Course Objective
The course deals with the basic idea of linear programming. We shall see how simple mathematics
plays a significance role in the development of these ideas. Further, explore the different approaches
to find the solution for the various Linear Programming Problems.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
• have different ways to solve the linear programming problem by graphically and analytically.
• Understand the nature of integer programming.
• be able learn various different ways to solve the Transportation and Sequencing Problem.
• be able to apply several strategies to win the game and Maximin and Minimax Principle for it..
Unit Lecture
Topics to be Covered Learning Outcome
No. Hours
Linear Programming Problem: Definition This unit helps to understand the
of various terms related to LPP, Statement fundamental concept and general
1 and proof of related theorems, Graphical 15 mathematical structure and solution
method, Simplex Method, Big M Method, technique of a linear programming
Degenerate LP problem, Duality in LPP. problem.
Integer Programming: Pure and Mixed This unit will help students to apply
Integer, Gomory’s cut, Gomory’s cutting plane methods to obtain
2 constraints, Fractional cut method. 6 optimal integer solution value of the
variable in a linear programming
Transportation Problem: NWCR, Matrix Students will recognize and solve the
Minima and Vogel’s Approximation transportation problem involving a
Methods, Test for Optimality (MODI large number of shipping routes.
Method), Assignment problem. Handle the problem of degenerate
3 Sequencing Problem: Processing n jobs 12 and unbalanced transportation
through 2 machines, Processing n jobs problem.
through k machines, Processing 2 jobs They can also solve some specific
through k machines. problem of scheduling n jobs on k
Theory of Games: Saddle points, Students will be able to apply various
Twoperson zero sum games with and methods to select and execute
without saddle-points, Maximin and various optimal strategies to win the
Minimax Principle, Pure and mixed game. Minimax and maximin
4 6
strategies, Graphical solution of 2 x n and principle to compute the value of the
m x 2 games, Dominance Property, game, when there is a saddle-point.
Simplex method of solving m x n
rectangular games.
Text Books:
Kwanti Swarup, P. K. Gupta and Man Mohan: “Operations Research”, Sultan Chand & Sons,
Reference Books:
1. Hamdy A. Taha: “Operations Research-An Introduction”, Pearson, 2016.
2. Hadley G..: “Linear Programming”, Narosa, 2002.
3. Frederick S. Hillier and Gerald J. Lieberman: “Introduction to Operations
Research”, McGraw Hill, 2009.