Will Deed Krupanindihi
Will Deed Krupanindihi
Will Deed Krupanindihi
I state that I was married to R.J.Manjula D/o late R.Joseph , aged about 51
years R/a 10/B, 1st cross Veerappa Reddy layout near Trained Brain pre-school,
Munnekolalu, Bangalore:-560037 Out of our wed-lock we were blessed with
one daughter and one son (viz) K.Bhavana Ankith aged about 32 years and
K.Eeshwar Kumar aged about 29 years.
I was working at Indian space research organization (ISRO) and I retired in the
year 2013 as junior engineer. Out of my life earnings, I purchased a residential
property being the western portion of site no. 10, out of mahadevapura city
municipal coporation katha No. 12/116/2A, situated at munnekolalu village,
Varthur hobli, Bangalore south taluk measuring east to west: northern side 19 ½
feet, southern side 23 ½ feet and north to south 40 feet which is more fully and
particularly described in the schedule hereunder. Having purchased the said site
under registered sale deed dated 19/05/2000 registered has document no: - BNG
(U) BLR(S) 1273/2000-2001, in Book I in the office of sub-registrar Bangalore
south Taluk. I have constructed a house in the schedule property out of my own
earnings. At present I am staying in a portion of the building along with my
wife and son and the other portion of the building is leased out to some tenants
and I am receiving rental income.
I state that the property mentioned in the schedule shall be exclusively and
absolutely enjoyed by my wife and my children. I further state that my wife and
children will possess equal right title and interest over the schedule property.
My daughter K. Bhavana is married to Ankith and they are residing at Doha and
they are gainfully employed. My wife and son are residing with me in the
schedule property it is my wish and desire that the rents accrued out the said
building shall be received and collected by my wife R.J Manjula after my death
and she shall be at liberty to utilize the rental income accrued out of the said
building for her maintenance. However it is noteworthy to mention that since
the schedule property is small and indivisible and further in the event my wife
and children unanimously agree and decide to dispose and alienate the schedule
property to any prospective buyer they shall alienate the schedule property and
divide the sale proceeds equally among themselves without any ambiguity.
I state that my wife and my children are required and obligated to take care and
look after me and my welfare till my death and also perform my funeral rites.
My children are obligated to take care and look after the welfare of my wife R.J
Manjula until her death and also perform the funeral rites.
I state that the said WILL shall come into force after my death. The said WILL
is executed by me out of my own will, volition and accord, there is no threat,
intimidation, coercion or undue influence from any person for execution of this
Item No:-1
All that piece and parcel of site being the western portion of site no. 10, out of
mahadevapura city municipal coporation katha No. 12/116/2A, situated at
munnekolalu village, Varthur hobli, Bangalore south taluk measuring east to
west: northern side 19 ½ feet, southern side 23 ½ feet and north to south 40 feet,
bounced on:-
EAST BY: - Eastern portion of site no 10,
WEST BY: - Private property,
NORTH BY: - Road
SOUTH BY: - Vendors property.
Drafted by