Au 2022335728 a 1
Au 2022335728 a 1
Au 2022335728 a 1
(51) International Patent Classification: (81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
B02C 2/04 (2006.01) kind of national protection available)'. AE, AG, AL, AM,
(21) International Application Number:
(22) International Filing Date: HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IQ, IR, IS, IT, JM, JO, JP, KE,
17 August 2022 (17.08.2022) KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU,
(25) Filing Language: English
(26) Publication Language: English RS, RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, ST, SV, SY, TH,
(30) Priority Data: ZA, ZM, ZW.
20215892 25 August 2021 (25.08.2021) FI
(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
(71) Applicant: METSO OUTOTEC FINLAND OY [FI/FI]; kind of regional protection available)'. ARIPO (BW, GH,
Lokomonkatu 3, 33900 Tampere (FI). GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ, TZ,
(72) Inventors: LAUTALA, Aki; Metso Outotec Finland UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
Oy, Lokomonkatu 3, 33900 Tampere (FI). PELTO- TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
NEN, Mika; Metso Outotec Finland Oy, Lokomonkatu EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
3, 33900 Tampere (FI). DELAHAYE, Maxime; Met MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
so Outotec Finland Oy, Lokomonkatu 3, 33900 Tampere TR), OAPI (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, GW,
(FI). BARSCEVICIUS, Paulo; Metso Outotec Finland Oy, KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
Lokomonkatu 3, 33900 Tampere (FI).
Declarations under Rule 4.17:
(74) Agent: ESPATENT OY; Kaivokatu 10 D, 00100 Helsinki — of inventorship (Rule 4.17(iv))
iron release; a lower surface of the support cone, at least in part, de
fines a downwards opening annular cavity (205). The crusher head
radially movably supports a seal ring (206). A lip (310) is formed
for the annular cavity by the seal ring. A slip ring (210) extends
into the annular cavity beyond the seal ring and forms a counter
surface for the seal ring. The slip ring at least in part defines: a
pressurised gas supply channel (240); and an entry channelling
(230, 430) interconnecting the pressurised gas supply channel to
the annular cavity.
2023/025982 A l
Fig. 3
— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
— in black and white; the international application as filed
contained color or greyscale and is available for download
WO 2023/025982 PCT/FI2022/050534
The present invention relates to a dust sealing of a crusher. In particular, but not exclusively,
the invention relates to a dust sealing of a cone crusher with a piston movable main shaft
5 for setting adjustment.
This section illustrates useful background information without admission of any technique
described herein representative of the state of the art.
Crushing of mineral material produces dust and accordingly measures need to be taken to
10 protect the parts of the mineral material processing plant against harmful effects that can
be caused by the produced dust.
A cone crusher has an upper frame supporting a fixedly mounted outer crushing shell and
a lower frame that supports a rotating eccentric that forms a tilting movement on a main
shaft. The main shaft carries a crusher head and an inner crushing shell also called as a
15 mantle fixedly mounted on the crusher head. In operation, the crusher head is eccentrically
moved and mineral material, such as stones, enters between the inner and outer crushing
shells is crushed to smaller particles and fine particles as dust.
The eccentric of the cone crusher operates by sliding an eccentric against other surfaces.
An oil lubrication is required to avoid excessive wear. The oil needs to be kept clean just
20 next to the crushing process that produces plenty of mineral dust and particles. A dust
sealing is thus required to protect the lubricated surfaces. However, the sealing needs to
allow the eccentric movement of the crusher head and vertical movements of the crusher
head. Vertical movements are caused by setting adjustments as well as occasional tramp
iron release movements in which the setting is opened fast by moving the crusher head
25 down. These vertical movements are actuated with a hydraulic cylinder that acts on the
main shaft via a thrust bearing.
The sealing of the cone crusher is implemented using a slip ring on top of the lower frame
to protect driving gear of the eccentric among others from dust and mineral material
particles. The slip ring has an outwards sloping flange, a vertical skirt sealing with the lower
30 frame, and a cylindrical neck on top. The neck has a cylindrical outer surface that meets a
seal ring carried by the crusher head. More particularly, the seal ring is carried movably in
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an annular groove formed into the crusher head. An example of such a cone crusher is
provided in WO2016/097465.
Due to the geometry of a cone crusher, crushing movements cause repeating vertical and
lateral movement of the outer surface of the neck with relation to the seal ring, and
5 movement of the seal ring deeper into the groove and back. As the seal ring wears on sliding
within the annular groove, the groove is defined on one side by a removable cover to allow
replacement of the seal ring when the cone crusher is opened for maintenance by
separating the main shaft with crusher head from the lower frame.
The up and down movement of the sealing causes wear to the sealing elements and their
counterpart surfaces and the clearance therebetween increases causing the dust and fine
15 mineral material particles to penetrate between the sealing arrangement and the slip ring
or other counterpart of the sealing. In result the lubricating oil may contaminate resulting in
increased wear of any lubricated parts that move against other parts. Accordingly, an
improved sealing arrangement is desired for the crusher head moving both laterally and
20 The objective of the invention is to provide a dust sealing mitigating the problems of existing
The appended claims define the scope of protection. Any examples and technical
descriptions of apparatuses, products and/or methods in the description and/or drawings
25 not covered by the claims are presented not as embodiments of the invention but as
background art or examples useful for understanding the invention.
According to a first aspect of the invention there is provided a cone crusher, comprising:
a crusher head comprising a support cone;
a linear actuator for vertically moving the crusher head for setting adjustment and/or
30 tramp iron release;
the support cone comprising a lower surface that at least in part defines a downwards
opening annular cavity; the cone crusher further comprising:
WO 2023/025982 PCT/FI2022/050534
a seal ring that is radially movably supported by the crusher head, and that forms a
lip for the annular cavity; and
a slip ring extending into the annular cavity beyond the seal ring and forming a
counter-surface for the seal ring;
5 wherein the slip ring at least in part defines:
a pressurised gas supply channel; and
an entry channelling;
and wherein the entry channelling interconnects the pressurised gas supply channel
to the annular cavity for allowing a perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised gas into
10 the annular cavity.
The slip ring may at least in part define a pressurised gas distribution passage, wherein the
pressurised gas distribution passage interconnects the pressurised gas supply channel and
the entry channelling.
The pressurised gas distribution passage may extend entirely around the slip ring.
15 Alternatively, the pressurised gas distribution passage may extend more than 30 degrees
around the slip ring or more than 100 degrees or more than 160 degrees or more than 300
degrees around the slip ring.
The pressurised gas distribution passage may consist of multiple separate sections and/or
multiple independent channels.
20 The perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised gas may distribute the entry to the annular
cavity to at least five separate regions. The perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised
gas may be continuous. Alternatively, the perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised gas
may be discrete.
The slip ring may comprise a skirt configured to seal with a lower frame of the cone crusher.
25 The slip ring may comprise an outwards sloping flange. The flange may reside on top of the
skirt. The flange may be radially limited by the skirt. The flange may be integrally formed
with the skirt.
The slip ring may comprise a neck on top of the flange. The flange may be radially
surrounding the neck. The neck may be integrally formed with the flange.
30 The pressurised gas distribution passage may reside at least partially in the skirt. The entry
channelling may extend through the flange and the neck.
The pressurised gas distribution passage may reside at least partially in the flange. The
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entry channelling may extend through the neck. The entry channelling may extend through
a portion of the flange.
The cone crusher may comprise a pressurised gas supply channel to conduct pressurised
gas to the pressurised gas distribution passage. The supply channel may at least partly
5 pass through the skirt. The supply channel may at least partly pass through the flange. The
supply channel may at least partly pass through the neck.
The supply channel may be formed using a cover attached onto a surface of the slip ring.
The cover may be attached onto an inner surface of the slip ring so that the cover is not
exposed by mineral material passing through the cone crusher. The cover may have a
10 concave profile for forming the supply channel onto a straight surface of the slip ring.
The pressurised gas distribution passage may reside at least partially in the neck.
The pressurised gas distribution passage and the entry channelling may be adjoined.
The cone crusher may comprise a ring-shaped counterpart configured to form at least one
side of the pressurised gas distribution passage when positioned next to the slip ring.
15 According to a second aspect of the invention there is provided an arrangement for dust
blocking in cone crusher that comprises:
a crusher head comprising a support cone;
a linear actuator for vertically moving the crusher head for setting adjustment and/or
tramp iron release; and
20 the support cone comprising a lower surface that at least in part defines a downwards
opening annular cavity; the cone crusher further comprising:
a seal ring that is radially movably supported by the crusher head, and that forms a
lip for the annular cavity; the arrangement comprising:
a slip ring configured to extend into the annular cavity beyond the seal ring and
25 forming a counter-surface for the seal ring;
wherein the slip ring at least in part defines:
a pressurised gas supply channel; and
an entry channelling;
and wherein the entry channelling interconnects the pressurised gas supply channel
30 to the annular cavity for allowing a perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised gas into
the annular cavity.
According to a third aspect of the invention there is provided a method for blocking entry of
dust into a cone crusher, comprising:
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According to a fourth aspect of the invention there is provided a method for manufacturing
a cone crusher, comprising:
providing a crusher head comprising a support cone; and
providing a linear actuator for vertically moving the crusher head for setting
20 adjustment and/or tramp iron release;
the support cone comprising a lower surface that at least in part defines a downwards
opening annular cavity; the method further comprising:
providing a seal ring that is radially movably supported by the crusher head, and that
forms a lip for the annular cavity;
25 providing a slip ring extending into the annular cavity beyond the seal ring and forming
a counter-surface for the seal ring;
defining at least in part by the slip ring:
a pressurised gas supply channel; and
an entry channelling;
30 and interconnecting, by the entry channelling, the pressurised gas supply channel to
the annular cavity for allowing a perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised gas into the
annular cavity.
Different non-binding example aspects and embodiments have been illustrated in the
foregoing. The embodiments in the foregoing are used merely to explain selected aspects
35 or steps that may be utilised in different implementations. Some embodiments may be
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presented only with reference to certain example aspects. It should be appreciated that
corresponding embodiments may apply to other example aspects as well.
Some example embodiments will be described with reference to the accompanying figures,
5 in which:
Fig. 1 shows a schematic cross-sectional view of a cone crusher comprising a dust sealing
according to an example embodiment of the invention;
Figs. 2A-2D show schematic sectional views of various details of a cone crusher according
to some example embodiments;
10 Fig. 3 shows an enlargement of a slip ring according to an example embodiment;
Figs. 4A-4M show various example arrangements of a slip ring;
Figs. 5A-5J show various example arrangements of supply channels;
Figs. 6A-6F show various example arrangements according to some example
embodiments; and
15 Figs. 7A-7B show flow charts of example methods according to some example
In the following description, like reference signs denote like elements or steps. It should be
appreciated that the illustrated figures are not entirely in scale, and that the figures mainly
20 serve the purpose of illustrating embodiments of the invention.
Fig. 1 shows a schematic cross-sectional view of a cone crusher 100 known from prior art.
Fig. 1 shows an upper crusher frame 1. An outer wear part 2 is attached to the upper crusher
frame 1. An inner wear part 3 is attached to a crusher head 4. The inner and the outer wear
part define therebetween a crushing chamber. Mineral material to be crushed is fed to the
25 crushing chamber. Fig. 1 further shows a slip ring, or a dust collar, 6 and a main shaft 7
configured for eccentric rotation. The main shaft 7 is attached to the crusher head 4 for
providing the gyratory movement for crushing the mineral material between the inner 3 and
outer 2 wear parts. The crusher further comprises hydraulic cylinder 15 for adjusting the
setting of the crusher. A skilled person appreciates that Fig. 1 shows further previously
30 known elements of the crusher 100 not explicitly mentioned herein, such as the drive
arrangement of the main shaft, thrust bearings and eccentric sleeves.
The slip ring 6 is attached to a lower frame 10 of the crusher and is configured to provide
dust protection for the inner elements of the crusher, such as power transmission and the
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eccentric sleeves. The slip ring 6 has a cylindrical form is configured to provide a sliding
surface for a seal ring 8.
On crushing mineral material in the crushing chamber, dust is also produced. The dust is
harmful to the functioning of the crusher. For example, dust entering into the cone crusher
5 may mix with lubricant of the sleeve and power transmission gearing so causing increased
friction and wear to the parts. In order to inhibit dust entry in between the crusher head 4
and the slip ring 6, the seal ring 8 is provided. The seal ring 8 is held in place with a holding
The seal ring 8 has a ring-like form. The seal ring 8 is formed and held in place in such a
10 way as to allow the eccentric movement of the head. The seal ring 8 has a first sliding
surface on the inner perimeter against the slip ring 6 in order to inhibit dust entry between
the seal ring 8 and the slip ring 6. The seal ring 8 further has a second surface on the upper
surface against the head 4 in order to inhibit dust entry between the head 4 and the seal
ring 8. The seal ring 8 further has a third sliding surface on the lower surface against the
15 holding member again in order to inhibit dust entry therebetween. The seal ring 8 defines,
or delimits, a first space above the seal ring comprising the space between the head 4 and
the slip ring 6 and between the head 4 and the holding member.
The crusher head moves during crushing of mineral material up and down with relatively
fast movements, for example 5 to 6 times per second. The fast movements may allow dust
20 to penetrate between the seal ring 8 and the slip ring 6, the head 4 and the holding member.
A second sealing member 9 may be provided around the slip ring 6 and a first flexible
member 5 is attached between seal ring 8 and second sealing member 9. The seal ring 8
and the second sealing member 9 together with the first flexible member 5 prevent or reduce
the penetration of dust between the crusher head 4 and the slip ring 6.
25 The prior known implementation of Fig. 1 helps to at least hinder dust entering between the
sealing arrangement and the slip ring or other counterpart of the sealing, and thus, reducing
contamination of lubricating oil resulting in decreased wear of any lubricated parts that move
against other parts. However, the dust entry inhibition is based on an elastic body of rubber.
Other alternatives are desired to overcome any problems that might arise with that
30 implementation.
Figs. 2A-2D show schematic sectional views of various details of a cone crusher according
to some example embodiments. Figs. 2A and 2C show a cone crusher 200 comprising a
crusher head 201, a support cone 202, and main shaft 203 for supporting and moving the
crusher head 201. The cone crusher 200 further comprises a linear actuator 204 for
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vertically moving the main shaft 203 for setting adjustment and/or tramp iron release. The
support cone 202 comprises a lower surface that alone or together with the main shaft 203
defines a downwards opening annular cavity 205. The cone crusher 200 also comprises a
seal ring 206. The seal ring 206 is radially movably supported by the crusher head 201. The
5 seal ring 206 forms a lip 310 (Fig. 3) for the annular cavity 205. The cone crusher 200 further
comprises a slip ring 210. The slip ring 210 extends into the annular cavity 205 beyond the
seal ring 206. The slip ring 210 forms a counter-surface for the seal ring 206. Lubrication oil
is provided into bearings or eccentric sleeves of the main shaft 203. The cone crusher 200
further comprises a draining bowl 207 for collecting lubrication oil used to lubricate the
10 eccentric sleeves and/or the gearing of the power transmission. Some lubrication oil may
also leak out of the cone crusher. The slip ring 210 and the seal ring 206 protect the
lubrication oil in the draining bowl 207 against for dust contamination. Dust contamination
is reduced by increasing air pressure in the annular cavity 205 and/or into the seal ring 206
and/or into the draining bowl 207 beyond atmospheric air pressure. The increased air
15 pressure prevents or hinders dust entering into the sealed areas by forming a counterflow
from inside out. Enlargement of the slip ring 210 is shown in Figs. 2B and 2D. However, the
increasing of air pressure may also cause high-speed streams of air that convey lubricant
out of the cone crusher, especially if pressurised air is imported by some pressurised air
20 The cone crusher 200 advantageously comprises a pressurised gas distribution passage
220. The pressurised gas distribution passage may enable importing pressurised air to the
annular cavity perimetrically so that high-speed streams of air can be avoided, at least such
that would be prone to eject lubricant out of the interior of the cone crusher.
The slip ring 210 comprises an entry channelling 230 interconnecting the gas distribution
25 passage 220 and the annular cavity 205, as shown in Figs. 2B and 2D. The entry
channelling 230 allows a perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised gas into the annular
cavity 205. The pressurised gas distribution passage 220 may extend entirely around the
slip ring 210. In an embodiment, the pressurised gas distribution passage 220 extends more
than 30 degrees around the slip ring or more than 100 degrees or more than 160 degrees
30 or more than 300 degrees around the slip ring. In an example embodiment, the pressurised
gas distribution passage 220 consists of multiple separate sections and/or multiple
independent channels.
The perimetrically distributed entry 230 of pressurised gas may be continuous. For example,
the perimetrically distributed entry 230 can be implemented using another ring-formed part
35 such as the sleeve 402 of Fig. 4 inside the slip ring so that a suitable ring-shaped passage
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The slip ring 210 comprises a skirt 211 configured to seal with a lower frame of the cone
5 crusher. The slip ring 210 further comprises an outwards sloping flange 212. The flange
212 resides on top of the skirt 211. The flange 212 may be radially limited by the skirt 211.
The flange 212 of Fig. 2 is integrally formed with the skirt 211. The slip ring 210 comprises
a neck 213 on top of the flange 212. The flange 212 radially surrounds the neck 213. In an
example embodiment, the neck 213 is integrally formed with the flange 212. In an example
10 embodiment, the pressurised gas distribution passage 220 resides at least partially in the
skirt 211. In an example embodiment, the entry channelling extends through the flange 212
and the neck 213. In an example embodiment, the pressurised gas distribution passage
220 resides at least partially in the flange 212. In an example embodiment, the entry
channelling extends through the neck 213. In an example embodiment, the entry
15 channelling 230 extends through a portion of the flange 212. In an example embodiment,
the pressurised gas distribution passage 220 resides at least partially in the neck 213.
In the example embodiment shown in Figs. 2A-2B, the pressurised gas distribution passage
220 is comprised by the skirt 211 of the slip ring 210, while in the example embodiment
shown in Figs. 2C-2D, the pressurised gas distribution passage 220 is comprised by the
20 neck 213 of the slip ring 210. In other embodiments, any part 211-213 of a slip ring 210
comprises a pressurised gas distribution passage 220. In a further embodiment, the
pressurised gas distribution passage 220 is arranged on a wall of any part 211-213 of a slip
ring 210. In some embodiments, the entry channelling 230 provides pressurised gas into
the annular cavity 205 and/or to the seal ring 206 as shown in Fig. 2B. Fig. 2B shows an
25 optional side channel 232 configured to direct pressurised gas to flow against the seal ring
206. In an embodiment, there is a radial channel 234 through the seal ring 206. The radial
channel 234 may comprise one or more continuous channels and/or holes. The radial
channel 234 may be configured to receive pressurised gas from the side channel 232, in
embodiments with the side channel 232.
30 It shall be appreciated that the slip ring may comprise on its internal or external surface a
detachable part which in part forms the pressurised gas distribution passage 220.
In an example embodiment, the cone crusher 200 comprises a pressurised gas supply
channel 240 to conduct pressurised gas to the entry channelling 230. In an embodiment,
the entry channelling 230 and the pressurised gas supply channel 240 are interconnected
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through the pressurised gas distribution passage 220. In an example embodiment, the gas
supply channel 240 and the entry channelling 230 are not aligned in order to even out a
perimetrically distributed velocity profile of the pressurised gas. In an example embodiment,
the supply channel 240 at least partly passes through the skirt 211. In an example
5 embodiment of Fig. 2D, the supply channel 240 at least partly passes through the flange
212. In an example embodiment, the supply channel at least partly passes through the neck
213. In the example embodiments of Figs. 2A and 2C, a single pressurised gas supply
channel 240 is provided. In an example embodiment, the entry channelling 230 and the
supply channel 240 are jointly formed. In the example of Fig. 2B, the entry channelling 230
10 continues from the neck 213 to the skirt 212. In an example embodiment, the pressurised
gas supply channel 240 is coupled to a source of pressurised gas, e.g., to a compressor,
by a coupler 250 and an inlet 255. In another example embodiment, multiple pressurised
gas supply channels may be provided. In yet another example embodiment, the pressurised
gas supply channels may be independent. The pressurised gas supply channels may
15 comprise independent sources of pressurised gas.
In an example embodiment, the supply channel 240 is formed using a cover 214 (Fig. 2D)
attached onto a surface of the slip ring 210, here onto the flange 212. In an example
embodiment, the cover is attached onto an inner surface of the slip ring 210 so that the
cover is not exposed by mineral material passing through the cone crusher 200. In an
20 example embodiment, the cover has a concave profile for forming the supply channel 240
onto a straight surface of the slip ring 210.
In an example embodiment, the pressurised gas distribution passage 220 and the entry
channelling 230 are adjoined.
In some example embodiments, the thickness of a slip ring 210 is over 15 mm or over 20
25 mm or over 25 mm or over 30 mm. In some example embodiments, the diameter of an inlet
255 is 10-30 mm, preferably 21 mm or 22 mm. In some example embodiments, the diameter
of a supply channel is 5-10 mm, preferably 6 mm. In some example embodiments, the
crosscut of pressurised gas distribution passage 220 is 5-10 mm wide. In some example
embodiments, the crosscut of pressurised gas distribution passage 220 is 35-50 mm high.
30 In an embodiment, the cross-sectional area of the entry channelling 230 is at least 1 cm2,
at least 2 cm2, at least 3 cm2, at least 4 cm2, at least 5 cm2, at least 10 cm2, or more at least
in some part of the entry channelling 230.
In an embodiment, the cross-sectional area of the supply channel 240 is at least 1 cm2, at
least 2 cm2, at least 3 cm2, at least 4 cm2, at least 5 cm2, at least 10 cm2, or more at least
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In an embodiment, the cross-sectional area of the pressurised gas distribution passage 220
in the axial direction of the slip ring 210 is at least 1 cm2, at least 2 cm2, at least 3 cm2, at
least 4 cm2, at least 5 cm2, at least 10 cm2, or more at least in some part of the pressurised
5 gas distribution passage 220.
In an embodiment, the cross-sectional area in the direction of the gas flow of the pressurised
gas distribution passage 220 is at least 1 cm2, at least 2 cm2, at least 3 cm2, at least 4 cm2,
at least 5 cm2, at least 10 cm2, or more at least in some part of the pressurised gas
distribution passage 220.
10 In an embodiment, the cross-sectional area of the pressurised gas distribution passage 220
and/or the cross-sectional area of the supply channel 240, and/or the cross-sectional are of
the entry channelling 230 is/are at least the cross-sectional are of the inlet 255.
In an embodiment, the width of the crosscut of the pressurised gas distribution passage 220
is greater than the smallest thickness of the slip ring 210. In an embodiment, the width of
15 the crosscut of the entry channelling 230 is greater than the smallest thickness of the slip
ring 210. In an embodiment, the width of the crosscut of the supply channel 240 is greater
than the smallest thickness of the slip ring 210.
In an embodiment, the pressurised gas distribution passage 220, the entry channelling 230,
and the supply channel 240 are formed as an indivisible channel, forming logically different
20 parts of the same physical flow connection. In an embodiment, the cross-sectional area of
the physical flow connection is greater than or equal to the cross sectional are od inlet 255
in all parts of the flow connections.
Figs. 4A-4M show various example arrangements of a slip ring. Fig. 4A shows a slip ring
400 according to an example embodiment. The slip ring 400 comprises a top 401 and a
sleeve 402. A pressurised gas distribution passage is formed between the sleeve 402 and
the top 401 when they are arranged together. The slip ring 400 has multiple entry
5 channellings 430 to provide pressurised gas into the annular cavity 205. In an example
embodiment, a supply channel 240 is formed by drilling holes from the entry channelling
through the neck 413 joining the holes 440 drilled from the skirt 411 through the flange 412.
In an example embodiment, the channelling joins to the pressurised gas distribution
passage 220 by the holes drilled through the neck 413 and/or by the holes drilled from the
10 skirt 411 through the flange 412. Some of the holes 440 may be plugged with a plug or a
screw 445, or alike, and the others may be coupled to a source of pressurised gas, as
indicated in Figs. 4B-4C. In Figs. 4D-4I, examples of slip rings are shown. In an
embodiment, the slip ring 400 is formed using moulding process. In another embodiment,
the slip ring 400 is formed using lathe work or turnery. In an embodiment, the slip ring 400
15 comprises compatible counterparts forming, between the counterparts, a hollow core
defining the pressurised gas distribution passage 220. In another embodiment, the hollow
core defines the pressurised gas distribution passage 220, the entry channelling 230, and
the supply channel 240, or at least two of them.
Figs. 4J-4M show example embodiments, where the pressurised gas distribution passage
20 220 is formed between the slip ring 400 and the lower frame 450 of the crusher. No
additional parts or welding is required for forming the pressurised gas distribution passage
220 in these example embodiments. In the example embodiments of Fig. 4K, the slip ring
400 comprises a protrusion 405 and the lower frame 450 comprises a groove 455 enabling
alignment of the slip ring 400 and the lower frame 450 by arranging the protrusion 405 into
25 the groove 455. In another example, the slip ring 400 may comprise a groove and the lower
frame 450 may comprise a protrusion.
By forming the pressurised gas distribution passage 220 in part to a groove formed on the
lower frame 450 and/or the slip ring 400, it is possible to simultaneously distribute the
pressurised gas and create an overpressure to the seam of the slip ring. The overpressure
30 helps to prevent dust entry through the seam. As a further synergic effect, the formed
annular groove is usable for central aligning the slip ring 400 onto the lower frame 450,
when one of these parts has a matching protruding shape formed of single continuous or
plural discontinuous parts.
Figs. 5A-5J show various example arrangements of the entry channelling. These slip ring
35 arrangements comprise pressurised gas distribution passages 520 and supply channels
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540. Figs. 5E and 5F further show a coupler 550 and an inlet 555 for coupling to a source
of pressurised gas according to an example embodiment.
Figs. 7A-7B show flow charts of methods according to example embodiments. Fig. 7A
illustrates a method for blocking entry of dust into a cone crusher comprising various
10 possible process steps while also further steps may be included and/or some of the steps
may be skipped:
711: Supporting a crusher head by a support cone.
712: Vertically moving by a linear actuator the crusher head for setting adjustment and/or
tramp iron release.
15 713: Defining, at least in part by a lower surface of the support cone, a downwards opening
annular cavity.
714: Radially movably supporting, by the crusher head, a seal ring.
715: Forming a lip for the annular cavity by the seal ring, wherein a slip ring extends into
the annular cavity beyond the seal ring and forms a counter-surface for the seal ring.
20 716: Defining at least in part by the slip ring: a pressurised gas supply channel; and an entry
channelling; and interconnecting, by the entry channelling, the pressurised gas supply
channel to the annular cavity for allowing a perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised
gas into the annular cavity.
Fig. 7B illustrates a method for manufacturing a cone crusher comprising various possible
25 process steps while also further steps may be included and/or some of the steps may be
721: Providing a crusher head comprising a support cone.
722: Providing a linear actuator for vertically moving the crusher head for setting adjustment
and/or tramp iron release.
30 723: The support cone comprising a lower surface that at least in part defines a downwards
opening annular cavity.
724: Providing a seal ring that is radially movably supported by the crusher head, and that
forms a lip for the annular cavity.
725: Providing a slip ring extending into the annular cavity beyond the seal ring and forming
35 a counter-surface for the seal ring.
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726: Defining at least in part by the slip ring: a pressurised gas supply channel; and an entry
channelling; and interconnecting, by the entry channelling, the pressurised gas supply
channel to the annular cavity for allowing a perimetrically distributed entry of pressurised
gas into the annular cavity.
Various embodiments have been presented. It should be appreciated that in this document,
words comprise; include; and contain are each used as open-ended expressions with no
intended exclusivity.
3. The cone crusher (200) of claim 2, wherein the pressurised gas distribution passage
(220) extends more than 30 degrees around the slip ring (210).
4. The cone crusher (200) of claim 2 or 3, wherein the pressurised gas distribution
25 passage (220) consists of multiple separate sections and/or multiple independent channels.
6. The cone crusher (200) of any one of preceding claims, wherein the pressurised
supply channel (240) at least partly passes through the skirt (211).
the slip ring (210) comprises an outwards sloping flange (212) on top of the skirt (211);
the entry channelling (230) extends through the flange (212).
8. The cone crusher (200) of claim 7, wherein the pressurised gas distribution passage
5 (220) resides at least partially in the flange (212).
10 10. The cone crusher (200) of any one of claims 2 to 9, wherein the pressurised gas
supply channel (240) conducts pressurised gas to the pressurised gas distribution passage
11. The cone crusher (200) of claim 10, wherein the supply channel (240) comprises a
cover (214) configured to be attached onto a surface of the slip ring (210).
15 12. The cone crusher (200) of any one of preceding claims, wherein the supply channel
(240) at least partly passes through the flange (212).
13. An arrangement for dust blocking in a cone crusher (200) that comprises:
a crusher head (201) comprising a support cone (202);
a linear actuator (204) for vertically moving the crusher head (201) for setting
20 adjustment and/or tramp iron release; and
the support cone (202) comprising a lower surface that at least in part defines a
downwards opening annular cavity (205); the cone crusher (200) further comprising:
a seal ring (206) that is radially movably supported by the crusher head (201), and
that forms a lip for the annular cavity (205); the arrangement comprising:
25 a slip ring (210) configured to extend into the annular cavity (205) beyond the seal
ring (206) and forming a counter-surface for the seal ring (206);
wherein the slip ring (210) at least in part defines:
a pressurised gas supply channel (240); and
an entry channelling (230,430);
30 and wherein the entry channelling (230,430) interconnects the pressurised gas supply
channel (240) to the annular cavity (205) for allowing a perimetrically distributed entry of
pressurised gas into the annular cavity (205).
14. A method for blocking entry of dust into a cone crusher (200), comprising:
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Fig. 1
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Fig. 2C
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Fig. 3
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Fig. 4B Fig. 4C
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Fig. 4H Fig. 41
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Fig. 4L Fig. 4M
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Fig. 5A Fig. 5B
Fig. 5C Fig. 5D
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Fig. 5G Fig. 5H
Fig. 51 Fig. 5J
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Fig. 7A
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Fig. 7B