CN Manual
CN Manual
CN Manual
Circuits and Networks
NAM E: ............................................... .
ENROL NO: ....................................... ...
DIV:............... YEAR:........................
Faculty of Engineering and Technology
THIS IS TO CERTIFY 1HAT MR.IMS................................................................................ WITH
ENROLIMENT NO... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. OF BACHELOR IN
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . SEM
....................... HAS SATISFACTORILY COMPLETED 1HE TERM WORK IN Circuits and Networks
TERM: ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .TO . ... ... ... ... .
9 To study Z Parameters
10 To study Y Parameters
V Practical Outcome:
Determine active, reactive and apparent power consumed in given R-L series circuit and
draw phase diagram.
If V(r.m.s.) is the applied voltage across the series combination of R-L and
I(r.m.s.) is the current flowing through the circuit, then
Voltage appearing across R = VR = IR phase with current.
Voltage appearing across L = VL = IXL ......leading 90° with current.
tan = ( XJR ).
Phasor diagram:
Apparent Reactive
I Active Power
VIII Practical Circuit Diagram:
a) Sample
2 V
IX Resources required:
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Autotransformer Single phase, lkVA 01
2. A.C. Voltmeter 0-600V MI type 02
3. A.C. Ammeter 0-5Amp MI type 01
4. Rheostat 100 n, 5A 01
5. Choke coil l OOmH 01
X Precautions:
1. Initially set the autotransformer to zero position.
2. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistor and inductor series combination.
XI Procedure:
1. Select equipments, instruments and components as per the resources required table.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1.3.
3. Switch on the supply.
4. Vary the voltage by using autotransformer in steps of (say) lOOV, 150V, 200Vto
get three readings.
5. Record the values of V, I, VR and Vdn table no. 1.
6. Reduce the voltage to zero and switch off the supply.
7. Calculate the values of circuit components i.e. resistance 'R', inductive reactance
'XL' (Neglect resistance of inductor), inductance 'L'.
8. Calculate impedance 'Z' and phase angle '<!>.
9. Now calculate active, reactive and apparent power.
Measured Calculated
Sr. v I VR VL z R XL L Active Reactive Apparent
No (V) (A) (V) (V) (Q) (Q) (Q) (mH) Power Power Power
(W) (VAr) (VA)
Mean value
1. Z=( V I I ) QAlso verify Z = ..jRi + K1,,20
2. R = ( ViJ I )Q
3. XL= ( vL /I)Q
4. L = (X J 2nf ) H
5. cos = ( R I Z )
6. Active Power = ( Vlcos ) W
7. Reactive Power = ( Vlsin ) VAr
8. Apparent Power = ( VI ) VA
XVI Jlesults
1. Active Power= .................................. .
2. Reactive Power= .................................
3. Apparent Power= .............................. ..
V Practical Outcome:
Determine active, reactive and apparent power consumed in given R-C series circuit and
draw phase diagram.
VI Relevant affective domain related Outcome(s)
a. Practice good housekeeping.
b. Demonstrate working as a leader I a team member.
c. Maintain tools and equipment.
d. Observe step by step sequence of operations.
Phasor Diagram:
I Active Power
a) Sample
AC ; LJ :
(_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A) R C
(- - ···-- - - V)
IX Resources required
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Autotransformer Single phase, lkVA 01
2. AC. Voltmeter MI Type 0-600V 02
3. AC. Ammeter MI Type 0-5Amp 01
4. Rheostat 200 Q, SA 01
5. Capacitor 1.0 µF I 400V or higher value 01
X Precautions
1. Discharge the capacitor before and after use.
2. Initially set the autotransformer to zero position.
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistor and capacitor series combination.
XI Procedure
1. Select equipment, instruments and components as per the resources required table.
2. Connect the circuit as shown in figure2.3.
3. Switch on the supply.
4. Vary the voltage by using autotransformer in steps of (say) lOOV, 150V, 200V to
get three readings.
5. Record the values of V, I, VR and Vc in table no. 1.
6. Reduce the voltage to zero and switch off the supply.
7. Calculate the values of circuit components i.e. resistance 'R', capacitive
reactance 'Xe' (Neglect resistance of capacitor), capacitance 'C'.
8. Calculate impedance 'Z' and phase angle '.
9. Now calculate active, reactive and apparent
Measured Calculated
v I VR Ve z R Xe c Active Reactive Apparent
No Power Power Power
(V) (A) (V) (V) (Q)
(Q) (Q) (uF) (W) (VAr) (VA)
Mean value
2. Xe= ( Ve /I ) Q
3. C = (l/ 2rdXe ) F
4. cos = ( R I Z )
5. Active Power = ( Vlcos ) W
6. Reactive Power = ( Vlsin ) VAr
7. Apparent Power = ( VI ) VA
Practical No. 03: Mesh Analysis
I Practical Significance:
The Electrical & Electronic circuit for different systems involves a number of branches.
Many a times as per the requirement, measurement of current, voltage & power across a
branch is required. These parameters can be calculated using Mesh Analysis of the given
circuit. This experiment will help you to verify the theoretically obtained current through
a branch using mesh analysis.
• Experiments and practice:. Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine current through given branch of a electrical network by applying mesh
A B c
IX Resources required:
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Resistances 0 -lOOohm 3
2. Bread board 1
meter range depend on
3. Ammeter 1
resistance value} 1
Voltage Amp
4. 0 -30 V 1 Amp 2
X Precautions:
1. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
2. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistor & inductor series combination
XI Procedure
1. Identify the component as per the resources required
2. Connect the circuit as shown in figure
3. Switch on the supply
4. Read & note the current value.
5. Switch off the supply
Calculations: Write Kirchhoff s Voltage Equations for the meshes. Simplify the
equations. Write the equations in matrix form and find the values of mesh currents.
Current through the branch BE is the difference between mesh current 1 and mesh
current 2
XVI Jlesults
1. Observed value of current through branch BE = ............................ .
2. Calculated value of current through branch BE = ........................
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine voltage at the particular node and current through any given branch of the
network by applying nodal analysis.
VI Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s)
a. Practice good housekeeping
b. Maintain tools and equipment
c. Observe step by step sequence of operations.
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Resistances 0 -lOOohm 3
2. Bread board 1
( Meter range depend
3. Ammeter 1
on resistance value} 1
4. 0 -30 V 1 Amp 2
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter
XI Procedure
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure
2. Switch on the supply
3. Read voltage values at nodesl & node 2
4. Switch off the supply
Calculations: Write Kirchhoff s Current Equations for the nodes. Simplify the equations. Write
the equations in matrix form & find the values of nodal voltages using determinants method.
Voltage at the node is the voltage difference between node 1 & ground (Zero potential)
XVI Results
1. Observed value of voltage at node 1= ............................ .
2. Calculated value of voltage at node 1 = .........................
3. Observed value of voltage at node 2 = .............................
4. Calculated value of voltage at node 2 = .........................
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results
to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine the current through given branch& voltage across the given element of circuit by
applying Superposition theorem
Ri (D
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Resistances 0- 100 Ohm 3
2. Bread board 1
3. Ammeter l Amp 1
4. Voltage source 0 -30 V 1 Amp 2
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter
XI Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure
2. Initially keep both the switches open
3. Switch on one of the supplies,
4. Read current values II
5. Switch off the supply
6. Switch on the other supply
7. Read current value for 12
8. Switch off the supply
9. Switch on both supplies measure current I
10. Read current value for I
11. Switch off the supply
Calculations: Determine the current through the branch BD using Superposition theorem
XVI Results
1. Observed value of current through branch BDh(A)+ 12(A)=
............................ .
2. Observed value of current through branch BDI(A)= ............................ .
I Practical Significance:
The Electrical & Electronic circuit for different systems involves a number of branches.
Many a times as per the requirement, measurement of current, voltage & power across a
branch is required. These parameters of the circuit can be calculated using Thevenins
theorem and Norton's theorem. This experiment will help you to verify the theoretically
obtained current through a branch using Thevenin's theorem & Norton's theorem.
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine equivalent circuit parameter in a given circuit by applying Thevenin's and
Norton's theorem.
Statement of Norton's theorem:- Any linear bilateral network having two terminals A and
B can be replaced by a current source of a current output IN in parallel with a resistance
RN. The output current IN of the current source is equal to the current that would flow
through AB when A and B are short circuited. The resistance RN is the resistance of the
network measured between A and B with load removed & the sources of e.m.f. replaced
by their internal resistances. Ideal voltage sources replaced with short circuits and ideal
current sources are replaced with open circuit.
oltage source
Voltmeter (DC)
Voltage source
(C) To measure resistance RN or RTH
Voltage source
\Voltage source
+ Ammeter(DC)
Figu re 11.1:
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Resistances 0 -100 Ohm 3
2. Bread board 1
3. Ammeter 1 Amp 1
4. Voltage source 0 -30 V DC 1 Amp 1
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter
XI Procedure:
A. To find Thevenin's equivalent
1. Replace the resistance through which current is to be found out, with an ammeter.
2. Switch on the supply.
3. Note down the reading of the ammeter IN i.e. across removed resistance
4. Switch off the supply.
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity
No. /Components
1. Resistances
2. Bread board
3. Ammeter
4. Voltage source
XIII Actual procedure followed
XVI Results
1. Thevenin's equivalent circuit parameter VTH& RTH ............................ .
2. Norton's equivalent circuit parameters=IN& RN ........................... ..
XVII Interpretation of results:
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results
to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine the load resistance for maximum power transfer for a given circuit by
applying maximum power transfer theorem
Woltage source
Sr. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No /Components
1 Resistances 3
2 Bread board 1
3 Ammeter 1 Amp 1
Voltage 0 -30 V DC 1
4 2
source Amp
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter
XI Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure
2. Switch on the supply
3. Read the power through load, by varying the load resistance in steps
4. Reduce the supply voltage
5. Switch off the supply
6. Measure the load resistance according to steps
XVI Results
1. Maximum power transferred= watts
2. Value of load resistance corresponding to maximum power= Q
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Test the response of the given circuit by applying reciprocity theorem.
Rl R2 Rl R2
El R3 R3 El
(I) (II)
(A) R3
Voltage source
IX Resources required
Instrument Quantit
S. No. Specification Remarks
/Components y
1 Resistances 2
2 Bread board 1
3 Ammeter 50mA 1
4 5V DC 2
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter.
XI Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1.(I)
2. Switch on the supply
3. Read current of ammeter
4. Switch off the supply
5. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1.(II)
6. Switch on the supply again
7. Read the current of ammeter
8. Switch off the supply
Sr. No.
XVI Results
1. Value of current as per circuit diagram 1 =
2. Value of current as per circuit diagram 2 =
• Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the
results to solve broad-based Digital Electronics/Industrial Electronics/Electronics &
Telecommunication problems.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine open circuit (Z) parameters for the given network.
1 Input Output
terminals terminals
Figure 15.1
Z Parameters
V2=Z211l+ Z22 12
Zl 1=Vl/11 at 12=0;
Z21=V2/11 atl2=0;
Z12=Vl/ 12 at
11=O; Z22=V2/12
at 11=0
Input =V1
Am meter
Voltmeter =VI
Input =Vt R3
sou rce
IX Resources required
Following Table Format Should be Single Line
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1 Resistances 3
2 Bread board 1
3 Ammeter l Amp 1
4 Voltage source 0 -30 V 1 Amp 2
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position.
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply.
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter.
XI Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1
2. Switch on the supply
3. Measure the voltage across terminal 2
4. Read ammeter reading for I1
5. Switch off the supply
6. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2
7. Switch on the supply
8. Measure the voltage across terminal 1
9. Read ammeter reading for 12
Zl 1=Vl/11 at
12=0; Z21=V2/11
atl2=0; Z12=Vl/12
at 11=O;
Z22=V2/12 at 11=0
-'l\71 Results
I Practical Significance:
A two port network is an electric circuit with two input ports & two output ports. The
examples of two port network are bridge circuits, filters, transformers, etc. At the input
terminals the external signals are fed & are transmitted through the network to the output
terminals. It is useful in determining the performance of the circuit network & design
filters. Y parameters represents the circuit.
V Practical Outcome:
Determine short circuit (Y) parameters for the given network.
1 Input Output
terminals terminals
Y Parameters
h= Y11V1+ Y12 V2
I2=Y21VI+ Y22V2
Yl 1=Il N l at
V2=0; Y21=12N l
at V2=0;
Y12=11N2 at Vl
=O; Y22=12N2 at
Input =Vl R3 V2=0
(B) Rl R2
IX Resources required
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Resistances
2. Breadboard
3. Power supply 0 -30 V 1 Amp
4. Connecting leads
5. Voltmeter 0 -50 V
6. Ammeter l Amp
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter
XI Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1
2. First short the output terminals & connect the 5V supply to Input terminals
3. Read ammeter reading for 11
4. Read ammeter reading for 12
5. Switch off the supply
6. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2
7. Short the input terminals & connect the 5V supply Output terminals
8. Read ammeter reading for I1
9. Read ammeter reading for 12
10. Switch off the supply
XII Resources used (with major specifications)
XVI Results
V Practical Outcome:
Determine transmission line parameters A, B, C, and D for the given network.
1 Output terminals
2 terminal s
A, B, C, D Parameters
A=V1N2 at 12 =0;
B=Vl/12 at V2=0;
C=I1N2 at 12=0;
D=Il/12 at V2=0
Input =Vt
A mmeter
IX Resources required
s. Instrument
Specification Quantity Remarks
No. /Components
1. Resistances
2. Breadboard
3. Power supply 0 -30 v 1 Amp DC
5. Voltmeter 0 -50 V
6. Ammeter l Amp
X Precautions
1. Keep the resistances at maximum position
2. Check the connection before connecting circuit to supply
3. Apply voltage as per rating of the resistors, ammeter
XI Procedure:
1. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 1
2. First keep the output terminals open & connect the 5V supply to Input terminals
3. Read ammeter reading for Il
4. Read voltmeter reading for V2
5. Switch off the supply
6. Connect the circuit as shown in figure 2
7. First short the output terminals & connect the 5V supply to Input terminals
8. Read ammeter reading for Il
9. Read ammeter reading for I2
Sr. No. Vl(V) V2(V) ll(A) l2(A) Parameter
1 - 0 A
2 0 - B(O)
3 - 0 C(n-1>
4 - 0 D
XVI Results