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Paper Code : EC503 Digital Communication & Stochastic Process

Time Allotted : 3 Hours Full Marks :70

The Figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Candidate are required to give their answers in their own words as far as practicable

Group-A (Very Short Answer Type Question)

1. Answer any ten of the following : [ 1 x 10 = 10 ]

(I) Minimum shift keying is similar to which modulation scheme?
(II) The correlation detector is also known as ___________
(III) If the time taken to randomly select student to complete an exam is considered as a random variable, then which type of
random variable is it?
(IV) Digital communication is _______ to environmental changes?
(V) Delta modulation uses _____ bits per sample.
(VI) The data rate of QPSK is ___________ of BPSK
(VII) The maximum rate of information from transmitter to receiver is known as ___________
(VIII) What is the standard value of A in A-law ?
(IX) A M-PSK modulation scheme is used to transmit independent binary digits over a band-pass channel with bandwidth
100 KHz. If the bit rate is 200 kbps the value of M is _______
(X) Transmitted signal values in each dimension represent the ________________

(XI) Which line coding technique has the maximum synchronizing capability?
(XII) For a data stream of [1,0,1,1,0,1], find the phase sequence for BPSK.

Group-B (Short Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following [ 5 x 3 = 15 ]

2. Describe the process of Natural sampling. What is its disadvantage? [5]

3. Explain the process of generating FSK signals. [5]
4. Consider a random process X(t) given by X(t) = A cos (ωt + θ), where ω and θ are constants and A is a random [5]
variable. Determine whether X(t) is WSS.
5. Derive an expression for mean-square value of quantization error for PCM system. [5]
6. Analyze the transmitter, receiver and signal space diagram of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation. [5]

Group-C (Long Answer Type Question)

Answer any three of the following [ 15 x 3 = 45 ]

7. (a) What is QPSK Signal? Explain the generation of QPSK Signal with proper expressions and block diagrams. [ 2+5+2 ]
Draw the constellation diagram for QPSK signal.
(b) In a PAM scheme with M = 16: [6]
(a) Determine the minimum transmission bandwidth required to transmit data at a rate of 12,000
bits/sec with zero ISL
(b) Determine the transmission bandwidth if Nyquist criterion pulses with a roll-off factor
r = 0.2 are used to transmit data.
8. (a) Is it true that sampling frequency for a bandpass signal need not be more than double the maximum [7]
frequency present in the signal? Explain in light of PAM signal and its spectrum.
(b) A band-limited signal m(t) of 3 kHz bandwidth is sampled at rate of 33⅓ % higher than the Nyquist rate. [8]
The maximum allowable error in the sample amplitude (i.e., the maximum quantization error) is 0.5% of the
peak amplitude mp. Assume binary encoding. Find the minimum bandwidth of the channel to transmit the
encoded binary signal.
9. (a) Describe the operation of Zero forcing equalizer for removal of ISI. [7]

(b) What is controlled ISI? Describe the generation of Duo-binary signal. [ 3+5 ]
10. (a) What is ISI? Describe 1st Nyquist criteria for removal of ISI. How Cosine roll-off can reduce ISI? [ 2+4+4 ]

(b) A communication channel of bandwidth 75 kHz is required to transmit binary data at a rate of [5]
0.1 Mb/s using raised-cosine pulses. Determine the roll-off factor α.
11. (a) Describe the uniform quantization in PCM system. What are the disadvantages of uniform quantization? How [ 3+2+2 ]
it is overcome?
(b) A compact disc (CD) recording system samples each of two stereo signals with a 16-bit analog-to- digital [8]
converter (ADC) at 44.1 kb/s.
(a) Determine the output signal-to-quantizing-noise ratio for a full-scale sinusoid.
(b) The bit stream of digitized data is augmented by the addition of error-correcting bits, clock extraction
bits, and display and control bit fields. These additional bits represent 100 percent overhead. Determine
the output bit rate of the CD recording system.
(c) The CD can record an hour's worth of music. Determine the number of bits recorded on a
(d) For a comparison, a high-grade collegiate dictionary may contain 1500 pages, 2 columns per page,
100 lines per column, 8 words per line, 6 letters per word, and 7 bits per letter on average.
Determine the number of bits required to describe the dictionary, and estimate the number of comparable
books that can be stored on a CD.

*** END OF PAPER ***


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