Parallel and Distributed Computing Module I

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Lesson 1 Parallelism

Lesson 2 Parallelism

Lesson 3 Communication and


Lesson 4 Parallel Architecture

Module I



The module provides students with fundamentals of distributed

systems and parallel computing and state-of-the-art tools that enable
students to understand the concepts and principles underpinning distributed
systems and utilize industry standard tools. Students are then prepared to
specialize further in the field of distributed systems and parallel computing,
e.g., in big data analytics or as scientific programmer.


After studying the module, you should be able to:

1. describe the advantages of parallel from sequential computing;

2. parallelize an algorithm using different decomposition techniques;
3. describe at least one design technique for avoiding deadlocks; and
4. describe the key performance challenges in different memory and
distributed system topologies.


There are four lessons in the module. Read each lesson carefully then
answer the exercises/activities to find out how much you have benefited from
it. Work on these exercises carefully and submit your output to your instructor
or to the College of Computer Science office.

In case you encounter difficulty, discuss this with your instructor during
the face-to-face meeting. If not contact your instructor at the College of
Computer Science office.

Good luck and happy reading!!!

Module I

Lesson 1

 Parallelism Fundamentals

Parallel Versus Serial Computing

Computer software were written conventionally for serial computing.

This meant that to solve a problem, an algorithm divides the problem into
smaller instructions. These discrete instructions are then executed on Central
Processing Unit of a computer one by one. Only after one instruction is
finished, next one starts.

Real life example of this would be people standing in a queue waiting

for movie ticket and there is only cashier. Cashier is giving ticket one by one
to the persons. Complexity of this situation increases when there are 2 queues
and only one cashier.

So, in short Serial Computing is following:

1. A problem statement is broken into discrete instructions.

2. Then the instructions are executed one by one.
3. Only one instruction is executed at any moment of time.

Look at statement 3. This was causing a huge problem in computing

industry as only one instruction was getting executed at any moment of time.
This was a huge waste of hardware resources as only one part of the hardware
will be running for a particular instruction and of time. As problem
statements were getting heavier and bulkier, so does the amount of time in
execution of those statements.

We could definitely say that complexity will decrease when there are
2 queues and 2 cashier giving tickets to 2 persons simultaneously. This is an
example of Parallel Computing.

Parallel Computing is the use of multiple processing elements

simultaneously for solving any problem. This is accomplished by breaking
the problem into independent parts so that each processing element can
execute its part of the algorithm simultaneously with the others. It has been
an area of active research interest and application for decades, mainly the
focus of high-performance computing, but is now emerging as the prevalent
computing paradigm due to the semiconductor industry’s shift to multi-core

Serial computing systems have just one processor. Although modern

processors are very fast, performing calculations in milliseconds or less, these
systems are still limited in speed. The processor performs one calculation at
a time, then loads some new data and performs another

Module I

calculation. It does this in a rapid-fire fashion, over and over and over

Parallel computing systems, on the other hand, can have many

computer processors working in tandem. Part of the computer breaks each
big problem down into many smaller calculations. The central processor
then assigns each of these smaller calculations to one of many processors.
Each processor works on its share of the problem by itself, at the same time
as all the other processors. When the processors are done with their small
calculations, they report their results back to the central processor, which
then assigns them more work. Although a small amount of performance is lost
due to the need to coordinate tasks, the overall increase in computing
efficiency is very, very large when tackling complex computational projects.

Table 1.1 shows the main differences between Serial and Parallel

Table 1.1 Serial Computing versus Parallel Computing

One task is completed at a time and Multiple tasks are completed at a
all the tasks are executed by the time by different processors
processor in sequence
There is a single processor There are multiple processors
Lower performance Higher performance
Workload of the processor is higher Workload per processor is lower
Data transfers are in bit by bit Data transfers are in byte form (8
format bits)
Requires more time to complete the Requires less time to complete the
task task
Cost is lower Cost is higher

Why Do We Need Parallel Computing?

Some of the reasons why we need to utilize parallel computing are as


• Saves time and money. Parallel usage of more resources shortens the
task completion time, with potential cost saving. Parallel clusters can
be constructed from cheap components.
• Solve Larger Problems. Complex and large problems that are
impractical to solve by a single computer especially with limited
• Support Non-Local Resources. Network wide computer resources can
be utilized in scarcity at local resources.
• Parallel computing models the real world. Things don’t happen one
at a time, waiting for one event to finish before the next one starts.
To crunch numbers on data points in weather, traffic, finance,
industry, agriculture, oceans, ice caps, and healthcare, we need
parallel computers.

Module I

Limitations of Parallel Computing

Parallel computing has also its overheads. Listed below are the current
limitations of parallel computing:

• Transmission Speed. Transmission speed is relatively low as depends

upon, how fast data can move through hardware. Transmission media
limitations make data transmission low.
• Difficult Programming. It is difficult to write Algorithms and computer
programs supporting parallel computing as it requires integration of
complex instructions.
• Communication and Synchronization. Communication and
synchronization between the sub tasks are typically one of the greatest
obstacles to get good parallel program performance.

Parallelism Versus Concurrency

In programming, concurrency is the composition of independently

executing processes, while parallelism is the simultaneous execution of
possibly related computations. Concurrency is about dealing with lots of
things at once. Parallelism is about doing lots of things at once.

Figure 1.1 illustrates the difference of Parallelism from Concurrency.

Figure 1.1 Analogy of Processes to Coffee Machine Queues


Module I

Demonstrate a real world task that can be solved by serial
computing (ex. Sorting a deck of cards). Then, demonstrate how
to solve the same task using parallel computing. Indicate how
many seconds are consumed per demonstration. Finally,
identify which computing paradigm has the least execution

Give at least three (3) complex problems that cannot be
solved by serial computing.


Module I

Lesson 2

 Parallelism Decomposition


In parallel computing, the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks is

the key to reducing the time required to solve an entire problem. Tasks are
programmer-defined units of computation into which the main computation
is subdivided by means of decomposition. Decomposition is the process of
dividing a computation into smaller parts, some or all of which may
potentially be executed in parallel.

There are three types of decompositions:

1. Fine-grained decomposition. A program is broken down to a large
number of small tasks. These tasks are assigned individually to many
processors. The amount of work associated with a parallel task is
low and the work is evenly distributed among the processors which
is know as load balancing.
2. Course-grained decomposition. A program is split into small
number of large tasks. Due to this, a large amount of computation
takes place in processors. This might result in load imbalance,
wherein certain tasks process the bulk of the data while others
might be idle.
3. Medium-grained decomposition. It is a compromise between fine-
grained and coarse-grained parallelism, where we have task size
and communication time greater than fine-grained parallelism and
lower than coarse-grained parallelism.

To further compare the three types of decomposition, consider a 10X10

image that needs to be processed, given that, processing of the 100 pixels is
independent of each other.

Fine-grained decomposition: Assume there are 100 processors that

are responsible for processing the 10*10 image. Ignoring the communication
overhead, the 100 processors can process the 10*10 image in 1 clock cycle.
Each processor is working on 1 pixel of the image and then communicates the
output to other processors.

Coarse-grained decomposition: If the processors are reduced to 2,

then the processing will take 50 clock cycles. Each processor need toprocess
50 elements which increases the computation time, but the communication
overhead decreases as the number of processors which share data decreases.

Module I

Medium-grained decomposition: Consider that there are 25

processors processing the 10*10 image. The processing of the image will now
take 4 clock cycles.

Figure 1.2 shows different pseudocodes used by the three types of


Figure 1.2 Pseudocodes Used by the Three Types of Decomposition

Decomposition Techniques

As mentioned earlier, one of the fundamental steps to solve a problem

in parallel is to split the computations to be performed into a set of tasks. In
this section, some commonly used decomposition techniques for achieving
parallelism are discussed. These techniques are broadly classified as
recursive decomposition, data decomposition, exploratory decomposition,
and speculative decomposition:

1. Recursive decomposition. It is a method for inducing parallelism

in problems that can be solved using the divide-and-conquer
strategy. In this technique, a problem is solved by first dividing it
into a set of independent subproblems. Each one of these
subproblems is solved by recursively applying a similar division into
smaller subproblems followed by a combination of their results.

A classic example of a divide-and-conquer algorithm on which

recursive decomposition can be applied is Quicksort.

Figure 1.3 The quicksort task-dependency graph based on recursive


Module I

In this example, a task represents the work of partitioning a

subarray. Note that each subarray represents an independent
subtask. This can be repeated recursively.

2. Data decomposition. In this method, the decomposition of

computations is done in two steps. In the first step, the data on
which the computations are performed is partitioned, and in the
second step, this data partitioning is used to induce a partitioning
of the computations into tasks. The operations that these tasks
perform on different data partitions are usually similar or are
chosen from a small set of operations.

As an example, let us Consider the problem of multiplying two

n x n matrices A and B to yield matrix C. The output matrix C can
be partitioned into four submatrices as follows:

Figure 1.4 Partitioning of input and output matrices into 2x2 submatrices

3. Exploratory decomposition. It is used to decompose problems

whose underlying computations correspond to a search of a space
for solutions. In exploratory decomposition, the search space is
partitioned into smaller parts, and search each one of these parts
concurrently, until the desired solutions are found.

Exploratory decomposition can be used in a task such as looking

for the best move in a Tic Tac Toe game. Each process will look for
possible best moves for the opponent recursively eventually using
more processes. When it finds the result, it sends it back to the
parent. The parent selects the best move from all of the results
received from the child.

Module I

Figure 1.5 Using exploratory decomposition in a Tic Tac Toe Game

4. Speculative decomposition. It is used when a program may take

one of many possible computationally significant branches
depending on the output of other computations that precede it. In
this situation, while one task is performing the computation whose
output is used in deciding the next computation, other tasks can
concurrently start the computations of the next stage.

Consider the situation of a switch statement in a program.

Usually, the value of the expression the switch is based on is waited
to be known and execute only the case corresponding to it. In
speculative decomposition some or all of the cases are executed in
advance. When the value of the expression is known, only the
results from the computation to be executed in that case is kept.
The gain in performance comes from anticipating the possible

Figure 1.6 Speculative Decomposition in Sequential and Parallel programming


Module I

In this exercise, the goal is to add a series of 16 random numbers.
Addition can only be performed between two numbers at any
given time, and it assumed that it takes the same amount of time
to add any two numbers. Thus, one addition operation takes one
time step. Each number is written down on a separate note card.
For further clarification, take note of the following sample

Serial case:
One student is given the set of 16 random numbers and
is asked to add them up. To add 16 numbers, it takes a total of
15 addition operations.

Parallel case (Two Students):

Each student is given a subset of 8 numbers. Each student
adds their 8 numbers together on their own piece of paper.
Student 1 then writes their total on a note-card andhands it to
student 2. Student 2 then adds their total with the total they
received from student 1 to yield the final total. To add8 numbers,
a total of 7 addition operations are required. Since each student
performed their additions simultaneously and in parallel, a total of
7-time steps are required. The final global sum requires an
additional time step. Therefore 8 total time steps are required.

1. What is the total number of time steps for four
2. What is the total number of time steps for eight

Module I

Lesson 3

 Communication and Coordination


Parallel tasks typically need to exchange data so they can stay in sync
concerning changes in data values. Processors will rely on software to
communicate with each other. Each processor will operate normally and will
perform operations in parallel as instructed, pulling data from the computer’s
memory. Assuming all the processors remain in sync with one another, at the
end of a task, software will fit all the data pieces together.

Communications can be accomplished through a shared memory or

over a network. However, as the number of processors in parallel systems
increases, the time it takes for a processor to communicate with other
processors also increases. When the number of processors is somewhere in
the range of several dozens, the performance benefit of adding more
processors to the system is too small to justify the additional expense. To get
around the problem of long communication times, a message passing system
was created. In these systems, processors that share data send messages to
each other to announce that particular operands have been assigned a new
value. Instead of a broadcast of an operand's new value toall processors in
the system, the new value is communicated only to those processors that need
to know the new value. Instead of shared memory, there is a network to
support the transfer of messages between programs. This simplification allows
hundreds, even thousands, of processors to work together efficiently in one

Types of Communication Between Processors

The types of communication strategies among processors in parallel

computing are shown in Figure 3.1:

Figure 3.1 The different types or modes of communication among processors: (a) one to
one, (b) one to many, (c) broadcast (one to all), and (d) gather and reduce.

Module I

1. One to One (Unicast). It involves a pair of processors: the sender

and the receiver. This mode is sometimes referred to as point - to
- point communication. Figure 3.1a shows the one to one mode of
communication between processors. The figure only shows
communication among a pair of processors, but typically, all
processors could be performing the one to one communication at
the same time.
2. One to Many (Multicast). One to many operation involves one
sender processor and several receiver processors. Figure 3.1b shows
the one to many mode of communication between processors. The
figure only shows communication of one source processor to
multiple receiving processors, but typically, all processors could be
performing the one to many communication at the same time.
3. One to All (Broadcast). Broadcast operation involves sending the
same data to all the processors in the system. Figure 3.1c shows the
broadcast mode of communication between processors. This mode
is useful in supplying data to all processors. It might also imply one
processor acting as the sender and the other processors receiving
the data.
4. Gather. Gather operation involves collecting data from several or
all processors of the system. Figure 3.1d shows the gather mode of
communication between processors.
5. Reduce. Reduce operation is similar to gather operation except
that some operation is performed on the gathered data. Figure 3.1d
shows the reduce mode of communication between processors. An
example of the reduce operation is when all data produced by all
the processors must be added to produce one finalvalue. This task
might take a long time when there are many data to be reduced.


Coordination of concurrent tasks is called synchronization.

Synchronization is necessary for correctness. The key to successful parallel
processing is to divide up tasks so that very little synchronization is necessary.

The amount of synchronization depends on the amount of resources

and the number of users and tasks working on the resources. Little
synchronization may be needed to coordinate a small number of concurrent
tasks, but lots of synchronization may be necessary to coordinate many
concurrent tasks.

A great deal of time spent in synchronization indicates high contention

for resources. Too much time spent in synchronization can diminish the
benefits of parallel processing. With less time spent in synchronization, better
processing speedup can be achieved.

Module I

Race Condition

Without coordination among processors, a problem called race

condition may arise. A race condition is a condition of a program where its
behavior depends on relative timing or interleaving of multiple processes. One
or more possible outcomes may be undesirable, resulting in a bug.

For example, let as assume that two threads each increment the value
of a global integer variable by 1. Typically, the following sequence of
operations would take place as shown of Figure 3.2:

Figure 3.2 A Typical Execution of Two Threads

In the case shown above, the final value is 2, as expected. However,

if the two threads run simultaneously without communication, the outcome
of the operation could be wrong. The alternative sequence of operations as
shown in Figure 3.3 demonstrates this scenario:

Figure 3.3 An Alternative Execution of Two Threads

In this case, the final value is 1 instead of the correct result of 2. This
occurs because here the increment operations are not mutually exclusive.
Mutually exclusive operations are those that cannot be interrupted while
accessing some resource such as a memory location.

Module I

To avoid race condition, a synchronization method is needed. Mutual

Exclusion is one way of process synchronization making sure that if one
process is using a shared variable or file, the other processes will be excluded
from doing the same things.

Types of Mutual Exclusion Devices

Implementing mutual exclusion can be done using the following


1. Locks. These mechanisms enforce limits on access to a resource

when there are many threads of execution. Most locking designs
block the execution of the thread requesting the lock until it is
allowed to access the locked resource.
2. Readers-Writer Mutex. These mutexes are typically used for
protecting shared data that is seldom updated, but cannot be safely
updated if any thread is reading it. The reading threadsthus take
shared ownership while they are reading the data. When the data
needs to be modified, the modifying thread first takes exclusive
ownership of the mutex, thus ensuring that no other thread is
reading it, then releases the exclusive lock after the modification
has been done.
3. Semaphores. These are variables that is non-negative and shared
between threads. Semaphores are signaling mechanism, and a
thread that is waiting on a semaphore can be signaled by another
4. Monitors. These mechanisms provides a structured synchronization
mechanism built on top of object-orientedconstructs. Monitors are
abstract data types and contain shared data variables and
procedures. The shared data variables cannot be directly accessed
by a process and procedures are required to allow a single process
to access the shared data variables at a time.
5. Barriers. These mechanisms divide a program into phases by
requiring all threads to reach it before any of them can proceed to
avoid conflicting access to shared data. Code that is executed after
a barrier cannot be concurrent with code executed before the


While synchronization methods are effective for protecting shared

state, they come with a catch. Because they cause processes to wait oneach
other, they are vulnerable to deadlock, a situation in which two or more
processes are stuck, waiting for each other to finish.

As an example, consider two processes that uses locks. Suppose there

are two locks, x_lock and y_lock, and they are used as follows:

Module I

P1 P2
acquire x_lock: ok acquire y_lock: ok
acquire y_lock: wait acquire x_lock: wait
wait wait
wait wait
wait wait
... ...

The resulting situation is a deadlock. P1 and P2 are each holding onto

one lock, but they need both in order to proceed. P1 is waiting for P2 to
release y_lock, and P2 is waiting for P1 to release x_lock. As a result,neither
can proceed.

Generally, deadlocks can occur in in any system that satisfies the four
conditions below:

1. Mutual Exclusion Condition: a resource is either assigned to one

process or it is available
2. Hold and Wait Condition: processes already holding resources
may request new resources
3. No Preemption Condition: only a process holding a resource
may release it
4. Circular Wait Condition: two or more processes form a circular
chain where each process requests a resource that the next process
in the chain hold

The Dining Philosophers Problem

The dining philosophers problem is the classical problem of

synchronization which says that Five philosophers are sitting around a circular
table and their job is to think and eat alternatively. A bowl of noodles is
placed at the center of the table along with five chopsticks for each of the
philosophers. To eat a philosopher needs both their right and a left chopstick.
A philosopher can only eat if both immediate left and right chopsticks of the
philosopher is available. In case if both immediate left and right chopsticks of
the philosopher are not available then the philosopher puts down their (either
left or right) chopstick and starts thinking again.

Figure 3.4 The Dining Philosophers Problem

Module I

The dining philosopher demonstrates a large class of concurrency

control problems hence it's a classic synchronization problem. For example,
let’s consider P0, P1, P2, P3, and P4 as the philosophers or processes andC0,
C1, C2, C3, and C4 as the 5 chopsticks or resources between each philosopher.
Now if P0 wants to eat, both resources/chopstick C0 and C1 must be free,
which would leave in P1 and P4 void of the resource and the process wouldn't
be executed, which indicates there are limited resources(C0,C1..) for
multiple processes(P0, P1..)

The solution to the process synchronization problem is Semaphore. A

semaphore is an integer used in solving critical sections.

The critical section is a segment of the program that allows you to

access the shared variables or resources. In a critical section, an atomic action
(independently running process) is needed, which means that only single
process can run in that section at a time.

Semaphore has 2 atomic operations: wait() and signal(). If the value

of its input S is positive, the wait() operation decrements, it is used to acquire
resource while entry. No operation is done if S is negative or zero. The value
of the signal() operation's parameter S is increased, it used to release the
reource once critical section is executed at exit.

Here's an explanation of the solution:

void Philosopher
// Section where the philosopher is using chopstick
wait(use_resource[(x + 1) % 5]);
// Section where the philosopher is thinking
signal(free_resource[(x + 1) % 5]);

The wait() operation is implemented when the philosopher is using

the resources while the others are thinking. Here, the threads
use_resource[x] and use_resource[(x + 1) % 5] are being executed.

After using the resource, the signal() operation signifies the

philosopher using no resources and thinking. Here, the threads
free_resource[x] and free_resource[(x + 1) % 5] are being executed.

In conclusion, no two nearby philosophers can eat at the same time

using the aforesaid solution to the dining philosopher problem because this
situation causes a deadlock.

Module I
Deadlock Detection Using a Resource Allocation Graph

Detecting a deadlock in a parallel system can be done using a Resource

Allocation Graph. A Resource Allocation Graph (RAG) is the pictorial
representation of the state of a system. As its name suggests, the resource
allocation graph is the complete information about all the processes which
are holding some resources or waiting for some resources.It also contains
the information about all the instances of all the resources whether they are
available or being used by the processes.

There are two components of the RAG:

1. Vertices. These are used to represent a process or a resource. Two

type of vertices are used, process vertices and resourcevertices.
a. Process Vertices are represented by circles.
b. Resource Vertices are represented by rectangles.

There are two types of resource vertices, single instance and

multiple instances. In single instance resource type, single dot
inside the rectangle is used. The single dot indicates that there is
one instance of the resource. In multiple instance resource type,
multiple dots inside the rectangle is used. Multiple dots indicate
that there are various instances of the resources.
2. Edges. These are used to represent an assignment of a resource or
requesting state of a process. Two types of edges are used, assign
edges and request edges.
a. Assign edges represent the allocation of resources to the
process. Assign edges are drawn with the help of arrow in
which the arrow head points the process, and the process tail
points the instance of the resource.
b. Request edges signify the waiting state of the process. Just
like in assign edge, an arrow is used to draw arrow edge.
Here, the arrow head points the instance of a resource, and
tail of the process points to the process.

An example of a RAG is shown in Figure 3.4. Two processes P1, and P2

and two resources which are R1, and R2 can be seen in the figure. This
example is a kind of single instance resource type, and it contain a cycle, so
there is a deadlock in the system.

Module I

Figure 3.4 A RAG with a Single Instance Resource Type

An Example of a Multiple Instance Resource Type RAG is shown in Figure

3.5. The term multiple instances means the resources are havingmore
instances. In the following example, three processes, which are P1, P2, and,
P3 and three resources, which are R1, and two instances of R2.

Figure 3.4 A RAG with a Multiple Instance Resource Type

Even though a cycle is present in the graph above, all the processes
can be executed successfully because of the extra resource instance of R2.
If P3 finished its task, P1 can now have access to R2. If P1 finished its task,
P2 can finally access R1 and also finish its task. Thus, no deadlock is present
in the system.


Module I

Lesson 4

 Parallel Architectures

Shared Memory versus Distributed Memory Based Architecture

Parallel computing architecture can be classified based on the

communication model used. The two models are Shared Memory and
Distributed Memory:

Shared Memory are the models that rely on the shared memory
multiprocessors. Shared memory based parallel programming models
communicate by sharing the data objects in the global address space.Shared
memory models assume that all parallel activities can access all of memory.
Communication between parallel activities is through shared mutable state
that must be carefully managed to ensure correctness. Synchronization
primitives such as locks are used to enforce thismanagement.

Shared memory models can be further divided into two main classes
based upon memory access times which are the Uniform Memory Access (UMA)
and Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA).

Module I

Figure 4.1 Uniform Memory Access (UMA) Model

Figure 4.1 shows the Uniform Memory Access model. In this model, a
single memory is used and accessed by all the processors with the help of
interconnection network. Each processor has equal memory accessing time
(latency) and access speed.

Figure 4.2 Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) Model

Figure 4.2 shows the Non-Uniform Memory Access model. This model
is also a multiprocessor model in which each processor is connected with the
dedicated memory. However, these small parts of the memory combine to
make a single address space. Unlike UMA, the access time of the memory
relies on the distance where the processor is placed which means varying
memory access time. It allows access to any of the memory location by
using the physical address.

Table 4.1 below presents the comparison between UMA and NUMA:

Table 4.1 Key Differences Between UMA and NUMA

Uses one or two memory controllers Uses multiple memory controllers
Single, multiple and crossbar busses Hierarchical, tree type busses, and
are used for communication network connection are used for
Memory accessing time for each Memory accessing time changes as
processor is the same the distance of memory from the
processor changes
Suitable for general purpose and Suitable for real-time and time-
time-sharing applications critical centric applications
Work slower than NUMA Faster than UMA
Have limited bandwidth More bandwidth than UMA

The advantages of the Shared Memory model are listed below:

Module I

1. Data sharing between tasks is both fast and uniform due to the
proximity of memory to CPUs
2. Avoids redundant data copies by managing shared data in main
memory in caches
3. There is no need to write explicit code for processor interaction
and communication

The disadvantages of the Shared Memory model are as follows:

1. Adding more CPUs can increase traffic on the shared memory

path, thus making the speed of processor communication slower
2. It is expensive to design and produce shared memory machines
3. Often encounter data races and deadlocks during programming

On the other hand, Distributed Memory based architectures refer to

multiprocessor computer systems in which each processor has its own private
memory. Computational tasks can only operate on local data, and if remote
data is required, the computational task must communicate withone or
more remote processors. A communication network is required to connect
inter-processor memory in this model. Figure 4.3 shows the Distributed
memory model:

Figure 4.3 Distributed Memory Model

The advantages of Distributed Memory model are enumerated as


1. Increasing the number of processors also increases the size of the

memory proportionately
2. Each processor can rapidly access its own memory without
affecting the other processors’ memory
3. Avoids the data races and as a consequence the programmer is
freed from using locks
4. The hardware requirement is low, less complex and comes at very
low cost

The disadvantages of Distributed Memory model are listed below:

1. Programmer is responsible for establishing communication

between processors

Module I

2. Can incur high communication overhead among processors

Flynn’s Taxonomy

Parallel computing architecture can be further classified based on the

data and the operations performed on this data. This famous processor
classification called Flynn’s Taxonomy, was proposed by Michael J. Flynn, an
American professor emeritus at Stanford University. It is composed of four
classifications which are described below:

1. Single Instruction, Single Data (SISD). It is a sequential computer

which exploits no parallelism in either the instruction or data
streams. In SISD, machine instructions are processed in a sequential
manner and computers adopting this model are popularly called
sequential computers. Examples of SISD architecture are the
traditional uniprocessor machines like older personal computers,
mainframes, and single-instruction-unit-CPU workstations. Figure
4.4 shows the diagram of an SISD model. The speed of the
processing element in the SISD model is limited by the rate at which
the computer can transfer information internally.

Figure 4.4 Single Instruction, Single Data (SISD) Model


2. Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD). It is a multiprocessor

computer capable of executing the same instruction on all the CPUs
but operating on different data streams. Each processor has its own
data in a local memory, and the processors exchange data among
themselves through simple communication schemes. Many scientific
and engineering applications lend themselves to parallel processing
using this scheme. Examples of such applications include graphics
processing, video compression, and medical image analysis. Figure
4.5 illustrates the SIMD model. The "single" in single-instruction
doesn't mean that there's only one instruction unit, as it does in
SISD, but rather that there's only one instruction stream, and this
instruction stream is executed by multiple processing units on
different pieces of data, all at the same time, thus achieving

Module I

Figure 4.5 Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD) Model


3. Multiple Instruction, Single Data (MISD). It is a multiprocessor

computer capable of executing different instructions on different
CPUs but all of them operating on the same dataset. This is an
uncommon architecture which is generally used for fault tolerance.
Figure 4.6 describes the MISD model. A few machines are built with
this model, but none of them are available commercially.

Figure 4.6 Multiple Instruction, Single Data (MISD) Model


4. Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data (MIMD). It is a multiprocessor

machine which is capable of executing multiple instructions on
multiple data sets. Each CPU in the MIMD model has separate
instruction and data streams. Figure 4.7 shows the diagram of an
MIMD model. The most general of all of the major classifications,
an MIMD machine is capable of being programmed to operate as if
it were an SISD, SIMD, and MISD.

Figure 4.7 Multiple Instruction, Multiple Data (MIMD) Model


Flynn's classification can be described by an analogy from the

manufacture of automobiles:

Module I

• SISD is analogous to the manufacture of an automobile by just one

person doing all the various tasks, one at a time.
• MISD can be compared to an assembly line where each worker
performs one specialized task or set of specialized tasks on the
results of the previous workers accomplishment. Workers perform
the same specialized task for each result given to them by the
previous worker, similar to an automobile moving down an assembly
• SIMD is comparable to several workers performing the same tasks
concurrently. After all workers are finished, another task is given
to the workers. Each worker constructs an automobile by himself
doing the same task at the same time. Instructions for the next task
are given to each worker at the same time and from the same
• MIMD is like SIMD except the workers do not perform the same
task concurrently, each constructs an automobile independently
following his own set of instructions.

If you were to implement a program that requires several
processor to frequently exchange data, what parallel computing
architecture would you utilize? Is it shared memory or
distributed memory model? Justify your answer in at most ten
sentences only.


Module I


In module I, you have learned about the basic information assurance

and security principles. You have learned their meanings, importance and
kinds. You have also understood the information security needs of certain
information systems.

Congratulations! You have just studied Module I. Now you are ready to
evaluate how much you have benefited from your reading by answering the
summative test. Good Luck!!!

Module I

Directions: Answer the following questions concisely. If possible, cite your
references to support your answer.

1. What are the two primary reasons for using parallel computing?

2. In what instances does a coarse-grained decomposition better

than fine-grained decomposition?

Module I

3. Will adding more processor always speed up a parallel system?

Why or why not?

4. Is giving each CPU in an MIMD machine identical instructions to

execute cause it to operate like an SIMD machine? Justify your

Module I

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