MODERN AGES place of worship dedicated to the moon god Nanna
in the Sumerian City of Ur an ancient
Mesopotamia. Traditionally it symbolizes a link
➔ ANCIENT TIME – ancient history covers
between the gods and the human kind. It is also
the period 3000BC -AD 500.
served practically as shelter from floods for more
➔ MIDDLE AGES – began around 476 A.D
than 4,000 years , the ziggurat is still well today
may span roughly 1,000 years ending
and intactly preserved . A ziggurat is a type of
between 1400 and 1450.
massive stone structure resembling pyramids and
➔ MODERN AGES – It is also referred to as
featuring terraced levels and accessible only by way
Modernity, is the post Medieval area,
of stairways.
beginning 1500 to present, wide span of
time marked in part by technological
innovations, urbanization, scientific EGYPTIANS CIVILIZATION
discoveries and globalization.
➔ Egyptians medicine was often times a trial
The first Inklings of Science (From and error at the beginning of Ancient time.
➔ Egyptians doctors learned that if you
Ancient Times to 606 B.C)
covered an open wound with moldy bread,
the wound heal quickly. This findings
IN THE ANCIENT TIME affirmed that certain bread mold produces
penicillin, a chemical that kills germs that
➔ Modern science discovered that certain
CUNEIFORM PROPER - It is a logo syllabic script bread molds produce penicillin, a chemical
that was used to write several languages of the that kills germs that infect wounds.
Ancient Near East and their literature works such ➔ Egyptian doctors promoted seeds of
as the Epic of Gilgamesh The shape of the poppy for pain reliever because it contains
cuneiform is wedge shaped and mounted on a clay both morphine and codeine
envelopes, the ancient people wrote their writing
in the cuneiform using the stylus. The cuneiform is PAPYRUS – an ancient form of paper , made from a
developed to keep track of their transactions and plant of the same name. As early as 3.000BC.
used in their religious cultural and artistic Egyptian formed a paper named as Papyrus.
practices. Papyrus is a thick type of paper made from the pith
of the papyrus plant, the Cyperus papyrus.
THE URUC CITY - the uruk for today is known as - Papyrus can also refer to a document
warka today, the city in the ancient near east, the written on the sheets. The papyrus was
first major city in sumerian built in the 5th century joined together side by side and rolled into
bc, the larget sumerian settlements and the a scroll and served as the early form of
religious centers in mesopotamia uruk as one of book of the Egyptian. The invention of the
the oldest cities in the world its communal works ancient form of paper revolutionized the
includes the temples and canals for irrigation. uruk way the information was transmitted from
a true city dominated by monumental brick person to generation, communication is
buildings decorated with mosaics. done smoothly compared to clay tablets or
smooth rocks been used by Egyptians,
IRRIGATION - The Sumerians built an advanced Sumerians and other races.
irrigation system using the Egyptian Technology to
sustain the water supply of their farms and protect The Poppy seeds brought the Egyptian doctors
the fields from floods. This is to protect their farms being respected locally and internationally.
with silt.
EGYPTIAN WIG - is predominantly worn by the techniques and materials with creative design to
elite of Egyptian society, which served as dual produce a whole range of brand need architectural
purpose. The wearing of wig signified high rank in structure. The innovative buildings include the
Egypt’s and helped protect shaven calps ( a sign of basilica , monumental aqueduct, amphitheater and
mobility ) from the sun. The wigs which is called as residential housing block. The striking features of
Nubian wigs also helped maintain hygiene levels by Roman architecture were the elements used ,
reducing the incidence of head lice. innovated and executed by them. They focused
innately on the elements they used in architecture
THE WATER CLOCK AS CLEPYSDRA - The ancient like vaults, domes, columns and arches, They used
is a device for measuring time by the gradual flow stones, wood, marble and materials such as bricks
of water. It is made up of stone , copper or pottery. and glass which allowed the buildings to stand
It has 12 carved columns of 11 false holes, that
corresponds hours of the night. The water flowed THE ROMAN NUMERALS - The Roman numeral is
through a very small holes The clock was used by any of the symbols used in a system of numerical
the priests to determine the time at night so that notation based on the Ancient Roman system
the temple rites and sacrifices could be performed
at the correct hour. The clock may be used also in THE CHINESE CIVILIZATION
day light.
THE SILK INDUSTRY - The production of silk
HIEROGLYPHICS EGYPTIA - Hieroglyphics uses originated in Neolithic China within the Yangshao
pictures but it was not demonstrated in writing. It culture(4th millennium BC) . China maintained its
signifies sounds in the Ancient Egyptian language , virtual monopoly over silk production for another
just as the characters in the Roman Alphabet. thousand years ago. The use of silk within China
Ancient Egyptians began writing with ink made by was not confined to clothing alone, the silk was use
burning wood or oil and the concoction was mixed for a number of applications such as writing within
with water around 3200 BC. The ink is made of two clothing , the color of silk worn also held social
key parts the pigment and the carrier . The importance and formed an important guide of
pigment is the dye itself and what is delivered by social class during the Tang dynasty.
the vessel to the printing medium. THE GUN POWDER - Taoist alchemists combined
sulphur, saltpetre an charcoal in making the
COSMETICS EGYPTIAN - Cosmetics make up was earliest form of gunpowder, during the eight
one of the inventions that the Egyptians made . century. It was used to kill insects and treat skin
They invented eye make up in 4000 BCE to give diseases and lately in fireworks and rockets.
them protection from the sun and to imitate the
impressive look of the gods. They combined soot COMPASS - In ancient China the compass was first
with a lead called galena to make the ointment used for worship, fortune-telling and geomancy
Kohl. The importance of cosmetics in the art of aligning buildings in the late 11th century
and early 12 the century, Chinase sailors adopted
Egyptian are the following: the compass for astronomical and terrestrial
- Served as protective shield against navigation leading in improving the trade
malevolent spirits and diseases
- Essential part of religious rituals THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA - The Great Wall is
- The Ancient Egyptians regarded beauty as known as one of the seven construction wonders in
a sign of holiness, they believed that the the world for its massive construction size an its
makeup was next to godliness. unique architectural style. The builders were
composed of a great army of manpower, soldiers ,
THE ROMAN CIVILIZATION prisoners and local people. The Great Wall is the
longest man made structure which is over 21,000
NEWSPAPER OF ROMANS - The Acta Diurna , also kilometers long, an average height and width of
called Populi Acta Publica and simply Acta or about six to eight meters . The travelers would take
Diurna in ancient Rome was a sort of daily gazette , three to 6 months to walk along the section of the
containing an officially authorized narrative of wall.
noteworthy events at Rome. The Acta Diurna
shared gossip. It provides information on events TEA PRODUCTION - The tea started in China
and contained birth and death announcement and around 2750 BC.The tea may first have been
human interest stories. consumed in China as a beverage as early as 4,000
years ago and by the classical area the tea was
ROMANS BOUND BOOKS OR CODEX - The served as a refreshing stimulant and facilitated
Romans streamlined the medium by creating the Buddhist meditation. The Chinese tea production
codex, a stack of bound pages that Is recognize as followed the process prescribed by Lu Yu The tea
the earliest incarnation of the book. The first leaves were first steamed , grinded using the
codices were made of bound box wax tablets, but mortar and pestle, shaped into cake before dried
these were later replaced by animal skin parchment and strung with reed or bamboo then the tea is
that more clearly resembled pages. These roman cooked in a brazier.
books provide important historical accounts of
Rome and established the stories of classical The Science begins to Emerge ( 600 BC
civilization , the culture is seen as the foundation of
to 500 A.D)
modern civilization.
ANTON VAN LEEUWENHOEK - The Father of LOUIS PASTEUR - He destroyed the idea of
microscopy, invented the First microscope where spontaneous generation
he was able to examine the different - He made great advances in the study of
microorganisms. bacteria and the like
- He demonstrated experimentally that
fermented beverages resulted from the
action of living yeast (transforming glucose
INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION ( 1735 into ethanol )
A.D-1820 A.D) - He concluded that fermentation is vital
process, he defined it as respiration
➔ The age of Enlightenment Period , was a without air (Anaerobic respiration,)
intellectual movement developed mainly in - In his discovery of microbes were
France, Britain and Germany which responsible for souring alcohol ,came up
advocated freedom, democracy and reason the process of pasteurization where
as the primary values of society. bacteria are destroyed by heating
➔ Utmost importance of increasing beverages and then allowing them to cool.
efficiency of transportation, His work in germ theory also led him and
communication, and production his team created vaccination on anthrax
➔ Industrialization took place with greater - His experiment on Pasteurization
risk in human heath food safety and contributed to the improvement of science
➔ The scientific community should critically
analyze the works of the previous
- He developed the process of ★ 1928-1948: Alexander Fleming discovered
Pasteurization , the process of Penicillin
fermentation in making wine, vinegar etc. ★ 1932 : Chadwick discovered neutron
- Father of Bacteriology ★ 1938 : Electroshock therapy was
★ 1947 : Transistor was invented
★ 1972-1985 : CT Scan and MRI were
GREGOR MENDEL - He was a Augustinian monk. introduced
Father of Genetics ★ 1979 : cellular phones, radio, telephone
- He devotedly develop much of his life in system were introduced
the study of reproduction. ★ 1982 : human growth hormone was
- The entire field of modern genetics which genetically engineered
studies how leads are passed on from ★ 1885 : Microsoft windows were introduced
parents to offspring is based on his work. ★ 1988 : Digital cellular phones were
MICHAEL FARADAY - It in this period in History in ★ 1992 ; smart pill
which science developed a much better ★ 1993 : Pentium processor
understanding of electricity and magnetism ★ 1995 : Java computer language
- Faraday’s experiments and ideas about ★ 1998 : Viagra was invented
electricity earned him the title of The
JAMES CLERK MAXWELL - He is known as the
founder of modern Physics , he contributed on the ➔ Despite being considered as developing
development of the mathematical equations that country , the Philippines also contributes
showed Faraday was right that electricity and to the global advancement of science and
magnetism are both different aspects of the same technology. Many inventions and
phenomenon now called electromagnetism. discoveries of Filipinos were built from
indigenous materials more created to
JAMES JOULE - He determined that like matter, adapt to the harsh tropical environment.
energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only
change forms,. 1. SALAMANDER AMPHIBOUS TRICYCLE - Due to
- This now known as Law of flooding during rainy season, it is very difficult for
Thermodynamics , the guiding principle in tricycles to transverse the streets
the study of energy - To remedy the issue, H20 Technologies
headed by Dominic N. Chung and
Lamberto Armada , together with Chief
THE MODERN SCIENCE ( 1900 A.D. TO Designer Victor “Atoy” Llave was able to
THE PRESENT) invent the Salamander an amphibian
MAX PLANCK - He proposed an idea that matter
exists in tiny packets called atoms, energy exists in 2. SALT LAMP - Electrification is one of the urgent
tiny packets which he called as quanta. needs of a developing country like the Philippines
- You can give one packet of energy to an - Fortunately a young Filipina Aisa Mijeno
object, or you can give two packets of was able to invent a lighting system that
energy to an object . However you cannot utilizes a material abundant to the
give an object any amount of energy in Philippine saltwater.
between one and two packets. - She invented the Sustainable Alternative
- With his lot of evidence for his ideas, this Lighting (SALT)lamp, an eco-friendly light
led to the acceptance of the scientific source that runs on salt water.
3. E-JEEPNEY - The jeepney dominated the
ALBERT EINSTEIN - Einstein used Plank’s idea of Philippine streets and is considered as the primary
energy quanta to explain a problem called the mode of transportation.
photoelectric effect could not be explained by - However , the diesel powered jeepney
Newton’s laws of motion but could be easily produces large quantities of black smoke
explained by Planck ideas about the energy quanta. and is a contributory to pollution
- To countered these disadvantages, the
NEIL BOHR - Bohr developed the Bohr Model . This electric jeepney (e-jeepney) was developed
model of the atom is based on solid mathematics which powered
and it required the assumption that energy comes
on small packets 4. BAMBOO INCUBATOR
- Using the Bohr model many of the
mysteries of the atom were revealed.