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Relationship to Occupational Standards

This unit addresses the unit of competency: Demonstration of basic electronic skills

Duration of Unit:

Unit description
This unit specifies the competencies required to demonstrate basic skills of electronics. It
involves identification of electric circuits, electronic components, understand semi-conductor
theory, identify and classify memories, apply number systems and identify emerging trends in


(Bold and italicised terms are elaborated in the Range)

1. Identify electrical circuits 1.1 Electrical circuit are identified

1.2 Electrical quantities and their units are identified
1.3 Types of electrical circuits are identified

2. Identify Electronic components 2.1 Identification of electrical components is done

2.2 Characteristic of electronic components are identified
2.3 Application of electronic components are Identified
2.4 Characteristics of integrated circuit are identified
3. Understand Semi-conductor 3.1 Explanation of semiconductor theory is done
theory 3.2 Structure of matter is described
3.3 Electrons in conductors and semiconductors are explained
3.4 Types of semiconductor materials are identified
3.5 P-type and N-type materials are explained
3.6 Description of P-N junction diodes operations is done
3.7 Types and operations of transistors are identified
4. Identify and classify memory 4.1 Types of memories are identified
4.2 Memory hierarchy is identified
4.3 Levels of memory storage are identified
4.3 Classification of memories is done
5. Apply Number Systems and 2.1 Types of number systems are identified
binary coding 2.2 Base conversion is done
2.3 Binary arithmetic operations are done
2.4 Binary codes are identified
2.5 Representation of decimals in BCD is done
2.6 BCD arithmetic are performed

6. Emerging trends in Electronics 1.1 Description of emerging trends is done

1.2 Challenges of emerging trends are explained
1.3 Explanation on coping with the emerging trends is done


This section provides work environments and conditions to which the performance criteria
apply. It allows for different work environments and situations that will affect performance.
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
1.1 E.M.F in volts
1. Electrical quantities and
1.2 Power in watts
their units
1.3 Energy in joules
1.4 Resistance in ohms
1.5 Current in amperes
2.1 AC – Alternating Current
2. Types of electrical circuits
2.2 DC – Direct Current
3. Types and operations of 3.1 Types
transistors PNP
3.2 Operations
Forward biasing
Reverse Biasing
4. Types of memories 4.1 Semi-conductor
4.2 Magnetic
4.3 optical
5. Classification of 5.1 RAM
memories 5.2 ROM
6. Levels of memory storage 6.1 Internal
6.2 Main
6.3 Online
6.4 Offline bulk
7. Types of number systems 7.1 Decimal
7.2 Binary
7.3 Octal
7.4 Hexadecimal
7.5 Binary Arithmetic’s
8. Binary codes 8.1 8421 BCD
Variable Range
May include but is not limited to:
8.2 Excess 3
8.3 BCD arithmetic’s


The individual needs to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

1. Electrical Components
2. Electrical Quantities and units of measurement
3. Electrical circuits
4. Semiconductor theory
5. Number systems
6. Types of Computer memories

The individual needs to demonstrate the following foundation skills:
1. Communications (verbal and written);
2. Proficient in ICT
3. Time management
4. Problem solving
5. Decision making
6. First aid

This provides advice on assessment and must be read in conjunction with the performance
criteria, required knowledge and understanding and range.

1. Critical Aspects Assessment requires evidence that the candidate:

of Competency 1.1 Identified Electrical Components, quantities and their units
of measurement
1.2 Constructed a simple circuit
1.3 Identified types of transistors and their operations
1.4 Categorized the memories according to their levels, types
and hierarchy
1.5 Identified the number systems, binary codes and their
2. Resource The following resources must be provided:
Implications Resources same as that of workplace are advised to be applied
Including resistors, Transistors, soldering wire, soldering Iron,
printed circuit board, ammeter, volt meter, connecting wires, wire
stripper,pliers, wire cutter, screw driver, driller,clamps,vise

3. Methods of Competency may be assessed through:

Assessment 3.1 Observation
3.2 Oral questioning
3.3 Practical demonstration
4. Context of Competency may be assessed individually in the actual
Assessment workplace and simulated setting of the actual work place
5. Guidance Holistic assessment with other units relevant to the industry
information for sector, workplace and job role is recommended.

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