Ch 1
Ch 1
Ch 1
Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose and write the correct option.
I. The HCF of two numbers 65 and 104 is 13. If LCM of 65 and 104 is 40x, then the value of xis
[CBSE 2024(30/4/1)]
(a) 5 (b) 13 (c) 40 (d) 8
12. If p2 = !! ,
then p is a/an [CBSE 2023(30/6/1)]
(a) whole numbe r (b) integer (c) rational number (d) irration al number
13. Three bulbs red, green and yellow flash at interva ls of 80 seconds , 90 seconds
and 110 seconds .
All three flash togethe r at 8 : 00 am. At what time will the three bulbs flash at togeth •
er again.
(a) 9: 00 am (b) 9: 12 am (c) 10: 00 am (d) 10: l2 am
Qt Solutions
1. Given: HCF (65, 104) = 13 and LCM (65, 104) _ 40x
We know that LCM x HCF = Prod uct of two num
40x X 13 = 65 X 104
65 X 104
X = 40 X 13 = 13 2 3750
:. Opti on (b) is corre ct. 3 1875
5 625
=2 X 54
2. 3750 3 X
5 125
Expo nent of 5 is 4. 5 25
:. Opti on (b) is corre ct. 5 5
3. a = p3q4, b = p2q3 1
So, LCM (a, b) = p q and HCF (a, b) = p q
3 4 2 3
2 4 X 3 2 X 5 X 11 .
:. All three bulbs flash together after = 60
Assertion-Reason Questions
The following questions consist of two statements-Assertion(A ) and Reason(R). Answer these
questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
(a) Both A and Rare true and R is the correct explanation for A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation for A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true.
6. Assertion (A): The number 5n cannot end with the digit 0, where n is a natural number.
Reason (R) : Prime factorisation of 5 has only two factors, I and 5. [CBSE 2023(30/5/l)]
7. Assertion (A) : 2 is a prime number.
Reason (R) : The square of an irrational number is always a prime number.
[CBSE Practice Paper 2023]
8. Assertion (A): The perimeter of MBC is a rational number. A
B 3cm C
Case Study Based Question
9. A seminar is being conducted by an Educational Organisation, where the participants will be
educators of different subjects. The number of participants in Hindi, English and Mathematics
are 60, 84 and 108 respectively. [CBSE Question Bank]
·nformation ' answer the following questions:
Based on t h e above 1
(i) Write the LCM of 60, 84 and 108.
(ii) If in each room the same numbe~ of partici pants are to_ ~e seated
and all of the1n being in
the same subject, what is the maxim um numbe r of paruc1pants that can be acconunodated
in each room.
(iii) (a) Write the produc t of HCF and LCM of 60,84 and 108.
(b) What is the minim um numbe r of rooms requir ed during the
9 + /2 is an irration al number.
• ts of 2m X 5" , where man d u'are ua
~ffl C0nSIS . l' 't 0,
factor so it can not end with c ,gt
because 5 has only one priane fartor.
A) is true as 2 is prime number
7. Here, (
and (R) is false as square of an irrational number may or may not be a prime.
l~ l~ j
at~q l :. Option (c) is correct.
' From figure, AC = J4 + 9 = /13
,' . p ·meter of MBC = 2 + 3 /13 = 5 + /13 is an irrational.
. . en
Ii So, (A) is false but (R) is true.
f :. Option (d) is correct. 2 60,84, 108
(i) LCM (60, 84, l 08) = 2 X 2 X 3 X 5 X 7 X 9 2 30,42,54 B
9. 3cm C
= 3780 3 15,21,27
5, 7, 9
(ii) Maximum number of participants that can be accommodated in each room
of the = HCF (60, 84, 108)
60 = 2 X 2X 3 X 5 = 22 X 3 X 5 2 60 2 84 2 108
84 = 2X 2X 3 X 7 = 22 X 3 X 7 2 30 2 42 2 54
108 = 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 2 2
X 3
3 3 15 3 21 3 27
So, HCF (60, 84, 108) =2 2
x 3 5 5 7 7 3 9
=2X2X3 1 1 3 3,
= 12
Hence, required number of participants = 12
(iii) (a) The product of HCF and LCM of 60, 84 and 108
= 12 X 3780 = 45360
,w,r...a.&,UA,1L.u.Um number of rooms required during the event
Sum of all the participants 60+84+108 =21
HCF of participants 12
are of 2 marks.
1t11a•on, find HCF and LCM of96 and 120. [CBSE 2023(30/5/1)]
=> X = 30
•~ 60 and 90.
3. Check whether 12n can end with the digit Ofor any natural number n. [CBSE 2020(
[CBSE Marking Scheme 2020 (30/5/ 1))
Sol. Prime factors of 12 are 2 x 2 x 3.
.___ _ Since
__ not_
5 is_ _ _so
a factor, _can
_12n __ not_ _with
end __ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ll
4. Find the smallest pair of 4-digit numbers such that the difference between them is
their HCF is 101. Show your steps. [CBSE Practice p atld
aper 2023]
Sol. Let the greater number be x and the smaller number bey.
= 303 (given)
x- y ... (i)
Also their HCF = 101
:. x ·= 101a ... (ii)
and y = 101b ... (iii)
From (i), we get
101a - 101b = 303 lOl(a - b) = 303
a-b=--=3 a=3+b
x = 101 (3 + b) from (ii) and y = IO lb from (iii)
Also x and y > I 000 as they are four digit numbers.
So, b = 10 (Since smallest number is required)
:. y = ( 101) x 10 ==> y = 1010 and x = 101 (10 + 3) ==> x = 1313
5. Find the largest number which on dividing 1251, 9377 and 15628 leaves remainders 1, 2 and
3 respectively. [NCERT Exemplar, CBSE Sample Paper 2023]
Sol. 1251 - 1 = 1250, 9377 - 2 = 9375, 15628 - 3 = 15625
Required largest number = HCF (1250, 9375, 15625)
1250 =2 X 54
9375 = 3 X 55
15625 = 56
:. HCF (1250, 9375, 15625) = 54 = 625
6. Prove that 2 + /3" is an irrational number, given that is an irrational number. J
[CBSE 2023(30/2/l)
,/3 = p~2q
·: p and q are integers. p - 2q is an integer.
p - q is a rational number. . u·onal
is an irra
/3 q . d"
is a rational number which contra 1cts
•th the question that
2 + /3 js an irrational number.
Short Answer Questions
l Each of the following questions are of 3 marks.
l I. The LCM of 64 , 82 and k is 12 4 where k is a positive integer. Find the smallest value of k. Show
your steps. [CBSE Practice Paper 2023]
Sol. The prime factorisatiop. of 124 is (2 x 2 x 3)4 = ((2) 2) 4 x 3 = 2 x 34
4 8
72 = 2 X 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 = 23 X 3 2 and 108 = 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 22 X 3 3
:. LCM (48, 72, 108) = 24 x 33 = 432 seconds i.e., 7 minutes 12 seconds
As traffic lights change simultaneously at 7 am, then they will change together again at 7 :7: 12 am.
3. National Art Convention got registrations of students from all parts of the country, of which
60 are interested in music, 84 are interested in dance and I 08 students are interested in
handicrafts. For optimum cultural exchange, organisers wish to keep them in minimum
number of groups such that each group consists of students interested in the same artform
and the number of students in each group is the same. Find the number of students in each
group. Find the number of groups in each art form. How many rooms are required if each
and group will be allotted a room? [CBSE Sample Paper 2024]
t23] Sol. Number of students in each group according to the given condition= HCF (60, 84, 108)
60 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 5 = 22 x 3 x 5 and 84 = 2 x 2 x 3 x 7 = 22 x 3 x 7
108 = 2 X 2 X 3 X 3 X 3 = 22 X 33
HCF (60, 84, 108) = 22 x 3 = 12
,I let-t -:: I/, 2 !. )C 'Sy I()\
JL_ -"E~~l --- -- --
- 11
~c .~ or ~Q- itao- -f'-~~ -4'.'f.
: ~C?B 'f
- --
which n -1 + n + 1 is rational.
2. Show that ther e is no posi tive inte ger n for
n - I + n + I be a ratio nal num ber.
Sol. Let ther e be a posi tive inte ger n for whic h
and q "" 0 ... (i)
Jn -1 + Jn + 1 = : ; whe re p, q are inte gers
I _.!}_
P ( n- I + n + I) X ( n - n + I) P
n- I + n + I
q _.!}_
n-I -n- I p
(n- 1)- (n+ l)- P
+ q ... (ii)
p Jn+ l-J n-1 =2 :
Add ing (i) and (ii), we get
I +2 2
Jn + 1 is ratio nal num ber as pq q is ratio nal.
Jn + I is perf ect squa re of positive integer. ... (A)