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TIME 8:15- 9:00 WEEK 5

CONTENT The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of factors of polynomials, rational algebraic
STANDARD expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables and linear functions.
PERFORMANCE The learner is able to formulate real-life problems involving factors of polynomials, rational algebraic
STANDARD expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two variables, systems of linear equations and
inequalities in two variables and linear functions, and solve these problems accurately using a variety of
LEARNING The learner solves problems involving rational algebraic expression.
The learner solves problems involving rational algebraic expression.
The learner illustrates the rectangular coordinate system and its uses.
The learner illustrates linear equations in two variables.


SEPTEMBER 02, 2024 SEPTEMBER 03, 2024 SEPTEMBER 04, 2024 SEPTEMBER 05, 2024 SEPTEMBER 06, 2024
OBJECTIVES a. Perform operations in a. Perform operations in a. Describe and illustrate a. Determine the solution a. Determine the
solving word problem solving word problem rectangular coordinate of Linear Equation in two solution of Linear
involving Rational involving Rational system. variables Equation in two
Expressions Expressions b. Give the coordinates b. Illustrate linear variables
b. Analyze and solve word b. Analyze and solve of a point on the plane equation in two variables b. Illustrate linear
problems involving word problems and plot points on the c. Find pleasure in equation in two
Rational Expressions. involving Rational Cartesian plane. working with linear variables
c. Appreciate the value Expressions. c. Appreciate the concept equation in two variables. c. Find pleasure in
and importance of c. Appreciate the value of rectangular working with linear
Rational Expression in and importance of coordinate system in equation in two
real life situation. Rational Expression real-life situation. variables.
in real life situation.
Problems involving Problems involving
Rectangular Coordinate Linear Equations in Linear Equations in
SUBJECT MATTER Rational Algebraic Rational Algebraic
System and its Uses Two variables Two variables
Expression Expression

A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide 138 – 154
2. Learner’s
Materials 106 - 108 106 - 108 119 - 136 119 - 120 119 - 120
Alferez M., Alferez, M.,
MSA Intermediate MSA Intermediate
Algebra pages 159 Algebra pages 159 Crisostomo, R. et.al.
3. Textbook Sabangan, L. et.al., Sabangan, L. et.al.,
Our World of Math 8,
pages Math Time pages 39-42 Math Time pages 39-42
Bernabe, J., Bernabe, J., pages 93 – 99
Intermediate Algebra Intermediate Algebra
pages 88-94 pages 88-94
4. Additional
(LR) portal
Laptop, projector, Visual Laptop, projector, Laptop, Projector, Laptop, Projector, Laptop, Projector,
B. Other Learning aids, Grade 8 LCTG by Visual aids, Grade 8 visual aids, Grade 8 Visual aids, Grade 8 Visual aids, Grade 8
Resources DepEd Cavite LCTG by DepEd Cavite LCTG by DepEd Cavite LCTG by DepEd Cavite LCTG by DepEd Cavite
Mathematics, 2016 Mathematics, 2016 Mathematics, 2016 Mathematics, 2016 Mathematics, 2016
Let’s travel!!! Preliminaries: Preliminaries Preliminaries

Two vehicles travelled Pick a Pair Can you cross your Check the ordered pair
A. Reviewing
(x + 4) kilometers. arms? What happened that is a solution to the
previous lesson
The first vehicle when you cross your given linear equation. Summative Test
or presenting the
travelled for (x 2 − 16) arms horizontally and
new lesson
hours while the second vertically? How do you 1. x − y = 8
2 describe your arms? (9,1) (-9,1)
travelled for ( ) hours.
2. 4x − 9y = −3
Complete the table Given the following grid, (5,2) (2,5)
below. can you complete its
label to illustrate the 3. 2x + y = 8
parts and terms involve (2,4) (-2,4)
in Rectangular
Coordinate System? 4. x + y = 6
(Answers are being jot (4,2) (-4,2)
down on the board.)
5. 7x − 2y = 10
(0,-5) (5,0)
From the box above,
pick the correct rational
How did you compute
expression to be placed
the speed of the two
on the spaces provided
to make the equation

x+6 2x+7
1. + ___ =
3x−6 3x−6

3 4
2. + = ___
x+7 x−8

x+3y 1
3. ___ − =−
6x3 y x3

3x2 y 12ax
4. ∙ ___ =
2ab 5y

x2 −4x+4
5. ÷ x − 2 = __
A. Establishing Guide Questions: Guide Question: Developmental Activity: Questions:
a purpose for
the lesson How did you compute the Do you think rational 1. What do you call the 1. How will you find the
speed of the two vehicles? expression can be applied two intersecting value of x?
What method did you use in solving real word number lines? the 2. How will you find the
to find the speed of the problems? How? point of intersection? value of y?
two vehicles?
2. Into how many parts or
regions is the plane
divided? How do we call
these regions?
3. How can you describe a
quadrant? How are you
going to label/name
these quadrants?

4. How do you describe

now a Cartesian plane?
How about a point in
the Cartesian plane?

5. How is a point plotted

in the plane?

6. Are the coordinates

(0, 2) and (2, 0) the
same? Why?

7. Can you plot these

points in the plane?

8. How do we call now the

first component of an
ordered pair? How
about the second
B. Presenting Illustrative Example 1 Determine the solution
examples/ Think-Pair-Share of linear equation in two
instances of Alden and Maine were variables.
the lesson Pancho and Bruce were dusting the garage. In
asked to fill the tank an hour, Alden dusted 1. 5𝑥 – 𝑦 = −1
with water. Pancho can
fill the tank in x minutes 4
x 1 2
of the garage and
alone, while Bruce is 𝑥−5
slower by two minutes
compared to Pancho. Maine dusted the
remaining. How much 2. 4𝑥 + 5𝑦 = 10
• What part of the job can portion of the garage x 5 10
Pancho finish in one did Maine dust in an y
minute? hour?
• 3. 𝑦 = 3𝑥 + 2
• What part of the job can Solution:
x 2 4
Bruce finish in one
Alden dusted in an y
minute? 4
• hour =
• Pancho and Bruce can
finish filling the tank Maine dusted in an
together within y hour
minutes. = 1−

• How will you represent 𝑥−5−4 Referring to the
algebraically, in simplest = illustration above, in
form, the job done by what quadrant will you
the two if they worked 𝑥−9 locate the following
together? =
𝑥−5 points?
1. P (3, 4)
2. R (-2, -6)
One side of the triangle 3. A (1, -5)
is 2cm longer than the 4. Y (-4, 3)
second side. The third is 5. S (0, 5)
3/5 as long as the first Pair Work:
side. If the perimeter of
the triangle is 24cm, The length of
Find the lengths of the rectangular pool area
three sides. 𝑥 2 −𝑥−6
in terms of x is
Solution: Write an and the width is
equation designating the
three sides as a, b, c 𝑥 2 +𝑥−12
, what is
"One side of the triangle 𝑥+2
is 2cm longer than the
second side." the area of the
rectangular pool in
terms of x? Give your
a=b+2 answer in factored
rearrange to get b in
terms of a
𝑏 = 𝑎 − 2

"The third is 3/5 as long

as the first side."
c= 𝑎

"If the perimeter of the

triangle is 24cm,"
𝑎 + 𝑏 + 𝑐 = 24

Replace b and c, using

the above equations
a + (a – 2) + 𝑎 = 24

a + a + 𝑎 = 24 + 2

2a + 𝑎 = 26

a = 10
C. Discussing new Solve the following 1. What is being asked in Analysis: In example no. 1, how
concepts and problems. the given problems How do you describe will you determine the
practicing new above? the Cartesian value of x and y?
skills #1 Pipe A can fill a tank in 2. What operation is to be Coordinate System?
40 minutes. Pipe B can used to solve the State the steps in
fill the tank in x problem? plotting of points.
minutes. What part of 3. Give the steps in In example no. 2,
the tank is filled if either adding similar and Is it possible that which is easy to get,
of the pipes is opened in dissimilar rational when you plot the value of x or y?
ten minutes? expression? Multiplying points, you became
rational expression? creative and you are In example no. 3, how
ready for future will you determine the
orientation on how value of x and y?
to use resources
D. Discussing new Solve the following Solve the following Illustrate linear
concepts and problems. problems. equations in two
practicing new variables.
skills #2 1. If Anna’s height in terms 1. Joshua can wash a
of x is ( ) cm and car in 3 hours if the 1. y = 4x + 1
3 works alone while Caleb
Corazon’s height in
8 can do the same job in 4 x -2 -1
terms of x is ( )cm. hours. How long will it y
What is the difference in take them to wash the Group the class into 5.
their height? car if they work Present five Cartesian 2. y = −2x + 6
together? planes. In each plane,
give the coordinates of x 2 4
2. What number must each point and arrange y
be added to both the the letters to form the
numerator and magic word. From the
denominator of to magic word, create an
11 acrostic or use in a
make the result equal to
7 sentence and whoever
? finished the work first
will get a prize.
3. If Anna’s height in
terms of x is ( ) cm and
Corazon’s height in
terms of x is ( ) cm.

What is the difference in

their heights?
E. Developing Solve the following Determine the Illustrate linear
mastery problems. Solve the following quadrant where the equations in two
(Leads to problems. following points are variables.
Formative 2. Mae took ( 3 ) hours located.
Assessment3. 1. Find two 1. y = 5x – 3
3) 4. in reading wattpad story consecutive even 1. M (-4, 5)
in the morning and integers if one fourth 2. L (-3, 1)
continue reading ( )
7 of the smaller is equal 3. N (-3, -6)
x−2 to one fifth of the 4. K (-4, -1)
5. x 1 2
larger one. 5. R (-2, -5)
6. hours in the afternoon.
2. Bryan can paint 6. J (5, -1) y
How many hours did
the room in five hours 7. S (5, 3)
Mae take to finish
while Andrei can do 8. A (3, -2) 2. 3x + y = 9
reading a story for the
the same job in four 9. T (7, -2)
whole day?
hours if both of them 10. F (2, -4) x 1 3
work together, how y
long will it take them
to finish it?

F. Finding Solve the following Solve the following PLOTTING OF Illustrate linear
practical problem. problem. POINTS IN equations in two
applications CARTESIAN PLANE variables.
of concepts Kim can sew a scarf in 4 1. Wally drives his
and skills in hrs. if she works alone. Hammer 260 kilometers Plot and label the 1. 2x – 3y = 6
daily living Cheska finish the same in the same time that following points. Then x 2 3
job 6 hrs. if they work Jose drives his BMW connect each of them y
together, how long will it 290 kilometer. If Wally consecutively to form
take them to finish the averages 5 kms per a figure.
job? hours faster than Jose, 2. y = 3x + 2
Find their rates.
x 2 4

A (-7,7) F (7, 3) K (-
5, -9)
B (-5,9) G (7, -3 L (-
7, -7)
C (0,9) H (7, -7) M (-
7, -3)
D (5,9) I (5, -9) N
(-7, 3)
E (7,7) J (0, -9)

G. Making For word problems with For word problems with The rectangular The solution of a linear
generalizatio rational expression. rational expression. coordinate system is a equation Ax+By=C,
ns and two-dimensional where a, b and c are
abstractions1. Read through the 1. Read through the system consists of two constants are the set of
about the problem and set up a problem and set up a number lines drawn ordered pair (x, y) that
lesson word equation — that is, word equation — that perpendicular to each will satisfy the
an equation that is, an equation that other on a plane. equation or that will
contains words as well contains words as well Another name for this make the equation
as numbers. as numbers. system is the true. To find the
2. 2. Plug in numbers in Cartesian Coordinate solution of a linear
3. Plug in numbers in place of words System, attributed to equation in two
place of words wherever wherever possible to the French variables, we usually
possible to set up a set up a regular mathematician and express one variable in
regular equation. equation. philosopher Rene terms of the other
4. Solve the rational 3. Solve the rational Descartes (1576- variable.
expression. expression. 1650).
5. 4. Answer the The horizontal line
6. Answer the question the question the problem is the x-axis and the
problem asks. asks. vertical line is the y-
axis. The point of
intersection of the two
coordinate axes is
called the origin whose
coordinates are (0, 0).
The x and y axes
divide the plane into 4
quadrants named in
direction starting at
the upper right. They
are Quadrant I,
Quadrant II, Quadrant
III and Quadrant IV.
Each point in the
plane corresponds to
exactly one ordered
pair (x, y), where x is
the abscissa, which is
the directed distance
of the point from the
y- axis, while y is the
ordinate, which is the
directed distance of
the point from the x –
Any point in
Quadrant I is to the
right of the y-axis and
above the x-axis,
hence the coordinates
are both positive, (+,
+). Any point in
Quadrant II is to the
left of the y-axis and
above the x-axis, the
coordinates are (-, +).
Any point in Quadrant
III is to the left of y-
axis and below the x-
axis, the coordinates
are (-, -). Lastly, any
point in Quadrant IV,
is to the right of y-axis
and below the x-axis,
the coordinates are (+,
-). Any point on the x-
axis or on the y-axis is
not in any of the
quadrants. The origin,
usually named by the
letter O, has
coordinates (0, 0).

H. Evaluating Solve the following Solve the following Plot the following sets of Illustrate linear
learning problem. problem. points. Connect the equations in two
points and determine the variables.
Kevin wants to calculate 1. The denominator geometric figure formed.
the perimeter of her of a fraction is 5 more 1.
rectangular garden, the than the numerator. If 2. P (-2, 3), Q (8, 3) 1. 3x + 4y = 15
length of rectangular both the numerator and3. R (6, -2), S (-4, -2) x 1 2
garden in terms of x is denominator of the 4. F (-4, 4), O (4, 4), y
, and the width is fraction are increase by 5. U (4, -4), R ( -4, -4)
2, the resulting fraction6. S (-3, 2), C (0, 3),
. equal 1/3. Find the 7. O (3, 2), R (3, -2),
fraction. 8. E (-3, -2) 2. y = 5x + 3

x -1 1
I. Additional Follow up: Follow up: In Santiago, General 1. Follow Up
activities for Trias, Cavite, the Gen. Illustrate linear
application Solve the following. Solve the following. Trias Dairy Raisers equations in two
or Multi-Purpose variables
remediation Alex can do a piece of Alex can do a piece of Cooperative was located
work in 6 days. When work in 6 days. When where dairy products are a. y = 5x + 3
she and Toni work she and Toni work being made. These are
together, it takes only 4 together, it takes only 4 kesong puti, fresh
x -1 1
day. How long will it days. How long will it carabao’s milk, Choco
take Toni to do the work take Toni to do the work milk, strawberry milk, y
if she works alone? if she works alone? and pastillas de leche.
These products are b. y = −2x + 4
Study: Look for the arranged in freezer with
meaning of the their own designation so x 1 2
following: that the seller will be y
1. Cartesian plane able to locate the
2. x - axis products easily. Using
3. y – axis the figure that follows,
4. function the seller can determine
the location of each dairy 2. How will you
product. Can you also illustrate the slope
determine the location of of a line?
3. Give an example of
illustration of slope
of a line.

the dairy products?

1. No. of
learners who
earned 80%
on the
2. No.of learners
who require
activities for
3. Did the
lessons work?
No. of
learners who
have caught
up with the
4. No. of
learners who
continue to
5. Which of my
worked well?
Why did this
6. What
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
can help me
7. What
innovation or
materials did
I use/discover
which I wish
to share with

Prepared by: Approved by:

Subject Teacher School Head

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