21110045_Ajith Boddu

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Diode Characteristics

Ajith Boddu, 21110045, Aruplal Chakraborty(Instructor), Saumya Karan(TA)

Experiment conducted on:14-10-2022

Report was submitted on:27-10-2022

Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar


To study the I-V Characteristics of the PN junction

diode in both forward and reverse bias conditions
To study the I-V Characteristics of an LED in forward
bias and to observe the input-output characteristics of
Fig. A.1- PN junction Diode in Forward bias
LED –Photodiode pair.

B. PN junction Diode in Reverse bias operation

If the positive terminal of the input supply is connected to
1) Diode (IN 4007) the N side of the diode and the negative terminal is
2) Resistor (330 Ω, 1 kΩ, 10 kΩ) connected to the P side, then the diode would be in
3) LED reverse-biased condition. In reverse bias condition, both
4) Photo Diode holes on the P-side and the electrons on N-side tend to
5) Breadboard move away from the junction, thereby increasing the
6) DC Regulated Power supply (0 - 30 V variable) depleted region. But eventually, a small current called
7) Digital Multimeter ( 0 - 200 mA, 0 - 200 µA) reverse saturation current continues to flow in the diode,
which is almost negligible. The diode can be
III. THEORY approximated as an open-circuited switch which offers
very high resistance called reverse resistance.
A. PN junction Diode in Forward bias operation

If the input supply's positive terminal is connected to the

P side of the diode and the negative terminal is
connected to the N side, then the diode would be in
forward biased condition. In this condition, the height of
the potential barrier at the junction is lowered by an
Fig. B.1- PN junction Diode in reverse bias
amount equal to the given forward biasing voltage. Both
the holes from the p-side and electrons from the n-side
cross the PN junction simultaneously, thereby decreasing Static resistance
the depleted region. Current starts flowing through the
The resistance offered by the diode in forward bias in the
diode after the diode voltage cross 0.7V, and then
presence of a dc supply is called static resistance, which
increases exponentially.

is the ratio of dc voltage across the diode to the dc current

through the diode.
Dynamic resistance
The resistance offered by the diode in forward bias in the
presence of an AC supply is called dynamic resistance.
Dynamic resistance 𝑟 is the ratio of change in voltage
across the diode to the resulting change in current through
it for an operating point P.
C. LED (Light Emitting Diode) Fig. D.1- Photodiode
When current passes through an LED, it emits light. LEDs
only permit current in the forward bias, blocking it in the IV. PROCEDURE
reverse bias. When current flows through the LED, the
recombination of electrons and holes will occur, resulting A. PN junction Diode in Forward bias operation
in energy release in the form of photons. With the rise in 1. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. A.2
forward voltage, the intensity of light increases. LEDs 2. Initially vary the supply voltage V in steps of
have widespread applications today in displays (including 0.1 V. Once the current starts increasing,
TVs, traffic lights and signs) and as light sources for vary in steps of 0.02V and note down the
optical communications, DVD players, remote controls corresponding readings Vd (diode voltage)
etc. and Id (diode current).
3. Tabulate different forward currents obtained
for different, forward voltages.
4. Plot the V-I characteristics and calculate the
resistance levels.
5. Compare the theoretical and practical values
(cut-in voltage and resistances).

Fig. C.1- I-V characteristics of LED

D. Photodiode
A photodiode takes light energy and produces an electric
current. It is also called a Photodetector, Photo Sensor or
Light Detector. Photodetectors can take various forms, Fig. A.2
but the one we will use in this lab is simply a diode which
is designed to work in reverse bias. The current flowing
B. PN junction Diode in Reverse bias operation
through this reverse-biased diode is directly proportional
to the amount of light shining on it. These are quite the 1. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. B.2
opposite of LED, which convert electrical energy to light 2. Vary the supply voltage V gradually in steps
energy. Photodiodes are generally used in detecting the of 2V from 0V to 25V and note down the
brightness of light. corresponding readings Vd (diode voltage)
and Id (diode current).

3. Tabulate different reverse currents obtained

for different reverse voltages. D. LED - Photodiode pair
4. Plot the V-I characteristics and calculate the 1. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. D.2
resistance levels 2. Vary the input voltage and note down the
corresponding readings Vinp (input voltage
across the diode) and Vout (output voltage).
3. Plot the Vout - Vinp characteristics

Fig. B.2

C. LED (Light Emitting Diode)

1. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. C.2
2. Vary the supply voltage V in steps of 0.1 V. Fig. D.2
Once the current starts increasing vary V in
4. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. D.3
steps of 0.02V and note down the
5. Apply a sinusoidal input voltage ofparticular
corresponding readings Vled (LED voltage)
amplitude and frequency.
and Iled (LED current).
6. Vary the DC input voltage and observe the
3. Tabulate different forward currents obtained output at various biasing points. Observethe
for different, forward voltages. output waveforms and the FFT of the
4. Plot the V-I characteristics and calculate the corresponding signal in the DSO. Click a
resistance levels picture of output waveforms.
5. Compare the theoretical and practical values
(cut-in voltage and resistances).

Fig. D.3
Fig. C.2
Dynamic Resistance = Λ𝐼
V. DATA 0.511−0.386
= 0.26−0.01
A. PN junction Diode in Forward bias operation = 0.50 kΩ
Input Resistance(Kilo B. PN junction Diode in Reverse bias operation
voltage(Volts) Vd(volts) Id(mA) ohm)
0.1 0.1 0 infinity
0.2 0.2 0 infinity Voltage(Volts) Vd(Volts) Id(micro A)

0.3 0.3 0 infinity 0 0 0

0.4 0.386 0.01 38.6 2 -1.993 -0.1

0.42 0.4 0.01 40 4 -3.986 -0.3

0.44 0.412 0.02 20.6 6 -5.98 -0.5

0.46 0.424 0.03 14.13333333 8 -7.96 -0.7

0.48 0.434 0.04 10.85 10 -9.96 -0.9

0.5 0.442 0.05 8.84 12 -11.96 -1.1

0.52 0.45 0.06 7.5 14 -13.95 -1.3

0.54 0.458 0.07 6.542857143 16 -15.95 -1.5

0.56 0.464 0.09 5.155555556 18 -17.95 -1.7

0.58 0.47 0.1 4.7 20 -19.94 -1.9

0.6 0.475 0.11 4.318181818 22 -21.93 -2.1

0.62 0.481 0.13 3.7 24 -23.92 -2.3

0.64 0.485 0.14 3.464285714 (II)

0.66 0.49 0.16 3.0625
C. LED (Light Emitting Diode)
0.68 0.494 0.17 2.905882353
0.7 0.498 0.19 2.621052632
0.72 0.501 0.21 2.385714286 Input Resistance(Kilo
voltage(Volts) Vled(volts) Iled(mA) Ohm)
0.74 0.505 0.23 2.195652174
0.1 0.098 0 Infinity
0.76 0.508 0.24 2.116666667
0.2 0.198 0 Infinity
0.78 0.511 0.26 1.965384615
0.3 0.298 0 Infinity

(I) 0.4 0.397 0 Infinity

1.6 1.582 0.01 158.2

1.62 1.599 0.01 159.9

1.64 1.613 0.01 161.3 1.73 1
1.66 1.627 0.02 81.35 1.736 1.1
1.68 1.639 0.03 54.63333333 1.741 1.2
1.7 1.649 0.04 41.225 1.745 1.4
1.72 1.656 0.05 33.12 1.749 1.5
1.74 1.667 0.06 27.78333333 1.753 1.7
1.76 1.674 0.07 23.91428571 1.757 1.9
1.78 1.681 0.08 21.0125 1.763 2
1.8 1.687 0.1 16.87 1.764 2.2
1.82 1.693 0.11 15.39090909 1.767 2.4
1.84 1.697 0.13 13.05384615 1.77 2.6
1.86 1.702 0.14 12.15714286
1.88 1.706 0.16 10.6625
Graphs and Figures:


Dynamic Resistance = Λ𝐼
= 0.16−0.01
= 0.82667kΩ

D.LED - Photodiode pair

Vin(Volts) Vout(Volts)
0.496 0.2
0.994 0.3
1.492 0.3
1.669 0.4 Fig. A.3- I-V characteristics of PN junction diodein
forward bias
1.681 0.4
1.692 0.5
1.702 0.6
1.71 0.6
1.718 0.7
1.724 0.9

Fig. B.3- I-V characteristics of PN junction diode

in reverse bias

ig. C.3- I-V characteristics of LED

Fig. D.4- V out vs Vinp of LED-photodiode pair Fig. D.5- output waveform in the presence of
in the presence of DC supply sinusoidal input
which typically has a cut-in voltage of 1.7V -2V.
Current started flowing through the circuit when
I. OBSERVATIONS, DISCUSSIONS, the LED voltage was 1.608V, which was asmall
deviation from the ideal case. Hence the LED we
used has a small error. From there on current
increased exponentially, as expected.
● In forward bias, ideally, the current should ● When the photodiode is given input from anLED,
start flowing through the silicon diode when the output voltage across the photodiode started
the cut-in voltage is 0.7V, but the current to increase when the input crossed 1.5V and
started flowing through the diode at 0.383V, increased linearly from thereon.
which shows there is an error in the diode. ● When we input a sinusoid signal to LED in the
From there on current increased exponentially, non-linear region, the output signal is wouldn’t be
which is an expected trend.
a perfect sinusoid. We can observe many
● In reverse bias, the reverse current increased as harmonics in the frequency plot. As the input
the reverse voltage was increased, which is an offset voltage is increased, the number of
expected trend. harmonics decreases as we move toward the non-
● In the LED experiment, we used a red LED, linear region from the linear region.

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