DRYiCE SX Brochure_v5

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Service management for

everything-as-a-service delivery
Service management
delivers optimized
ways of working
that support
improved business
Struggling to operations and

deliver services in a outcomes, including

superior employee
dynamic enterprise experiences*

environment? 68% of organizations have

enterprise service management
strategies in flight

Low ROI due to underutilized service The 55% of organizations that

management platforms use their ITSM tool outside of
IT is significantly lower than the
68% with in-flight ESM
Inferior service consumption and delivery
experience for users while availing services The most shared ITSM
from multiple business applications capabilities include IM (75%),
SRM (68%) and KM (66%)
High cost of operations and maintenance
due to intricate customizations and lack 80% of organizations have
of automation reported some form of digital
transformation strategy
acceleration in recent years
Inadequately managed knowledge and
limited use of AI driven intelligence resulting
Only 5% of organizations claim
in lack of self-service and self-help
that their knowledge base is
updated and crowd-sourced
with relevant information
Ineffective governance for siloed
business applications and multi-vendor
*Source : https://www.servicedeskinstitute.
Limited business agility to adapt to
changing business requirements

What is SX?
An innovative and comprehensive AI driven service management product that accelerates
business transformation with superior onboarding and fulfillment experience across all
business functions

Key proposition

Aggregate Orchestrate Fulfill

Consolidate all IT Automated delivery Accelerated services
and business service fulfillment


No code, AI driven intelligence Device app Analytics

x Conversational x Anytime, x Visually rich,
AI driven request anywhere and ready to use
x One-click fulfillment for any device reports and
on-demand end-users access dashboards

Pre-configured HUB integration Secure design Advanced multi-

service management service tenancy deployment
x Secure
processes enabling option
x Integrations with application
enterprise-wide 3rd design x Advanced
Service delivery
party applications augmented by multi- tenancy
x Incident including LDAP, enhanced access deployment
management event management, management solution, offering
SMS gateway etc. capability using best in class
x Service request
SAML and MFA security for
management x Enabling SIAM
through seamless shared hosting
x Problem integration with across diverse
management identity providers multi functional,
x Change multi-cloud
and controlled x Comprehensive
management setups- designed
operations risk management
for dedicated
x Knowledge and control
x Integration of
management achieved by
DevOps tool chain
rich risk analysis
x Asset & config with SX service
and mitigation
management management
processes for
x Task management agile delivery
x SLA management

Self-service Pre-defined policies Robust reconciliation

portal with unified and workflows engine
service catalog with additional
x Generating single
x Highly intuitive source of truth for
single system x Orchestrated IT asset and CI data
of engagement Service delivery from enterprise
for all employee leveraging VA wide data sources
services through and Run-book
aggregated automation
service catalog

Accelerated deployment Unlocking competitive Enhanced productivity:
and improved operational advantages: x Incident deflection by
efficiency: x SX provides a value for accessing knowledge
x Rapid onboarding money enterprise-grade articles or leveraging
with consumer service management communities enhances
styled experience solution, enabling self-service and
x Elevated operational comprehensive self-help capability
intelligence and Everything-as-a- x Empowers business
automation-driven Service (XaaS) delivery admins, eliminating
end-to-end enhanced x Think XSM and not HRSM, the requirement for
efficiency Facilities or Legal specialized skills
x Uniformity of service x Realize substantial savings in administration
delivery across all/ with approximately and operations
enterprise-wide functions 70% lower total cost of x Quick insights for informed
reduces operational costs ownership compared to decision-making
x Easy upgrades and leading competitors x Improved business agility
maintenance x Effortless one-click through DevOps alignment
x Accessible anytime, on-demand upgrades
anywhere, on any x Enterprise-grade
device for employees repeatable service delivery
x Single source of truth for model for all enterprise
enterprise-wide IT and business functions at
OT data drives proper no additional charges
asset lanning and quick x No specialized skill set
identification of root cause required for administration
for service disruptions and operations

Security hardened: Quick ROI:

x Safeguard access to data x Accelerated deployment,
and apps with simplified orchestrated delivery
user experience leveraging AI,
incorporating high degree
x Secured visibility and of configurability and
authorized usage above all- significantly
across data, business lower cost of ownership
functions and entities

Success story Results Benefits
A leading IT services 1200+ services Up to 50%
company with 208K offerings improvement in
employees and consolidated to 200 user efficiency and
$11 billion in revenue operational model
was able to optimize
Up to 30% savings
its catalogs with
from SaaS-based
SX results
offerings on
hardware costs

About us
DRYiCE™ is HCLSoftware's foray into the world of AI and Intelligent Automation,
focused on transforming and simplifying enterprise IT and business operations. Our
exclusive products and platforms enable enterprises to operate in a leaner, faster and
cost-efficient manner while ensuring superior business outcomes.

Our vision focuses on

Enable a Drive Provide AI-led Facilitate business

service-oriented enterprise-wide service assurance flow intelligence
enterprise digital agility

Want to know more?

Visit our website at dryice.ai or write to us at dryicemarketing@hcl.com


About HCLSoftware
HCLSoftware, the software business division of HCLTech, fuels the Digital+ economy by developing,
marketing, selling and supporting solutions in four key areas: digital transformation; data and
analytics; AI and intelligent automation and enterprise security. HCLSoftware drives customer
success through relentless product innovation for more than 20,000 organizations, including a
majority of the Fortune 100 and almost half of the Fortune 500.

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