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LP_1735886369154242657567778621f139a (1)
LP_1735886369154242657567778621f139a (1)
Course Objective
In this course, one will be introduced to the decision-making process, optimization technique, linear
programming model, transportation and assignment problems, and queuing model using popular
business or industry problems. The goal of this course is to get learners familiar with the goals,
objectives, challenges, and constraint of the organization and the paradigms in creating a value for the
organization and customer to improve return on investment.
Learning Outcomes
Build a culture of making informed decision process that facilitate multiple perspectives using
mathematical modelling techniques.
To develop a brief understanding about the various mathematical techniques and understand
the dynamics to decide which one to use and how for a particular problem.
To understand the basics of Linear Programming model, simplex algorithm and optimization
To understand the application and importance of queuing model.
Unit Lecture
Topics to be Covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours
1 Introduction to Operations Research and 3 Students will get to learn the
Mathematical Modelling relevance of operations
Concept and applications in engineering research tools and techniques
and management domain to make informed decision in
Principles of optimization technique an organization.
Definition of feasible and optimal
1. Introduction to Operations Research, 9e, Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman, McGraw-Hill
Ltd, 2010.
2. Quantitative Techniques in Management, 4e, N.D. Vohra, McGraw Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd.,
Reference Books:
1. Operations Research, 10e, Hamdy A Taha, Pearson, 2016.
Evaluation criteria:
Marks Breakup:
Mid Sem: 30%
End Sem: 50 %
Quiz 1 (before mid sem exam): 10%
Quiz 2 (after mid sem exam): 10%