Alert Spotted Lanternfly

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United States Department of Agriculture

Pest Alert Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

Plant Protection and Quarantine

Spotted Lanternfly (Lycorma delicatula)

The spotted lanternfly is an invasive

pest, primarily known to feed on tree
of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) but
has many other host plants, including
grape, hop, apple, stone fruit, maple,
poplar, walnut, and willow. The insect
changes hosts as it goes through its
developmental stages. Nymphs feed
on a wide range of plant species,
while adults prefer to feed and lay
eggs on tree of heaven (A. altissima).
Spotted lanternflies are invasive and
can spread rapidly when introduced to
new areas. While the insect can walk,
jump, or fly short distances, its long-
distance spread is facilitated by people
who move infested material or items
containing egg masses. If allowed to
spread in the United States, this pest
could damage the country’s grape,
orchard, and logging industries.

Adult spotted lanternfly
The spotted lanternfly is present in
China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan,
and Vietnam. In 2014, the insect was Description Life Cycle
first detected in the United States in
Pennsylvania. Since then, spotted Adult spotted lanternflies are about The spotted lanternfly lays its eggs
lanternfly infestations have been 1 inch long and one-half inch wide, on smooth host plant surfaces and
detected in Delaware, Maryland, New and they have large and visually on non-host material, such as bricks,
Jersey, and Virginia. striking wings. Their forewings are light stones, and dead plants. Eggs hatch
brown with black spots at the front in the spring and early summer, and
Damage and a speckled band at the rear. Their nymphs begin feeding on a wide
hind wings are scarlet with black spots range of host plants by sucking sap
Both nymphs and adults of spotted at the front and white and black bars from young stems and branches.
lanternfly cause damage when at the rear. Their abdomen is yellow Adults appear in late July and tend
they feed, sucking sap from stems with black bars. Nymphs in their early to focus their feeding on tree of
and branches. This can reduce stages of development appear black heaven (A. altissima) and grapevine
photosynthesis, weaken the plant, and with white spots and turn to a red (Vitis vinifera). As the adults feed,
eventually contribute to the plant’s phase before becoming adults. Egg they excrete sticky, sugar-rich fluid
death. In addition, feeding can cause masses are yellowish-brown in color, (honeydew). The fluid can build up on
the plant to ooze or weep, resulting and most are covered with a gray, plants and on the ground underneath
in a fermented odor, and the insects waxy coating prior to hatching. infested plants, causing sooty mold
themselves excrete large amounts of to form.
fluid (honeydew). These fluids promote
mold growth and attract other insects.
Where To Look

Spotted lanternfly adults and

nymphs frequently gather in large
numbers on host plants. They
are easiest to spot at dusk or at
night as they migrate up and down
the trunk of the plant. During
the day, they tend to cluster near
the base of the plant if there is
adequate cover or in the canopy,
making them more difficult to Spotted lanternfly nymphs are black with white spots in early stages of development and turn red before
see. Egg masses can be found on becoming adults.
smooth surfaces on the trunks of
host plants and on other smooth
surfaces, including brick, stone,
and dead plants.

Report Your Findings

If you find an insect that you

suspect is the spotted lanternfly,
please contact your local Extension
office or State Plant Regulatory
Official to have the specimen
identified properly.

To locate an Extension specialist

near you, go to the U.S. Department
of Agriculture (USDA) website
at A Covered and uncovered egg masses

directory of State Plant Regulatory

Officials is available on the
National Plant Board website at

Cluster of adults on the trunk of a tree at night

APHIS 81-35-024
Revised August 2019

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