Module2 OS

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Process concepts

Process management
• A process -can be thought of as a program in

• A process will need certain resources to accomplish

its task Eg:- CPU time, memory, files, and I/O

• Resources are allocated to the process either when it

is created or while it is executing

• A system mainly consists of 2 processes

• Operating system processes
• Operating-system processes execute- system
• User processes execute -user code
• These processes may execute concurrently
Process Concept
• Process may Include;
• Text section- more than of pgm code
• Data section – Global variables
• PCB-additional information
 Program counter –contains address of the
instruction to be executed, process registers
 Process Stack- temp data eg: fn parameters, return
address , local variables
 Heap- memory which is dynamically allocated at run
Program v/s process
• A program is a passive entity or static entity

Eg: file containing a list of instructions stored on

disk (often called an executable file)

• A process is an Active entity or Dynamic entity

• Eg: program counter specifying the next

instruction to execute and a set of associated
resources .

• Note: A program becomes a process when an

executable file is loaded into memory
Procces States
• As a process executes, it changes state.
• Process may be in one of the following states:
• New. A process is said to be in a New state if it is being
created for the first time.
• Ready. The process is said to be in a ready if it is ready to
execute when it gets the CPU.
• Running. The process is said to be in a running state, if
CPU has been allocated to it and is running.
• Waiting. The process is waiting for some event to occur
(such as an I/O or a signal).
• Terminated. The process has finished execution (either
normally or abnormally)
Process state transition diagram
State transition
• New->ready
• Ready->running
• Running->ready
• Running->waiting
• Running->terminated
• Waiting->ready

• Dispatcher
– Component in CPU scheduling
– is a module that selects the process from the
ready queue to allocate the cpu (ie.It is a module
which gives control of the CPU to the process
selected by short term scheduler)
– It should be fast
– The time taken to stop one process and start
another is known as dispatch latency.
– Its function involves
• Switching context
• Switching to user mode
• Jumping to proper location in the user program to
restart that program
Process Control Block (PCB)

• Process is represented in the operating

system by a process control block
(PCB)—also called a task control block or
process descriptor.
• PCB is a data structure which contains
descriptive information about a process
• Each process has an entry in the PCB
• PCB simply serves as the repository for any
information that may vary from process to

Information associated with PCB
1.Process state. – the state may be new, ready,
running, waiting, halted, and so on.
2.Program counter. – it indicates the address of the
next instruction to be executed for this process
3.CPU registers.-when an interrupt occurs these
details must be saved to continue its execution later.
Eg: accumulators, index registers, stack pointers etc.
The registers vary in number and type
4.CPU-scheduling information- information include
process priority, pointers to scheduling queues, and
any other scheduling parameters.
5.Memory-management information- this information
include value of base and limit registers, the page
tables, or the segment tables depending on the
memory system used by the OS.

6.Accounting information- this information include the

amount of CPU and real time used, time limits,
account numbers, job or process numbers, and so on

7.I/O status information- this information include the

list of I/O devices allocated to the process, a list of
Process Scheduling
• The objective of multiprogramming is to have
some process running at all times to
maximize CPU utilization.

• The objective of time-sharing is to switch the

CPU among processes so frequently.

• The process scheduler selects an available

process (possibly from a set of several
available processes) for program execution
on the CPU.
Scheduling Queues
• Job Queue

• it consists of all processes in the system

• When a new process enters the system it is

put in the job queue

• Device Queue

• The list of processes waiting for a

particular I/O device . Each device has its
• Ready queue
–It contains a list of processes waiting in main
memory which are ready to execute when it
gets the CPU.
– It is stored as linked list.
– It has a ready queue header which contains
links to first and final PCB’s in the list
–Each PCB has a pointer field which points to
the next PCB in the ready queue.

• Queuing diagram is shown below : -

Queuing diagram
Once the process is allocated the CPU and is executing, one
of several events could occur;
a) The process could issue an I/O request and then be
placed in an I/O queue(device queue).
b) If the time slice(time sharing systems) of the process
has expired, the process is put back to ready queue
c) The process could create a new sub process and wait
for the sub process's termination (stack).
d) The process could be removed forcibly from the CPU,
as a result of an interrupt, and be put back in the
ready queue.
A process continues this cycle until it terminates, at
which time it is removed from all queues and has its
• A process migrates among the various
scheduling queues .

• Operating system must select processes

from these queues in some fashion.

• Selection process is carried out by the

appropriate scheduler.

• Processes are spooled to a mass-storage

where they are kept for later execution.
Types of schedulers
• Long-term scheduler
• Medium-term scheduler
• Short-term scheduler
Long-term scheduler
• The long-term, or admission scheduler, selects
processes from job pool and loads to the Main
Memory for execution(ready queue ).
• Executes less frequently & can take more time to
select a process
• Selection should be careful with a mix of both CPU-
bound and I/O-bound processes.
• Controls the degree of multiprogramming(no of
processes in main memory)
• It is invoked only when a process exits from the
Medium term scheduler (also known as swapper)
- The medium-term scheduler temporarily removes
processes from main memory and places them on hard
disk drive and later the process can be brought back to the
memory and can continue its execution from where it left
off. This scheme is called swapping
- This is commonly referred as "swapping out" or "
swapping in”
- which determines when processes are to be suspended
and resumed.
-sometimes it can be advantageous to remove processes
from memory to avoid deadlock or to improve the process
Medium term scheduler- swap out & swap in
• Short-term scheduler
• The short-term scheduler (also known as the CPU
scheduler) selects a process from the memory
which is ready for execution(from ready queue) and
allocates CPU to it.
• It selects a new process more frequently than long-
term as the process executes for a very short time
before waiting for an I/O request
• So short term scheduler must be fast
• CPU scheduling takes place under the
following conditions
– When a process switches from running to
waiting state (I/O event or ..)
– When a process switches from running to
ready state (interrupt occurs)
– When a process switches from waiting to
ready state (I/O completion)
– When a process terminates

Context Switch
• Switching the CPU from one process to another
requires saving the state of the old process and
loading the saved state for the new process. This
task is known as Context Switch.
• Context of a process is represented in its PCB
• When a context switch occurs , the kernel saves the
context of the old process in its PCB and loads the
saved context of the new process scheduled to run.
• Context switch times are hardware dependent
• It is a 2 step process
– Save the context – to save PCB of current process
– Restore the context – restore PCB of old process to
resume operation
Operations on processes
• Process Creation
– A process (parent) can create many new
processes(child) via create-process System call
(fork()) and a child process in-turn can create other
processes forming a tree.
– Each process is identified using a unique processID
which is an integer value.
– A child process can obtain its resources directly or
from its parent
– A parent has to share its resources among its
– A child can have same or separate program and data
of its parent
– When a child process is created, there are 2
• New process is created by fork() and the fork()
returns ‘0’ to the child and child ID to the parent.
• Exec() replaces the entire current process with a
new program.
Process creation

Parent Resumes


Child exce() exit()

• Process Termination
– A process terminates when it finishes
executing its final statement and asks the OS
to delete it by using the exit() system call
– At this time the child process returns the
status(PID of a terminated process) value to
its parent process.
– Now all the resources are de-allocated by the
– A process can terminate another process via
TerminateProcess() system call.

• A parent can terminate its children when

– A child exceeded its resource usage

– The task assigned to the child is no longer

– The parent is exiting (cascading termination)

Inter process Communication
2 types of processes
1. Independent processes - cannot affect or be
affected by the other processes executing in the
system, they do not share data with other
2. Cooperating processes - it can affect or be
affected by the other processes executing in the
system, they share data with other processes
• Reasons for process cooperation
– Information Sharing – when many users are
interested same piece of information,
simultaneous access to that information is needed
– Computation Speedup – tasks can run faster by
breaking one task into subtasks and these sub
tasks are executed parallel provided that there is
multiple processing elements(CPU or I/O channels)
– Modularity – system should be in modular fashion,
dividing the functions into separate processes or
– Convenience – individual user can work on many
tasks at the same time like editing, printing,
compiling etc. in parallel
• There are two fundamental models of inter
process communication:
(1) Shared memory - a region of memory that
is shared by cooperating processes .
(2) Message passing - communication takes
place by means of messages exchanged
between the cooperating processes with OS
CPU scheduler(short-term scheduler)
• It allocates process from main
memory(ready queue) to the CPU using
various scheduling algorithms.
• 2 types of scheduling
– Preemptive – it is prioritized. A running
process can be stopped forcibly by sending
interrupts when a high priority process comes
or due to some other reasons. In this, Good
mechanisms should be used to coordinate
access to shared data.
– Non-preemptive - once CPU has been allotted
for a process, the process keeps the CPU until
it releases either by terminating or by
switching to a waiting state.

Scheduling Criteria (in selecting CPU scheduling algorithms)
i) CPU utilization– keep the CPU as busy as possible.
CPU utilization should be in the range of 0 to 100
ii) Throughput– no: of processes that complete their
execution per time unit. For long processes it may
be 1 process/hr and for short processes it may be
10 process/second.
iii) Turnaround time – amount of time b/n the
submission and completion of a process. It is the
sum of time spent waiting to get memory, waiting in
the ready queue, executing on CPU and doing I/O.
iv) Waiting time - amount of time a process has been
waiting in the ready queue. CPU scheduling
v. Response time– amount of time it takes from when a
request was submitted until the first response is produced,
not output (time it starts responding). It is limited by the
speed of the output device
• Scheduling algorithms are selected in way such that
– To maximize CPU utilization
– To maximize Throughput
– To minimize Turnaround time
– To minimize Waiting time
– To minimize Response time
• Scheduling deals with the problem deciding which of the
processes in the ready queue can be allocated to the CPU
Scheduling Algorithms

1) First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling

2) Shortest-Job-First Scheduling (SJF
3) Priority Scheduling
4) Round-Robin Scheduling
5) Multilevel Queue Scheduling
6) Multilevel Feedback-Queue Scheduling
First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
• Process are executed in the order of their arrival in
the ready queue
• It is a non-preemptive scheduling algorithm
• So once the CPU is allocated to the process, it
retains control of CPU until it blocks(waiting state)
or terminates
• Here ready queue is managed in FIFO manner
• Average waiting time and turnaround time can be
reduced if the processes having shorter CPU burst
execute before those having longer CPU burst.
Example problems

• Problem 1: (Ans : AWT=13.5ms ATAT=21.75ms)

Process P1 P2 P3 P4
Arrival time 0 2 3 5
CPU burst(ms) 15 6 7 5

• Problem 2: (above problem with change in arrival time of

processes) : (Ans : AWT=6ms ATAT=14.25ms)

Process P4 P2 P3 P1
Arrival time 0 2 3 5
CPU burst(ms) 5 6 7 15
Solutions for problem1

P1 P2 P3 P4

0 15 21 28 33

Waiting Time for P1 = 0 Turn around time for P1 =

Waiting Time for P2 = 15-2 =13 Turn around time for P2 =
Waiting Time for P3 = 21-3=18 Turn around time for P3 = 28-3 =
Waiting Time for P4 = 28-5 = 23 Turn around time for P4 = 33-5
= 28
Average Waiting time = Average Turn Around time =
( 0+13+18+23)/4=13.5 (15+19+25+28)/4 = 21.75
• Advantages
– It is easy to understand, implement and manipulate
as processes are added only at the end and
removed only from the front of queue.
– Well suited for batch systems where longer time
periods for each process are often acceptable.
• Disadvantages
– Average waiting time varies from process to
process. This is not recommended where
performance is a major issue
– It reduces CPU and I/O utilization in some
instances. There is a convoy effect as all the other
processes wait for the one big process to get off
the CPU.
– Not suitable for time sharing systems where each
process should get equal amount of CPU time
SJF Scheduling
• Non-preemptive
• According to the length of CPU burst time
• Among the ready processes, process with
shortest execution time(CPU burst time) is
selected first
• Here longer process has to wait until all
processes shorter than it has been executed
• If two processes has the same CPU burst then
they are scheduled in FCFS order
Process P1 P2 P3 P4
Arrival AWT = 5
0 1 3 4 Att=9.25
CPU burst
7 5 2 3
P1 P P4 P2
0 7 9 12 17

WT for P1 = 0-0=0 TAT for p1 = 7-0=7

WT for P2 = 12-1=11 TAT for p2=17-1=16
WT for P3=7-3=4 TAT for p3=9-3=6
WT for P4=9-4=5 TAT for p4=12-4=8
Average WT = Average TAT =
(0+11+4+5)/4 = 5ms (7+16+6+8)/4=9.25ms

– Eliminates the variance in waiting time and turn
around time

– It is little complicated to implement as the
exact length of CPU burst should be known in
– it results in starvation of long processes
• SJF can be either preemptive or non-
• This is a type of preemptive SJF scheduling
• If a new process have a short CPU burst
than the left CPU burst time of currently
executing process, preemptive SJF
scheduling will preempt the currently
Process P1 P2 P3 P4
process. AWT = 4
0 1 3 4 Att=8.25
CPU burst
7 5 2 3

Solution for the above problem : Gantt
P1 P2 P3 P2 P4 P1
0 1 3 5 8 11
WT for p1 = (0-0)+(11-1)=10 TAT for p1 = 17-0=17

WT for p2 = (1-1)+(5-3)=2 TAT for p2 = 8-1=7

WT for p3=3-3=0 TAT for p3=5-3=2

WT for p4=8-4=4 TAT for p4=11-4=7

Average WT = Average TAT =

(10+2+0+4)/4 = 4 (17+7+2+7)/4 = 8.25

• Important Problem (both preemptive and non-preemptive
Process P1 P2 P3 P4 P5
Arrival Time 0 10 10 80 85
CPU burst time 75 40 25 20 45

Non-Preemptive Gantt Chart :awt :60ms att:101ms

P1 P2 P4 P3 P5
0 75 115 135 160 205

Preemptive Gantt Chart :awt :32ms att:75ms

P1 P3 P2 P1 P4 P5 P1
0 10 35 75 80 100 145 205
• A long process near to its completion may be
favoured over short processes entering system
resulting in an improvement in turn around time
• Like SJF, it Requires to know the next CPU burst in
• Here starvation of long process may occur.
Priority Scheduling
• SJF is a special case of general priority-scheduling
algorithm (i.e. larger the CPU burst lower the priority)
• Process with highest priority will be scheduled first
• If two process with same priority comes, they are
executed in FCFS order
• It can be either preemptive or on-preemptive
• Priorities can be defined either internally(based on
measurable qty) or externally (done by OS based on
importance, type etc.)
• Here assume low numbers represent high priority
• Important processes are executed first
• Lower priority process suffers from starvation
(sometimes low priority processes waits
indefinitely for the CPU).
• One solution for the above problem is aging - as
time progresses increase the priority of the
• Problem 1(both preemptive and non-
Process P1 P2 P3 P4
0 1 3 4
CPU burst
7 4 3 2
Priority 4 3 1 2

Solution - Non-Premptive AWT :5.25 ATA:9.25

P1 P3 P4 P2
0 7 10 12 16

Solution - Premptive AWT :4 ATA:8

P1 P2 P3 P4 P2 P1
0 1 3 6 8 10

Round-Robin Scheduling
• Each process in the ready queue gets a fixed
amount of CPU time (time quantum or time slice),
usually 10-100 milliseconds.
• After this time has elapsed, the process is
preempted and added to the end of the ready queue.
• Designed mainly for time sharing systems.
• Ready queue is treated as circular queue
• RR scheduling algorithm is preemptive
• Advantages
– Efficient for time sharing systems
– Increases fairness among processes
• Disadvantages
– Even short processes may take long time to
– Requires extra hardware support such as timer
to interrupt after each time slice

Time Quantum and Context Switch Time

Showing how smaller time quantum increase context switches

Multilevel Queue
• It partition the Ready queue into several separate
queue. Eg : foreground (interactive) &
background (batch) as they have different
response time requirements .
• Processes are permanently assigned to one
queue depending on memory size, priority,
process type etc.
• Each queue has its own scheduling algorithm
– foreground – RR
– background – FCFS
Multilevel Queue Scheduling
Scheduling must be done between the queues
Fixed priority preemptive scheduling
• Each queue has absolute priority over lower priority
queues. (i.e., serve all from foreground then from
• If a process p1 enters in a higher priority queue while
a process p2 in a low priority queue is executing, then
p2 is preempted and p1 starts executing.
• There is a possibility of starvation of low priority

Time slice – each queue gets a certain amount of

CPU time which it can schedule amongst its processes;
Multilevel Feedback Queue scheduling
• This Allows a process to move between queues
• Useful to separate process with different CPU burst
• If a process use too much CPU time it is moved to
lower priority queue
• A process that waits for long time is the lower priority
queue can be moved to a higher priority queue using
aging & can prevent the starvation.
• It is the most general and most complex CPU
scheduling algorithm.
• Multilevel-feedback-queue scheduler defined by
the following parameters:
– number of queues
– scheduling algorithms for each queue
– method used to determine when to upgrade a
– method used to determine when to demote a
– method used to determine in which queue a
process will enter when that process needs
Multiple-Processor Scheduling

• CPU scheduling more complex when multiple

processors(CPUs) are available, but load sharing can
be done between these multiple processors.
• 2 types of processors
- Homogeneous processors- identical functionality
- Heterogeneous processors - different functions
and properties
• Approaches to Multiprocessor Scheduling are :
– Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) –
• Each processor is self-scheduling
• Each has its own private queue
• Ensure 2 processors do not select same process
– Asymmetric multiprocessing(AMP)
• master-slave approach
• only one processor(master) accesses the system
data structures, alleviating the need for data
• Load balancing
– It tries to keep workload evenly distributed
across all processors in an SMP system
– It is important in systems with separate queue
as when one processor is busy, others may be
– In common ready queue systems every one
gets equal load
– Load balancing has push migration (moving
process from a busy processor) and pull
migration(idle processor pulls a waiting process
from a busy processor)
• Processor Affinity
– It means an effort to make a process to run on
the same processor it was executed last time so
that the cache memory of a processor can be
used and the execution can be made faster.
– Soft affinity – no guarantee, OS tries to allocate
same processor
– Hard affinity – forces a process to run on same


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