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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
B.M. Dimataga St., Lapu-Lapu City


Section and Time: Date:

Learning Level 7
Competency Describe the components of a scientific investigation
S7MT-Ia-b-1 Quarter 1
Learning Week
Objectives Knowledge: Explain the first step of scientific method 1
Skills: Propose a problem based on the given situation
Attitudes: Display active participation in identifying the problem Day 2

Ways of Acquiring Knowledge and Solving Problems: Identification of Duration:

Topic the Problem (1st Step) 50 minutes
Resources Needed Laptop, TV monitor, 5 balls prepared from papers (different sizes)

Element of
Suggested Activities
the Plan
Awareness The students will be asked to put into sequence the different steps of scientific method and
ask: What is the first step of scientific method?
The first step of scientific method is to identify the problem.
Activity The teacher will divide the class into two groups. They will be asked to hold each paper ball
one meter from the ground and drop it from this height. Afterwards, they will have to
generate as many questions as they can for 10 minutes pertaining to their observation.

Analysis These questions will be asked to the students:

1. Why is there a need for you to observe first?
There’s a need to observe first because it will allow one to be more acquainted with the
2. What did you do after observing?
We made questions about the things we’ve observed which may be the problem in the given
3. How would you describe a problem?
A problem is a question which can be tested through an experiment.
4. How to write a problem?
Writing a problem requires an existing knowledge on the topic or issue. It may start with
which, is, are, and how. It should end up with question mark.
Abstraction What is meant by the first step of scientific method?
Application What common problem(s) did you encounter at home and in school which can be solved
through an investigation?
Assessment Directions: Read the situations and determine the problem implied in it.

1. There were group of students who conducted an experiment in which they planted identical
plants in the same pots with the same kind of soil. One pot was added with 5 grams of
fertilizer while the other has no fertilizer. They watered the plants with the same amount at
the same time of the day for two weeks.
Problem: ___________________________________________________________________.
2. Maria was tasked by her mother to prepare milk for her younger brother. She prepared two
bottles with the same amount of milk. She’s wondering if she’s going to use hot or cold water
at the same volume.

3. Mona was eating hotdog burger when accidentally the ketchup spilled on her blouse. When
she reaches home, her mother wants her to wash her blouse without decolorizing it using
either one of the two detergents provided.

Assignment Make three problems using locally available materials which may provide experimentation


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