 14562 GB (13562 GiB)

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 19

Tape drive Tape mediaa Native capacityb, c LTFS data partition sizecd

Advanced Type D WORM 15000 GB (13969 GiB) 14562 GB (13562 GiB)

data (JZ)

Advanced Type C data (JC) 7000 GB (6519 GiB) 6757 GB (6293 GiB)

Advanced Type C WORM 7000 GB (6519 GiB) 6757 GB (6293 GiB)

data (JY)

Advanced Type E economy 5000 GB (4656 GiB) 4870 GB (4536 GiB)

tape (JM)

Advanced Type D economy 3000 GB (1862 GiB) 2912 GB (1804 GiB)

tape (JL)

Advanced Type C economy 900 GB (838 GiB) 869 GB (809 GiB)

tape (JK)

IBM TS1155 tape Advanced type D data (JD) 15000 GB (13969 GiB) 14562 GB (13562 GiB)
drivee, f

Advanced type D WORM 15000 GB (14969 GiB) 14562 GB (13562 GiB)

data (JZ)

Advanced type C data (JC) 7000 GB (6519 GiB) 6757 GB (6293 GiB)

Advanced type C WORM 7000 GB (6519 GiB) 6757 GB (6293 GiB)

data (JY)

Advanced type D economy 3000 GB (1862 GiB) 2912 GB (1804 GiB)

data (JL)

Advanced type C economy 900 GB (838 GiB) 869 GB (809 GiB)

data (JK)

IBM TS1150 tape Advanced type D data (JD) 10,000 GB (9313 GiB) 9687 GB (9022 GiB)

Advanced type D WORM 10,000 GB (9313 GiB) 9687 GB (9022 GiB)

data (JZ)

Advanced type C data (JC) 7000 GB (6519 GiB) 6757 GB (6293 GiB)

Advanced type C WORM 7000 GB (6519 GiB) 6757 GB (6293 GiB)

data (JY)

Advanced type D economy 3000 GB (2794 GiB) 2912 GB (2712 GiB)

data (JL)

Advanced type C economy 900 GB (838 GiB) 869 GB (809 GiB)

data (JK)

20 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Tape drive Tape mediaa Native capacityb, c LTFS data partition sizecd

IBM TS1140 tape Advanced data type C (JC) 4000 GB (3725 GiB) 3650 GB (3399 GiB)
drivee, f
Advanced data type C 4000 GB (3725 GiB) 3650 GB (3399 GiB)

Advanced data (JB) 1600 GB (1490 GiB) 1457 GB (1357 GiB)

Advanced type C economy 500 GB (465 GiB) 456 GB (425 GiB)

data (JK)

IBM LTO Ultrium 9 LTO 9 18000 GB (16764 GiB) 17549 GB (16344 GiB)
tape drive

IBM LTO Ultrium 8 LTO 8 12000 GB (11175 GiB) 11711 GB (10907 GiB)
tape drive
LTO 8 (M8) 9000 GB (8382 Gib) 8731 GB (8132 GiB)

IBM LTO Ultrium 7 LTO 7 6000 GB (5588 GiB) 5731 GB (5338 GiB)
tape drive

IBM LTO Ultrium 6 LTO 6 2500 GB (2328 GiB) 2408 GB (2242 GiB)
tape drive

IBM LTO Ultrium 5 LTO 5 1500 GB (1396 GiB) 1425 GB (1327 GiB)
tape drive
a. WORM media are not supported by IBM Spectrum Archive SDE and IBM Spectrum Archive LE, only with EE.
b. The actual usable capacity is greater when compression is used.
c. See the topic Data storage values, found here.
d. Values that are given are the default size of the LTFS data partition, unless otherwise indicated.
e. TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, and TS1140 tape drives support enhanced partitioning for cartridges.
f. Media that are formatted on a 3592 drive must be read on the same generation of drive. For example, a JC
cartridge that was formatted by a TS1150 tape drive cannot be read on a TS1140 tape drive.

2.1.2 Comparison of the IBM Spectrum Archive products

The following sections give a brief overview of the IBM Spectrum Archive software products
that are available at the time of writing. Their main features are summarized in Table 2-2.

Note: IBM LTFS Storage Manager (LTFS SM) was discontinued from marketing effective
12/14/2015. IBM support for the LTFS SM was discontinued 05/01/2020.

Table 2-2 LTFS product comparison

Name License required Market Tape Library Integrates with IBM
support Spectrum Scale

IBM Spectrum Archive Single No Entry - No No

Drive Edition (SDE) Midrange

IBM Spectrum Archive Library ILAN license (free) Midrange - Yes No

Edition (LE) or Enterprise
commercial license (for
support from IBM)

IBM Spectrum Archive Yes Enterprise Yes Yes

Enterprise Edition (EE)

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 21

2.1.3 IBM Spectrum Archive Single Drive Edition
The IBM Spectrum Archive SDE provides direct, intuitive, and graphical access to data that is
stored with the supported IBM tape drives and libraries that use the supported Linear
Tape-Open (LTO) Ultrium tape cartridges and IBM Enterprise tape cartridges. It eliminates
the need for more tape management and software to access data. The LTFS format is the first
file system that works with tape technology that provides ease of use and portability for open
systems tape storage. With this system, accessing data that is stored on an IBM tape
cartridge is as easy and intuitive as using a USB flash drive.

Figure 2-1 shows the IBM Spectrum Archive SDE user view, which resembles standard file

Figure 2-1 IBM Spectrum Archive SDE user view

It runs on Linux, Windows, and MacOS, and with the operating system’s graphical File
Manager, reading data on a tape cartridge is as easy as dragging file data sets. Users can
run any application that is designed for disk files against tape data without concern for the fact
that the data is physically stored on tape. IBM Spectrum Archive SDE allows access to all of
the data in a tape cartridge that is loaded on a single drive as though it were on an attached
disk drive.

It supports stand-alone versions of LTFS, such as those running on IBM, HP, Quantum,
FOR-A, 1 Beyond, and other platforms.

IBM Spectrum Archive SDE software, systems, tape drives and media
The most current software, systems, tape drives and media requirements can be found at the
IBM Spectrum Archive Single Drive Edition IBM Documentation web page.

Select the most current IBM Spectrum Archive SDE version and then select Planning. The
Supported tape drives and media, system requirements, and required software topics are

IBM Spectrum Archive SDE supports the use of multiple tape drives at one time. The method
for using multiple tape drives depends on the operating system being used.

22 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
For Linux and Mac OS X users, it is possible to use multiple tape drives by starting multiple
instances of the LTFS software, each with a different target tape device name in the -o
devname parameter. For more information, see the Mounting media by using the ltfs command
topic at IBM Documentation.

For Windows users, the LTFS software detects each of the installed tape drives, and it is
possible to assign a different drive letter to each drive by using the configuration window. For
more information, see the Assigning a drive letter to a tape drive topic at IBM Documentation.

Note: A certain level of tape drive firmware is required to fully use IBM Spectrum Archive
SDE functions. To find the supported firmware version and for more information about
connectivity and configurations, see the IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC)
web page.

Migration path to IBM Spectrum Archive EE

There is no direct migration path from IBM Spectrum Archive SDE to IBM Spectrum Archive
EE software. Any IBM Spectrum Archive SDE software must be uninstalled before IBM
Spectrum Archive EE is installed. Follow the uninstallation procedure that is documented in
the IBM Linear Tape File System Installation and Configuration, SG24-8090.

Data tapes that are used by IBM Spectrum Archive SDE version 1.3.0 or later can be
imported into IBM Spectrum Archive EE. For more information about this procedure, see
6.19.1, “Importing” on page 202. Tapes that were formatted in LTFS 1.0 format by older
versions of IBM Spectrum Archive are automatically upgraded to LTFS 2.4 format on first

2.1.4 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition

IBM Spectrum Archive LE uses the open, non-proprietary LTFS format that allows any
application to write files into a large archive. It provides direct, intuitive, and graphical access
to data that is stored on tape cartridges within the supported IBM tape libraries that use either
LTO or IBM Enterprise supported tape drives.

Figure 2-2 shows the user view of multiple IBM Spectrum Archive tapes appearing as
different library folders.

Figure 2-2 IBM Spectrum Archive LE User view of multiple LTFS tape cartridges

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 23

In addition, IBM Spectrum Archive LE enables users to create a single file system mount
point for a logical library that is managed by a single instance of IBM Spectrum Archive, which
runs on a single computer system.

The LTFS metadata of each tape cartridge, after it is mounted, is cached in server memory.
So, even after the tape cartridge is ejected, the tape cartridge metadata information remains
viewable and searchable, with no remounting required. Every tape cartridge and file is
accessible through the operating system file system commands, from any application. This
improvement in search efficiency can be substantial, considering the need to search
hundreds or thousands of tape cartridges that are typically found in tape libraries.

IBM Spectrum Archive LE software, systems, tape drives and media

The most current software, systems, tape drives and media requirements can be found at the
IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition IBM Documentation website.

Select the most current IBM Spectrum Archive LE version and then select Planning. The
Supported tape drives and media, system requirements, and required software topics will be

For more information about connectivity and configurations, see the SSIC website.

Migration path to IBM Spectrum Archive EE

There is no direct migration path from IBM Spectrum Archive LE to IBM Spectrum Archive EE
software. Any IBM Spectrum Archive LE software must be uninstalled before IBM Spectrum
Archive EE is installed. Follow the uninstall procedure that is described at this IBM
Documentation web page.

Data tapes that were created and used by IBM Spectrum Archive LE Version 2.1.2 or later
can be imported into IBM Spectrum Archive EE. For more information about this procedure,
see 6.19.1, “Importing” on page 202.

2.1.5 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition

As enterprise-scale data storage, archiving, and backup expands, there is a need to lower
storage costs and improve manageability. IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides such a solution
that offers IBM Spectrum Scale users a new low-cost, scalable storage tier.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides seamless integration of LTFS with IBM Spectrum Scale
by providing an IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier under IBM Spectrum Scale. IBM Spectrum
Scale policies are used to move files between online disks storage and IBM Spectrum Archive
tape tiers without affecting the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses IBM Spectrum Archive LE for the movement of files to and
from the physical tape devices and cartridges. IBM Spectrum Archive EE can manage
multiple IBM Spectrum Archive LE nodes in parallel, so bandwidth requirements between IBM
Spectrum Scale and the tape tier can be satisfied by adding nodes and tape devices as

24 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 2-3 shows the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system view with IBM Spectrum Scale
providing the global namespace and IBM Spectrum Archive EE installed on two IBM
Spectrum Scale nodes. IBM Spectrum Archive EE can be installed on one or more IBM
Spectrum Scale nodes. Each IBM Spectrum Archive EE instance has dedicated tape drives
that are attached in the same tape library partition. IBM Spectrum Archive EE instances
share tape cartridges and LTFS index. The workload is distributed over all IBM Spectrum
Archive EE nodes and their attached tape drives.

Users and applications

Global Namespace
IBM Spectrum Scale Node 1 IBM Spectrum Scale Node 2

IBM Spectrum Scale file systems (user data and metadata)

IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum

Archive EE Archive EE

TS4500 tape library

Figure 2-3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE system view

A local or remote IBM Spectrum Archive LE node serves as a migration target for IBM
Spectrum Scale, which transparently archives data to tape based on policies set by the user.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides the following benefits:

 A low-cost storage tier in an IBM Spectrum Scale environment.
 An active archive or big data repository for long-term storage of data that requires file
system access to that content.
 File-based storage in the LTFS tape format that is open, self-describing, portable, and
interchangeable across platforms.
 Lowers capital expenditure and operational expenditure costs by using cost-effective and
energy-efficient tape media without dependencies on external server hardware or
 Provides unlimited capacity scalability for the IBM supported tape libraries and keeping
offline tape cartridges on shelves.
 Allows the retention of data on tape media for long-term preservation (over 10 years).

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 25

 Provides efficient recalls of files from tape with Recommended Access Order (RAO)
supported tape drives and media. For more information, see 6.14.4, “Recommend Access
Order” on page 193, and Table 3-1, “Linux system requirements” on page 50.
 Provides the portability of large amounts of data by bulk transfer of tape cartridges
between sites for disaster recovery and the initial synchronization of two IBM Spectrum
Scale sites by using open-format, portable, self-describing tapes.
 Provides ease of management for operational and active archive storage.

Figure 2-4 provides a conceptual overview of processes and data flow in IBM Spectrum
Archive EE.

When a file is migrated, a small piece of the file (a stub file) is

left on the cluster nodes. Stub files contain the necessary
metadata to recall migrated files.

Figure 2-4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE data flow

IBM Spectrum Archive EE can be used for a low-cost storage tier, data migration, and archive
needs as described in the following use cases.

Operational storage
The use of an IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier as operational storage is useful when a
significant portion of files on an online disk storage system is static, meaning the data does
not change. In this case, it is more efficient to move the content to a lower-cost storage tier, for
example, to a physical tape cartridge. The files that are migrated to the IBM Spectrum Archive
tape tier remain online, meaning they are accessible at any time from IBM Spectrum Scale
under the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace.

With IBM Spectrum Archive EE, the user specifies files to be migrated to the IBM Spectrum
Archive tape tier by using standard IBM Spectrum Scale scan policies. IBM Spectrum
Archive EE then manages the movement of IBM Spectrum Scale file data to IBM Spectrum
Archive tape cartridges. It also edits the metadata of the IBM Spectrum Scale files to point to
the content on the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier.

Access to the migrated files through the IBM Spectrum Scale file system remains unchanged
with the file data provided at the data rate and access times of the underlying tape
technology. The IBM Spectrum Scale namespace is unchanged after migration, which makes
the placement of files in the IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier not apparent to users and

26 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Active archive
The use of an IBM Spectrum Archive tape tier as an active archive is useful when there is a
need for a low-cost, long-term archive for data that is maintained and accessed for reference.
IBM Spectrum Archive satisfies the needs of this type of archiving by using open-format,
portable, self-describing tapes. In an active archive, the LTFS-file system is the main storage
for the data. The IBM Spectrum Scale file system, with its limited disk capacity, is used as a
staging area, or cache, in front of IBM Spectrum Archive.

IBM Spectrum Scale policies are used to stage and destage data from the IBM Spectrum
Scale disks space to the IBM Spectrum Archive tape cartridges. The tape cartridges from the
archive can be exported for vaulting or for moving data to another location. Because the
exported data is in the LTFS format, it can be read on any LTFS-compatible system.

2.2 IBM Spectrum Scale

IBM Spectrum Scale is a cluster file system solution, which means that it provides concurrent
access to one or more file systems from multiple nodes. These nodes can all be
SAN-attached, network-attached, or both, which enables high-performance access to this
common set of data to support a scale-out solution or provide a high availability platform.

The entire file system is striped across all storage devices, typically disk and flash storage

Note: IBM Spectrum Scale is a member of the IBM Spectrum product family. The most
recent version at the time of writing is Version 5.1.2. The first version with the name IBM
Spectrum Scale is Version 4.1.1. The prior versions, Versions 4.1.0 and 3.5.x, are still
called GPFS. Both IBM Spectrum Scale and GPFS are used interchangeably in this book.

For more information about current documentation and publications for IBM Spectrum Scale,
see this IBM Documentation web page.

2.2.1 Overview
IBM Spectrum Scale can help you achieve Information Lifecycle Management (ILM)
efficiencies through powerful policy-driven automated tiered storage management. The IBM
Spectrum Scale ILM toolkit helps you manage sets of files, pools of storage, and automate
the management of file data. By using these tools, IBM Spectrum Scale can automatically
determine where to physically store your data regardless of its placement in the logical
directory structure. Storage pools, file sets, and user-defined policies can match the cost of
your storage resources to the value of your data.

You can use IBM Spectrum Scale policy-based ILM tools to perform the following tasks:
 Create storage pools to provide a way to partition a file system’s storage into collections of
disks or a redundant array of independent disks (RAID) with similar properties that are
managed together as a group.
IBM Spectrum Scale has the following types of storage pools:
– A required system storage pool that you create and manage through IBM Spectrum
– Optional user storage pools that you create and manage through IBM Spectrum Scale.

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 27

– Optional external storage pools that you define with IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules
and manage through an external application, such as IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
 Create file sets to provide a way to partition the file system namespace to allow
administrative operations at a finer granularity than that of the entire file system.
 Create policy rules that are based on data attributes to determine initial file data
placement and manage file data placement throughout the life of the file.

2.2.2 Storage pools

Physically, a storage pool is a collection of disks or RAID arrays. You can use storage pools to
group multiple storage systems within a file system. By using storage pools, you can create
tiers of storage by grouping storage devices based on performance, locality, or reliability
characteristics. For example, one pool can be an enterprise class storage system that hosts
high-performance FC disks and another pool might consist of numerous disk controllers that
host a large set of economical SATA disks.

There are two types of storage pools in an IBM Spectrum Scale environment: Internal storage
pools and external storage pools. Internal storage pools are managed within IBM Spectrum
Scale. External storage pools are managed by an external application, such as IBM Spectrum
Archive EE. For external storage pools, IBM Spectrum Scale provides tools that you can use
to define an interface that IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses to access your data.

IBM Spectrum Scale does not manage the data that is placed in external storage pools.
Instead, it manages the movement of data to and from external storage pools. You can use
storage pools to perform complex operations such as moving, mirroring, or deleting files
across multiple storage devices, which provide storage virtualization and a single
management context.

Internal IBM Spectrum Scale storage pools are meant for managing online storage resources.
External storage pools are intended for use as near-line storage and for archival and backup
operations. However, both types of storage pools provide you with a method to partition file
system storage for the following considerations:
 Improved price-performance by matching the cost of storage to the value of the data
 Improved performance by:
– Reducing the contention for premium storage
– Reducing the impact of slower devices
– Allowing you to retrieve archived data when needed
 Improved reliability by providing for:
– Replication based on need
– Better failure containment
– Creation of storage pools as needed

28 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2.2.3 Policies and policy rules
IBM Spectrum Scale provides a means to automate the management of files by using policies
and rules. If you correctly manage your files, you can use and balance efficiently your
premium and less expensive storage resources. IBM Spectrum Scale supports the following
 File placement policies are used to place automatically newly created files in a specific
storage pool.
 File management policies are used to manage files during their lifecycle by moving them
to another storage pool, moving them to near-line storage, copying them to archival
storage, changing their replication status, or deleting them.

A policy is a set of rules that describes the lifecycle of user data that is based on the file’s
attributes. Each rule defines an operation or definition, such as migrate to a pool and replicate
the file. The rules are applied for the following uses:
 Initial file placement
 File management
 Restoring file data

When a file is created or restored, the placement policy determines the location of the file’s
data and assigns the file to a storage pool. All data that is written to that file is placed in the
assigned storage pool. The placement policy that is defining the initial placement of newly
created files and the rules for placement of restored data must be installed into IBM Spectrum
Scale by running the mmchpolicy command. If an IBM Spectrum Scale file system does not
have a placement policy that is installed, all the data is stored into the system storage pool.
Only one placement policy can be installed at a time.

If you switch from one placement policy to another, or change a placement policy, that action
has no effect on files. However, newly created files are always placed according to the
currently installed placement policy.

The management policy determines file management operations, such as migration and
deletion. To migrate or delete data, you must run the mmapplypolicy command. You can
define the file management rules and install them in the file system together with the
placement rules. As an alternative, you can define these rules in a separate file and explicitly
provide them to mmapplypolicy by using the -P option. In either case, policy rules for
placement or migration can be intermixed. Over the life of the file, data can be migrated to a
different storage pool any number of times, and files can be deleted or restored.

With Version 3.1, IBM Spectrum Scale introduced the policy-based data management that
automates the management of storage resources and the data that is stored on those
resources. Policy-based data management is based on the storage pool concept. A storage
pool is a collection of disks or RAIDs with similar properties that are managed together as a
group. The group under which the storage pools are managed together is the file system.

IBM Spectrum Scale provides a single name space across all pools. Files in the same
directory can be in different pools. Files are placed in storage pools at creation time by using
placement policies. Files can be moved between pools based on migration policies and files
can be removed based on specific policies.

For more information about the SQL-like policy rule language, see IBM Spectrum Scale:
Administration Guide, which is available at this IBM Documentation web page.

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 29

IBM Spectrum Scale V3.2 introduced external storage pools. You can set up external storage
pools and GPFS policies that allow the GPFS policy manager to coordinate file migrations
from a native IBM Spectrum Scale online pool to external pools in IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
The GPFS policy manager starts the migration through the HSM client command-line
interface embedded in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE solution.

For more information about GPFS policies, see 6.11, “Migration” on page 165.

2.2.4 Migration or premigration

The migration or premigration candidate selection is identical to the IBM Spectrum Scale
native pool-to-pool migration/premigration rule. The Policy Engine uses the eeadm migrate or
eeadm premigrate command for the migration or premigration of files from a native storage
pool to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge pool.

There are two different approaches that can be used to drive an IBM Spectrum Archive EE
migration through GPFS policies: Manual and automated. These approaches are only
different in how the mmapplypolicy command (which performs the policy scan) is started.

The manual IBM Spectrum Scale driven migration is performed when the user or a UNIX cron
job runs the mmapplypolicy command with a predefined migration or premigration policy. The
rule covers the migration or premigration of files from the system pool to the external IBM
Spectrum Scale pool, which means that the data is physically moved to the external tape
pool, which must be defined in IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

The GPFS threshold migration is performed when the user specifies a threshold policy and
the GPFS policy daemon is enabled to monitor the storage pools in the file system for that
threshold. If a predefined high threshold is reached (which means the filling level of the
storage pool reached the predefined high water mark), the monitor daemon automatically
starts the mmapplypolicy command to perform an inode scan.

For more information about migration, see 6.11, “Migration” on page 165.

2.2.5 Active File Management

IBM Spectrum Scale Active File Management (AFM) is a scalable, high-performance
file-system caching layer that is integrated with the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster file system.
AFM is based on a home-cache model. A single home provides the primary file storage that is
exported. One or more caches provide a view into the exported home file system without
storing the file data locally. Upon file access in the cache, the data is fetched from home and
stored in cache.

Another way to get files transferred from home to cache is through prefetching. Prefetching
can use the IBM Spectrum Scale policy engine to quickly identify files that match certain

When files are created or changed in cache, they can be replicated back to home. A file that
was replicated back to home can be evicted in cache. In this case, the user still sees the file in
cache (the file is uncached), but the actual file content is stored in home. Eviction is triggered
by the quota that is set on the AFM file set and can evict files based on size or last recent
used criteria.

30 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Cache must be an IBM Spectrum Scale independent file set. Home can be an IBM Spectrum
Scale file system, a Network File System (NFS) export from any other file system, or a file
server (except for the disaster-recovery use case). The caching relationship between home
and cache can be based on the NFS or native IBM Spectrum Scale protocol. In the latter
case, home must be an IBM Spectrum Scale file system in a different IBM Spectrum Scale
cluster. The examples in this Redpaper that feature AFM use an NFS protocol at the home

The AFM relation is typically configured on the cache file set in one specific mode. The AFM
mode determines where files can be processed (created, updated, and deleted) and how files
are managed by AFM according to the file state. See Figure 2-5 on page 31 for AFM file

Important: IBM Spectrum Archive EE V1.2.3.0 is the first release that started supporting
IBM Spectrum Scale AFM with IBM Spectrum Scale V4.2.2.3. AFM has multiple cache
modes that can be created. However, IBM Spectrum Archive EE supports only the
independent-writer (IW) cache mode.

The IW cache mode of AFM makes the AFM target home for one or more caches. All
changes in the caches are replicated to home asynchronously. Changes to the same data are
applied in the home file set so that the changes are replicated from the caches. There is no
cross-cache locking. Potential conflicts must be resolved at the respective cache site.

A file in the AFM cache can have different states as shown in Figure 2-5. File states can be
different depending on the AFM modes.

Cache read operation Cache write or

or AFM pre-fetching truncate operation

(Not with AFM Cached Dirty
DR mode)

AFM cache eviction AFM replication to home

(not with AFM DR mode) (not with AFM LU mode)

Figure 2-5 AFM file state transitions

When an AFM relation is created between cache and home, and files are available in home,
these files can be seen in cache without being present. This state means that the file
metadata is present in the cache, but the file content is still on home. Such files are in status
uncached. In addition, the uncached status is achieved by evicting files from the cache.

When an uncached file is accessed in cache for a read or write operation, the file is fetched
from home. Fetching is the process of copying a file from home to cache. Files fetched from
home to cache are in cached state. Another way to fetch files from home to cache is by using
the AFM prefetch command (mmafmctl prefetch). This command can use the policy engine
to identify files quickly, according to certain criteria.

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 31

When a cached file in the AFM cache is modified, that file is marked as dirty, indicating that
it is a candidate for replication back to home. The dirty status of the file is reset to cached if
the file has been replicated to home. When a file is deleted in cache, this delete operation is
also done on home.

For information about how to configure AFM with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, see 7.10.3, “IBM
Spectrum Archive EE migration policy with AFM” on page 246. For use cases, see Figure
8-11, “IBM Spectrum Archive use case for university Scientific Data Archive” on page 286.

2.2.6 Scale Out Backup and Restore

Scale Out Backup and Restore (SOBAR) is an IBM Spectrum Scale data protection
mechanism for Disaster Recovery (DR) incidents. SOBAR is used to back up and restore IBM
Spectrum Scale files that are managed by IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management.

The idea of SOBAR is to have all the file data pre-migrated or migrated to the IBM Spectrum
Protect server and periodically back up the file system configuration and metadata of all the
directories and files into the IBM Spectrum Protect server.

When the file system recovery is needed, the file system is restored by using the
configuration, and all the directories or files are restored by using the metadata. After the
recovery, the files are in stub format (HSM migrated state) and can be recalled from the IBM
Spectrum Protect server on-demand.

Because the recovery processes only the metadata and does not involve recalling or copying
the file data, the recovery is fast with significantly reduced recovery time objective (RTO). This
is especially true for large file systems.

For more information, see this IBM Documentation web page.

As of this writing, SOBAR is not supported on the IBM Spectrum Archive managed file
systems for DR. However, from version, IBM Spectrum Archive supports a procedure
that uses SOBAR to performed a planned data migration between two file systems.

By using SOBAR, a file system can be migrated without recalling the file data from tapes. For
more information, see 6.27, “File system migration” on page 231.

32 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2.3 OpenStack SwiftHLM
The Swift High Latency Media (SwiftHLM) project seeks to create a high-latency storage back
end that makes it easier for users to perform bulk operations of data tiering within a Swift data
ring. SwiftHLM enables IBM Spectrum Scale, IBM Spectrum Archive, and IBM Spectrum
Protect as the key products for this software-defined hybrid storage with object interface to
tape technology. Data is produced at significantly higher rates than a decade ago.

The storage and data management solutions of the past can no longer keep up with the data
demands of today. The policies and structures that decide and execute how that data is used,
discarded, or retained determines how efficiently the data is used. The need for intelligent
data management and storage is more critical now than ever before.

Traditional management approaches hide cost-effective, high-latency media (HLM) storage,

such as tape or optical disk archive back ends, underneath a traditional file system. The lack
of HLM-aware file system interfaces and software makes it difficult for users to understand
and control data access on HLM storage. Coupled with data-access latency, this lack of
understanding results in slow responses and potential timeouts that affect the user

The Swift HLM project addresses this challenge. Running OpenStack Swift on top of HLM
storage allows you to cheaply store and efficiently access large amounts of infrequently used
object data. Data that is stored on tape storage can be easily adopted to an Object Storage
data interface. SwiftHLM can be added to OpenStack Swift (without modifying Swift) to
extend Swift’s interface.

This ability allows users to explicitly control and query the state (on disk or on HLM) of Swift
object data, including efficient pre-fetch of bulk objects from HLM to disk when those objects
must be accessed. This function, previously missing in Swift, provides similar functions as
Amazon Glacier does through the Glacier API or the Amazon S3 Lifecycle Management API.

BDT Tape Library Connector (open source) and IBM Spectrum Archive or IBM Spectrum
Protect are examples of HLM back ends that provide important and complex functions to
manage HLM resources (tape mounts and unmounts to drives, serialization of requests for
tape media, and tape drive resources). They can use SwiftHLM functions for a proper
integration with Swift.

Although access to data that is stored on HLM can be done transparently without the use of
SwiftHLM, this process does not work well in practice for many important use cases and other
reasons. SwiftHLM function can be orthogonal and complementary to Swift (ring to ring)
tiering (source). The high-level architecture of the low cost, high-latency media storage
solution is shown in Figure 2-6 on page 34.

For more information, see Implementing OpenStack SwiftHLM with IBM Spectrum Archive EE
or IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management, REDP-5430.

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 33


Object Storage API

OpenStack Swift
Primary Storage Archival Storage

High Latency

Highly Available Economical

$$$ $
Figure 2-6 High-level SwiftHLM architecture

2.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE dashboard

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides dashboard capabilities that allow customers to visualize
their data through a graphical user interface (GUI). By using the dashboard, you can see the
following things without logging in to a system and typing commands by using a web-browser:
 See whether a system is running without error. If there is an error, see what kind of error is
 See basic tape-related configurations like how many pools and how much space is
 See time-scaled storage consumption for each tape pool.
 See the throughput for each drive for migration and recall.
 See current running/waiting tasks

This monitoring feature consists of multiple components that are installed in the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE nodes as well as dedicating an external node for displaying the

The dashboard consists of the following components:


34 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Logstash is used for data collection, and should be installed on all IBM Spectrum Archive EE
nodes. The data that is collected by Logstash is then sent to Elasticsearch on the external
monitoring node where it can query data quickly and send it to the Grafana component for
visualization. Figure 2-7 shows the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Dashboard architecture.

Figure 2-7 IBM Spectrum Archive Dashboard architecture

The Dashboard views are System Health, Storage, Activity, Config, and Task. Figure 2-8
shows an example of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Dashboard Activity view.

Figure 2-8 IBM Spectrum Archive EE Dashboard activity view

For more information on configuring the Dashboard within your environment, see the IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition Dashboard Deployment Guide, which is available at this
IBM Documentation web page.

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 35

2.5 IBM Spectrum Archive EE REST API
The Representational State Transfer (REST) API for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
can be used to access data on the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition system. Starting
with Version 1.2.4, IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides the configuration information through
its REST API. The GET operation returns the array of configured resources similar to CLI
commands, but in well-defined JSON format.

They are equivalent to what the eeadm task list and eeadm task show commands display.
With the REST API, you can automate these queries and integrate the information into your
applications including the web/cloud.

For installation instructions, see 4.4, “Installing a RESTful server” on page 83.

For usage examples including commonly used parameters, see 6.26, “IBM Spectrum Archive
REST API” on page 219.

2.6 Types of archiving

It is important to differentiate between archiving and the HSM process that is used by IBM
Spectrum Archive EE. When a file is migrated by IBM Spectrum Archive EE from your local
system to tape storage, a placeholder or stub file is created in place of the original file. Stub
files contain the necessary information to recall your migrated files and remain on your local
file system so that the files appear to be local. This process contrasts with archiving, where
you often delete files from your local file system after archiving them.

The following types of archiving are used:

 Archive with no file deletion
 Archive with deletion
 Archive with stub file creation (HSM)
 Compliant archiving

Archiving with no file deletion is the typical process that is used by many backup and archive
software products. In the case of IBM Spectrum Protect, an archive creates a copy of one or
more files in IBM Spectrum Protect with a set retention period. It is often used to create a
point-in-time copy of the state of a server’s file system and this copy is kept for an extended
period. After the archive finishes, the files are still on the server’s file system.

Contrast this with archiving with file deletion where after the archive finishes the files that form
part of the archive are deleted from the file system. This is a feature that is offered by the
IBM Spectrum Protect archive process. Rather than a point-in-time copy, it can be thought of
as a point-in-time move as the files are moved from the servers’ file system into IBM
Spectrum Protect storage.

If the files are needed, they must be manually retrieved back to the file system. A variation of
this is active archiving, which is a mechanism for moving data between different tiers of
storage depending on its retention requirements. For example, data that is in constant use is
kept on high-performance disk drives, and data that is rarely referenced or is required for
long-term retention is moved to lower performance disk or tape drives.

36 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses the third option, which instead of deleting the archived files, it
creates a stub file in its place. If the files are needed, they are automatically retrieved back to
the file system by using the information that is stored in the stub file when they are accessed.

The final type of archiving is compliant archiving, which is a legislative requirement of various
countries and companies data retention laws, such as Sarbanes-Oxley in the US. These laws
require a business to retain key business information. Failure to comply with these laws can
result in fines and sanctions. Essentially, this type of archiving results in data being stored by
the backup software without the possibility of it being deleted before a defined period elapses.
In certain cases, it can never be deleted.

Important: IBM Spectrum Archive EE is not a compliant archive solution.

Chapter 2. IBM Spectrum Archive overview 37

38 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum

Archive Enterprise Edition
This chapter provides planning information that is related to the IBM Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition (EE). Review the Planning section in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE that is
available at this IBM Documentation web page.

The most current information for IBM Spectrum Archive EE hardware and software
configurations, notices, and limitations can always be found in the readme file of the software

This chapter includes the following topics:

 3.1, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE deployment options” on page 40
 3.2, “Data-access methods” on page 46
 3.3, “System requirements” on page 50
 3.4, “Required software for Linux systems” on page 54
 3.5, “Hardware and software setup” on page 56
 3.6, “IBM Spectrum Archive deployment examples” on page 57
 3.7, “Sizing and settings” on page 61
 3.8, “High-level component upgrade steps” on page 70

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 39

3.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE deployment options
It is important to understand the target environment which IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition will be deployed. Resources can be used as part of your deployment. Configuration
flexibility is one of the many advantages of IBM software-defined storage solutions that
provide high business-value while streamlining long-term data-retention storage costs.

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition is to be installed and configured on one or more
IBM Spectrum Scale nodes. IBM Spectrum Archive EE installed nodes make up an IBM
Spectrum Archive EE cluster within an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. The IBM Spectrum
Archive EE nodes need to be attached to a supported tape library facility. A maximum of two
tape libraries are supported for an IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster.

From an IBM Spectrum Scale architecture perspective, the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
software-defined storage can be installed and configured on an IBM Spectrum Scale Client
node, an IBM Spectrum Scale Server node, or an IBM Spectrum Scale Protocol node. The
node that you choose must have the supported requirements for IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Note: IBM Spectrum Archive EE can NOT be installed on IBM Elastic Storage® Server
(IBM ESS) nodes. See 3.3.1, “Limitations” on page 51.

This section describes some of the typical deployment configurations for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE and provides insights to help plan for its implementation.

3.1.1 On IBM Spectrum Scale Servers

On this architecture, the IBM Spectrum Archive EE is deployed within the same server as that
of the IBM Spectrum Scale. This approach is common in entry- to mid-level solutions that
consolidate the architecture to a minimum solution. A common use case for this architecture
is for Active Archive solutions, which require only a relatively small amount of flash or disk
staging tiers for data migration to the tape tier.

40 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3-1 shows the physical and its equivalent logical diagram that show the minimum
architecture approach for IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Figure 3-1 Deployed on IBM Spectrum Scale Server

The required software components of IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE
are installed in one physical server either directly Fibre Channel-attached to an IBM tape
library or using a storage area network. The RAID-protected LUNs and IBM tape library are
configured in IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE as pools - flash pools,
spinning disk pools and tape pools. This architecture deployment option enables automated
data tiering based on user-defined policies with minimum solution components.

This architecture is also known as Long-Term Archive Retention (LTAR). However, as this
solution is usually deployed for long term data archive retention, injecting high availability is
highly recommended.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 41

Figure 3-2 shows a high availability architecture approach to the minimum solution.

Figure 3-2 High availability approach IBM Spectrum Archive EE on IBM Spectrum Scale Servers

Two physical servers are deployed each with IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive
EE software components. Both servers are connected to a storage area network which
provides connectivity to a shared storage area network (SAN) storage system and an IBM
tape library. This approach ensures that both servers are connected to the storage systems
by way of a high-speed Fibre Channel network. The connectivity of the cluster to a shared
flash or disk storage system provides high performance and high availability in the event of a
server outage. For more information about configuring a multiple-node cluster, refer to 5.2.3,
“Configuring a multiple-node cluster” on page 112.

Another approach to implementing high availability for data on tapes is the deployment of two
or more tape pools. Policies can be configured to create up to three copies of data in the
additional tape pools.

Note: Multiple tape pools also can be deployed on the minimum solution, as shown in
Figure 3-1 on page 41.

42 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
3.1.2 As an IBM Spectrum Scale Client
On this architecture, the IBM Spectrum Archive EE node is deployed as a separate
software-defined storage module integrating with the IBM Spectrum Scale single namespace
file system with its own Storage Area Network interface to the tape platform.

Figure 3-3 shows this unique approach that leverages software-defined storage for flexibility
of scaling the system.

Figure 3-3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE node as an IBM Spectrum Scale Client

The diagram shows a single node IBM Spectrum Archive EE as an IBM Spectrum Scale
Client with a single tape library attached using SAN. However, it is easy to add IBM Spectrum
Archive EE nodes that are attached to the same library using SAN for high-availability or
higher tape-access throughput.

This is the solution approach for customers with IBM Spectrum Scale environments who want
to use tapes to stream line costs for long-term archive retention. This architecture provides a
platform to scale both IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE independently, that
is by adding nodes to each of the clusters when needed. The integration of the server nodes
with the storage systems can be done over the same SAN fabric considering the appropriate
SAN zoning implementations. This way, scaling the IBM Spectrum Scale flash- or
disk-storage capacity is accomplished by merely adding flash or disk drives to the storage

3.1.3 As an IBM Elastic Storage Systems IBM Spectrum Scale Client

This architecture is similar to the architecture described in 3.1.2, “As an IBM Spectrum Scale
Client” on page 43. However, instead of an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster of nodes, the IBM
ESS appliance is deployed. The IBM Elastic Storage Systems (ESS) is a pre-integrated,
pre-tested appliance that implements the IBM Spectrum Scale file system in the form of
building blocks. The IBM Spectrum Archive EE tightly integrates with the IBM ESS, enabling
automated data-tiering of the file system to and from tapes based on policies.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 43

Figure 3-4 shows this architecture wherein an IBM Spectrum Archive EE node is integrated
with an IBM Spectrum Scale architecture deployed on an IBM ESS system.

Figure 3-4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE node as an IBM Spectrum Scale Client in an IBM ESS

This architecture allows the same easy scalability feature as the IBM Spectrum Scale Client
described in 3.1.2, “As an IBM Spectrum Scale Client” on page 43; With this scalability
feature, you can add nodes when needed. In Figure 3-4, you can add IBM ESS modules to
expand the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster; or you can add IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes to
expand the file system tape facility channels. Needless to say, adding tape drives and tape
cartridges to address growing tape access and storage requirements is also simple and

3.1.4 As an IBM Spectrum Scale stretched cluster

An IBM Spectrum Scale stretched cluster is a high-availability solution that can be deployed
across two sites over metropolitan distances of up to 300 km apart. Each site will have both
IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE clusters integrated with a tape library.
These two sites form a single namespace, thus simplifying data-access methods. Data
created from one site is replicated to the other site and might be migrated to tapes based on
the user-defined policies to protect data. This way, if one site failure occurs, data will still be
accessible on the other site.

44 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3-5 shows a single namespace file system IBM Spectrum Scale stretched cluster
architecture deployed across two sites.

Figure 3-5 IBM Spectrum Scale Stretched Cluster across metropolitan distances of up to 300 KM

This architecture shows a good use case for deploying two tape libraries in one IBM
Spectrum Scale cluster. For sites that are geographically separated by greater than 300 KM,
Active File Management (AFM) might be deployed to replicate data across the sites. However,
both sites are independent IBM Spectrum Scale clusters as compared to the single
namespace file system over a stretched cluster.

For more information about stretched clusters, see 5.2.4, “Configuring a multiple-node cluster
with two tape libraries” on page 115.

For example use cases on stretched clusters and AFM, see 8.8, “University Scientific Data
Archive” on page 286 and 8.11, “AFM use cases” on page 290.

Note: Figure 3-5 shows the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster deployed as an IBM ESS
appliance. The cluster might also be a software-defined storage deployment on IBM
Spectrum Scale Server nodes as discussed in 3.1.1, “On IBM Spectrum Scale Servers” on
page 40 and 3.1.2, “As an IBM Spectrum Scale Client” on page 43.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 45

3.2 Data-access methods
This section describes how applications or users can access data in the IBM Spectrum Scale
file system that has an integrated IBM Spectrum Archive EE facility. It is important to note that
IBM Spectrum Scale is a single namespace file system by which data can be automatically
tiered based on user-defined policies; and IBM Spectrum Archive EE is the channel of IBM
Spectrum Scale to utilize the tape platform as a storage tier of the single namespace file

There are three ways of accessing data on an IBM Spectrum Archive EE deployed IBM
Spectrum Scale system:

3.2.1 Data access using application or users on IBM Spectrum Scale Clients
This access method refers to compute nodes directly accessing the IBM Spectrum Scale
System. Each compute node on which the applications are running, needs to have an IBM
Spectrum Scale Client installed for high-speed data access to the IBM Spectrum Scale

Figure 3-6 shows that the IBM Spectrum Scale Client is installed on the compute nodes
where the applications are running.

Figure 3-6 Access using IBM Spectrum Scale Client on compute node

Note: Each compute node must have IBM Spectrum Scale Clients installed to access the
IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster. This allows high-performance (network dependent) access to
the cluster.

46 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
3.2.2 Data access using Protocol Nodes on IBM Spectrum Scale Server Nodes
with IBM Spectrum Archive EE
This access method can be more “application-friendly” because alterations or software
modules are not required to be installed on the application compute-nodes. Access to the IBM
Spectrum Scale Cluster is gained by using the Protocol Nodes which offers other choices of
data interface. The following data interfaces might be used by the application compute-nodes
through the IBM Spectrum Scale Protocol Nodes:
 Network File System (NFS)
 Server Message Block (SMB)
 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS)

Figure 3-7 shows this architecture where Protocol Nodes are deployed on the same servers
as that of the IBM Spectrum Scale Server and IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.

Figure 3-7 Access using Protocol Nodes on IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 47

This architecture is usually deployed on Operational Archive and Active Archive use cases
where each cluster host runs IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE
software-defined storage modules. The scalability potential of each entity (application
compute-nodes, and IBM Spectrum Scale or IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes) remains
independent of each other. This architecture might provide streamlined costs for long-term
archive retention solution requirements.

Figure 3-8 shows another version of this access method, where Application Compute Nodes
access the IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster using Protocol Nodes. However, this architecture
deploys the Protocol Nodes in separate hosts or virtual machines. This way, scaling is much
simpler, that is, you can add the required nodes when needed.

Figure 3-8 Access using Protocol Nodes on separate hosts

48 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
3.2.3 Data access using Protocol Nodes integrated with the IBM ESS
This access method is similar to Figure 3-8. However, instead of software-defined storage
modules implemented on servers or hosts, the IBM Spectrum Scale system is deployed on an
IBM ESS environment. The IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment is also deployed
independently as an IBM Spectrum Scale Client, which provides flexible scalability for all

Figure 3-9 shows an IBM ESS system integrated with an IBM Spectrum Archive EE node. On
this architecture, a separate cluster of Protocol Nodes are deployed to provide applications
and users with access to the IBM Spectrum Scale in the IBM ESS system.

Figure 3-9 Access using Protocol Node cluster to IBM ESS

This architecture uses the pre-tested and pre-installed IBM Spectrum Scale environment as
an IBM ESS appliance. Scaling this architecture is simplified, where upgrades can be
deployed to the independent clusters (which make up the IBM Spectrum Scale single
namespace filesystem). Also, note that IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes can be added to this
architecture for high availability or to increase tape access performance.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 49

3.3 System requirements
IBM Spectrum Archive EE supports the Linux operating systems and hardware platforms that
are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Linux system requirements

Linux computers

Supported operating Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4
systems (x86_64)

Supported operating Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.7, 7.8, 7.9, 8.2, 8.3, and 8.4
systems (ppc64le)

Supported tape libraries IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition supports up to two tape libraries of the following
 IBM TS4500 tape library (IBM LTO 5 and later generation LTO tape drives, TS1140
and later generation 3592 tape drives)
 IBM TS4300 tape library (IBM LTO 6 and later generation LTO tape drives)
 IBM TS3500 tape library (IBM LTO 5 through LTO 8 generation LTO tape drives,
TS1140 and later generation 3592 tape drives)
 IBM TS3310 tape library (IBM LTO 5 and later generation LTO tape drives)

Supported tape drives IBM TS1140 tape drive

IBM TS1150 tape drive

IBM TS1155 tape drive

IBM TS1160 tape drive

LTO-5 tape drive

LTO-6 tape drive

LTO-7 tape drive

LTO-8 tape drive

LTO-9 tape drive

Supported tape media TS1140 media: JB, JC, JK, and JY

TS1155/TS1150 media: JC, JD, JK, JL, JY, and JZ
TS1160 media: JC, JD, JE, JK, JL, JM, JV, JY, and JZ

LTO media: LTO 9, LTO 8, LTO 7 Type M8, LTO 7, LTO 6, and LTO 5

Recommended Access IBM TS1140, IBM TS1150, IBM TS1155, IBM TS1160, and LTO-9
Order (RAO) support


Processor  One of the following servers:

– x86_64 processor (physical server only)
– IBM POWER® ppc64le processor (either physical server or IBM PowerVM®
 Minimum: A x86_64 processor
 Preferred: Dual socket server with the latest chipset

50 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Linux computers

Memory  Minimum: 2 x (d) x (f) + 1 GB of RAM available for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
– d: Number of tape drives
– f: Number of millions of files/directories on each tape cartridge in the system
In addition, IBM Spectrum Scale must be configured with adequate RAM.
 Example: There are six tape drives in the system and three million files are stored on
each tape cartridge. The minimum required RAM is 37 GB (2 x 6 x 3 + 1 = 37).
 Preferred: 64 GB RAM and greater

Host Bus Adapter (HBA)a,  Minimum: Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter supported by TS1160, TS1155, TS1150,
RoCE TS1140, LTO-9, LTO-8, LTO-7, LTO-6, and LTO-5 tape drives
 Preferred: 8 Gbps/ 16 Gbps Dual port or Quad port Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapter

Network TCP/IP based protocol network

Disk device for LTFS EE For more information, see 3.7, “Sizing and settings” on page 61.
tape file system metadata

One or more disk devices The amount of disk space that is required depends on the IBM Spectrum Scale settings
for the GPFS file system that are used.
a. For more information about HBA interoperability, see the IBM System Storage Interoperation Center (SSIC) web

3.3.1 Limitations
In this section, we describe the limitations of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Limitations on supported files

This section describes the limitations of IBM Spectrum Archive EE on file attributes when
migrating supported files.

Maximum file size

IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot split a file into multiple sections and distribute the sections
across more than one tape. Therefore, it cannot migrate a file that is larger than the data
partition size of a single tape. For more information about media types and partition sizes, see
2.1.1, “Tape media capacity with IBM Spectrum Archive” on page 19.

Maximum file name length

Consider the following points:
 A file cannot be migrated if its full path name (file name length plus path length) exceeds
1024 bytes.
 A file cannot be saved if its full path name (file name length plus path length) exceeds
1022 bytes.

Minimum file size

Consider the following points:
 A nonzero length regular file can be migrated to tape with the eeadm migrate or eeadm
premigrate commands.
 The name of an empty (zero length) file, and a symbolic link and an empty directory, can
be stored on tape with the eeadm save command.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 51

File encryption and file compression
When the file encryption and file compression function of GPFS is used, the in-flight data
from disk-storage to tape is in the decrypted and uncompressed form. The data is
re-encrypted and recompressed by using the tape hardware function. (Tape encryption
requires the library to be set up with key manager software.)

Hard links on files

Migration of files with hard links to tape is discouraged in IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

The hard link creates an alias for the data with different name or directory path without
copying it. The original file and other hard links all point to the same data on disk.The view
from other hard links is affected if the file that is linked from one hard link is changed.

If multiple hard links are necessary on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE managed file system,
those files must be excluded from policy files; otherwise, commands can have unexpected
results for the user. The following consequences can occur on running the commands:
 Migration, Recall, and Premigrate commands
If one of the hard links is specified in a migration task, all hard links of that file are shown
as migrated. If multiple hard links are specified in a single migration task, the migration
results in a “duplicate” error. If one of the hard links is specified in a recall task, all hard
links of that file are shown as recalled. If multiple hard links are specified in a single recall
task, the recall results in a “duplicate error”.
 Save commands
The hard link information is not saved with the save command because the objects contain
 File behavior on tape export and imports
The tape export process can cause unintentional unlinks from I-nodes. Even if all hard
links indicate that they are migrated to tape, multiple hard links for a single I-node is not
created during the tape import.

Limitations with IBM Spectrum Protect

If IBM Spectrum Protect clients are being used for managing the files in the same IBM
Spectrum Scale cluster, the following limitations apply:
 If the IBM Spectrum Protect backup client needs to back up the files of the file system that
is managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE, you must schedule the migration process to
start after the files are backed up.
Specify the --mmbackup option of the eeadm migrate command to ensure the files are
backed up first before migration. For more information, see 7.26.2, “Backing up a GPFS or
IBM Spectrum Scale environment” on page 265.
 If an IBM Spectrum Scale cluster is used with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, any file system
that is in the same IBM Spectrum Scale cluster cannot be used with IBM Spectrum Protect
for Space Management for migrating the data to IBM Spectrum Protect servers.

Limitations with IBM Spectrum Scale

This section describes the limitations of IBM Spectrum Archive EE with specific IBM
Spectrum Scale functions.

52 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Limitations on IBM Spectrum Scale features
The file system that is managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot be used with the
following functions or features of IBM Spectrum Scale:
 Scale-out Backup and Recovery (SOBAR) for DR purposes
 Advanced File Management (AFM), in a mode other than Independent Writer mode
 Transparent Cloud Tiering (TCT)

Limitations with the Snapshot function

To prevent an unexpected massive recall of files from tapes, it is not recommended to use
IBM Spectrum Scale file system snapshots or file set snapshots when the files are managed
by IBM Spectrum Archive EE. The massive recall of files happens if a snapshot is taken after
the files are migrated to tapes and then later, the user deletes the migrated files before the

Cluster Network File System (CNFS)

To prevent a Network File System (NFS) failover from happening on an IBM Spectrum
Archive EE node, do not install IBM Spectrum Archive EE on Cluster NFS (CNFS) member

IBM Spectrum Archive EE with IBM ESS

IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot be installed on ESS IO nodes or ESS Protocol Nodes due
to the HBA requirement for tape hardware connectivity.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE on an IBM Spectrum Scale Server

IBM Spectrum Archive EE can be installed on IBM Spectrum Scale NSD servers. Evaluate
workload and availability needs on the combined IBM Spectrum Scale NSD and IBM
Spectrum Archive EE to ensure resource requirements are sufficient.

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)

The SELinux setting must be in permissive mode or disabled when deploying with IBM
Spectrum Scale 5.0.4 or earlier. Starting from IBM Spectrum Scale 5.0.5, SELinux also can
be set to enforcing mode.

Remote Mount
IBM Spectrum Archive EE handles only file systems that belong to the local (home) IBM
Spectrum Scale cluster, but not file systems that are installed remotely.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 53

3.4 Required software for Linux systems
This section describes the required software for IBM Spectrum Archive EE on Red Hat
systems. The following RPM Package Manager Software (RPMS) must be installed and be at
latest levels for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux system before installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE

3.4.1 Required software packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems
The following software modules are required to deploy IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition on Red Hat Enterprise Linux systems:
 The most current fix pack for IBM Spectrum Scale: 5.0.2, 5.0.3, 5.0.4, 5.0.5, 5.1.0, 5.1.1,
5.1.2, or subsequent releases. The following operating system software:
– attr
– Boost.Date_Time (boost-date-time)
– Boost.Filesystem (boost-filesystem)
– Boost.Program_options (boost-program-options)
– Boost.Serialization (boost-serialization)
– Boost.Thread (boost-thread)
– boost_regex
– fuse
– fuse-libs
– gperftools-libs
– Java virtual machine (JVM)
– libxml2
– libuuid
– libicu
– lsof
– net-snmp
– nss-softokn-freebl
– openssl
– Python 2.4 or later, but earlier than 3.0
– python3-pyxattr (required with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x. Requires access to the
Red Hat CodeReady Linux Builder repository)
– pyxattr (required with Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.x)
– rpcbind
– sqlite
 HBA device driver (if one is provided by the HBA manufacturer) for the host bus adapter
connecting to the tape library and attach to the tape drives.

54 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Java virtual machine (JVM) 1.7 or later must be installed before the “Extracting
binary rpm files from an installation package” step for IBM Spectrum Archive on a Linux
system during the installation of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition.

3.4.2 Required software to support REST API service on RHEL systems

The optional REST API service for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition supports RHEL
systems. The following software for the REST API support must be installed on the RHEL 7.x
 Flask 0.12
Install Flask by using one of the following methods:
– Use pip: pip install Flask==0.12
– Download from pypi

Note: The REST API must be installed on one of the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition nodes.

3.4.3 Required software to support a dashboard for IBM Spectrum Archive

Enterprise Edition
IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition supports a dashboard monitor system
performance, statistics, and configuration. The following software is included in the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE installation package:
 Logstash 5.6.8, to collect data
 Elasticsearch 5.6.8, to store the data
 Grafana 5.0.4-1, to visualize data

Note: Consider the following points:

 The dashboard requires EE node and monitoring server to run on x86_64 platform. For
more information about other requirements, see this IBM Support web page.
 Support for the open source packages can be acquired for a fee by contacting a
third-party provider. It is not covered by the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
license and support contract.

3.4.4 Required software for SwiftHLM

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition can use SwiftHLM functions for suitable integration
with Swift. The Swift High Latency Media (HLM) project can create a high-latency storage
backend that makes it easier for users to perform bulk operations of data tiering within a Swift
data ring.

SwiftHLM 0.2.1 is required for the optional use of SwiftHLM.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 55

3.5 Hardware and software setup
Valid combinations of IBM Spectrum Archive EE components in an IBM Spectrum Scale
cluster are listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2 Valid combinations for types of nodes in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster
Node type IBM IBM Spectrum IBM Multi-tape
Spectrum Archive internal Spectrum management
Scale Hierarchical Archive LE module (MMM)
Management (HSM)

IBM Spectrum Scale Yes No No No

only node

IBM Spectrum Yes Yes Yes Yes

Archive EE node

All other combinations are invalid as an IBM Spectrum Archive EE system. IBM Spectrum
Archive EE nodes have connections to the IBM tape libraries and drives.

Multiple IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes enable access to the same set of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE tapes. The purpose of enabling this capability is to increase the performance of
the host migrations and recalls by assigning fewer tape drives to each IBM Spectrum Archive
EE node. The number of drives per node depends on the HBA/switch/host combination. The
idea is to have the maximum number of drives on the node such that all drives on the node
can be writing or reading at their maximum speeds.

The following hardware/software/configuration setup must be prepared before IBM Spectrum

Archive EE is installed:
 IBM Spectrum Scale is installed on each of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.
 The IBM Spectrum Scale cluster is created and all of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes
belong to the cluster.

A single NUMA node is preferable for better performance. For servers that contain multiple
CPUs, the key is to remove memory from the other CPUs and group them in a single CPU to
create a single NUMA node. This configuration allows all the CPUs to access the shared
memory, resulting in higher read/write performances between the disk storage and tape

FC switches can be added between the host and tape drives and between the host and the
disk storage to create a storage area network (SAN) to further expand storage needs as

56 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
3.6 IBM Spectrum Archive deployment examples
This section describes some examples of IBM Spectrum Archive deployment on Lenovo
severs and on a Versastack converged infrastructure.

3.6.1 Deploying on Lenovo servers

This section describes IBM Spectrum Archive deployment examples with Lenovo servers.

Minimum Lenovo server deployment

Figure 3-10 shows the minimum deployment option as shown in Figure 3-1 on page 41. It is a
high level diagram of a minimum deployment where all required software components of IBM
Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE are installed on a Lenovo ThinkSystem
SR650 server with a direct attached IBM TS4300 using Fibre-Channel connections.

Figure 3-10 Minimum deployment on Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 server with IBM TS4300

The following example server configuration is used for a Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 rack
 Forty cores (Two sockets each with 20-cores) Intel Xeon Processors
 512 GB RAM
 RAID controller
 Nine units 10 TB 3.5-inch 7.2KRPM NL SAS (RAID 6 = 6D+P+Q+Spare)
 Five units 3.84 TB 3.5-inch SATA SSD (RAID 5 = 3D+P+Spare)
 Two units 480 GB SATA Non-Hot Swap SSD for operating system
 Red Hat Enterprise Linux with Lenovo Support for Virtual Data Centers x2 socket licenses
 One unit Dual-port 16 Gbit FC HBA for tape interface
 One unit Dual-port 10/25 GbE SFP28 PCIe Ethernet adapter for network interface
 One available PCIe slot might be configured as other FC or GbE connectivity

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 57

After RAID protection of the internal flash and disk resources, the estimated usable capacity
is approximately 55 TiB for the nearline SAS disks and 10 TiB for the SSDs for a total of 65
TiB. A portion of the SSD capacity can be allocated for the IBM Spectrum Scale metadata
and the rest can be deployed as pools to the IBM Spectrum Scale file system.

IBM Spectrum Scale can be licensed on a per-terabyte basis with the following three license
 Data Access Edition
 Data Management Edition
 Erasure Code Edition.

The storage capacity to be licensed is the capacity in terabytes (TiB) from the network shared
disk (NSD) in the IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster. This means that less capacity can be
allocated to IBM Spectrum Scale if the required capacity of the storage tier required is less
than 65 TiB, thereby reducing the IBM Spectrum Scale capacity license.

For more information about IBM Spectrum Scale licenses and licensing models, see the
following IBM Documentation web pages:
 IBM Spectrum Scale license designation
 Capacity-based licensing

The IBM TS4300 tape library is configured with two units of half-high LTO-8 tape drives, which
directly connect to the Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 server using 8Gbit Fibre-Channel

IBM Spectrum Archive EE is licensed per node regardless of the capacity migrated to tapes.
With node-based licensing, storing data on tapes is virtually unlimited provided if enough tape
resources are available in the tape-storage tier. This node-based licensing can help realize
significant savings on storage and operational costs.

In this example, we need only one IBM Spectrum Archive EE license, which is for one node
that is installed with IBM Spectrum Scale. If more tape access channels are needed, more
IBM Spectrum Scale with IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes can be added to the cluster.

High-availability minimum deployment architecture on Lenovo servers

Figure 3-11 on page 59 shows the injection of high availability with the minimum deployment
architecture as shown in Figure 3-2 on page 42.

Figure 3-11 on page 59 shows the high-level architecture of a high-availability minimum

solution using Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 servers. Both servers will be installed with the
same software stack as that of the minimum deployment solution described in “Minimum
Lenovo server deployment” on page 57.

58 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3-11 High availability on minimum deployment IBM Spectrum Scale

Figure 3-11 shows the following high level components:

 Lenovo ThinkSystem SR650 servers
 IBM FlashSystems 5035
 IBM Storage Networking SAN48C-6 SAN switches
 IBM TS4300 tape library with LTO 8 tape drives

The difference of this architecture is that instead of internal storage for the IBM Spectrum
Scale with IBM Spectrum Archive EE servers, storage capacity will now be on a shared
storage system using redundant SAN Switches. In Figure 3-11, the IBM FlashSystem®
FS5035 is deployed with a pair of IBM SAN48-C SAN switches for this example.

The IBM Spectrum Scale license for this architecture can be either Data Access Edition or
Data Management Edition. Erasure Code Edition is not applicable because of the shared
storage architecture. In Figure 3-11, both servers with IBM Spectrum Archive EE need to be

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 59

3.6.2 Deploying on Versastack converged infrastructure
Another example of deployment is to use the deployment of IBM Spectrum Archive EE
system on Versastack. VersaStack is a converged infrastructure solution of network, compute
and storage designed for quick deployment and rapid time to value. The solution includes
Cisco Unified Computing System (UCS) integrated infrastructure together with IBM
software-defined storage solutions to deliver extraordinary levels of agility and efficiency.
VersaStack is backed by Cisco Validated Designs and IBM Redbooks application guides for
faster infrastructure delivery and workload/application deployment.

VersaStack integrates network, compute, and storage, as follows:

 On the network and compute side, VersaStack solutions use the power of Cisco UCS
integrated infrastructure. This infrastructure includes the cutting-edge Cisco UCS and the
consolidated Cisco Intersight delivering simple, integrated management, orchestration
and workload assurance.
 On the storage side, IBM offers storage solutions for VersaStack based on IBM Spectrum
Virtualize technologies.

To set up IBM Spectrum Archive EE on the Versastack-converged infrastructure, deploy the

required software components on properly-sized Cisco UCS blade servers in the UCS
chassis and integrate an IBM TS4500 tape library using Cisco Multilayer Director Switch
(MDS) SAN switches.

The high-level components that formulate this architecture are as follows:

 Cisco UCS 5108 Chassis
 Cisco UCS B200 M5 Servers as sized and configured respectively with IBM Spectrum
Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE requirements
 Cisco UCS 2408 Fabric Extenders
 Cisco UCS 6454 Fabric Interconnect
 Cisco Nexus 93180 Top of Rack switches
 IBM FlashSystems 5035
 IBM Storage Networking SAN48C-6
 IBM TS4500 tape library with LTO 8 tape drives

60 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3-12 shows a high-level overview of an IBM Spectrum Archive EE architecture
deployed on Versastack.

Figure 3-12 IBM Spectrum Archive EE high level architecture on Versastack

Note: You must collaborate with your in-country Cisco Data Center Product Specialists for
the sizing of the compute, network, and services requirements.

3.7 Sizing and settings

Several items must be considered when you are planning for an IBM Spectrum Scale file
system, including the IBM Spectrum Archive EE HSM-managed file system and the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE metadata file system. This section describes the IBM Spectrum Scale
file-system aspects to help avoid the need to make changes later. This section also describes
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Tool that aids in the design of the solution architecture.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE metadata file system

IBM Spectrum Archive EE requires space for the file metadata that is stored on an IBM
Spectrum Scale file system. If this metadata file system is separate from the IBM Spectrum
Scale space-managed file systems, you must ensure that the size and number of inodes of
the metadata file system is large enough to handle the number of migrated files.

The IBM Spectrum Archive EE metadata directory can be stored in its own IBM Spectrum
Scale file system or it can share the IBM Spectrum Scale file system that is being

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 61

When the IBM Spectrum Archive EE metadata file system is using the same IBM Spectrum
Scale file system to be space-managed, it has the advantage of being flexible by sharing the
resources. Space-managed and IBM Spectrum Archive EE metadata can accommodate
each other by growing and shrinking as needed. Therefore, it is suggested that you use a
single file system. For metadata optimization, it is preferable to put the GPFS metadata and
the IBM Spectrum Archive metadata on SSDs or Flash Storage.

The size requirements of the IBM Spectrum Scale file system that is used to store the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE metadata directory depends on the block size and the number of files
that are migrated to IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

The following calculation produces an estimate of the minimum number of inodes that the
IBM Spectrum Scale file system must have available. The calculation depends on the number
of cartridges:
Number of inodes = 500 + (15 x c) (Where c is the number of cartridges.)

Important: If there is more than one tape library, the number of cartridges in your
calculation must be the total number of cartridges in all libraries.

The following calculation produces an estimate of the size of the metadata that the IBM
Spectrum Scale file system must have available:
Number of GBs = 10 + (3 x F x N)

 F is the number of files, in millions, to migrate.
 N is the number of replicas to create.

For example, to migrate 50 million files to two tape storage pools, 310 GB of metadata is
10 + (3 x 50 x 2) = 310 GB

3.7.1 Redundant copies

The purpose of redundant copies is to enable the creation of multiple LTFS copies of each
GPFS file during migration. One copy is considered to be the primary, and the other copies
are considered the redundant copies. The redundant copies can be created only in pools that
are different from the pool of the primary copy and different from the pools of other redundant
copies. The maximum number of redundant copies is two. The primary copy and redundant
copies can be in a single tape library or spread across two tape libraries.

Thus, to ensure that file migration can occur on redundant copy tapes, the number of tapes in
the redundant copy pools must be the same or greater than the number of tapes in the
primary copy pool. For example, if the primary copy pool has 10 tapes, the redundant copy
pools also should have at least 10 tapes. For more information about redundant copies, see
6.11.4, “Replicas and redundant copies” on page 177.

Note: The most commons setup is to have two copies, that is, one primary and one copy
pool with the same number of tapes.

62 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
3.7.2 Planning for LTO-9 Media Initialization/Optimization
The deployment of LTO-9 tape drives will require a one-time media optimization for all new
LTO-9 tape cartridges. Because the process of media optimization can take an average of 40
minutes up to two hours per LTO-9 tape cartridge, refer to the suggested strategies to mitigate
disruptions to normal tape operations:
 Small tape library deployments are recommended to perform media optimization to all
media before beginning normal operations.
 Large tape library deployments are recommended to use as many drives to perform media
optimization as possible. Then dedicate one drive for every seventeen drives to
continuously load new media for optimization during normal operations.

For more information about LTO-9 media initialization and optimization, see 7.29, “LTO 9
Media Optimization” on page 272, and this Ultrium LTO web page.

Note: The media optimization process cannot be interrupted; otherwise, the process must
restart from the beginning.

3.7.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Tool

Sizing the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system requires consideration of workload and
data-access aspects to deploy the proper system resources. For this section, download the
latest IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Tool package, which is available at this IBM Support
web page.

Before simulating configurations with the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Calculator, the
workload data-characteristics first must be studied.

Understanding the workload data file sizes is key to the designing of the IBM Spectrum Scale
file system. The file size of most of the data determines the suitable Data and Metadata block
sizes during initial IBM Spectrum Scale deployment for new systems.

For more information about Data and Metadata, see IBM Spectrum Scale Version 5.1.2
Concepts, Planning, and Installation Guide.

For small to medium implementations like the architecture depicted in figure 3.1.1, “On IBM
Spectrum Scale Servers” on page 40, it is recommended to consider flash storage for the
System Pool (which is where the Metadata is stored in the file system) for performance. More
Storage Pools can be designed by using flash or spinning disks depending on data tiering

Note: Consider the following points:

 Both Data and Metadata block sizes are defined during IBM Spectrum Scale File
System creation and CAN’T be changed after.
 For workloads with extremely small file sizes in the kilobytes range, it is highly
recommended to consolidate these files into zip or tar files prior to tape migration.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 63

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Tool INPUT
The IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Calculator is an intuitive tool that provides guidance on
data entry and output explanations. The following data input sections are included:
 Data amount and access patterns: This section considers the average data size of the
workload files and ingest and recall estimates. The minimum data size input is 1MB.
 Archive Retention Requirements: This section requires the data retention duration on disk
(also known as Cache) before migration or premigration to the tape tier.
 Archive Capacity Requirements: This section will ask for the total projected data archive
size on tapes and file replicas on tape.
 Tape Technology Selection: This section allows the user to input the target tape
infrastructure to be deployed and will provide estimations on the required tape
performance, quantity of tape drives and cartridges, and the number of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE nodes.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Tool OUTPUT

The tool generates the target configuration components that accommodate the data flow and
retention input by the user:
 IBM Spectrum Scale Licenses: IBM Spectrum Scale is a prerequisite for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE solutions. As described in the previous sections on deployment options, there
are many approaches to setting up the IBM Spectrum Scale environment. Capacity-based
licenses simplify this solution component, that is, configure the license with respect to the
Disk Storage output of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Sizing Calculator. However, it is
recommended to add TB licenses as a buffer.
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE Licenses; Based on tape-data access throughput, this
determines the required IBM Spectrum Archive EE licenses. IBM Spectrum Archive EE is
licensed on a per-node basis. If the solution requires redundancy, a minimum of two nodes
licenses are required.
 Disk Storage: The output for disk storage specifies the usable disk capacity requirements.
It does not indicate the storage type (flash or spinning disks). However, it is recommended
to deploy flash storage for Metadata. The stub files are also recommended to be in flash
storage but might also be on spinning disks depending on the access patterns of the
users. An external-shared storage system is recommended (but not required) for easy
scaling and high availability for installations with more than one server.
 External storage servers might deploy different storage technologies such as Flash, SAS,
and Nearline SAS disks that set the stage for the IBM Spectrum Scale Storage Pools.
Capacity-based licensing of IBM Spectrum Scale also makes it easier to design the
system, that is, license only the required disk capacity to be allocated to the IBM Spectrum
Scale file system. The performance of shared external-storage systems can also be tuned
by deploying more flash or disk spindles.
 Tape Storage: This output section shows the average data transfer tape to and from tape
and the quantity of tape drives and tape cartridges with respect to the target total
tape-archive capacity.
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE server minimum configuration: This output section indicates the
minimum configuration for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE server. For optimal performance,
it is recommended that each IBM Spectrum Archive EE server have at least 128GB of
memory even if the sizing tool indicates any less. This section also shows the required
CPU Socket requirements and Fibre Channel Host Bus Adapters or Disk Connection
Adapters (for IBM ESS) architectures.

64 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: For converged solution architectures where IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum
Archive EE are installed in one physical server, it is recommended to assign at least
128GB of memory for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE and respectively add the IBM
Spectrum Scale requirements that will be deployed on the same server. Apply the same for
CPU and connectivity requirements.

3.7.4 Performance
Performance planning is an important aspect of IBM Spectrum Archive EE implementation,
specifically migration performance. The migration performance is the rate at which IBM
Spectrum Archive EE can move data from disk to tape, freeing up space on disk. The number
of tape drives (including tape drive generation) and servers that are required for the
configuration can be determined based on the amount of data that needs to be moved per
day and an estimate of the average file size of that data.

Note: Several components of the reference architecture affect the overall migration
performance of the solution, including backend disk speeds, SAN connectivity, NUMA
node configuration, and amount of memory. Thus, this migration performance data should
be used as a guideline only and any final migration performance measurements should be
done on the actual customer hardware.

For more migration performance information, see IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
v1.2.2 Performance.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 65

The configuration that is shown in Figure 3-13 was used to run the lab performance test in
this section.

IBM 2498 Switch SAN40B-4

Model B40 8Gb FC IBM TS1150 / LTO7


QLogic® QLE2562

x8 x6

IBM TS4500 tape library

QLogic® QLE2562

Server IBM System X3850 X5

(Primary Node)

IBM Storwize V7000 Server IBM System X3850 X5

(IBM Spectrum Scale Partition) (Secondary Node)

Figure 3-13 IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration used in lab performance

The performance data shown in this section was derived by using two x3850 X5 servers
consisting of multiple QLogic QLE2562 8 Gb FC HBA cards. The servers were also modified
by moving all the RAM memory to a single CPU socket to create a multi-CPU, single NUMA
node. The HBAs were relocated so they are on one NUMA node.

This modification was made so that memory can be shared locally to improve performance.
The switch used in the lab was an IBM 2498 model B40 8 Gb FC switch that was zoned out
so that it had a zone for each HBA in each node. An IBM Storwize® V7000 disk storage unit
was used for the disk space and either TS1150 or TS1070 drives were used in a TS4500 tape

Figure 3-13 shows the example configuration. This configuration is only one possibility; yours
might be different.

66 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3-14 shows a basic internal configuration of Figure 3-13 in more detail. The two x3850
X5 servers are using a single NUMA and have all the HBAs performing out of it. This
configuration allows all CPUs within the servers to work more efficiently. The 8 GB Fibre
Channel switch is broken up so that each zone handles a single HBA on each server.


IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum

Archive EE node 0 Archive EE node 1
8Gbps FC switch
U Zone 1 U
0 0

Zone 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5

1 1

Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape Tape

Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive Drive


Figure 3-14 Internal diagram of two nodes running off NUMA 0

Note: Figure 3-14 shows a single Fibre Channel cable going to the drive zones. However,
generally you should have a second Fibre Channel cable for failover scenarios. This is the
same reason why the zone that goes to the external storage unit has two Fibre Channel
cables from 1 HBA on each server.

Figure 3-14 is one of many possible configurations and can be used as a guide for how you
set up your own environment for best performances. For example, if you have more drives,
you can add tape drives per zone, or add Host bus adapters (HBAs) on each server and
create a zone.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 67

Table 3-3 and Table 3-4 list the raw data of total combined transfer rate in MiB/s on multiple
node configurations with various files sizes (the combined transfer rate of all drives). In these
tables, N represents nodes, D represents number of drives per node, and T represents the
total number of drives for the configuration.

With a TS1150 configuration of 1N4D4T, you can expect to see a combined total transfer rate
of 1244.9 MBps for 10 GiB files. If that configuration is doubled to 2N4D8T, the total combined
transfer rate is nearly doubled to 2315.3 MiB/s for 10 GiB files. With this information, you can
estimate the total combined transfer rate for your configuration.

Table 3-3 TS1150 raw performance data for multiple node/drive configurations with 5 MiB, 10 MiB, 1 GiB, and 10 GiB files
Node/Drive File size
5 MiB 10 Mib 100 MiB 1 Gib 10 Gib

8 Drives (2N4D8T) 369.0 577.3 1473.4 2016.4 2315.3

6 Drives (2N3D6T) 290.6 463.2 1229.5 1656.2 1835.5

4 Drives (1N4D4T) 211.3 339.3 889.2 1148.4 1244.9

3 Drives (1N3D3T) 165.3 267.1 701.8 870.6 931.0

2 Drives (1N2D2T) 114.0 186.3 465.8 583.6 624.3

Table 3-4 lists the raw performance for the LTO7 drives.

Table 3-4 LTO7 raw performance data for multiple node/drive configurations with 5 MiB, 10 MiB, 1 GiB, and 10 GiB files
Node/Drive File size
5 MiB 10 Mib 100 MiB 1 Gib 10 Gib

8 Drives (2N4D8T) 365.4 561.8 1287.8 1731.8 1921.7

6 Drives (2N3D6T) 286.3 446.5 1057.9 1309.4 1501.7

4 Drives (1N4D4T) 208.5 328.1 776.7 885.6 985.1

3 Drives (1N3D3T) 162.9 254.4 605.5 668.3 749.1

2 Drives (1N2D2T) 111.0 178.4 406.7 439.2 493.7

68 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 3-15 shows a comparison line graph of the raw performance data obtain for TS1150
drives and LTO7 drives that use the same configurations.

Migration Performance by File Size (Comparison between Drive Types)


2315.3 8 Tape Drives (TS1150)

2000.0 2016.4
8 Tape Drives (LTO7)



4 Tape Drives (TS1150)


1000.0 4 Tape Drives (LTO7)

2 Tape Drives (TS1150)
500.0 561.8 2 Tape Drives (LTO7)
369.0 439.2
365.4 186.3
0.0 111.0
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000

Figure 3-15 Comparison between TS1150 and LTO-7 drives using multiple node/drive configurations

It is clear that by using small files, the comparison between the two types of drives is minimal.
However, when migrating file sizes of 1 GiB and larger, a noticeable difference exists.
Comparing the biggest configuration of 2N4D8T, the LTO peaks at a total combined transfer
rate of 1921.7 MiBps. With the same configuration but with TS1150 drives, it peaks at a total
combined transfer rate of 2315.3 MiBps.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 69

3.7.5 Ports that are used by IBM Spectrum Archive EE
In addition to SSH, the software components of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use
several TCP/UDP ports for interprocess communication within and among nodes.

The used ports are listed in Table 3-5.

Table 3-5 Ports used by IBM Spectrum Archive EE

Used port number Required node Component using the ports

7600 All IBM Spectrum Archive EE LE


7610 All IBM Spectrum Archive EE MD


The range from 7620 to (7630 + The IBM Spectrum Archive EE MMM
number of EE nodes) active control node

RPC bind daemon port (for The IBM Spectrum Archive EE MMM
example, 111) active control node

Several other ports are used by HSM. For more information, see this IBM Documentation web

3.8 High-level component upgrade steps

This section describes some high-level examples of IBM Spectrum Archive EE component
upgrades as the need arises (see Table 3-6). Upgrading IBM Spectrum Archive EE
components is easy and flexible and addresses scalability and technology refresh

Table 3-6 High level component upgrade options

Hardware upgrade Upgrade procedure

Node server IBM Spectrum Scale Node

Follow IBM Spectrum Scale procedures for node add and node delete. For more
information, see:
– Node add
– Node delete
IBM Spectrum Archive EE node
Use IBM Spectrum Archive ltfsee_config command with remove_node and
add_node options. Refer to 5.2.1, “The ltfsee_config utility” on page 105.

IBM Spectrum Scale disk Method 1. Preserve GPFS cluster and GPFS file systems
storage (internal and external) Follow IBM Spectrum Scale procedure for NSD add, NSD restripe and NSD
delete. For more information, see:
– NSD add
– NSD restripe
– NSD delete

Method 2. Create a GPFS cluster or new GPFS file systems

Migrate the old file system to the new file system using IBM Spectrum Archive
procedure “system migration using SOBAR”. Refer to 2.2.6, “Scale Out Backup
and Restore” on page 32, 6.27, “File system migration” on page 231, and IBM
Documentation Scale Out Backup and Restore.

70 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Hardware upgrade Upgrade procedure

Tape drives/cartridges Method 1. IBM Spectrum Archive EE eeadm pool set command to modify the
technology upgrade media_restriction attribute
Use IBM Spectrum Archive media_restriction attribute of a pool to gradually
move data to the specified newer tape technology within a pool.

Method 2. IBM Spectrum Archive EE eeadm tape datamigrate command

Use IBM Spectrum Archive eeadm tape datamigrate command to move data from
an old pool with old tape generation resources to a new pool with new tape
generation resources.

For more information, see 6.11.5, “Data Migration” on page 180 for details.

Tape library For more information, see 4.6, “Library replacement” on page 88.

Note: Component upgrades must be reviewed with IBM.

Chapter 3. Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 71

72 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive

Enterprise Edition
This chapter provides information about the distribution and installation of IBM Spectrum
Archive Enterprise Edition (EE). It describes the following main aspects:
 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE on a Linux system
This section describes how to install the IBM Spectrum Archive EE program on a Linux
system (in our example, we use a Red Hat-based Linux server system). It describes the
installation routine step-by-step and reviews the prerequisites.
 Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum Archive EE
This optional section provides some background information about how to upgrade the
tape library or tape drive firmware for use with the IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 4.1, “Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE on a Linux system” on page 74
 4.2, “Installation prerequisites for IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 74
 4.3, “Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 75
 4.4, “Installing a RESTful server” on page 83
 4.5, “Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 88
 4.6, “Library replacement” on page 88
 4.7, “Tips when upgrading host operating system” on page 95

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 73

4.1 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE on a Linux system
The first part of this chapter describes how to install the IBM Spectrum Archive EE program
on a Linux server system. In our lab setup for writing this book, we used a Red Hat-based
Linux system. All the examples in this chapter are based on that release.

Although IBM Spectrum Archive EE is based on the IBM Linear Tape File System standard
components as IBM Spectrum Archive and the IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition (LE),
these components are all included with the IBM Spectrum Archive EE installation package.

Before you can start with the installation routines, you must verify the following installation
 Installation prerequisites (see 4.2, “Installation prerequisites for IBM Spectrum Archive
EE” on page 74)
This section describes the tasks that must be completed before installing IBM Spectrum
Archive EE.
 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE on a Linux server (see 4.3, “Installing IBM Spectrum
Archive EE” on page 75)
This section describes how to install the IBM Spectrum Archive EE package on a Linux

4.2 Installation prerequisites for IBM Spectrum Archive EE

This section describes the tasks that must be completed before installing IBM Spectrum
Archive EE.

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before IBM Spectrum Archive EE is installed.
For more information, see the other topics in this section if needed.
 Verify that your computer meets the minimum hardware and software requirements for
installing the product. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Planning for IBM Spectrum
Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 39.
 Verify that your user ID meets the requirements for installing the product (such as you are
working with the root user ID or have the root administration permissions).
 Ensure that you reviewed all of the planning information that is described in Chapter 3,
“Planning for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 39.
 If the standard IBM Spectrum Archive LE is already installed, it must be uninstalled before
IBM Spectrum Archive EE is installed. For more information, see 10.4, “IBM Spectrum
Archive EE interoperability with IBM Spectrum Archive products” on page 330.
 Ensure that all prerequisite software is installed, as described in 4.2.1, “Installing the host
bus adapter and device driver” on page 75.
 Ensure that the host bus adapter (HBA) and device driver are installed, as described in
4.2.1, “Installing the host bus adapter and device driver” on page 75.

74 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 Determine the distribution package for IBM Spectrum Archive EE that is required for your
 For IBM Spectrum Scale prerequisites, see 3.5, “Hardware and software setup” on
page 56.

4.2.1 Installing the host bus adapter and device driver

This section describes how to install the HBA and its device driver for use with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE.

To install the HBA and its device driver, see the documentation that is provided by the HBA

If the HBA attached to the tape library is an Emulex adapter, add the following line to the
/etc/modprobe.d/lpfc.conf file:
options lpfc lpfc_sg_seg_cnt=256

Then, restart the server system for the change to take effect.

For more information about fixes and updates for your system’s software, hardware, and
operating system, see IBM Support’s Fix Central web page.

For more information about HBA interoperability, see this IBM System Storage Interoperation
Center (SSIC) web page.

4.3 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE

This section describes the process that is used to install IBM Spectrum Archive EE package.
This installation package is provided by IBM to you on a DVD.

Consider the following points:

 Information that is contained in the readme file and installation file that are provided with
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE distribution package supersedes information that is
presented in this book and the online IBM Documentation.
 The IBM Spectrum Archive EE license does not entitle customers to use any other IBM
IBM Spectrum Protect components or products. All components that are needed to
migrate data to the LTFS file space are integrated into IBM Spectrum Archive EE. They
also are part of the provided installation package and IBM Spectrum Archive EE license
and are to be used only in this context.
 If IBM Spectrum Archive LE is already installed, it must be uninstalled before IBM
Spectrum Archive EE is installed.
If IBM Spectrum Archive EE is installed (such as an older version), it must be uninstalled
before the latest version of IBM Spectrum Archive EE is installed. To update the EE
package, an installation script (ltfsee_install) is provided that does the automatic
uninstallation during the software update. The next sections show you how to use this
IBM Spectrum Archive EE installation script for different purposes and maintenance.
It also is possible to install, upgrade, or uninstall IBM Spectrum Archive EE manually. For
more information, see 10.4, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE interoperability with IBM Spectrum
Archive products” on page 330.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 75

4.3.1 Extracting binary rpm files from an installation package
This first task lists the necessary steps to perform before binary rpm files are extracted. It also
presents the available methods for extracting binary rpm files from an installation package for
IBM Spectrum Archive EE on a Linux server system.

Interactive console mode is the method that is used for extracting binary rpm files from an
installation package.

Before you use any of these methods to extract the IBM Spectrum Archive EE binary rpm
files, you must confirm or set the run permission of the installation package.

Important: The ltfsee-[version]-[buildlevel].bin installation package includes rpm

files for the revision and supported platforms.

Before the IBM Spectrum Archive EE binary rpm files are extracted from an installation
package, complete the following steps:
1. Confirm the run permission of ltfsee-[version]-[buildlevel].bin by running the
following command:
# ls -l ltfsee-[version]-[buildlevel].bin
2. If it is not already set, set the run permission by running the following command:
# chmod +x ltfsee-[version]-[buildlevel].bin
3. Proceed with the extraction of the binary IBM Spectrum Archive EE rpm files by selecting
one of the procedures that are described next.

In the lab setup that was used for this book, we used the interactive console mode method,
which is the option most users are likely to use.

Extracting binary rpm files in interactive console mode

This section describes how to extract binary rpm files from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
installation package by using the interactive console mode.

Important: The steps in this section extract binary rpm files to your local disk only. To
complete the installation process, more steps are required. After you complete the
extraction of the binary rpm files, see “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum
Archive EE automatically” on page 79 or 4.5, “Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE” on page 88 for more information.

To extract IBM Spectrum Archive EE binary rpm files in interactive console mode, complete
the following steps:
1. Run IBM Spectrum Archive EE installation package on the system by running the
appropriate command for your environment:
– If your operating system is running on the command-line interface (CLI), run the
following command:
– If your operating system is running on the GUI (X Window System), run the following
#./ltfsee-[version]-[buildlevel].bin -i console

76 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The messages that are shown in Example 4-1 are displayed.

Example 4-1 Extract binary rpm files in interactive console mode

Preparing to install...
Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

Launching installer...

Important: You cannot select the installation and link folders with the console installer.
They are created in the ~/LTFSEE/ directory, which is the default folder of the installer
that extracts the required files.

The installation script ltfsee_install for the command-line installation is found under
the ~/LTFSEE/rpm.[version]_[buildlevel] folder; for example, the
~/LTFSEE/rpm.1322_52823/ subfolder.

2. Read the International Program License Agreement. Enter 1 to accept the agreement and
press Enter to continue, as shown in Example 4-2.

Example 4-2 IBM Spectrum Archive EE International Program License Agreement

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (created with InstallAnywhere)

Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...


International License Agreement for Early Release of Programs

Part 1 - General Terms







1. Definitions

Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or enter "1" to

accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3" to print it, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.:

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 77

3. An Installing... message displays while the files are extracted to the ~/LTFSEE/
installation folder, as shown in Example 4-3. You can monitor the progress by watching
the text-animated progress bars.

Example 4-3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE installation of the binary files



When the files are successfully extracted, the text-based installer completes.

Important: The following symbolic links are created in your home directory:
 A link to the rpm folder that keeps the extracted rpm files.
 A link to the “Change IBM Linear Tape File System Enterprise Edition Installation”
executable file that uninstalls IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

4. Go to the ~/LTFSEE/rpm.[version]_[buildlevel] to find the rpms. If you created symbolic

links, click the rpm symbolic link or use the Linux operating system cd ~/rpm command to
open the rpm folder.

Important: Two files, INSTALL_EE.[version]_[buildlevel] and

README_EE.[version]_[buildlevel], are placed in the rpm folder. Folders that
correspond to the supported platforms are created in the rpm folder as well. The specific
rpm files for the supported platform are in the platform subdirectory.

When you successfully finish, continue to “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum
Archive EE automatically” on page 79 to complete the installation. If you prefer to install
manually, see 4.5, “Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 88.

4.3.2 Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE

This section describes how to install, upgrade, or uninstall binary rpm files for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE after extracting them from the installation package, as described in 4.3.1,
“Extracting binary rpm files from an installation package” on page 76.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE can be automatically installed, upgraded, or uninstalled.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes communicate by using several TCP/UDP ports. Because
some ports are assigned dynamically within a wide range, you must disable any firewall
program that runs on these nodes.

78 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Important: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and 8, managing system services are done by
using the systemctl command.

To stop the firewall service, run the systemctl stop firewalld command.

To prevent the firewall service from being automatically started at start time, run the
systemctl disable firewalld command.

In addition, you can mask the firewalld service to prevent it from being started manually or
by another service by running the systemctl mask firewalld command.

During this installation for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE rpm files, there is also an MIB file
that is provided if you plan to use SNMP for monitoring of your IBM Spectrum Archive EE
setup. SNMP monitoring software usually requires such an MIB file to manage the various
SNMP traps sent to it. The IBM Spectrum Archive EE MIB file is in the
/opt/ibm/ltfsee/share/IBMSA-MIB.txt directory.

Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE

This section describes how to install, upgrade, or uninstall binary rpm files for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE automatically after extracting them from the installation package. We used this
method during our lab setup to write this book and document the examples.

The automated method is based on a utility (a shell script), which is provided by the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE installation package. The script is named ltfsee_install and can be
found after extracting the binary installation files in the
~/LTFSEE/rpm.[version]_[buildlevel] directory with the IBM Spectrum Archive EE rpm files
(such as /root/LTFSEE/rpm.1322_52823/).

ltfsee_install utility
Use the ltfsee_install command-line utility to install rpm packages automatically to the
system. You must have root user authority to use this command.

For more information, see “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE
automatically” on page 79.

The ltfsee_install <option> command installs the following rpm packages to the system:
 IBM Spectrum Archive LE component
 Integrated customized IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE
 IBM Spectrum Archive Migration Driver

The command includes the following options:

Install rpm packages. If rpm packages are already installed, the installation is stopped.
Upgrade installed rpm packages.
Uninstall rpm packages.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 79

Verify the prerequisite conditions and IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition package
installation only. No installation will be performed.
Check the prerequisite conditions only. No installation will be performed.

Verify that these conditions are met by logging on to the operating system as a root user and
running the following command:
# ./ltfsee_install --check

If the conditions are met, the following message is shown as the last line of output:
The prerequisites checking is completed successfully.

Example 4-4 shows the complete output.

Example 4-4 Output for the ltfsee_install --check command

./ltfsee_install --check
Checking rpm installation and version.

The prerequisites checking is completed successfully.

The ltfsee_install file installs or upgrades all required rpm packages on the server node. It
can also uninstall those rpm packages from the node if needed.

Important: The ltfsee_install command procedures in this topic automatically perform

all operations from 4.5, “Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 88,
except for installing optional TIVsm language packages (if they are needed).

Complete the following steps to automatically install, upgrade, or uninstall IBM Spectrum
Archive EE by running the ltfsee_install command:
1. Log on to the operating system as a root user.
2. On each node in the cluster, complete the set of tasks for the action you want to take:
a. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE on the node:
i. Run the following command:
# ./ltfsee_install --install
Example 4-5 shows you the complete output of the ltfsee_install --install
ii. Verify that the command completed successfully. Check for the following success
message in the command output:
All rpm packages are installed successfully.

Example 4-5 Output for the ltfsee_install --install command

[root@ltfsServer rpm.1320_52814]# ./ltfsee_install --install
Checking the software prerequisites on

No error found during the prerequisite check.

Starting RPM installation.

80 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing HSM modules.
Created symlink from
/etc/systemd/system/ to
Installing EE modules.
Starting HSM.
Completed RPM installation.
Running the post-installation steps.
All rpm packages are installed successfully.
The installed IBM Spectrum Archive EE version:
Complete the configuration by using the /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config

For problem determination, it is strongly recommended that you disable
log suppression and set up the abrtd daemon to capture the Spectrum
Archive core dumps.
Refer to the Troubleshooting section of the IBM Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center.

iii. Complete the configuration by running the /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config

command, as described in 5.2, “Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on
page 105.
b. Upgrading the rpm files to the latest versions:

Note: In a multi-node environment, run the ltfsee_install --upgrade --all

command on one node to automatically update all nodes in the cluster. Running the
ltfsee_install --upgrade command on each node is not recommended because
doing so might can cause unexpected failures during a multi-node system upgrade.

i. Run the eeadm cluster stop command.

ii. Run the pidof mmm command on all active control nodes and wait until there are no
processes returned.
iii. Run the pidof ltfs command on every EE node and wait until there are no
processes returned.
To perform the upgrade process, run the ltfsee_install --upgrade command or
the ltfsee_install --upgrade --all command for multi node environment. An
example for a single node upgrade is shown in Example 4-6 on page 81.

Example 4-6 Running ltfsee_install --upgrade command

[root@ltfsServer rpm.1320_52814]# ./ltfsee_install --upgrade
The upgrade installation option is selected.
This option upgrades the IBM Spectrum Archive EE software
From: Version
To: Version
Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: Y
Preparing for the software upgrade.
Checking the software prerequisites on
No error found during the prerequisite check.

**** Upgrading the software on ****

Uninstalling RPMs.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 81

Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/
Starting RPM installation.
Installing HSM modules.
Created symlink from
/etc/systemd/system/ to
Installing EE modules.
Starting HSM.
Completed RPM installation.
Running the post-installation steps.
All rpm packages are upgraded successfully on the local node,

The following files were updated during the installation. (The original
files were copied to the /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin directory)
- /etc/rsyslog.d/ibmsa-rsyslog.conf
- /etc/logrotate.d/ibmsa-logrotate

** ATTENTION for upgrade **

If you have installed the IBM Spectrum Archive EE dashboard, restart the
logstash on all of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.
For problem determination, it is strongly recommended that you disable
log suppression and set up the abrtd daemon to capture the Spectrum
Archive core dumps.
Refer to the Troubleshooting section of the IBM Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition documentation in the IBM Knowledge Center.

iv. Verify that the command completed. Check for the following success message in
the command output:
All rpm packages are installed successfully.
c. Uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE from the node:
i. Run the following command:
# ltfsee_install --clean
ii. Verify that the command completed. Check for the following success message in
the command output:
Uninstallation is completed.
3. Verify that the installation or uninstallation completed successfully by running the following
# ltfsee_install --verify
If the installation (see Example 4-7) was successful, the following message is shown:
Module installation check is completed.

Example 4-7 Successful ltfsee_install --verify command

[root@ltfsServer rpm.1320_52814]# ./ltfsee_install --verify
Checking the software prerequisites on

No error found during the prerequisite check.

An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package ltfs-license is installed.

82 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package ltfsle-library is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package ltfsle-library-plus is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package ltfsle is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package ltfs-admin-utils is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package gskcrypt64 is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package gskssl64 is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package TIVsm-API64 is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package TIVsm-BA is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package TIVsm-HSM is installed.
An IBM Spectrum Archive EE package ltfs-mig is installed.
All IBM Spectrum Archive EE packages are installed.

The module installation check completed.

4.4 Installing a RESTful server

This section describes how to install the IBM Spectrum Archive EE REST API after extracting
the installation package, as described in 4.3.1, “Extracting binary rpm files from an installation
package” on page 76 and installing IBM Spectrum Archive EE as described in 4.3.2,
“Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78. This section
must be followed after IBM Spectrum Archive EE has been installed.

The rest service can be installed on any node within the cluster that has IBM Spectrum
Archive EE installed. To start the installation, some software requirements must be met before
the rpm can be installed.

The following software applications are required:

 IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.2.4 or later
 Python 2.4 or later, but earlier than 3.0

Example 4-8 shows how to perform the installation of the required software to run REST.

Example 4-8 Required software for rest installation

[root@ltfseesrv1 ~]# yum install -y httpd mod_ssl mod_wsgi
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, rhnplugin, search-disabled-repos,
This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package httpd.x86_64 0:2.4.6-45.el7 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: httpd-tools = 2.4.6-45.el7 for package:
--> Processing Dependency: /etc/mime.types for package: httpd-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64
---> Package mod_ssl.x86_64 1:2.4.6-45.el7 will be installed
---> Package mod_wsgi.x86_64 0:3.4-12.el7_0 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package httpd-tools.x86_64 0:2.4.6-45.el7 will be installed
---> Package mailcap.noarch 0:2.1.41-2.el7 will be installed

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 83

--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Package Arch Version
Repository Size
httpd x86_64 2.4.6-45.el7
rhel-x86_64-server-7 1.2 M
mod_ssl x86_64 1:2.4.6-45.el7
rhel-x86_64-server-7 105 k
mod_wsgi x86_64 3.4-12.el7_0
rhel-x86_64-server-7 76 k
Installing for dependencies:
httpd-tools x86_64 2.4.6-45.el7
rhel-x86_64-server-7 84 k
mailcap noarch 2.1.41-2.el7
rhel-x86_64-server-7 31 k

Transaction Summary
Install 3 Packages (+2 Dependent packages)

Total download size: 1.5 M

Installed size: 4.4 M
Downloading packages:
(1/5): httpd-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64.rpm
| 1.2 MB 00:00:00
(2/5): httpd-tools-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64.rpm
| 84 kB 00:00:00
(3/5): mailcap-2.1.41-2.el7.noarch.rpm
| 31 kB 00:00:00
(4/5): mod_ssl-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64.rpm
| 105 kB 00:00:00
(5/5): mod_wsgi-3.4-12.el7_0.x86_64.rpm
| 76 kB 00:00:00
467 kB/s | 1.5 MB 00:00:03
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Warning: RPMDB altered outside of yum.
Installing : mailcap-2.1.41-2.el7.noarch
Installing : httpd-tools-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64

84 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Installing : httpd-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64
Installing : mod_wsgi-3.4-12.el7_0.x86_64
Installing : 1:mod_ssl-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64
Verifying : httpd-tools-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64
Verifying : mod_wsgi-3.4-12.el7_0.x86_64
Verifying : mailcap-2.1.41-2.el7.noarch
Verifying : 1:mod_ssl-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64
Verifying : httpd-2.4.6-45.el7.x86_64

httpd.x86_64 0:2.4.6-45.el7 mod_ssl.x86_64 1:2.4.6-45.el7
mod_wsgi.x86_64 0:3.4-12.el7_0

Dependency Installed:
httpd-tools.x86_64 0:2.4.6-45.el7 mailcap.noarch


If pip is not installed on the designated node (pip is installed by default if the version of Python
is 2.7.9 or greater), it can be installed by running the following commands:
curl “” -o “”

After pip is installed, run the following command to install flask version 0.12.2:
pip install flask==0.12.2

Example 4-9 shows how to install flask.

Example 4-9 Install flask V0.12

[root@ltfseesrv1 ~]# pip install flask==0.12.2
Collecting flask
Downloading Flask-0.12.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (83kB)
100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 92kB 513kB/s
Collecting click>=2.0 (from flask)
Downloading click-6.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl (71kB)
100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 71kB 1.4MB/s
Collecting Jinja2>=2.4 (from flask)
Downloading Jinja2-2.9.6-py2.py3-none-any.whl (340kB)
100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 348kB 1.0MB/s
Collecting Werkzeug>=0.7 (from flask)
Downloading Werkzeug-0.12.2-py2.py3-none-any.whl (312kB)
100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 317kB 1.3MB/s
Collecting itsdangerous>=0.21 (from flask)
Downloading itsdangerous-0.24.tar.gz (46kB)
100% |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦| 51kB 5.0MB/s

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 85

Collecting MarkupSafe>=0.23 (from Jinja2>=2.4->flask)
Downloading MarkupSafe-1.0.tar.gz
Building wheels for collected packages: itsdangerous, MarkupSafe
Running bdist_wheel for itsdangerous ... done
Stored in directory:
Running bdist_wheel for MarkupSafe ... done
Stored in directory:
Successfully built itsdangerous MarkupSafe
Installing collected packages: click, MarkupSafe, Jinja2, Werkzeug, itsdangerous,
Found existing installation: MarkupSafe 0.11
Uninstalling MarkupSafe-0.11:
Successfully uninstalled MarkupSafe-0.11
Successfully installed Jinja2-2.9.6 MarkupSafe-1.0 Werkzeug-0.12.2 click-6.7
flask-0.12.2 itsdangerous-0.24

After all the required software has been installed, in the same directory that the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE was extracted to, there is an RHEL7 directory that contains a file
called.ibmsa-rest-[version]-[buildlevel].x86_64.rpm. To install the restful service, run
the yum install command on this file, as shown in Example 4-10.

Example 4-10 Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Rest service

[root@ltfseesrv1 RHEL7]# yum install -y ibmsa-rest-
Loaded plugins: langpacks, product-id, rhnplugin, subscription-manager
This system is receiving updates from RHN Classic or Red Hat Satellite.
Examining ibmsa-rest- ibmsa-rest-
Marking ibmsa-rest- to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package ibmsa-rest.x86_64 0: will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution

Dependencies Resolved

Package Arch Version Repository
ibmsa-rest x86_64
/ibmsa-rest- 51 k

Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package

Total size: 51 k
Installed size: 51 k

86 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Downloading packages:
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : ibmsa-rest-
# ibmsa-rest have been installed successfully.
# Please restart or reload httpd to enable REST server.
Verifying : ibmsa-rest-

ibmsa-rest.x86_64 0:


At the bottom of a successful installation, it says the installation was successful and that a
restart of the httpd service is required to enable the rest server. To restart the service, run the
following command:
systemctl restart httpd

Note: If REST is already installed on cluster updating IBM Spectrum Archive EE will
automatically update the REST interface, however a manual restart of httpd is required
after starting IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

When this is all done, to quickly test that the rest service has been successfully installed, run
the following command:
curl -i -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1’

Example 4-11 shows using a test curl command to see whether the installation was

Example 4-11 Test curl command

[root@ltfseesrv1 ~]# curl -i -XGET 'http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2017 22:03:00 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.6 (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) OpenSSL/1.0.1e-fips mod_wsgi/3.4
Content-Length: 83
Content-Type: application/json

{"message":"IBM Spectrum Archive REST API server is working.","status_code":"200"}

The default port is on 7100 and the default protocol to use is http. If SSL is required,
uncomment SSLEngine, SSLCertificateFile, SSLCertifcateKeyFile and provide the direct
path to both the certificate file and the certificate key file in the following file:

For an overview of IBM Spectrum Archive EE Rest API and commands, see 6.26, “IBM
Spectrum Archive REST API” on page 219.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 87

4.5 Quick installation guide for IBM Spectrum Archive EE
This section summarizes the overall installation process of IBM Spectrum Archive EE:
1. Ensure that all prerequisite software (Linux packages) and HBA driver are installed.
2. Ensure that the IBM Spectrum Scale file system daemon is started by running the
following command:
mmstartup -a
3. Extract the binary rpm files from an IBM Spectrum Archive EE installation package by
running the following command:
4. Install IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatically by using the ltfsee_install tool. Use
--check for preinstallation check, --install for the installation, and --verify for a
postinstallation verification, as shown in the following commands:
– ~/LTFSEE/rpm.[version]_[buildlevel]/ltfsee_install --check
– ~/LTFSEE/rpm.[version]_[buildlevel]/ltfsee_install --install
– ~/LTFSEE/rpm.[version]_[buildlevel]/ltfsee_install --verify

4.6 Library replacement

Library replacement has been introduced to give users the ability to upgrade their older tape
library to a newer tape library. There are two library replacement scenarios available for users
to perform: a complete library replacement, and a pool relocation. Both are disruptive, but the
pool relocation offers less down time and the ability to continue running IBM Spectrum
Archive while the pool that is going to be relocated is disabled.

The library replacement procedure requires the user to halt their environment to perform, due
to the relocation of all tape cartridges and possibly all tape drives to a newer library.

The pool relocation procedure requires a multi-library configuration so that a pool can be
relocated from one library to the other. While the pool is being relocated operations are not
allowed on that pool however the other pools are still available for operations.

In addition to these new procedures, IBM Spectrum Archive EE now appends a new state for
tape cartridges, appendable. This new state is determined by the pool settings and the state
of the tape to determine if the tape is candidate for migration. An appendable tape cartridge
within a pool allows data to be written to that tape. Those tapes can either be empty, or
partially filled with data.

Non-appendable tape cartridges are tapes that do not allow writes to the tape.
Non-appendable tape cartridges result from being completely full, erroneous tapes, or tapes
within pools that do not match their media-restriction or format type. With the introduction of
this new tape state, users have better control over the flow of their data from disk to tape and
from tape to tape. Refer to 6.11.5, “Data Migration” on page 180.

Note: The following library replacement procedures are supported with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE v1.2.6 and above.

88 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
4.6.1 Library replacement procedure
This procedure must be used if you are switching or upgrading your current tape library to
another tape library and want to continue using the tapes and tape drives and cluster
configuration within your IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment. For example, you might be
replacing your TS3500 tape library with a new TS4500 tape library.

To do so, complete the following steps:

1. Identify the library name and serial number that you intend to replace, for use in the
subsequent steps. Example 4-12 shows how to get a list of libraries and serial numbers by
running the ltfsee_config -m LIST_LIBRARIES command.

Example 4-12 ltfsee_config -m LIST_LIBRARIES

[root@server1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m LIST_LIBRARIES
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
LIST_LIBRARIES mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.

Library Name Serial Number Control Node

lib1 0000013FA0520401
lib2 0000013FA052041F

2. If the tape drives from the old library will not be used in the new library, remove the tape
drives by using the eeadm drive unassign command. Refer to “IBM Spectrum Scale
commands” on page 323 for more information about the command.
3. Stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE by executing the eeadm cluster stop command.
4. Replace the physical old tape library with the new tape library.
5. Physically move all of the tape cartridges to the new library.
6. If you are moving the tape drives from the old tape library to the new library, physically
remove the tape drives from the old tape library and install them in the new library. The
drives need to be attached to the same node that they were attached to before.
7. The REPLACE_LIBRARY command associates the new library’s serial number with the
old library’s ID. Example 4-13 shows the output from running the ltfsee_config -m
REPLACE_LIBRARY command to associate the new library with the old library serial number.

Example 4-13 ltfsee_config -m REPLACE_LIBRARY

[root@server1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m REPLACE_LIBRARY
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
REPLACE_LIBRARY mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.
** Configuration change for library: lib1

The number of logical libraries with the assigned control node: 2

The number of logical libraries available from this node: 1

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 89

The number of logical libraries available from this node and with assigned
control node: 0

** Select the tape library from the following list

and input the corresponding number. Then press Enter.

Model Serial Number

1. 03584L32 0000013FA052041B
q. Exit from this Menu

Input Number > 1

is going to be set to library lib1.
Do you want to continue (y/n)?
Input > y

Restarting HSM daemon on server1

The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m

RESTART_HSM mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.
Deactivating failover operations on the node.
Restarting Space Management service...
Stopping the HSM service.
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Starting the HSM service.
Starting dsmmigfs..................................
Activating failover operations on the node.

Restarting HSM daemon on server2

The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m

RESTART_HSM mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.
Deactivating failover operations on the node.
Restarting Space Management service...
Stopping the HSM service.
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Starting the HSM service.
Starting dsmmigfs..................................
Activating failover operations on the node.

REPLACE_LIBRARY mode completed .

90 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: In releases before IBM Spectrum Archive EE version 1.2.6, the serial number of a
library was used as the library ID. Beginning with version 1.2.6, the library ID can have a
unique value other than the serial number. A UUID is assigned as the library ID in libraries
that are configured with version 1.2.6 and subsequent releases.

With the separation of the library ID from the library serial number, IBM Spectrum Archive
EE can replace a library by changing the library serial number that is associated with the
library ID. The configuration of the cartridges, and pools, and drives in the old library is
transferred to the new library.

8. Verify library serial change by running the ltfsee_config -m LIST_LIBRARIES.

9. Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the eeadm cluster start command.
10.If you are using new drives in the new library, configure the drives with the eeadm drive
assign command. See “The eeadm <resource type> --help command” on page 316 for
more information about the command.

4.6.2 Pool relocation procedure

Use this procedure to logically and physically move a tape pool from one library (the source)
to another library (the destination), within an IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster. During the
procedure, the tape pool that is being moved is disabled. However, during most of the
procedure, the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system remains online, and other tape pools
remain available for operations.

Note: Pool relocation will fail if any files are migrated to pools from IBM Spectrum Archive
EE v1.1. To determine if any pools have files from v1.1, run the following command:
ltfsee_count_v11_files -p <pool_name> -l <library_name>

Pool relocation only works in a multi-library IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster. Therefore, if
you have a single-library environment and want to move a pool, you first need to have a
second IBM Spectrum Archive EE node added to the cluster and an identical media type
secondary tape library attached.

For the pool replacement procedure the following assumptions are made:
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE is configured as multi-library configuration.
 A pool is selected to move from one library (called the source library) to another library
(called the destination library).
 All physical tape cartridges in the selected pool are moved to the destination library
1. Get the pool information that is being relocated by running the eeadm pool list
2. Stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 91

3. Prepare the selected pool for relocation with the ltfsee_config -m PREPARE_MOVE_POOL
command. Example 4-14 shows the output from running the command on pool1 from
library lib1 to library lib2.

Example 4-14 ltfsee_config -m PREPARE_MOVE_POOL

[root@server1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m PREPARE_MOVE_POOL -p pool1 -s lib1 -d lib2
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
PREPARE_MOVE_POOL -p pool1 -s lib1 -d lib2
PREPARE_MOVE_POOL mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.

Start the mmapplypolicy GPFS command to get a list of migrated files that are
in IBM Spectrum Archive V1.1 format.

Starting IBM Spectrum Archive EE to refresh the index cache of the libraries.

Library name: lib2, library serial: 0000013FA052041F, control node (ltfsee_md)

IP address:
Running start command - sending request : lib2.
Library name: lib1, library serial: 0000013FA052041B, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Running start command - sending request : lib1.
Running start command - waiting for completion : lib2.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib2 with good status.
Running start command - waiting for completion : lib1.

Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib1 with good status.

Stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Library name: lib2, library serial: 0000013FA052041F, control node (ltfsee_md)

IP address:
Running stop command - sending request and waiting for the completion.
Library name: lib1, library serial: 0000013FA052041B, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Running stop command - sending request and waiting for the completion...
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib2.
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib1.

Checking tapes with a duplicated VOLSER in library lib1 and lib2.

Copying pool definitions from library lib1 to lib2.

Saving index cache of the tapes in pool pool1.

PREPARE_MOVE_POOL mode completed.

92 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: Pools with the same name appear in the source and destination libraries after
this command. (The pool name specified for relocation must not exist in the destination
library before this command). The mode attribute of the source pool is set to
relocation_source, and the mode attribute of the destination pool is set to

4. List pools that have been or are in process of being moved, as shown in Example 4-15.

Example 4-15 List relocated pools

[root@server1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m LIST_MOVE_POOLS
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
LIST_MOVE_POOLS mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.

Source pool Destination pool Activated

pool1@lib1 pool1@lib2 no

5. Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the eeadm cluster start command.

Note: Jobs related to the tapes in the pool with “source” or “destination” in the Mode
attribute will be rejected.

6. Make a list of tapes which belong to the pool for relocation with the eeadm tape list
7. Move tapes within the selected pool to the IE slot to remove from the previous library using
the eeadm tape move <tape1[tape2 tape3 ...] -L ieslot -p <pool> -l <library>
8. Stop IBM Spectrum Archive.
9. Activate the pool for relocation by running the ltfsee_config -m ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL
command. Example 4-16 illustrates activating the relocated pool after all tapes have been
physically moved to the new tape library.

Example 4-16 The ltfsee_config -m ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL command

[root@server1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL -p pool1 -s lib1 -d lib2
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL -p pool1 -s lib1 -d lib2
ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.

Starting IBM Spectrum Archive EE to refresh the index cache of the libraries.

Library name: lib2, library serial: 0000013FA052041F, control node (ltfsee_md)

IP address:
Running start command - sending request : lib2.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 93

Library name: lib1, library serial: 0000013FA052041B, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Running start command - sending request : lib1.
Running start command - waiting for completion : lib2.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib2 with good status.
Running start command - waiting for completion : lib1.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib1 with good status.

Stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Library name: lib2, library serial: 0000013FA052041F, control node (ltfsee_md)

IP address:
Running stop command - sending request and waiting for the completion.
Library name: lib1, library serial: 0000013FA052041B, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Running stop command - sending request and waiting for the completion.
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib2.
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library lib1.

Checking whether all the tapes in pool pool1 are properly moved from library
lib1 to lib2.

Updating the index cache of library lib2.

ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL mode completed .

10.Verify that the pool has been activated, as shown in Example 4-17.

Example 4-17 List relocated pools

[root@server1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m LIST_MOVE_POOLS
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
LIST_MOVE_POOLS mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.

Source pool Destination pool Activated

pool1@lib1 pool1@lib2 yes

11.Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the eeadm cluster start command.

94 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
12.Verify that the pool and tapes are valid, as shown in Example 4-18.

Example 4-18 Verify pool and tapes in new tape library

[root@server1 ~]# eeadm pool list

Pool Name Usable(TiB) Used(TiB) Available(TiB) Reclaimable% Tapes Type

Library Node Group
pool1 2.6 1.3 1.2 1% 4 LTO
lib2 G0
pool2 1.3 0.9 0.4 0% 4 LTO
lib2 G0

[root@server1 ~]# eeadm tape list

Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB)

Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
D00369L5 ok appendable 1327 835 491
1% pool1 lib2 homeslot -
2MA133L5 ok appendable 1327 763 564
2% pool1 lib2 homeslot -
2FC181L5 ok appendable 1327 543 783
0% pool1 lib2 homeslot -
2MA139L5 ok appendable 1327 655 672
0% pool2 lib2 homeslot -
2MA144L5 ok appendable 1327 655 672
0% pool1 lib2 homeslot -
1IA134L5 ok appendable 1327 655 672
0% pool2 lib2 homeslot -
1SA180L5 ok appendable 1327 0 1327
0% pool2 lib2 homeslot -
1FB922L5 ok appendable 1327 885 441
0% pool2 lib2 homeslot -

4.7 Tips when upgrading host operating system

IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster down time can be decreased on a multi-node environment
by actively removing and adding nodes to the cluster.

If upgrading a single node cluster or if the environment does not follow the Validity Checklist,
see Upgrading Operating System from RH7.x to RH8.x.

Similar node refresh techniques are described in 3.8, “High-level component upgrade steps”
on page 70. This information provides more references when planning or performing host
operating system upgrades.

Planning the upgrade

The upgrade must be planned with care because the total performance of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE decreases along with the nodes that are removed during this procedure.

Chapter 4. Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 95

Requests to IBM Spectrum Archive EE must not exceed the total computing capabilities of
the current state of the cluster. Be sure to consider the expected workload that IBM Spectrum
Archive EE needs during the time when the nodes are removed for the operating system
upgrade. If available, adding a temporary node to the cluster can help to maintain needed
computing capabilities.

Validity checklist
Use this check list to confirm whether the upgrade procedure is fully planned. All
requirements must met to perform the upgrade:
 The cluster consists of more than one node per library.
 All nodes in the cluster are upgraded to or later, and have matching release
 The cluster can handle requests as the nodes are removed.
 Each node that is left in the cluster can reach at least one Control Path Drive on a library.

Performing the upgrade

Caution: Ensure that IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Protect are upgraded to
ensure interoperability.

Complete the following steps to upgrade the host operating system:

1. Ensure that the “Validity checklist” is fully met.
2. Stop the cluster to temporarily remove the nodes that is planned for the operating system
3. Remove the nodes from the cluster by using ltfsee_config REMOVE_NODE command (see
5.2.1, “The ltfsee_config utility” on page 105). At least one control node must left in the
cluster. After the planned nodes are removed, restart the cluster.
4. Perform the operating system upgrades to the nodes that were rolled out.
5. After the operating system upgrade is finished, stop the cluster temporarily to add the
upgraded nodes.
6. Configure the upgraded node back into the cluster by using the ltfsee_config ADD_NODE or
ltfsee_config ADD_CTRL_NODE command.
7. Repeat the process with other nodes until all nodes are upgraded

Note: These operating system upgrade steps refer only to the upgrade steps of IBM
Spectrum Archive EE. The operating system upgrade must be carefully planned to meet all
hardware and other software compatibility requirements. For operating system update
assistance, contact IBM.

96 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum

Archive Enterprise Edition
This chapter provides information about the postinstallation configuration of the IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (IBM Spectrum Archive EE).

This chapter includes the following topics:

 5.1, “Configuration prerequisites” on page 98
 5.2, “Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 105
 5.3, “First-time start of IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 118

Note: In the lab setup for this book, we used a Red Hat based Linux system. The screen
captures within this chapter are based on Version 1 Release 3 of the product. Although the
steps that you will perform are the same, you might see slightly different output responses
depending on your currently used version and release of the product.

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 97

5.1 Configuration prerequisites
This section describes the tasks that must be completed before IBM Spectrum Archive EE is

Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before IBM Spectrum Archive EE is
configured. For more information, see 5.2, “Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on
page 105.
 The Configuration worksheet is completed and available during the configuration process.

Tip: Table 5-1 on page 98, Table 5-2 on page 99, Table 5-3 on page 99, Table 5-4 on
page 100, Table 5-5 on page 100, and Table 5-6 on page 101 provide a set of sample
configuration worksheets. You can print and use these samples during your
configuration of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

 The key-based login with OpenSSH is configured.

 The IBM Spectrum Scale system is prepared and ready for use on your Linux server
 The control paths (CPs) to the tape library logical libraries are configured and enabled.
You need at least one CP per node.

5.1.1 Configuration worksheet tables

Print Table 5-1 on page 98, Table 5-2 on page 99, Table 5-3 on page 99, Table 5-4 on
page 100, Table 5-5 on page 100, and Table 5-6 on page 101 and use them as worksheets or
as a template to create your own worksheets to record the information you need to configure
IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

For more information, see 5.1.2, “Obtaining configuration information” on page 101 and follow
the steps to obtain the information that is required to complete your worksheet.

The information in the following tables is required to configure IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Complete Table 5-4 on page 100, Table 5-5 on page 100, and Table 5-6 on page 101 with the
required information and refer to this information as necessary during the configuration
process, as described in 5.2, “Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 105.

Table 5-1, Table 5-2, and Table 5-3 show example configuration worksheets with the
parameters completed for the lab setup that was used to write this book.

Table 5-1 lists the file systems.

Table 5-1 Example IBM Spectrum Scale file systems

IBM Spectrum Scale file systems

File system name Mount point Need space Reserved for IBM
management? Spectrum Archive
(Yes or No) EE?
(Yes or No)

gpfs /ibm/glues YES YES

98 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 5-2 lists the logical tape library information.

Table 5-2 Example logical tape library

Logical Tape library

Tape library information

Tape library (L-Frame) Serial Number 78-A4274

Starting SCSI Element Address of the logical 1033dec = 409hex

tape library for IBM Spectrum Archive EE
(decimal and hex)

Logical tape library serial number 78A4274-0-409 = 78A42740409

(L-Frame S/N + “0” + SCSI starting element
address in hex)

Tape Drive information

Drive Serial number Assigned IBM CP? Linux device name in

Spectrum Scale node (Yes or No) the node

9A700M0029 htohru9 YES /dev/sgXX

1068000073 htohru9 NO /dev/sgYY

Table 5-3 lists the nodes.

Table 5-3 Example IBM Spectrum Scale nodes

IBM Spectrum Scale nodes

IBM Spectrum Scale Installing IBM Tape drives assigned CP enabled tape
node name Spectrum Archive to this node drive
EE? (Serial number) (Serial number)
(Yes or No)

htohru9 YES 9A700M0029, 9A700M0029


Figure 5-1 shows an example of a TS3500 GUI window that you use to display the starting
SCSI element address of a TS3500 logical library. You must record the decimal value
(starting address) to calculate the associated logical library serial number by using as shown
in Table 5-2 on page 99. You can open this window if you check for the details for a specific
logical library.

Figure 5-1 Obtain the starting SCSI element address of a TS3500 logical library

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 99

Table 5-4 shows an example of a blank file systems worksheet.

Table 5-4 Example IBM Spectrum Scale file systems

IBM Spectrum Scale file systems

File system name Mount point Need space Reserved for IBM
management? Spectrum Archive
(Yes or No) EE?
(Yes or No)

Table 5-5 shows an example of a blank logical tape library worksheet.

Table 5-5 Example logical tape library

Logical Tape library

Tape library information

Tape library (L-Frame) Serial Number

Starting SCSI Element Address of the logical

Tape Library for IBM Archive EE (decimal and

Logical tape library serial number

(L-Frame S/N + “0” + SCSI starting element
address in hex)

Tape Drive information

Drive Serial number Assigned IBM CP? Linux device name in

Spectrum Scale node (Yes or No) the node

100 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 5-6 shows an example a blank nodes worksheet.

Table 5-6 Example IBM Spectrum Scale nodes

IBM Spectrum Scale nodes

IBM Spectrum Scale Installing IBM Tape drives assigned CP enabled tape
node name Spectrum Archive to this node drive
EE? (Serial number) (Serial number)
(Yes or No)

5.1.2 Obtaining configuration information

To obtain the information about your environment that is required for configuring IBM
Spectrum Archive EE, complete the following steps:
1. Log on to the operating system as a root user.
2. Start GPFS (if it is not started already) by running the following command (see
Example 5-1 on page 102):
# mmstartup -a
3. Mount GPFS (if it is not already mounted) by running the following command (see
Example 5-1 on page 102):
# mmmount all
4. Obtain a list of all GPFS file systems that exist in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster by
running the following command (see Example 5-1 on page 102):
# mmlsfs all
5. Go to the Configuration worksheet (provided in 5.1.3, “Configuring key-based login with
OpenSSH” on page 103) and enter the list of file system names in the GPFS file systems
6. Plan the GPFS file system that was used to store IBM Spectrum Archive EE internal data.
For more information, see 5.1.4, “Preparing the IBM Spectrum Scale file system for IBM
Spectrum Archive EE” on page 104.
7. Go to the Configuration worksheet and enter the GPFS file system that is used to store
IBM Spectrum Archive EE internal data into Table 5-1 on page 98.
8. Obtain a list of all IBM Spectrum Scale nodes in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster by
running the following command (see Example 5-1 on page 102):
# mmlsnode
9. Go to the Configuration worksheet and enter the list of IBM Spectrum Scale nodes and
whether the IBM Spectrum Archive EE is installed on the node in Logical Tape Library
10.Obtain the logical library serial number, as described in the footnote of Table 5-2 on
page 99. For more information and support, see the IBM Documentation website for your
specific tape library.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 101

11.Go to the Configuration worksheet and enter the logical library serial number that was
obtained in the previous step into the IBM Spectrum Scale nodes table.
12.Obtain a list of all tape drives in the logical library that you plan to use for the configuration
of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. For more information, see the IBM Documentation website
for your specific tape library.
13.Go to the Configuration worksheet and enter the tape drive serial numbers that were
obtained through the previous step into the IBM Spectrum Scale nodes table.
14.Assign each drive to one of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes that are listed in the
Logical Library Table in the Configuration worksheet and add that information to the IBM
Spectrum Scale nodes table.
15.Assign at least one CP to each of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes and enter whether
each drive is a CP drive in the IBM Spectrum Scale nodes section of the Configuration
16.Go to the Configuration worksheet and update the Logical Tape Library table with the tape
drive assignment and CP drive information by adding the drive serial numbers in the
appropriate columns.

Keep the completed configuration worksheet available for reference during the configuration
process. Example 5-1 shows how to obtain the information for the worksheet.

Example 5-1 Obtain the IBM Spectrum Scale required information for the configuration worksheet
[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmstartup -a
Fri Apr 5 14:02:32 JST 2013: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ... The GPFS subsystem is already active.

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmmount all

Fri Apr 5 14:02:50 JST 2013: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmlsfs all

File system attributes for /dev/gpfs:

flag value description
------------------- ------------------------ -----------------------------------
-f 8192 Minimum fragment (subblock) size in bytes
-i 4096 Inode size in bytes
-I 32768 Indirect block size in bytes
-m 1 Default number of metadata replicas
-M 2 Maximum number of metadata replicas
-r 1 Default number of data replicas
-R 2 Maximum number of data replicas
-j cluster Block allocation type
-D nfs4 File locking semantics in effect
-k all ACL semantics in effect
-n 32 Estimated number of nodes that will mount file
-B 4194304 Block size
-Q none Quotas accounting enabled
none Quotas enforced
none Default quotas enabled
--perfileset-quota no Per-fileset quota enforcement
--filesetdf no Fileset df enabled?
-V 20.01 ( File system version
--create-time Thu Sep 20 14:19:23 2018 File system creation time
-z yes Is DMAPI enabled?
-L 33554432 Logfile size

102 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
-E yes Exact mtime mount option
-S relatime Suppress atime mount option
-K whenpossible Strict replica allocation option
--fastea yes Fast external attributes enabled?
--encryption no Encryption enabled?
--inode-limit 600000512 Maximum number of inodes
--log-replicas 0 Number of log replicas
--is4KAligned yes is4KAligned?
--rapid-repair yes rapidRepair enabled?
--write-cache-threshold 0 HAWC Threshold (max 65536)
--subblocks-per-full-block 512 Number of subblocks per full block
-P system Disk storage pools in file system
--file-audit-log no File Audit Logging enabled?
--maintenance-mode no Maintenance Mode enabled?
-d nsd208_209_1;nsd208_209_2;nsd208_209_3;nsd208_209_4 Disks in file
-A yes Automatic mount option
-o none Additional mount options
-T /ibm/glues Default mount point
--mount-priority 0 Mount priority

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmlsnode

GPFS nodeset Node list
------------- -------------------------------------------------------
htohru9 htohru9

5.1.3 Configuring key-based login with OpenSSH

IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses the Secure Shell (SSH) protocol for secure file transfer and
requires key-based login with OpenSSH for the root user.

To use key-based login with OpenSSH, it is necessary to generate SSH key files and append
the public key file from each node (including the local node) to the authorized_keys file in the
~root/.ssh directory.

The following points must be considered:

 This procedure must be performed on all IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.
 After completing this task, a root user on any node in an IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster
can run any commands on any node remotely without providing the password for the root
on the remote node. It is preferable that the cluster is built on a closed network. If the
cluster is within a firewall, all ports can be opened. For more information, see 4.3.1,
“Extracting binary rpm files from an installation package” on page 76 and 4.3.2, “Installing,
upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78.

To configure key-based login with OpenSSH, complete the following steps:

1. If the ~root/.ssh directory does not exist, create it by running the following command:
mkdir ~root/.ssh
2. If the root user does not have SSH keys, generate them by running the ssh-keygen
command and pressing enter at all prompts.

Important: You can verify whether the root user has a public key by locating the id_rsa
and files under the /root/.ssh/ directory. If these files do not exist, you
must generate them.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 103

3. After the key is generated, copy the key to each server that requires a key-based login for
OpenSSH by running the following command:
ssh-copy-id root@<server>
4. Repeat these steps on each IBM Spectrum Archive EE node.

5.1.4 Preparing the IBM Spectrum Scale file system for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE
Complete this task to create and mount the IBM Spectrum Scale file system before IBM
Spectrum Archive EE is configured.

Before you make any system upgrades or major configuration changes to your GPFS or IBM
Spectrum Scale cluster, review your GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale documentation and
consult IBM Spectrum Scale frequently asked question (FAQ) information that applies to your
version of IBM Spectrum Scale. For more information about the IBM Spectrum Scale FAQ,
see IBM Documentation.

Before you begin this procedure, ensure that the following prerequisites are met:
 IBM Spectrum Scale is installed on each of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.
 The IBM Spectrum Scale cluster is created and all of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes
belong to the cluster.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE requires space for the file metadata, which is stored in the LTFS
metadata directory. The metadata directory can be stored in its own GPFS file system, or it
can share the GPFS file system that is being space-managed with IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

The file system that is used for the LTFS metadata directory must be created and mounted
before the IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration is performed. The following requirements
apply to the GPFS file system that is used for the LTFS metadata directory:
 The file system must be mounted and accessible from all of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
nodes in the cluster.
 The GPFS file system (or systems) that are space-managed with IBM Spectrum Archive
EE must be DMAPI enabled.

To create and mount the GPFS file system, complete the following steps:
1. Create a network shared disk (NSD), if necessary, by running the following command. It is
possible to share an NSD with another GPFS file system.
# mmcrnsd -F nsd.list -v no
%nsd: device=/dev/dm-3
servers=ltfs01, ltfs02, ltfs03, ltfs04
2. Start the GPFS service (if it is not started already) by running the following command:
# mmstartup -a
3. Create the GPFS file system by running the following command. For more information
about the file system name and mount point, see 5.1.1, “Configuration worksheet tables”
on page 98.
# mmcrfs /dev/gpfs nsd00 -z yes -T /ibm/glues

104 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
In this example, /dev/gpfs is the file system name and /ibm/glues is the mount point. For
a separate file system that is used only for the LTFS metadata directory, you do not need
to use the -z option. Generally, if a GPFS file system is not intended to be IBM Spectrum
Archive EE managed, it should not be DMAPI-enabled; therefore, the -z option should not
be specified. The preferred configuration is to have one file system with DMAPI-enabled.
For more information about the inode size, see 7.5, “Preferred inode size for IBM
Spectrum Scale file systems” on page 239.
4. Mount the GPFS file system by running the following command:
# mmmount gpfs -a

For more information about the mmmount command, see the following resources:
 General Parallel File System Version 4 Release 1.0.4 Advanced Administration Guide,
 IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration Guide, which is available at IBM Documentation.

5.2 Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE

The topics in this section describe how to use the ltfsee_config command to configure IBM
Spectrum Archive EE in a single node or multiple node environment. Instructions for removing
a node from an IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration are also provided.

5.2.1 The ltfsee_config utility

Use the ltfsee_config command-line utility to configure the IBM Spectrum Archive EE for
single node or multiple node environment. You must have root user authority to use this
command. This command also can be used to check an IBM Spectrum Archive EE
configuration. The utility operates in interactive mode and guides you step-by-step through
the required information that you must provide.

Reminder: All of the command examples use the command without the full file path name
because we added the IBM Spectrum Archive EE directory (/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin) to the
PATH variable.

The ltfsee_config command-line tool is shown in the following example and includes the
following options:
ltfsee_config -m <mode> [options]
<mode> and [options] can be one of the following items:
– CLUSTER [-c]
Creates an IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster environment and configures a
user-selected IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file system to be managed by the IBM
Spectrum Archive or used for its metadata. The user must run this command one time
from one of the IBM Spectrum Archive nodes. Running the command a second time
modifies the file systems settings of the cluster.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 105

– ADD_CTRL_NODE [-g | -c | -a]
Adds the local node as the control (MMM) node to a tape library in an IBM Spectrum
Archive EE environment, and configures its drives and node group. There can be one
or two control nodes per tape library.

Note: Even if you configure two control nodes per tape library, you still only run
ADD_CTRL_NODE once per tape library.

– ADD_NODE [-g | -c| -a]

Adds the local node (as a non-control node) to a tape library, and configure its drives
and node group. You choose whether or not the node is a control node as redundancy.
Configure or reconfigure one or two control nodes and select one node to be active at
the next start of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Apply the current information of IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file system to IBM
Spectrum Archive EE configuration.
– REMOVE_NODE [-N <node_id>] [-f]
Removes the node and the drives configured for that node from the configuration.
– REMOVE_NODEGROUP -l <library> -G <removed_nodegroup>
Removes the node group that is no longer used.
Shows the current configuration of this cluster.
Shows the serial numbers of the tape libraries that are configured in the cluster.
Sets the serial number detected by the node to that of the configured library.
Shows the pool translation table.
– PREPARE_MOVE_POOL -p <pool_name> -s <source_library> -d
<destination_library> [-G <node_group>] [-b]
Prepares the pool translation table information for pool relocations between libraries.
– CANCEL_MOVE_POOL -p <pool_name> -s <source_library> [-b]
Cancels the PREPARE_MOVE_POOL operation for pool translation.
– ACTIVATE_MOVE_POOL -p <pool_name> -s <source_library> -d
<destination_library> [-b]
Activates the pool that was relocated to a different library.
Delete and initialize the whole of statesave. By using this command, all history and
running task information are removed.

106 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
– -a
Assigns the IP address of the Admin node name as the control node (MMM), or as the
local node. If -a is not used, the IP address of the Daemon node name is assigned.
– -c
Check and show the cluster or node configuration, without configuring or modifying it.
– -g
Assign the node to a node group that is selected or specified by user. If -g is not used,
the node is added to the default node group, which is named G0 if it did not exist before.
– -G
Specifies the node group to assign to the pool in the destination library during
translation between libraries, or the node group to be removed.
– -N
Remove a non-local node by specifying its node ID. If -N is not used, the local node is
– -f
Force node removal. If -f is not used, an attempt to remove a control node fails and the
configuration remains unchanged. When a control node is removed by using -f, other
nodes from the same library and the drives that are configured for those nodes are also
removed. To avoid removing multiple nodes, consider first setting another configured
non-control node from the same library as the control node (SET_CTRL_NODE).

Important: When the active control node is removed by use of -f option, the library
and the pool information stored in the internal database will be in-validated. If files
that are migrated only to that library are left in the system, recalls of those files will
no longer be possible.

– -b
Skips restarting the HSM daemon as a post process of the operation.
– -p
Specifies the name of the pool to be relocated to a different library.
– -P
Specifies the directory path storing SOBAR Support for System Migration result.
– -s
Specifies the name of the source library for a pool relocation procedure.
– -d
Specifies the destination library for a pool relocation procedure.
– -l
Specifies the library name in which to remove a node group with the -N option.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 107

5.2.2 Configuring a single node cluster
Before you begin this procedure, ensure that all of the tasks that are described in 5.1,
“Configuration prerequisites” on page 98 are met. Figure 5-2 shows a single-node
configuration that is described in this section.

GPFS NativeClient
Client GPFSNative
GPFS NativeClient
Client GPFS Native Client
GPFS Native Client GPFSNative
GPFS NativeClient
NFS Client CIFS/SMB Client IBM Spectrum Scale Client FTP Client

IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster

IBM Spectrum Archive EE

EE Node Group 1
IBM EE Control
Spectrum Node 1

F F Legend
IBM Spectrum Archive Node

Tape Library (logical)

D D F Fibre Channel or SAS Port

SAN or
D Tape Drive
shared NSD access Library
Tape Cartridge
Pool 1 Pool 2
Disk or Flash Storage
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Network Connection
SAN Connection
Free Tapes Tape Drive Connection

Figure 5-2 IBM Spectrum Archive single-node configuration

The steps in this section must be performed only on one node of an IBM Spectrum Archive
EE cluster environment. If you plan to have only one IBM Spectrum Archive EE node, this is a
so-called single-node cluster setup.

If you plan to set up a multi-node cluster environment for IBM Spectrum Archive EE, this
configuration mode must be performed once, and only on a node of your choice of your
cluster environment. All other nodes must be added. To do so, see 5.2.3, “Configuring a
multiple-node cluster” on page 112.

To configure a single-node cluster for IBM Spectrum Archive EE, complete the following
1. Log on to the operating system as a root user.
2. Start GPFS (if it is not already started) by running the following command:
# mmstartup -a
3. Mount the GPFS file system (if it is not already mounted) by running the following
# mmmount all
4. Start the IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration utility with the -m CLUSTER option by
running the following command and answering the prompted questions:
# ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER

108 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 5-2 shows the successful run of the ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER command during
the initial IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration on the lab setup that was used for this
book. The example stops the process and will not proceed to the ADD_CTRL_NODE,
though you may answer [y] to continue to ADD_CTRL_NODE (step 5).

Example 5-2 Run the ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER command

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER
CLUSTER mode starts .

## 1. Check whether the cluster is already created ##

Cluster is not configured, configuring the cluster.

## 2. Check prerequisite on cluster ##

Cluster name:
ID: 12003238441805965800
Successfully validated the prerequisites.

## 3. List file systems in the cluster ##

Retrieving IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file systems...
** Select a file system for storing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
configuration and internal data.
Input the corresponding number and press Enter
or press q followed by Enter to quit.

File system
1. /dev/gpfs Mount point(/ibm/gpfs) DMAPI(Yes)
q. Quit

Input number > 1

** Select file systems to configure for IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file system
for Space Management.
Input the corresponding numbers and press Enter
or press q followed by Enter to quit.
Press a followed by Enter to select all file systems.
Multiple file systems can be specified using comma or white space

File system
1. /dev/gpfs Mount point(/ibm/gpfs)
a. Select all file systems
q. Quit

Input number > 1

## 4. Configure Space Management ##

Disabling unnecessary daemons...
Editing Space Management Client settings...
Restarting Space Management service...
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Starting dsmmigfs.............................
Configured space management.

## 5. Add selected file systems to the Space Management ##

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 109

Added the selected file systems to the space management.

## 6. Store the file systems configuration and dispatch it to all nodes ##

Storing the file systems configuration...
Copying ltfsee_config.filesystem file...
Stored the cluster configuration and dispatched the configuration file.

## 7. Create metadata directories and configuration parameters file ##

Created metadata directories and configuration parameters file.

CLUSTER mode completed.

Then do you want to perform the ADD_CTRL_NODE mode? [Y/n]: n

Important: During the first run of the ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER command, if you see
the following error:
No file system is DMAPI enabled.
At least one file system has to be DMAPI enabled to use IBM Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition.
Enable DMAPI of more than one IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file systems and try

Ensure that DMAPI is turned on correctly, as described in 5.1.4, “Preparing the IBM
Spectrum Scale file system for IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 104. You can use
the following command sequence to enable DMAPI support for your GPFS file system
(here the GPFS file system name that is used is gpfs):
# mmumount gpfs
mmumount: Unmounting file systems ...
# mmchfs gpfs -z yes
# mmmount gpfs
mmmount: Mounting file systems ...

5. Run the IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration utility by running the following command
and answering the prompted questions:
# ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE
Example 5-3 shows the successful run of the ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE
command during initial IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration on the lab setup that was
used for this book.

Example 5-3 Run the ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE command

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE
ADD_CTRL_NODE mode starts .

## 1. Check whether the cluster is already created ##

Cluster is already created and configuration file ltfsee_config.filesystem

## 2. Check prerequisite on node ##

Successfully validated the prerequisites.

## 3. IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) Configuration for Performance Improvement ##

Setting worker1Threads=400
Setting dmapiWorkerThreads=64

110 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Configured IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) performance related settings.

## 4. Configure Space Management ##

Disabling unnecessary daemons...
Editing Space Management Client settings...
Restarting Space Management service...
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Starting dsmmigfs.............................
Configured space management.

## 5. Add this node to a tape library ##

Number of logical libraries with assigned control node: 0

Number of logical libraries available from this node: 1
Number of logical libraries available from this node and with assigned control
node: 0

** Select the tape library from the following list

and input the corresponding number. Then, press Enter.

Model Serial Number

1. 3576-MTL 000001300228_LLC
q. Return to previous menu

Input Number > 1

Input Library Name (alpha numeric or underscore, max 16 characters) >
Added this node (, node id 2) to library lib_ltfsml1
as its control node.

## 6. Add this node to a node group ##

Added this node (, node id 2) to node group G0.

## 7. Add drives to this node ##

** Select tape drives from the following list.

Input the corresponding numbers and press Enter
or press q followed by Enter to quit.
Multiple tape drives can be specified using comma or white space delimiters.

Model Serial Number

1. ULT3580-TD6 1013000655
2. ULT3580-TD6 1013000688
3. ULT3580-TD6 1013000694
a. Select all tape drives
q. Exit from this Menu

Input Number > a

Selected drives: 1013000655:1013000688:1013000694.
Added the selected drives to this node (, node id
## 8. Configure LE+ component ##
Creating mount point...
Mount point folder '/ltfs' exists.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 111

Use this folder for the LE+ component mount point as LE+ component assumes this
Configured LE+ component.
## 9. Enabling system log ##
Restarting rsyslog...
System log (rsyslog) is enabled for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition.

ADD_CTRL_NODE mode completed.

To summarize, EE Node 1 must run ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER and ltfsee_config -m

ADD_CTRL_NODE to complete this single-node configuration.

If you are configuring multiple nodes for IBM Spectrum Archive EE, continue to 5.2.3,
“Configuring a multiple-node cluster” on page 112.

5.2.3 Configuring a multiple-node cluster

To add nodes to form a multiple-node cluster configuration after the first node is configured,
complete this task. With the release of IBM Spectrum Archive EE V1.2.4.0, a redundant
control node can be set for failover scenarios.

When configuring any multiple-node clusters, set a secondary node as a redundant control
node for availability features. The benefits of having redundancy are explained in 6.7, “IBM
Spectrum Archive EE automatic node failover” on page 153.

Figure 5-3 shows a multiple-node cluster configuration that is described in this section.

GPFS NativeClient
Client GPFSNative
Client GPFS Native Client
GPFS Native Client GPFSNative
GPFS NativeClient
CIFS/SMB Client IBM Spectrum Scale Client FTP Client

IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Cluster
EE Node Group 1
EE Control EE Control
Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum EE Node 3
Node 1 Node 2 Scale
Scale Scale


SAN or
D D D D D D shared NSD access
Pool 1 Pool 2
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

Free Tapes

Figure 5-3 IBM Spectrum Archive multiple-node cluster configuration

112 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Before configuring more nodes, ensure that all tasks that are described in 5.1, “Configuration
prerequisites” on page 98 are completed and that the first node of the cluster environment is
configured, as described in 5.2.2, “Configuring a single node cluster” on page 108.

To configure another node for a multi-node cluster setup for IBM Spectrum Archive EE,
complete the following steps:
1. Log on to the operating system as a root user.
2. Start GPFS (if it is not already started) by running the following command:
# mmstartup -a
3. Mount the GPFS file system on all nodes in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster (if it is not
already mounted) by running the following command:
# mmmount all -a
4. Start the IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration utility with the -m ADD_NODE option by
running the following command and answering the prompted questions:
# /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE

Important: This step must be performed on all nodes, except for the first node that was
configured in 5.2.2, “Configuring a single node cluster” on page 108.

Example 5-4 shows how to add a secondary node and set it as a redundant control node by
running ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE. In step 5 of the command, after selecting which library
to add the node to, a prompt will appear asking to make the node a redundant control node.
Enter y to make the second node a redundant control node. Only two nodes per library can be
control nodes. If there are more than two nodes added to the cluster, enter n for each
additional node.

Example 5-4 Adding secondary node as a redundant control node

[root@ltfsml2 ~]# ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
ADD_NODE mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file ltfsee_config.filesystem

## 2. Check prerequisite on node ##

Successfully validated the prerequisites.

## 3. IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) Configuration for Performance Improvement ##

Setting workerThreads=512
Setting dmapiWorkerThreads=64
Configured IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) preformance related settings.

## 4. Configure space management ##

Disabling unnecessary daemons...
Editing Space Management Client settings...
Deactivating failover operations on the node.
Restarting Space Management service...
Stopping the HSM service.
Terminating dsmwatchd.............
Starting the HSM service.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 113

Starting dsmmigfs..................................
Activating failover operations on the node.
Configured space management.

## 5. Add this node to a tape library ##

The number of logical libraries with the assigned control node: 2

The number of logical libraries available from this node: 1
The number of logical libraries available from this node and with assigned control
node: 1

** Select the tape library from the following list

and input the corresponding number. Then press Enter.

Library id Library name Control node

1. 0000013FA0520411 ltfsee_lib
q. Exit from this Menu

Input Number > 1

Add this node as a control node for control node redundancy(y/n)?

Input >y
The node ltfsml2( has been added as a control node for control node
Added this node (ltfsml2, node id 2) to library ltfsee_lib.

## 6. Add this node to a node group ##

Added this node (ltfsml2, node id 2) to node group G0.

## 7. Add drives to this node ##

** Select tape drives from the following list.

Input the corresponding numbers and press Enter
or press 'q' followed by Enter to quit.
Multiple tape drives can be specified using comma or white space delimiters.

Model Serial Number

1. ULT3580-TD5 1068093078
2. ULT3580-TD5 1068093084
a. Select all tape drives
q. Exit from this Menu

Input Number > a

Selected drives: 1068093078:1068093084.
Added the selected drives to this node (ltfsml2, node id 2).

## 8. Configure the LE+ component ##

Creating mount point...
Mount point folder '/ltfs' exists.
Use this folder for the LE+ component mount point as LE+ component assumes this
Former saved configuration file exists which holds the following information:
=== difference /etc/ltfs.conf.local.rpmsave from /etc/ltfs.conf.local ===

=== end of difference ===

114 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Do you want to use the saved configuration (y/n)?
Input > y
The LE+ component configuration is restored from a saved configuration.
Configured the LE+ component.

ADD_NODE mode completed.

To summarize, you ran the following configuration options on EE Node 1 in 5.2.2, “Configuring
a single node cluster” on page 108:
 ltfsee_config -m CLUSTER
 ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE

For each additional IBM Spectrum Archive node in EE Node Group 1, run the ltfsee_config
-m ADD_NODE command. For example, in Figure 5-3 on page 112, you must run ltfsee_config
-m ADD_NODE on both EE Node 2 and EE Node 3.

If you require multiple tape library attachments, go to 5.2.4, “Configuring a multiple-node

cluster with two tape libraries” on page 115.

5.2.4 Configuring a multiple-node cluster with two tape libraries

Starting with IBM Spectrum Archive V1.2, IBM Spectrum Archive supports the Multiple Tape
Library Attachment feature in a single IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. This feature allows for
data replication to pools in separate libraries for more data resiliency, and allows for total
capacity expansion beyond a single library limit.

The second tape library can be the same tape library model as the first tape library or can be
a different tape library model. These two tape libraries can be connected to a IBM Spectrum
Scale cluster in a single site or can be placed in metro distance (less than 300 km) locations
through IBM Spectrum Scale synchronous mirroring (stretched cluster).

For more information about synchronous mirroring by using IBM Spectrum Scale replication,
see IBM Documentation.

Important: Stretched cluster is available for distances shorter than 300 km. For longer
distances, the Active File Management (AFM) feature of IBM Spectrum Scale should be
used with IBM Spectrum Archive. The use of AFM is with two different IBM Spectrum Scale
clusters with one instance of IBM Spectrum Archive at each site. For more information
about IBM Spectrum Scale AFM support, see 2.2.5, “Active File Management” on page 30.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 115

To add nodes to form a multiple-node cluster configuration with two tape libraries after the first
node is configured, complete this task. Figure 5-4 shows the configuration with two tape

GPFS Native Client GPFSNative
Client GPFS Native Client GPFSNative
Native Client
NFS ClientClient GPFS
Spectrum Client
Scale Client GPFS
FTP ClientClient

IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster

IBM Spectrum Archive EE Cluster
EE Node Group 1 Site 1 EE Node Group 2 Site 2
EE Control EE Control
Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum EE Node 3 Spectrum Spectrum Spectrum EE Node 6
Node 1 Node 2 Node 4 Node 5
Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale Scale


SAN or
shared NSD access

Library 1 Library 2
Pool 1 Pool 2 Pool A Pool B
T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 Ta Tb Tc Td Te

Free Tapes Free Tapes

Figure 5-4 IBM Spectrum Archive multiple-node cluster configuration across two tape libraries

Before configuring more nodes, ensure that all tasks that are described in 5.1, “Configuration
prerequisites” on page 98 are completed and that the first node of the cluster environment is
configured, as described in 5.2.2, “Configuring a single node cluster” on page 108.

To configure the nodes at the other location for a multiple-node two-tape library cluster setup
for IBM Spectrum Archive EE, complete the following steps:
1. Run the IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration utility by running the following command
and answering the prompted questions:
# /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE
Using Figure 5-4 as an example, the ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE command is run
on EE Node 4.
2. Run the IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration utility on all the remaining EE nodes at
the other location by running the following command and answering the prompted
# /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE
Using Figure 5-4 as an example, the ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE command is run on
EE Node 5 and EE Node 6.

5.2.5 Modifying a multiple-node configuration for control node redundancy

If users are upgrading to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE V1.3.0.0 from a previous version and
have a multiple-node configuration with no redundant control nodes, users must manually set
a redundant control node. See 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum
Archive EE” on page 78 on how to perform upgrades. To modify the configuration to set a
secondary node to be a redundant control node, IBM Spectrum Archive EE must not be

116 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Run eeadm cluster stop, to stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE and LE+. After IBM Spectrum
Archive EE has stopped, run ltfsee_config -m SET_CTRL_NODE to modify the configuration to
add a redundant control node.

Example 5-5 shows the output of ltfsee_config -m SET_CTRL_NODE to create a redundant

control node. In this example, the cluster has two libraries connected and will only perform
setting a redundant control node on one of the two libraries. Repeat the same steps and
select the second library to make a redundant control node for the second library.

Example 5-5 Setting node to be redundant control node

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# ltfsee_config -m SET_CTRL_NODE
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
SET_CTRL_NODE mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file ltfsee_config.filesystem
## 2. Control node configuration.

** Select a library to set control nodes.


Input number >1

Set the control nodes for the library 0000013FA0520411.

** Select 1 or 2 nodes for redundant control nodes from the following list.
They can be specified using comma or white space delimiters.
Nodes marked [x] are the current redundant configured nodes.


Input number >1 2

## 3. Select control node to be active ##

The following nodes are selected as redundant nodes.
Select a node that will be active in the next LTFS-EE run.


Input number >1

The node ebisu( has been set to be active for library ltfsee_lib

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 117

After successfully setting up redundant control nodes for each library cluster, start Spectrum
Archive EE by running the eeadm cluster start command. Then, run eeadm node list to
verify that each node was started up properly and is available. You should also see that there
are two control nodes per library. Example 5-6 shows output from a multiple-node
configuration with two tape libraries

Example 5-6 eeadm node list

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm node list
Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group
Host Name
4 Available 2 Yes ltfsee_lib2 G0
3 Available 2 Yes(Active) ltfsee_lib2 G0
2 Available 2 Yes ltfsee_lib1 G0
1 Available 2 Yes(Active) ltfsee_lib1 G0

5.3 First-time start of IBM Spectrum Archive EE

To start IBM Spectrum Archive EE the first time, complete the following steps:
1. Check that the following embedded, customized IBM Tivoli® Storage Manager for Space
Management (HSM) client components are running on each IBM Spectrum Archive EE
# ps -ef|grep dsm

If HSM is already running on system, the output of this command should show the dsm
proccesses as shown in Example 5-7 . HSM is not running if no output is shown.
Information about how to start HSM can be referenced in 6.2.3, “Hierarchical Space
Management” on page 138.

2. Start the IBM Spectrum Archive EE program by running the following command:
/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm cluster start

Important: If the eeadm cluster start command does not return after several
minutes, it might be either because tapes are being unloaded or because the firewall is
running. The firewall service must be disabled on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes.
For more information, see 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum
Archive EE” on page 78.

Example 5-7 shows all of the steps and the output when IBM Spectrum Archive EE was
started the first time. During the first start, you might discover a warning message, as shown
in the following example:
The authenticity of host 'localhost (::1)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 8f:56:95:fe:9c:eb:37:7f:95:b1:21:b9:45:d6:91:6b.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

This message is normal during the first start and you can easily continue by entering yes and
pressing Enter.

118 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 5-7 Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE the first time
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# ps -afe | grep dsm
root 14351 1 0 15:33 ? 00:00:01 /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmwatchd
root 15131 30301 0 16:33 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dsm
root 17135 1 0 15:33 ? 00:00:00 dsmrecalld
root 17160 17135 0 15:33 ? 00:00:00 dsmrecalld
root 17161 17135 0 15:33 ? 00:00:00 dsmrecalld

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm cluster start

Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md) IP address:
Starting - sending a startup request to libb.
Starting - waiting for startup completion : libb.
Starting - opening a communication channel : libb.
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : libb.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb with good status.
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm node list
Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host Name
1 available 4 yes(active) libb G0 ltfsml1

Now, IBM Spectrum Archive EE is started and ready for basic usage. For further handling,
managing, and operations of IBM Spectrum Archive EE (such as creating pools, adding and
formatting tapes, and setting up migration policies), see Chapter 6, “Managing daily
operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 129.

5.3.1 Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE with IBM Spectrum Scale AFM
This section walks through how to set up IBM Spectrum Archive EE and IBM Spectrum Scale
AFM to create either a Centralized Archive Repository, or an Asynchronous Archive
Replication solution. The steps shown in this section assume that the user has already
installed and configured IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

If IBM Spectrum Archive EE has not been previously installed and configured, set up AFM
first and then follow the instructions in Chapter 4, “Installing IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition” on page 73 to install Spectrum Archive EE and then in Chapter 5, “Configuring IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 97. If performed in that order, you can skip this
section. See 7.10.3, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration policy with AFM” on page 246 for
information about creating migration policy on cache nodes.

Important: Starting with IBM Spectrum Archive EE V1.2.3.0, IBM Spectrum Scale AFM is
supported. This support is limited to only one cache mode, independent writer (IW).

For more information about configuring IBM Spectrum Scale AFM, see the AFM
documentation at IBM Documentation.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 119

5.3.2 Configuring a Centralized Archive Repository solution
A Centralized Archive Repository solution consists of having IBM Spectrum Archive EE at just
the home cluster of IBM Spectrum Scale AFM. The steps in this section show how to set up a
home site with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, and how to set up the cache site and link them. For
more information on use cases, see Figure 8-14 on page 291.

Steps 1 - 5 demonstrate how to set up a IBM Spectrum Scale AFM home cluster and start
IBM Spectrum Archive EE. Steps 6 - 9 show how to set up the IW caches for IBM Spectrum
Scale AFM cache clusters:
1. If IBM Spectrum Scale is not already active and GPFS is not already mounted, start IBM
Spectrum Scale and wait until the cluster becomes active. Then, mount the file system if it
is not set to mount automatically using the commands in Example 5-8.

Example 5-8 Starting and mounting IBM Spectrum Scale and GPFS file system
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmstartup -a
Tue Mar 21 14:37:57 MST 2017: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state

1 ltfseehomesrv arbitrating
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state

1 ltfseehomesrv active
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmmount all -a
Tue Mar 21 14:40:36 MST 2017: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# systemctl start hsm
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# dsmmigfs start
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:41:36
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# dsmmigfs enablefailover

IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:41:41
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Automatic failover is enabled on this node in mode ENABLED.

Note: Step 2 assumes that the user has already created their file set and linked it to the
GPFS file system. The following examples use IWhome as the home file set.

120 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2. After IBM Spectrum Scale is active and the GPFS file system is mounted, edit the NFS
exports file (/etc/exports) to include the new file set. It is important that the
no_root_squash, sync, and rw arguments are used. Example 5-9 shows example content
of the exports file for file set IWhome.

Example 5-9 Contents of an exports file

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# cat /etc/exports

Note: The fsid in the exports file needs to be a unique number different than any other
export clause within the exports file.

3. After the exports file has been modified to include the file set, start the NFS service.
Example 5-10 shows an example of starting and checking the NFS service.

Example 5-10 Starting and checking the status of NFS service

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# systemctl start nfs
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# systemctl status nfs
? nfs-server.service - NFS server and services
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor
preset: disabled)
Active: active (exited) since Tue 2017-03-21 15:58:43 MST; 2s ago
Process: 1895 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -f (code=exited,
Process: 1891 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -au (code=exited,
Process: 1889 ExecStop=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 0 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 10062 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $RPCNFSDARGS (code=exited,
Process: 10059 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited,
Main PID: 10062 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /system.slice/nfs-server.service

Mar 21 15:58:43 systemd[1]: Starting NFS

server and services...
Mar 21 15:58:43 systemd[1]: Started NFS
server and services.

4. After NFS has properly started the final step to configure IBM Spectrum Scale AFM at the
home cluster is to enable the exported path. Run mmafmconfig enable <path-to-fileset>
to enable the exported file set. Example 5-11 shows the execution of the mmafmconfig
command with the IWhome file set.

Example 5-11 Execution of mmafmconfig enable <path-to-fileset>

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmafmconfig enable /ibm/glues/IWhome/
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]#

5. After the file set has been enabled for AFM proceed by starting up IBM Spectrum Archive
if it has not been started previously by running eeadm cluster start.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 121

Run the next four steps on the designated cache nodes:
6. Before starting IBM Spectrum Scale on the cache clusters, determine which nodes will
become the gateway nodes and then run the mmchnode --gateway -N
<node1,node2,etc..> command to create gateway nodes. Example 5-12 shows the output
of running mmchnode on one cache node.

Example 5-12 Setting gateway nodes for cache clusters

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmchnode --gateway -N ltfseecachesrv
Tue Mar 21 16:49:16 MST 2017: mmchnode: Processing node
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]#

7. After all the gateway nodes have been set, start IBM Spectrum Scale and mount the file
system if it is not done automatically, as shown in Example 5-13:
a. mmmstartup -a
b. mmgetstate -a
c. mmmount all -a (optional, only if the GPFS file system is not mounted automatically)

Example 5-13 Starting and mounting IBM Spectrum Scale and GPFS file system
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmstartup -a
Tue Mar 21 14:37:57 MST 2017: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state

1 ltfseecachesrv arbitrating
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state

1 ltfseecachsrv1 active
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmmount all -a
Tue Mar 21 14:40:36 MST 2017: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]#

8. After IBM Spectrum Scale has been started and the GPFS file system is mounted, then
create the cache fileset by using mmcrfileset with the afmTarget, afmMode, and
inode-space parameters. Example 5-14 shows the execution of mmcrfileset to create a
cache fileset.

Example 5-14 Creating a cache fileset that targets the home fileset
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmcrfileset gpfs iwcache -p afmmode=iw -p
afmtarget=ltfseehomesrv:/ibm/glues/IWhome --inode-space=new
Fileset iwcache created with id 1 root inode 4194307.

9. After the fileset is created, it can be linked to a directory in the GPFS file system by
running the mmlinkfileset <device> <fileset> -J <gpfs file system/fileset name>
command. Example 5-15 shows output of running mmlinkfileset.

Example 5-15 Linking the GPFS fileset to a directory on the GPFS file system
[root@ltfseecachesrv glues]# mmlinkfileset gpfs iwcache -J /ibm/glues/iwcache
Fileset iwcache linked at /ibm/glues/iwcache

122 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Steps 6 - 9 need to be run on each cache cluster that will be linked to the home cluster. After
completing these steps, IBM Spectrum Scale AFM and IBM Spectrum Archive EE are set up
on the home cluster and IBM Spectrum Scale AFM is set up on each cache cluster. The
system is ready to perform centralized archiving and caching.

5.3.3 Configuring an Asynchronous Archive Replication solution

An Asynchronous Archive Replication solution consists of having IBM Spectrum Archive EE
at both the home and cache cluster for IBM Spectrum Scale AFM. This section demonstrates
how to set up IBM Spectrum Scale AFM with IBM Spectrum Archive EE to create an
Asynchronous Archive Replication solution. For more information on use cases, see 8.11.2,
“Asynchronous archive replication” on page 291.

Steps 1 - 5 demonstrate how to set up a IBM Spectrum Scale AFM home cluster and start
IBM Spectrum Archive EE. Steps 6 - 11 demonstrate how to set up the cache clusters, and
steps 12 - 15 demonstrate how to reconfigure Spectrum Archive EE’s configuration to work
with IBM Spectrum Scale AFM.
1. If IBM Spectrum Archive is not already active and GPFS is not already mounted, start the
file system and wait until the file system becomes active. Then, mount the file system if it is
not set to mount automatically using the commands in Example 5-16.

Example 5-16 Starting and mounting IBM Spectrum Scale and GPFS file system
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmstartup -a
Tue Mar 21 14:37:57 MST 2017: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state

1 ltfseehomesrv arbitrating
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmgetstate -a

Node number Node name GPFS state

1 ltfseehomesrv active
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmmount all -a
Tue Mar 21 14:40:36 MST 2017: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# systemctl start hsm
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# dsmmigfs start
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:41:36
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# dsmmigfs enablefailover

IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:41:41
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Automatic failover is enabled on this node in mode ENABLED.

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 123

Note: Step 2 assumes that the user has already created their fileset and linked it to the
GPFS file system. The following examples use IWhome as the home fileset.

2. After IBM Spectrum Scale is active and the GPFS file system is mounted, edit the NFS
exports file (/etc/exports) to include the new fileset. It is important that the
no_root_squash, sync, and rw arguments are used. Example 5-17 shows example content
of the exports file for fileset IWhome.

Example 5-17 Contents of an exports file

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# cat /etc/exports

Note: The fsid in the exports file needs to be a unique number different than any other
export clause within the exports file.

3. After the exports file has been modified to include the fileset, start the NFS service.
Example 5-18 shows an example of starting and checking the NFS service.

Example 5-18 Starting and checking the status of NFS service

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# systemctl start nfs
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# systemctl status nfs
? nfs-server.service - NFS server and services
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor
preset: disabled)
Active: active (exited) since Tue 2017-03-21 15:58:43 MST; 2s ago
Process: 1895 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -f (code=exited,
Process: 1891 ExecStopPost=/usr/sbin/exportfs -au (code=exited,
Process: 1889 ExecStop=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd 0 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 10062 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd $RPCNFSDARGS (code=exited,
Process: 10059 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited,
Main PID: 10062 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CGroup: /system.slice/nfs-server.service

Mar 21 15:58:43 systemd[1]: Starting NFS

server and services...
Mar 21 15:58:43 systemd[1]: Started NFS
server and services.

4. After NFS has properly started, the final step to configure IBM Spectrum Scale AFM at the
home cluster is to enable the exported path. Run mmafmconfig enable <path-to-fileset>
to enable the exported fileset. Example 5-19 shows the execution of the mmafmconfig
command with the IWhome fileset.

Example 5-19 Execution of mmafmconfig enable <path-to-fileset>

[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]# mmafmconfig enable /ibm/glues/IWhome/
[root@ltfseehomesrv ~]#

124 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
5. After the fileset has been enabled for AFM, start Spectrum Archive if it has not been
started previously by running eeadm cluster start.
After the home cluster is set up and an NFS export directory is enabled for IBM Spectrum
Scale AFM, steps 6 - 11 demonstrate how to set up a Spectrum Scale AFM IW cache
fileset at a cache cluster and connect the cache’s fileset with the home’s fileset. Steps 12 -
15 show how to modify IBM Spectrum Archive EE’s configuration to allow cache file sets.
6. If IBM Spectrum Archive EE is active, properly shut it down by using the commands in
Example 5-20.

Example 5-20 Shutting down IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# eeadm cluster stop
Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Stopping - sending request and waiting for the completion.
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb.
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# pidof mmm
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# umount /ltfs
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# pidof ltfs
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]#

7. If IBM Spectrum Scale is active, properly shut it down by using the commands in
Example 5-21.

Example 5-21 Shutting down IBM Spectrum Scale

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# dsmmigfs disablefailover
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:31:14
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Automatic failover is disabled on this node.

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# dsmmigfs stop
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:31:19
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# systemctl stop hsm

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmumount all -a
Wed Mar 22 13:31:44 MST 2017: mmumount: Unmounting file systems ...
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmshutdown -a
Wed Mar 22 13:31:56 MST 2017: mmshutdown: Starting force unmount of GPFS file
Wed Mar 22 13:32:01 MST 2017: mmshutdown: Shutting down GPFS daemons Shutting down! 'shutdown' command about to kill process
24101 Unloading modules from
/lib/modules/3.10.0-229.el7.x86_64/extra Unloading module mmfs26 Unloading module mmfslinux

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 125

Wed Mar 22 13:32:10 MST 2017: mmshutdown: Finished

8. With IBM Spectrum Archive EE and IBM Spectrum Scale both shut down, set the gateway
nodes if they have not been set when IBM Spectrum Scale was configured by using the
command in Example 5-22.

Example 5-22 Setting a gateway node

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmchnode --gateway -N ltfseecachesrv
Tue Mar 21 16:49:16 MST 2017: mmchnode: Processing node
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]#

9. Properly start IBM Spectrum Scale by using the commands in Example 5-23.

Example 5-23 Starting IBM Spectrum Scale

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmstartup -a
Wed Mar 22 13:41:02 MST 2017: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmmount all -a
Wed Mar 22 13:41:22 MST 2017: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# systemctl start hsm
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# dsmmigfs start
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:41:36
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# dsmmigfs enablefailover

IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 03/22/2017 13:41:41
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Automatic failover is enabled on this node in mode ENABLED.

10.Create the independent-writer fileset by using the command in Example 5-24.

Example 5-24 Creating an IW fileset

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmcrfileset gpfs iwcache -p afmmode=independent-writer
-p afmtarget=ltfseehomesrv:/ibm/glues/IWhome --inode-space=new
Fileset iwcache created with id 1 root inode 4194307.
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]#

11.Link the fileset to a directory on the node’s GPFS file system by using the command in
Example 5-25.

Example 5-25 Linking an IW fileset

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# mmlinkfileset gpfs iwcache -J /ibm/glues/iwcache
Fileset iwcache linked at /ibm/glues/iwcache
[root@ltfseecachsrv ~]#

IBM Spectrum Scale AFM is now configured and has a working home and IW cache

126 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
12.With IBM Spectrum Archive EE still shut down, obtain the metadata and HSM file systems
IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the command in Example 5-26.

Example 5-26 Obtaining metadata and HSM file system(s)

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# ltfsee_config -m INFO
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
INFO mode starts .

## 1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##

The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.
Metadata Filesystem:
HSM Filesystems:
Library: Name=ltfsee_lib1, S/N=0000013400190402
Node Group: Name=ltfseecachesrv
Drive: S/N=00078D00BC, Attribute='mrg'
Drive: S/N=00078D00BD, Attribute='mrg'
Pool: Name=copy_cache, ID=902b097a-7a34-4847-a346-0e6d97444a21
Tape: Barcode=DV1982L7
Tape: Barcode=DV1985L7
Pool: Name=primary_cache, ID=14adb6cf-d1f5-46ef-a0bb-7b3881bdb4ec
Tape: Barcode=DV1983L7
Tape: Barcode=DV1984L7

13.Modify IBM Spectrum Archive EE’s configuration by using the command that is shown in
Example 5-27 with the same file systems that were recorded from step 7.

Example 5-27 Modify IBM Spectrum Archive EE configuration for IBM Spectrum Scale AFM
[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# ltfsee_config -m UPDATE_FS_INFO
The EE configuration script is starting: /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_config -m
UPDATE_FS_INFO mode starts .
## Step-1. Check to see if the cluster is already created ##
The cluster is already created and the configuration file
ltfsee_config.filesystem exists.
Successfully validated the prerequisites.
** Select file systems to configure for the IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) file
system for Space Management.
Input the corresponding numbers and press Enter
or press 'q' followed by Enter to quit.
Press a followed by Enter to select all file systems.
Multiple file systems can be specified using comma or white space delimiters.
File system
1. /dev/flash Mount point(/flash)
2. /dev/gpfs Mount point(/ibm/gpfs)
a. Select all file systems
q. Quit
Input number > a
## Step-2. Add selected file systems to Space Management ##
Added the selected file systems to the space management.
## Step-3. Store the file systems configuration and dispatch it to all nodes ##

Chapter 5. Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 127

Storing the file systems configuration.
Copying ltfsee_config.filesystem file.
Stored the cluster configuration and dispatched the configuration file.
Disabling runtime AFM file state checking.
UPDATE_FS_INFO mode completed.

14.Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the commands in Example 5-28.

Example 5-28 Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfseecachesrv ~]# eeadm cluster start
Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Starting - sending a startup request to libb.
Starting - waiting for startup completion : libb.
Starting - opening a communication channel : libb.
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : libb.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb with good status.

15.At the start of IBM Spectrum Archive EE, the AFMSKIPUNCACHEDFILES flag inside the
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys file should be set to yes. It can be checked by
using the command in Example 5-29. If it has not been properly set, modify the file so that
the AFMSKIPUNCACHEDFILES flag is set to yes.

Example 5-29 Validating AFMSKIPUNCACHEDFILES is set to yes

[root@ltfseecachsrv ~]# grep AFMSKIPUNCACHEDFILES

After successfully completing these steps, IBM Spectrum Archive EE and IBM Spectrum
Scale AFM are set up at both the home and cache cluster. They can now be used as an
Asynchronous Archive Replication solution.

128 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
In this chapter, the day-to-day management of the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition
(IBM Spectrum Archive EE) environment is described.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 6.1, “Overview” on page 131
 6.2, “Status information” on page 136
 6.3, “Upgrading components” on page 142
 6.4, “Starting and stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 146
 6.5, “Task command summaries” on page 147
 6.6, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE database backup” on page 152
 6.7, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatic node failover” on page 153
 6.8, “Tape library management” on page 154
 6.9, “Tape storage pool management” on page 162
 6.10, “Pool capacity monitoring” on page 163
 6.11, “Migration” on page 165
 6.12, “Premigration” on page 184
 6.13, “Preserving file system objects on tape” on page 186
 6.14, “Recall” on page 190
 6.15, “Recalling files to their resident state” on page 196
 6.16, “Reconciliation” on page 197
 6.17, “Reclamation” on page 200
 6.18, “Checking and repairing tapes” on page 201
 6.19, “Importing and exporting” on page 202
 6.20, “Drive Role settings for task assignment control” on page 207
 6.21, “Tape drive intermix support” on page 208
 6.22, “Obtaining the location of files and data” on page 213
 6.23, “Obtaining system resources, and tasks information” on page 214
 6.24, “Monitoring the system with SNMP” on page 216
 6.25, “Configuring Net-SNMP” on page 218

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 129
 6.26, “IBM Spectrum Archive REST API” on page 219
 6.27, “File system migration” on page 231

Note: The steps that you perform are the same as we describe in this Redbooks
publication. You might see slightly different output responses in your environment,
depending on your version and release of the product.

130 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.1 Overview
The following terms specific to IBM Spectrum Archive EE operations are used in this chapter:
Migration The movement of files from the IBM Spectrum Scale file system on disk
to IBM Linear Tape File System tape cartridges, which leaves behind a
stub file.
Premigration The movement of files from GPFS file systems on disk to LTFS tape
cartridges without replacing them with stub files on the GPFS file system.
Identical copies of the files are on the GPFS file system and in LTFS
Recall The movement of migrated files from tape cartridges back to the
originating GPFS file system on disk, which is the reverse of migration.
Reconciliation The process of synchronizing a GPFS file system with the contents of an
LTFS tape cartridge and removing old and obsolete objects from the tape
cartridge. You must run reconciliation when a GPFS file is deleted,
moved, or renamed.
Reclamation The process of defragmenting a tape cartridge. The space on a tape
cartridge that is occupied by deleted files is not reused during normal
LTFS operations. New data is always written after the last index on tape.
The process of reclamation is similar to the same named process in IBM
Spectrum Protect from the IBM Spectrum Archive family. All active files
are consolidated onto a second tape cartridge, which improves overall
tape usage.
Library rescan The process of triggering IBM Spectrum Archive EE to retrieve
information about physical resources from the tape library. This process
is scheduled to occur automatically at regular intervals, but can be run
Tape validate The process of validating the current condition of a tape by loading it to
the tape drive and updating the tape state.
Tape replace The process of moving the contents of a tape that previously suffered
some error to another tape in the same pool.
Import The addition of an LTFS tape cartridge to IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Export The removal of an LTFS tape cartridge from IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Data migration The new method of technology migration of tape drives and cartridges.
There are two ways to perform data migration:
- within a pool
- pool to pool

6.1.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE command summaries

Use IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands to configure IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape
cartridge pools and perform IBM Spectrum Archive EE administrative tasks. The commands
use the following two syntaxes eeadm <resource_type> <action> [options], and eeadm
<subcommand> [options].

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 131
The following eeadm command options are available. All options, except listing resource
types, can be run only with root user permissions:
 eeadm cluster start
Use this command to start the process of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system on all
configured servers, or on a specific library.

Important: If the eeadm cluster start command does not return after several minutes, it
might be because the firewall is running or tapes are being unmounted from the drives.
The firewall service must be disabled on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes. For
more information, see 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum
Archive EE” on page 78.

 eeadm cluster stop

Use this command to Stop the process of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system on all
configured servers, or on a specific library.
 eeadm cluster failover
Use this command to manually initiate a node failover process.
 eeadm cluster set
Use this command to change the global configuration attributes of IBM Spectrum Archive
 eeadm cluster show
Use this command to display the global configuration attributes of IBM Spectrum Archive
 eeadm drive assign
Use this command to assign tape drives to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE server.
 eeadm drive unassign
Use this command to unassign tape drives from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE server.
 eeadm drive up
Use this command to enable a tape drive. The enabled drive can be used as a part of the
IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
 eeadm drive down
Use this command to disable a tape drive. The disabled drive cannot be used as a part of
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
 eeadm drive list
Use this command to list all the configured tape drives.
 eeadm drive set
Use this command to change the configuration attributes of a tape drive.
 eeadm drive show
Use this command to display the configuration attributes of a tape drive.
 eeadm file state
Use this command to display the current data placement of files. Each file is in one of the
following states:
– resident: The data is on disk

132 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
– premigrated: The data is both on disk and tapes
– migrated: The data is on tapes while its stub file remains on disk.
 eeadm library list
Use this command to list all the managed tape libraries.
 eeadm library rescan
Use this command to force the tape library to check and report its physical resources, and
update the resource information kept in IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
 eeadm library show
Use this command to display the configuration attributes of a tape library
 eeadm node down
Use this command to disable one of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE servers temporarily for
maintenance. The disabled node does not participate in the system.
 eeadm node list
Use this command to list the configuration and status of all the configured nodes.
 eeadm node show
Use this command to display the configuration attributes of the node.
 eeadm node up
Use this command to enable one of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE servers. The enabled
node can be used as a part of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.
 eeadm nodegroup list
Use this command to list all the configured node groups.
 eeadm pool create
Use this command to create a tape pool.
 eeadm pool delete
Use this command to delete a tape pool to which no tapes are assigned.
 eeadm pool list
Use this command to list all the configured tape pools
 eeadm pool set
Use this command to change the configuration attributes of a pool.
 eeadm pool show
Use this command to display the configuration attributes of the tape pool.
 eeadm tape list
Use this command to list the configuration and status of all the tapes.
 eeadm tape set
Use this command to change the configuration attribute of a tape.

 eeadm tape show

Use this command to display the configuration attributes of a tape that is already assigned
to the tape pool.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 133
 eeadm tape assign
Use this command to format the tapes and assign it to the tape pool. The command fails if
it contains any file object unless the -f option is used. Use the eeadm tape import
command to make the tape that contains files a new member of the pool.
 eeadm tape export
Use this command to export the tape permanently from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
system and purges the GPFS files referring to the tape. The command internally runs the
reconciliation process and identifies the active GPFS files in migrated or premigrated
states. If a file refers to the tape to be exported and if the tape contains the last replica of
the file, it deletes the GPFS file. After the successful completion of the command, the tape
is unassigned from the tape pool, and the tape state becomes exported. Prior to running
this command, all GPFS file systems must be mounted so that the command is able to
check for the existence of the files on disk.
 eeadm tape import
Use this command to import tapes created and managed by other system to the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE system, and makes the files on tape accessible from the GPFS
namespace. The command will create the stub files and leave the files in the migrated
state without transferring the file data back to disk immediately.
 eeadm tape move
Use this command to move the tape physically within the tape library. The command can
move the tape to its home slot either from the tape drive or from the I/E slot (or I/O station)
of the tape library. It can move the tape to I/E slot if the tape is:
– in the offline state
– the tape belongs to a tape pool that is undergoing pool relocation
– tape is currently not assigned to a pool
 eeadm tape offline
Use this command to set the tape to the offline state to prepare for moving the tape
temporarily out of the tape library, until access to the data is required. The tape needs to
come back to the original IBM Spectrum Archive EE system by using the eeadm tape
online command.
 eeadm tape online
Use this command to make the offline tape accessible from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
 eeadm tape unassign
Use this command to unassign the member tapes from the tape pool.
 eeadm tape datamigrate
Use this command to move the active contents of specified tapes to a different tape pool
and updates the stub files on disk to point to the new data location. After the successful
completion of the command, the tape is automatically unassigned from the source tape
pool. The datamigrate command can be used to move the data on older technology tapes
in the source tape pool to newer technology tapes in the destination tape pool.
 eeadm tape reclaim
Use this command to reclaim the unreferenced space of the specified tapes. It moves the
active contents on the tapes to different tapes, then recycles the specified tapes. If the
--unassign option is specified, the tape is automatically unassigned from the tape pool
after the successful completion of the.eeadm tape reconcile command.

134 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Use this command to compare the contents of the tape with the files on the GPFS file
systems, and reconciles the differences between them.
 eeadm tape replace
Use this command to move the contents of a tape that previously suffered some error to
another tape in the same pool. This command is used on tapes in the require_replace or
need_replace state. After the successful completion of the replacement process, the tape
that had the error is automatically unassigned from the tape pool.
 eeadm tape validate
Use this command to validate the current condition of a tape by loading it to the tape drive,
and update the tape state. The tape must be a member of the tape pool and online.
 eeadm task cancel
Use this command to cancel the active task. The command supports the cancellation of
reclaim and datamigrate tasks only.
 eeadm task clearhistory
Use this command to delete the records of completed tasks to free up disk space.
 eeadm task list
Use this command to list the active or completed tasks.
 eeadm task show
Use this command to show the detailed information of the specified task.
 eeadm migrate
Use this command to move the file data to the tape pools to free up disk space, and sets
the file state to migrated.
 eeadm premigrate
Use this command to copy the file data to the tape pools, and sets the file state to
 eeadm recall
Use this command to recall the file data back from the tape and places the file in the
premigrated state, or optionally in the resident state.
 eeadm save
Use this command to save the name of empty files, empty directories, and symbolic links
on the tape pools.

6.1.2 Using the command-line interface

The IBM Spectrum Archive EE system provides a command-line interface (CLI) that supports
the automation of administrative tasks, such as starting and stopping the system, monitoring
its status, and configuring tape cartridge pools. The CLI is the primary method for
administrators to manage IBM Spectrum Archive EE. There is no GUI available as of this
writing which allows administrators to perform operations, see“IBM Spectrum Archive EE
dashboard” on page 34 for more info.

In addition, the CLI is used by the IBM Spectrum Scale mmapplypolicy command to trigger
migrations or premigrations. When this action occurs, the mmapplypolicy command calls IBM
Spectrum Archive EE when an IBM Spectrum Scale scan occurs, and passes the file name of
the file that contains the scan results and the name of the target tape cartridge pool.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 135
The eeadm command uses the following two syntax:
eeadm <resource_type> <action> [options], and eeadm <subcommand> [options]

Reminder: All of the command examples use the command without the full file path name
because we added the IBM Spectrum Archive EE directory (/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin) to the
PATH variable.

For more information, see 10.1, “Command-line reference” on page 316.

6.2 Status information

This section describes the process that is used to determine whether each of the major
components of IBM Spectrum Archive EE is running correctly. For more information about
troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive EE, see Chapter 9, “Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum
Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 293.

The components should be checked in the order that is shown here because a stable, active
GPFS file system is a prerequisite for starting IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

6.2.1 IBM Spectrum Scale

The following IBM Spectrum Scale commands are used to obtain cluster state information:
 The mmdiag command obtains basic information about the state of the GPFS daemon.
 The mmgetstate command obtains the state of the GPFS daemon on one or more nodes.
 The mmlscluster and mmlsconfig commands show detailed information about the GPFS
cluster configuration.

This section describes how to obtain GPFS daemon state information by running the GPFS
command mmgetstate. For more information about the other GPFS commands, see the
following publications:
 General Parallel File System Version 4 Release 1.0.4 Advanced Administration Guide,
 IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration Guide, which is available at IBM Documentation.

The node on which the mmgetstate command is run must have the GPFS mounted. The node
must also run remote shell commands on any other node in the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale
cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages.

Example 6-1 shows how to get status about the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale daemon on one
or more nodes.

Example 6-1 Check the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale status

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmgetstate -a
Node number Node name GPFS state
1 htohru9 down

The -a argument shows the state of the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale daemon on all nodes in
the cluster.

136 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Permissions: Retrieving the status for GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale requires root user

The following GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale states are recognized and shown by this command:
 Active: GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale is ready for operations.
 Arbitrating: A node is trying to form a quorum with the other available nodes.
 Down: GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale daemon is not running on the node or is recovering
from an internal error.
 Unknown: Unknown value. The node cannot be reached or some other error occurred.

If the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale state is not active, attempt to start GPFS/IBM Spectrum
Scale and check its status, as shown in Example 6-2.

Example 6-2 Start GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmstartup -a
Tue Apr 2 14:41:13 JST 2013: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...
[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmgetstate -a
Node number Node name GPFS state
1 htohru9 active

If the status is active, also check the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale mount status by running the
command that is shown in Example 6-3.

Example 6-3 Check the GPFS/IBM Spectrum Scale mount status

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmlsmount all
File system gpfs is mounted on 1 nodes.

The message confirms that the GPFS file system is mounted.

6.2.2 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition component

IBM Spectrum Archive EE constantly checks to see whether the IBM Spectrum Archive
Library Edition (LE) component is running. If the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component is
running correctly, you can see whether the LTFS file system is mounted by running the mount
command or the df command, as shown in Example 6-4. The IBM Spectrum Archive LE
component must be running on all EE nodes.

Example 6-4 Check the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component status (running)
[root@ltfs97 ~]# df -m
Filesystem 1M-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
33805 5081 27007 16% /
tmpfs 1963 0 1963 0% /dev/shm
/dev/vda1 485 36 424 8% /boot
/dev/gpfs 153600 8116 145484 6% /ibm/glues
ltfs:/dev/sg2 2147483648 0 2147483648 0% /ltfs

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 137
To start IBM Spectrum Archive LE run the eeadm cluster start command. If errors occur
during the start of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system, run the eeadm node list command
to display which component failed to start. For more information about the updated
eeadm node list command, see 6.7, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatic node failover” on
page 153.

6.2.3 Hierarchical Space Management

Hierarchical Space Management (HSM) must be running before you start IBM Spectrum
Archive EE. You can verify that HSM is running by checking whether the watch daemon
(dsmwatchd) and at least three recall daemons (dsmrecalld) are active. Query the operating
system to verify that the daemons are active by running the command that is shown in
Example 6-5.

Example 6-5 Check the HSM status by running ps

[root@ltfs97 /]# ps -ef|grep dsm
root 1355 1 0 14:12 ? 00:00:01
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmwatchd nodetach
root 5657 1 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00
root 5722 5657 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00
root 5723 5657 0 14:41 ? 00:00:00

The dsmmigfs command also provides the status of HSM, as shown by the output in
Example 6-6.

Example 6-6 Check the HSM status by using dsmmigfs

[root@yurakucho ~]# dsmmigfs query -detail
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 11.0
Client date/time: 03/06/21 05:25:59
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

The local node has Node ID: 1

The failover environment is active on the local node.
The recall distribution is enabled.
The monitoring of local space management daemons is active.

File System Name:/ibm/gpfs_data

High Threshold:90
Low Threshold:80
Premig Percentage:10
Quota: 21273588
Stub Size:0
Read Starts Recall:no
Preview Size:0
Server Name:SERVER_A
Max Candidates:100
Max Files:0
Read Event Timeout:600
Stream Seq:0

138 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Min Partial Rec Size:0
Min Stream File Size:0
Min Mig File Size: 0
Inline Copy Mode: MIG
Preferred Node: yurakucho Node ID: 1
Owner Node: yurakucho Node ID: 1

File System Name:/ibm/gpfs_meta

High Threshold:90
Low Threshold:80
Premig Percentage:10
Quota: 1100800
Stub Size:0
Read Starts Recall:no
Preview Size:0
Server Name:SERVER_A
Max Candidates:100
Max Files:0
Read Event Timeout:600
Stream Seq:0
Min Partial Rec Size:0
Min Stream File Size:0
Min Mig File Size: 0
Inline Copy Mode: MIG
Preferred Node: yurakucho Node ID: 1
Owner Node: yurakucho Node ID: 1

You can also ensure that the GPFS file system (named gpfs in this example) is managed by
HSM by running the command that is shown in Example 6-7.

Example 6-7 Check GPFS file system

[root@ltfs97 /] mmlsfs gpfs|grep DMAPI
-z Yes Is DMAPI enabled?

To manage a file system with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, it must be data management
application programming interface (DMAPI) enabled. A file system is managed by IBM
Spectrum Archive EE by running the ltfsee_config command, which is described in 5.2,
“Configuring IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 105.

Permissions: Starting HSM requires root user permissions.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 139
If the HSM watch daemon (dsmwatchd) is not running, Example 6-8 shows you how to start it.

Example 6-8 Start the HSM watch daemon

[root@ltfsrl1 ~]# systemctl start hsm.service
[root@ltfsrl1 ~]# ps -afe | grep dsm
root 7687 1 0 08:46 ? 00:00:00
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmwatchd nodetach
root 8405 6621 0 08:46 pts/1 00:00:00 grep --color=auto

If the HSM recall daemons (dsmrecalld) are not running, Example 6-9 shows you how to start

Example 6-9 Start HSM

[root@yurakucho ~]# dsmmigfs start
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 11.0
Client date/time: 03/06/21 05:29:22
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

If failover operations within the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster are wanted on the node, run the
dsmmigfs enablefailover command after you run the dsmmigfs start command.

6.2.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE

After IBM Spectrum Archive EE is started, you can retrieve details about the node that the
multi-tape management module (MMM) service was started on by running the
eeadm node list command. You can also use this command to determine whether any
component required for IBM Spectrum Archive EE failed to start. The MMM is the module that
manages configuration data and physical resources of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Permissions: Retrieving the status for the MMM service does not require root user

If the MMM service is running correctly, you see a message similar to the message shown in
Example 6-10.

Example 6-10 Check the IBM Spectrum Archive EE status

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm node list
Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host
1 available 3 yes(active) libb G0

140 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
If the MMM service is not running correctly, you may see a message that is similar to the
message shown in Example 6-11.

Example 6-11 Check the IBM Spectrum Archive EE status

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm node list

Spectrum Archive EE service (MMM) for library libb fails to start or is not
running on lib_ltfsml1 Node ID:1

Problem Detected:
Node ID Error Modules
1 LE; MMM;

In Example 6-11, IBM Spectrum Archive EE failed to start MMM because it was unable to
mount LE. In this example, MMM failure to mount LE was caused by the server having no
control path drives connected; therefore, the work around is to assign a control path drive to
the server and have the monitor daemon automatically mount LE.

To monitor the process of IBM Spectrum Archive EEs start, run the eeadm node list
command. If IBM Spectrum Archive EE is taking too long to recover, stop and start the
process by using the eeadm cluster stop/start command. Example 6-12 shows the process
of IBM Spectrum Archive EE recovering after a control path drive was connected.

Example 6-12 Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm node list

Spectrum Archive EE service (MMM) for library libb fails to start or is not
running on lib_ltfsml1 Node ID:1

Problem Detected:
Node ID Error Modules
1 LE(Starting); MMM;

[root@kyoto ~]# eeadm node list

Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host
1 available 3 yes(active) libb G0

Important: If the eeadm cluster start command does not return after several minutes, it
might be because the firewall is running or tapes are being unmounted from the drives.
The firewall service must be disabled on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes. For more
information, see 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on
page 78.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 141
6.3 Upgrading components
The following sections describe the process that is used to upgrade IBM Spectrum Scale and
other components of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

6.3.1 IBM Spectrum Scale

Complete this task if you must update your version of IBM Spectrum Scale that is used with
IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Before any system upgrades or major configuration changes are made to your IBM Spectrum
Scale cluster, review your IBM Spectrum Scale documentation and consult the IBM Spectrum
Scale frequently asked question (FAQ) information that applies to your version of IBM
Spectrum Scale.

For more information about the IBM Spectrum Scale FAQ, see IBM Documentation and select
the IBM Spectrum Scale release under the Cluster product libraries topic in the navigation
pane that applies to your installation.

To update IBM Spectrum Scale, complete the following steps:

1. Stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE by running the command that is shown in Example 6-13.

Example 6-13 Stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm cluster stop

Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md)

IP address:
Stopping - sending request and waiting for the completion.
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb.

2. Run the pidof mmm command on all EE Control Nodes until all MMM processes have been
3. Run the pidof ltfs command on all EE nodes until all ltfs processes are stopped.
4. Disable DSM failover by running the command that is shown in Example 6-14.

Example 6-14 Disable failover

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# dsmmigfs disablefailover
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 04/20/2017 11:31:18
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Automatic failover is disabled on this node.

5. Stop the IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management HSM by running the command
that is shown in Example 6-15.

Example 6-15 Stop HSM

[root@ltfsml1~]# dsmmigfs stop
IBM Spectrum Protect

142 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 11.0
Client date/time: 03/06/21 05:35:38
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

This command must be run on every IBM Spectrum Archive EE node.

6. Stop the watch daemon by running the command that is shown in Example 6-16.

Example 6-16 Stop the watch daemon

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# systemctl stop hsm.service

This command must be run on every IBM Spectrum Archive EE node.

7. Unmount GPFS by running the command that is shown in Example 6-17.

Example 6-17 Stop GPFS

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmumount all
Tue Apr 16 23:43:29 JST 2013: mmumount: Unmounting file systems ...

If the mmumount all command results show that processes are still being used (as shown
in Example 6-18), you must wait for them to finish and then run the mmumount all
command again.

Example 6-18 Processes running that prevent the unmounting of the GPFS file system
[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmumount all
Tue Apr 16 23:46:12 JST 2013: mmumount: Unmounting file systems ...
umount: /ibm/glues: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))
umount: /ibm/glues: device is busy.
(In some cases useful info about processes that use
the device is found by lsof(8) or fuser(1))

8. Shut down GPFS by running the command that is shown in Example 6-19.

Example 6-19 Shut down GPFS

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmshutdown -a
Tue Apr 16 23:46:51 JST 2013: mmshutdown: Starting force unmount of GPFS file
Tue Apr 16 23:46:56 JST 2013: mmshutdown: Shutting down GPFS daemons Shutting down! 'shutdown' command about to kill process 3645 Unloading modules from
/lib/modules/2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64/extra Unloading module mmfs26 Unloading module mmfslinux Unloading module tracedev
Tue Apr 16 23:47:03 JST 2013: mmshutdown: Finished

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 143
9. Download the IBM Spectrum Scale update from IBM Fix Central. Extract the IBM
Spectrum Scale .rpm files and install the updated .rpm files by running the command that
is shown in Example 6-20.

Example 6-20 Update IBM Spectrum Scale

rpm -Uvh *.rpm

10.Rebuild and install the IBM Spectrum Scale portability layer by running the command that
is shown in Example 6-21.

Example 6-21 Rebuild GPFS


11.Start GPFS by running the command that is shown in Example 6-22.

Example 6-22 Start GPFS

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmstartup -a
Tue Apr 16 23:47:42 JST 2013: mmstartup: Starting GPFS ...

12.Mount the GPFS file system by running the command that is shown in Example 6-23.

Example 6-23 Mount GPFS file systems

[root@ltfs97 ~]# mmmount all
Tue Apr 16 23:48:09 JST 2013: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...

13.Start the watch daemon by running the command that is shown in Example 6-24.

Example 6-24 Start the watch daemon

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# systemctl start hsm.service

This command must be run on every IBM Spectrum Archive EE node.

14.Start the HSM by running the command that is shown in Example 6-25.

Example 6-25 Start HSM

[root@yurakucho ~]# dsmmigfs start
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 11.0
Client date/time: 03/06/21 05:42:15
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2020. All Rights Reserved.

This command must be run on every IBM Spectrum Archive EE node.

144 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
15.Enable failover by running the command that is shown in Example 6-26.

Example 6-26 Enable failover

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# dsmmigfs enablefailover
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 0.0
Client date/time: 04/20/2017 14:51:05
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2016. All Rights Reserved.

Automatic failover is enabled on this node in mode ENABLED.

16.Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE by running the command that is shown in Example 6-27.

Example 6-27 Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm cluster start
Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Starting - sending a startup request to libb.
Starting - waiting for startup completion : libb.
Starting - opening a communication channel : libb.
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : libb.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb with good status.

Optionally, you can check the status of each component when it is started, as described in
6.2, “Status information” on page 136.

6.3.2 IBM Spectrum Archive LE component

For more information about how to upgrade the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component, see
4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78. Because
the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component is a component of IBM Spectrum Archive EE, it is
upgraded as part of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE upgrade.

6.3.3 Hierarchical Storage Management

For more information about how to upgrade HSM, see 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or
uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78. Because HSM is a component of IBM
Spectrum Archive EE, it is upgraded as part of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE upgrade.

6.3.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE

For more information about how to upgrade IBM Spectrum Archive EE, see 4.3.2, “Installing,
upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 145
6.4 Starting and stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE
This section describes how to start and stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

6.4.1 Starting IBM Spectrum Archive EE

Run the eeadm cluster start command to start the IBM Spectrum Archive the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE system. The HSM components must be running before you can use
this command. You can run the eeadm cluster start command on any IBM Spectrum
Archive EE node in the cluster.

For example, to start IBM Spectrum Archive EE, run the command that is shown in
Example 6-28.

Example 6-28 Start IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm cluster start
Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md) IP
Starting - sending a startup request to libb.
Starting - waiting for startup completion : libb.
Starting - opening a communication channel : libb.
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : libb.
Started the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb with good status.

Important: If the eeadm cluster start command does not return after several minutes, it
might be because the firewall is running or unmounting tapes from drives. The firewall
service must be disabled on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes. For more information,
see 4.3.2, “Installing, upgrading, or uninstalling IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 78.

You can confirm that IBM Spectrum Archive EE is running by referring to the steps in
Example 6-10 on page 140 or by running the command in Example 6-29.

Example 6-29 Check the status of all available IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm node list
Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host
1 available 3 yes(active) libb G0

146 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.4.2 Stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE
The eeadm cluster stop command stops the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system on all EE
Control Nodes.

For example, to start IBM Spectrum Archive EE, run the command that is shown in
Example 6-30.

Example 6-30 Stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# eeadm cluster stop
Library name: libb, library serial: 0000013400190402, control node (ltfsee_md) IP
Stopping - sending request and waiting for the completion.
Stopped the IBM Spectrum Archive EE services for library libb.

In some cases, you might see the GLESM658I informational message if there are active
tasks on the task queue in IBM Spectrum Archive EE:
There are still tasks in progress.
To terminate IBM Spectrum Archive EE for this library,
run the "eeadm cluster stop" command with the "-f" or "--force" option.

If you are sure that you want to stop IBM Spectrum Archive EE, run the eeadm cluster stop
command with the -f option, which forcefully stops any running IBM Spectrum Archive EE
tasks abruptly. Note that this option will stop all tasks that are currently running on EE, and
will need to be manually re-run if necessary once the cluster has restarted.

6.5 Task command summaries

For any IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands that generates a task, the eeadm task list
and eeadm task show commands will be used to display the task information. For the list of
task generating commands, refer to “User Task Reporting” on page 7. The eeadm task list
and eeadm task show commands has replaced the ltfsee info scans and ltfsee info jobs

6.5.1 eeadm task list

The most common use will be to get the list of active tasks which will either be in the running,
waiting, or interrupted status. The output will be sorted by status in the following order:
1. Running
2. Waiting or interrupted

Within each status group, the entries will be sorted by Priority (H, M, L order).
– H will be any transparent or selective recall commands
– M will be any premigration, migration, or save commands
– L will be everything else (general commands)

Within Running status, within the same Priority, the entries are sorted by Started Time (oldest
at the top).

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 147
Example 6-31 shows active tasks.

Example 6-31 Viewing active tasks

[root@kyoto ~]# eeadm task list
TaskID Type Priority Status #DRV CreatedTime(-0700)
18822 selective_recall H running 1 2019-01-07_11:43:04
18823 selective_recall H waiting 0 2019-01-07_11:43:09
18824 migrate M waiting 0 2019-01-07_11:43:11

The other common use will be to get the list of completed tasks which returns the prior task
IDs, result, and date/time information, sorted by completed time (oldest at the top). For
administrators, this allows a quick view into task IDs, the history of what task has been
executed recently and their results. For more information about the specified task, see
“eeadm task show” on page 148.

Example 6-32 shows five completed tasks.

Example 6-32 View previous 5 completed tasks

[root@kyoto ~]# eeadm task list -c -n 5
TaskID Type Result CreatedTime(-0700) StartedTime(-0700)
18819 selective_recall succeeded 2019-01-07_10:56:23 2019-01-07_10:56:23
18820 selective_recall succeeded 2019-01-07_11:39:03 2019-01-07_11:39:03
18822 selective_recall succeeded 2019-01-07_11:43:04 2019-01-07_11:43:04
18823 selective_recall succeeded 2019-01-07_11:43:09 2019-01-07_11:43:09
18824 migrate succeeded 2019-01-07_11:43:11 2019-01-07_11:43:11

For more information about the task status, see “User Task Reporting” on page 7.

6.5.2 eeadm task show

The most common use will be to get the detailed information of the specified task, including a
verbose option which shows the output messages and subtask information. For any failed
tasks, the administrator can preform resubmission of those tasks or next step recovery
procedures. Example 6-33 shows the output verbosely from an active migration task.

Example 6-33 Verbose output of an active migration task

[root@kyoto ~]# eeadm task show 18830 -v
=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 18830
Task Type: migrate
Command Parameters: eeadm migrate mig3 -p pool1
Status: running
Result: -

148 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Accepted Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:34 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:34 2019 (-0700)
Completed Time: -
In-use Resources: 1068045923(D00369L5):pool1:G0:libb
Workload: 100 files. 1 replicas.
7545870371 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool1@libb.
Progress: -
0/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@libb.
Result Summary: -
2019-01-07 11:58:34.231005 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration
task 18830 (qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-01-07 11:58:37.133670 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration
task 18830 (copying the files to 1 pools).

--- Subtask(level 1) Info ---

Task ID: 18831
Task Type: copy_replica
Status: running
Result: -
Accepted Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:37 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:37 2019 (-0700)
Completed Time: -
In-use Libraries: libb
In-use Node Groups: G0
In-use Pools: pool1
In-use Tape Drives: 1068045923
In-use Tapes: D00369L5
Workload: 7545870371 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool1@libb.
Progress: 0/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@libb.
Result Summary: -
2019-01-07 11:58:37.196346 GLESM825I: The Copy tasklet (0x3527880) will be
dispatched on drive 1068045923 from the write queue (tape=D00369L5).
2019-01-07 11:58:37.202930 GLESM031I: A list of 100 file(s) has been added to
the migration and recall queue.

Example 6-34 shows the output verbosely of a completed migration task.

Example 6-34 Verbose output of a completed migration task

[root@kyoto ~]# eeadm task show 18830 -v
=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 18830
Task Type: migrate
Command Parameters: eeadm migrate mig3 -p pool1
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:34 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:34 2019 (-0700)
Completed Time: Mon Jan 7 11:59:34 2019 (-0700)
Workload: 100 files. 1 replicas.
7545870371 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool1@libb.
Progress: -
1/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@libb.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 149
Result Summary: 100 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong
pool, 0 not found, 0 too small, 0 too early.
(GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied on
2019-01-07 11:58:34.231005 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration
task 18830 (qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-01-07 11:58:37.133670 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration
task 18830 (copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-01-07 11:59:30.564568 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration
task 18830 (changing the state of files on disk).
2019-01-07 11:59:34.123713 GLESL038I: Migration result: 100 succeeded, 0 failed,
0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

--- Subtask(level 1) Info ---

Task ID: 18831
Task Type: copy_replica
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:37 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Mon Jan 7 11:58:37 2019 (-0700)
Completed Time: Mon Jan 7 11:59:30 2019 (-0700)
Workload: 7545870371 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool1@libb.
Progress: 1/1 copy tasklets completed on pool1@libb.
Result Summary: (GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied on
2019-01-07 11:58:37.196346 GLESM825I: The Copy tasklet (0x3527880) will be
dispatched on drive 1068045923 from the write queue (tape=D00369L5).
2019-01-07 11:58:37.202930 GLESM031I: A list of 100 file(s) has been added to
the migration and recall queue.
2019-01-07 11:59:30.556694 GLESM134I: Copy result: 100 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.
2019-01-07 11:59:30.556838 GLESM899I: All files have been successfully copied
on pool1/libb.

The other common use will be to show the file results of each individual file from any
premigration, migration or recall tasks. With this information, the administrator can determine
which files were successful and which files failed including the error code (reason) and
date/time the error occurred. The administrator can quickly determine which files failed, and
take corrective actions including resubmission for those failed files. Example 6-35 shows the
completed task results.

Example 6-35 Completed task results

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm task show 18835 -r
Result Failure Code Failed time Node File name
Success - - -
Success - - -
Success - - -

150 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Success - - -
Success - - -
Success - - -
Success - - -
Success - - -
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1
Fail GLESC012E 2019/01/07T12:06:49 1

For more information about the task status, see “User Task Reporting” on page 7.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 151
6.6 IBM Spectrum Archive EE database backup
IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses databases to store important system states and
configurations for healthy operations. Starting with IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.2.4.0,
database backup is performed automatically and stores as many as three backups. The
backup files can be found under the /var/opt/ibm/ltfsee/local/dbbackup directory.

Database backup is performed automatically whenever a significant modification is performed

to the cluster that requires updating the original database. These changes include the
following commands:
 eeadm pool create
 eeadm pool delete
 eeadm tape assign
 eeadm tape unassign
 eeadm drive assign
 eeadm drive unassign
 ltfsee_config -m ADD_CTRL_NODE
 ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE
 ltfsee_config -m REMOVE_NODE
 ltfsee_config -m SET_CTRL_NODE

The backups are performed when IBM Spectrum Archive EE is running, part of the monitor
daemon checks periodically if the original database files have been modified by the above
operations. If the thread detects that there has been a modification, then it will go into a grace
period. If no further modifications are performed during a set amount of time during this grace
period, a backup will then occur.

This technique is intended to prevent repeating backups in a short amount of time, for
example when multiple tapes are being added to a pool when users perform eeadm tape
assign on multiple tapes. Instead, it performs a backup after the command finished executing
and no further changes are made in a set time limit.

These backups are crucial in rebuilding an IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster if a server gets
corrupted or the GPFS file system needs to be rebuilt. After reinstalling the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE onto the server, replace the .global and .lib database files under the <path to
GPFS filesysytem>.ltfsee/config directory with the database files backed up from the
/var/opt/ibm/ltfsee/local/dbbackup/ directory.

152 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.7 IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatic node failover
This section describes IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatic failover features, and the new
LTFSEE monitoring daemon and the updated commands to display any nodes that are having

6.7.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE monitoring daemon

When IBM Spectrum Archive EE is started, a monitoring daemon is started on each node to
monitor various critical components that make up the software:
 IBM Spectrum Archive LE
 Remote IBM Spectrum Archive EE monitoring daemons
 IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS) daemon called mmfsd
 IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management (HSM) recall daemon called dsmrecalld

Components, such as MMM, IBM Spectrum Archive LE, and remote monitoring daemons,
have automatic recovery features. If one of those three components is hung, or has crashed,
the monitor daemon performs a recovery to restart it. In an environment where a redundant
control node is available and MMM is no longer responding or alive, an attempt to restart the
MMM service on the current node is made and if it fails a failover takes place and the
redundant control node becomes the new active control node.

If there is only one control node available in the cluster, then an in-place failover occurs to
bring back the MMM process on that control node.

Note: Only the active control node and the redundant control node’s monitor daemon
monitors each other, while the active control node also monitors non control node’s
monitoring daemon.

If the monitoring daemon has hung or been killed and there is no redundant control node,
restart IBM Spectrum Archive EE to start a new monitoring daemon.

As for the rest of the components, currently there are no automatic recovery actions that can
be performed. If GPFS, HSM, rpcbind, or rsyslog are having problems, the issues can be
viewed by using the eeadm node list command.

Example 6-36 shows output from running eeadm node list when one node has not started
rpcbind. To correct this error, start rpcbind on the designated node and EE will refresh itself
and the node will become available.

Example 6-36 The eeadm info nodes output

[root@daito ~]# eeadm node list

Spectrum Archive EE service (MMM) for library libb fails to start or is not
running on daito Node ID:1

Problem Detected:
Node ID Error Modules

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 153
1 MMM; rpcbind;

Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host
2 available 2 yes(active) liba G0 nara

In addition to the automatic failover, there is also an option to perform a manual failover by
running the eeadm cluster failover command. This command is used to fail over the MMM
process to a redundant control node. This command is only available for use when a
redundant control node exists. Example 6-37 shows output from running the eeadm cluster
failover command.

Example 6-37 The eeadm failover command

[root@kyoto ~]# eeadm cluster failover
2019-01-07 13:22:12 GLESL659I: Failover on library lto is requested to start.
Use the "eeadm node list" command to see if the control node is
switched over.

6.8 Tape library management

This section describes how to use eeadm commands to add and remove tape drives and tape
cartridges from your LTFS library.

6.8.1 Adding tape cartridges

This section describes how to add tape cartridges in IBM Spectrum Archive EE. An
unformatted tape cartridge cannot be added to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE library.
However, you can format a tape when you add it to a tape cartridge pool. The process of
formatting a tape in LTFS creates the required LTFS partitions on the tape.

After tape cartridges are added through the I/O station, or after they are inserted directly into
the tape library, you might have to run an eeadm library rescan command. First, run the
eeadm tape list command. If the tape cartridges are missing, run the eeadm library rescan
command, which synchronizes the data for these changes between the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE system and the tape library.

This process occurs automatically. However, if the tape does not appear within the eeadm
tape list command output, you can force a rebuild of the inventory (synchronization of IBM
Spectrum Archive EE inventory with the tape library’s inventory).

Data tape cartridge

To add a tape cartridge (that was previously used by LTFS) to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
system, complete the following steps:
1. Insert the tape cartridge into the I/O station.
2. Run the eeadm tape list command to see whether your tape appears in the list, as shown
in Example 6-38 on page 155. In this example, the -l option is used to limit the tapes to
one tape library.

154 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 6-38 Run the eeadm tape list command to check whether a tape cartridge must be synchronized
[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape list -l lib_saitama
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
JCA224JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCC093JC ok appendable 6292 496 5796 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCB745JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool2 lib_saitama homeslot -

Tape cartridge JCA561JC is not in the list.

3. Because tape cartridge JCA561JC is not in the list, synchronize the data in the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE inventory with the tape library by running the eeadm library rescan
command, as shown in Example 6-39.

Example 6-39 Synchronize the tape

[[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm library rescan
2019-01-07 13:41:34 GLESL036I: library rescan for lib_saitama completed.
(id=ebc1b34a-1bd8-4c86-b4fb-bee7b60c24c7, ip_addr=
2019-01-07 13:41:47 GLESL036I: library rescan for lib_mikasa completed.
(id=8a59cc8b-bd15-4910-88ae-68306006c6da, ip_addr=

4. Repeating the eeadm tape list command shows that the inventory was corrected, as
shown in Example 6-40.

Example 6-40 Tape cartridge JCA561JC is synchronized

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape list -l lib_saitama
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task
JCA224JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCC093JC ok appendable 6292 496 5796 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCB745JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool2 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCA561JC ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib_saitama ieslot -

5. If necessary, move the tape cartridge from the I/O station to a storage slot by running the
eeadm tape move command (see Example 6-41) with the -L homeslot option. The example
also requires a -l option because of multiple tape libraries.

Example 6-41 Move tape to homeslot

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape move JCA561JC -L homeslot -l lib_saitama
2019-01-07 14:02:36 GLESL700I: Task tape_move was created successfully, task id
is 6967.
2019-01-07 14:02:50 GLESL103I: Tape JCA561JC is moved successfully.

6. Add the tape cartridge to a tape cartridge pool. If the tape cartridge contains actual data to
be added to LTFS, you must import it first before you add it. Run the eeadm tape import
command to add the tape cartridge into the IBM Spectrum Archive EE library and import
the files on that tape cartridge into the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace as stub files.
If you have no data on the tape cartridge (but it is already formatted for LTFS), add it to a
tape cartridge pool by running the eeadm tape assign command.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 155
Scratch cartridge
To add a scratch cartridge to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system, complete the following
1. Insert the tape cartridge into the I/O station.
2. Synchronize the data in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE inventory with the tape library by
running the eeadm library rescan command, as shown in Example 6-39 on page 155.
3. If necessary, move the tape cartridge from the I/O station to a storage slot by running the
eeadm tape move command with the -L homeslot option, as shown in Example 6-41 on
page 155.
4. The eeadm tape assign command automatically formats tapes when assigning them to a
pool. Use the -f or --format option only when the user is aware that the tapes still contain
files and are no longer needed. For example, Example 6-42 shows the output of the eeadm
tape assign command.

Example 6-42 Format a scratch tape

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape assign JCA561JC -p pool1 -l lib_saitama
2019-01-07 14:06:23 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task
id is 6968.
2019-01-07 14:11:14 GLESL087I: Tape JCA561JC successfully formatted.
2019-01-07 14:11:14 GLESL360I: Assigned tape JCA561JC to pool pool1

Note: Media optimization will run on the each initial assignment starting from LTO 9, which
may take some more time. Refer to 7.29, “LTO 9 Media Optimization” on page 272 for more

For more information about other formatting options, see 6.8.3, “Formatting tape cartridges”
on page 158.

6.8.2 Moving tape cartridges

This section summarizes the IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands that can be used for
moving tape cartridges.

Moving to different tape cartridge pools

If a tape cartridge contains any files, IBM Spectrum Archive EE will not allow you to move a
tape cartridge from one tape cartridge pool to another. If this move is attempted, you receive
an error message, as shown in Example 6-43.

Example 6-43 Error message when removing a tape cartridge from a pool with migrated/saved files
[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape unassign JCC093JC -p pool1 -l lib_saitama
2019-01-07 15:10:36 GLESL700I: Task tape_unassign was created successfully, task
id is 6970.
2019-01-07 15:10:36 GLESL357E: Tape JCC093JC has migrated files or saved files. It
has not been unassigned from the pool.

156 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
However, you can remove an empty tape cartridge from one tape cartridge pool and add it to
another tape cartridge pool, as shown in Example 6-44.

Example 6-44 Remove an empty tape cartridge from one tape cartridge pool and add it to another
[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape unassign JCA561JC -p pool1 -l lib_saitama
2019-01-07 15:11:26 GLESL700I: Task tape_unassign was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-07 15:11:26 GLESM399I: Removing tape JCA561JC from pool pool1 (Normal).
2019-01-07 15:11:26 GLESL359I: Unassigned tape JCA561JC from pool pool1 successfully.

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape assign JCA561JC -p pool2 -l lib_saitama

2019-01-07 15:12:10 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task id is 6974.
2019-01-07 15:16:56 GLESL087I: Tape JCA561JC successfully formatted.
2019-01-07 15:16:56 GLESL360I: Assigned tape JCA561JC to pool pool2 successfully.

Before you remove a tape cartridge from one tape cartridge pool and add it to another tape
cartridge pool, reclaim the tape cartridge to ensure that no files remain on the tape when it is
removed. For more information, see 6.17, “Reclamation” on page 200.

Moving to the homeslot

To move a tape cartridge from a tape drive to its homeslot in the tape library, use the
command that is shown in Example 6-45. You might want to use this command in cases
where a tape cartridge is loaded in a tape drive and you want to unload it.

Example 6-45 Move a tape cartridge from a tape drive to its homeslot
[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm tape move D00369L5 -p pool1 -L homeslot
2019-01-07 15:47:26 GLESL700I: Task tape_move was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-07 15:49:14 GLESL103I: Tape D00369L5 is moved successfully.

Moving to the I/O station

The command that is shown in Example 6-46 moves a tape cartridge to the ieslot (I/O
station). This might be required when tape cartridges are exported, offline, or unassigned.

Example 6-46 Move a tape cartridge to the ieslot after an offline operation
[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape offline JCA561JC -p pool2 -l lib_saitama
2019-01-07 15:50:17 GLESL700I: Task tape_offline was created successfully, task id
is 6976.
2019-01-07 15:50:17 GLESL073I: Offline export of tape JCA561JC has been requested.
2019-01-07 15:51:51 GLESL335I: Updated offline state of tape JCA561JC to offline.

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape move JCA561JC -p pool2 -l lib_saitama -L ieslot

2019-01-07 15:53:45 GLESL700I: Task tape_move was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-07 15:53:45 GLESL103I: Tape JCA561JC is moved successfully.

The move can be between homeslot and ieslot or tape drive and homeslot. If the tape
cartridge belongs to a tape cartridge pool and online (not in the Offline state), the request to
move it to the ieslot fails. After a tape cartridge is moved to ieslot, the tape cartridge cannot
be accessed from IBM Spectrum Archive EE. If the tape cartridge contains migrated files, the
tape cartridge should not be moved to ieslot without first exporting or offlining the tape

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 157
A tape cartridge in ieslot cannot be added to a tape cartridge pool. Such a tape cartridge
must be moved to home slot before adding it.

6.8.3 Formatting tape cartridges

This section describes how to format a medium in the library for the IBM Spectrum Archive
EE. To format a scratch tape use the eeadm tape assign command, and only use the
-f/--format option when the user no longer requires access to the data on the tape.

If the tape cartridge is already formatted for IBM Spectrum Archive EE and contains file
objects, the format fails, as shown in Example 6-47.

Example 6-47 Format failure

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm tape assign 1FB922L5 -p pool2
2019-01-08 08:29:08 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task id
is 18850.
2019-01-08 08:30:21 GLESL138E: Failed to format the tape 1FB922L5, because it is
not empty.

When the formatting is requested, IBM Spectrum Archive EE attempts to mount the target
medium to obtain the medium condition. The medium is formatted if the mount command finds
any of the following conditions:
 The medium was not yet formatted for LTFS.
 The medium was previously formatted for LTFS and has no data written.
 The medium has an invalid label.
 Labels in both partitions do not have the same value.

If none of these conditions are found, the format fails. If the format fails because files exist on
the tape, the user should add the tape to their designated pool by using the eeadm tape
import command. If the user no longer requires what is on the tape, the -f/--format option
can be added to the eeadm tape assign command to force a format.

Example 6-48 shows a tape cartridge being formatted by using the -f option.

Example 6-48 Forced format

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm tape assign 1FB922L5 -p pool2 -f
2019-01-08 08:32:42 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task id
is 18852.
2019-01-08 08:35:08 GLESL087I: Tape 1FB922L5 successfully formatted.
2019-01-08 08:35:08 GLESL360I: Assigned tape 1FB922L5 to pool pool2 successfully.

Multiple tape cartridges can be formatted by specifying multiple tape VOLSERs.

Example 6-49 shows three tape cartridges that are formatted sequentially or simultaneously.

Example 6-49 Format multiple tape cartridges

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape assign JCC075JC JCB610JC JCC130JC -p pool1 -l
2019-01-08 09:25:32 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task id
is 6985.
2019-01-08 09:30:26 GLESL087I: Tape JCB610JC successfully formatted.
2019-01-08 09:30:26 GLESL360I: Assigned tape JCB610JC to pool pool1 successfully.
2019-01-08 09:30:33 GLESL087I: Tape JCC130JC successfully formatted.

158 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2019-01-08 09:30:33 GLESL360I: Assigned tape JCC130JC to pool pool1 successfully.
2019-01-08 09:30:52 GLESL087I: Tape JCC075JC successfully formatted.
2019-01-08 09:30:52 GLESL360I: Assigned tape JCC075JC to pool pool1 successfully.

When multiple format tasks are submitted, IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses all available drives
with the ‘g’ drive attribute for the format tasks, which are done in parallel.

Active file check before formatting tape cartridges

Some customers (such as those in the video surveillance industry) might want to retain data
only for a certain retention period and then reuse the tape cartridges. Running the
reconciliation and reclamation commands are the most straightforward method. However,
this process might take a long time if there are billions of small files in GPFS, because the
command checks every file in GPFS and deletes files on the tape cartridge one by one.

The fastest method is to manage the pool and identify data in tape cartridges that has passed
the retention period. Customers can then remove the tape cartridge and add to a new pool by
reformatting the entire tape cartridge. This approach saves time, but customers need to be
certain that the tape cartridge does not have any active data.

To be sure that a tape cartridge is format-ready, this section uses the -E option, to the eeadm
tape unassign command. When ran, this command checks whether the tape cartridge
contains any active data. For example, if all files that were migrated on the tape has been
made resident, there will be no active data on tape. If there is no active data, or if all files in
the tape cartridge have already been deleted in GPFS, the command determines that the
tape cartridge is effectively empty and removes the tape cartridge from the pool. If the tape
cartridge still has active data, the command will not remove it. No reconciliation command
is necessary before this command.

When -E is ran, the command performs the following steps:

1. Determine whether the specified tape cartridge is in the specified pool and is not mounted.
2. Reserve the tape cartridge so that no migration will occur to the tape.
3. Read the volume cache (GPFS file) for the tape cartridge. If any file entries exist in the
volume cache, check whether the corresponding GPFS stub file exists, as-is or renamed.
4. If the tape cartridge is empty or has files but all of them have already been deleted in
GPFS (not renamed), remove the tape cartridge from the pool.
Example 6-50 shows the output of the eeadm tape unassign -E command with a tape
which contains files but all files on the gpfs file system deleted.

Example 6-50 Removing tape cartridge from pool with active file check
[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm tape unassign JCB350JC -p test2 -l lib_saitama -E
2019-01-08 10:20:07 GLESL700I: Task tape_unassign was created successfully,
task id is 7002.
2019-01-08 10:20:09 GLESM399I: Removing tape JCB350JC from pool test2
2019-01-08 10:20:09 GLESL572I: Unassign tape JCB350JC from pool test2
successfully. Format the tape when assigning it back to a pool.

5. If the tape cartridge has a valid, active file, the check routine aborts on the first hit and
goes on to the next specified tape cartridge. The command will not remove the tape
cartridge from the pool.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 159
Example 6-51 shows the output of the eeadm tape unassign -E command with a tape
which contains active files.

Example 6-51 Tape cartridges containing inactive data are removed from the pool
[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm tape unassign JCB350JC -p test2 -l lib_saitama -E
2019-01-08 10:17:15 GLESL700I: Task tape_unassign was created successfully,
task id is 6998.
2019-01-08 10:17:16 GLESL357E: Tape JCB350JC has migrated files or saved files.
It has not been unassigned from the pool.

The active file check applies to all data types that the current IBM Spectrum Archive EE might
store to a tape cartridge:
 Normal migrated files
 Saved objects such as empty directory and link files

Another approach is to run mmapplypolicy to list all files that have been migrated to the
designated tape cartridge ID. However, if the IBM Spectrum Scale file system has over
1 billion files, the mmapplypolicy scan might take a long time.

6.8.4 Removing tape drives

When the LTFS mounts the library, all tape drives are inventoried by default. The following
procedure can be started when a tape drive requires replacing or repairing and must be
physically removed from the library. The same process also must be carried out when
firmware for the tape drive is upgraded. If a tape is in the drive and a task is in-progress, the
tape is unloaded automatically when the task completes.

After mounting the library, the user can run eeadm commands to manage the library and to
correct a problem if one occurs.

To remove a tape drive from the library, complete the following steps:
1. Remove the tape drive from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE inventory by running the eeadm
drive unassign command, as shown in Example 6-52. A medium in the tape drive is
automatically moved to the home slot (if one exists).

Example 6-52 Remove a tape drive

[root@yurakucho ~]# eeadm drive list -l lib1
Drive S/N Status State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group
Task ID
00078DF0CF ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0D3 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0DC ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0E2 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
1013000508 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -

[root@yurakucho ~]# eeadm drive unassign 00078DF0E2 -l lib1

2021-03-06 06:48:13 GLESL700I: Task drive_unassign was created successfully,
task ID is 2916.
2021-03-06 06:48:13 GLESL817I: Disabling drive 00078DF0E2.
2021-03-06 06:48:14 GLESL813I: Drive 00078DF0E2 is disabled successfully.
2021-03-06 06:48:14 GLESL819I: Unassigning drive 00078DF0E2.
2021-03-06 06:48:14 GLESL121I: Drive 00078DF0E2 is unassigned successfully.

160 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
[root@yurakucho ~]# eeadm drive list -l lib1
Drive S/N Status State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group
Task ID
00078DF0CF ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0D3 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0DC ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0E2 info unassigned NONE --- lib1 - - - -
1013000508 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -

2. Physically remove the tape drive from the tape library.

For more information about how to remove tape drives, see the IBM Documentation website
for your IBM tape library.

6.8.5 Adding tape drives

Add the tape drive to the LTFS inventory by running the eeadm drive assign command, as
shown in Example 6-53.

Optionally, drive attributes can be set when adding a tape drive. Drive attributes are the
logical OR of the attributes: migrate(4), recall(2), and generic(1). If the individual attribute
is set, any corresponding tasks on the task queue can be run on that drive. The drive
attributes can be specified using the -r option and must be a decimal number or the
combination of the letters m, r, and g.

In Example 6-53, 6 is the logical OR of migrate(4) and recall(2), so migration tasks and
recall tasks can be performed on this drive. For more information, see 6.20, “Drive Role
settings for task assignment control” on page 207.

The node ID is required for the eeadm drive assign command.

Example 6-53 Add a tape drive

[root@yurakucho ~]# eeadm drive assign 00078DF0E2 -r 6 -n 1 -l lib1
2021-03-06 06:53:06 GLESL700I: Task drive_assign was created successfully, task ID
is 2918.
2021-03-06 06:53:06 GLESL818I: Assigning drive 00078DF0E2 to node 1.
2021-03-06 06:53:06 GLESL119I: Drive 00078DF0E2 assigned successfully.
2021-03-06 06:53:06 GLESL816I: Enabling drive 00078DF0E2.
2021-03-06 06:53:06 GLESL812I: Drive 00078DF0E2 is enabled successfully.
[root@yurakucho ~]# eeadm drive list -l lib1
Drive S/N Status State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group
Task ID
00078DF0CF ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0D3 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0DC ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -
00078DF0E2 ok not_mounted LTO8 mr- lib1 1 - G0 -
1013000508 ok not_mounted LTO8 mrg lib1 1 - G0 -

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 161
6.9 Tape storage pool management
This section describes how to use the eeadm pool command to manage tape cartridge pools
with IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Permissions: Managing tape cartridge pools by running the eeadm pool command
requires root user permissions.

To perform file migrations, it is first necessary to create and define tape cartridge pools, which
are the targets for migration. It is then possible to add or remove tape cartridges to or from the
tape cartridge pools.

Consider the following rules and recommendations for tape cartridge pools:
 Before adding tape cartridges to a tape cartridge pool, the tape cartridge must first be in
the homeslot of the tape library. For more information about moving to the homeslot, see
6.8.2, “Moving tape cartridges” on page 156.
 Multiple tasks can be performed in parallel when more than one tape cartridge is defined
in a tape cartridge pool. Have multiple tape cartridges in each tape cartridge pool to
increase performance.
 The maximum number of drives in a node group that is used for migration for a particular
tape cartridge pool can be limited by setting the mountlimit attribute for the tape cartridge
pool. The default is 0, which is unlimited. For more information about the mountlimit
attribute, see 7.2, “Maximizing migration performance with redundant copies” on
page 235.
 After a file is migrated to a tape cartridge pool, it cannot be migrated again to another tape
cartridge pool before it is recalled.
 When tape cartridges are removed from a tape cartridge pool but not exported from IBM
Spectrum Archive EE, they are no longer targets for migration or recalls.
 When tape cartridges are exported from IBM Spectrum Archive EE system by running the
eeadm tape export command, they are removed from their tape cartridge pool and the
files are not accessible for recall.

6.9.1 Creating tape cartridge pools

This section describes how to create tape cartridge pools for use with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE. Tape cartridge pools are logical groupings of tape cartridges within IBM
Spectrum Archive EE. The groupings might be based on their intended function (for example,
OnsitePool and OffsitePool) or based on their content (for example, MPEGpool and
JPEGpool). However, you must create at least one tape cartridge pool.

You create tape cartridge pools by using the create option of the eeadm pool command. For
example, the command that is shown in Example 6-54 creates the tape cartridge pool named

Example 6-54 Create a tape cartridge pool

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm pool create MPEGpool

For single tape library systems, the -l option (library name) can be omitted. For two tape
library systems, the -l option is used to specify the library name.

162 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
For single node group systems, the -g option (node group) can be omitted. For multiple node
group systems, the -g option is used to specify the node group.

The default tape cartridge pool type is a regular pool. If a WORM pool is wanted, supply the
--worm physical option.

The pool names are case-sensitive and can be duplicated in different tape libraries. No
informational messages are shown at the successful completion of the command. However,
you can confirm that the pool was created by running the eeadm pool list command.

6.9.2 Deleting tape cartridge pools

This section describes how to delete tape cartridge pools for use with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE. Delete tape cartridge pools by using the eeadm pool delete command. For
example, the command in Example 6-55 on page 163 deletes the tape cartridge pool that is
named MPEGpool.

Example 6-55 Delete a tape cartridge pool

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm pool delete MPEGpool

For single tape library systems, the -l option (library name) can be omitted. For two tape
library systems, the -l option is used to specify the library name.

When deleting a tape cartridge pool, the -g option (node group) can be omitted.

No informational messages are shown after the successful completion of the command.

Important: If the tape cartridge pool contains tape cartridges, the tape cartridge pool
cannot be deleted until the tape cartridges are removed.

You cannot use IBM Spectrum Archive EE to delete a tape cartridge pool that still contains

To allow the deletion of the tape cartridge pool, you must remove all tape cartridges from it by
running the eeadm tape unassign command, as described in 6.8.2, “Moving tape cartridges”
on page 156.

6.10 Pool capacity monitoring

IBM Spectrum Archive EE allows users the ability to automatically monitor the capacity of
designated pools for low space threshold or if a pool has ran out of space due to a migration
failure. This feature uses SNMP traps to inform administrators of such occurrences. The pool
capacity monitoring feature benefits customers by giving them enough time to plan ahead
before pool space is depleted.

To enable the pool capacity monitoring feature, use the eeadm pool set command with the
lowspacewarningenable yes and the nospacewarningenable yes option, then set a
threshold limit for the pool with the lowspacewarningthreshold option. The value for the
lowspacewarningthreshold must be an integer and is in TiB. The pool capacity monitor
thread checks each set pool for a low capacity every 30 minutes, and sends a trap every 24

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 163
Run the eeadm pool show <pool_name> command to view the current attributes for your pools.
Example 6-56 shows the output of the attributes of a pool from the eeadm pool show

Example 6-56 The eeadm pool show command

[root@ltfseesrv1 ~]# eeadm pool show pool1
Attribute Value
poolname pool1
poolid aefeaa24-661e-48ba-8abd-d4948b020d74
devtype LTO
mediarestriction none
format Not Applicable (0xFFFFFFFF)
worm no (0)
nodegroup G0
fillpolicy Default
owner System
mountlimit 0
lowspacewarningenable yes
lowspacewarningthreshold 0
nospacewarningenable yes
mode normal

By default, the lowspacewarningenable and nospacewarningenable attributes are set to yes,

and lowspacewarningthreshold is set to 0, which indicates no traps will be sent for a a pool
with low space. An SNMP trap is sent for no space remaining in the pool when migrations
failed due to pool space being depleted.

The lowspacewarningthreshold attribute value is set in TiB. To modify the attributes in each
pool, use the eeadm pool set <pool_name> -a <attribute> -v <value> command.

Example 6-57 shows the output of modifying pool1’s lowspacewarningthreshold attribute to

2 TiB.

Example 6-57 Output of modifying pool1’s lowspacewarningthreshold attribute

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm pool set pool1 -a lowspacewarningthreshold -v 30

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm pool show pool1

Attribute Value
poolname pool1
poolid 93499f33-c67f-4aae-a07e-13a56629b057
devtype LTO
mediarestriction none
format Not Applicable (0xFFFFFFFF)
worm no (0)
nodegroup G0
fillpolicy Default
owner System
mountlimit 0
lowspacewarningenable yes
lowspacewarningthreshold 30
nospacewarningenable yes
mode normal

164 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
With lowspacewarningthreshold set to 30 TiB, when pool1’s capacity drops below 30 TiB, a
trap will be sent to the user when the next check cycle occurs. Example 6-58 shows the traps
generated when pool1’s capacity drops below 30 TiB.

Example 6-58 Traps sent when pool capacity is below the set threshold

2018-11-26 09:08:42 [UDP:

DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (147206568) 17 days, 0:54:25.68
SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaWarnM609PoolLowSpace
IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaMessageSeverity.0 = INTEGER: warning(40) IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaJob.0
= INTEGER: other(7) IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaEventNode.0 = STRING:
"" IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaMessageText.0 = STRING: "GLESM609W:
Pool space is going to be small, library: lib_tora, pool: pool1, available
capacity: 23.6(TiB), threshold: 30(TiB)"

6.11 Migration
The migration process is the most significant reason for using IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
Migration is the movement of files from IBM Spectrum Scale (on disk) to LTFS tape cartridges
in tape cartridge pools, which leaves behind a small stub file on the disk. This process has the
obvious effect of reducing the usage of file system space of IBM Spectrum Scale. You can
move less frequently accessed data to lower-cost, lower-tier tape storage from where it can
be easily recalled.

IBM Spectrum Scale policies are used to specify files in the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace
(through a GPFS scan) to be migrated to the LTFS tape tier. For each specified GPFS file, the
file content, GPFS path, and user-defined extended attributes are stored in LTFS so that they
can be re-created at import. Empty GPFS directories or files are not migrated.

In addition, it is possible to migrate an arbitrary list of files directly by running the eeadm
migrate command. This task is done by specifying the file name of a scan list file that lists the
files to be migrated and specifying the designated pools as command options.

Important: Running the IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management dsmmigrate
command directly is not supported.

To migrate files, the following configuration and activation prerequisites must be met:
 Ensure that the MMM service is running on an LTFS node. For more information, see
6.2.4, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 140.
 Ensure that one or more storage pools are created and each has one or more assigned
tapes. For more information, see 6.9.1, “Creating tape cartridge pools” on page 162.
 Ensure that space management is turned on. For more information, see 6.2.3,
“Hierarchical Space Management” on page 138.
 Activate one of the following mechanisms to trigger migration:
– Automated IBM Spectrum Scale policy-driven migration that uses thresholds.
– Manual policy-based migration by running the mmapplypolicy command.
– Manual migration by running the eeadm migrate command and a prepared list of files
and tape cartridge pools.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 165
IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses a semi-sequential fill policy for tapes that enables multiple
files to be written in parallel by using multiple tape drives within the tape library. Tasks are put
on the queue and the scheduler looks at the queue to decide which tasks should be run. If
one tape drive is available, all of the migration goes on one tape cartridge. If there are three
tape drives available, the migrations are spread among the three tape drives. This
configuration improves throughput and is a more efficient usage of tape drives.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE internally groups files into file lists and schedules these lists on the
task queue. The lists are then distributed to available drives to perform the migrations.

The grouping is done by using two parameters: A total file size and a total number of files. The
default settings for the file lists are 20 GB or 20,000 files. This requirement means that a file
list can contain either 20 GB of files or 20,000 number of files, whichever fills up first, before
creating a new file list. For example, if you have 10 files to migrate and each file is 10 GB in
size, then when migration is kicked off, IBM Spectrum Archive EE internally generates five file
lists containing two files each because the two files reach the 20 GB limit that a file list can
have. It then schedules those file lists to the task queue for available drives.

For more information about performance references, see 3.7.4, “Performance” on page 65.

Note: Files that are recently created need to wait two minutes before being migrated.
Otherwise, the migrations will fail.

Example 6-59 shows the output of running the mmapplypolicy command that uses a policy file
called sample_policy.txt.

Example 6-59 Output of the mmapplypolicy command

[root@kyoto ~]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/gpfs/prod -P sample_policy.txt
[I] GPFS Current Data Pool Utilization in KB and %
Pool_Name KB_Occupied KB_Total Percent_Occupied
system 1489202176 15435038720 9.648192033%
[I] 682998 of 16877312 inodes used: 4.046841%.
[I] Loaded policy rules from cmt_policy.txt.
Evaluating policy rules with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 2019-01-08@22:26:33 UTC
Parsed 3 policy rules.



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p pool3@libb'


TO POOL 'md1'
AND PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/%'
/*AND (is_cached)
AND NOT (is_dirty)*/
AND NOT ((NAME = 'dsmerror.log' OR NAME LIKE '%DS_Store%')

166 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
) OR ((

[I] 2019-01-08@22:26:33.153 Directory entries scanned: 22.

[I] Directories scan: 21 files, 1 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files
and/or errors.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:26:33.157 Sorting 22 file list records.
[I] Inodes scan: 21 files, 1 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files
and/or errors.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:26:33.193 Policy evaluation. 22 files scanned.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:26:33.197 Sorting 10 candidate file list records.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:26:33.197 Choosing candidate files. 10 records scanned.
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen
KB_Ill Rule
0 10 953344 10 953344

[I] Filesystem objects with no applicable rules: 12.

[I] GPFS Policy Decisions and File Choice Totals:

Chose to migrate 953344KB: 10 of 10 candidates;
Predicted Data Pool Utilization in KB and %:
Pool_Name KB_Occupied KB_Total Percent_Occupied
system 1488248832 15435038720 9.642015540%
2019-01-08 15:26:33 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-08 15:26:33 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 18860
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-01-08 15:26:33 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 18860
(copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-01-08 15:27:18 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 18860
(changing the state of files on disk).
2019-01-08 15:27:19 GLESL038I: Migration result: 10 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:27:20.722 Policy execution. 10 files dispatched.
[I] A total of 10 files have been migrated, deleted or processed by an EXTERNAL
0 'skipped' files and/or errors.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 167
6.11.1 Managing file migration pools
A file can be migrated to one pool or to multiple pools if replicas are configured. However,
after the file is in the migrated state, it cannot be migrated again to other tape cartridge pools
before it is recalled and made resident again by using the eeadm recall command with the
--resident option. For more information about creating replicas, see 6.11.4, “Replicas and
redundant copies” on page 177. Recalling the file into resident state invalidates the LTFS
copy from the reconcile and export perspective.

6.11.2 Threshold-based migration

This section describes how to use IBM Spectrum Scale policies for threshold-based
migrations with IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Automated IBM Spectrum Scale policy-driven migration is a standard IBM Spectrum Scale
migration procedure that allows file migration from IBM Spectrum Scale disk pools to external
pools. IBM Spectrum Archive EE is configured as an external pool to IBM Spectrum Scale by
using policy statements.

After you define an external tape cartridge pool, migrations or deletion rules can refer to that
pool as a source or target tape cartridge pool. When the mmapplypolicy command is run and
a rule dictates that data should be moved to an external pool, the user-provided program that
is identified with the EXEC clause in the policy rule starts. That program receives the following
 The command to be run. IBM Spectrum Scale supports the following subcommands:
– LIST: Provides arbitrary lists of files with no semantics on the operation.
– MIGRATE: Migrates files to external storage and reclaims the online space that is
allocated to the file.
– PREMIGRATE: Migrates files to external storage, but does not reclaim the online
– PURGE: Deletes files from both the online file system and the external storage.
– RECALL: Recall files from external storage to the online storage.
– TEST: Tests for presence and operation readiness. Returns zero for success and
returns nonzero if the script should not be used on a specific node.
 The name of a file that contains a list of files to be migrated.

Important: IBM Spectrum Archive EE supports only the LIST, MIGRATE, PREMIGRATE,
and RECALL subcommands.

 Any optional parameters that are specified with the OPTS clause in the rule. These optional
parameters are not interpreted by the IBM Spectrum Scale policy engine, but by the
method that IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses to pass the tape cartridge pools to which the
files are migrated.

To set up automated IBM Spectrum Scale policy-driven migration to IBM Spectrum Archive
EE, you must configure IBM Spectrum Scale to be managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE. In
addition, a migration callback must be configured.

168 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Callbacks are provided primarily as a method for system administrators to take notice when
important IBM Spectrum Scale events occur. It registers a user-defined command that IBM
Spectrum Scale runs when certain events occur. For example, an administrator can use the
low disk event callback to inform system administrators when a file system is getting full.

The migration callback is used to register the policy engine to be run if a high threshold in a
file system pool is met. For example, after your pool usage reaches 80%, you can start the
migration process. You must enable the migration callback by running the mmaddcallback

In the mmaddcallback command in Example 6-60, the --command option points to a sample
script file called /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmapplypolicy. Before you run this command, you must
ensure that the specified sample script file exists. The --event option registers the events for
which the callback is configured, such as the “low disk space” events that are in the command

For more information about how to create and set a fail-safe policy, see 7.10, “Use cases for
mmapplypolicy” on page 244.

Example 6-60 A mmaddcallback example

mmaddcallback MIGRATION --command /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmapplypolicy --event
lowDiskSpace --parms “%fsName -B 20000 -m <2x the number of drives>

For more information, see the following publications:

 IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration and Programming Reference Guide, which is
available at IBM Documentation

After the file system is configured to be managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE and the
migration callback is configured, a policy can be set up for the file system. The placement
policy that defines the initial placement of newly created files and the rules for placement of
restored data must be installed into IBM Spectrum Scale by using the mmchpolicy command.
If an IBM Spectrum Scale file system does not have a placement policy installed, all the data
is stored in the system storage pool.

You can define the file management rules and install them in the file system together with the
placement rules by running the mmchpolicy command. You also can define these rules in a
separate file and explicitly provide them to the mmapplypolicy command by using the -P
option. The latter option is described in 6.11.3, “Manual migration” on page 173.

In either case, policy rules for placement or migration can be intermixed. Over the life of the
file, data can be migrated to a different tape cartridge pool any number of times, and files can
be deleted or restored.

The policy must define IBM Spectrum Archive EE (/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm) as an

external tape cartridge pool.

Tip: Only one IBM Spectrum Scale policy, which can include one or more rules, can be set
up for a particular GPFS file system.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 169
After a policy is entered into a text file (such as policy.txt), you can apply the policy to the
file system by running the mmchpolicy command. You can check the syntax of the policy
before you apply it by running the command with the -I test option, as shown in
Example 6-61.

Example 6-61 Test an IBM Spectrum Scale policy

mmchpolicy /dev/gpfs policy.txt -t "System policy for LTFS EE" -I test

After you test your policy, run the mmchpolicy command without the -I test to set the policy.
After a policy is set for the file system, you can check the policy by displaying it with the
mmlspolicy command, as shown in Example 6-62. This policy migrates all files in groups of
20 GiB after the IBM Spectrum Archive disk space reaches a threshold of or above 80% in the
/ibm/glues/archive directory to tape.

Example 6-62 List an IBM Spectrum Scale policy

[root@ltfs97]# mmlspolicy /dev/gpfs -L
/* LTFS EE - GPFS policy file */

PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/glues/0%'


NAME LIKE 'dsmerror.log')

/* define is_premigrated uses GPFS inode attributes that mark a file

as a premigrated file. Use the define to include or exclude premigrated
files from the policy scan result explicitly */

/* define is_migrated uses GPFS inode attributes that mark a file

as a migrated file. Use the define to include or exclude migrated
files from the policy scan result explicitly */


RULE EXTERNAL POOL 'Archive_files'

EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS -p 'pool1@libb'



170 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
TO POOL 'Archive_files'
WHERE PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/glues/archive/%'
AND NOT (exclude_list)
AND (NOT (user_exclude_list) OR (user_include_list))
AND (is_migrated OR is_premigrated)

To ensure that a specified file system is migrated only once, run the mmapplypolicy command
with the --single-instance option. If this is not done, IBM Spectrum Archive EE attempts to
start another migration process every two minutes. This occurs in cases where migrations are
continuously called while the past migrations has not finished, because this state may appear
for the values to be still over the threshold.

As a preferred practice, the user should not use overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules
within different IBM Spectrum Scale policy files that select the same files for migration to
different tape cartridge pools. If a file is already migrated, later migration attempts fail, which
is the standard HSM behavior. However, this is not normally done, due to incorporating

Important: If a single IBM Spectrum Scale file system is used and the metadata directory
is stored in the same file system that is space-managed with IBM Spectrum Archive EE,
migration of the metadata directory must be prevented. The name of metadata directory is
<GPFS mount point>/.ltfsee/.

By combining the attributes of THRESHOLD and WEIGHT in IBM Spectrum Scale policies, you can
have a great deal of control over the migration process. When an IBM Spectrum Scale policy
is applied, each candidate file is assigned a weight (based on the WEIGHT attribute). All
candidate files are sorted by weight and the highest weight files are chosen to MIGRATE until
the low occupancy percentage (based on the THRESHOLD attribute) is achieved, or there are no
more candidate files.

Example 6-63 shows a policy that starts migration of all files when the file system pool named
“system” reaches 80% full (see the THRESHOLD attribute), and continues migration until the
pool is reduced to 60% full or less by using a weight that is based on the date and time that
the file was last accessed (refer to the ACCESS_TIME attribute). The file system usage is
checked every two minutes.

All files to be migrated must have more than 5 MB of disk space that is allocated for the file
(see the KB_ALLOCATED attribute). The migration is performed to an external pool, presented by
IBM Spectrum Archive EE (/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm), and the data that is migrated is sent
to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge pool named Tapepool1. In addition, this
example policy excludes some system files and directories.

Example 6-63 Threshold-based migration in an IBM Spectrum Scale policy file

PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.ctdb/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/glues/.ltfsee/%'
OR NAME LIKE 'fileset.quota%'
OR NAME LIKE 'group.quota%'

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 171
EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS -p 'Tapepool1@liba' /* This is our pool in LTFS Enterprise Edition */

/* The following statement is the migration rule */

RULE 'ee_sysmig' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system'

TO POOL 'ltfsee'
AND NOT (exclude_list)

/* The following statement is the default placement rule that is required for a
system migration */
RULE 'default' set pool 'system'

In addition to monitoring the file system’s overall usage in Example 6-63, you can monitor
how frequently a file is accessed with IBM Spectrum Scale policies. A file’s access
temperature is an attribute for a policy that provides a means of optimizing tiered storage. File
temperatures are a relative attribute, which indicates whether a file is “hotter” or “colder” than
the others in its pool.

The policy can be used to migrate hotter files to higher tiers and colder files to lower. The
access temperature is an exponential moving average of the accesses to the file. As files are
accessed, the temperature increases. Likewise, when the access stops, the file cools. File
temperature is intended to optimize nonvolatile storage, not memory usage. Therefore, cache
hits are not counted. In a similar manner, only user accesses are counted.

The access counts to a file are tracked as an exponential moving average. A file that is not
accessed loses a percentage of its accesses each period. The loss percentage and period
are set through the configuration variables fileHeatLossPercent and
fileHeatPeriodMinutes. By default, the file access temperature is not tracked.

To use access temperature in policy, the tracking must first be enabled. To do this, set the
following configuration variables:
The percentage (0 - 100) of file access temperature that is dissipated over the
fileHeatPeriodMinutes time. The default value is 10.
The number of minutes that is defined for the recalculation of file access temperature. To
turn on tracking, fileHeatPeriodMinutes must be set to a nonzero value from the default
value of 0. You use WEIGHT(FILE_HEAT) with a policy MIGRATE rule to prioritize migration by
file temperature.

The following example sets fileHeatPeriodMinutes to 1440 (24 hours) and

fileHeatLossPercent to 10, meaning that unaccessed files lose 10% of their heat value every
24 hours, or approximately 0.4% every hour (because the loss is continuous and
“compounded” geometrically):
mmchconfig fileheatperiodminutes=1440,fileheatlosspercent=10

172 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Note: If the updating of the file access time (atime) is suppressed or if relative atime
semantics are in effect, proper calculation of the file access temperature might be
adversely affected.

These examples provide only an introduction to the wide range of file attributes that migration
can use in IBM Spectrum Scale policies. IBM Spectrum Scale provides a range of other policy
rule statements and attributes to customize your IBM Spectrum Scale environment, but a full
description of all these is outside the scope for this publication.

For syntax definitions for IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules, which correspond to constructs in
WEIGHT, and WHERE), see the information about policy rule syntax definitions in IBM Spectrum
Scale: Administration Guide at IBM Documentation.

Also, see 7.4, “Setting mmapplypolicy options for increased performance” on page 237.

For more information about IBM Spectrum Scale SQL expressions for policy rules, which
correspond to constructs in this script (such as CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, FILE_SIZE,
MISC_ATTRIBUTES, NAME, and PATH_NAME), see the information about SQL expressions for
policy rules in IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration Guide at IBM Documentation.

6.11.3 Manual migration

In contrast to the threshold-based migration process that can be controlled only from within
IBM Spectrum Scale, the manual migration of files from IBM Spectrum Scale to LTFS tape
cartridges can be accomplished by running the mmapplypolicy command or the eeadm
command. The use of these commands is documented in this section. Manual migration is
more likely to be used for ad hoc migration of a file or group of files that do not fall within the
standard IBM Spectrum Scale policy that is defined for the file system.

Using mmapplypolicy
This section describes how to manually start file migration while using an IBM Spectrum
Scale policy file for file selection.

You can apply a manually created policy by manually running the mmapplypolicy command,
or by scheduling the policy with the system scheduler. You can have multiple different policies,
which can each include one or more rules. However, only one policy can be run at a time.

Important: Prevent migration of the .SPACEMAN directory of a GPFS file system by

excluding the directory with an IBM Spectrum Scale policy rule.

You can accomplish manual file migration for an IBM Spectrum Scale file system that is
managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE by running the mmapplypolicy command. This
command runs a policy that selects files according to certain criteria, and then passes these
files to IBM Spectrum Archive EE for migration. As with automated IBM Spectrum Scale
policy-driven migrations, the name of the target IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge pool
is provided as the first option of the pool definition rule in the IBM Spectrum Scale policy file.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 173
The following phases occur when the mmapplypolicy command is started:
1. Phase 1: Selecting candidate files
In this phase of the mmapplypolicy job, all files within the specified GPFS file system
device (or below the input path name) are scanned. The attributes of each file are read
from the file’s GPFS inode structure.
2. Phase two: Choosing and scheduling files
In this phase of the mmapplypolicy job, some or all of the candidate files are chosen.
Chosen files are scheduled for migration, accounting for the weights and thresholds that
are determined in phase one.
3. Phase three: Migrating and premigrating files
In the third phase of the mmapplypolicy job, the candidate files that were chosen and
scheduled by the second phase are migrated or premigrated, each according to its
applicable rule.

For more information about the mmapplypolicy command and other information about IBM
Spectrum Scale policy rules, see the IBM Spectrum Scale: Administration Guide, which is
available at IBM Documentation.

Important: In a multicluster environment, the scope of the mmapplypolicy command is

limited to the nodes in the cluster that owns the file system.

Hints and tips

Before you write and apply policies, consider the following points:
 Always test your rules by running the mmapplypolicy command with the -I test option
and the -L 3 (or higher) option before they are applied in a production environment. This
step helps you understand which files are selected as candidates and which candidates
are chosen.
 To view all selected files that have been chosen for migration, run the mmapplypolicy
command with the -I defer and the -f /tmp options. The -I defer option runs the
actual policy without making any data movements. The -f /tmp option specifies a
directory or file to which each migration rule is output. This option is helpful when dealing
with many files.
 Do not apply a policy to an entire file system of vital files until you are confident that the
rules correctly express your intentions. To test your rules, find or create a subdirectory with
a modest number of files, some that you expect to be selected by your SQL policy rules
and some that you expect are skipped.
Run the following command:
mmapplypolicy /ibm/gpfs/TestSubdirectory -P test_policy.txt -L 6 -I test
The output shows you exactly which files are scanned and which ones match rules.

174 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Testing an IBM Spectrum Scale policy
Example 6-64 shows a mmapplypolicy command that tests, but does not apply, an IBM
Spectrum Scale policy by using the testpolicy policy file.

Example 6-64 Test an IBM Spectrum Scale policy

[root@kyoto ~]# mmapplypolicy /ibm/gpfs/prod -P sample_policy.txt -I test

[I] GPFS Current Data Pool Utilization in KB and %
Pool_Name KB_Occupied KB_Total Percent_Occupied
system 1489192960 15435038720 9.648132324%
[I] 683018 of 16877312 inodes used: 4.046960%.
[I] Loaded policy rules from cmt_policy.txt.
Evaluating policy rules with CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 2019-01-08@22:34:42 UTC
Parsed 3 policy rules.



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p copy_ltfsml1@lib_ltfsml1'


AND NOT ((PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'))

[I] 2019-01-08@22:34:42.327 Directory entries scanned: 22.

[I] Directories scan: 21 files, 1 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files
and/or errors.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:34:42.330 Sorting 22 file list records.
[I] Inodes scan: 21 files, 1 directories, 0 other objects, 0 'skipped' files
and/or errors.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:34:42.365 Policy evaluation. 22 files scanned.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:34:42.368 Sorting 10 candidate file list records.
[I] 2019-01-08@22:34:42.369 Choosing candidate files. 10 records scanned.
[I] Summary of Rule Applicability and File Choices:
Rule# Hit_Cnt KB_Hit Chosen KB_Chosen
KB_Ill Rule
0 10 947088 10 947088

[I] Filesystem objects with no applicable rules: 12.

[I] GPFS Policy Decisions and File Choice Totals:

Chose to migrate 947088KB: 10 of 10 candidates;
Predicted Data Pool Utilization in KB and %:
Pool_Name KB_Occupied KB_Total Percent_Occupied
system 1488245872 15435038720 9.641996363%

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 175
The policy in Example 6-64 on page 175 is configured to select files that have the file
extension .IMG for migration to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge pool named
copy_ltfsml1 in library name lib_ltfsml1 if the usage of the /ibm/gpfs file system exceeds
50% for any .IMG file that exceeds 5 MB.

Using eeadm
The eeadm migrate command requires a migration list file that contains a list of files to be
migrated with the name of the target tape cartridge pool. Unlike migrating files by using IBM
Spectrum Scale policy, it is not possible to use wildcards in place of file names. The name
and path of each file to be migrated must be specified in full. The file must be in the following

Example 6-65 shows the output of running such a migrate command.

Example 6-65 Manual migration by using a scan result file

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm migrate gpfs-scan.txt -p MPEGpool
2019-01-08 15:40:44 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-08 15:40:44 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 18864
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-01-08 15:40:44 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 18864
(copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-01-08 15:40:56 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 18864
(changing the state of files on disk).
2019-01-08 15:40:57 GLESL038I: Migration result: 10 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

Using a cron job

Migrations that use the eeadm and mmapplypolicy commands can be automated by
scheduling cron jobs, which is possible by setting a cron job that periodically triggers
migrations by calling mmapplypolicy with eeadm as an external program. In this case, the full
path to eeadm must be specified. The following are steps to start the crond process and create
a cron job:
1. Start the crond process from by running /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start or
/etc/init.d/crond start.
2. Create a crontab job by opening the crontab editor with the crontab -e command. If using
VIM to edit the jobs, press i to enter insert mode to start typing.
3. Enter the frequency and command that you would like to run.
4. After entering the jobs you would like to run, exit the editor. If using VIM, press the Escape
key and enter :wq. If using nano, press Ctrl + x. This combination opens the save options.
Then, press y to save the file and then Enter to override the file name.
5. View that the cron job has been created by running crontab -l.

176 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The syntax for a cron job is m h dom mon dow command. In this syntax, m stands for minutes,
h stands for hours, dom stands for day of month, mon stands for month, and dow stands for day
of week. The hour parameter is in a 24-hour period, so 0 represents midnight and 12
represents noon.

Example 6-66 shows how to start the crond process and create a single cron job that
performs migrations every six hours.

Example 6-66 Creating a cron job for migrations to run every 6 hours
[root@ltfseesrv ~]# /etc/rc.d/init.d/crond start
Starting crond: [ OK ]

[root@ltfseesrv ~]# crontab -e

00 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmapplypolicy gpfs -P
/root/premigration_policy.txt -B 20000 -m 16
crontab: installing new crontab

[root@ltfseesrv ~]# crontab -l

00 0,6,12,18 * * * /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmapplypolicy gpfs -P
/root/premigration_policy.txt -B 20000 -m 16

6.11.4 Replicas and redundant copies

This section introduces how replicas and redundant copies are used with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE and describes how to create replicas of migrated files during the migration

IBM Spectrum Archive EE enables the creation of a replica of each IBM Spectrum Scale file
during the migration process. The purpose of the replica function is to enable creating
multiple LTFS copies of each GPFS file during migration that can be used for disaster
recovery, including across two tape libraries at two different locations.

The first replica is the primary copy, and more replicas are called redundant copies.
Redundant copies must be created in tape cartridge pools that are different from the pool of
the primary copy and from the pools of other redundant copies. Up to two redundant copies
can be created (for a total of three copies of the file on various tapes).

The tape cartridge where the primary copy is stored and the tape cartridges that contain the
redundant copies are referenced in the GPFS inode with an IBM Spectrum Archive EE
DMAPI attribute. The primary copy is always listed first.

For transparent recalls such as double-clicks of a file or through application reads, IBM
Spectrum Archive EE always performs the recall by using the primary copy tape. The primary
copy is the first tape cartridge pool that is defined by the migration process. If the primary
copy tape cannot be accessed, including recall failures, then IBM Spectrum Archive EE
automatically tries the recall task again by using the remaining replicas if they are available
during the initial migration process. This automatic retry operation is transparent to the
transparent recall requester.

For selective recalls initiated by the eeadm recall command, an available copy is selected
from the available replicas and the recall task is generated against the selected tape
cartridge. There are no retries. The selection is based on the available copies in the tape
library, which is supplied by the -l option in a two-tape library environment.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 177
When a migrated file is recalled for a write operation or truncated, the file is marked as
resident and the pointers to tape are dereferenced. The remaining copies are no longer
referenced and are removed during the reconciliation process. In the case where a migrated
file is truncated to 0, it does not generate a recall from tape. The truncated 0 file is marked as
resident only.

Redundant copies are written to their corresponding tape cartridges in the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE format. These tape cartridges can be reconciled, exported, reclaimed, or
imported by using the same commands and procedures that are used for standard migration
without replica creation.

Creating replicas and redundant copies

You can create replicas and redundant copies during automated IBM Spectrum Scale
policy-based migrations or during manual migrations by running the eeadm migrate (or eeadm
premigrate) command.

If an IBM Spectrum Scale scan is used and you use a scan policy file to specify files for
migration, you must modify the OPTS line of the policy file to specify the tape cartridge pool for
the primary replica and different tape cartridge pools for each redundant copy. The tape
cartridge pool for the primary replica (including primary library) is listed first, followed by the
tape cartridge pools for each copy (including a secondary library), as shown in Example 6-67.

A pool cannot be listed more than once in the OPTS line. If a pool is listed more than once per
line, the file is not migrated. Example 6-67 shows the OPTS line in a policy file, which makes
replicas of files in two tape cartridge pools in a single tape library.

Example 6-67 Extract from IBM Spectrum Scale policy file for replicas
OPTS '-p PrimPool@PrimLib CopyPool@PrimLib'

For more information about IBM Spectrum Scale policy files, see 6.11.2, “Threshold-based
migration” on page 168.

If you are running the eeadm migrate (or eeadm premigrate) command, a scan list file must be
passed along with the designated pools to which the user wants to migrate the files. This
process can be done by calling eeadm migrate <inputfile> -p <list_of_pools> [OPTIONS]
(or eeadm premigrate).

Example 6-68 shows what the scan list looks like when selecting files to migrate.

Example 6-68 Example scan list file

[root@ltfs97 /]# cat migrate.txt
-- /ibm/glues/document10.txt
-- /ibm/glues/document20.txt

Example 6-69 shows how one would run a manual migration using the eeadm migrate
command on the scan list from Example 6-68 to two tapes.

Example 6-69 Creation of replicas during migration

[root@kyoto prod]# eeadm migrate migrate.txt -p pool1 pool2
2019-01-08 15:52:39 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-08 15:52:39 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 18866
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).

178 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2019-01-08 15:52:39 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 18866
(copying the files to 2 pools).
2019-01-08 15:53:26 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 18866
(changing the state of files on disk).
2019-01-08 15:53:26 GLESL038I: Migration result: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE attempts to create redundant copies as efficiently as possible with
a minimum number of mount and unmount steps. For example, if all tape drives are loaded
with tape cartridges that belong only to the primary copy tape cartridge pool, data is written to
them before IBM Spectrum Archive EE begins loading the tape cartridges that belong to the
redundant copy tape cartridge pools. For more information, see 3.7, “Sizing and settings” on
page 61.

By monitoring the eeadm task list and the eeadm task show command as the migration is
running, you can observe the status of the migration task, as shown in Example 6-70.

Example 6-70 Migration task status

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm task list
TaskID Type Priority Status #DRV CreatedTime(-0700) StartedTime(-0700)
7014 migrate M waiting 0 2019-01-08_16:11:28 2019-01-08_16:11:28

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm task list

TaskID Type Priority Status #DRV CreatedTime(-0700) StartedTime(-0700)
7014 migrate M running 0 2019-01-08_16:11:28 2019-01-08_16:11:28

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm task show 7014

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 7014
Task Type: migrate
Command Parameters: eeadm migrate mig -p pool2@lib_saitama test2@lib_saitama
Status: running
Result: -
Accepted Time: Tue Jan 8 16:11:28 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Tue Jan 8 16:11:28 2019 (-0700)
Completed Time: -
In-use Resources: 0000078PG24E(JCB745JC):pool2:G0:lib_saitama
Workload: 2 files. 2 replicas.
4566941 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool2@lib_saitama.
4566941 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on test2@lib_saitama.
Progress: -
0/1 copy tasklets completed on pool2@lib_saitama.
0/1 copy tasklets completed on test2@lib_saitama.
Result Summary: -

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm task show 7014

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 7014
Task Type: migrate
Command Parameters: eeadm migrate mig -p pool2@lib_saitama test2@lib_saitama
Status: completed
Result: succeeded
Accepted Time: Tue Jan 8 16:11:28 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Tue Jan 8 16:11:28 2019 (-0700)

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 179
Completed Time: Tue Jan 8 16:12:14 2019 (-0700)
Workload: 2 files. 2 replicas.
4566941 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on pool2@lib_saitama.
4566941 bytes to copy. 1 copy tasklets on test2@lib_saitama.
Progress: -
1/1 copy tasklets completed on pool2@lib_saitama.
1/1 copy tasklets completed on test2@lib_saitama.
Result Summary: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool,
0 not found, 0 too small, 0 too early.
(GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied on
(GLESM899I) All files have been successfully copied on

For more information and command syntax, see the eeadm migrate command in 6.11,
“Migration” on page 165.

Consider the following points when replicas are used:
 Redundant copies must be created in different tape cartridge pools. The pool of the
primary replica must be different from the pool for the first redundant copy, which, in turn,
must be different from the pool for the second redundant copy.
 The migration of a premigrated file does not create replicas.

If offsite tapes are required, redundant copies can be exported out of the tape library and
shipped to an offsite location after running the eeadm tape export or eeadm tape offline,
depending on how the data should be kept. A second option would be to create the redundant
copy in a different tape library.

6.11.5 Data Migration

Because of the need to upgrade tape generations or reuse tape cartridges, IBM Spectrum
Archive EE allows users to specify to which tape cartridges they want their data to be
migrated. Use the eeadm tape datamigrate command to perform pool-to-pool file migrations.
This is ideal to use when newer tape generations are being introduced into the user’s
environment and the older generations are no longer needed.

Data on older generation media can be moved as a whole within a pool or specific tapes can
be chosen in chunks. Example 6-71 shows how users can use the eeadm tape datamigrate
command to migrate their data from an older generation pool to a newer one.

Example 6-71 Migrating data to newer generation tape pool

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape datamigrate -p test3 -d test4 -l lib2
2021-03-24 04:23:29 GLESL700I: Task datamigrate was created successfully, task ID
is 1155.
2021-03-24 04:23:29 GLESR216I: Multiple processes started in parallel. The maximum
number of processes is unlimited.
2021-03-24 04:23:29 GLESL385I: Starting the "eeadm tape datamigrate" command by
the reclaim operation.
Processing 1 tapes in the following list of tapes from source pool test3. The
files on the tapes are moved to the tapes in target pool test4:
2021-03-24 04:23:29 GLESR212I: Source candidates: JCA561JC .

180 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2021-03-24 04:23:29 GLESL677I: Files on tape JCA561JC will be copied to tape
2021-03-24 04:28:55 GLESL081I: Tape JCA561JC successfully reclaimed as datamigrate
process, formatted, and unassigned from tape pool test3.
2021-03-24 04:28:55 GLESL080I: Reclamation complete as the datamigrate command. 1
tapes reclaimed, 1 tapes unassigned from the tape pool.

For the eeadm tape datamigrate command syntax, see “The eeadm <resource type>
<action> --help command” on page 317.

Note: If the tapes are not specified for eeadm tape reclaim, the tapes being reclaimed
remain in the source pool. If the tapes are specified with the eeadm tape datamigrate
command, those tapes will be removed from the source pool after the reclamation

In addition to the pool-to-pool data migration, users can perform in-pool data migration by
configuring the pool settings and modifying the media_restriction or format type to make
older generation media become append_fenced. By doing so, in addition to securing future
migration tasks go to newer generation media this also enables users to run reclamation on
those older generation tape cartridges and have assurance that the data is reclaimed onto
the new generation medias.

When changing the media_restriction attribute of the pool, the format type is also
automatically updated to the highest generation drive available to the cluster. The format
attribute is automatically updated only after each time the media_restriction is modified. If
new drive and media generations are added to a cluster with media_restriction already set,
users are expected to update format or media_restriction manually to support new media

Example 6-72 on page 181 shows the automatic format update when changing the
media_restriction attribute from JC to JE when there are TS1160, TS1155, and TS1150

Example 6-72 Updating pool media_restriction

[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm pool show test3 -l lib_saitama
Attribute Value
poolname test3
poolid 99096daa-0beb-4791-b24f-672804a56440
devtype 3592
mediarestriction JC
format E08 (0x55)
worm no (0)
nodegroup G0
fillpolicy Default
owner System
mountlimit 0
lowspacewarningenable yes
lowspacewarningthreshold 0
nospacewarningenable yes
mode normal

[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm pool set test3 -l lib_saitama -a mediarestriction -v JE

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 181
[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm pool show test3 -l lib_saitama
Attribute Value
poolname test3
poolid 99096daa-0beb-4791-b24f-672804a56440
devtype 3592
mediarestriction JE
format 60F (0x57)
worm no (0)
nodegroup G0
fillpolicy Default
owner System
mountlimit 0
lowspacewarningenable yes
lowspacewarningthreshold 0
nospacewarningenable yes
mode normal

All tapes within test3 that fall under the restriction of JE media and 60F format type are all
appendable tapes, and everything else is now append_fenced.

6.11.6 Migration hints and tips

This section provides preferred practices for successfully managing the migration of files.

Overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules

After a file is migrated to a tape cartridge pool and is in the migrated state, it cannot be
migrated to other tape cartridge pools (unless it is first recalled in “resident” state).

It is preferable that you do not use overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules within
different IBM Spectrum Scale policy files that can select the same files for migration to
different tape cartridge pools. If a file is already migrated, a later migration fails.

In this example, an attempt is made to migrate four files to tape cartridge pool pool2. Before
the migration attempt, tape JCB610JC, which is defined in a different tape cartridge pool
(pool1), already contains three of the four files. The state of the files on these tape cartridges
before the migration attempt is displayed by the eeadm file state command as shown in
Example 6-73.

Example 6-73 Before migration

[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm file state *.bin
Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileA.ppt
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-1939041988-3068866-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JCB610JC@pool1@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileB.ppt
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-1844785692-3068794-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JCB610JC@pool1@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileC.ppt
State: migrated

182 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-373707969-3068783-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JCB610JC@pool1@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileD.ppt
State: resident

The attempt to migrate the files to a different tape cartridge pool produces the results that are
shown in Example 6-74.

Example 6-74 Attempted migration of already migrated files

[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm migrate mig -p pool2@lib_saitama
2019-01-09 15:07:18 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-09 15:07:18 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 7110
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-01-09 15:07:18 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 7110
(copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-01-09 15:07:30 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 7110
(changing the state of files on disk).
2019-01-09 15:07:31 GLESL159E: Not all migration has been successful.
2019-01-09 15:07:31 GLESL038I: Migration result: 1 succeeded, 3 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

If the IBM Spectrum Archive EE log is viewed, the error messages that are shown in
Example 6-75 explain the reason for the failures.

Example 6-75 Migration errors reported in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE log file
2019-01-09T15:07:18.713348-07:00 saitama2 mmm[22592]: GLESM148E(00710): File
/ibm/gpfs/prod/fileA.ppt is already migrated and will be skipped.
2019-01-09T15:07:18.714413-07:00 saitama2 mmm[22592]: GLESM148E(00710): File
/ibm/gpfs/prod/fileB.ppt is already migrated and will be skipped.
2019-01-09T15:07:18.715196-07:00 saitama2 mmm[22592]: GLESM148E(00710): File
/ibm/gpfs/prod/fileC.ppt is already migrated and will be skipped.

The files on tape JCB610JC (fileA.ppt, fileB.ppt, and fileC.ppt) are already in storage pool
pool1. Therefore, the attempt to migrate them to storage pool pool2 produces a migration
result of Failed. Only the attempt to migrate the resident file fileD.ppt succeeds.

If the aim of this migration was to make redundant replicas of the four PPT files in the pool2
tape cartridge pool, the method that is described in 6.11.4, “Replicas and redundant copies”
on page 177 must be followed instead.

IBM Spectrum Scale policy for the .SPACEMAN directory

Prevent migration of the .SPACEMAN directory of an IBM Spectrum Scale by excluding the
directory with an IBM Spectrum Scale policy rule. An example is shown in Example 6-63 on
page 171.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 183
Automated IBM Spectrum Scale policy-driven migration
To ensure that a specified GPFS file system is migrated only once, run the mmapplypolicy
command with the --single-instance option. The --single-instance option ensures that
multiple mmapplypolicy commands are not running in parallel because it can take longer than
two minutes to migrate a list of files to tape cartridges.

Tape format
For more information about the format of tapes that are created by the migration process, see
10.2, “Formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration” on page 325.

Migration Policy
A migration policy is used to make your lives easier. When run, IBM Spectrum Scale performs
a scan of all candidate files in the IBM Spectrum Archive name space to be migrated onto
tape. This process saves the user lots of time because they do not need to manually search
their file system and find candidate files for migrations. This feature is especially important
when there are millions of files created. For use cases on migration policy, see 7.10, “Use
cases for mmapplypolicy” on page 244.

6.12 Premigration
A premigrated file is a file that the content is on both disk and tape. To change a file to a
premigrated state, you have two options:
 Recalling migrated files:
a. The file initially is only on a disk (the file state is resident).
b. The file is migrated to tape by running eeadm migrate. After this migration, the file is a
stub on the disk (the file state is migrated) and the IDs of the tapes containing the
redundant copies are written to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE DMAPI attribute.
c. The file is recalled from tape by using a recall for read when a client attempts to read
from the file. The content of the file is on both disk and tape (the file state is
 Premigrating files:
a. The file initially is only on disk (the file state is resident).
b. The file is premigrated to tape by running eeadm premigrate. The IDs of the tapes that
contain the redundant copies are written to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE DMAPI

Premigration works similar to migration:

 The premigration scan list file has the same format as the migration scan list file.
 Up to two more redundant copies are allowed (the same as with migration).
 Manual premigration is available by running either eeadm premigrate or mmapplypolicy.
 Automatic premigration is available by running eeadm premigrate through the
mmapplypolicy/mmaddcallback command or a cron job.
 Migration hints and tips are applicable to premigration.

184 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
For the eeadm migrate command, each migrate task is achieved internally by splitting the
work into three steps:
1. Writing the content of the file to tapes, including redundant copies.
2. Writing the IDs of the tapes that contain the redundant copies of the file, which are written
to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE DMAPI attribute.
3. Stubbing the file on disk.

For premigration, step 3 is not performed. The omission of this step is the only difference
between premigration and migration.

6.12.1 Premigration with the eeadm premigrate command

The eeadm premigrate command is used to premigrate non-empty regular files to tape. The
command syntax is the same as for the eeadm migrate command. The following is an
example of the syntax:
eeadm premigrate <inputfile> -p <list_of_pools> [OPTIONS]

The <input_file> file includes the list of non-empty regular files to be premigrated. Each line
of this file must end with either of the following format.
 Each line ends with -- <filename> with a space before and after the double dash (the file
list record format of the mmapplypolicy command).
 Each line contains a file name with an absolute path or a relative path that is based on the
working directory. This format is unavailable when you run the command with the
--mmbackup option.

Specified files are saved to the specified target tape cartridge pool. Optionally, the target tape
cartridge pool can be followed by up to two more tape cartridge pools (for redundant copies)
separated by commas.

6.12.2 Premigration running the mmapplypolicy command

To perform premigration by running the mmapplypolicy command, the THRESHOLD clause is
used to determine the files for premigration. There is no IBM Spectrum Scale premigrate
command, and the default behavior is to not premigrate files.

The THRESHOLD clause can have the following parameters to control migration and
THRESHOLD (high percentage, low percentage, premigrate percentage)

If no premigrate threshold is set with the THRESHOLD clause or a value is set greater than or
equal to the low threshold, then the mmapplypolicy command does not premigrate files. If the
premigrate threshold is set to zero, the mmapplypolicy command premigrates all files.

For example, the following rule premigrates all files if the storage pool occupancy is 0 - 30%.
When the storage pool occupancy is 30% or higher, files are migrated until the storage pool
occupancy drops below 30%. Then, it continues by premigrating all files:
RULE 'premig1' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system' THRESHOLD (0,30,0) TO POOL 'ltfs'

The rule in the following example takes effect when the storage pool occupancy is higher than
50%. Then, it migrates files until the storage pool occupancy is lower than 30%, after which it
premigrates the remaining files:
RULE 'premig2' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system' THRESHOLD (50,30,0) TO POOL 'ltfs'

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 185
The rule in the following example is configured so that if the storage pool occupancy is below
30%, it selects all files that are larger than 5 MB for premigration. Otherwise, when the
storage pool occupancy is 30% or higher, the policy migrates files that are larger than 5 MB
until the storage pool occupancy drops below 30%.

Then, it continues by premigrating all files that are larger than 5 MB:
RULE 'premig3' MIGRATE FROM POOL 'system' THRESHOLD (0,30,0) TO POOL 'ltfs' WHERE(

The rule in the following example is the preferred rule when performing premigrations only. It
requires a callback to perform the stubbing. If the storage pools occupancy is below 100%, it
selects all files larger than 5 MB for premigration. If you set the threshold to 100% the storage
pools occupancy will never exceed this value, and so migrations will not be performed. In this
case, a callback is needed to run the stubbing. For an example of a callback, see 7.10.2,
“Creating active archive system policies” on page 245.
RULE ‘premig4’ MIGRATE FROM POOL ‘system’ THRESHOLD (0,100,0) TO POOL ‘ltfs’ WHERE
(FILE_SIZE > 5242880)

6.13 Preserving file system objects on tape

Symbolic links, empty regular files, and empty directories are some file system objects that do
not contain data or content. When you save these types of file system objects, you cannot use
migration and premigration commands. HSM is used to move data to and from tapes, that
is, for space management.

Because these file system objects do not have data, they cannot be processed by migration
or premigration. A new driver (called the save driver) was introduced to save these file system
objects to tape.

The following items (data and metadata that is associated with an object) are written and read
to and from tapes:
 File data for non-empty regular files
 Path and file name for all objects
 Target symbolic name only for symbolic links
 User-defined extended attributes for all objects except symbolic links

The following items are not written and read to and from tapes:
 User ID and group ID

To save these file system objects on tape, you have two options:
 Calling the eeadm save command directly with a scan list file
 An IBM Spectrum Scale policy with the mmapplypolicy command

6.13.1 Saving file system objects with the eeadm save command
The eeadm save command is used to save symbolic links, empty regular files, and empty
directories to tape. The command syntax is the same as the eeadm migrate or eeadm
premigrate commands. The following is the syntax of the eeadm save command:
eeadm save <inputfile> -p <list_of_pools> [OPTIONS]

186 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The <inputfile> file includes the list of file system objects (symbolic links, empty regular
files, and empty directories) to be saved. Each line of this file must follow either of the
following format.
 Each line ends with -- <filename> with a space before and after the double dash (the file
list record format of the mmapplypolicy command).
 Each line contains a file name with an absolute path or a relative path that is based on the
working directory. This format is unavailable when you run the command with the
--mmbackup option.

All file system objects are saved to the specified target tape cartridge pool. Optionally, the
target tape cartridge pool can be followed by up to two more tape cartridge pools (for
redundant copies) separated by commas.

Note: This command is not applicable for non-empty regular files.

6.13.2 Saving file system objects with policies

Migration and premigration cannot be used for file system objects that do not occupy space
for data. To save file system objects, such as symbolic links, empty regular files, and empty
directories with an IBM Spectrum Scale policy, the IBM Spectrum Scale list rule must be

A working policy sample of IBM Spectrum Scale list rules to save these file system objects
without data to tape can be found in the /opt/ibm/ltfsee/share/sample_save.policy file.
The only change that is required to the following sample policy file is the specification of the
cartridge pool (in blue colored letters).

These three list rules can be integrated into IBM Spectrum Scale policies. Example 6-76
shows the sample policy.

Example 6-76 Sample policy to save file system objects without data to tape
Sample policy rules
to save
symbolic links,
empty directories and
empty regular files

EXTERNAL LIST 'emptyobjects'
EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfseesave'
OPTS '-p sample_pool@sample_library'


RULE 'symoliclinks'
LIST 'emptyobjects'

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 187
SHOW ('mode=' || SUBSTR(MODE,1,1) ||
' stime=' || DISP_XATTR('dmapi.IBMSTIME') ||
' ctime=' || VARCHAR(CHANGE_TIME) ||
' spath=' || DISP_XATTR('dmapi.IBMSPATH'))
( /* if the object is a symbolic link */
PATH_NAME NOT LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
( /* if the object has not been saved yet */
( /* if the object is modified or renamed after it was saved */

RULE 'directories'
LIST 'emptyobjects'
SHOW ('mode=' || SUBSTR(MODE,1,1) ||
' stime=' || DISP_XATTR('dmapi.IBMSTIME') ||
' ctime=' || VARCHAR(CHANGE_TIME) ||
' spath=' || DISP_XATTR('dmapi.IBMSPATH'))
( /* if the object is a directory */
PATH_NAME NOT LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
( /* directory's emptiness is checked in the later processing */
/* if the object has not been saved yet */

188 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
( /* if the object is modified or renamed after it was saved */

RULE 'emptyregularfiles'
LIST 'emptyobjects'
SHOW ('mode=' || SUBSTR(MODE,1,1) ||
' stime=' || DISP_XATTR('dmapi.IBMSTIME') ||
' ctime=' || VARCHAR(CHANGE_TIME) ||
' spath=' || DISP_XATTR('dmapi.IBMSPATH'))
( /* if the object is a regular file */
PATH_NAME NOT LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
( /* if the size = 0 and the object has not been saved yet */
( /* if the object is modified or renamed after it was saved */

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 189
6.14 Recall
In space management solutions, there are two different types of recall possibilities:
Transparent and selective recall processing. Both are possible with the current IBM Spectrum
Archive EE implementation.

Transparent recalls are initiated by an application that tries to read, write, or truncate a
migrated file while not being aware that it was migrated. The specific I/O request that initiated
the recall of the file is fulfilled, with a possible delay because the file data is not available
immediately (it is on tape).

For transparent recalls, it is difficult to do an optimization because it is not possible to predict

when the next transparent recall will happen. Some optimization is already possible because
within the IBM Spectrum Archive EE task queue, the requests are run in an order that is
based on the tape and the starting block to which a file is migrated. This becomes effective
only if requests happen close together in time.

Furthermore, with the default IBM Spectrum Archive EE settings, there is a limitation of up to
only 60 transparent recalls possible on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE task queue. A sixtyish
request appears only if one of the previous 60 transparent recall requests completes.
Therefore, the ordering can happen only on this small 60 transparent recall subset. It is up to
the software application to send the transparent recalls in parallel to have multiple transparent
recalls to run at the same time.

Selective recalls are initiated by users that are aware that the file data is on tape and they
want to transfer it back to disk before an application accesses the data. This action avoids
delays within the application that is accessing the corresponding files.

Contrary to transparent recalls, the performance objective for selective recalls is to provide
the best possible throughput for the complete set of files that is being recalled, disregarding
the response time for any individual file.

However, to provide reasonable response times for transparent recalls in scenarios where
recall of many files is in progress, the processing of transparent recalls are modified to have
higher priority than selective recalls. Selective recalls are performed differently than
transparent recalls, and so they do not have a limitation like transparent recalls.

Recalls have higher priority than other IBM Spectrum Archive EE operations. For example, if
there is a recall request for a file on a tape cartridge being reclaimed or for a file on the tape
cartridge being used as reclamation target, the reclamation task is stopped, the recall or
recalls from the tape cartridge that is needed for recall are served, and then the reclamation
resumes automatically.

Recalls also have higher priority over tape premigration processes. They are optimized
across tapes and optimized within a tape used for premigration activities. The recalls that are
in close proximity are given priority.

6.14.1 Transparent recall

Transparent recall processing automatically returns migrated file data to its originating local
file system when you access it. After the data is recalled by reading the file, the HSM client
leaves the copy of the file in the tape cartridge pool, but changes it to a premigrated file
because an identical copy exists on your local file system and in the tape cartridge pool. If you
do not modify the file, it remains premigrated until it again becomes eligible for migration. A
transparent recall process waits for a tape drive to become available.

190 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
If you modify or truncate a recalled file, it becomes a resident file. The next time your file
system is reconciled, MMM marks the stored copy for deletion.

The order of selection from the replicas is always the same. The primary copy is always
selected first from which to be recalled. If this recall from the primary copy tape fails or is not
accessible, then IBM Spectrum Archive EE automatically retries the transparent recall
operation against the other replicas if they exist.

Note: Transparent recall is used most frequently because it is activated when you access a
migrated file, such as reading a file.

6.14.2 Selective recall using the eeadm recall command

The eeadm recall command performs selective recalls of migrated files to the local file
system. This command performs selective recalls in multiple ways:
 Using a recall list file
 Using an IBM Spectrum Scale scan list file
 From the output of another command
 Using an IBM Spectrum Scale scan list file that is generated through an IBM Spectrum
Scale policy and the mmapplypolicy command

With multiple tape libraries configured, the eeadm recall command requires the -l option to
specify the tape library from which to recall. When a file is recalled, the recall can occur on
any of the tapes (that is, either primary or redundant copies) from the specified tape library.
The following conditions are applied to determine the best replica:
 The condition of the tape
 If a tape is mounted
 If a tape is mounting
 If there are tasks that are assigned to a tape

If conditions are equal between certain tapes, the primary tape is preferred over the
redundant copy tapes. The secondary tape is preferred over the third tape. These rules are
necessary to make the tape selection predictive. However, there are no automatic retries likes
with transparent recalls.

For example, if a primary tape is not mounted but a redundant copy is, the redundant copy
tape is used for the recall task to avoid unnecessary mount operations.

If the specified tape library does not have any replicas, IBM Spectrum Archive EE
automatically resubmits the request to the other tape library to process the bulk recalls:
 Three copies: TAPE1@Library1 TAPE2@Library1 TAPE3@Library2
– If -l Library1 → TAPE1 or TAPE2
– If -l Library2 → TAPE3
 Two copies: TAPE1@Library1 TAPE2@Library1
– If -l Library1 → TAPE1 or TAPE2
– If -l Library2 → TAPE1 or TAPE2

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 191
The eeadm recall command
The eeadm recall command is used to recall non-empty regular files from tape. The eeadm
recall command uses the following syntax:
 eeadm recall <inputfile> [OPTIONS]
The <inputfile> may contain one of two formats. Each line ends with “-- <filename>”
with a space before and after the double dash. Or each line contains a file name with an
absolute path or a relative path that is based on the working directory.The eeadm recall
command with the output of another command.

The eeadm recall command can take as input the output of other commands through a pipe.
In Example 6-77, all files with names ending with .bin are recalled under the /ibm/gpfs/prod
directory, including subdirectories. Therefore, it is convenient to recall whole directories with a
simple command.

Example 6-77 The eeadm recall command with the output of another command
[root@saitama2 prod]# find /ibm/gpfs/prod -name "*.bin" -print | eeadm recall -l lib_saitama
2019-01-09 15:55:02 GLESL277I: The "eeadm recall command" is called without specifying an input file waiting for
standard input.
If necessary press ^D to exit.
2019-01-09 15:55:02 GLESL268I: 4 file name(s) have been provided to recall.
2019-01-09 15:55:03 GLESL700I: Task selective_recall was created successfully, task id is 7112.
2019-01-09 15:55:09 GLESL263I: Recall result: 4 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 duplicate, 0 not migrated, 0 not found, 0

6.14.3 Read Starts Recalls: Early trigger for recalling a migrated file
IBM Spectrum Archive EE can define a stub size for migrated files so that the stub size initial
bytes of a migrated file are kept on disk while the entire file is migrated to tape. The migrated
file bytes that are kept on the disk are called the stub. Reading from the stub does not trigger
a recall of the rest of the file. After the file is read beyond the stub, the recall is triggered. The
recall might take a long time while the entire file is read from tape because a tape mount
might be required, and it takes time to position the tape before data can be recalled from tape.

When Read Start Recalls (RSR) is enabled for a file, the first read from the stub file triggers a
recall of the complete file in the background (asynchronous). Reads from the stubs are still
possible while the rest of the file is being recalled. After the rest of the file is recalled to disks,
reads from any file part are possible.

With the Preview Size (PS) value, a preview size can be set to define the initial file part size
for which any reads from the resident file part does not trigger a recall. Typically, the PS value
is large enough to see whether a recall of the rest of the file is required without triggering a
recall for reading from every stub. This process is important to prevent unintended massive
recalls. The PS value can be set only smaller than or equal to the stub size.

This feature is useful, for example, when playing migrated video files. While the initial stub
size part of a video file is played, the rest of the video file can be recalled to prevent a pause
when it plays beyond the stub size. You must set the stub size and preview size to be large
enough to buffer the time that is required to recall the file from tape without triggering recall

192 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Use the following dsmmigfs command options to set both the stub size and preview size of
the file system being managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE:
dsmmigfs Update -STUBsize
dsmmigfs Update -PREViewsize

The value for the STUBsize is a multiple of the IBM Spectrum Scale file system’s block size.
this value can be obtained by running the mmlsfs <filesystem>. The PREViewsize parameter
must be equal to or less than the STUBsize value. Both parameters take a positive integer in

Example 6-78 shows how to set both the STUBsize and PREViewsize on the IBM Spectrum
Scale file system.

Example 6-78 Updating STUBsize and PREViewsize

[root@kyoto prod]# dsmmigfs Update -STUBsize=3145728 -PREViewsize=1048576
IBM Spectrum Protect
Command Line Space Management Client Interface
Client Version 8, Release 1, Level 6.0
Client date/time: 01/11/2019 12:42:20
(c) Copyright by IBM Corporation and other(s) 1990, 2018. All Rights Reserved.

ANS9068I dsmmigfs: dsmmigfstab file updated for file system /ibm/gpfs.

For more information about the dsmmigfs update command, see IBM Documentation.

6.14.4 Recommend Access Order

The Recommended Access Order (RAO) is a feature provided by drives1 that serves a
method to enable efficient recalls of files from a single cartridge. Drives that support RAO will
give the most efficient access order when reading multiple records in a tape cartridge.

In a recall, IBM Spectrum Archive EE will queue the tasks to send requests in an order that is
based on tape and starting blocks (refer to 6.14, “Recall” on page 190). This reading
optimization is efficient when significantly large numbers of files that are located in linear
positions of the tape are requested. However, in a case where the requested files are
distributed across multiple bands and wraps, this optimization method was not as effective
since the data could not be read efficiently with a simple linear read.

RAO was introduced to address such cases. Though additional calculation time will be
needed to create the recommended reading order of files, effective use of RAO will decrease
read time significantly in an ideal case.

1 Refer to 3.3, “System requirements” on page 50 for RAO supported hardware.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 193
Figure 6-1 is a conceptual diagram displaying the seeking path of five files based on block
order. The dotted arrows represents the servo head seek path, in this case, starting from File
1 and ending with File 5.

Figure 6-1 A conceptual diagram displaying the seek path of files based on block order

In contrast, Figure 6-2 shows the servo head movement when same files are read based on
RAO. When compared with the previous figure, the total seek path length represented with
the dotted arrow will be significantly shorter in RAO, therefore indicating that the total recall
time will be reduced.

Figure 6-2 A conceptual diagram displaying the seek path of files based on RAO

Though RAO is a powerful feature, there are cases where it will not be effective. As
addressed above, one example of such cases is when there are massive numbers of files to
read from a cartridge. In such cases, a block sorted read of a cartridge is the more
reasonable choice.

To address such cases, IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides an automatic transition of the two
methods during recall requests.

194 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
This automatic transition includes the following features:
 File queuing on recall requests to same cartridges
When possible, multiple recall requests to a single cartridge will be joined into a single
RAO request queue. In this case, the RAO requests will be joined up to a 2,700 file queue
in prospect to reduce the total reading time.
 RAO usage decision on cases where large number of files are recalled
IBM Spectrum Archive EE will automatically switch to a block order recalling method when
recall requests sum to 5,400 file mark for a single cartridge.2
 RAO usage decision on supported cartridges and drives
RAO function will not be used if there are no compatible drives and media available in the
library. Refer to the IBM Documentation - Supported tape drives and media for compatible
drives and media.

Note: For more information on RAO interface specification, refer to the INCITS 503-202x:
Information technology - SCSI Stream Commands - 5 (SSC-5) Overview standard

Manual configuration of RAO

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides a RAO global and local enabling/disabling switch for
manually controlling the RAO feature.

Leaving the RAO usage on (or in “auto”) is generally recommended in most cases, though
turning the RAO feature off may come to consideration if:
 Recalls are always made with large numbers of files (more than 5400 files) from a single
cartridge, at a time.
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE is unable to support the RAO feature since there are no
supported drives or media in the library.

RAO function can be globally enabled or disabled with the recall_use_rao option in the
eeadm cluster set command. The default setting is “auto”. Example shows how to disable
and enable the RAO feature.Globally configuring the RAO feature

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm cluster set -a recall_use_rao -v disable

2021-10-11 16:29:58 GLESL802I: Updated attribute recall_use_rao.

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm cluster set -a recall_use_rao -v auto

2021-10-11 16:30:58 GLESL802I: Updated attribute recall_use_rao.

Current settings can be found with the cluster show command (see Example 6-79).

Example 6-79 Showing current settings of the RAO feature

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm cluster show
Attribute Value
recall_use_rao auto

2 The 5,400 file mark is based on laboratory experimental data. In the experiment, we compared the effect of
recalling N number of 20MB files with the RAO method versus the starting block order method. The total net recall
time indicated that the starting block order method becomes more efficient just over N=5,000 files, and the RAO
performance are significantly less effective by N=10,000 files.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 195
The global RAO usage switch can be overridden locally in a recall command with the
--use-rao option (see Example 6-80).

Example 6-80 Overriding global RAO switch with local recall command

[root@mikasa1 recallsample]# eeadm recall migreclist.txt --use-rao auto


6.15 Recalling files to their resident state

This section describes the eeadm recall command using the --resident option. However,
this command should rarely be used. The eeadm recall --resident command is used to
repair a file or object by changing the state to Resident when the tape (or tapes) that are used
for migration, premigration, or save are not available.

The eeadm recall --resident command will recall the files back initially if the files are
migrated then mark the files resident and remove the link between disk and tape. If the files
are already premigrated the recall operation will be skipped and will just mark the files
resident. This option removes metadata on IBM Spectrum Scale, which is used for keeping
the file/object state.

A typical usage of the eeadm recall --resident command is a user accidentally

migrates/premigrates one or more files to the wrong tape or has forgotten to make a copy.

Example 6-81 shows the output of making a file resident.

Example 6-81 Making a migrated file resident again

[root@mikasa1 recallsample]# eeadm file state migrecfile2.txt
Name: /ibm/gpfs/recallsample/migrecfile2.txt
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-8790189057502350089-1392721861-159785-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: MB0241JE@Arnoldpool@lib1 (tape state=appendable)

[root@mikasa1 recallsample]# eeadm recall migreclist.txt --resident

2021-03-21 07:17:26 GLESL268I: 1 file name(s) have been provided to recall.
2021-03-21 07:17:26 GLESL700I: Task selective_recall was created successfully,
task ID is 1089.
2021-03-21 07:17:29 GLESL839I: All 1 file(s) has been successfully processed.
2021-03-21 07:17:29 GLESL845I: Succeeded: 1 resident, 0 already_resident

[root@mikasa1 recallsample]# eeadm file state migrecfile2.txt

Name: /ibm/gpfs/recallsample/migrecfile2.txt
State: resident

Note: migreclist.txt contains the list of files to be recalled. In this case, it contains only

196 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.16 Reconciliation
This section describes file reconciliation with IBM Spectrum Archive EE and presents
considerations for the reconciliation process.

HSM is not notified upon moves, renames, or deletions of files in IBM Spectrum Scale.
Therefore, over time the metadata of migrated files on IBM Spectrum Scale can diverge from
their equivalents on LTFS. The goal of the reconciliation function is to synchronize the IBM
Spectrum Scale namespace with the corresponding LTFS namespace (per tape cartridge)
and the corresponding LTFS attributes (per tape cartridge).

The reconciliation process resolves any inconsistencies that develop between files in the IBM
Spectrum Scale and their equivalents in IBM Spectrum Archive EE. When files are deleted,
moved, or renamed in IBM Spectrum Scale, the metadata of those files becomes out of sync
with their copies in LTFS.

By performing file reconciliation, it is possible to synchronize the IBM Spectrum Scale

namespace and attributes that are stored in LTFS (on tape cartridges) with the current IBM
Spectrum Scale namespace and attributes. Note however that the reconciliation works on
only tape cartridges that were used in IBM Spectrum Archive EE. Tapes that were not used in
LTFS Library Edition (LE) cannot be reconciled.

For each file that was deleted in IBM Spectrum Scale, the reconciliation process deletes the
corresponding LTFS files and symbolic links. If the parent directory of the deleted symbolic
link is empty, the parent directory is also deleted. This process frees capacity resources that
were needed for storing the LTFS index entries of those deleted files.

For each IBM Spectrum Scale file that was moved or renamed in IBM Spectrum Scale, the
reconciliation process updates for each LTFS instance (replica) of that IBM Spectrum Scale
file the LTFS extended attribute that contains the IBM Spectrum Scale path and the LTFS
symbolic link.

Reconciliation can be performed on one or more GPFS file systems, one or more tape
cartridge pools, or a set of tape cartridges. When the reconciliation process involves multiple
tape cartridges, multiple IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes and tape drives can be used in
parallel. However, because recall tasks have priority, only available tape drives are used for
reconciliation. After reconciliation is started, the tape cartridge cannot be unmounted until the
process completes.

The synchronization and update to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE tapes can be time
consuming and normally only required before any eeadm tape export command. Normally if
files are deleted from the IBM Spectrum Scale file systems, merely the update for the amount
of reclaimable space is sufficient information. In other words, as files are deleted,
administrators only want to know how much space can be reclaimed. Thus starting with
v1.3.0.0, the default for eeadm tape reconcile is to only update internal metadata information
in order to correctly reflect the Reclaimable% column of the eeadm tape list command. In
order to update the tape (like previous to v1.3.0.0), the --commit-to-tape option should be
supplied as part of the eeadm tape reconcile command.

The following list presents limitations of the reconciliation process:

1. Only one reconciliation process can be started at a time. If an attempt is made to start a
reconciliation process while another process is running, the attempt fails. The eeadm tape
reconcile command fails and the following failure message appears:
GLESL098E: The same type of task or conflicting task was previously requested
and it is running. Wait for completion of the task and try again.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 197
2. After a reconciliation process is started, new migration tasks are prevented until the
reconciliation process completes on the reconciling tapes. However, if any migration tasks
are running, the reconciliation process does not begin until all migration tasks complete.
3. Recalls from a tape cartridge being reconciled are not available while the reconciliation
process is updating the index for that tape cartridge, which is a short step in the overall
reconciliation process.

The command outputs in the following examples show the effect that reconciliation has on the
Reclaimable% column after that file is deleted from the IBM Spectrum Scale file system.
Example 6-82 shows the initial file state of a single file on tape.

Example 6-82 Display the file state of a migrated file

[root@ueno ~]# eeadm file state
State: premigrated
ID: 9226311045824247518-17452468188422870573-2026950408-6649759-0
Replicas: 3
Tape 1: P1B064JE@ueno@perf_lib (tape state=appendable)
Tape 2: P1B076JE@kanda@perf_lib (tape state=appendable)
Tape 3: P1B073JE@shimbashi@perf_lib (tape state=appendable)

The file is also present on the IBM Spectrum Scale file system, as shown in Example 6-83.

Example 6-83 List the file on the IBM Spectrum Scale file system
[root@ueno ~]# ls -hl
-rw------- 1 root root 1.8G Nov 12 15:29

198 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
At this point, this file can be removed with the rm command. After the file is removed, IBM
Spectrum Archive EE has the reclaimable space information from eeadm tape list for these
tapes (see Example 6-84).

Example 6-84 Tape list tn IBM Spectrum Archive EE

[root@ueno ~]# eeadm tape list | egrep "Tape|P1B064JE|P1B076JE|P1B073JE"
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB)
Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
P1B073JE ok appendable 18147 18137 9
0% shimbashi perf_lib homeslot -
P1B064JE ok appendable 18147 18134 12
0% ueno perf_lib drive -
P1B076JE ok appendable 18147 18140 6
0% kanda perf_lib homeslot -

If you perform a reconciliation of the tape now using the default settings, IBM Spectrum
Archive EE only updates the amount of reclaimable space on the tape within the internal
metadata structure, as shown in Example 6-85.

Example 6-85 Reconcile the tape

[root@ueno ~]# eeadm tape reconcile P1B064JE -p ueno
2018-12-07 12:31:21 GLESL700I: Task reconcile was created successfully, task id is
2018-12-07 12:31:21 GLESS016I: Reconciliation requested.
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS050I: GPFS file systems involved: /gpfs/gpfs0 .
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS210I: Valid tapes in the pool: MB0247JE P1B064JE P1B067JE
P1B063JE P1B074JE .
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS049I: Tapes to reconcile: P1B064JE .
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS134I: Reserving tapes for reconciliation.
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS135I: Reserved tapes: P1B064JE .
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS054I: Creating GPFS snapshots:
2018-12-07 12:31:22 GLESS055I: Deleting the previous reconcile snapshot and
creating a new one for /gpfs/gpfs0 ( gpfs0 ).
2018-12-07 12:31:25 GLESS056I: Searching GPFS snapshots:
2018-12-07 12:31:25 GLESS057I: Searching GPFS snapshot of /gpfs/gpfs0 ( gpfs0 ).
2018-12-07 12:31:44 GLESS060I: Processing the file lists:
2018-12-07 12:31:44 GLESS061I: Processing the file list for /gpfs/gpfs0 ( gpfs0 ).
2018-12-07 12:33:52 GLESS141I: Removing stale DMAPI attributes:
2018-12-07 12:33:52 GLESS142I: Removing stale DMAPI attributes for /gpfs/gpfs0 (
gpfs0 ).
2018-12-07 12:33:52 GLESS063I: Reconciling the tapes:
2018-12-07 12:33:52 GLESS248I: Reconcile tape P1B064JE.
2018-12-07 12:37:19 GLESS002I: Reconciling tape P1B064JE complete.
2018-12-07 12:37:19 GLESS249I: Releasing reservation of tape P1B064JE.
2018-12-07 12:37:19 GLESS058I: Removing GPFS snapshots:
2018-12-07 12:37:19 GLESS059I: Removing GPFS snapshot of /gpfs/gpfs0 ( gpfs0 ).

If you now list the tapes with eeadm tape list, you may see that the reclaimable space
percentage be increased due to the deleted files (because it is in percentage and not in GBs,
the size of deletion need to be large to see a percentage change).

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 199
6.17 Reclamation
The space on tape that is occupied by deleted files is not reused during normal IBM Spectrum
Archive EE operations. New data is always written after the last index on tape. The process of
reclamation is similar to the same named process in IBM Spectrum Protect environment
because all active files are consolidated onto a new, empty, second tape cartridge. This
process improves overall tape usage and utilization.

When files are deleted, overwritten, or edited on IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridges, it
is possible to reclaim the space. The reclamation function of IBM Spectrum Archive EE frees
tape space that is occupied by non-referenced files and non-referenced content that is
present on the tape. The reclamation process copies the files that are referenced by the LTFS
index of the tape cartridge being reclaimed to another tape cartridge, updates the GPFS/IBM
Spectrum Scale inode information, and then reformats the tape cartridge that is being

6.17.1 Reclamation considerations

The following considerations should be reviewed before the reclamation function is used:
 Reconcile before reclaiming tape cartridges
It is preferable to perform a reconciliation of the set of tape cartridges that are being
reclaimed before the reclamation process is initiated. For more information, see 6.16,
“Reconciliation” on page 197. If this is not performed, the reclamation might fail with a
message that recommends to perform a reconcile.
 Scheduled reclamation
It is preferable to schedule periodically reclamation for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape
cartridge pools.
 Recall priority
Recalls are prioritized over reclamation. If there is a recall request for a file on a tape
cartridge that is being reclaimed or for a file on the tape cartridge being used as the
reclamation target, the reclamation task is stopped for the recall. After the recall is
complete, the reclamation resumes automatically.
 Tape drives used for reclamation
To reclaim a tape cartridge, two tape drives with the “g” role attribute on the same node will
be used. When multiple tapes cartridges are specified for reclamation, the reclaim function
will try to use as many tape drives as it needs to process the multiple reclamation in
parallel. There is an option to the command to limit the number of concurrent reclamation
process thus limiting the number of tape drives that will be used at once.

Use the eeadm tape reclaim command to start reclamation of a specified tape cartridge pool
or of certain tape cartridges within a specified tape cartridge pool. The eeadm tape reclaim
command is also used to specify thresholds that indicate when reclamation is performed by
the percentage of the available capacity on a tape cartridge.

Example 6-86 shows the results of reclaiming a single tape cartridge 058AGWL5.

Example 6-86 Reclamation of a single tape cartridge

[root@mikasa1 ~]# eeadm tape reclaim JCB370JC -p pool1 -l lib2
2021-03-24 04:08:49 GLESL700I: Task reclaim was created successfully, task ID is

200 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
2021-03-24 04:08:49 GLESR216I: Multiple processes started in parallel. The maximum
number of processes is unlimited.
2021-03-24 04:08:49 GLESL084I: Start reclaiming 1 tapes in the following list of
2021-03-24 04:08:49 GLESR212I: Source candidates: JCB370JC .
2021-03-24 04:08:49 GLESL677I: Files on tape JCB370JC will be copied to tape
2021-03-24 04:14:30 GLESL085I: Tape JCB370JC successfully reclaimed, it remains in
tape pool Arnoldpool2.
2021-03-24 04:14:30 GLESL080I: Reclamation complete. 1 tapes reclaimed, 0 tapes
unassigned from the tape pool.

At the end of the process, the tape cartridge is reformatted. The tape remains in the tape
cartridge pool unless the “--unassign” option is specified. For more information, see , “The
eeadm <resource type> --help command” on page 316.

6.18 Checking and repairing tapes

There are three tape states that can occur on a tape which helps inform the user to perform a
check. Once the root cause of the status is determined use the eeadm tape validate
command to perform a check on the tapes and update the state back to appendable. All three
states will prevent further migration and recall tasks to those tapes effected, therefore it is
important to resolve the issues found and clear the states. The following are the check tape
tapes fall into this state when they fail to get mounted to a drive, or is stuck in a drive and
failed to get unmounted.
tapes fall into this state when the system detects some metadata mismatches on the tape.
tapes fall into this state when there is a single tape that failed a write or read requiring an
encryption key from an encryption key server.

Example 6-87 shows a tape in the check_key_server state and using the eeadm tape
validate to restore its state back to appendable or full after fixing the encryption key server.

Example 6-87 Restoring a check_key_server tape back to appendable

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape list -l lib_mikasa
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB)
Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
MB0021JM error check_key_server 0 0 0
0% pool2 lib_mikasa homeslot -

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape validate MB0021JM -p pool2 -l lib_mikasa

2019-01-10 11:27:24 GLESL700I: Task tape_validate was created successfully, task
id is 7125.
2019-01-10 11:28:41 GLESL388I: Tape MB0021JM is successfully validated.

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape list -l lib_mikasa

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 201
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB)
Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
MB0021JM ok appendable 4536 4536 0 0% pool2
lib_mikasa homeslot -

Two other tape states exist that require the user to replace the tapes. These two states occur
when a tape encounters a read or write failure, and can be remedied by using the eeadm tape
replace command. This command moves the data off the bad tape and onto an appendable
tape within the same pool maintaining the migration order and finally removing the bad tape
from the pool. The following are the two replacement tape states:
The IBM Spectrum Archive EE system detected one or more permanent read errors on
this tape
The IBM Spectrum Archive EE system detected a permanent write error on the tape.

Example 6-88 shows the output of running the eeadm tape replace command

Example 6-88 eeadm tape replace

[root@mikasa1 prod]# eeadm tape replace JCB206JC -p test -l lib_mikasa
2018-10-09 10:51:58 GLESL700I: Task tape_replace was queued successfully, task id
is 27382.
2018-10-09 10:51:58 GLESL755I: Kick reconcile before replace against 1 tapes.
2018-10-09 10:52:57 GLESS002I: Reconciling tape JCB206JC complete.
2018-10-09 10:52:58 GLESL756I: Reconcile before replace was finished.
2018-10-09 10:52:58 GLESL753I: Starting tape replace for JCB206JC.
2018-10-09 10:52:58 GLESL754I: Found a target tape for tape replace (MB0241JE).
2018-10-09 10:55:05 GLESL749I: Tape replace for JCB206JC is successfully done.

For more information about the various tape cartridge states, see 10.1.4, “Tape status codes”
on page 320.

6.19 Importing and exporting

The import and export processes are the mechanisms for moving data on the LTFS written
tape cartridges into or out of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment.

6.19.1 Importing
Import tape cartridges to your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system by running the eeadm
tape import <list_of_tapes> -p <pool> [-l <library>] [OPTIONS] command.

When you import a tape cartridge, the eeadm tape import command performs the following
1. Adds the specified tape cartridge to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE library
2. Assigns the tape to the designated pool
3. Adds the file stubs in an import directory within the IBM Spectrum Scale file system

202 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 6-89 shows the import of an LTFS tape cartridge that was created on a different
LTFS system into a directory that is called FC0257L8 in the /ibm/gpfs file system.

Example 6-89 Import an LTFS tape cartridge

[root@ginza ~] eeadm tape import FC0257L8 -p pool1 -P /ibm/gpfs/
2019-02-26 09:52:15 GLESL700I: Task import was created successfully, task id is
2019-02-26 09:54:33 GLESL064I: Import of tape FC0257L8 complete.

Importing file paths

The default import file path for the eeadm tape import command is /{GPFS file
system}/IMPORT. As shown in Example 6-90, if no other parameters are specified on the
command line, all files are restored to the ../IMPORT/{VOLSER} directory under the GPFS file

Example 6-90 Import by using default parameters

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape import JCB610JC -p test3 -l lib_saitama
2019-01-10 13:33:12 GLESL700I: Task import was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-10 13:34:51 GLESL064I: Import of tape JCB610JC complete.

[root@saitama2 ~]# ls -las /ibm/gpfs/IMPORT/


Example 6-91 on page 203 shows the use of the -P parameter, which can be used to redirect
the imported files to an alternative directory. The VOLSER is still used in the directory name,
but you can now specify a custom import file path by using the -P option. If the specified path
does not exist, it is created.

Example 6-91 Import by using the -P parameter

[root@saitama2 gpfs]# eeadm tape import JCB610JC -p test3 -l lib_saitama -P
2019-01-10 14:20:54 GLESL700I: Task import was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-10 14:22:30 GLESL064I: Import of tape JCB610JC complete.
[root@saitama2 gpfs]# ls /ibm/gpfs/alternate/

With each of these parameters, you have the option of renaming imported files by using the
--rename parameters. This option will only rename any imported files with conflicting names
by appending the suffix “_i” where i is a number from 1 to n.

Importing offline tape cartridges

For more information about offline tape cartridges, see 6.19.2, “Exporting tape cartridges” on
page 204. Offline tape cartridges can be reimported to the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace
by running the eeadm tape online command.

When the tape cartridge is offline and outside the library, the IBM Spectrum Scale offline files
on disk or the files on tape cartridge should not be modified.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 203
Example 6-92 shows an example of making an offline tape cartridge online.

Example 6-92 Online an offline tape cartridge

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape online JCB610JC -p test3 -l lib_saitama
2019-01-10 14:42:36 GLESL700I: Task import was created successfully, task id is
2019-01-10 14:44:11 GLESL064I: Import of tape JCB610JC complete.

6.19.2 Exporting tape cartridges

Export tape cartridges from your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system by running the
eeadm tape export command. When you export a tape cartridge, the process removes the
tape cartridge from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE library. The tape cartridge is reserved so
that it is no longer a target for file migrations. It is then reconciled to remove any
inconsistencies between it and IBM Spectrum Scale.

The export process then removes all files from the IBM Spectrum Scale file system that exist
on the exported tape cartridge. The files on the tape cartridges are unchanged by the export,
and are accessible by other LTFS systems.

Export considerations
Consider the following information when planning IBM Spectrum Archive EE export activities:
 If you put different logical parts of an IBM Spectrum Scale namespace (such as the project
directory) into different LTFS tape cartridge pools, you can export tape cartridges that
contain the entire IBM Spectrum Scale namespace or only the files from a specific
directory within the namespace.
Otherwise, you must first recall all the files from the namespace of interest (such as the
project directory), then migrate the recalled files to an empty tape cartridge pool, and then
export that tape cartridge pool.
 Reconcile occurs automatically before the export is processed.

Although the practice is not preferable, tape cartridges can be physically removed from IBM
Spectrum Archive EE without exporting them. In this case, no changes are made to the IBM
Spectrum Scale inode. The following results can occur:
 Causes a file operation that requires access to the removed tape cartridge to fail. No
information as to where the tape cartridges are is available.
 Files on an LTFS tape cartridge can be replaced in IBM Spectrum Archive EE without
reimporting (that is, without updating anything in IBM Spectrum Scale). This process is
equivalent to a library going offline and then being brought back online without taking any
action in the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace or management.

Important: If a tape cartridge is removed from the library without the use of the export
utility, modified, and then reinserted in the library, the behavior can be unpredictable.

Exporting tape cartridges

The normal export of an IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge first reconciles the tape
cartridge to correct any inconsistencies between it and IBM Spectrum Scale. Then, it
removes all files from the IBM Spectrum Scale file system that exist on the exported tape

204 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 6-93 shows the typical output from the export command.

Example 6-93 Export a tape cartridge

[root@mikasa1 recallsample]# eeadm tape export JCB370JC -p test3-l lib2 --remove
2021-03-24 03:30:16 GLESL700I: Task export_remove was created successfully, task
ID is 1139.
2021-03-24 03:30:16 GLESS134I: Reserving tapes.
2021-03-24 03:30:16 GLESS269I: JCB370JC is mounted. Moving to homeslot.
2021-03-24 03:31:13 GLESS135I: Reserved tapes: JCB370JC .
2021-03-24 03:31:13 GLESL719I: Reconcile as a part of an export is starting.
2021-03-24 03:32:48 GLESS002I: Reconciling tape JCB370JC complete.
2021-03-24 03:32:49 GLESL632I: Reconcile as a part of an export finishes
2021-03-24 03:32:49 GLESL073I: Tape export for JCB370JC was requested.
2021-03-24 03:34:19 GLESM399I: Removing tape JCB370JC from pool test3 (Force).
2021-03-24 03:34:19 GLESL762I: Tape JCB370JC was forcefully unassigned from pool
test3 during an export operation. Files on the tape cannot be recalled. Run the
"eeadm tape import" command for the tape to recall the files again.
2021-03-24 03:34:19 GLESL074I: Export of tape JCB370JC complete.
2021-03-24 03:34:19 GLESL490I: The export command completed successfully for all

Example 6-94 on page 205 shows how the normal exported tape is displayed as exported by
running the eeadm info tapes command.

Example 6-94 Display status of normal export tape cartridge

# eeadm tape list

Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
FC0260L8 ok appendable 10907 7 10899 0% temp liba homeslot -
UEF108M8 ok appendable 5338 46 5292 0% pool4 liba homeslot -
DV1993L7 ok appendable 5338 37 5301 0% pool4 liba homeslot -
FC0255L8 ok exported 0 0 0 0% - liba homeslot -

If errors occur during the export phase, the tape goes to the export state. However, some of
the files that belong to that tape might still remain in the file system and still have a reference
to that tape. Such an error can occur when an export is happening and while reconciliation
occurs one starts to modify the files belonging to the exporting tape. In such a scenario, see
9.5, “Software” on page 303 on how to clean up the remaining files on the IBM Spectrum
Scale file system.

Regarding full replica support, Export/Import does not depend on the primary/redundant
copy. When all copies are exported, the file is exported.

Table 6-1 lists a use case example where a file was migrated to three physical tapes: TAPE1,
TAPE2, TAPE3. The file behaves as shown by export operations.

Table 6-1 Export operations use case scenario of file with three tapes
Operation File

TAPE1 is exported. File is available (IBMTPS has TAPE2/TAPE3).

TAPE1/TAPE2 is exported. File is available (IBMTPS has TAPE3).

TAPE1/TAPE2/TAPE3 is exported. File is removed from GPFS.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 205
6.19.3 Offlining tape cartridges
Offline tape cartridges from your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system by running the eeadm
tape offline command. This process marks all files from the tape cartridges or tape
cartridge pool that are specified and marks them offline and those files cannot be accessed.
However, the corresponding inode of each file is kept in IBM Spectrum Scale. Those files can
be brought back to the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace by making online the tape cartridge
by using the eeadm tape online command.

If you want to move tape cartridges to an off-site location for DR purposes but still retain files
in the IBM Spectrum Scale file system, follow the procedure that is described here. In
Example 6-95, tape JCB610JC contains redundant copies of five MPEG files that must be
moved off-site.

Example 6-95 Offlining a tape cartridge

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape offline JCB610JC -p test3 -l lib_saitama -o "Moved
to storage room B"
2019-01-10 14:39:55 GLESL700I: Task tape_offline was created successfully, task id
is 7141.
2019-01-10 14:39:55 GLESL073I: Offline export of tape JCB610JC has been requested.

If you run the eeadm tape list command, you can see the offline status of the tape cartridge,
as shown in Example 6-96.

Example 6-96 Display status of offline tape cartridges

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape list -l lib_saitama
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
JCA561JC ok offline 0 0 0 0% pool2 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCA224JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCC093JC ok appendable 6292 496 5796 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCB745JC ok append_fenced 6292 0 0 0% pool2 lib_saitama homeslot -

It is now possible to physically remove tape JCA561JC from the tape library so that it can be
sent to the off-site storage location.

Regarding full replica support, Offlining/Onlining does not depend on the primary/redundant
copy. When all copies are offlined, the file is offline.

Table 6-2 lists a use case example where a file was migrated to three physical tapes: TAPE1,
TAPE2, TAPE3. The file behaves as shown by offline operations.

Table 6-2 Export operations use case scenario of file with three tapes
Operation File

TAPE1 is offline. File is available (can recall).

TAPE1/TAPE2 are offline. File is available (can recall).

TAPE1/TAPE2/TAPE3 are offline. File is offline (cannot recall).

TAPE1/TAPE2 are offline exported, and then File is offline (cannot recall, and the file will be
TAPE3 is exported. only recalled from TAPE1/TAPE2 once they are

206 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 6-97 shows the file state when the tape host has been offlined.

Example 6-97 Offline file state

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm file state *.bin
Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/file1
State: migrated (check tape state)
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-1435527450-974349-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JCB610JC@test3@lib_saitama (tape state=offline)

6.20 Drive Role settings for task assignment control

IBM Spectrum Archive EE allows users to configure their drives to allow or disallow specific
tasks. Each of the attributes corresponds to the tape drive’s capability to perform a specific
type of task. Here are the attributes:

Table 6-3 lists the available IBM Spectrum Archive EE drive attributes for the attached
physical tape drives.

Table 6-3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE drive attributes

Attributes Description

Migration If the Migration attribute is set for a drive, that drive can process migration tasks.
If not, IBM Spectrum Archive EE never runs migration tasks by using that drive.
Save tasks are also allowed/disallowed through this attribute setting. It is
preferable that there be at least one tape drive that has this attribute set to

Recall If the Recall attribute is set for a drive, that drive can process recall tasks. If not,
IBM Spectrum Archive EE never runs recall tasks by using that drive. Both
automatic file recall and selective file recall are enabled/disabled by using this
single attribute. There is no way to enable/disable one of these two recall types
selectively. It is preferable that there be at least one tape drive that has this
attribute set to Recall.

Generic If the Generic attribute is set for a drive, that drive can process generic tasks. If
not, IBM Spectrum Archive EE never runs generic tasks by using that drive. IBM
Spectrum Archive EE creates and runs miscellaneous generic tasks for
administrative purposes, such as formatting tape, checking tape, reconciling
tape, reclaiming a tape, and validating a tape. Some of those tasks are internally
run with any of the user operations. It is preferable that there be at least one tape
drive that has this attribute set to Generic. For reclaiming tape, at least two tape
drives are required, so at least two drives need the Generic attribute.

To set these attributes for a tape drive, the attributes can be specified when adding a tape
drive to IBM Spectrum Archive EE. Use the following command syntax:
eeadm drive assign <drive serial> -n <node_id> -r

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 207
The -r option requires a decimal numeric parameter. A logical OR applies to set the three
attributes: Migrate (4), Recall (2), and Generic (1). For example, a number of 6 for -r
allows migration and recall task while copy and generic task are disallowed. All of the
attributes are set by default.

To check the current active drive attributes, the eeadm drive list command is useful. This
command shows each tape drive’s attributes, as shown in Example 6-98.

Example 6-98 Check current IBM Spectrum Archive EE drive attributes

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm drive list -l lib_saitama
Drive S/N State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group Task
0000078PG24E mounted TS1160 mrg lib_saitama 6 JD0321JD G0 -
0000078PG20E not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_saitama 2 - G0 -
0000078D9DBA not_mounted TS1155 mrg lib_saitama 2 - G0 -
00000000A246 not_mounted TS1155 mrg lib_saitama 2 - G0 -
0000078PG24A not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_saitama 6 - G0 -
0000078D82F4 unassigned - --- lib_saitama - - - -

The letters m, r, and g are shown when the corresponding attribute Migration, Recall, and
Generic are set to on. If an attribute is not set, “-” is shown instead.

The role of an assigned drive can be modified by using the eeadm drive set command. For
example, the following command changes the role to Migrate and Recall.
eeadm drive set <drive serial> -a role -v mr

The configuration change takes effect after the on-going process has completed.

Drive attributes setting hint: In a multiple nodes environment, it is expected that the
reclaim driver works faster if two tape drives that are used for reclaim are assigned to a
single node. For that purpose, tape drives with the Generic attribute should be assigned to
a single node and all of other drives of the remaining nodes should not have the Generic

6.21 Tape drive intermix support

This section describes the physical tape drive intermix support

This enhancement has these objectives:

 Use IBM LTO-9 tapes and drives in mixed configuration with older IBM LTO (LTO-8, M8, 7,
6, and 5) generations
 Use 3592 JC/JD/JE cartridges along with IBM TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, and TS1140
drives in mixed environments

Note: An intermix of LTO and TS11xx tape drive technology and media on a single library
is not supported by IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

208 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The following main use cases are expected to be used by this feature:
 Tape media and technology migration (from old to new generation tapes)
 Continue using prior generation formatted tapes (read or write) with the current technology
tape drive generation

To generate and use a mixed tape drive environment, you must define the different LTO or
TS11xx drive types with the creation of the logical library partition (within your tape library) to
be used along with your IBM Spectrum Archive EE setup.

When LTO-9, 8, M8, 7, 6, and 5 tapes are used in a tape library, correct cartridges and drives
are selected by IBM Spectrum Archive EE to read or write the required data. For more
information, see this IBM Documentation web page.

When 3592 JC, JD, and JE tapes are used in a tape library and IBM TS1160, TS1155,
TS1150, and TS1140 drives are used correct tapes and drives are selected by IBM Spectrum
Archive EE to read or write the required data.

With this function, a data migration between different generations of tape cartridges can be
achieved. You can select and configure which TS11xx format (TS1155, TS1150, or TS1140)
is used by IBM Spectrum Archive EE for operating 3592 JC tapes. The default for IBM
Spectrum Archive EE is always to use and format to the highest available capacity. The
TS1160 supports only recalls of JC media formatted using TS1140.

The eeadm tape assign command can be used for pool configuration when new physical
tape cartridges are added to your IBM Spectrum Archive EE setup:
eeadm tape assign <list_of_tapes> -p <pool> [-l <library>] [OPTIONS]

WORM support for the IBM TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, and TS1140 tape drives

From the long-term archive perspective, there is sometimes a requirement to store files
without any modification that is ensured by the system. You can deploy Write Once Read
Many (WORM) tape cartridges in your IBM Spectrum Archive EE setup. Only 3592 WORM
tapes that can be used with IBM TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, or TS1140 drives are supported.

Note: LTO WORM tapes are not supported for IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

For more information about IBM tape media and WORM tapes, see this website.

6.21.1 Objective for WORM tape support

The IBM Spectrum Archive EE objective for WORM tapes is to store files without any
modifications, which is ensured by the system, but with the following limitations:
 Only ensure that the file on tape is immutable if the user uses only IBM Spectrum
Archive EE:
– Does not detect the case where an appended modified index is at the end of tape by
using a direct SCSI command.
– From LTFS format perspective, this case can be detected but it needs time to scan
every index on the tape. This feature is not provided in the release of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE on which this book is based.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 209
 Does not ensure that the file cannot be modified through GPFS in the following ways:
– Migrate the immutable files to tape.
– Recall the immutable files to disk.
– Change the immutable attribute of the file on disk and modify.

6.21.2 Function overview for WORM tape support

The following features are present to support 3592 WORM tapes:
 WORM attribute to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE pool attributes.
 A WORM pool can have only WORM cartridges.
 Files that have GPFS immutable attributes can still be migrated to normal pools.

Example 6-99 shows how to set the WORM attribute to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE pool by
using the eeadm pool create command.

Example 6-99 Set the WORM attribute to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE pool
[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm pool create myWORM --worm physical

There is also an IBM Spectrum Scale layer that can provide a certain immutability for files
within the GPFS file system. You can apply immutable and appendOnly restrictions either to
individual files within a file set or to a directory. An immutable file cannot be changed or
renamed. An appendOnly file allows append operations, but not delete, modify, or rename

An immutable directory cannot be deleted or renamed, and files cannot be added or deleted
under such a directory. An appendOnly directory allows new files or subdirectories to be
created with 0-byte length. All such new created files and subdirectories are marked as
appendOnly automatically.

The immutable flag and the appendOnly flag can be set independently. If both immutability
and appendOnly are set on a file, immutability restrictions are in effect.

To set or unset these attributes, use the following IBM Spectrum Scale command options:
 mmchattr -i yes|no
This command sets or unsets a file to or from an immutable state:
– -i yes
Sets the immutable attribute of the file to yes.
– -i no
Sets the immutable attribute of the file to no.
 mmchattr -a yes|no
This command sets or unsets a file to or from an appendOnly state:
– -a yes
Sets the appendOnly attribute of the file to yes.
– -a no
Sets the appendOnly attribute of the file to no.

Note: Before an immutable or appendOnly file can be deleted, you must change it to
mutable or set appendOnly to no (by using the mmchattr command).

210 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Storage pool assignment of an immutable or appendOnly file can be changed. An immutable or
appendOnly file is allowed to transfer from one storage pool to another.

To display whether a file is immutable or appendOnly, run this command:

mmlsattr -L myfile

The system displays information similar to the output that is shown in Example 6-100.

Example 6-100 Output of the mmlsattr -L myfile command

file name: myfile
metadata replication: 2 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: sp1
fileset name: root
snapshot name:
creation Time: Wed Feb 22 15:16:29 2012
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE

6.21.3 The effects of file operations on immutable and appendOnly files

After a file is set as immutable or appendOnly, the following file operations and attributes work
differently from the way they work on regular files:
An immutable or appendOnly file cannot be deleted.
An immutable file cannot be modified or appended. An appendOnly file cannot be modified,
but it can be appended.

Note: The immutable and appendOnly flag check takes effect after the file is closed.
Therefore, the file can be modified if it is opened before the file is changed to

An immutable or appendOnly file’s mode cannot be changed.
 ownership, acl
These attributes cannot be changed for an immutable or appendOnly file.
The time stamp of an immutable or appendOnly file can be changed.
If a directory is marked as immutable, no files can be created, renamed, or deleted under
that directory. However, a subdirectory under an immutable directory remains mutable
unless it is explicitly changed by the mmchattr command.
If a directory is marked as appendOnly, no files can be renamed or deleted under that
directory. However, 0-byte length files can be created.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 211
For more information about IBM Spectrum Scale V5.1.2 immutable and appendOnly
limitations, see IBM Documentation.

Example 6-101 shows the output that you receive while working, showing, and changing the
IBM Spectrum Scale immutable or appendOnly file attributes.

Example 6-101 Set or change an IBM Spectrum Scale file immutable file attribute
[root@ltfsee_node0]# echo "Jan" > jan_jonas.out
[root@ltfsee_node0]# mmlsattr -L -d jan_jonas.out
file name: jan_jonas.out
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: no
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: system
fileset name: root
snapshot name:
creation time: Mon Aug 31 15:40:54 2015
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE
Encrypted: yes
type: wrapped FEK WrpPar 'AES:KWRAP' CmbPar 'XORHMACSHA512'

[root@ltfsee_node0]# mmchattr -i yes jan_jonas.out

[root@ltfsee_node0]# mmlsattr -L -d jan_jonas.out

file name: jan_jonas.out
metadata replication: 1 max 2
data replication: 1 max 2
immutable: yes
appendOnly: no
storage pool name: system
fileset name: root
snapshot name:
creation time: Mon Aug 31 15:40:54 2015
Windows attributes: ARCHIVE READONLY
Encrypted: yes
type: wrapped FEK WrpPar 'AES:KWRAP' CmbPar 'XORHMACSHA512'

[root@ltfsee_node0]# echo "Jonas" >> jan_jonas.out

212 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
-bash: jan_jonas.out: Read-only file system

These immutable or appendOnly file attributes can be changed at any time by the IBM
Spectrum Scale administrator, so IBM Spectrum Scale is not able to provide an complete

If you are working with IBM Spectrum Archive EE and IBM Spectrum Scale and you plan
implementing a WORM solution along with WORM tape cartridges, these two main
assumptions apply:
 Only files that have IBM Spectrum Scale with the immutable attribute ensure no
 The IBM Spectrum Scale immutable attribute is not changed after it is set unless it is
changed by an administrator.

Consider the following limitations when using WORM tapes together with IBM Spectrum
Archive EE:
 WORM tapes are supported only with IBM TS1160, TS1155, TS1150, and TS1140 tape
drives (3592 JV, JY, JZ).
 If IBM Spectrum Scale immutable attributes are changed to yes after migration, the next
migration fails against the same WORM pool.
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE supports the following operations with WORM media:
– Migrate
– Recall
– Offline export and offline import
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE does not support the following operations with WORM media:
– Reclaim
– Reconcile
– Export and Import

For more information about the IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands, see 10.1,
“Command-line reference” on page 316.

6.22 Obtaining the location of files and data

This section describes how to obtain information about the location of files and data by using
IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

You can use the eeadm file state command to discover the physical location of files. To help
with the management of replicas, this command also indicates which tape cartridges are
used by a particular file, how many replicas exist, and the health state of the tape.

Example 6-102 shows the typical output of the eeadm file state command. Some files are
on multiple tape cartridges, some are in a migrated state, and others are premigrated only.

Example 6-102 Files location

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm file state *.bin
Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/file1.bin
State: premigrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-1435527450-974349-0

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 213
Replicas: 2
Tape 1: JCB610JC@test3@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)
Tape 2: JD0321JD@test4@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/file2.bin
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-2015134857-974348-0
Replicas: 2
Tape 1: JCB610JC@test3@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)
Tape 2: JD0321JD@test4@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/file3.bin
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-599546382-974350-0
Replicas: 2
Tape 1: JCB610JC@test3@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)
Tape 2: JD0321JD@test4@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/file4.bin
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-2104982795-3068894-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JD0321JD@test4@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

For more information about supported characters for file names and directory path names,
see IBM Documentation.

6.23 Obtaining system resources, and tasks information

This section describes how to obtain resource inventory information and information about
ongoing migration and recall tasks with IBM Spectrum Archive EE. You can use the
eeadm task list command to obtain information about current tasks and the eeadm task
show to see detailed information about the task. To view IBM Spectrum Archive EE system
resources use any of the following commands:
 eeadm tape list
 eeadm drive list
 eeadm pool list
 eeadm node list
 eeadm nodegroup list

Example 6-103 shows the command that is used to display all IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape
cartridge pools.

Example 6-103 Tape cartridge pools

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm pool list
Pool Name Usable(TB) Used(TB) Available(TB) Reclaimable% Tapes Type Library
Node Group
myWORM 0.0 0.0 0.0 0% 0 -
lib_saitama G0
pool1 64.1 3.9 60.2 0% 10 3592
lib_saitama G0

214 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
test2 6.1 0.0 6.1 0% 1 3592
lib_saitama G0

Example 6-104 shows the serial numbers and status of the tape drives that are used by IBM
Spectrum Archive EE.

Example 6-104 Drives

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm drive list
Drive S/N State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group Task
0000078PG24E mounted TS1160 mrg lib_saitama 6 JD0321JD G0 -
0000078PG20E not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_saitama 2 - G0 -
0000078D9DBA not_mounted TS1155 mrg lib_saitama 2 - G0 -

To view all the IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridges, run the command that is shown in
Example 6-105.

Example 6-105 Tape cartridges

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm tape list

Tape ID Status State Usable(GB) Used(GB) Available(GB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
JCA561JC ok offline 0 0 0 0% pool2 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCA224JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCC093JC ok appendable 6292 496 5796 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -

Regularly monitor the output of IBM Spectrum Archive EE tasks to ensure that tasks are
progressing as expected by using the eeadm task list and eeadm task show command.
Example 6-106 shows a list of active tasks.

Example 6-106 Active tasks

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm task list

TaskID Type Priority Status #DRV CreatedTime(-0700) StartedTime(-0700)
7168 selective_recall H running 0 2019-01-10_16:27:30 2019-01-10_16:27:30
7169 selective_recall H waiting 0 2019-01-10_16:27:30 2019-01-10_16:27:30

The eeadm node list command (see Example 6-107) provides a summary of the state of
each IBM Spectrum Archive EE component node.

Example 6-107 eeadm node list

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm node list
Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host Name
4 available 2 yes(active) lib_saitama G0 saitama2
2 available 3 yes lib_saitama G0 saitama1
3 available 1 yes(active) lib_mikasa G0 mikasa2
1 available 2 yes lib_mikasa G0 mikasa1

The eeadm task show command (see Example 6-108) provides a summary of the specified
active task in IBM Spectrum Archive EE. The task id corresponds to the task id that is
reported by the eeadm task list command.

Example 6-108 Detailed outlook of recall task

[root@saitama2 prod]# eeadm task show 7168 -v

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 215
=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 7168
Task Type: selective_recall
Command Parameters: eeadm recall mig -l lib_saitama
Status: running
Result: -
Accepted Time: Thu Jan 10 16:27:30 2019 (-0700)
Started Time: Thu Jan 10 16:27:30 2019 (-0700)
Completed Time: -
In-use Libraries: lib_saitama
In-use Node Groups: G0
In-use Pools: test3
In-use Tape Drives: 0000078PG20E
In-use Tapes: JCB610JC
Workload: 3 files, 5356750 bytes in total to recall in this task.
Progress: 1 completed (or failed) files / 3 total files.
Result Summary: -
2019-01-10 16:27:30.421251 GLESM332W: File /ibm/gpfs/prod/LTFS_EE_FILE_2dEPRHhh_M.bin is not migrated.

6.24 Monitoring the system with SNMP

You can use SNMP traps to receive notifications about system events. There are many
processes that should be reported through SNMP. Starting with IBM Spectrum Archive EE
v1.2.4.0, IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses SNMP to monitor the system and send alerts when
the following events occur:
 IBM Spectrum Archive EE component errors are detected.
 Recovery actions are performed on failed components.
 At the end of an eeadm cluster start and eeadm cluster stop command, and at the
successful or unsuccessful start or stop of each component of an IBM Spectrum Archive
EE node.
 When the remaining space threshold for a pool is reached.

The MIB file is installed in /opt/ibm/ltfsee/share/IBMSA-MIB.txt on each node. It should be

copied to the /usr/share/snmp/mibs/ directory on each node.

Table 6-4 lists SNMP traps that can be issued, showing the error message that is generated,
along with the trap name, severity code, and the OID for each trap.

Table 6-4 SNMP error message information

Description Name Severity OID

GLESV100I: IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV100StartSuccess Information

successfully started or restarted.

GLESV101E: IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV101StartFail Error

failed to start.

GLESV102W: Part of IBM Spectrum Archive ibmsaDegradeV102PartialStart Warning

EE nodes failed to start.

GLESV103I: IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV103StopSuccess Information

successfully stopped.

216 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Description Name Severity OID

GLESV104E: IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV104StopFail Error

failed to stop.

GLESV300E: GPFS error has been detected. ibmsaErrV300GPFSError Error

GLESV301I: GPFS becomes operational. ibmsaInfoV301GPFSOperational Information

GLESV302I: The IBM Spectrum Archive LE ibmsaInfoV302LEStartSuccess Information

successfully started.

GLESV303E: The IBM Spectrum Archive LE ibmsaErrV303LEStartFail Error

failed to start.

GLESV304I: The IBM Spectrum Archive LE ibmsaInfoV304LEStopSuccess Information

successfully stopped.

GLESV305I: IBM Spectrum Archive LE is ibmsaInfoV305LEDetected Information


GLESV306E: IBM Spectrum Archive LE ibmsaErrV306LENotExist Error

process does not exist.

GLESV307E: IBM Spectrum Archive LE ibmsaErrV307LENotRespond Error

process is not responding.

GLESV308I: IBM Spectrum Archive LE ibmsaInfoV308LERespond Information

process is now responding.

GLESV309I: The process 'rpcbind' started ibmsaInfoV309RpcbindStart Information


GLESV310E: The process 'rpcbind' does not ibmsaErrV310RpcbindNotExist Error


GLESV311I: The process 'rsyslogd' started ibmsaInfoV311RsyslogdStart Information


GLESV312E: The process 'rsyslogd' does ibmsaErrV312RsyslogdNotExist Error

not exist.

GLESV313I: The process 'sshd' started up. ibmsaInfoV313SshdStart Information

GLESV314E: The process 'sshd' does not ibmsaErrV314SshdNotExist Error


GLESV315I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV315MMMStartSuccess Information

service (MMM) successfully started

GLESV316E: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV316MMMStartFail Error

service (MMM) failed to start.

GLESV317I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV317MMMStopSuccess Information

service (MMM) successfully stopped.

GLESV318I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV318MMMDetected Information

service (MMM) is detected.

GLESV319E: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV319MMMNotExist Error

service (MMM) does not exist.

GLESV320E: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV320MMMNotRespond Error

service (MMM) is not responding.

GLESV321I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV321MMMRespond Information

service (MMM) now responding.

GLESV322I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV322MDStartSuccess Information

service (MD) successfully started.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 217
Description Name Severity OID

GLESV323E: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV323MDStartFail Error

service (MD) failed to start.

GLESV324I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV324MDStopSuccess Information

service (MD) successfully stopped.

GLESV325I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV325MDDetected Information

service (MD) is detected.

GLESV326E: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV326MDNotExist Error

service (MD) does not exist.

GLESV327E: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaErrV327MDNotRespond Error

service (MD) is not responding.

GLESV328I: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE ibmsaInfoV328MDRespond Information

service (MD) is now responding.

GLESM609W: Pool space is going to be ibmsaWarnM609PoolLowSpace Warning


GLESM613E: There is not enough space ibmsaErrM613NoSpaceForMig Error

available on the tapes in a pool for migration.

6.25 Configuring Net-SNMP

It is necessary to modify the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf and /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf
configuration file to receive SNMP traps. These files should be modified on each node that
has IBM Spectrum Archive EE installed and running.

To configure Net-SNMP, complete the following steps on each IBM Spectrum Archive EE
1. Open the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf configuration file.
2. Add the following entry to the file:
master agentx
trap2sink <managementhost>
The variable <managementhost> is the host name or IP address of the host to which the
SNMP traps are sent.
3. Open the /etc/snmp/snmptrapd.conf configuration file.
4. Add the following entry to the file:
disableauthorization yes
5. Restart the SNMP daemon by running the following command:
[root@ltfs97 ~]# systemctl restart snmpd.service

218 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.25.1 Starting and stopping the snmpd daemon
Before IBM Spectrum Archive EE is started, you must start the snmpd daemon on all nodes
where IBM Spectrum Archive EE is running.

To start the snmpd daemon, run the following command:

[root@ltfs97 ~]# systemctl start snmpd.service

To stop the snmpd daemon, run the following command:

[root@ltfs97 ~]# systemctl stop snmpd.service

To restart the snmpd daemon, run the following command:

[root@ltfs97 ~]# systemctl restart snmpd.service

6.25.2 Example of an SNMP trap

Example 6-109 shows the type of trap information that is received by the SNMP server.

Example 6-109 SNMP trap example of an IBM Spectrum Archive EE node that has a low pool threshold
2018-11-26 09:08:42 [UDP: []:60811->[]:162]:
DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (147206568) 17 days, 0:54:25.68
SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID: IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaWarnM609PoolLowSpace
IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaMessageSeverity.0 = INTEGER: warning(40) IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaJob.0 = INTEGER:
other(7) IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaEventNode.0 = STRING: ""
IBMSA-MIB::ibmsaMessageText.0 = STRING: "GLESM609W: Pool space is going to be small, library:
lib_tora, pool: je_pool1, available capacity: 23.6(TiB), threshold:

6.26 IBM Spectrum Archive REST API

The IBM Spectrum Archive EE REST API gives users another interface to interact with the
IBM Spectrum Archive EE product. REST uses http GET operations to return status
information about IBM Spectrum Archive EE. This section covers the GET operations for the
IBM Spectrum Archive EE Rest API.

The IBM Spectrum Archive EE REST API can be accessed in two ways. The first is through a
terminal window with the curl command and the second way is through a web browser. Both
ways output the same data. In this section, the curl command is used.

The following are supported GET operations when executing rest commands:
Specify for pretty-printing. The default value is false.
 sort: <string>(,<string>...)
Specify field name or names to use as sort key. The default sort order is ascending. Use
the “-” sign to sort in descending order.
 fields: <string>(,<string>...)
Specify field names that are to be included in the response.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 219
Note: The examples in this section are all performed on the server with the REST RPM
installed and uses localhost to request resources. When accessing the REST API over a
remote server, replace localhost with the server ip with the rest rpms installed.

6.26.1 Pools endpoint

IBM Spectrum Archive EE rest pools endpoint returns all information in JSON objects about
each pool created thus far within the environment.

The following is an example command of calling the pools endpoint using localhost:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/pools/’

The following is the response data returned when requesting for the pools endpoint:
 id: <string>
UUID of Pool, assigned by system at the creation of pool.
 name: <string>
User-specified name of pool.
 capacity: <number>
Total capacity of tapes assigned to the pool, in bytes. The capacity = used_space +
 mode: <string>
The current operational mode of the pool. Access to the member tapes is temporarily
disabled when this field is set to “disabled”, “relocation_source”, or
“relocation_destination”. under normal operating conditions, the field is set to “normal”. If
an internal error occurs, the field is set to an empty string.
 used_space: <number>
Used space of the pool, in bytes. The used_space = active_space + reclaimable_space.
 free_space: <number>
Free space of the pool, in bytes.
 active_space: <number>
Active space (used space consumed by active-referred files) of the pool, in bytes.
 reclaimable_space: <number>
The reclaimable space (used space consumed by unreferred files) of the pool, in bytes.
Note that this is the amount of estimated size of the unreferenced space that is available
for reclamation on the assigned tapes.
 non_appendable_space: <number>
The total capacity, in bytes, of tapes in the pool that cannot be written to in the format
specified for the pool, and that don’t match the media_restriction value for the pool. The
format and the media_restriction values are provided as attributes of the pool.
 num_of_tapes: <number>
Number of tapes assigned to the pool.
 format_class: <string>
The format class of the pool.

220 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 media_restriction: <string>
The media_restriction setting is stored in the regular expression of the bar code value.
The media_restriction is used to define the type of cartridge that can be used for writing.
The cartridge media type that is represented by the last two letters of the cartridge bar
code is used in this field. The string can be either “^.{6}XX$”, “^.{8}$”, or “unknown”. The
“^.{6}XX$” represents any 6 characters followed by type “XX “, where “XX “ is one of the
following cartridge media types: L5, L6, L7, L8, M8, L9, JB, JC, JD, JE, JK, JL, JY, or JZ.
The “^.{8}$” represents any 8 characters, and means that any cartridge media type is
acceptable. A value of “unknown” means that there is an error condition.
 device_type: <string>
Tape device type that can be added to the pool. Can be either 3592, LTO, or left blank.
 worm: <string>
WORM type. Can be either physical, no, or unknown.
 fill_policy: <string>
Tape fill policy.
 owner: <string>
 mount_limit: <number>
Maximum number of drives that can be used for migration. 0 means unlimited.
 low_space_warning_enable: <bool>
Whether monitoring thread sends SNMP trap for low space pool.
 low_space_warning_threshold: <number>
SNMP notification threshold value for free pool size in bytes. 0 when no threshold is set.
 no_space_warning_enable: <bool>
Whether monitoring thread sends SNMP trap for no space pool.
 library_name: <string>
Library name to which the pool belongs.
 library_id: <string>
Library ID (serial number) to which the pool belongs.
 node_group: <string>
Node group name to which the pool belongs.

The following parameters are available to be passed in to filter specific pools:

 name: <string>
Filter the list of pools by name. Only the pools that match the criteria are returned in the
 library_name: <string>
Filter the list of pools by library name. Only the pools that match the criteria are returned in
the response.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 221
Example 6-110 shows how to request the pools resource through curl commands.

Example 6-110 REST pool command

[root@tora ~]# curl -X GET 'http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/pools?pretty=true'
"active_space": 0,
"capacity": 0,
"device_type": "3592",
"fill_policy": "Default",
"format_class": "60F",
"free_space": 0,
"id": "f244d0eb-e70d-4a7f-9911-0e3e1bd12720",
"library_id": "65a7cbb5-8005-4197-b2a5-31c0d6f6e1c0",
"library_name": "lib_tora",
"low_space_warning_enable": false,
"low_space_warning_threshold": 0,
"media_restriction": "^.{8}$",
"mode": "normal",
"mount_limit": 0,
"name": "pool3",
"no_space_warning_enable": false,
"nodegroup_name": "G0",
"non_appendable_space": 0,
"num_of_tapes": 1,
"owner": "System",
"reclaimable%": 0,
"reclaimable_space": 0,
"used_space": 0,
"worm": "no"
"active_space": 0,
"capacity": 0,
"device_type": "",
"fill_policy": "Default",
"format_class": "E08",
"free_space": 0,
"id": "bab56eb2-783e-45a9-b86f-6eaef4e8d316",
"library_id": "65a7cbb5-8005-4197-b2a5-31c0d6f6e1c0",
"library_name": "lib_tora",
"low_space_warning_enable": false,
"low_space_warning_threshold": 2199023255552,
"media_restriction": "^.{8}$",
"mode": "normal",
"mount_limit": 0,
"name": "pool1",
"no_space_warning_enable": false,
"nodegroup_name": "G0",
"non_appendable_space": 0,
"num_of_tapes": 0,
"owner": "System",
"reclaimable%": 0,
"reclaimable_space": 0,
"used_space": 0,

222 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
"worm": "no"

Example 6-111 shows how to call pools with specifying specific fields and sorting the output
in descending order.

Example 6-111 REST API pools endpoint

[root@tora ~]# curl -X GET
"capacity": 0,
"device_type": "3592",
"free_space": 0,
"library_name": "lib_tora",
"name": "pool3",
"num_of_tapes": 1
"capacity": 0,
"device_type": "",
"free_space": 0,
"library_name": "lib_tora",
"name": "pool1",
"num_of_tapes": 0

6.26.2 Tapes endpoint

The tapes endpoint returns an array of JSON objects regarding tape information. The
following is an example command of calling tapes:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/tapes’

The following is the response data when requesting the tapes endpoint:
 id: <string>
Tape ID. Because barcode is unique within a tape library only, the id is in format of
 barcode: <string>
Barcode of the tape.
 state: <string>
The string indicates the state of the tape. The string can be either “appendable”,
“append_fenced”, “offline”, “recall_only”, “unassigned”, “exported”, “full”, “data_full”,
“check_tape_library”, “need_replace”, “require_replace”, “require_validate”,
“check_key_server”, “check_hba”, “inaccessible”, “non_supported”, “duplicated”,
“missing”, “disconnected”, “unformatted”, “label_mismatch”, “need_unlock”, and
“unexpected_cond”. If the string is “unexpected_cond”, it is probably an error occurred.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 223
 status: <string>
The string indicates the severity level of the tape's status. The string can be either “error”,
“degraded”, “warning”, “info”, or “ok”.
 media_type: <string>
Media type of a tape. Media type is set even if the tape is not assigned to any pool yet.
Empty string if the tape is not supported by IBM Spectrum Archive.
 media_generation: <string>
Media generation of a tape. Media generation determines a possible format that the tape
can be written in.
 format_density: <string>
Format of a tape. Empty string if the tape is not assigned to any pool.
 worm: <bool>
Whether WORM is enabled for the tape.
 capacity: <number>
Capacity of the tape, in bytes. capacity = used_space + free_space.
 Appendable: <string>
A tape that can be written in the format that is specified by the pool attributes, and on the
cartridge media type that is specified by the pool attributes, is appendable. The format and
the cartridge media type are provided as attributes of the pool to which the tape belongs.
The string can be either “yes”, “no”, or it can be empty. If the tape falls into a state such as
“append_fenced” or “inaccessible”, the string becomes “no”. If the string is empty, the tape
is not assigned to any pool.
 used_space: <number>
Used space of the tape, in bytes. used_space = active_space + reclaimable_space.
 free_space: <number>
Free space of the tape, in bytes.
 active_space: <number>
Active space (used space consumed by active-referred files) of the tape, in bytes.
 reclaimable_space: <number>
Reclaimable space (used space consumed by unreferred files) of the tape, in bytes. This
amount is the estimated size of the unreferenced space that is available for reclamation on
the tape.
 address: <number>
Address of this tape.
 drive_id: <string>
Drive serial number that the tape is mounted on. Empty string if the tape is not mounted.
 offline_msg: <string>
Offline message that can be specified when performing tape offline.
 task_id: <string>
The task_id of the task which using this tape.

224 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 location_type: <string>
The location type of the tape. The string can be either “robot”, “homeslot”, “ieslot”, “drive”,
or empty. If the string is empty, the tape is missing.
 library_id: <string>
Library ID (serial number) to which the pool is belongs.
 library_name: <string>
Library name that the pool is belongs to
 pool_id: <string>
Pool ID to which this tape is assigned. Empty string if the tape is not assigned to any pool.

The following are available parameters to use to filter tape requests:

 barcode: <string>
Filter the list of tapes by barcode. Only the tapes that match the criteria are returned in the
 library_name: <string>
Filter the list of tapes by library name. Only the tapes that match the criteria are returned in
the response.
 pool_id: <string>
Filter the list of tapes by pool ID. Only the tapes that match the criteria are returned in the
 pool_name: <string>
Filter the list of tapes by pool name. Only the tapes that match the criteria are returned in
the response.

6.26.3 Libraries endpoint

The libraries endpoint returns information regarding the library that the node is connected
to, such as the library ID, name and model type. The following is an example of the libraries
curl command:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/libraries/’

The following is the response data that is returned when requesting this endpoint:
 id: <string>
Serial number of the library.
 name: <string>
User-defined name of the library.
 model: <string>
Mode type of the library.
 serial: <string>
The serial number of the library.
 scsi_vendor_id: <string>
The vendor ID of the library.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 225
 scsi_firmware_revision: <string>
The firmware revision of the library.
 num_of_drives: <number>
The number of tape drives that are assigned to the logical library.
 num_of_ieslots: <number>
The number of I/E slots that are assigned to the logical library.
 num_of_slots: <number>
The number of storage slots that are assigned to the logical library.
 host_device_name: <string>
The Linux device name of the library.
 host_scsi_address: <string>
The current data path to the tape drive from the assigned node, in the decimal notation of
 errors: <array>
An array of strings that represents errors. If no error is found, an empty array is returned.

The available filtering parameter for the libraries endpoint is the name of the library.

6.26.4 Nodegroups endpoint

The nodegroups endpoint returns information regarding the node groups that the nodes are
part of, such as the nodegroup ID, name, number of nodes, library ID, and library name. The
following is an example of calling the nodegroups endpoint:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa-rest/v1/nodegroups/’

The following is the response data that is returned when requesting this endpoint:
 id: <string>
Nodegroup ID. Because nodegroup name is unique within a tape library only, the ID is in
format of <nodegroup_name>@<library_id>.
 name: <string>
User-specified name of the node group.
 num_of_nodes: <number>
The number of nodes assigned to the node group.
 library_id: <string>
The library ID (serial number) to which the node group belongs.
 library_name: <string>
The name of the library to which the node group belongs.

The available filtering parameters for nodegroups are name (nodegroup name), and
library_name. These parameters filter out nodegroups that do not meet the values that were
passed in.

226 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.26.5 Nodes endpoint
The nodes endpoint returns information about each EE node assigned to the cluster. The
following is an example of calling the nodes endpoint:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/nodes/’

The following is the response data when requesting the nodes endpoint:
 id: <number>
The node ID, which is the same value as the corresponding value in the IBM Spectrum
Scale node IDs.
 ip: <string>
The IP address of the node. Specifically, this is the ‘Primary network IP address’ in GPFS.
 hostname: <string>
The host name of the node (the ‘GPFS daemon node interface name’ in GPFS).
 port: <number>
The port number for LTFS.
 state: <string>
The LE status of the node.
 num_of_drives: <number>
The number of drives attached to the node.
 control_node: <bool>
True if the node is configured as control node.
 active_control_node: <bool>
True if the node is configured as a control node and is active.
 enabled: <bool>
True, if the node is enabled
 library_id: <string>
The library ID of the library to which the node is attached.
 library_name: <string>
The name of the library to which the node is attached.
 nodegroup_id: <string>
The ID of the nodegroup to which the node is belongs.
 nodegroup_name: <string>
The name of the nodegroup to which the node is belongs.

The available filtering parameters for the nodes endpoint are library_name and
nodegroup_name. These parameters will filter out nodes that do not match the passed in

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 227
6.26.6 Drives endpoint
The drives endpoint returns information about each visible drive within the EE cluster. The
following is an example of calling the drives endpoint:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/drives/’

The following is the response data when requesting the drives endpoint:
 id: <string>
Serial number of the drive.
 state: <string>
The drive state. For more information, see Table 10-1, “Status and state codes for
eeadm drive list” on page 317.
 status: <string>
The string indicates the severity level of the tape's status.
 type: <string>
Drive type, which can be empty if a drive is not assigned to any node group.
 role: <string>
Three character string to represent the drive role. Can be empty if a drive is not assigned
to any node group.
 address: <number>
The address of the drive within the library.
 tape_barcode: <string>
The barcode of a tape to which the drive is mounted. Empty if no tape is mounted on the
 task_id: <string>
The task_id of the task which is using this drive.
 library_id: <string>
The ID of the library to which the drive belongs.
 library_name: <string>
The name of the library to which the drive belongs.
 nodegroup_name: <string>
The name of a nodegroup to which the drive is assigned.
 node_id: <string>
The ID of the node to which the drive is assigned.
 node_hostname: <string>
The host name of the node to which the drive is assigned. This field can be empty if a
drive is not assigned to any node.
 scsi_vendor_id: <string>
The vendor ID of the drive.
 scsi_product_id: <string>
The product ID of the drive.

228 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
 scsi_firmware_revision: <string>
The firmware revision of the drive.
 host_device_name: <string>
The linux device name of the drive.
 host_scsi_address: <string>
The current data path to the tape drive from the assigned node, in the decimal notation of

The available filtering parameters for the drive endpoint are library_name and
nodegroup_name. These parameters will filter out drives that do not match the passed drives in

6.26.7 Task endpoint

The tasks endpoint returns information about all or specific active tasks. The following is an
example of calling the tasks endpoint:
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/tasks/’
curl -X GET ‘http://localhost:7100/ibmsa/v1/tasks/<id>’

The following is the response data when requesting the tasks endpoint:
 id: <string>
The task ID. Because the task id is overwritten after the task id reaches the upper limit, the
id is in the format of <task_id>@<created_time>.
 task_id: <number>
The same value as the corresponding value in the IBM Spectrum Archive task ID.
 type: <string>
The task type which meets the eeadm commands. A value of “unknown” means that there
is an error condition.
 cm_param: <string>
The eeadm command that user input. If the type is “transparent_recall”, the field is empty.
 result: <string>
The result for completed tasks. The string can be either “succeeded”, “failed”, “aborted”,
“canceled”, “suspended” or it can be empty. If the string is empty, the task is not
 status: <string>
The status for the task. The string can be either “waiting”, “running”, “interrupted”,
“suspending”, “canceling”, “completed” or it can be empty. If the string is empty, an internal
error occurs.
 inuse_libs: <string array>
The libraries that the task is currently using. The value is a string array of
 inuse_node_groups: <string array>
The node groups that the task is currently using. The value is a string array of
 inuse_drives: <string array>
The drives that the task is currently using. The value is a string array of

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 229
 inuse_pools: <string array>
The pools that the task is currently using. The value is a string array of
 inuse_tapes: <string array>
The tapes that the task is currently using. The value is a string array of tape.barcode.
 node_hostname: <string>
 The host name of the node to which the drive is assigned. This field can be empty if a
drive is not assigned to any node.

All timestamps response data return in the following UTC format:

 created_time: <string>
The time when the task was accepted by MMM.
 started_time: <string>
The time when the task was started.
 completed_time: <string>
The time when the task was determined to be completed by MMM.

The following are filtering parameters for the tasks endpoint:

 task_id: <number>
If you specify the parameter and the task id was overwritten, you can get the latest one.
If you specify the parameter and one of start_created_time and end_created_time,
start_created_time and end_created_time do not work.
 start_created_time: <string>
Filter out the tasks which created_time is earlier than this parameter.
The format is <yyyy>-<MM>-<dd>T<HH>:<mm>
 end_created_time: <string>
Filter out the tasks that created_time is later than this parameter.
The format is <yyyy>-<MM>-<dd>T<HH>:<mm>
 type: <string>
Filter the list of tasks by the task type.
 result: <string>
Filter the list of tasks by the task result.
 status: <string>
Filter the list of tasks by the task status.

230 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
6.27 File system migration
When refreshing the disk storage and/or IBM Spectrum Scale nodes, the IBM Spectrum
Scale file system may need to be migrated to a new file system. The file system migration can
be within the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster or between the two different IBM Spectrum Scale

The migration process of a file system managed by IBM Spectrum Archive used to be time
consuming because all the files on the source file system needed to be recalled from tapes
and copied to the target file system. From version, it supports a migration procedure
using SOBAR feature of IBM Spectrum Scale. By using SOBAR, the stub files on the source
file system are re-created on the target file system as stub files. The file system migration can
be completed without recalling/copying file data from tapes.

The procedure is referred to as System Migration using SOBAR feature and requires prior
review by IBM. For more information, see this IBM Documentation web page.

Chapter 6. Managing daily operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 231
232 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred

This chapter provides you with hints, tips, and preferred practices for the IBM Spectrum
Archive Enterprise Edition (IBM Spectrum Archive EE). It covers various aspects about IBM
Spectrum Scale, including reuse of tape cartridges, scheduling, and disaster recovery (DR).
Some aspects might overlap with functions that are described in Chapter 6, “Managing daily
operations of IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 129, and Chapter 9,
“Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 293. However, it is
important to list them here in the context of hints, tips, and preferred practices.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 7.1, “Preventing migration of the .SPACEMAN and metadata directories” on page 235
 7.2, “Maximizing migration performance with redundant copies” on page 235
 7.3, “Changing the SSH daemon settings” on page 237
 7.4, “Setting mmapplypolicy options for increased performance” on page 237
 7.5, “Preferred inode size for IBM Spectrum Scale file systems” on page 239
 7.6, “Determining the file states for all files within the GPFS file system” on page 239
 7.7, “Memory considerations on the GPFS file system for increased performance” on
page 242
 7.8, “Increasing the default maximum number of inodes in IBM Spectrum Scale” on
page 242
 7.9, “Configuring IBM Spectrum Scale settings for performance improvement” on
page 243
 7.10, “Use cases for mmapplypolicy” on page 244
 7.11, “Capturing a core file on Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the Automatic Bug Reporting
Tool” on page 247
 7.12, “Anti-virus considerations” on page 248
 7.13, “Automatic email notification with rsyslog” on page 248

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 233
 7.14, “Overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules” on page 248
 7.15, “Storage pool assignment” on page 250
 7.16, “Tape cartridge removal” on page 250
 7.17, “Reusing LTFS formatted tape cartridges” on page 251
 7.18, “Reusing non-LTFS tape cartridges” on page 253
 7.19, “Moving tape cartridges between pools” on page 254
 7.20, “Offline tape cartridges” on page 254
 7.21, “Scheduling reconciliation and reclamation” on page 255
 7.22, “License Expiration Handling” on page 255
 7.23, “Disaster recovery” on page 256
 7.24, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE problem determination” on page 261
 7.25, “Collecting IBM Spectrum Archive EE logs for support” on page 262
 7.26, “Backing up files within file systems that are managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE”
on page 264
 7.27, “IBM TS4500 Automated Media Verification with IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on
page 266
 7.28, “How to disable commands on IBM Spectrum Archive EE” on page 271
 7.29, “LTO 9 Media Optimization” on page 272

Important: All of the command examples in this chapter use the command without the full
file path name because we added the IBM Spectrum Archive EE directory
(/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin) to the PATH variable of the operating system.

234 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.1 Preventing migration of the .SPACEMAN and metadata
This section describes an IBM Spectrum Scale policy rule that you should have in place to
help ensure the correct operation of your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system.

You can prevent migration of the .SPACEMAN directory and the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
metadata directory of a IBM General Parallel File System (GPFS) file system by excluding
these directories by having an IBM Spectrum Scale policy rule in place. Example 7-1 shows
how an exclude statement can look in an IBM Spectrum Scale migration policy file where the
metadata directory starts with the text “/ibm/glues/.ltfsee”.

Example 7-1 IBM Spectrum Scale sample directory exclude statement in the migration policy file
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/glues/.ltfsee/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.snapshots/%'

For more information and detailed examples, see 6.11.2, “Threshold-based migration” on
page 168 and 6.11.3, “Manual migration” on page 173.

7.2 Maximizing migration performance with redundant copies

To minimize drive mounts/unmounts and to maximize performance with multiple copies, set
the mount limit per tape cartridge pool to equal the number of tape drives in the node group
divided by the number of copies. The mount limit attribute of a tape cartridge pool specifies
the maximum allocated number of drives that are used for migration for the tape cartridge
pool. A value of 0 means no limit and is also the default value.

For example, if there are four drives and two copies initially, set the mount limit to 2 for the
primary tape cartridge pool and 2 for the copy tape cartridge pool. These settings maximize
the migration performance because both the primary and copy jobs are run in parallel by
using two tape drives each for each tape cartridge pool. This action also avoids unnecessary
mounts/unmounts of tape cartridges.

To show the current mount limit setting for a tape cartridge pool, run the following command:
eeadm pool show <poolname> [-l <libraryname>] [OPTIONS]

To set the mount limit setting for a tape cartridge pool, run the following command:
eeadm pool set <poolname> [-l <libraryname>] -a <attribute> -v <value>

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 235

To set the mount limit attribute to 2, run the eeadm pool show and eeadm pool set commands,
as shown in Example 7-2.

Example 7-2 Set the mount limit attribute to 2

[root@saitama1 ~]# eeadm pool show pool1 -l lib_saitama
Attribute Value
poolname pool1
poolid 813ee595-2191-4e32-ae0e-74714715bb43
devtype 3592
mediarestriction none
format E08 (0x55)
worm no (0)
nodegroup G0
fillpolicy Default
owner System
mountlimit 0
lowspacewarningenable yes
lowspacewarningthreshold 0
nospacewarningenable yes
mode normal

[root@saitama1 ~]# eeadm pool set pool1 -l lib_saitama -a mountlimit -v 2

[root@saitama1 ~]# eeadm pool show pool1 -l lib_saitama

Attribute Value
poolname pool1
poolid 813ee595-2191-4e32-ae0e-74714715bb43
devtype 3592
mediarestriction none
format E08 (0x55)
worm no (0)
nodegroup G0
fillpolicy Default
owner System
mountlimit 2
lowspacewarningenable yes
lowspacewarningthreshold 0
nospacewarningenable yes
mode normal

236 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.3 Changing the SSH daemon settings
The default values for MaxSessions and MaxStartups are too low and must increase to allow
for successful operations with IBM Spectrum Archive EE. MaxSessions specifies the
maximum number of open sessions that is permitted per network connection. The default is

MaxStartups specifies the maximum number of concurrent unauthenticated connections to

the SSH daemon. More connections are dropped until authentication succeeds or the
LoginGraceTime expires for a connection. The default is 10:30:100, which indicates:
 10 (start): Threshold of unauthenticated connections. The daemons will start to drop
connections from this point on
 30 (rate): Percentage chance of dropping once the start value is reached (increases
linearly beyond start value)
 100 (full): Maximum number of connections. All connection attempts will be dropped
beyond this point

To change MaxSessions to 60 and MaxStartups to 1024, complete the following steps:

1. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to set the MaxSessions and MaxStartups values:
MaxSessions = 60
MaxStartups = 1024
2. Restart the sshd service by running the following command:
systemctl restart sshd.service

Note: If SSH is slow, this might indicate that several things might be wrong. Often disabling
GSSAPI Authentication and reversing DNS lookup will resolve this problem and speed up
SSH. Thus, set the following lines in the sshd_config file:
GSSAPIAuthentication no
UseDNS no

7.4 Setting mmapplypolicy options for increased performance

The default values of the mmapplypolicy command options must be changed when running
with IBM Spectrum Archive EE. The values for these three options should be increased for
enhanced performance:
 -B MaxFiles
Specifies how many files are passed for each invocation of the EXEC script. The default
value is 100. If the number of files exceeds the value that is specified for MaxFiles,
mmapplypolicy starts the external program multiple times.
The preferred value for IBM Spectrum Archive EE is 10000.
 -m ThreadLevel
The number of threads that are created and dispatched within each mmapplypolicy
process during the policy execution phase. The default value is 24.
The preferred value for IBM Spectrum Archive EE is 2x the number of drives.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 237

Ensures that, for the specified file system, only one instance of mmapplypolicy that is
started with the --single-instance option can run at one time. If another instance of
mmapplypolicy is started with the --single-instance option, this invocation does nothing
and terminates.
As a preferred practice, set the --single_instance option when running with IBM
Spectrum Archive EE.
 -s LocalWorkDirectory
Specifies the directory to be used for temporary storage during mmapplypolicy command
processing. The default directory is /tmp. The mmapplypolicy command stores lists of
candidate and chosen files in temporary files within this directory.
When you run mmapplypolicy, it creates several temporary files and file lists. If the
specified file system or directories contain many files, this process can require a
significant amount of temporary storage. The required storage is proportional to the
number of files (NF) being acted on and the average length of the path name to each file
To make a rough estimate of the space required, estimate NF and assume an AVPL of 80
bytes. With an AVPL of 80, the space required is roughly 300 X NF bytes of temporary
 -N {all | mount | Node[,Node...] | NodeFile | NodeClass}
Specifies a set of nodes to run parallel instances of policy code for better performance.
The nodes must be in the same cluster as the node from which the mmapplypolicy
command is issued. All node classes are supported.
If the -N option is not specified, then the command runs parallel instances of the policy
code on the nodes that are specified by the defaultHelperNodes attribute of the
mmchconfig command. If the defaultHelperNodes attribute is not set, then the list of helper
nodes depends on the file system format version of the target file system. If the target file
system is at file system format version 5.0.1 or later (file system format number 19.01 or
later), then the helper nodes are the members of the node class managerNodes. Otherwise,
the command runs only on the node where the mmapplypolicy command is issued.

Note: When using -N option, specify only the node class defined for IBM Spectrum Archive
EE nodes. This does not apply for cases where -I defer or -I prepare option is used.

 -g GlobalWorkDirectory
Specifies a global work directory in which one or more nodes can store temporary files
during mmapplypolicy command processing. For more information about specifying more
than one node to process the command, see the description of the -N option. For more
information about temporary files, see the description of the -s option.
The global directory can be in the file system that mmapplypolicy is processing or in
another file system. The file system must be a shared file system, and it must be mounted
and available for reading and writing by every node that will participate in the
mmapplypolicy command processing.
If the -g option is not specified, then the global work directory is the directory that is
specified by the sharedTmpDir attribute of the mmchconfig command. If the sharedTmpDir
attribute is not set to a value, then the global work directory depends on the file system
format version of the target file system:

238 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
– If the target file system is at file system format version 5.0.1 or later (file system format
number 19.01 or later), the global work directory is the .mmSharedTmpDir directory at
the root level of the target file system.
– If the target file system is at a file system format version that is earlier than 5.0.1 then
the command does not use a global work directory.
If the global work directory that is specified by -g option or by the sharedTmpDir attribute
begins with a forward slash (/) then it is treated as an absolute path. Otherwise it is treated
as a path that is relative to the mount point of the file system or the location of the directory
to be processed.
If both the -g option and the -s option are specified, then temporary files can be stored in
both the specified directories. In general, the local work directory contains temporary files
that are written and read by a single node. The global work directory contains temporary
files that are written and read by more than one node.
If both the -g option and the -N option are specified, then mmapplypolicy uses
high-performance, fault-tolerant protocols during execution.

Note: It is always a preferred practice to specify the temp directory to something other than
/tmp in case the temporary files get large. This can be the case in large file systems, and
the use of the IBM Spectrum Scale file system is suggested.

7.5 Preferred inode size for IBM Spectrum Scale file systems
When you create the GPFS file systems, an option is available that is called -i InodeSize for
the mmcrfs command. The option specifies the byte size of inodes. By default, the inode size
is 4 KB and it consists of a fixed 128 byte header, plus data, such as disk addresses pointing
to data, or indirect blocks, or extended attributes.

The supported inode sizes are 512, 1024, and 4096 bytes. Regardless of the file sizes, the
preferred inode size is 4096 for all IBM Spectrum Scale file systems for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE. This size should include user data file systems and the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
metadata file system.

7.6 Determining the file states for all files within the GPFS file
Typically, to determine the state of a file and to which tape cartridges the file is migrated, you
run the eeadm file state command. However, it is not practical to run this command for
every file on the GPFS file system.

In Example 7-3, the file is in the migrated state and is only on the tape cartridge JD0321JD.

Example 7-3 Example of the eeadm info files command

[root@saitama1 prod]# eeadm file state LTFS_EE_FILE_2dEPRHhh_M.bin
Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/LTFS_EE_FILE_2dEPRHhh_M.bin
State: premigrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-1435527450-974349-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JD0321JD@test4@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 239

Thus, use list rules in an IBM Spectrum Scale policy instead. Example 7-4 is a sample set of
list rules to display files and file system objects. For those files that are in the migrated or
premigrated state, the output line contains the tape cartridges on which that file is.

Example 7-4 Sample set of list rules to display the file states
PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/glues/.ltfsee/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.SpaceMan/%'
OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/lost+found/%'
OR NAME = 'dsmerror.log'







RULE EXTERNAL LIST 'file_states'

EXEC '/root/'


WHERE user_exclude_list

RULE 'MIGRATED' LIST 'file_states'

FROM POOL 'system'
SHOW('migrated ' || xattr('dmapi.IBMTPS'))
WHERE is_migrated


FROM POOL 'system'

240 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
SHOW('premigrated ' || xattr('dmapi.IBMTPS'))
WHERE is_premigrated

RULE 'RESIDENT' LIST 'file_states'

FROM POOL 'system'
SHOW('resident ')
WHERE is_resident

RULE 'SYMLINKS' LIST 'file_states'

FROM POOL 'system'
SHOW('symlink ')
WHERE is_symlink

RULE 'DIRS' LIST 'file_states'

FROM POOL 'system'
SHOW('dir ')
WHERE is_dir
AND NOT user_exclude_list

RULE 'EMPTY_FILES' LIST 'file_states'

FROM POOL 'system'
SHOW('empty_file ')

The policy runs a script that is named, which is shown in Example 7-5. If the
policy is run daily, this script can be modified to keep several versions to be used for history

Example 7-5 Example of

if [[ $1 == 'TEST' ]]; then
rm -f /root/file_states.txt
elif [[ $1 == 'LIST' ]]; then
cat $2 >> /root/file_states.txt

To run the IBM Spectrum Scale policy, run the mmapplypolicy command with the -P option
and the file states policy. This action produces a file that is called /root/file_states.txt, as
shown in Example 7-6.

Example 7-6 Sample output of the /root/file_states.txt file

355150 165146835 0 dir -- /ibm/gpfs/prod
974348 2015134857 0 premigrated 1
-- /ibm/gpfs/prod/LTFS_EE_FILE_9_rzu.bin
974349 1435527450 0 premigrated 1
-- /ibm/gpfs/prod/LTFS_EE_FILE_2dEPRHhh_M.bin
974350 599546382 0 premigrated 1
-- /ibm/gpfs/prod/LTFS_EE_FILE_XH7Qwj5y9j2wqV4615rCxPMir039xLlt

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 241


In the /root/file_states.txt file, the files states and file system objects can be easily
identified for all IBM Spectrum Scale files, including the tape cartridges where the files or file
system objects are.

7.7 Memory considerations on the GPFS file system for

increased performance
To make IBM Spectrum Scale more resistant to out of memory scenarios, adjust the
vm.min_free_kbytes kernel tunable. This tunable controls the amount of free memory that
Linux kernel keeps available (that is, not used in any kernel caches).

When vm.min_free_kbytes is set to its default value, some configurations might encounter
memory exhaustion symptoms when free memory should in fact be available. Setting
vm.min_free_kbytes to a higher value of 5-6% of the total amount of physical memory, up to a
max of 2 GB, helps to avoid such a situation.

To modify vm.min_free_kbytes, complete the following steps:

1. Check the total memory of the system by running the following command:
#free -k
2. Calculate 5-6% of the total memory in KB with a max of 2000000.
3. Add vm.min_free_kbytes = <value from step 2> to the /etc/sysctl.conf file.
4. Run sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf to permanently set the value.

7.8 Increasing the default maximum number of inodes in IBM

Spectrum Scale
The IBM Spectrum Scale default maximum number of inodes is fine for most configurations.
However, for large systems that might have millions of files or more, the maximum number of
inodes to set at file system creation time might need to be changed or increased after file
system creation time. The maximum number of inodes must be larger than the expected sum
of files and file system objects being managed by IBM Spectrum Archive EE (including the
IBM Spectrum Archive EE metadata files if there is only one GPFS file system).

Inodes are allocated when they are used. When a file is deleted, the inode is reused, but
inodes are never deallocated. When setting the maximum number of inodes in a file system,
there is an option to preallocate inodes. However, in most cases there is no need to
preallocate inodes because by default inodes are allocated in sets as needed.

If you do decide to preallocate inodes, be careful not to preallocate more inodes than will be
used. Otherwise, the allocated inodes unnecessarily consume metadata space that cannot
be reclaimed.

242 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Consider the following points when managing inodes:
 For file systems that are supporting parallel file creates, as the total number of free inodes
drops below 5% of the total number of inodes, there is the potential for slowdown in the file
system access. Take this situation into consideration when creating or changing your file
 Excessively increasing the value for the maximum number of inodes might cause the
allocation of too much disk space for control structures.

To view the current number of used inodes, number of free inodes, and maximum number of
inodes, run the following command:
mmdf Device

To set the maximum inode limit for the file system, run the following command:
mmchfs Device --inode-limit MaxNumInodes[:NumInodesToPreallocate]

7.9 Configuring IBM Spectrum Scale settings for performance

The performance results in 3.7.2, “Planning for LTO-9 Media Initialization/Optimization” on
page 63 were obtained by modifying the following IBM Spectrum Scale configuration
attributes to optimize IBM Spectrum Scale I/O. In most environments, only a few of the
configuration attributes need to be changed. The following values were found to be optimal in
our lab environment and are suitable for most environments:
 pagepool = 50-60% of the physical memory of the server
 workerThreads = 1024
 numaMemoryInterleave = yes
 maxFilesToCache = 128k

For example, a file system block size should be 2 MB due to a disk subsystem of eight data
disks plus one parity disk with a stripe size of 256 KB.

Refer to IBM Spectrum Scale Documentation for more details on cache related parameters
such as maxFilesToCache and maxStatCache.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 243

7.10 Use cases for mmapplypolicy
Typically, customers who use IBM Spectrum Archive with IBM Spectrum Scale manage one
of two types of archive systems. The first is a traditional archive configuration where files are
rarely accessed or updated. This configuration is intended for users who plan on keeping all
their data on tape only. The second type is an active archive configuration. This configuration
is more intended for users who continuously accesses the files. Each use case requires the
creation of different IBM Spectrum Scale policies.

7.10.1 Creating a traditional archive system policy

A traditional archive system uses a single policy that scans the IBM Spectrum Archive name
space for any files over 5 MB and migrates them to tape. This process saves the customer
disk space immediately for new files to be generated. See “Using a cron job” on page 176 for
information about how to automate the execution of this policy periodically.

Note: In the following policies, some optional attributes are added to provide efficient
(pre)migration such as the SIZE attribute. This attribute specifies how many files to pass in
to the EXEC script at a time. The preferred setting, which is listed in the following examples,
is to set it to 20 GiB.

Example 7-7 shows a simple migration policy that chooses files greater than 5 MB to be
candidate migration files and stubs them to tape. This is a good base policy that you can
modify to your specific needs. For example, if you need to have files on three storage pools,
modify the OPTS parameter to include a third <pool>@<library>.

Example 7-7 Simple migration file

define(user_exclude_list,(PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE
define(is_migrated,(MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%V%'))
define(is_resident,(NOT MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%M%'))



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p primary@lib_ltfseevm copy@lib_ltfseevm'


AND is_resident OR is_premigrated
AND NOT user_exclude_list

244 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.10.2 Creating active archive system policies
An active archive system requires two policies to maintain the system. The first is a
premigration policy that selects all files over 5 MB to premigrate to tape, allowing users to still
quickly obtain their files from disk. To see how to place this premigration policy into a cron job
to run every 6 hours, see “Using a cron job” on page 176.

Example 7-8 shows a simple premigration policy for files greater than 5 MB.

Example 7-8 Simple premigration policy for files greater than 5 MB

define(user_exclude_list,(PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE
define(is_migrated,(MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%V%'))
define(is_resident,(NOT MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%M%'))



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p primary@lib_ltfseevm copy@lib_ltfseevm'


AND is_resident

The second policy is a fail-safe policy that needs to be set so when a low disk space event is
triggered, the fail-safe policy can be called. Adding the WEIGHT attribute to the policy enables
the user to choose whether they want to start stubbing large files first or least recently used
files. When the fail-safe policy starts running, it frees up the disk space to a set percentage.

The following commands are used for setting a fail-safe policy and calling mmadcallback:
 mmchpolicy gpfs failsafe_policy.txt
 mmaddcallback MIGRATION --command /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/mmapplypolicy --event
lowDiskSpace --parms “%fsName -B 20000 -m <2x the number of drives>

After setting the policy with the mmchpolicy command, run mmaddcallback with the fail-safe
policy. This policy runs periodically to check whether the disk space has reached the
threshold where stubbing is required to free up space.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 245

Example 7-9 shows a simple failsafe_policy.txt, which gets triggered when the IBM
Spectrum Scale disk space reaches 80% full, and stubs least recently used files until the disk
space has 50% occupancy.

Example 7-9 failsafe_policy.txt

define(user_exclude_list,(PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE
define(is_migrated,(MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%V%'))
define(is_resident,(NOT MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%M%'))



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p primary@lib_ltfsee copy@lib_ltfsee copy2@lib_ltfsee'


AND is_premigrated
AND NOT user_exclude_list

7.10.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration policy with AFM

For customers using IBM Spectrum Archive EE with IBM Spectrum Scale AFM, the migration
policy would need to change to accommodate the extra exclude directories wherever
migrations are occurring. Example 7-10 uses the same migration policy that is shown in
Example 7-7 on page 244 with the addition of extra exclude and check parameters.

Example 7-10 Updated migration policy to include AFM

define(user_exclude_list,(PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE
'/ibm/gpfs/.SpaceMan/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE '%/.snapshots/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE
'/ibm/gpfs/fset1/.afm/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/fset1/.ptrash/%'))



define(is_migrated,(MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%V%'))

define(is_resident,(NOT MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%M%'))

define(is_cached,(MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%u%'))



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p primary@lib_ltfseevm copy@lib_ltfseevm'

246 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide


AND is_resident
AND is_cached
AND NOT user_exclude_list

7.11 Capturing a core file on Red Hat Enterprise Linux with the
Automatic Bug Reporting Tool
The Automatic Bug Reporting Tool (ABRT) consists of the abrtd daemon and a number of
system services and utilities to process, analyze, and report detected problems. The daemon
runs silently in the background most of the time, and springs into action when an application
crashes or a kernel fault is detected. The daemon then collects the relevant problem data,
such as a core file if there is one, the crashing application’s command-line parameters, and
other data of forensic utility.

For abrtd to work with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, two configuration directives must be
modified in the /etc/abrt/abrt-action-save-package-data.conf file:
 OpenGPGCheck = yes/no
Setting the OpenGPGCheck directive to yes, which is the default setting, tells ABRT to
analyze and handle only crashes in applications that are provided by packages that are
signed by the GPG keys, which are listed in the /etc/abrt/gpg_keys file. Setting
OpenGPGCheck to no tells ABRT to detect crashes in all programs.
 ProcessUnpackaged = yes/no
This directive tells ABRT whether to process crashes in executable files that do not belong
to any package. The default setting is no.

Here are the preferred settings:

OpenGPGCheck = no
ProcessUnpackaged = yes

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 247

7.12 Anti-virus considerations
Although in-depth testing occurs with IBM Spectrum Archive EE and many industry-leading
antivirus software programs, there are a few considerations to review periodically:
 Configure any antivirus software to exclude IBM Spectrum Archive EE and Hierarchical
Storage Management (HSM) work directories:
– The library mount point (the /ltfs directory)
– All IBM Spectrum Archive EE space-managed GPFS file systems (which includes the
.SPACEMAN directory)
– The IBM Spectrum Archive EE metadata directory (the GPFS file system that is
reserved for IBM Spectrum Archive EE internal usage)
 Use antivirus software that supports sparse or offline files. Be sure that it has a setting that
allows it to skip offline or sparse files to avoid unnecessary recall of migrated files.

7.13 Automatic email notification with rsyslog

Rsyslog and its mail output module (ommail) can be used to send syslog messages from IBM
Spectrum Archive EE through email. Each syslog message is sent through its own email.
Users should pay special attention to applying the correct amount of filtering to prevent heavy
spamming. The ommail plug-in is primarily meant for alerting users of certain conditions and
should be used in a limited number of cases. For more information, see this website.

Here is an example of how rsyslog ommail can be used with IBM Spectrum Archive EE by
modifying the /etc/rsyslog.conf file:

If users want to send an email on all IBM Spectrum Archive EE registered error messages,
the regular expression is “GLES[A-Z][0-9]*E”, as shown in Example 7-11.

Example 7-11 Email for all IBM Spectrum Archive EE registered error messages
$ModLoad ommail
$template mailSubject,"LTFS EE Alert on %hostname%"
$template mailBody,"%msg%"
$ActionMailSubject mailSubject
:msg, regex, "GLES[A-Z][0-9]*E" :ommail:;mailBody

7.14 Overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules

This section describes how you can avoid migration failures during your IBM Spectrum
Archive EE system operations by having only non-overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy
rules in place.

After a file is migrated to a tape cartridge pool and is in the migrated state, it cannot be
migrated to other tape cartridge pools (unless it is recalled back from physical tape to file
system space).

248 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Do not use overlapping IBM Spectrum Scale policy rules within different IBM Spectrum Scale
policy files that can select the same files for migration to different tape cartridge pools. If a file
was migrated, a later migration fails. The migration result for any file that already is in the
migrated state is fail.

In Example 7-12, an attempt is made to migrate four files to tape cartridge pool pool2. Before
the migration attempt, Tape ID JCB610JC is already in tape cartridge pool pool1, and Tape ID
JD0321JD in pool2 has one migrated and one pre-migrated file. The state of the files on these
tape cartridges before the migration attempt is shown by the eeadm file state command in
Example 7-12.

Example 7-12 Display the state of files by using the eeadm file state command
[root@saitama1 prod]# eeadm file state *.bin
Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileA.ppt
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-1435527450-974349-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JCB610JC@pool1@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileB.ppt
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-2015134857-974348-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JCB610JC@pool1@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileC.ppt
State: migrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-599546382-974350-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JD0321JD@pool2@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

Name: /ibm/gpfs/prod/fileD.ppt
State: premigrated
ID: 11151648183451819981-3451383879228984073-2104982795-3068894-0
Replicas: 1
Tape 1: JD0321JD@pool2@lib_saitama (tape state=appendable)

The mig scan list file that is used in this example contains these entries, as shown in
Example 7-13.

Example 7-13 Sample content of a scan list file

-- /ibm/gpfs/fileA.ppt
-- /ibm/gpfs/fileB.ppt
-- /ibm/gpfs/fileC.ppt
-- /ibm/gpfs/fileD.ppt

The attempt to migrate the files produces the results that are shown in Example 7-14.

Example 7-14 Migration of files by running the eeadm migration command

[root@saitama1 prod]# eeadm migrate mig -p pool2@lib_saitama
2021-12-21 01:19:12 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task ID is
2021-12-21 01:19:13 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 1074
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 249

2021-12-21 01:19:13 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 1074
(copying the files to 1 pools).
2021-12-21 01:19:13 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 1074
(changing the state of files on disk).
2021-12-21 01:19:13 GLESL840E: Failed to process the requested 4 file(s), with 2
succeeding and 2 failing.
2021-12-21 01:19:13 GLESL841I: Succeeded: 1 migrated, 1 already_migrated.
2021-12-21 01:19:13 GLESL843E: Failed: 0 duplicate, 2 wrong_pool, 0 not_found, 0
too_small, 0 too_early, 0 other_failure

The files on Tape ID JCB610JC (fileA.ppt and fileB.pdf) already are in tape cartridge pool
pool1. Therefore, the attempt to migrate them to tape cartridge pool pool2 produces a
migration result failed.

For the files on Tape ID JD0321JD, the attempt to migrate fileC.ppt file produces a
already_migrated or a migration result fail for some cases with multiple library environments
because the file is already migrated. Only the attempt to migrate the pre-migrated fileD.ppt
file succeeds. Therefore, one operation succeeded and three other operations result with
wrong_pool or already_migrated.

7.15 Storage pool assignment

This section describes how you can facilitate your IBM Spectrum Archive EE system export
activities by using different storage pools for logically different parts of an IBM Spectrum
Scale namespace.

If you put different logical parts of an IBM Spectrum Scale namespace (such as the project
directory) into different LTFS tape cartridge pools, you can Normal Export tape cartridges that
contain only the files from that specific part of the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace (such as
project abc). Otherwise, you must first recall all the files from the namespace of interest
(such as the project directory of all projects), migrate the recalled files to an empty tape
cartridge pool, and then Normal Export that tape cartridge pool.

The concept of different tape cartridge pools for different logical parts of an IBM Spectrum
Scale namespace can be further isolated by using IBM Spectrum Archive node groups. A
node group consists of one or more nodes that are connected to the same tape library. When
tape cartridge pools are created, they can be assigned to a specific node group. For migration
purposes, it allows certain tape cartridge pools to be used with only drives within the owning
node group.

7.16 Tape cartridge removal

This section describes the information that must be reviewed before you physically remove a
tape cartridge from the library of your IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment.

For more information, see 6.8.2, “Moving tape cartridges” on page 156, and “The eeadm
<resource type> --help command” on page 316.

250 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.16.1 Reclaiming tape cartridges before you remove or export them
To avoid failed recall operations, it is recommended that the tape cartridges are reclaimed
before removing or exporting a cartridge.

When a cartridge that can be appended is planned for removal, use one of the following
methods to perform reclaim before the removal:
 Run the eeadm tape reclaim command before you remove it from the LTFS file system (by
running the eeadm tape unassign command)
 Export it from the LTFS library (by running the eeadm tape export command. This
command will internally run the reclaim during its task.)

If tape cartridges are in a need_replace or a require_replace state, use the eeadm tape
replace command. This command will internally run the reclaim command during its

The eeadm tape unassign --safe-remove can be used for cases where the replace command
fails. Note that the --safe-remove option will recall all the active files on the tape back to an
IBM Spectrum Scale file system that has adequate free space, and those files need to be
manually migrated again to a good tape.

7.16.2 Exporting tape cartridges before physically removing them from the
A preferred practice is always to export a tape cartridge before it is physically removed from
the library. If a removed tape cartridge is modified and then reinserted in the library,
unpredictable behavior can occur.

7.17 Reusing LTFS formatted tape cartridges

In some scenarios, you might want to reuse tape cartridges for your IBM Spectrum Archive
EE setup, which were used before as an LTFS formatted media in another LTFS setup.

Because these tape cartridges still might contain data from the previous usage, IBM
Spectrum Archive EE recognizes the old content because LTFS is a self-describing format.

Before such tape cartridges can be reused within your IBM Spectrum Archive EE
environment, the data must be moved off the cartridge or deleted from the file system then
the cartridges must be reformatted before they are added to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE
tape cartridge pool. This task can be done by running the
eeadm tape reclaim or eeadm tape unassign -E commands. Note that the tapes removed
with the -E option will need a -f option when re-assigning with the eeadm tape assign

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 251

7.17.1 Reformatting LTFS tape cartridges through eeadm commands
If a tape cartridge was used as an LTFS tape, you can check its contents after it is added to
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system and loaded to a drive. You can run the ls -la
command to display content of the tape cartridge, as shown in Example 7-15.

Example 7-15 Display content of a used LTFS tape cartridge (non-IBM Spectrum Archive EE)
[root@ltfs97 ~]# ls -la /ltfs/153AGWL5
total 41452613
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 0 Jul 12 2012 .
drwxrwxrwx 12 root root 0 Jan 1 1970 ..
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 18601 Jul 12 2012 api_test.log
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 50963 Jul 11 2012 config.log
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 1048576 Jul 12 2012 dummy.000
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21474836480 Jul 12 2012 perf_fcheck.000
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20971520000 Jul 12 2012 perf_migrec
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 25 Jul 12 2012 symfile ->

You can also discover if it was an IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge before or just a
standard LTFS tape cartridge that is used by IBM Spectrum Archive LE or IBM Spectrum
Archive SDE release. Review the hidden directory .LTFSEE_DATA, as shown in Example 7-16.
This example indicates that this cartridge was previously used as an IBM Spectrum Archive
EE tape cartridge.

Example 7-16 Display content of a used LTFS tape cartridge (IBM Spectrum Archive EE)
[root@ltfs97 ltfs]# ls -lsa /ltfs/JD0321JD
total 0
0 drwxrwxrwx 4 root root 0 Jan 9 14:33 .
0 drwxrwxrwx 7 root root 0 Dec 31 1969 ..
0 drwxrwxrwx 3 root root 0 Jan 9 14:33 ibm
0 drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 0 Jan 10 16:01 .LTFSEE_DATA

The procedure for reuse and reformatting of a previously used LTFS tape cartridge depends
on whether it was used before as an IBM Spectrum Archive LE or IBM Spectrum Archive SDE
tape cartridge or as an IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge.

Before you start with the reformat procedures and examples, it is important that you confirm
the following starting point. You can see the tape cartridges that you want to reuse by running
the eeadm tape list command in the status unassign, as shown in Example 7-17.

Example 7-17 Output of the eeadm tape list command

[root@saitama2 ltfs]# eeadm tape list -l lib_saitama
Tape ID Status State Usable(GiB) Used(GiB) Available(GiB) Reclaimable% Pool Library Location Task ID
JCA561JC ok offline 0 0 0 0% pool2 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCA224JC ok appendable 6292 0 6292 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCC093JC ok appendable 6292 496 5796 0% pool1 lib_saitama homeslot -
JCB141JC ok unassigned 0 0 0 0% - lib_saitama homeslot -

252 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Reformatting and reusing an LTFS SDE/LE tape cartridge
In this case, you run the eeadm tape assign command to add this tape cartridge to an IBM
Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge pool and format it at the same time, as shown in the
following example and in Example 7-18:
eeadm tape assign <list_of_tapes> -p <pool> [OPTIONS]

If the format fails then there is data most likely written to the tape and a force format is
required by appending the -f option to the eeadm tape assign command.

Example 7-18 Reformat a used LTFS SDE/LE tape cartridge

[root@saitama2 ~]# eeadm tape assign JCB141JC -p pool1 -l lib_saitama -f
2019-01-15 08:35:21 GLESL700I: Task tape_assign was created successfully, task id
is 7201.
2019-01-15 08:38:09 GLESL087I: Tape JCB141JC successfully formatted.
2019-01-15 08:38:09 GLESL360I: Assigned tape JCB141JC to pool pool1 successfully.

Reformatting and reusing an IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge

If you want to reuse an IBM Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge, the user can either reclaim
the tape so the data is preserved onto another cartridge within the same pool. If the data on
the cartridge is no longer needed then the user must delete all files on disk that have been
premigrated/migrated to the cartridge and run the eeadm tape unassign command with the -E
option. After the tape has been removed from the pool using the eeadm tape unassign -E
command add the tape to the new pool using the eeadm tape assign command with the -f
option to force a format.

7.18 Reusing non-LTFS tape cartridges

For your IBM Spectrum Archive EE setup, in some scenarios, you might want to reuse tape
cartridges that were used before as non-LTFS formatted media in another server setup
behind your tape library (such as backup tape cartridges from an IBM Spectrum Protect

Although these tape cartridges still might contain data from the previous usage, they can be
used within IBM Spectrum Archive EE the same way as new, unused tape cartridges. For
more information about how to add new tape cartridge media to an IBM Spectrum Archive EE
tape cartridge pool, see 6.8.1, “Adding tape cartridges” on page 154.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 253

7.19 Moving tape cartridges between pools
This section describes preferred practices to consider when you want to move a tape
cartridge between tape cartridge pools. This information also relates to the function that is
described in 6.8.2, “Moving tape cartridges” on page 156.

7.19.1 Avoiding changing assignments for tape cartridges that contain files
If a tape cartridge contains any files, a preferred practice is to not move the tape cartridge
from one tape cartridge pool to another tape cartridge pool. If you remove the tape cartridge
from one tape cartridge pool and then add it to another tape cartridge pool, the tape cartridge
includes files that are targeted for multiple pools. This is not internally allowed in IBM
Spectrum Archive EE.

Before you export files you want from that tape cartridge, you must recall any files that are not
supposed to be exported in such a scenario.

For more information, see 6.9, “Tape storage pool management” on page 162.

7.19.2 Reclaiming a tape cartridge and changing its assignment

Before you remove a tape cartridge from one tape cartridge pool and add it to another tape
cartridge pool, a preferred practice is to reclaim the tape cartridge so that no files remain on
the tape cartridge when it is removed. This action prevents the scenario that is described in
7.19.1, “Avoiding changing assignments for tape cartridges that contain files” on page 254.

For more information, see 6.9, “Tape storage pool management” on page 162 and 6.17,
“Reclamation” on page 200.

7.20 Offline tape cartridges

This section describes how you can help maintain the file integrity of offline tape cartridges by
not modifying the files of offline exported tape cartridges. Also, a reference to information
about solving import problems that are caused by modified offline tape cartridges is provided.

7.20.1 Do not modify the files of offline tape cartridges

When a tape cartridge is offline and outside the library, do not modify its IBM Spectrum Scale
offline files on disk and do not modify its files on the tape cartridge. Otherwise, some files that
exist on the tape cartridge might become unavailable to IBM Spectrum Scale.

7.20.2 Solving problems

For more information about solving problems that are caused by trying to import a tape
cartridge in offline state that was modified while it was outside the library, see “Importing
offline tape cartridges” on page 203.

254 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.21 Scheduling reconciliation and reclamation
This section provides information about scheduling regular reconciliation and reclamation

The reconciliation process resolves any inconsistencies that develop between files in the IBM
Spectrum Scale and their equivalents in LTFS. The reclamation function frees up tape
cartridge space that is occupied by non-referenced files and non-referenced content that is
present on the tape cartridge. In other words, this is inactive content of data, but still
occupying space on the physical tape.

It is preferable to schedule periodic reconciliation and reclamation, ideally during off-peak

hours and at a frequency that is most effective. A schedule helps ensure consistency between
files and efficient use of the tape cartridges in your IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment.

For more information, see 6.15, “Recalling files to their resident state” on page 196 and 6.17,
“Reclamation” on page 200.

7.22 License Expiration Handling

License validation is done by the IBM Spectrum Archive EE program. If the license covers
only a certain period (as in the case for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Trial Version, which is
available for three months), it expires if this time is passed. The behavior of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE changes after that period in the following cases:
 The state of the nodes changes to the following defined value:
Once in this state, some commands will return errors with messages indicating licence
 When the license is expired, IBM Spectrum Archive EE can still read data, but it is
impossible to write and migrate data. In such a case, not all IBM Spectrum Archive EE
commands are usable.

When the license is expired and detected by the scheduler of the main IBM Spectrum Archive
EE management components (MMM), it shuts down. This feature is necessary to have a
proper clean-up if some jobs are still running or unscheduled. By doing so, a user is aware
that IBM Spectrum Archive EE does not function because of the license expiration.

To give a user the possibility to access files that were previously migrated to tape, it is
possible for IBM Spectrum Archive EE to restart, but it operates with limited functions. All
functions that write to tape cartridges are not available. During the start of IBM Spectrum
Archive EE (through MMM), it is detected that some nodes have the status of

IBM Spectrum Archive EE fails the following commands immediately:


Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 255

These commands are designed to write to a tape cartridge in certain cases. Therefore, they
fail with an error message. The transparent access of a migrated file is not affected. The
deletion of the link and the data file on a tape cartridge because of a write or truncate recall is
omitted. Other task that inherit such behaviors will also fail, since these type of commands
that include writing to tape will be invalid.

In summary, the following steps occur after expiration:

1. The status of the nodes changes to the state NODE_STATUS_LICENSE_EXPIRED.
2. IBM Spectrum Archive EE shuts down to allow a proper clean-up.
3. IBM Spectrum Archive EE can be started again with limited functions.

7.23 Disaster recovery

This section describes the preparation of an IBM Spectrum Archive EE DR setup and the
steps that you must perform before and after a disaster to recover your IBM Spectrum Archive
EE environment.

7.23.1 Tiers of disaster recovery

Understanding DR strategies and solutions can be complex. To help categorize the various
solutions and their characteristics (for example, costs, recovery time capabilities, and
recovery point capabilities), definitions of the various levels and required components can be
defined. The idea behind such a classification is to help those concerned with DR to
determine the following issues:
 What solution they have
 What solution they require
 What it requires to meet greater DR objectives

In 1992, the SHARE user group in the United States, along with IBM, defined a set of DR tier
levels. This action was done to address the need to describe and quantify various different
methodologies for successful mission-critical computer systems DR implementations. So,
within the IT Business Continuance industry, the tier concept continues to be used, and is
useful for describing today’s DR capabilities.

The tiers’ definitions are designed so that emerging DR technologies can also be applied, as
listed in Table 7-1.

Table 7-1 Summary of disaster recovery tiers (SHARE)

Tier Description

6 Zero data loss

5 Two-site two-phase commit

4 Electronic vaulting to hotsite (active secondary site)

3 Electronic vaulting

2 Offsite vaulting with a hotsite (PTAM + hot site)

1 Offsite vaulting (Pickup Truck Access Method (PTAM))

0 Offsite vaulting (PTAM)

256 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
In the context of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE product, this section focuses only on the tier 1
strategy because this is the only supported solution that you can achieve with a product that
handles physical tape media (off-site vaulting).

For more information about the other DR tiers and general strategies, see Disaster Recovery
Strategies with Tivoli Storage Management, SG24-6844.

Tier 1: Offsite vaulting

A tier 1 installation is defined as having a disaster recovery plan (DRP) that backs up and
stores its data at an off-site storage facility, and determines some recovery requirements. As
shown in Figure 7-1 on page 257, backups are taken that are stored at an off-site storage

This environment can also establish a backup platform, although it does not have a site at
which to restore its data, nor the necessary hardware on which to restore the data, such as
compatible tape devices.

Figure 7-1 Tier 1 - offsite vaulting (PTAM)

Because vaulting and retrieval of data is typically handled by couriers, this tier is described as
the PTAM. PTAM is a method that is used by many sites because this is a relatively
inexpensive option. However, it can be difficult to manage because it is difficult to know
exactly where the data is at any point.

There is probably only selectively saved data. Certain requirements were determined and
documented in a contingency plan and there is optional backup hardware and a backup
facility that is available. Recovery depends on when hardware can be supplied, or possibly
when a building for the new infrastructure can be located and prepared.

Although some customers are on this tier and seemingly can recover if there is a disaster, one
factor that is sometimes overlooked is the recovery time objective (RTO). For example,
although it is possible to recover data eventually, it might take several days or weeks. An
outage of business data for this long can affect business operations for several months or
even years (if not permanently).

Important: With IBM Spectrum Archive EE, the recovery time can be improved because
after the import of the vaulting tape cartridges into a recovered production environment,
the user data is immediately accessible without the need to copy back content from the
tape cartridges into a disk or file system.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 257

7.23.2 Preparing IBM Spectrum Archive EE for a tier 1 disaster recovery
strategy (offsite vaulting)
IBM Spectrum Archive EE has all the tools and functions that you need to prepare a tier 1 DR
strategy for offsite vaulting of tape media.

The fundamental concept is based on the IBM Spectrum Archive EE function to create
replicas and redundant copies of your file system data to tape media during migration (see
6.11.4, “Replicas and redundant copies” on page 177). IBM Spectrum Archive EE enables
the creation of a replica plus two more redundant replicas (copies) of each IBM Spectrum
Scale file during the migration process.

The first replica is the primary copy, and other replicas are called redundant copies.
Redundant copies must be created in tape cartridge pools that are different from the tape
cartridge pool of the primary copy and different from the tape cartridge pools of other
redundant copies.

Up to two redundant copies can be created, which means that a specific file from the GPFS
file system can be stored on three different physical tape cartridges in three different IBM
Spectrum Archive EE tape cartridge pools.

The tape cartridge where the primary copy is stored and the tapes that contain the redundant
copies are referenced in the IBM Spectrum Scale inode with an IBM Spectrum Archive EE
DMAPI attribute. The primary copy is always listed first.

Redundant copies are written to their corresponding tape cartridges in the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE format. These tape cartridges can be reconciled, exported, reclaimed, or
imported by using the same commands and procedures that are used for standard migration
without replica creation.

Redundant copies must be created in tape cartridge pools that are different from the pool of
the primary copy and different from the pools of other redundant copies. Therefore, create a
DR pool named DRPool that exclusively contains the media you plan to Offline Export for
offline vaulting. You must also plan for the following issues:
 Which file system data is migrated (as another replica) to the DR pool?
 How often do you plan to export and remove of physical tapes for offline vaulting?
 How do you handle media lifecycle management with the tape cartridges for offline
 What are the DR steps and procedure?

If the primary copy of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE server and IBM Spectrum Scale do not
exist due to a disaster, the redundant copy that is created and stored in an external site
(offline vaulting) will be used for the disaster recovery.

Section 7.23.3, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE tier 1 DR procedure” on page 259 describes the
steps that are used to perform these actions:
 Recover (import) the offline vaulting tape cartridges to a newly installed IBM Spectrum
Archive EE environment
 Re-create the GPFS file system information
 Regain access to your IBM Spectrum Archive EE data

Important: The migration of a pre-migrated file does not create new replicas.

258 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 7-19 shows you a sample migration policy to migrate all files to three pools. To have
this policy run periodically, see “Using a cron job” on page 176.

Example 7-19 Sample of a migration policy

define(user_exclude_list,(PATH_NAME LIKE '/ibm/gpfs/.ltfsee/%' OR PATH_NAME LIKE
define(is_migrated,(MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%V%'))
define(is_resident,(NOT MISC_ATTRIBUTES LIKE '%M%'))



EXEC '/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/eeadm'
OPTS '-p primary@lib_ltfseevm,copy@lib_ltfseevm,DR@lib_ltfseevm'


AND NOT user_exclude_list

After you create redundant copies of your file system data on different IBM Spectrum Archive
EE tape cartridge pools for offline vaulting, you can Normal Export the tape cartridges by
running the IBM Spectrum Archive EE export command. For more information, see 6.19.2,
“Exporting tape cartridges” on page 204.

Important: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE export command does not eject the tape
cartridge to the physical I/O station of the attached tape library. To eject the DR tape
cartridges from the library to take them out for offline vaulting, you can run the eeadm tape
move command with the option -L ieslot. For more information, see 6.8, “Tape library
management” on page 154 and 10.1, “Command-line reference” on page 316.

7.23.3 IBM Spectrum Archive EE tier 1 DR procedure

To perform a DR to restore an IBM Spectrum Archive EE server and IBM Spectrum Scale
with tape cartridges from offline vaulting, complete the following steps:
1. Before you start a DR, a set of exported tapes that was exported from IBM Spectrum
Archive EE must be stored in an offline vault. In addition, a “new” Linux server and an IBM
Spectrum Archive EE cluster environment, including IBM Spectrum Scale, must be set up.
2. Confirm that the new installed IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster is running and ready for
the import operation by running the following commands:
– # eeadm node list
– # eeadm tape list
– # eeadm pool list
3. Insert the tape cartridges for DR into the tape library I/O station.
4. Use your tape library management GUI to assign the DR tape cartridges to the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE logical tape library partition of your new IBM Spectrum Archive EE

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 259

5. From the IBM Spectrum Archive EE program, retrieve the updated inventory information
from the logical tape library by running the following command:
# eeadm library rescan
6. Move the inserted tapes to homeslot with the following command:
# eeadm tape move <tape id> -L homeslot
7. Import the DR tape cartridges into the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment by running
the eeadm tape import command. The eeadm tape import command features various
options that you can specify. Therefore, it is important to become familiar with these
options, especially when you are performing DR. For more information, see Chapter 10,
“Reference” on page 315.
When you rebuild from one or more tape cartridges, the eeadm tape import command
adds the specified tape cartridge to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE library and imports the
files on that tape cartridge into the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace.
This process puts the stub file back in to the IBM Spectrum Scale namespace, but the
imported files stay in a migrated state, which means that the data remains on tape. The
data portion of the file is not copied to disk during the import.

Restoring file system objects and files from tape

If a GPFS file system fails, the migrated files and the saved file system objects (empty regular
files, symbolic links, and empty directories) that are located in an exported tape can be
restored from tapes by running the eeadm tape import command1.

The eeadm tape import command reinstantiates the stub files in IBM Spectrum Scale for
migrated files. The state of those files changes to the migrated state. Also, the eeadm tape
import command re-creates the file system objects in IBM Spectrum Scale for saved file
system objects.

Note: When a symbolic link is saved to tape and then restored by the eeadm tape import
command, the target of the symbolic link is kept. However, this process might cause the
link to break. Therefore, after a symbolic link is restored, it might need to be moved
manually to its original location on IBM Spectrum Scale.

Recovery procedure by using the eeadm tape import command

Here is a typical user scenario for recovering migrated files and saved file system objects
from tape by running the eeadm tape import command:
1. Re-create the GPFS file system or create a GPFS file system.
2. Restore the migrated files and saved file system objects from tape by running the
eeadm tape import command:
eeadm tape import LTFS01L6 LTFS02L6 LTFS03L6 -p PrimPool -P
/gpfs/ltfsee/rebuild is a directory in IBM Spectrum Scale to be restored to, PrimPool is
the storage pool to import the tapes into, and LTFS01L6, LTFS02L6, and LTFS02L6 are
tapes that contain migrated files or saved file system objects.

1 Note that only exported tapes are valid for this command.

260 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Import processing for unexported tapes that are not reconciled
The eeadm tape import command might encounter tapes that are not reconciled when the
command is applied to tapes that are not exported from IBM Spectrum Archive EE. In this
case, the following situations can occur with the processing to restore files and file system
objects, and should be handled as described for each case:
 The tapes might have multiple generations of a file or a file system object. If so, the
eeadm tape import command restores an object from the latest one that is on the tapes
that are specified by the command.
 The tapes might not reflect the latest file information from IBM Spectrum Scale. If so, the
eeadm tape import command restores files or file system objects that were removed from
IBM Spectrum Scale.

Rebuild and restore considerations

While the eeadm tape import command is running, do not modify or access the files or file
system objects to be restored. During the rebuild process, an old generation of the file can
appear on IBM Spectrum Scale.

For more information about the eeadm tape import command, see “Importing” on page 202.

7.24 IBM Spectrum Archive EE problem determination

If you discover an error message or a problem while you are running and operating the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE program, you can check the IBM Spectrum Archive EE log file as a
starting point for problem determination.

The IBM Spectrum Archive EE log file can be found in the following directory:

In Example 7-20, we attempted to migrate two files (document10.txt and document20.txt) to

a pool (myfirstpool) that contained two new formatted and added physical tapes
(055AGWL5 and 055AGWL5). We encountered an error that only one file was migrated
successfully. We checked the ltfsee.log to determine why the other file was not migrated.

Example 7-20 Check the ltfsee.log file

[root@mikasa1 gpfs]# eeadm migrate mig -p myfirstpool@lib_saitama
2019-01-21 08:37:54 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id is 7217.
2019-01-21 08:37:55 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 7217
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-01-21 08:37:55 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 7217 (copying
the files to 1 pools).
2019-01-21 08:38:36 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 7217 (changing
the state of files on disk).
2019-01-21 08:38:36 GLESL159E: Not all migration has been successful.
2019-01-21 08:38:36 GLESL038I: Migration result: 1succeeded, 1 failed, 0 duplicate, 0
duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for migration, 0 too early for
[root@ltfs97 gpfs]#
[root@ltfs97 gpfs]# vi /var/log/ltfsee.log
2019-01-21T08:37:55.399423-07:00 saitama2 mmm[22236]: GLESM148E(00704): File
/ibm/gpfs/document20.txt is already migrated and will be skipped.
2019-01-21T08:38:36.694378-07:00 saitama2 mmm[22236]: GLESL159E(00142): Not all migration
has been successful.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 261

In Example 7-20, you can see from the message in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE log file that
one file we tried to migrate was already in a migrated state and therefore skipped to migrate
again, as shown in the following example:
2019-01-21T08:37:55.399423-07:00 saitama2 mmm[22236]: GLESM148E(00704): File
/ibm/gpfs/document20.txt is already migrated and will be skipped.

For more information about problem determination, see Chapter 9, “Troubleshooting IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition” on page 293.

7.24.1 Rsyslog log suppression by rate-limiting

IBM Spectrum Archive uses rsyslogd and journald of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux system for
logging. By default, rate-limiting of the log messages is enabled. However, this causes
problems because all the logs are needed for problem analysis.

It is highly recommended to disable the rate-limiting so that no logs are suppressed, as


1. Open /etc/systemd/journald.conf and add the following lines:


2. Open /etc/rsyslog.conf, and in the Global Directives section, add the following lines:
$imjournalRatelimitInterval 0
$imjournalRatelimitBurst 0

3. Restart the services:

systemctl restart systemd-journald
systemctl restart rsyslog.service

7.25 Collecting IBM Spectrum Archive EE logs for support

If you discover a problem with your IBM Spectrum Archive EE program and open a ticket at
the IBM Support Center, you might be asked to provide a package of IBM Spectrum Archive
EE log files.

A Linux script is available with IBM Spectrum Archive EE that collects all of the needed files
and logs for your convenience to provide them to IBM Support. This task also compresses the
files into a single package.

To generate the compressed .tar file and provide it on request to IBM Support, run the
following command:

262 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 7-21 shows the output of the ltfsee_log_collection command. During the log
collection run, you are asked what information you want to collect. If you are unsure, select Y
to select all the information. At the end of the output, you can find the file name and where the
log package was stored.

Example 7-21 The ltfsee_log_collection command

[root@kyoto ~]# ltfsee_log_collection

IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition - log collection program

This program collects the following information from your IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS)
(1) Log files that are generated by IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS), and IBM Spectrum Archive
(2) Configuration information that is configured to use IBM Spectrum Scale (GPFS)
and IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
(3) System information including
OS distribution and kernel information,
hardware information (CPU and memory) and
process information (list of running processes).
(4) Task information files under the following subdirectory
<GPFS mount point>/.ltfsee/statesave

If you agree to collect all the information, input 'y'.

If you agree to collect only (1) and (2), input 'p' (partial).
If you agree to collect only (4) task information files, input 't'.
If you don't agree to collect any information, input 'n'.

The following files are collected only if they were modified within the last 90 days.
- /var/log/messages*
- /var/log/ltfsee.log*
- /var/log/ltfsee_trc.log*
- /var/log/ltfsee_mon.log*
- /var/log/ltfs.log*
- /var/log/ltfsee_install.log
- /var/log/ltfsee_stat_driveperf.log*
- /var/log/httpd/error_log*
- /var/log/httpd/rest_log*
- /var/log/ltfsee_rest/rest_app.log*
- /var/log/logstash/*

You can collect all of the above files, including files modified within the last 90 days,
with an argument of 'all'.
#./ltfsee_log_collection all
If you want to collect the above files that were modified within the last 30 days.
#./ltfsee_log_collection 30

The collected data will be zipped in the ltfsee_log_files_<date>_<time>.tar.gz file.

You can check the contents of the file before submitting it to IBM.

Input > y
Creating a temporary directory '/root/ltfsee_log_files'...
The collection of local log files is in progress.

Removing collected files...

Information has been collected and archived into the following file.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 263

7.26 Backing up files within file systems that are managed by
IBM Spectrum Archive EE
The IBM Spectrum Protect Backup/Archive client and the IBM Spectrum Protect
HSM client from the IBM Spectrum Protect family are components of IBM Spectrum Archive
EE and are installed as part of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE installation process. Therefore,
it is possible to use them to back up files within the GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale file
systems. The mmbackup command can be used to back up some or all of the files of a GPFS
or IBM Spectrum Scale file system to IBM Spectrum Protect servers using the IBM Spectrum
Protect Backup-Archive client. After files have been backed up, you can restore them using
the interfaces provided by IBM Spectrum Protect.

The mmbackup command utilizes all the scalable, parallel processing capabilities of the
mmapplypolicy command to scan the file system, evaluate the metadata of all the objects in
the file system, and determine which files need to be sent to backup in IBM Spectrum Protect,
as well which deleted files should be expired from IBM Spectrum Protect. Both backup and
expiration take place when running mmbackup in the incremental backup mode.

The mmbackup command can inter-operate with regular IBM Spectrum Protect commands for
backup and expire operations. However if after using mmbackup, any IBM Spectrum Protect
incremental or selective backup or expire commands are used, mmbackup needs to be
informed of these activities. Use either the -q option or the --rebuild option in the next
mmbackup command invocation to enable mmbackup to rebuild its shadow databases.

These databases shadow the inventory of objects in IBM Spectrum Protect so that only new
changes will be backed up in the next incremental mmbackup. Failing to do so will needlessly
back up some files again. The shadow database can also become out of date if mmbackup fails
due to certain IBM Spectrum Protect server problems that prevent mmbackup from properly
updating its shadow database after a backup. In these cases it is also required to issue the
next mmbackup command with either the -q option or the --rebuild options.

The mmbackup command provides the following benefits:

 A full backup of all files in the specified scope.
 An incremental backup of only those files that have changed or been deleted since the last
backup. Files that have changed since the last backup are updated and files that have
been deleted since the last backup are expired from the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
 Utilization of a fast scan technology for improved performance.
 The ability to perform the backup operation on a number of nodes in parallel.
 Multiple tuning parameters to allow more control over each backup.
 The ability to backup the read/write version of the file system or specific global snapshots.
 Storage of the files in the backup server under their GPFS root directory path independent
of whether backing up from a global snapshot or the live file system.
 Handling of unlinked filesets to avoid inadvertent expiration of files.

For more information, see IBM Documentation.

264 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
7.26.1 Considerations
Consider the following points when you are using the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup/Archive
client in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment:
 IBM Spectrum Protect requirements for backup
 Update the dsm.sys and dsm.opt files to support both IBM Spectrum Protect and IBM
Spectrum Archive EE operations:

Note: In dsm.sys file, when multiple server stanza are defined for IBM Spectrum
Archive and IBM Spectrum Protect, the following lines need to be placed at the
beginning of the file. Otherwise, IBM Spectrum Archive will not be able to migrate or
recall files.

ERRORLOGNAME /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmerror.log
errorlogretention 180 S
 Ensure the files are backed up first with IBM Spectrum Protect followed by archiving the
files with IBM Spectrum Archive EE to avoid recall storms.

7.26.2 Backing up a GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale environment

The best practice is to always backup the files using IBM Spectrum Protect first and then
archiving the files using IBM Spectrum Archive EE.The primary reason is that attempting to
back up the stub of a file that was migrated to IBM Spectrum Archive EE causes it to be
automatically recalled from LTFS (tape) to the IBM Spectrum Scale. This is not an efficient
way to perform backups, especially when you are dealing with large numbers of files.

The mmbackup command is used to back up the files of a GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale file
system to IBM Spectrum Protect servers by using the IBM Spectrum Protect Backup/Archive
Client of the IBM Spectrum Protect family. In addition, the mmbackup command can operate
with regular IBM Spectrum Protect backup commands for backup. After a file system is
backed up, you can restore files by using the interfaces that are provided by the IBM
Spectrum Protect family.

Starting with IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.3.0.0 and IBM Spectrum Scale v5.0.2.2, a new
option has been added to the eeadm migrate command called --mmbackup. With the
--mmbackup option is supplied, IBM Spectrum Archive EE will first verify that current backup
versions of the files exist within IBM Spectrum Protect before it will archive them to IBM
Spectrum Archive EE. If those files are not backed up, those files will be filtered out and thus
not archived to tape. This ensures that there will be no recall storm due to the backup of files.

The --mmbackup option of the eeadm migrate command takes 1 option, which is the location of
the mmbackup shadow database. This location is normally the same device or directory
option of the mmbackup command.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 265

7.27 IBM TS4500 Automated Media Verification with IBM
Spectrum Archive EE
In some use cases where IBM Spectrum Archive EE is deployed, you might have the
requirement to periodically ensure that the files and data that is migrated from the IBM
Spectrum Scale file system to physical tape is still readable and can be recalled back from
tape to the file system without any error. Especially in a more long-term archival environment,
a function that checks the physical media based on a schedule that the user can implement is
highly appreciated.

Starting with the release of the IBM TS4500 Tape Library R2, a new, fully transparent function
is introduced within the TS4500 operations that is named policy-based automatic media
verification. This new function is hidden from any ISV software, similar to the automatic

No ISV certification is required. It can be enabled/disabled through the logical library with
more settings to define the verify period (for example, every 6 months) and the first
verification date.

One or more designated media verification drives (MVDs) must be assigned to a logical
library in order for the verification to take place. A preferred practice is to have two MVDs
assigned at a time to ensure that no false positives occur because of a faulty tape drive.
Figure 7-2 shows an example of such a setup.

Figure 7-2 TS4500 with one logical library showing two MVDs configured

Note: MVDs defined within a logical library are not accessible from the host or application
by using the drives of this particular logical library for production.

266 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Verify that results are simple pass/fail, but verify that failures are retried on a second physical
drive, if available, before being reported. A failure is reported through all normal notification
options (email, syslog, and SNMP). MVDs are not reported as mount points (SCSI DTEs) to
the ISV application, so MVDs do not need to be connected to the SAN.

During this process, whenever access from the application or host is required to the physical
media under media verification, the tape library stops the current verification process. It then
dismounts the needed tape from the MVD, and mounts it to a regular tape drive within the
same logical library for access by the host application to satisfy the requested mount. At a
later point, the media verification process continues.

The library GUI Cartridges page adds columns for last verification date/time, verification
result, and next verification date/time (if automatic media verification is enabled). If a cartridge
being verified is requested for ejection or mounting by the ISV software (which thinks the
cartridge is in a storage slot), the verify task is automatically canceled, a checkpoint occurs,
and the task resumes later (if/when the cartridge is available).

The ISV eject or mount occurs with a delay comparable to a mount to a drive being cleaned
(well within the preferred practice SCSI Move Medium timeout values). The GUI also supports
a manual stop of the verify task.

The last verification date/time is written in the cartridge memory (CM) and read upon first
mount after being newly inserted into a TS4500, providing persistence and portability (similar
to a cleaning cartridge usage count).

All verify mounts are recorded in the mount history CSV file, allowing for more granular health
analysis (for example, outlier recovered error counts) by using Tape System Reporter (TSR)
or Rocket Server graph.

The whole media verification process is transparent to IBM Spectrum Archive EE as the host.
No definitions and configurations need to be done within IBM Spectrum Archive EE. All setup
activities are done only through the TS4500 management interface.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 267

Figure 7-3 - Figure 7-6 on page 269 are examples from the TS4500 tape library web interface
that show you how to assign an MVD to a logical library. It is a two-step process because you
must define a drive to be an MVD and then assign this drive to the logical library (if it was not
assigned before). Complete the following steps:
1. Select the menu option Drives by Logical Library to assign an unassigned drive to a
logical library by right-clicking the unassigned drive icon. A menu opens where you select
Assign, as shown in Figure 7-3.

Figure 7-3 Assign a tape drive to a logical library through the TS4500 web interface (step 1)

2. Another window opens where you must select the specific logical library to which the
unassigned drive is supposed to be added, as shown in Figure 7-4.

Figure 7-4 Assign a tape drive to a logical library through the TS4500 web interface (step 2)

268 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
3. If the drive to be used as an MVD is configured within the logical library, change its role, as
shown in Figure 7-5 and Figure 7-6 on page 269.

Figure 7-5 Reserve a tape drive as the media verification drive through the TS4500 web interface

4. You must right-click the assigned drive within the logical library. A menu opens and you
select Use for Media Verification from the list of the provided options. A confirmation
dialog box opens. Click Yes to proceed.
5. After making that configuration change to the drive, you see a new icon in front of it to
show you the new role (Figure 7-6).

Figure 7-6 Display a tape drive as the media verification drive through the TS4500 web interface

Note: The MVD flag for a tape drive is a global setting, which means that after it is
assigned, the drive keeps its role as an MVD even it is unassigned and then assigned to a
new logical library. Unassigning does not disable this role.

To unassign a drive from being an MVD, follow the same procedure again, and select (after
the right-click) Use for Media Access. This action changes the drive role back to normal
operation for the attached host application to this logical library.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 269

Figure 7-7 shows you the TS4500 web interface dialog box for enabling automatic media
verification on a logical library. You must go to the Cartridges by Logical Library page. Then,
select Modify Media Verification for the selected logical library. The Automatic Media
Verification dialog box opens where you can enter the media verification schedule.

Figure 7-7 Modify Media Verification dialog box to set up a schedule

By using this dialog box, you can enable/disable an automatic media verification schedule.
Then, you can configure how often the media should be verified and the first verification date.
Finally, you can select the MVDs, which are selected by the library to perform the scheduled
media verification test.

If you go to the Cartridges by Logical Library page and select Properties for the selected
logical library, a dialog box opens where you can see the current media verification
configuration for that logical library, as shown by Figure 7-8.

Figure 7-8 TS4500 properties for a logical library

270 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
For more information and the usage of the TS4500 media verification functions, see IBM
TS4500 R8 Tape Library Guide, SG24-8235 and IBM TS4500 documentation at IBM

7.28 How to disable commands on IBM Spectrum Archive EE

Some IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands can be disabled or enabled, such as the
transparent recall command.

The control is done by disabling or enabling corresponding task types by using the eeadm
cluster set command. The commands, corresponding task types, and corresponding
attribute names that are used by the eeadm cluster set command are listed in Table 7-2.

Table 7-2 eeadm commands, task types, and attribute names

File access or eeadm Task type Attribute name

File access that would trigger a transparent_recall allow_transparent_recall


eeadm migrate migrate allow_migrate

eeadm premigrate premigrate allow_premigrate

eeadm recall selective_recall allow_selective_recall

eeadm save save allow_save

eeadm tape assign tape_assign allow_tape_assign

eeadm tape datamigrate tape_datamigrate allow_tape_datamigrate

eeadm tape export tape_export allow_tape_export

eeadm tape import tape_import allow_tape_import

eeadm tape offline tape_offline allow_tape_offline

eeadm tape online tape_online allow_tape_online

eeadm tape reconcile tape_reconcile allow_tape_reconcile

eeadm tape reclaim tape_reclaim allow_tape_reclaim

eeadm tape replace tape_replace allow_tape_replace

eeadm tape unassign tape_unassign allow_tape_unassign

The attributes can be set to “yes” or “no” by using the eeadm cluster set command. The
current setting can be verified by using the eeadm cluster show command.

When a task type is disabled, the next command immediately fails. The failed task can be
verified by using the eeadm task list -c command and the eeadm task show command.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 271

Example 7-22 shows the results of the eeadm cluster show and eeadm task show commands
when the allow_transparent_recall option is set to no.

Example 7-22 Disabling transparent recall

[root@server dir1]# eeadm cluster set -a allow_transparent_recall -v no
2019-11-26 19:52:39 GLESL802I: Updated attribute allow_transparent_recall.

[root@server dir1]# eeadm cluster show | grep -E “Attribute|transparent”

Attribute Value
allow_transparent_recall no

[root@server dir1]# cat file2

cat: file2: Permission denied

[root@server dir1]# eeadm task show 1622

=== Task Information ===
Task ID: 1622
Task Type: transparent_recall
Command Parameters: dsmrecalld
Status: completed
Result: failed
Accepted Time: Thu Nov 14 21:40:34 2019 (+0900)
Started Time: Thu Nov 14 21:40:34 2019 (+0900)
Completed Time: Thu Nov 14 21:40:34 2019 (+0900)
Workload: 7 bytes of file (name: /ibm/gpfs0/archive/dir1/file2, inode:
Progress: -
Result Summary: Disabled

7.29 LTO 9 Media Optimization

Each new LTO 9 cartridge requires a one-time initialization called media optimization prior to
commencing read/write operations. The media optimization has been implemented in LTO 9
to optimize data placement to each LTO 9 cartridge characteristics. The optimization
averages between 35 to 52 minutes per first load of a cartridge to a tape drive. Most
initializations will complete within 60 minutes, but the whole process may take up to 2 hours.
IBM recommends that all media optimizations be performed in the destination ecosystem with
a drive or drives in the acclimated environment.

For more information about LTO 9 media optimization, see this web page.

When using LTO 9 drives/cartridges in IBM Spectrum Archive managed systems, the media
optimization is performed as part of eeadm tape assign command. When deploying LTO-9
cartridges, the extra time the command may take due to the media optimization needs to be
accounted for.

272 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
One method for deploying multiple LTO 9 tapes into a large tape library managed by IBM
Spectrum Archive is as follows:
1. Use all of the available LTO 9 drives to perform the eeadm tape assign command to
prepare enough LTO 9 tapes for several days.
2. Use IBM Spectrum Archive drive role feature to dedicate one or a few drives to keep
performing the eeadm tape assign command while using other drives for migration and
recall. The drive role can be set by the eeadm drive set command.
– Set "g" to the drives that perform tape assign
– Set "mr" to the other drives for migration/recall

Note: Consider the following points:

 Even if a pre-optimized LTO 9 cartridge (re-using or initialized somewhere else) is
deployed, the eeadm tape assign command will re-format and re-optimize the tape.
 The eeadm tape assign command first determines if it is OK to format the specified
tape by checking if the tape already has LTFS files stored. The check is a safe-guard to
avoid unexpectedly formatting a tape that has valid LTFS data. However, when
deploying a brand new LTO 9 tape, the check results in performing the media
optimization twice. Therefore, when assigning a brand new LTO 9 tape, it is
recommended to specify a --force-format or -f option to the command to bypass the
initial check.

Also, the eeadm tape reclaim command formats the source tape at the last phase of the
command. If the source tape is LTO 9, the format will trigger the media optimization.

Chapter 7. Hints, tips, and preferred practices 273

274 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise

Edition use cases
This chapter describes various use case examples for IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition (IBM Spectrum Archive EE).

This chapter includes the following topics:

 8.1, “Overview of use cases” on page 276
 8.2, “Media and Entertainment” on page 279
 8.3, “Media and Entertainment” on page 280
 8.4, “High-Performance Computing” on page 281
 8.5, “Healthcare” on page 283
 8.6, “Genomics” on page 284
 8.7, “Archive of research and scientific data for extended periods” on page 285
 8.8, “University Scientific Data Archive” on page 286
 8.9, “Oil and gas” on page 287
 8.10, “S3 Object Interface” on page 288
 8.11, “AFM use cases” on page 290

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 275
8.1 Overview of use cases
The typical use cases for IBM Spectrum Archive EE can be broken into three categories:
Archive, tiered storage, and data exchange, as shown in Figure 8-1.

Archive Tiered storage Data exchange

- Archive large volumes of data and files - Policy based placement and migration - Exchange large volumes of data
- Retain data for long periods of time - Use tape for infrequently accessed files - Provide access via global namespace
- Unlikely to be recalled

Leverage simplicity and tape TCO Leverage import and export functions,
copy function, and standardized format

Figure 8-1 Typical use cases for IBM Spectrum Archive EE

For more information about each use case, see Figure 8-2, Figure 8-3 on page 277, and
Figure 8-4 on page 278.

8.1.1 Use case for archive

Figure 8-2 summarizes the requirements, solution, and benefits of an IBM Spectrum Archive
EE use case for archiving data.

Figure 8-2 Use case for archive

Some of the requirements for the archive use case are:

 Large amount of data, larger files
 Infrequently accessed
 Longer retention periods
 Easy data access

The solution is based on archive storage that is based on IBM Spectrum Scale, IBM
Spectrum Archive EE, and standard file system interfaces

276 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Some of the archive use case benefits are:
 Simplicity with file system interface
 Scalable with IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE
 Low TCO with IBM tape

8.1.2 Use case for tiered and scalable storage

Figure 8-3 summarizes the requirements, solution, and benefits of an IBM Spectrum Archive
EE use case for tiered and scalable storage.

Figure 8-3 Use case for tiered and scalable storage

Some of the requirements for the tiered and scalable use case are:
 Archive to file systems
 Simple backup solution
 Easy data access for restore

The solution is based on archive storage that is based on IBM Spectrum Scale, IBM
Spectrum Archive EE, and standard file system interfaces

Some of the tiered and scalable use case benefits are:

 Easy to use with standard copy tools
 Scalable with IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE
 Low TCO with IBM tape

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 277

8.1.3 Use case data exchange
Figure 8-4 summarizes the requirements, solution, and benefits of an IBM Spectrum Archive
EE use case for data exchange.

Figure 8-4 Use case for data exchange

Some of the requirements for the data exchange use case are:
 Export entire directories to tape
 Import files and directories with seamless data access
 Leverage global name space

The solution is based on IBM Spectrum Scale, IBM Spectrum Archive EE, and standard file
system interfaces using export and import functions

Some of the data exchange use case benefits are:

 Export of tape copies
 Efficient import without reading data
 Import and export within global namespace

278 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
8.2 Media and Entertainment
As visual effects get more sophisticated, the computational demands of media and
entertainment rose sharply. In response, Pixit Media became the United Kingdom’s leading
provider of post-production software-defined solutions that are based on IBM Spectrum
Storage technology, which provides reliable performance and cost-efficiency to support
blockbuster growth.

Their business challenge is to keep audiences spellbound with their output. Media and
Entertainment companies must share, store, and access huge files that traditional
infrastructure solutions are failing to deliver. To meet this transformation, Pixit Media put
consistent performance and chart-topping scalability in the limelight through software-defined
solutions that are based on IBM Spectrum Storage technology that helps customers create hit
after hit.

Figure 8-5 shows how a studio’s workflow and applications can talk to IBM Spectrum Scale,
which is backed by industry-standard servers and disk arrays that serve as the global single
namespace file system.

Figure 8-5 Pixit Media workflow using IBM Spectrum Scale

Pixit Media also began offering solutions that are based on IBM Spectrum Archive EE. They
commented that:

“Most of our clients have complex requirements when it comes to archiving a project. They
want to move it to a reliable media on a project-by-project basis but without having to
manually manage the library. IBM Spectrum Archive EE can offer these customers a
worry-free, centralized approach to managing this process, which can be set up in just two or
three days and scale out extremely quickly.”1


Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 279

8.3 Media and Entertainment
The customer is the nation’s premier regional sports network providing a unique and special
experiences for local sports fans, sponsors, teams, and media partners across 4 different
regions of the United States. All production and post production videos are stored on
high-speed storage. However many of these post production videos will never be accessed
again so there is no need to occupy space on the high-speed storage. The customer will
migrate these post production videos to tape using IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

If the post production videos are ever needed again, they can transparently be recalled back
to the high-speed storage. The user data files can be viewed as a normal file system to the
Media Asset Management (MAM) system while providing a seamless integration into
environments. The mission is to preserve these assets and provide rapid access. Figure 8-6
shows an IBM Spectrum Archive use case for media and entertainment.

Media and Entertainment

MAM clients IBM


High Speed archive

Media Grid restore

Figure 8-6 IBM Spectrum Archive use case for media and entertainment

280 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
8.4 High-Performance Computing
Institutions and universities have long used High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources to
gather, store, and process their deep wealth of data which is often kept indefinitely. One key
step within this process is the ability to easily transfer, share, and discuss the data within their
own research teams and others. But this is often a major hurdle for the researchers.

Data transfers, with Globus, overcome this hurdle by providing a secure and unified interface
to their research data. Globus handles the complexities behind the details of large-scale data
transfers (such as tuning performance parameters), maintains security, monitors progress,
and validates correctness. Globus includes a “fire and forget” model where users submit the
data transfer task and are notified by Globus when the task is complete. Therefore,
researchers can concentrate only on performing their research.

Every data transfer task has a source endpoint and a destination endpoint. The endpoints are
described as the different locations where data can be moved to or from using the Globus
transfer, sync, and sharing service. For the IBM Spectrum Scale file system and IBM
Spectrum Archive EE tape usage, the following terminology is used:
 Data is archived when you use the IBM Spectrum Scale file system as a destination
endpoint and it is cached until it is migrated to tape.
 Data is restored or recalled when you use the IBM Spectrum Scale file system as a source
endpoint and might require a bulk recall of data from tape before the actual data transfers
can occur.

When recalls from tape through IBM Spectrum Archive EE are required, the ability to optimize
the bulk recalls is important because it can require a significant amount of time to complete.
Without optimizations, the tape recalls look randomized because there is no queue to be able
to group tape recalls which are on the same tape or within the same area of tape. Therefore,
a lot of time will be consumed by locating or rewinding times on the tape, and on the
unmounting or mounting of the target tape.

Therefore, starting with Globus Connect Server (GCS) version 5.4, Globus introduced a
feature called “posix staging” to allow the files to be prestaged to a disk cache before
performing the data transfer. With IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE, this
feature allows the optimization of bulk recalls from tape, prestaging them to the IBM Spectrum
Scale file system before being accessed by Globus. This process is done through Globus by
calling a specific “staging app” to generate the bulk recalls inside IBM Spectrum Archive EE.
A bulk recall can contain up to 64 staging requests per data transfer task.

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 281

Figure 8-7 shows Globus integration with IBM Spectrum Archive for archiving and recalling,
including prestaging capabilities. Globus will likely interleave staging and transfer operations
during the processing of the transfer task to improve performance.

Figure 8-7 Globus archive integration with IBM Spectrum Archive EE

For more information about the Globus posix staging feature, see this web page.

282 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
8.5 Healthcare
Amsterdam University Medical Center (UMC), location VUmc is enabling ground breaking
research with scalable, cost-effective storage for big data. With its storage requirements
skyrocketing that must be kept for decades, they needed to reevaluate its infrastructure to
continue conducting cutting-edge research in a secure and cost-effective way. Working with a
partner, the medical center helped researchers migrate from NAS drives to a centralized
storage platform that is based on IBM Spectrum Storage solutions.

With IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE solutions at the heart of its
centralized storage environment, Amsterdam UMC, location, VUmc supports its clinicians,
researchers, and administrators with the resources they need to work effectively. The promise
is to deliver a solution with which users can find the exact data they are looking for easily and
quickly, when and where they need it, and without disruptions.

When users or researchers have a new storage request, they are presented with a menu that
contains three storage options: gold, silver, and bronze. The gold option is on disk, while the
silver and bronze options are on tape (see Figure 8-8). Even when the data is on tape, it is
accessible from the online tape archive that provides the lower cost per TB and makes the
entire solution environmentally friendly and green.

Figure 8-8 Storage request options based on policies

Now the solution helps to achieve 99% faster data migrations, which enables IT to focus on
value-added development. The centralized data architecture ensures VUmc can fully support
its clinicians, researchers, and administrators with the resources they need to accelerate
discoveries and conduct innovative research.

For more information, see this IBM Support web page.

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 283

8.6 Genomics
The customer is one of the largest genomics research facilities in North America, integrating
sequencing, bioinformatics, data management, and genomics research. Their mission is to
deliver analysis to support personalized treatment to individual cancer patients where the
Standard of Care has failed. Hundreds of PBs of data has been moved from old filers to the
IBM Spectrum Archive EE system, at a rate of 1.2 PB per month to tape. 2 sets of tape
storage pools are used to be able to exchange/share the data with a remote education

The software engineers have also optimized the recall of massive genomics data for their
researchers, allowing for quick access to TBs of their migrated genomics data. Figure 8-9
shows a high-level archive for a genomics data archive.

Figure 8-9 IBM Spectrum Archive use case for genomics data archive

284 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
8.7 Archive of research and scientific data for extended periods
This research institute routinely manages large volumes of data generated internally and
collected by other institutes. To support its ongoing projects, the institute must archive and
store the data for many years. However, because most of the data is infrequently accessed,
the research institute was looking for a cost-efficient archiving solution that would allow
transparent user access.

In addition, the research institute needed a solution that would facilitate the fast import and
export of large data volumes. Figure 8-10 shows the high-level architecture to archive
research and scientific data for longs periods.

Figure 8-10 IBM Spectrum Archive use case for archiving research/scientific data for long periods of time

Figure 8-10 also shows the redundancy of the archive data from the backup solution. Both
archive and backup solutions are storing data on lower cost tape storage. The copies are in
two independent systems offering more options for stricter data security requirements.

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 285

8.8 University Scientific Data Archive
This university specializes in transportation research. This solution was designed to meet the
long-term storage needs of the scientific research community, the university refers to it as the
Scientific Data Archive. Scientific research frequently gathers data that need to be available
for subsequent dissemination, follow-on research studies, compliance or review of
provenance, and other purposes, sometimes with commitment to maintain these data sets for

The proposed solution will be a storage system residing in two locations, providing network
access to multiple organizational units within the university, each with their own respective
permission models. The primary objective of the Scientific Data Archive is to provide
cost-effective, resilient, long-term storage for research data and supporting research
computing infrastructure. The archive will be a storage facility operated the university’s
Storage Management Team, in cooperation with other units on campus. This facility will
deliver service to research organizations on campus. Figure 8-11 show the architecture for
the university’s archive.

Organizational Units accessing the Scientific Data Archive

• Advanced Research
• University Libraries
• University Institute 1
• University Institute 2
• University Institute 3 Global Namespace

Site 1 Site 2
Source Data, Database, Analytics Workstations Source Data, Database, Analytics Workstations


- Three IBM Spectrum
Scale/IBM Spectrum
Archive EE servers with - Single Global Namespace for
shared disk. simplicity
- Permission based access control
- IBM Spectrum Scale - IBM Spectrum Scale
system is roughly 1.3PB - Stretch Cluster for HA and DR
- IBM Spectrum Archive - Transparent movement of files
system is roughly 700TB between "hot" flash/disk storage
and "cold" tape storage as research
TS4500 with 16 demands
TS1150 tape drives

Figure 8-11 IBM Spectrum Archive use case for university Scientific Data Archive

286 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
8.9 Oil and gas
An oil and gas managed service provider collects offshore seismic data for analysis. The
solution uses the leading technology based on IBM Power Linux, IBM Spectrum Scale, and
IBM Spectrum Archive EE as a seismic data repository. The seismic data is collected from
vessels. The technology for both acquisition and processing of seismic data has evolved
dramatically over time. Today, a modern seismic vessel typically generates 4-5 TBs of new
raw data per day, which once processed will generate 10 to 100 times more data in different

For data that needs to be online but not accessed very frequently, tape is by far more
attractive than spinning disk. Hybrid storage solutions with automated and policy-driven
movement of data between different storage tiers including tape is required for such large
data repositories.

Figure 8-12 shows an IBM Spectrum Archive Oil and Gas archive use case.

Archive of Seismic Data

Platforms and Foundations


ingest IBM Spectrum Scale exchange




IBM Spectrum Archive

Figure 8-12 IBM Spectrum Archive use case for oil and gas

A video of every leading Managed Service Provider in the Nordics with thousands of servers
using tape as an integral part of their seismic data management is available at this website.

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 287

8.10 S3 Object Interface
For many traditional file-based workloads, tape is a popular option for its cold storage
economics. But more recently, the idea of a “S3 on Tape” concept grew in popularity, where a
hot or warm tier of object storage is used with a cold tier backed by tape. Going one step
further, some customers even want to have a “unified data sharing” capability where the same
data, file. or object is accessible across multiple protocols (such as NFS, SMB, S3) regardless
of whether the file is on disk or on tape.

Therefore, as more and more companies leverage the advantage of object storage and
applications, the storage of the data becomes an important role. Data must be easily
accessed (regardless of protocol) and should not be tied to a specific tier. Access should be
in parallel, support tape throughput, and always on access.

IBM Spectrum Scale object storage combines the benefits of IBM Spectrum Scale with
OpenStack Swift, which is the most widely used open source object store. This object storage
system uses a distributed architecture with no central point of control, providing greater
scalability, redundancy, and the ability to access the objects via Swift API or the S3 API. But
IBM Spectrum Scale object storage requires the deployment of “Protocol Nodes” within the
IBM Spectrum Scale cluster.

For more information, see this IBM Documentation web page.

Other than the IBM Spectrum Scale object storage, there is the option of using MinIO, which
provides the “S3 on Tape” concept. MinIO is a high-performance, open source, S3
compatible, enterprise hardened object storage. In NAS Gateway mode, MinIO provides the
S3-compatible environment that serves as the object storage endpoint. MinIO leverages the
IBM Spectrum Scale file system including multiple instances of MinIO NAS Gateways as a
distributed object storage.

The MinIO NAS Gateway is a simple translator for all S3 API calls, and writes the files on the
IBM Spectrum Scale file system as normal files. This MinIO NAS Gateway provides an
important feature called global 1-to-1 data sharing, which means that every object is a single
file on IBM Spectrum Scale (one object to one file). Any S3 object can be seen as a file
through IBM Spectrum Scale, including SMB/NFS, and any file created through IBM
Spectrum Scale, including SMB/NFS, can be seen as an object using the S3 API. You can
also create a separate NAS Gateway directory for only S3 data.

288 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
When you use MinIO with IBM Spectrum Scale and IBM Spectrum Archive EE, MinIO
handles all the S3 API calls while IBM Spectrum Scale provides the lifecycle management of
the objects to either remain on disk for hot or warm tier or on tape for the cold tier though the
powerful policy engine (see Figure 8-13).

Figure 8-13 High level MinIO with IBM Spectrum Archive architecture

To the S3 object user, all objects appear as they are in the object storage, available on disk,
and accessible using standard S3 GET or HEAD methods. Thus, it is simple to use it as any
standard S3 object storage, but it offers the advantage of tape economics for older objects
which have not been accessed for some time.

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 289

8.11 AFM use cases
This section covers the use of a home and cache sites, and delves into two typical use cases
of IBM Spectrum Archive EE with IBM Spectrum Scale AFM explaining the Centralized
Archive Repository scenario and the Asynchronous Archive Replication scenario.

Active file management (AFM) uses a home-and-cache model in which a single home
provides the primary storage of data, and exported data is cached in a local GPFS file
Home A home site is an NFS export of a remote cluster. This export can be a local file
system in the remote cluster, a GPFS file system, or a GPFS fileset in the remote
cluster. AFM is supported when a remote file system is mounted on the cache
cluster using GPFS protocols. This configuration requires that a multicluster setup
exists between the home and cache before AFM can use the home cluster’s file
system mount for AFM operations.
Cache A cache site is a remote cluster with a GPFS fileset that has a mount point to the
exported NFS file system of the home cluster’s file system. A cache site uses a
proprietary protocol over NFS. Each AFM-enabled fileset has a single home
cluster associated with it (represented by the host name of the home server).

8.11.1 Centralized archive repository

In an environment where data needs to be allocated together to create a bigger picture,
archiving, or for disaster recovery planning, users can create a centralized archive repository.
This repository uses a single home cluster that can have multiple NFS exports to many cache

In this setup, IBM Spectrum Archive EE is configured on the home cluster to archive all the
data generated from each cache cluster. The idea behind this solution is to have a single
home repository that has a large disk space, and multiple cache sites that cannot afford large
disk space.

Note: AFM supports multiple cache modes, and this solution can be used with single writer
or independent writer. However, with the release of IBM Spectrum Archive EE v1.2.3.0,
only the independent writer is currently supported.

When files are generated on the cache clusters, they are asynchronously replicated to the
home site. When these files are no longer being accessed on the cache clusters, the files can
be evicted, freeing up disk space at the cache clusters. They can then be migrated onto tape
at the home cluster. If evicted files need to be accessed again at the cache clusters, they can
simply be recovered by opening the file for access or by using AFM’s prefetch operation to
retrieve multiple files back to disk from the home site.

290 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Figure 8-14 shows a configuration of a single home cluster with multiple cache clusters to
form a centralized archive repository.

NFS, CIFS, etc. NFS, CIFS, etc. NFS, CIFS, etc.

IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

Cluster Cache site 1 Cluster Cache site 2 Cluster Cache site n

IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

file system file system file system



IBM Spectrum Scale Cluster Home

Site (NFS export)

IBM Spectrum Scale

file system

IBM Spectrum
Archive EE

Figure 8-14 Centralized archive repository

Some examples of customers who can benefit from this solution are research groups that are
spread out geographically and rely on each group’s data, such as universities. Medical groups
and media companies can also benefit.

8.11.2 Asynchronous archive replication

Asynchronous archive replication is an extension to the stretched cluster configuration. In it,
users require the data created is replicated to a secondary site and can be migrated to tape at
both sites. By incorporating IBM Spectrum Scale AFM to the stretched cluster idea, there are
no limits on how far away the secondary site is located. In addition to geolocation capabilities,
data created on home or cache is asynchronously replicated to the other site.

Asynchronous archive replication requires two remote clusters configured, one being the
home cluster and the other being a cache cluster with the independent writer mode. By using
the independent writer mode in this configuration, users can create files at either site and the
data/metadata is asynchronously replicated to the other site.

Chapter 8. IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition use cases 291

Note: With independent writer, the cache site always wins during file modifications. If files
are created at home, only metadata is transferred to the cache at the next update or
refresh. To obtain the file’s data from the home site at the cache site, use AFM’s prefetch
operation to get the data or open specific files. The data is then propagated to the cache

Figure 8-15 shows a configuration of an asynchronous archive replication solution between a

home and cache site.


IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

Cluster Cache site 2 Cluster Cache site n

IBM Spectrum Scale IBM Spectrum Scale

file system file system


AFM IW IBM Spectrum IBM Spectrum

Archive EE Archive EE

Figure 8-15 Asynchronous archive replication

292 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum

Archive Enterprise Edition
This chapter describes the process that you can use to troubleshoot issues with IBM
Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition (IBM Spectrum Archive EE).

This chapter includes the following topics:

 9.1, “Overview” on page 294
 9.2, “Hardware” on page 297
 9.3, “Recovering data from a write failure tape” on page 301
 9.4, “Recovering data from a read failure tape” on page 302
 9.5, “Software” on page 303
 9.6, “Recovering from system failures” on page 312

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 293
9.1 Overview
This section provides a simple health check procedure for IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

9.1.1 Quick health check

If you are having issues with an IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment, Figure 9-1 shows a
simple flowchart that you can follow as the first step to troubleshooting problems with the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE components.

Start Health Check

dsmmigfs query -N=all (verify that HSM status is active on every IBM Spectrum Archive node)

Is dsmmigfs start (run the command for

every IBM Spectrum Archive EE node
where HSM is not active)


ltfsee node list (check status of IBM Spectrum Archive EE nodes)

Status of all
nodes is
Correct the issue for the identified error module


All OK

Figure 9-1 Quick health check procedure

If your issue remains after you perform these simple checks, follow the procedures that are
described in the remainder of this chapter to perform more detailed troubleshooting. If the
problem cannot be resolved, contact IBM Spectrum Archive Support.

9.1.2 Common startup errors

IBM Spectrum Archive EE has multiple components it manages and requires to have a
successful start before the system is ready for use. In addition for its own components
multiple external components must be running and configured properly for IBM Spectrum
Archive EE to have a proper startup. This section will walk through some of these
components and the common startup errors that effect IBM Spectrum Archive EE from
starting up correctly.

After running eeadm cluster start and the returned status code is error, IBM Spectrum
Archive EE failed to start correctly and user actions are required to remedy the situation. To
view the type of error that has occurred during startup and which nodes are effected run the
eeadm node list command

294 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Failed startup caused by rpcbind
The rpcbind utility is required for MMM to function correctly, if rpcbind is not running IBM
Spectrum Archive EE will start up with errors and will be unusable until the issue has been
resolved. In most cases this is caused when rpcbind is not started up. If the server had been
recently powered down for maintenance and was started back up rpcbind might not start up

Example 9-1 shows the output of a failed IBM Spectrum Archive EE startup due to rpcbind
not running.

Example 9-1 rpcbind caused startup failure

[root@tora ~]# eeadm cluster start
Library name: lib_tora, library serial: 0000013FA002040C, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Starting - sending a startup request to lib_tora.
Starting - waiting for startup completion : lib_tora.
Starting - opening a communication channel : lib_tora.
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : lib_tora.
2019-01-21 09:04:17 GLESL657E: Fail to start the IBM Spectrum Archive EE service
(MMM) for library lib_tora.
Use the "eeadm node list" command to see the error modules.
The monitor daemon will start the recovery sequence.

[root@tora ~]# eeadm node list

Spectrum Archive EE service (MMM) for library lib_tora fails to start or is not
running on Node ID:1

Problem Detected:
Node ID Error Modules
1 MMM; rpcbind;

To remedy this issue use the systemctl start rpcbind command to start the process up, and
either wait for the IBM Spectrum Archive EE Monitor daemon to start up MMM or issue a
eeadm cluster stop and eeadm cluster start to get the MMM started. After rpcbind is
started, it can be verified by running the systemctl status rpcbind to see if it is running.

Example 9-2 shows how to startup rpcbind and waiting for the Monitor daemon to restart

Example 9-2 Starting rpcbind to remedy MMM startup failure

[root@tora ~]# systemctl start rpcbind

[root@tora ~]# systemctl status rpcbind

? rpcbind.service - RPC bind service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/rpcbind.service; disabled; vendor
preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-01-21 09:08:37 MST; 1min 12s ago
Process: 23628 ExecStart=/sbin/rpcbind -w $RPCBIND_ARGS (code=exited,
Main PID: 23629 (rpcbind)
Tasks: 1

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 295

Memory: 572.0K
CGroup: /system.slice/rpcbind.service
+-23629 /sbin/rpcbind -w

Jan 21 09:08:37 systemd[1]: Starting RPC bind service...

Jan 21 09:08:37 systemd[1]: Started RPC bind service.
[root@tora ~]# eeadm node list
Node ID State Node IP Drives Ctrl Node Library Node Group Host
1 available 0 yes(active) lib_tora G0

Failed startup caused by LE

LE is another crucial component to IBM Spectrum Archive EE. If it is not started up correctly,
MMM does not start. There are two common startup problems that can be remedied quickly.
The first problem is caused by no drive visibility by the Spectrum Archive EE node. This
problem can be fixed by connecting Fibre Channel cables to the node and verified by running
the ltfs -o device_list command.

Example 9-3 shows the output of ltfs -o device_list with no drives connected.

Example 9-3 No drives connected to server

[root@tora ~]# ltfs -o device_list
6b6c LTFS14000I LTFS starting, LTFS version (10219), log level 2.
6b6c LTFS14058I LTFS Format Specification version 2.4.0.
6b6c LTFS14104I Launched by "/opt/IBM/ltfs/bin/ltfs -o device_list".
6b6c LTFS14105I This binary is built for Linux (x86_64).
6b6c LTFS14106I GCC version is 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9).
6b6c LTFS17087I Kernel version: Linux version 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64
( (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat
4.8.5-28) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Sep 21 09:07:21 UTC 2018 i386.
6b6c LTFS17089I Distribution: NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server".
6b6c LTFS17089I Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo).
6b6c LTFS17089I Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo).
6b6c LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "sg" changer backend.
6b6c LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "sg" tape backend.
Changer Device list:.
Tape Device list:.

The second most common LE error is caused after connecting the drives to the IBM
Spectrum Archive EE node and forgetting to set at least one of the drives a control path drive
from the library GUI. IBM Spectrum Archive EE requires at least one control path drive so it
can communicate with the library.

Example 9-4 shows the output of a failed IBM Spectrum Archive EE start up that is caused by

Example 9-4 LE failed MMM startup

[root@tora ~]# eeadm cluster start
Library name: lib_tora, library serial: 0000013FA002040C, control node (ltfsee_md)
IP address:
Starting - sending a startup request to lib_tora.
Starting - waiting for startup completion : lib_tora.
Starting - opening a communication channel : lib_tora.

296 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Starting - waiting for getting ready to operate : lib_tora.
2019-01-21 09:24:33 GLESL657E: Fail to start the IBM Spectrum Archive EE service
(MMM) for library lib_tora.
Use the "eeadm node list" command to see the error modules.
The monitor daemon will start the recovery sequence.
[root@tora ~]# eeadm node list

Spectrum Archive EE service (MMM) for library lib_tora fails to start or is not
running on Node ID:1

Problem Detected:
Node ID Error Modules
1 LE; MMM;

To remedy this failure, ensure that the node can see its drives and at least one drive is a
control path drive.

9.2 Hardware
This section provides information that can help you to identify and resolve problems with the
hardware that is used by IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

9.2.1 Tape library

If the TS4500 tape library has a problem, it reports an error in the events page on the TS4500
Management GUI. When an error occurs, IBM Spectrum Archive might not work. Figure 9-2
shows an example of a library error.

Figure 9-2 Tape library error log

For more information about how to solve tape library errors, see the IBM TS4500 R8 Tape
Library Guide, SG24-8235.

9.2.2 Tape drives

If an LTO tape drive has a problem, it reports the error on a single-character display (SCD). If
a TS1140 (or later) tape drive has a problem, it reports the error on an 8-character message
display. When this error occurs, IBM Spectrum Archive might not work. To obtain information
about a drive error, determine which drive is reporting the error and then access the events
page to see the error by using the TS4500 Management GUI.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 297

Figure 9-3 shows an example from the web interface of a tape drive that has an error and is
no longer responding.

Figure 9-3 Tape drive error

If you right-click the event and select Display fix procedure, another window opens and
shows suggestions about how to fix the problem. If a drive display reports a specific drive
error code, see the tape drive maintenance manual for a solution, or call IBM H/W service.
For more information about analyzing the operating system error logs, see 9.5.1, “Linux” on
page 303.

If a problem is identified in the tape drive and the tape drive must be repaired, the drive must
first be removed from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system. For more information, see
“Taking a tape drive offline” on page 299.

Managing tape drive dump files

This section describes how to manage the automatic erasure of drive dump files. IBM
Spectrum Archive automatically generates two tape drive dump files in the /tmp directory
when it receives unexpected sense data from a tape drive. Example 9-5 shows the format of
the dump files.

Example 9-5 Dump files

[root@ltfs97 tmp]# ls -la *.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3681832 Apr 4 14:26 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_142634.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3681832 Apr 4 14:26 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_142634_f.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3681832 Apr 4 14:42 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_144212.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3697944 Apr 4 14:42 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_144212_f.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3697944 Apr 4 15:45 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_154524.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3683424 Apr 4 15:45 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_154524_f.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3683424 Apr 4 17:21 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_172124.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3721684 Apr 4 17:21 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_172124_f.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3721684 Apr 4 17:21 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_172140.dmp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3792168 Apr 4 17:21 ltfs_1068000073_2013_0404_172140_f.dmp

The size of each drive dump file is approximately 2 MB. By managing the drive dump files that
are generated, you can save disk space and enhance IBM Spectrum Archive performance.

298 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
It is not necessary to keep dump files after they are used for problem analysis. Likewise, the
files are not necessary if the problems are minor and can be ignored. A script program that is
provided with IBM Spectrum Archive EE periodically checks the number of drive dump files
and their date and time. If some of the dump files are older than two weeks or if the number of
dump files exceeds 1000 files, the script program erases them.

The script file is started by using Linux crontab features. A file is
in the /etc/cron.daily directory. This script file is started daily by the Linux operating
system. The interval to run the script can be changed by moving the file to other cron folders, such as cron.weekly. For more
information about how to change the crontab setting, see the manual for your version of

In the file, the automatic drive dump erase policy is specified by
the option of the script file, as shown in the following example:
/opt/ibm/ltfsle/bin/ -t 14 -n 1000

You can modify the policy by editing the options in the file. The
expiration date is set as a number of days by the -t option. In the example, a drive dump file
is erased when it is more than 14 days old. The number of files to keep is set by the -n option.
In our example, if the number of files exceeds 1,000, older files are erased so that the
1,000-file maximum is not exceeded. If either of the options are deleted, the dump files are
deleted by the remaining policy.

By editing these options in the file, the number of days that files
are kept and the number of files that are stored can be modified.

Although not recommended, you can disable the automatic erasure of drive dump files by
removing the file from the cron folder.

Taking a tape drive offline

This section describes how to take a drive offline from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system
to perform diagnostic operations while the IBM Spectrum Archive EE system stays
operational. To accomplish this task, use software such as the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool
(ITDT) or the IBM LTFS Format Verifier, which are described in 10.3, “System calls and IBM
tools” on page 327.

Important: If the diagnostic operation you intend to perform requires that a tape cartridge
be loaded into the drive, ensure that you have an empty non-pool tape cartridge available
in the logical library of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. If a tape cartridge is in the tape drive
when the drive is removed, the tape cartridge is automatically moved to the home slot.

To perform diagnostic tests, complete the following steps:

1. Identify the node ID number of the drive to be taken offline by running the eeadm drive
list command. Example 9-6 shows the tape drives in use by IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Example 9-6 Identify the tape drive to remove

[root@tora ~]# eeadm drive list
Drive S/N State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group
Task ID
000000014A00 not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_tora 1 - G0 -
0000078PG20C not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_tora 1 - G0 -

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 299

In this example, we take the tape drive with serial number 000000014A00 on cluster
node 1 offline.
2. Remove the tape drive from the IBM Spectrum Archive EE inventory by specifying the
eeadm drive unassign <drive serial number> command. Example 9-7 shows the
removal of a single tape drive from IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Example 9-7 Remove the tape drive

[root@tora ~]# eeadm drive unassign 000000014A00
2019-01-22 13:26:45 GLESL700I: Task drive_unassign was created successfully,
task id is 6432.
2019-01-22 13:26:51 GLESL121I: Drive serial 000000014A00 is removed from the
tape drive list.
2019-01-22 13:36:49 GLESL121I: Drive serial 000000014A00 is removed from the
tape drive list.

3. Check the success of the removal. Run the eeadm drive list command and verify that
the output shows that the MMM attribute for the drive is in the stock state. Example 9-8
shows the status of the drives after it is removed from IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Example 9-8 Check the tape drive status

[root@tora ~]# eeadm drive list
Drive S/N State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group Task ID
0000078PG20C not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_tora 1 - G0 -
000000014A00 unassigned - --- lib_tora - - - -

4. Identify the primary device number of the drive for subsequent operations by running the
/opt/ibm/ltfsle/bin/ltfs -o device_list command. The command outputs a list of
available drives. Example 9-9 shows the output of this command.

Example 9-9 ltfs -o device_list command output

[root@tora ~]# /opt/ibm/ltfsle/bin/ltfs -o device_list
77d1 LTFS14000I LTFS starting, LTFS version (10226), log level 2.
77d1 LTFS14058I LTFS Format Specification version 2.4.0.
77d1 LTFS14104I Launched by "/opt/IBM/ltfs/bin/ltfs -o device_list".
77d1 LTFS14105I This binary is built for Linux (x86_64).
77d1 LTFS14106I GCC version is 4.8.3 20140911 (Red Hat 4.8.3-9).
77d1 LTFS17087I Kernel version: Linux version 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64
( (gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red
Hat 4.8.5-28) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Sep 21 09:07:21 UTC 2018 i386.
77d1 LTFS17089I Distribution: NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server".
77d1 LTFS17089I Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5
77d1 LTFS17089I Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5
77d1 LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "sg" changer backend.
77d1 LTFS17085I Plugin: Loading "sg" tape backend.
Changer Device list:.
Device Name = /dev/sg11, Vender ID = IBM , Product ID = 03584L22 ,
Serial Number = 0000013FA002040C, Product Name = TS3500/TS4500.
Tape Device list:.
Device Name = /dev/sg1, Vender ID = IBM , Product ID = 0359260F ,
Serial Number = 0000078PG20C, Product Name =[0359260F].

300 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Device Name = /dev/sg0, Vender ID = IBM , Product ID = 0359260F ,
Serial Number = 000000014A00, Product Name =[0359260F].

5. If your diagnostic operations require a tape cartridge to be loaded into the drive, complete
the following steps. Otherwise, you are ready to perform diagnostic operations on the
drive, which has the drive address /dev/sgnumber, where number is the device number that
is obtained in step 4:
a. Move the tape cartridge to the drive from the I/O station or home slot. You can move
the tape cartridge by using ITDT (in which case the drive must have the control path),
or the TS4500 Management GUI.
b. Perform the diagnostic operations on the drive, which has the drive address
/dev/sgnumber, where number is the device number that is obtained in step 4.
c. When you are finished, return the tape cartridge to its original location.
6. Add the drive to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE inventory again by running the eeadm drive
assign drive_serial -n node_id command, where node_id is the same node that the
drive was assigned to originally in step 1 on page 299.
Example 9-10 shows the tape drive that is readded to IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Example 9-10 Add again the tape drive

[root@tora ~]# eeadm drive assign 000000014A00 -n 1
2019-01-23 08:37:24 GLESL119I: Drive 000000014A00 assigned successfully.

Running the eeadm drive list command again shows that the tape drive is no longer in a
“unassigned” state. Example 9-11 shows the output of this command.

Example 9-11 Check the tape drive status

[root@tora ~]# eeadm drive list
Drive S/N State Type Role Library Node ID Tape Node Group Task ID
000000014A00 not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_tora 1 - G0 -
0000078PG20C not_mounted TS1160 mrg lib_tora 1 - G0 -

9.3 Recovering data from a write failure tape

A tape that suffers from a write failure goes into a require_replace state. Complete the
following steps to recover data from a require_replace tape:
1. Verify that the tape is in the require_replace state by running eeadm tape list.
2. Verify there is a tape cartridge in the appendable state within the same cartridge pool
which has enough available space to hold the data from the require_replace tape.
3. Run the eeadm tape replace command on the require_replace tape to start the data
transfer process onto an appendable tape within the same pool and unassigning it from
the tape cartridge pool at the end.
4. Run the eeadm tape move command on the require_replace tape to move the I/O station
in order to dispose of the bad tape.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 301

Example 9-12 shows the commands and output to replace a require_replace tape.

Example 9-12 Replacing data from a require_replace tape

[root@ginza prod]# eeadm tape list | grep pool1

FC0254L8 degraded require_replace 10907 0 0
0% pool1 liba homeslot -
FC0257L8 ok appendable 10907 0 10907
0% pool1 liba homeslot -

[root@ginza prod]# eeadm tape replace FC0254L8 -p pool1

2019-02-05 14:49:03 GLESL700I: Task tape_replace was created successfully, task id
is 2319.
2019-02-05 14:49:03 GLESL755I: Start a reconcile before starting a replace against
1 tapes.
2019-02-05 14:51:46 GLESS002I: Reconciling tape FC0254L8 complete.
2019-02-05 14:51:49 GLESL756I: Reconcile before replace finished.
2019-02-05 14:51:49 GLESL753I: Starting tape replace for FC0254L8.
2019-02-05 14:51:49 GLESL754I: Found a target tape for tape replace (FC0257L8).
2019-02-05 14:55:03 GLESL749I: The tape replace operation for FC0254L8 is

[root@ginza prod]# eeadm tape list | grep pool1

FC0257L8 ok appendable 10907 0 10906
0% pool1 liba drive -

In the rare case where the error on tape is permanent (several eeadm tape replace
commands have failed), it is suggested to try the eeadm tape unassigned --safe-remove
command instead. The --safe remove option recalls all the active files on the tape back to an
IBM Spectrum Scale file system that has adequate free space. The files then need to be
manually migrated again to a good tape again. Specify only one tape for use with the
--safe-remove option.

9.4 Recovering data from a read failure tape

A tape that suffers from a read failure goes into a need_replace state.

Complete the following steps to copy migrated jobs from a need_replace tape to a valid tape
within the same pool:
1. Identify a tape with a read failure by running eeadm tape list to locate the need_replace
2. Verify there is an appendable tape within the same pool which has enough available space
to hold the data from the need_replace tape cartridge.
3. Run the eeadm tape replace command to start the data transfer process onto an
appendable tape within the same pool and unassigning it from the tape cartridge pool at
the end.
4. Run eeadm tape move command on the need_replace tape to move the I/O station in order
to dispose of the bad tape.

302 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 9-13 shows system output of the steps to recover data from a read failure tape.

Example 9-13 Recovering data from a read failure

[root@hakone prod3]# eeadm tape list | grep test1
IM1229L6 ok appendable 2242 0 2242
0% test1 liba homeslot -
IM1195L6 info need_replace 2242 0 0
0% test1 liba drive -

[root@hakone prod3]# eeadm tape replace IM1195L6 -p test1

2019-02-26 14:29:27 GLESL700I: Task tape_replace was created successfully, task id
is 1297.
2019-02-26 14:29:27 GLESL755I: Start a reconcile before starting a replace against
1 tapes.
2019-02-26 14:30:05 GLESS002I: Reconciling tape IM1195L6 complete.
2019-02-26 14:30:06 GLESL756I: Reconcile before replace finished.
2019-02-26 14:30:06 GLESL753I: Starting tape replace for IM1195L6.
2019-02-26 14:30:06 GLESL754I: Found a target tape for tape replace (IM1229L6).
2019-02-26 14:31:23 GLESL749I: The tape replace operation for IM1195L6 is

In the seldom case where the error on tape is permanent such that several eeadm tape
replace commands have failed, it is suggested to try the eeadm tape unassign
--safe-remove command instead. The --safe remove option recalls all the active files on the
tape back to an IBM Spectrum Scale file system that has adequate free space, and those files
need to be manually migrated again to a good tape again. Specify only one tape for the use
with --safe-remove option.

9.5 Software
IBM Spectrum Archive EE is composed of four major components, each with its own set of log
files. Therefore, problem analysis is slightly more involved than other products. This section
describes troubleshooting issues with each component in turn and the Linux operating
system and Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) alerts.

9.5.1 Linux
The log file /var/log/messages contains global LINUX system messages, including the
messages that are logged during system start and messages that are related to LTFS and
IBM Spectrum Archive EE functions. However, three specific log files are also created:

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 303

Unlike with previous LTFS/IBM Spectrum Archive products, there is no need to enable the
system logging on Linux because it is automatically performed during the installation process.
Example 9-14 shows the changes to the rsyslog.conf file and the location of the two log files.

Example 9-14 The rsyslog.conf file

[root@ltfssn1 ~]# cat /etc/rsyslog.conf | grep ltfs
:msg, startswith, "GLES," /var/log/ltfsee_trc.log;gles_trc_template
:msg, startswith, "GLES" /var/log/ltfsee.log;RSYSLOG_FileFormat
:msg, regex, "LTFS[ID0-9][0-9]*[EWID]" /var/log/ltfs.log;RSYSLOG_FileFormat

By default, after the ltfs.log, ltfsee.log, and ltfsee_trc.log files reach the threshold size,
they are rotated and four copies are kept. Example 9-15 shows the log file rotation settings.
These settings can be adjusted as needed within the /etc/logrotate.d/ibmsa-logrotate
control file.

Example 9-15 Syslog rotation

[root@ltfssn1 ~]# cat /etc/logrotate.d/ibmsa-logrotate
/var/log/ltfsee.log {
size 1M
rotate 4
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
/var/log/ltfsee_trc.log {
size 10M
rotate 9
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
/var/log/ltfsee_mon.log {
size 1M
rotate 4
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/ 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

304 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
These log files (ltfs.log, ltfsee.log, ltfsee_trc.log, and /var/log/messages) are
invaluable in troubleshooting LTFS messages. The ltfsee.log file contains only warning and
error messages. Therefore, it is easy to start looking here for the reasons of failure. For
example, a typical file migration might return the information message that is shown in
Example 9-16.

Example 9-16 Simple migration with informational messages

[root@ginza prod]# eeadm migrate mig -p pool2
2019-02-07 18:15:07 GLESL700I: Task migrate was created successfully, task id is
2019-02-07 18:15:08 GLESM896I: Starting the stage 1 of 3 for migration task 2326
(qualifying the state of migration candidate files).
2019-02-07 18:15:08 GLESM897I: Starting the stage 2 of 3 for migration task 2326
(copying the files to 1 pools).
2019-02-07 18:15:08 GLESM898I: Starting the stage 3 of 3 for migration task 2326
(changing the state of files on disk).
2019-02-07 18:15:08 GLESL159E: Not all migration has been successful.
2019-02-07 18:15:08 GLESL038I: Migration result: 0 succeeded, 100 failed, 0
duplicate, 0 duplicate wrong pool, 0 not found, 0 too small to qualify for
migration, 0 too early for migration.

From the GLESL159E message, you know that the migration was unsuccessful, but you do
not know why it was unsuccessful. To understand why, you must examine the ltfsee.log file.
Example 9-17 shows the end of the ltfsee.log file immediately after the failed migrate
command is run.

Example 9-17 The ltfsee.log file

# tail /var/log/ltfsee.log
2019-02-07T18:20:03.301978-07:00 ginza mmm[14807]: GLESM600E(00412): Failed to
migrate/premigrate file /ibm/gpfs/prod/FILE1. The specified pool name does not
match the existing replica copy.
2019-02-07T18:20:03.493810-07:00 ginza mmm[14807]: GLESL159E(00144): Not all
migration has been successful.

In this case, the migration of the file was unsuccessful because it was previously
migrated/premigrated to a different tape pool.

With IBM Spectrum Archive EE, there are two logging facilities. One is in a human-readable
format that is monitored by users and the other is in machine-readable format that is used for
further problem analysis. The former facility is logged in to /var/log/ltfsee.log through the
“user” syslog facility and contains only warnings and errors. The latter facility is logged in to
/var/log/ltfsee_trc.log through the “local2” Linux facility.

The messages in machine-readable format can be converted into human-readable format by

the tool ltfsee_catcsvlog, which is run by the following command:
/opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_catcsvlog /var/log/ltfsee_trc.log

The ltfsee_catcsvlog command accepts multiple log files as command-line arguments. If no

argument is specified, ltfsee_catcsvlog reads from stdin.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 305

Persistent problems
This section describes ways to solve persistent IBM Spectrum Archive EE problems.

If an unexpected and persistent condition occurs in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE

environment, contact your IBM service representative. Provide the following information to
help IBM re-create and solve the problem:
 Machine type and model of your IBM tape library in use for IBM Spectrum Archive EE
 Machine type and model of the tape drives that are embedded in the tape library
 Specific IBM Spectrum Archive EE version
 Description of the problem
 System configuration
 Operation that was performed at the time the problem was encountered

The operating system automatically generates system log files after initial configuration of the
IBM Spectrum Archive EE. Provide the results of the ltfsee_log_collection command to
your IBM service representative.

9.5.2 IBM Spectrum Scale

IBM Spectrum Scale writes operational messages and error data to the IBM Spectrum Scale
log file. The IBM Spectrum Scale log can be found in the /var/adm/ras directory on each
node. The IBM Spectrum Scale log file is named, where date is the
time stamp when the instance of IBM Spectrum Scale started on the node and nodeName is
the name of the node. The latest IBM Spectrum Scale log file can be found by using the
symbolic file name /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest.

The IBM Spectrum Scale log from the prior start of IBM Spectrum Scale can be found by
using the symbolic file name /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.previous. All other files have a time
stamp and node name that is appended to the file name.

At IBM Spectrum Scale start, files that were not accessed during the last 10 days are deleted.
If you want to save old files, copy them elsewhere.

Example 9-18 shows normal operational messages that appear in the IBM Spectrum Scale
log file.

Example 9-18 Normal operational messages in an IBM Spectrum Scale log file
[root@ltfs97 ]# cat /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.latest
Wed Apr 3 13:25:04 JST 2013: runmmfs starting
Removing old /var/adm/ras/mmfs.log.* files:
Unloading modules from /lib/modules/2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64/extra
Loading modules from /lib/modules/2.6.32-220.el6.x86_64/extra
Module Size Used by
mmfs26 1749012 0
mmfslinux 311300 1 mmfs26
tracedev 29552 2 mmfs26,mmfslinux
Wed Apr 3 13:25:06.026 2013: mmfsd initializing. {Version: Built: Dec
12 2012 19:00:50} ...
Wed Apr 3 13:25:06.731 2013: Pagepool has size 3013632K bytes instead of the
requested 29360128K bytes.
Wed Apr 3 13:25:07.409 2013: Node (htohru9) is now the Group
Wed Apr 3 13:25:07.411 2013: This node ( (htohru9)) is now Cluster
Manager for

306 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Starting ADSM Space Management daemons
Wed Apr 3 13:25:17.907 2013: mmfsd ready
Wed Apr 3 13:25:18 JST 2013: mmcommon mmfsup invoked. Parameters: all
Wed Apr 3 13:25:18 JST 2013: mounting /dev/gpfs
Wed Apr 3 13:25:18.179 2013: Command: mount gpfs
Wed Apr 3 13:25:18.353 2013: Node (htohru9) appointed as manager
for gpfs.
Wed Apr 3 13:25:18.798 2013: Node (htohru9) completed take over
for gpfs.
Wed Apr 3 13:25:19.023 2013: Command: err 0: mount gpfs
Wed Apr 3 13:25:19 JST 2013: finished mounting /dev/gpfs

Depending on the size and complexity of your system configuration, the amount of time to
start IBM Spectrum Scale varies. Taking your system configuration into consideration, if you
cannot access a file system that is mounted (automatically or by running a mount command)
after a reasonable amount of time, examine the log file for error messages.

The IBM Spectrum Scale log is a repository of error conditions that were detected on each
node, and operational events, such as file system mounts. The IBM Spectrum Scale log is the
first place to look when you are attempting to debug abnormal events. Because IBM
Spectrum Scale is a cluster file system, events that occur on one node might affect system
behavior on other nodes, and all IBM Spectrum Scale logs can have relevant data.

A common error that might appear when trying to mount GPFS is that it cannot read
superblock. Example 9-19 shows the output of the error when trying to mount GPFS.

Example 9-19 Superblock error from mounting GPFS

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# mmmount gpfs
Wed May 24 12:53:59 MST 2017: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
mount: gpfs: can't read superblock
mmmount: Command failed. Examine previous error messages to determine cause.

The cause of this error and failure to mount GPFS is that the GPFS file system had dmapi
enabled, but the HSM process has not been started. To get around this error and successfully
mount GPFS, issue the systemctl start hsm command, and make sure it is running by
issuing systemctl status hsm. After HSM is running, wait for the recall processes to initiate.
This process can be viewed by issuing ps -afe | grep dsm. Example 9-20 shows output of
starting HSM, checking the status, and mounting GPFS.

Example 9-20 Starting HSM and mounting GPFS

[root@ltfsml1 ~]# systemctl start hsm
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# systemctl status hsm
? hsm.service - HSM Service
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/hsm.service; enabled; vendor preset:
Active: active (running) since Wed 2017-05-24 13:04:59 MST; 4s ago
Main PID: 16938 (dsmwatchd)
CGroup: /system.slice/hsm.service
+-16938 /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmwatchd nodetach

May 24 13:04:59 systemd[1]: Started HSM Service.

May 24 13:04:59 systemd[1]: Starting HSM Service...

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 307

May 24 13:04:59 dsmwatchd[16938]: HSM(pid:16938):
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# ps -afe | grep dsm
root 7906 1 0 12:56 ? 00:00:00
/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmwatchd nodetach
root 9748 1 0 12:57 ? 00:00:00 dsmrecalld
root 9773 9748 0 12:57 ? 00:00:00 dsmrecalld
root 9774 9748 0 12:57 ? 00:00:00 dsmrecalld
root 9900 26012 0 12:57 pts/0 00:00:00 grep --color=auto dsm
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# mmmount gpfs
Wed May 24 12:57:22 MST 2017: mmmount: Mounting file systems ...
[root@ltfsml1 ~]# df -h | grep gpfs
gpfs 280G 154G 127G 55%

If HSM is already running, double check if the dsmrecalld daemons are running by issuing ps
-afe | grep dsm. If no dsmrecalld daemons are running, start them by issuing dsmmigfs
start. After they have been started, GPFS can be successfully mounted.

9.5.3 IBM Spectrum Archive LE component

This section describes the options that are available to analyze problems that are identified by
the LTFS logs. It also provides links to messages and actions that can be used to
troubleshoot the source of an error.

The messages that are referenced in this section provide possible actions only for solvable
error codes. The error codes that are reported by LTFS program can be retrieved from the
terminal console or log files. For more information about retrieving error messages, see 9.5.1,
“Linux” on page 303.

When multiple errors are reported, LTFS attempts to find a message ID and an action for
each error code. If you cannot locate a message ID or an action for a reported error code,
LTFS encountered a critical problem. If you try an initial action again and continue to fail,
LTFS also encountered a critical problem. In these cases, contact your IBM service
representative for more support.

Message ID strings start with the keyword LTFS and are followed by a four- or five-digit value.
However, some message IDs include the uppercase letter I or D after LTFS, but before the
four- or five-digit value. When an IBM Spectrum Archive EE command is run and returns an
error, check the message ID to ensure that you do not mistake the letter I for the numeral 1.

A complete list of all LTFS messages can be found in the IBM Spectrum Archive EE section of
IBM Documentation.

At the end of the message ID, the following single capital letters indicate the importance of the
 E: Error
 W: Warning
 I: Information
 D: Debugging

When you troubleshoot, check messages for errors only.

308 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Example 9-21 shows a problem analysis procedure for LTFS.

Example 9-21 LTFS messages

cat /var/log/ltfs.log
2019-02-07T18:33:04.663564-07:00 ginza ltfs[12251]: 478d LTFS14787I Formatting
cartridge FC0252L8.
2019-02-07T18:33:42.724406-07:00 ginza ltfs[12251]: 478d LTFS14837I Formatting
cartridge FC0252L8 (0x5e, 0x00).
2019-02-07T18:33:42.729350-07:00 ginza ltfs[12251]: 478d LTFS14789E Failed to
format cartridge FC0252L8 (-1079).
2019-02-07T18:33:42.729543-07:00 ginza ltfs[12251]: 478d LTFSI1079E The operation
is not allowed.

The set of 10 characters represents the message ID, and the text that follows describes the
operational state of LTFS. The fourth message ID (LTFSI1079E) in this list indicates that an
error was generated because the last character is the letter E. The character immediately
following LTFS is the letter I. The complete message, including an explanation and
appropriate course of action for LTFSI1079E, is shown in the following example:
Example 9-22 on page 309.

Example 9-22 Example of message

LTFS14789E Failed to format cartridge FC0252L8 (-1079).
LTFSI1079E The operation is not allowed.
The previous operation did not run due to tape and or drive issues.
In this case the drive and tape compatibility was incorrect.

Based on the description that is provided here, the tape cartridge in the library failed to
format. Upon further investigation the tape cartridge and drive is incompatible. The required
user action to solve the problem is to attach a compatible drive to the library and Spectrum
Archive EE node and rerun the operation.

9.5.4 Hierarchical storage management

During installation, hierarchical storage management (HSM) is configured to write log entries
to a log file in /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/hsm/bin/dsmerror.log. Example 9-23 shows an
example of this file.

Example 9-23 The dsmerror.log file

[root@ltfs97 /]# cat dsmerror.log
03/29/2013 15:24:28 ANS9101E Migrated files matching '/ibm/glues/file1.img' could not be found.
03/29/2013 15:24:28 ANS9101E Migrated files matching '/ibm/glues/file2.img' could not be found.
03/29/2013 15:24:28 ANS9101E Migrated files matching '/ibm/glues/file3.img' could not be found.
03/29/2013 15:24:28 ANS9101E Migrated files matching '/ibm/glues/file4.img' could not be found.
03/29/2013 15:24:28 ANS9101E Migrated files matching '/ibm/glues/file5.img' could not be found.
03/29/2013 15:24:28 ANS9101E Migrated files matching '/ibm/glues/file6.img' could not be found.
04/02/2013 16:24:06 ANS9510E dsmrecalld: cannot get event messages from session 515A6F7E00000000, expected
max message-length = 1024, returned message-length = 144. Reason : Stale NFS file handle
04/02/2013 16:24:06 ANS9474E dsmrecalld: Lost my session with errno: 1 . Trying to recover.
04/02/13 16:24:10 ANS9433E dsmwatchd: dm_send_msg failed with errno 1.
04/02/2013 16:24:11 ANS9433E dsmrecalld: dm_send_msg failed with errno 1.
04/02/2013 16:24:11 ANS9433E dsmrecalld: dm_send_msg failed with errno 1.
04/02/2013 16:24:11 ANS9433E dsmrecalld: dm_send_msg failed with errno 1.
04/03/13 13:25:06 ANS9505E dsmwatchd: cannot initialize the DMAPI interface. Reason: Stale NFS file

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 309

04/03/2013 13:38:14 ANS1079E No file specification entered
04/03/2013 13:38:20 ANS9085E dsmrecall: file system / is not managed by space management.

The HSM log contains information about file migration and recall, threshold migration,
reconciliation, and starting and stopping the HSM daemon. You can analyze the HSM log to
determine the current state of the system. For example, the logs can indicate when a recall
has started but not finished within the last hour. The administrator can analyze a particular
recall and react accordingly.

In addition, an HSM log might be analyzed by an administrator to optimize HSM usage. For
example, if the HSM log indicates that 1,000 files are recalled at the same time, the
administrator might suggest that the files can be first compressed into one .tar file and then

9.5.5 IBM Spectrum Archive EE logs

This section describes IBM Spectrum Archive EE logs and message IDs and provide some
tips for dealing with failed recalls and missing files.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE log collection tool

IBM Spectrum Archive EE writes its logs to the files /var/log/ltfsee.log and
/var/log/ltfsee_trc.log. These files can be viewed in a text editor for troubleshooting
purposes. Use the IBM Spectrum Archive EE log collection tool to collect data that you can
send to IBM Support.

The ltfsee_log_collection tool is in the /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin folder. To use the tool,

complete the following steps:
1. Log on to the operating system as the root user and open a console.
2. Start the tool by running the following command:
# /opt/ibm/ltfsee/bin/ltfsee_log_collection
3. When the following message displays, read the instructions, then enter y or p to continue:
LTFS Enterprise Edition - log collection program
This program collects the following information from your GPFS cluster.
a. Log files that are generated by GPFS, LTFS Enterprise Edition
b. Configuration information that is configured to use GPFS and LTFS Enterprise
c. System information including OS distribution and kernel, and hardware
information (CPU and memory)
d. Task information files under the following subdirectory <GPFS mount
If you want to collect all the information, enter y.
If you want to collect only a and b, enter p (partial).
If you agree to collect only (4) task information files, input 't'.
If you do not want to collect any information, enter n.
The collected data is compressed in the ltfsee_log_files_<date>_<time>.tar.gz file.
You can check the contents of the file before submitting it to IBM.
4. Make sure that a packed file with the name ltfsee_log_files_[date]_[time].tar.gz is
created in the current directory. This file contains the collected log files.

310 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
5. Send the tar.gz file to your IBM service representative.

Messages reference
For IBM Spectrum Archive EE, message ID strings start with the keyword GLES and are
followed by a single letter and then by a three-digit value. The single letter indicates which
component generated the message. For example, GLESL is used to indicate all messages
that are related to the IBM Spectrum Archive EE command. At the end of the message ID, the
following single uppercase letter indicates the importance of the problem:
 E: Error
 W: Warning
 I: Information
 D: Debugging

When you troubleshoot, check messages for errors only. For a list of available messages, see
IBM Documentation.

Failed reconciliations
Failed reconciliations usually are indicated by the GLESS003E error message with the
following description:
Reconciling tape %s failed due to a generic error.

File status
Table 9-1 lists the seven possible status codes for files in IBM Spectrum Archive EE. They can
be viewed for individual files by running the eeadm file state command.

Table 9-1 Status codes for files in IBM Spectrum Archive EE

Status code Description

resident The resident status indicates that the file is resident in the GPFS namespace
and is not saved, migrated, or premigrated to a tape.

migrated The migrated status indicates that the file was migrated. The file was copied from
GPFS file system to a tape, and exists only as a stub file in the GPFS

premigrated The premigrated status indicates that the file was premigrated. The file was
copied to a tape (or tapes), but the file was not removed from the GPFS

saved The saved status indicates that the file system object that has no data (a symbolic
link, an empty directory, or an empty regular file) was saved. The file system
object was copied from GPFS file system to a tape.

offline The offline status indicates that the file was saved or migrated to a tape
cartridge and thereafter the tape cartridge was exported offline.

missing The missing status indicates that a file has the migrated or premigrated status,
but it is not accessible from IBM Spectrum Archive EE because the tape cartridge
it is supposed to be on is not accessible. The file might be missing because of
tape corruption or if the tape cartridge was removed from the system without

Files with the missing status are caused because of tape corruption or if the tape cartridge
was removed from the system without exporting. If the cause is a corrupted index run the
eeadm tape validate command, otherwise if the tape is missing from the tape library bring
the tape back into the library and run the eeadm library rescan command.

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 311

9.6 Recovering from system failures
The system failures that are described in this section are the result of hardware failures or
temporary outages that result in IBM Spectrum Archive EE errors.

9.6.1 Power failure

When a library power failure occurs, the data on the tape cartridge that is actively being
written is probably left in an inconsistent state.

To recover a tape cartridge from a power failure, complete the following steps:
1. Create a mount point for the tape library. For more information, see the procedure
described in 6.2.2, “IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition component” on page 137.
2. If you do not know which tape cartridges are in use, try to access all tape cartridges in the
library. If you do know which tape cartridges are in use, try to access the tape cartridge
that was in use when the power failure occurred.
3. If a tape cartridge is damaged, it is identified as inconsistent and the corresponding
subdirectories disappear from the file system. You can confirm which tape cartridges are
damaged or inconsistent by running the eeadm tape list command. The list of tape
cartridges that displays indicates the volume name, which is helpful in identifying the
inconsistent tape cartridge. For more information, see 6.18, “Checking and repairing
tapes” on page 201.
4. Recover the inconsistent tape cartridge by running the eeadm tape validate command.
For more information, see 6.18, “Checking and repairing tapes” on page 201.

9.6.2 Mechanical failure

When a library receives an error message from one of its mechanical parts, the process to
move a tape cartridge cannot be performed.

Important: A drive in the library normally performs well despite a failure so that ongoing
access to an opened file on the loaded tape cartridge is not interrupted or damaged.

To recover a library from a mechanical failure, complete the following steps:

1. Identify the issue on the tape library.
2. Manually repair the gating part.
3. Run the eeadm tape validate command on each effected tape.
4. Follow the procedure that is described in 9.6.1, “Power failure” on page 312.

Important: One or more inconsistent tape cartridges might be found in the storage slots
and might need to be made consistent by following the procedure that is described in
“Unassigned state” on page 322.

9.6.3 Inventory failure

When a library cannot read the tape cartridge bar code for any reason, an inventory operation
for the tape cartridge fails. The corresponding media folder does not display, but a specially
designated folder that is named UNKN0000 is listed instead. This designation indicates that a
tape cartridge is not recognized by the library.

312 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
If the user attempts to access the tape cartridge contents, the media folder is removed from
the file system. The status of any library tape cartridge can be determined by running the
eeadm tape list command. For more information, see 6.23, “Obtaining system resources,
and tasks information” on page 214.

To recover from an inventory failure, complete the following steps:

1. Remove any unknown tape cartridges from the library by using the operator panel or Tape
Library Specialist web interface, or by opening the door or magazine of the library.
2. Check all tape cartridge bar code labels.

Important: If the bar code is removed or about to peel off, the library cannot read it.
Replace the label or firmly attach the bar code to fix the problem.

3. Insert the tape cartridge into the I/O station.

4. Check to determine whether the tape cartridge is recognized by running the
eeadm tape list command.
5. Add the tape cartridge to the LTFS inventory by running the eeadm tape assign

9.6.4 Abnormal termination

If LTFS terminates because of an abnormal condition, such as a system hang-up or after the
user initiates a kill command, the tape cartridges in the library might remain in the tape
drives. If this occurs, LTFS locks the tape cartridges in the drives and the following command
is required to release them:
# ltfs -o release_device -o chanager_devname=[device_name]

Chapter 9. Troubleshooting IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition 313

314 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 10. Reference

This chapter describes the commands that are used to operate IBM Spectrum Archive
Enterprise Edition (EE), data, and metadata formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM
Spectrum Archive EE migrations, system calls, tools, and limitations.

This chapter includes the following topics:

 10.1, “Command-line reference” on page 316
 10.2, “Formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM Spectrum Archive EE migration” on
page 325
 10.3, “System calls and IBM tools” on page 327
 10.4, “IBM Spectrum Archive EE interoperability with IBM Spectrum Archive products” on
page 330

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 315
10.1 Command-line reference
This section describes the IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands, IBM Spectrum Scale
commands, and IBM Spectrum Protect space management commands.

10.1.1 IBM Spectrum Archive EE help guide for commands

This section describes the syntax, parameters, and function of the IBM Spectrum Archive EE
commands by way of the help guide. By following the help guide, any IBM Spectrum Archive
EE command can be run by reviewing the description and syntax of the command and using
the provided examples.

The eeadm command

All IBM Spectrum Archive EE commands start with the eeadm command and all commands
feature the following syntax:
eeadm <resource type> <action> [OPTIONS]
eeadm <subcommand> [OPTIONS]

The following resource types are available:

 cluster: Manages the IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster
 drive: Manages the tape drives
 file: Manages the files on IBM Spectrum Scale
 library: Manages the tape libraries
 node: Manages the IBM Spectrum Archive EE servers
 nodegroup: Manages the node groups
 pool: Manages the tape storage pools
 tape: Manages the tape cartridges
 task: Manages the internal tasks

The following subcommands are available:

 migrate: Migrate files to the tapes and reclaim the disk space allocated to the file.
 premigrate: Migrate files to the tapes but do not reclaim the disk space.
 recall: Recall files from the tapes to the disk storage.
 save: Saves the name of empty files, empty directories, and symbolic links to the tapes.

The eeadm command is initially used to get the high-level view of all available resource types
or subcommands that are available. Then, following the remaining help guide to find the
desired command to run.

The eeadm <resource type> --help command

The eeadm <resource type> --help command displays the available list of actions for each
resource type.

For example, the eeadm cluster command manages the IBM Spectrum Archive EE cluster.

To display the available actions for the eeadm cluster command, enter the following
eeadm cluster --help

316 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
In this case, the following actions for eeadm cluster are available:
 eeadm cluster failover
 eeadm cluster set
 eeadm cluster show
 eeadm cluster start
 eeadm cluster stop
 eeadm cluster restore

Therefore, the eeadm <resource type> --help command should be the next help guide
procedure that is used to find the available actions of each resource type.

The eeadm <resource type> <action> --help command

After the wanted action for the resource type is found, enter the eeadm <resource type>
<action> --help command to display the overall syntax, description, required parameters,
and optional parameters for the command. The output also includes command examples that
can be used to run the wanted action.

Therefore, the eeadm <resource type> <action> --help command should be your final help
guide procedures used to run the wanted commands.

10.1.2 Drive status and state codes

The eeadm drive list command lists all of the configured drives. Drives can be listed with
one of the states listed in Table 10-1 or the drive state can be displayed as empty.

Table 10-1 Status and state codes for eeadm drive list
Drive Drive state Description and next action

ok mounted IBM Spectrum Archive EE can access this tape by using the file system interface,
but no task is assigned to this drive, and a tape is in this drive.

Next Action: None

ok standby IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot access a tape by using the file system interface,
but the tape is in this drive. No task is assigned to this drive.

Next Action: None

ok mounting IBM Spectrum Archive EE is opening a file system interface to access a tape on this
drive because of an assigned task.

Next Action: None

ok in_use IBM Spectrum Archive EE is using this drive for a task.

Next Action: None

ok not_mounted This drive does not include a tape.

Next Action: None

ok unmounting IBM Spectrum Archive EE is closing a file system interface access to the tape in this
drive because of opening a file system access to another tape, or moving a tape to
the homeslot.

Next Action: None

Chapter 10. Reference 317

Drive Drive state Description and next action

info locked IBM Spectrum Archive EE is processing a tape in this drive that has a need_unlock
status. The need_unlock state is resolved automatically by the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE system.

Next Action: Wait until the state changes to another state.

info check_node A node that manages a drive is down.

Next Action: Check the nodes in IBM Spectrum Archive EE by using the eeadm node
list command, and make the nodes available by using the eeadm node up

info unassigned This drive is not a resource of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

Next Action: Use the eeadm drive assign command to include this drive as a
resource of IBM Spectrum Archive EE.

info disabled The drive is assigned to a node. But the drive is not open and IBM Spectrum
Archive EE cannot use this drive.

Next Action: Use the eeadm drive up command to enable this drive. The drive can
be used if the command is successful.

error check_tape_drive The tape drive reports a hardware error.

Next Action: Check the drive error messages on the library operator panel or web

error not_installed The library is configured, but the drive does not exist as part of the library.

Next Action: Check the drive error messages on the library operator panel or web

error missing The drive is defined as a resource of IBM Spectrum Archive EE. But it is not found
in the library.

Next Action: There is no degradation. Use the eeadm drive unassign command to
clean up this entry.

error check_drive_path IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot find any alternative path at path fail over.

Next Action: Check drive connectivity on the assigned node, and restore
connectivity by using the eeadm drive up command.

318 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The eeadm file state command displays the data placement of files. Each file is in a unique
state, as listed in Table 10-2.

Table 10-2 Status codes for the eeadm file state command
Status code Description

resident The resident status indicates that the file is resident in the GPFS namespace and is
not saved, migrated, or premigrated to a tape.

migrated The migrated status indicates that the file was migrated. The file was copied from
GPFS file system to a tape, and exists only as a stub file in the GPFS namespace.

premigrated The premigrated status indicates that the file was premigrated. The file was copied
to a tape (or tapes), but the content of the file has not been truncated.

saved The saved status indicates that the file system object that has no data (a symbolic
link, an empty directory, or an empty regular file) was saved. The file system object
was copied from GPFS file system to a tape.

offline The offline status indicates that the file was saved or migrated to a tape cartridge
and thereafter the tape cartridge was exported offline.

missing The missing status indicates that a file has the migrated or premigrated status, but it
is not accessible from IBM Spectrum Archive EE because the tape cartridge it is
supposed to be on is not accessible. The file might be missing because of tape
corruption or if the tape cartridge was removed from the system without exporting.

10.1.3 Node status codes

The eeadm node list command lists the configuration and status of all the configured nodes,
as listed in Table 10-3.

Table 10-3 Status codes for the eeadm node list command
Status code Description

Available The Available status indicates that the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component on this
node is available for operation.

License Expired The License Expired status indicates that the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component
on this node has an expired license.

Unknown The Unknown status indicates that the IBM Spectrum Archive LE component on this
node is inoperable, or the node is down.

Disconnected The Disconnected status indicates that the EE and LE component on this node
cannot communicate. The admin channel connection might be disconnected.

Not configured The Not configured status indicates that the work directory of LE is not correct.
Reconfigure the node by stopping IBM Spectrum Archive EE and running the
ltfsee_config -m ADD_NODE command on the node. Then, restart IBM Spectrum
Archive EE.

Error The Error status indicates that a critical component of EE is not functioning or has
lost communication.

Chapter 10. Reference 319

10.1.4 Tape status codes
The eeadm tape list command lists the configuration and status of all of the tapes, as listed
in Table 10-4.

Table 10-4 Tape status along with a description

New Status Old Status Description

appendable Valid Tape is available and data can be appended.

append_fenced Valid Pool setting caused this tape to be fenced from appending data.

check_hba N/A Temporary flag because of HBA-related error on mount, unmount, load,
or unload of the tape to or from the tape drive.

check_key_server N/A Temporary flag because of encryption-related error on mount, unmount,

load, or unload of the tape to or from the tape drive.

check_tape_library Unusable Temporary flag because of failed mount, unmount, load, or unload of the
tape to or from the tape drive.

data_full Valid The tape is almost full (only metadata changes are accepted).

disconnected Disconnect The Linear Tape File System (LTFS) LE instance that has this tape is not

duplicated Duplicate Two or more tapes have the same barcode label in the logical library.

exported Exported The tape was exported by a normal export.

full Valid The tape is full and no other changes or updates can be made.

inaccessible Inaccessible The tape library reported that the tape is inaccessible.

label_mismatch N/A The barcode and label data on tape are mismatched.

missing Missing The tape is missing from the logical library.

need_replace Warning An read error occurred on the tape.

need_unlock Critical This is an intermittent state while the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise
Edition system is processing a permanent write error. This state is
automatically resolved by the IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition

non_supported Not supported The tape is an unsupported media cartridge and should be removed
from the logical library.

offline Offline The tape was exported offline.

recall_only Write Protected The tape is physically write-protected or write-protected by an advisory


require_replace Critical or Error or The tape is in a read-only state because of a write error.
Write Fenced

require_validate Invalid The tape is invalid from an LTFS LE perspective.

require_validate Unknown The tape status is unknown and a tape validation is needed.

unassigned Unavailable The tape is not assigned to any pool.

unformatted Unformatted The tape is in a pool, but is not LTFS-formatted.

320 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Table 10-5 lists the next available commands for each tape status.

Table 10-5 Next available actions for each tape status

tape datamigrate

tape reconcile
tape unassign

tape validate
tape replace
tape reclaim

tape assign

tape import
tape export

tape offline

tape online

tape move


appendable X X X X X X X X X X X X X

append_fenced X X X X X X X X X

check_hba X X

check_key_server X X

check_tape_library X X

data_full X X X X X X X X X



exported X X

full X X X X X X X


label_mismatch X


need_replace X X X X X

need_unlock (N/A next


non_supported X

offline X X

recall_only X X X X X X X

require_replace X X X X X

require_validate X X X

unassigned X X X

unformatted X

Require_validate state
A tape cartridge in the state is a temporary condition that can be caused when the tape within
the pool becomes unknown to the system, or the metadata on the gpfs file system becomes
inconsistent with the data cartridge.

Chapter 10. Reference 321

Recall_only state
This status is caused by setting the write-protection tag on the tape cartridge. If you want to
use this tape cartridge in IBM Spectrum Archive EE, and if the write protection switch is on,
you must remove the write protection because a write-protected tape cartridge cannot be
added to a tape cartridge pool. After the write-protection is removed, you must run the
eeadm tape validate command to update the status of the tape to appendable.

Require_replace state
This status is caused by physical errors on writing data into the tape. The tape becomes a
read-only tape and must be replaced as soon as possible. For more information about
recovery procedures, see 9.3, “Recovering data from a write failure tape” on page 301 and
9.4, “Recovering data from a read failure tape” on page 302.

Need_replace state
This status is caused when a tape drive is encounters an error trying to read data off the tape.
This tape also must be replaced as soon as possible to mitigate future failures. For more
information about for recovery procedures, see “Recovering data from a read failure tape” on
page 302.

Unassigned state
This status is caused by a tape cartridge being removed from tape pool. The process of
adding it to LTFS (see 6.8.1, “Adding tape cartridges” on page 154) changes the status back
to appendable. Therefore, this message requires no other corrective action.

Unformatted status
This status usually is observed when a scratch tape is added to LTFS without formatting it. It
can be fixed by removing by eeadm tape unassign command and formatting it with the eeadm
tape assign command, as described in 6.8.3, “Formatting tape cartridges” on page 158.

If the tape cartridge was imported from another system, the IBM LTFS Format Verifier can be
useful for checking the tape format. For more information about performing diagnostic tests
with the IBM LTFS Format Verifier, see 10.3.2, “Using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier” on
page 328.

Inaccessible status
This status is most often the result of a stuck tape cartridge. Removing the stuck tape
cartridge and then moving it back to its homeslot (as described in 6.8.2, “Moving tape
cartridges” on page 156) should correct the Inaccessible status.

Non-supported status
Only LTO-9, 8, M8, 7, 6, 5, and 3592 JB, JC, JD, JE, JK, JL, JM, JV, JY, and JZ tape
cartridges are supported by IBM Spectrum Archive EE. This “tape state” or “status” indicates
that the tape cartridge is not one of these types and must be removed from the tape library.

322 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
10.1.5 IBM Spectrum Scale commands
Use these commands to manage GPFS file systems that you use with your IBM Spectrum
Archive EE system.

The mmapplypolicy command

To manage migration and replication of the data to and from IBM Spectrum Scale storage
pools, run the GPFS mmapplypolicy command. It can also be used to delete files from IBM
Spectrum Scale.

The node on which the command is run must have the GPFS mounted. The node must be
able to run remote shell commands on any other node in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster
without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages.

For more information, see “Requirements for administering a GPFS file system” in GPFS:
Administration and Programming Reference, SA23-2221. GPFS documentation is available
at the following IBM Documentation web pages:
 IBM Spectrum Scale

For more information about the mmapplypolicy command and GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale,
see your GPFS or IBM Spectrum Scale documentation.

The mmgetstate command

To display the state of the IBM Spectrum Scale daemon on one or more nodes, run the GPFS
mmgetstate command.

The node on which the command is run must have the GPFS mounted. The node must be
able to run remote shell commands on any other node in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster
without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages. For more
information, see “Requirements for administering a GPFS file system” in GPFS:
Administration and Programming Reference, SA23-2221, and the websites that are
referenced in “The mmapplypolicy command” on page 323.

The GPFS mmgetstate -a command displays the nodes where GPFS is active.

10.1.6 IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands

You can use a subset of IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands to
configure and administer space management for the file systems that are used with your IBM
Spectrum Archive EE system.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE provides a limited description of the commands in this subset. For
more information about these commands, see the “HSM client command reference” topic and
other related topics at this IBM Documentation web page.

Important: The IBM Spectrum Archive EE license does not entitle customers to use any
IBM Spectrum Protect components or products other than IBM Spectrum Protect for Space
Management from the IBM Spectrum Protect family to migrate data to LTFS.

Chapter 10. Reference 323

Compatibility of IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management
commands with IBM Spectrum Archive EE
Only a subset of IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands is compatible with
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment. Use only compatible IBM Spectrum Protect for
Space Management commands. Otherwise, your system might not work correctly and error
messages such as the following message might be returned:
ANS2172E Command not supported in HSMBACKENDMODE TSMFREE

The following IBM Spectrum Protect for Space Management commands are compatible with
the IBM Spectrum Archive EE environment:

The dsmmigfs start, stop, and enablefailover functions

To start or stop HSM daemons, run the dsmmigfs command with the start or stop parameter.

Important: The HSM daemons are started with the same environment as the dsmwatchd
watch daemon. Therefore, the dsm.opt and dsm.sys options files in the IBM Spectrum
Protect for Space Management default installation path /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
are used.

Before you use this command, complete the following steps to verify your IBM Spectrum
Scale settings:
1. Verify that the IBM Spectrum Scale is active.
2. Verify that the node that you want to run the command from belongs to the IBM Spectrum
Archive EE cluster, and has the file system mounted.

Important: To display the nodes where IBM Spectrum Scale is active, run the IBM
Spectrum Scale mmgetstate -a command. For more information, see 6.2.1, “IBM
Spectrum Scale” on page 136.

The dsmmigfs command includes the following parameters:

Starts all HSM daemons on the local client node, except for the watch daemon
Stops all space management daemons on the local client node, except for the watch
daemon (dsmwatchd).
Activates the node for failover operations within the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster.

To selectively recall migrated files to the local file system, run the dsmrecall command.
Space management must be active.

324 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The duration of the recall process depends on the size of the files that are being recalled. It
takes time to mount and spool the LTFS tape cartridge, and the data transfer time for a large
file can be considerable.

This command includes the dsmrecall gpfs_path syntax, as shown in the following example:
dsmrecall /ibm/ltfs/filename1.txt

10.2 Formats for IBM Spectrum Scale to IBM Spectrum Archive

EE migration
This section describes the data and metadata formats that IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses for
migrating files from an IBM Spectrum Scale / GPFS environment to an IBM Spectrum Archive
(LTFS EE) system.

IBM Spectrum Archive EE uses the following data and metadata formats for migrating files
from GPFS to LTFS:
 GPFS data
Figure 10-1 shows an example of original GPFS data.

Figure 10-1 Example GPFS data directory structure

Chapter 10. Reference 325

 Migrated data and symbolic links in LTFS
Figure 10-2 shows the LTFS data format of tapeA and tapeB after the following migrations
of the GPFS files from Figure 10-1:
– file1, file2, and file3 to tapeA.
– file1 (which is a replica), file4, file5, and file6 to tapeB.

Figure 10-2 Example layout of migrated data and symbolic links on LTFS (on tapes)

 Migrated data
Migrated data is saved as files under the .LTFSEE_DATA directory on each tape. The
.LTFSEE_DATA directory is placed directly under the tape root directory on each tape. These
data files are stored under unique ID (UID) based file names. A UID-based file name
consists of the cluster ID (CLID), file system ID (FSID), inode generation number (IGEN),
and inode number (INO). In this example, all of the files have the same CLID and the same
FSID because all of the files belong to the same GPFS file system.
 Symbolic links
The GPFS directory structure is rebuilt on each tape under the tape root directory for all
the migrated files that the tape contains. For each data file, a symbolic link is created
under the original GPFS file name and location, which points to the corresponding data file
on the tape. When a symbolic link is created, a relative path to the target is used so that if
the IBM Spectrum Archive mount point changes, the link stays correct. For the file1
example in Figure 10-2, the following symbolic link that corresponds to file1 is created on
/ltfs/tapeA/gpfs/file1 → ../.LTFSEE_DATA/CLID-FSID-IGEN1-INO1
 GPFS path as metadata in IBM Spectrum Archive
For each data file in IBM Spectrum Archive, an extended attribute is set that contains the
original GPFS file path. In the file1 example in Figure 10-2, the two following LTFS files
have the extended attribute gpfs.path set to the value (file1 GPFS path) /gpfs/file1:

326 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
The saved GPFS path gives you the ability to re-create the original IBM Spectrum Scale
namespace by using the reconciliation and export processes followed by the import
process. In case of disaster, the approximate IBM Spectrum Scale namespace can be
recovered from tapes because without reconciliation, not all file deletions and renames in
IBM Spectrum Scale are reflected on the migration target tapes. The saved path is also
used for removing stale symbolic links when a file is recalled into resident state.

10.3 System calls and IBM tools

This section describes downloading the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool (ITDT) and using the IBM
Linear Tape File System Format Verifier (LFV).

10.3.1 Downloading the IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool

The ITDT is an independent tool that provides diagnostic tests on tape drives and libraries.
This section describes how to download ITDT and access the related documentation.

Before you begin

IBM maintains the latest levels of the ITDT and related documentation on Fix Central.
Information about using the ITDT is available in IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and
User’s Guide, S7002972, which is available on the same website.

About this task

To access the Fix Central portal and download the most recent version of the ITDT, complete
the following steps:
1. Open the following URL in your web browser:
2. Click Product Group → System Storage.
3. Click Product Family → Tape systems.
4. Click Product Type → Tape drivers and software.
5. Click Product → IBM Tape Diagnostic Tool ITDT.
6. Select Installed version.
7. Select your operating system from the Platform menu.
8. Click Continue.
9. (Optional) Narrow the search of available downloads according to your criteria.
10.Click Continue to view the list of available downloads.
11.Select the version that you want to download.
12.To download the new version, follow the instructions on the Fix Central download page.

Chapter 10. Reference 327

10.3.2 Using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier
This section describes how to download, install, and run the IBM LFV utility command (lfv) to
verify media hardware and data compatibility.

Before you begin

Before installing the LTFS LFV, download the most recent version from the Fix Central

To download the most recent version of the LTFS LFV, complete the following steps:
1. Open the following URL in your web browser:
2. Click Product Group → System Storage.
3. Click Product Family → Tape systems.
4. Click Product Type → Tape drivers and software.
5. Click Product → Linear Tape File System (LTFS) Format Verifier.
6. Select Installed version.
7. Select your operating system from the Platform menu.
8. Click Continue.
9. Narrow the search of available downloads according to your criteria (this step can be
10.Click Continue to view the list of available downloads.
11.Select the version that you want to download.
12.To download the new version, follow the instructions on the Fix Central download page.

Latest levels: IBM maintains the latest levels of the LTFS LFV and information about using
the tool and related documentation on the IBM Fix Central website.

About this task

To install the LTFS LFV, complete the following steps:
1. Download lfvinst_<version>linuxx86_64 from this website:
2. To make lfvinst_<version><OS><arch> an executable file, run the following command:
chmod 700 lfvinst_<version><OS><arch>
3. To complete the installation, run the following command:

Verifying media compatibility by using the IBM LTFS Format Verifier

This section describes how to verify media hardware and data compatibility by using the LTFS
LFV utility command. This section also describes the options that can be used with this

Important: LTFS LFV is not shipped with IBM Spectrum Archive EE, but is available as a
separate download.

328 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
To verify that media are compatible with LTFS, run lfv from the command line. Enter one of
the following commands: For Linux systems where the IBM Tape Device Driver is installed,
<target device> should be /dev/IBMtapeX, where X is the index of the tape device to use, as
shown in the following example:
./lfv -f /dev/IBMtape1
 For Linux systems where no IBM Tape Device driver is installed, <target device> should
be /dev/sgX, where X is the index for the tape device to use, as shown in the following
./lfv -f /dev/sg0

Important: The index for the target tape device in the previous examples is shown as 0. If
you are unsure which index value to use, run the ./lfv -s command to scan for all
attached tape devices.

The following lfv command options are available:

 -f <target device>
The target tape device on which verification is performed.
Displays help information.
Specifies the log file name. The default name is lfv.log.
 -ll [Errors|Warnings|Information|Debug]
Specifies the log level and the level of logging created. Errors is the default value.
Specifies the log output directory. The default directory is ./output.
Scans the system for tape devices and prints results to the window. This option provides a
list of the available devices and can help you identify which drive to use. This option
provides the following information:
– Sequential number.
– Driver handle/device file name.
– Drive product name.
– Drive firmware revision.
– Drive serial number (S/N).
– Host (H), bus (B), Target ID (T), and LUN (L) physical address of the drive.
For example, information that is provided by this list appears as shown in the following
#0 /dev/IBMtape0 -[ULT3580-TD4]-[85V1] S/N:1300000388 H2-B0-T0-L0
#1 /dev/IBMtape1 -[ULT3580-HH5]-[A2SG] S/N:1068000051 H2-B0-T1-L0
Enables verbose verification information.

Chapter 10. Reference 329

 -V --version
Displays the program version.
Specifies that the extended verification is performed. The extended verification analyzes
the entire tape cartridge and can take up to three hours to complete. Quick verification is
the default.

10.4 IBM Spectrum Archive EE interoperability with IBM

Spectrum Archive products
IBM Spectrum Archive EE cannot run concurrently with IBM Spectrum Archive LE. If IBM
Spectrum Archive LE is already installed, it must be uninstalled before IBM Spectrum Archive
EE is installed. For more information about the uninstallation procedure, see the “Uninstalling
LTFS from a Linux system” topic at this IBM Documentation web page.

In addition to uninstalling the IBM Spectrum Archive LE package, it is necessary to uninstall

the IBM Spectrum Archive LE license module. To uninstall the license, you must run the
following command after the other uninstallation commands that are presented in the IBM
Spectrum Archive LE IBM Documentation:
# rpm -e ltfs-license-2.1.0-[revision]

330 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
Related publications

The publications that are listed in this section are considered suitable for a more detailed
description of the topics that are covered in this book.

IBM Redbooks
The following IBM Redbooks publications provide more information about the topics in this
document. Some publications that are referenced in this list might be available in softcopy
 Active Archive Implementation Guide with IBM Spectrum Scale Object and IBM Spectrum
Archive, REDP-5237
 IBM Tape Library Guide for Open Systems, SG24-5946
 IBM TS4500 R8 Tape Library Guide, SG24-8235

You can search for, view, download, or order these documents and other Redbooks,
Redpapers, Web Docs, draft, and other materials, at this website:

Other publications
IBM Tape Device Drivers Installation and User’s Guide, GC27-2130, also is relevant as
further information source.

Online resources
The following websites are also relevant as further information sources:

Tip: To learn more about IBM Spectrum Archive EE and try it in a virtual tape library
environment, see IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition Fundamentals & Lab Access
(log in required).

 IBM Product Support: TS3310:
 IBM Documentation: TS4300:
 IBM Documentation: TS4500:
 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition at IBM Documentation:

© Copyright IBM Corp. 2015, 2020, 2022. All rights reserved. 331
 IBM Spectrum Archive Library Edition at IBM Documentation:
 IBM Spectrum Archive Enterprise Edition Support:
 IBM Spectrum Scale at IBM Documentation:
 IBM Systems Storage interactive product guide:
 Linear Tape-Open Program:
 SNIA Linear Tape File System Format Specification:

Help from IBM

IBM Support and downloads:

IBM Global Services:

332 IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
IBM Spectrm Archive Enterprise Edition V1.3.2.2: Installation and Configuration Guide
ISBN 0738460427
(0.5” spine)
250 <-> 459 pages
Back cover


ISBN 0738460427

Printed in U.S.A.


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