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Table of contents Gloom of Kilforth

1. Components p3
2. Setup p4 The land of Kilforth is a perilous domain filled
3. Card Anatomy p5 with nefarious monsters, mysterious strangers and
treacherous locations. Throughout the land, various
4. Winning the Game p10 factions vie for power - the supposedly noble Order
5. Playing the Game p10 of the Rose, the terrifying Doom Guard, and the
6. Daylight Phase p11 evil Overlord Masklaw to name a few. At the heart
7. Hero Turn p11 of Kilforth is the Sprawl, a huge city where intrepid
heroes begin their journey to fame and fortune. Over
8. Actions p12
the coming month, a deadly ‘gloom’ will descend upon
9. Engagement p18 Kilforth, through which the heroes must battle to
10. Deeds p19 prove their worth, defeat a primordial evil, and save
11. Night Phase p22 the land from darkness.
12. Additional Rules p22
Gloom of Kilforth is a game of high fantasy
13. Rules Reference Guide p23
with a gothic edge, where 1-4 players, working
14. Summaries p26 individually or together, assume the roles of heroes
on a journey through a dark world of magic and
Credits peril. They will visit strange places, stranger people
and defeat powerful enemies in their mission to
Game Design & Development: Tristan Hall discover mysterious artefacts and mystical spells.
Music: Francesca L Hall Each player follows their hero’s tale, an epic saga
Art: Ania Kryczkowska, Roman Hodek, Jackie Brown
from modest beginnings through to a climactic
battle that will decide the fate of the world.
Graphic Design: Tom Howard, Darren Marks

Rules Editing: Patrick Brennan

The players have 25 days to develop their powers
Production: Panda Games and defeat an evil entity called the Ancient.
Flavour Text Proofreading: Stephanie Wasson During daylight, heroes travel Kilforth, overcome
encounters, and gather rewards, whilst building an
Special thanks to Raphael for being my inspiration, to all my family
and friends for all their love and support, and to all the Kickstarter epic story called a saga. Each night the land falls
backers who believed in the project, thank you, thank you, thank further into gloom, and if time runs out before the
you - you are all Legends! We had proofreading and play-testing
from hundreds of players worldwide - too many to mention, but
Ancient is defeated, Kilforth is engulfed in gloom
special thanks go to: Adrian Teroux, Alberto Crosara, Andrew and the heroes lose the game.
Sekela, Andrew Stevenson, Austin Boyle, Benjamin Maier, Brian
Sturk, Caleb Skye, Chris Bowler, Chris D, Chris Leigh, Chris Siple,
Chris Stanton, CJ Dornfried, Daniel U. Thibault, Dante, Darren Gloom of Kilforth can be played competitively,
Austin, Dave Ainsworth, Dave Daffin, David L., Dennis Sison, cooperatively, or solo. Solo games are played using
Dimitar Nikolov, EnderWizard, Eric Downing, Finbikkifin, Gary,
Guy Steuperaert, Hernan Ruiz Camauer, Houserule Jay, Jackie
the cooperative format, where the solo player can
Brown, James Fallows, Jason Valdez, Jersey DVD, Joel Siragher, control between 1 and 4 heroes.
John Hedges, Jonas Thierry, Jonathan Franklin, Keith Koleno, Leigh
Caple, Leki Williams, Luka Kovac Plavi, Luminarious, Mark Campo,
Mateo Jurasic, Matt S, Michele Esmanech, Mitch Willis, Morten
Monrad Pedersen, Nate K, Nick Hughes, Pallid Pika, Paul Kellett, Note: Because a player may wish to play
Peter Fuchs, Phil Sauer, Rich Pallister, Ricky Royal, Ryan DeLano,
S Marstiller, Sabine Irmscher, Sam Lawton, Scott Yost, Scrumpy
multiple heroes, the rules use the term “hero”
Jack, Sean Forrester, Sylvain Freour, Thomas Staudt, Tony Barber, throughout instead of “player”.
Trent Harrison, Wade Nelson, Willdesigns, William Curtis, Wolfram
Troeder, and Xander Constantine.

©2015 Hall Or Nothing Productions. All Rights Reserved. This product is a work
of fiction. Any similarity to actual people, places or events included herein is purely
coincidental. All characters, character names and likenesses thereof are property
of Tristan Hall. Reproduction or use of the material or artwork herein is prohibited
without the express permission of Tristan Hall. Made in China. Not suitable for
children under 36 months due to small parts. This product is not a toy, nor intended
for use by children under 12 years old. Listen to the official original piano soundtrack by
Francesca L Hall, search "Gloom of Kilforth soundtrack"
on YouTube, or visit: http://bit.ly/2dLnXHm

Gloom of Kilforth
1. Components TOKENS

This rulebook Tokens are used as follows:

25 Location cards
First Hero Marker: Identifies
4 Ancient cards the player that acts first at the
start of the Day.
4 Ancient Abilities cards

24 Plot cards
8 Race cards Loot: claimed by heroes for clearing
plots and obstacles, or instead of gold on
8 Class cards Reward cards, provide one-time bonuses.
32 Skill cards (8 in each of 4 types)
25 Night cards
Action Points (AP): represent how many
24 Saga cards (3 for each saga) Actions a hero may take during a Day.
Note: engagements and Deeds (described
82 Encounter cards
later) are minor actions which do not
74 Reward cards consume AP.
16 Enemy tokens (4 for each hero)
16 Fate tokens Enemy: placed on a Stranger to show it is
4 Hidden tokens now an enemy to the hero who is using this
colour of Enemy tokens.
60 Gold tokens
32 Action Point tokens
32 Health Point tokens
Fate: one-use only tokens, each can add 1
24 Obstacle tokens success to a Test.
82 Loot tokens
1 First Hero marker (+ 1 spare)
8 Hero standees
4 Ancient standees Gold: the currency of the game.

6 Six-sided dice
1 Loot bag

Health Points (HP): represent a hero’s

health; if a hero’s HP reaches 0, the hero
is defeated.

Hidden: placed on a hero to avoid enemies

and gain the element of Surprise in battle.

Obstacle: placed by card effects, they stay

in play until removed by an effect or Action.

Gloom of Kilforth
2. Setup
7 5 14 13 Ancient
Night Card Night Discard Skill Plot Ancient Abilities

9 10
8 Encounter Discard 1 Map - Play Area Reward Discard
Barrow Moor

Barrow Moor

Dark Mire

Dark Mire
Lava Canyon

Lava Canyon

Old Wood
Old Wood
Heroes may perform 1 Move action here to move Heroes may perform 1 Move action here to move
175 directly to Lava Canyon. ©2015 Tristan Hall 177 directly to Old Wood. ©2015 Tristan Hall

Lava Canyon

Lava Canyon
Barrow Moor
Barrow Moor
Heroes may perform 1 Move action here to move
183 directly to Barrow Moor. ©2015 Tristan Hall

Sprawl City

Sprawl City

Old Wood

Old Wood
Dark Mire

Dark Mire
Heroes may perform Market actions here. Heroes may perform 1 Move action here to move
L22 ©2015 Tristan Hall 188 directly to Dark Mire. ©2015 Tristan Hall


To prepare Gloom of Kilforth, the following setup steps are 4. Sagas: Each hero takes a three card saga set –
performed in order: “Chapter 1 & 2”, “Chapter 3 & 4”, and “Finale
& Totem”. The heroes decide whether to
1. Map: Place the Sprawl City location in the centre allocate saga sets so that they match their heroes’
of the table, colour side up. Shuffle the remaining classes (see below), or allocate saga sets randomly
locations and randomly place them around Sprawl amongst the heroes. Then, each hero places their
City, colour side up, to form a 5x5 grid with Sprawl “Chapter 1” card face-up in their play area –
City in the centre. This array of 25 locations is this is their current saga chapter.
called the map. For their first game players should match sagas as:

2. Races: Each hero chooses a race card (or draws one Priest – Rescue Villagers
randomly if preferred) and chooses its male or Rogue – Assassinate Lord
female side. Warrior – Take Fortress

3. Classes: Each hero chooses a class card (or draws Wizard – Steal Artefact
one randomly if preferred).
5. Skills: Each hero places all the skills of their class’
Gloom of Kilforth
skill type face-up beside the map.
6. Unused race, class, skill and saga cards are removed 12. Tokens: Put the Loot tokens in the Loot bag.
from the game. Place each pile of tokens in a token pool beside the map.
Each hero takes:
7. Night Deck: Shuffle the Night deck and place it
face-down beside the map. a. 4 Health Points,
b. 4 Fate tokens,
8. Encounter Decks: Separate the encounter cards c. 1 gold,
into 4 separate decks, one for each terrain
type - Badlands, Forest, Mountain, and Plains. Shuffle d. 4 Enemy tokens (in their colour of choice),
each deck separately and place it face-down beside e. and 4 Action Points (for Breaking Camp, see p. 11).
the map.
13. Ancients: Shuffle the Ancient cards and draw 1 (in the
9. Reward Decks: Separate the reward cards into 4 cooperative game each hero draws 1 Ancient), then place
separate decks, one for each reward type - Spell, it face-up beside the map alongside its Ancient Abilities
Title, Item, and Ally. Shuffle each deck separately and card. The remaining Ancient cards are removed from
place it face-down beside the map. the game.

10. Hero Starting Rewards: Each hero draws 2 cards 14. Plots: Take the plot cards that match their Ancient(s),
from a reward deck of their choice, taking one into shuffle them into separate piles for each Ancient, and
their hand and shuffling the other back into its place them in a deck face-down beside the map.
respective deck. They may keep their hand secret, The remaining plot cards are removed from the game.
choosing not to show the other players their choices.
15. First Hero: The hero with the highest Sneak value
11. Hero Standees: Each hero places their hero standee on (as found on their race and/or class card) is the First
Sprawl City. Hero (decide randomly if tied) and takes the First
Hero marker.

3. Card Anatomy


Kilforth was once a beautiful, thriving land. But as the Doom

Wars and orc incursions took their toll, the people gradually
Old Wood

Old Wood
retreated behind the safety of Sprawl City’s walls. Today, the land
Dark Mire

Dark Mire
is littered with the long forgotten remnants of archaic civilisations 1 3
and overgrown ruins, home only to untamed denizens of evil
purpose. Only the bravest and most foolhardy souls dare venture
out into the wilds now.

Locations are used to form the map of Kilforth that the heroes 2
will traverse. There are 25 locations: Sprawl City, which Heroes may perform 1 Move action here to move
marks the centre of the map, and 6 each of Badlands, Forest, 188 4 directly to Dark Mire. ©2015 Tristan Hall

Mountain, and Plains. These are arrayed around Sprawl City

to form a 5x5 grid. Locations start the game with their normal GLOOM SIDE
(colour) side up, but may be flipped during the game to their
gloom (black and white) side.

1. Name.

2. Terrain Type - Badlands, City, Forest,

Mountains, Plains.
Old Wood

Old Wood

3. Shortcut – allows a hero to move to another location

Dark Mire

Dark Mire

with the same shortcut, even if they’re not adjacent.

4. Ability - a special effect.

5. Gloom effect - HP loss affecting a hero who ends their 5

Day here.
Heroes may perform 1 Move action here to move
Sprawl City: Sprawl City is the starting location for the heroes 188 directly to Dark Mire. ©2015 Tristan Hall

and is considered safe – no monster or encounter card may be

placed here at any time. Gloom of Kilforth

Many people inhabit Kilforth, myriad races living variously in

harmony or antipathy. From their varied ranks rise a brave few
heroes drawn by power, drawn by opportunity, drawn by danger.

Each hero hails from one of eight different races – Dark Elf,
Dwarf, Elf, Half-Demon, Half-Elf, Human, Orc, or Vampire. 2 3
Each race bestows a set of different values in four core
attributes – Fight, Study, Sneak, and Influence – which will 3 3
be used when tackling different types of encounters. A hero
may choose to play as either male or female by placing the
respective side face-up - they’re otherwise identical.
4 1
1. Name. 5 3
2. Fight value - strength and combat ability used to
battle Enemies.
3. Study value - intelligence and arcane knowledge
used to complete Quests.
4 1 Half-Demon
7 Demon
4. Sneak value - stealth and cunning used to 8 (Hero): Heretic - Add +1 to your tested
explore Places. attribute value in each Test against a Demon.

5. Influence value - charisma and credibility used Not all of Veil heritage are intent on destroying
9 the civilised races.
to influence Strangers.

6. Maximum HP - the amount of damage a hero can take

before being defeated. 162 ©2015 Tristan Hall 10 1
7. Keywords - have no innate effect but may be
referenced by card abilities.
8. Ability – a special effect.
9. Flavour Text - has no effect on gameplay.
10. Gold - the hero’s starting gold value.


Adventurers emerge from humble beginnings to forge their

destiny through mastery of skills, dedicated arcane studies, and
in the heat of battle.

A hero’s class is their occupation.

2 1. Name.
1 2. Attribute Bonus(es) – these add to the attribute
values provided on the hero’s race card.
3. Keyword / Skill Type – defines which skills a hero
may learn when they complete a saga chapter card.
Keyword has no innate effect but may be referenced by
card abilities.
4. Ability - defines class ability rules, if any.
1 War Mage
3 Class • Arcane
4 (Deed) Veil: Fabric Rend - When an
engagement starts the Enemy loses 1 HP and

you lose 1 HP.

Battle wizards aspire to become War Mages

through years of training, study, and war.

K25 ©2015 Tristan Hall

Gloom of Kilforth

Heroes must arm themselves with more than just their swords - their
wits will keep them alive. 3

Skills represent the abilities that a hero can gain whilst

adventuring in Kilforth. Skills come in 4 types:

Arcane – magical studies and spell casting abilities.

Martial – battle and survival abilities.
Pious – holy and influential abilities.
Shadow – sneaking and hiding abilities.

1. Name.

2. Keyword / Skill Type - denotes Skill Type defined by 1

hero’s class. Keyword has no innate effect but may be
referenced by card abilities. 2
3. Level – skills come in 4 levels, from level 1 (the weakest)
up to level 4 (the strongest). Heroes gain a skill of their
Skill Type each time they complete a chapter of their
saga – see Sagas below. At each level there are 2 different
skills in each type for the hero to choose from.

4. Ability - a special effect.


The sagas of the scholars and bards will determine who passes
into legend… and who merely passes on, into the Veil.

A saga is the epic story of adventures that a hero undertakes.

To win the game, a hero must first complete their saga. Each
hero receives a three saga card set at the beginning of the
game, consisting of:

Chapter 1, with Chapter 2 on the reverse side.

Chapter 3, with Chapter 4 on the reverse side.

Finale, with Totem on the reverse side.
1. Name.

2. Keywords Required (Chapters only) – the keywords

1 that must be gathered by this hero to defeat this card. If
a keyword is preceded by the 1-2 players icon, then that
keyword only applies if that many heroes are in the game:
1-2 heroes need 3 keywords, but 3-4 heroes need only 2.

5 3. Attribute value (Finale only) – the attribute the hero

must Test to defeat this card.

1 4. Location (Finale only) – the hero must be here to defeat

this card.

6 5. Attribute bonus (Totem only) - added to hero’s attribute.

6. Ability - a special effect.

7. Gold value (Totem only).

Gloom of Kilforth
Kilforth is a fierce, untamed land filled with wild adventure,
mysterious places and terrible dangers. 8

Encounters represent the dangers faced by a hero when 9

moving to or searching a location. Heroes collect defeated
encounters into their hand as ‘rumours’ which aid them in 10

completing their saga.

1 Name.
12 1
2. Encounter Type - Enemy, Place, Quest, or Stranger. 4
3. Terrain Type - Badlands, Forest, Mountains, or Plains.
4. Keywords - referenced by a hero’s saga chapter cards.
5. Ability.
6. Gold value - gold earned when defeating the encounter. 3 11 6

7. Fight value - number of dice the encounter rolls in battle.

8. Study value (not pictured on this card). As a reference, keywords for each type include:
9. Sneak value - the skull indicates that this value is only
used if the card is an Enemy. Encounter Type Keywords
10. Influence value - successes needed to defeat this Enemy Demon, Humanoid, Undead
encounter using Influence. Place Abode, Respite
11. Reward Type - Ally, Item, Spell, or Title. Quest Assist, Destroy

12. HP - the damage required to defeat this encounter. Stranger Noble, Villain

Endless tales of age-old, priceless treasures lure explorers out
8 from the safety of the Sprawl and into the untamed wilderness of
Kilforth. But to discover the most powerful rewards, heroes must
track them down first.
Usually rewards are earned in two stages:
1. Rewards are earned by heroes when encounters are
defeated – they go into the hero’s hand as ‘Rumours’
to be discovered.
6 2. The hero ‘Discovers’ the reward by going to its listed
2 location and playing a Discover action (p. 15) to put
it into play.
But occasionally Rewards can be put directly into play, such
3 4
as by using the Market action, or as Trophies from defeating
certain encounters.

1. Name.
Rewards come in four types - Items, Titles, Spells, and
Allies. Each can boost a hero’s attributes and/or provide 2. Reward Type - Item, Title, Spell, Ally.
bonus Actions and other abilities to help the hero in their 3. Location – where a hero needs to be in order to put this
adventure. card into play from their hand.
As a reference, keywords for each type include: 4. Gold value - denotes value, and cost to buy this card.
5. Keywords - an asterisk * denotes a unique keyword,
Type Unique Keywords
indicating that the hero can only possess one card with
Ally Arcane, Martial, Pious, Shadow this keyword at a time.
Armour, Jewellery, Potion,
Weapon 6. Ability (not pictured on this card).
Spell Aid, Combat, Healing, Kinetic 7. Attribute bonus - added to the hero’s core attribute.
Title Order, Rank, Reputation, Steed 8. Study Attribute - the lock indicates that this value is the
Gloom of Kilforth
minimum Study a hero must have to use this spell.

The gloaming, charged with expectation and menace, foreshadows

the coming gloom.

Night cards represent the growing danger to Kilforth. At the

end of each Day, a drawn Night card indicates which location
descends into gloom, as well as resolving an effect which
usually spells trouble for the heroes.
1. Name.
2. Location - defines which location falls into gloom when
this card is drawn.

3. Type – Event, Weather, Encounter Type. 2

4. Effect.


From beyond the Veil, ancient beings gather in the darkness and
bide their time. Sending villainous minions and spies out across
Kilforth to undertake evil machinations, these powerful entities
2 5 seek to twist and destroy the fragile existence of the free people.

Ancients represent great beings that the heroes must track

down and defeat in battle.
1. Name.
2. Fight value - number of dice the Ancient rolls in battle.
1 Marq
uis of P
Demon 3. HP - the damage required to defeat this Ancient.
3 12 of Pain
s grown
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The M arqu is
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4. Location - where this Ancient will come into play.
of blood

t of ag rrible ar r.

di m en to a te
embo aves in d despai
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his mas to inflict suffe
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5 Hall 10 5. Gold value - gold earned when defeating the Ancient.
purpose ©2015

Lava C

Each Ancient has a matching Ancient Abilities card detailing its
abilities, and effects which take place each Night Phase.
Alternatively heroes can shuffle these cards to randomly
determine an Ancient’s abilities for extra play variety.

The Ancients send forth their minions ahead of them to erect hideous
altars, corrupt the weak-willed, and to sow terror, pain and fear into 2
the hearts of their enemies. 3

Plot cards are placed by Ancients during the Night Phase and are
similar to Encounter cards, but they have different requirements
to defeat before they can be claimed as rumours. If left
unresolved, they will make the Ancients more powerful.

1. Name.
2. Ancient - denotes which Ancient places this type of card. 4
3. Keywords - referenced by a hero’s saga chapter cards.
5 7
4. To Defeat - requirements to defeat this card.
5. Location - type of location where this Plot appears.
6. Ancient Ability - added to Ancient if Plot is not defeated.
7. Loot - earned by hero who defeats this card.
Gloom of Kilforth
4. Winning the Game
Time runs out, and the game ends, at the end of the Daylight
phase of the 25th Day.

In the competitive game: the hero that defeats the Ancient

before time runs out wins the game. If no hero achieves this,
the hero with the most Victory Points wins.

In the cooperative and solo games: the game is won if all

Ancients are defeated before time runs out, even if the last
surviving hero is defeated in that battle. All heroes (both the
survivors and the defeated) share the win. Otherwise the game
is lost.

In both forms of the game, a hero cannot battle the Ancient

unless they have first completed their saga. A saga consists of
4 chapters and a finale which must be completed in order – 1,
2, 3, 4, finale – at which point the saga is considered complete,
and the hero receives a powerful reward called a totem.

A chapter is completed by earning cards that have keywords

that match those on the chapter card. These keywords can
be earned by defeating encounters such as enemies, quests,
places, and strangers. Finding and defeating these encounters
drives the game towards completing your saga, which in
turn allows you to battle the Ancient! Once they complete
4 chapters a hero must defeat their finale - a more powerful
encounter - to reveal the Ancient’s location and place it on
the map.

Victory Points: Each hero’s Victory Point score is the sum of

their gold plus the gold value of their assets. In a cooperative
game, the heroes’ collective Victory Point score is the sum
of each hero’s Victory Point score, divided by the number of
heroes who started the game, rounded up.

5. Playing the Game

Gloom of Kilforth is played over a number of Days. Each Day
consists of two phases, performed in order:

1. Daylight Phase - heroes take turns performing Actions,

engagements, and Deeds.

2. Night Phase - a location falls to gloom, a Night effect

resolves, and heroes prepare for the next day.

Unless the game is won beforehand, the game ends at the

completion of the Daylight Phase on the 25th Day.

Note: You’ll know it’s the 25th day

when there’s only one card left in the
Night deck!

Gloom of Kilforth
The following section provides the rules on how and when Actions and Camp can be performed. It’s followed by detailed
sections explaining Actions, engagement, and Deeds, and then that’ll be the Daylight Phase covered!

6. Daylight Phase 7. Hero Turn

The Ancient’s minions move by night, mostly. Under the relative -
but all too brief - safety of sunlight the heroes must move and act
swiftly against the gloom threatening the land. ENEMY ENGAGEMENT

At the beginning of their turn, the hero must first engage all
BREAKING CAMP enemies at their location, if any, in the order of their choice.
An enemy is either a “Stranger” encounter card that this hero
Each hero takes a number of Action Points (AP) equal to their has placed an Enemy token on, or an “Enemy” encounter
current Health Points (HP); so 4 total AP on the very first day. card. To engage an enemy, the hero and the enemy perform
an engagement (see Engagement p. 18).

DAYLIGHT TURNS Note: How enemies appear will be covered later

in the rules, but mostly they appear when you
Heroes take turns in clockwise order starting with the First move to or search a location. In an engagement,
Hero. Each turn, a hero must either perform one action or you can either attempt to evade the enemy or
make Camp. After making Camp, that hero receives no more battle it. If it’s a battle, it’s usually to the death,
turns during this day. but you can escape if things aren’t faring well.

When all heroes have made Camp, the Night phase begins
(see p. 22). ACTION OR CAMP

Note: To make Camp is just a thematic way of Once all engagements are resolved, if the hero has not yet
saying you’re finished doing stuff this phase and you made Camp (as the result of an escape or defeat from an
wish to pass from hereon in. engagement, for example), they must either:

perform an Action if they have any Action Points

remaining, or
make Camp - the hero discards any remaining Action
Points (if any), and takes no further turns this phase.

If they perform an Action, then after that Action completes

the hero must again engage all enemies at their location, if
any, in the order of their choice.

Only once these requirements are met can the hero declare
their turn complete.

During their turn, as long as they’re able to, a hero also has
the option of performing as many free actions, called ‘Deeds’,
as desired at any point within their turn (see Deeds p. 19).

The first hero to make Camp each Day takes the First Hero
marker, and thus will take the first turn the next Day.

Note: Each Action costs 1 Action Point, so your

AP is the likely number of Actions you’ll perform
this phase. Though you might end up performing
fewer Actions if you lose HP, or peforming more
Actions through the use of abilities.

Gloom of Kilforth
8. Actions
Important: Throughout the game, whenever a hero loses HP, the hero also loses 1 AP for each HP lost.
When performing an Action, the hero spends 1 Action Point (AP) to do one of the following:

MOVE Move to another location (either orthogonally adjacent or elsewhere via a shortcut)
CLEAR Remove an obstacle or plot from the hero’s location and gain 1 Loot token.
SEARCH Draw and place an encounter at the hero’s location.
HIDE Become Hidden, allowing the hero to get an edge in a future engagement.
CONFRONT Attempt to defeat a Quest, Place or Stranger encounter and gain a reward (cards and/or gold).
REST Regain a Health Point.
DISCOVER Move a card from hand into the play area.
MARKET Buy and/or sell cards, with the option to pay gold to regain Health Points.
REGALE Complete the hero’s current saga chapter / finale.

A specific Action can only be taken if:

any restriction listed for the Action is met, and
the Action is fully resolved - heroes can’t just spend an AP and not actually perform the Action!


Move to an orthogonally (non-diagonally) adjacent location Some encounters cards have the Ability Type
or, if the hero’s current location shows a shortcut, move to ‘Event’. These are resolved immediately by the
another location showing the same shortcut. A hero may active hero and then discarded. Heroes cannot
not move off the map. team up to tackle Event encounters.

If the hero’s new location does NOT have an encounter,

draw a card from the location’s encounter deck and assign
it to this location. Place it face-up over the location in such Note: Each Night phase, a randomly selected
a way that the location’s name is still visible. If the hero’s location will be turned to its gloom side. While a
location contains an enemy, they must immediately Engage location being in gloom has no effect on whether
that enemy, see Engagement p. 18. you can do an Action or not, it’s probably good to
know that each hero ending Daylight on a gloom
Location’s Encounter Deck: the deck with the same terrain location will lose 1 HP, so move carefully!
type as the location. If a location doesn’t have a terrain type
that matches an encounter deck (e.g. Sprawl City), it can’t
have an encounter assigned in this way.

Gloom of Kilforth

Heroes face many mundane obstacles on their travels, be they Restriction: Hero must not be Hidden.
upturned carriages, snow drifts, avalanches, mud slides, local
The hero is now considered Hidden. They take a Hidden
bullies or other ambient hindrances in the hero’s path which
token from the token pool and place it next to their hero to
prevent them from reaching their goal. Overcoming these
show this.
obstacles will almost always curry favour with the locals and
provide its own remunerations.
Important: A hero can choose to no longer be Hidden at
any point in the game, during their turn or not, by simply
Restriction: Hero must be at a location with 1 or more
returning their Hidden token to the token pool.
obstacles or, if there are no obstacles, 1 or more plot cards.

Remove 1 obstacle from the hero’s location (by returning

the obstacle token to the token pool), or
Note: Some of the benefits of being Hidden
Remove 1 plot card from the hero’s location by following include:
the To Defeat instructions on the plot card. The hero
takes the defeated plot into his hand as a rumour. avoiding the negative effects of certain
Night cards,
The hero then draws 1 random Loot token from the Loot bag. negating the element of Surprise an
enemy might have when it engages you,

Note: Obstacle tokens are usually placed by Night gaining the element of Surprise when you
cards. They stop you doing Search and Confront engage an enemy,
Actions for encounters, but they don’t hinder
evading an enemy instead of battling it.
movement or anything else! Plot cards are placed by
Ancient abilities and whilst they don’t hinder you
Being Hidden doesn’t hinder any other Actions
immediately, if left unchecked they could be your
except where the rules specifically state it. Heroes
downfall come the end of the game...
automatically stop being Hidden and lose their
Hidden tokens at the end of the Night phase!


Restriction: Hero must be at a location with no encounter ACTION: CONFRONT

and no obstacle.

Draw a card from the location’s encounter deck and assign it Sneaking into deadly places, influencing powerful strangers,
(face-up) to the hero’s location. fulfilling challenging quests, and battling terrifying enemies -
these are the tests which separate the fables from the footnotes.

Restriction: Hero must be at a location with no obstacles and

with 1 or more encounters of type Quest, Place, or Stranger.

Much of a hero’s adventure revolves around seeking out

encounters and overcoming them. This Action is the means
to do that.

The hero chooses a single encounter of type Quest, Place,

or Stranger at their location. The encounter will have values
in one or more attributes – Fight, Study, Sneak, or Influence.
To defeat the encounter, the hero chooses one of these
attributes and performs a Test against it. If they gain as many
successes as the attribute’s value, they defeat the encounter.

Gloom of Kilforth
Test Confront
To conduct a Test, the tester (be it hero or foe) performs In detail, the hero Confronts the encounter as follows:
the following steps in order:
Choose one of the attributes shown on the encounter, and
1. Determine how many dice to roll, which is the sum of: Test the hero’s corresponding attribute. If the encounter’s
value in that attribute is less than or equal to the hero’s
a. The tester’s value in the attribute being tested. number of successes, the hero defeats the encounter and
b. Add any attribute bonuses the tester has in claims its reward (see Reward, p. 15).
this attribute. Veiled cards (see below) do not
directly contribute any bonuses to Tests. If the hero has fewer successes than required, they haven’t
c. Add 1 if the tester has Surprise. defeated it yet, but they make a note of their total number of
successes so far. Track successes using any type of token. On
future turns, the hero can perform another Confront action
Note: A Hero’s attribute value is found on their
to add more successes, and use their total accumulated
Race card, and bonuses on cards in the hero’s
successes to defeat the encounter.
play area. It’s possible for an encounter itself
to perform a Test (e.g. an enemy will perform a
A hero loses all of their accumulated successes if they leave
Fight Test during a battle); its attribute value is
the location or make Camp, or if another hero defeats the
found on its encounter card. Surprise is a bonus
encounter first. Until then, they must continue to use the
that is awarded by rules or card effects during
same chosen attribute for all of their Confront actions against
some encounters. If it hasn’t been awarded,
this encounter.
then a tester doesn’t have Surprise.
Strangers have several special rules that do not apply to
other encounter types:
2. Roll the determined number of dice.
Heroes cannot Confront a Stranger while Hidden.
3. The testing hero may optionally perform any of their Heroes can only Test their Influence attribute, even if the
re-roll and die manipulation abilities on the remaining Stranger has other attributes.
dice. If the hero has zero total successes after a Test (including
accumulated successes from previous actions), the
4. Gain a success for each die showing ‘5’ or ‘6’. Stranger becomes an enemy to that hero: they must
place one of their Enemy tokens on the Stranger.
5. Fate: The testing hero may optionally add 1 success The hero can choose to intentionally make the Stranger
by calling on Fate – this is done by discarding either a an enemy (instead of rolling) as their Confront action.
Fate token or a rumour – but it’s only allowed if that
hero has not yet called on Fate at all during this Day. Whilst a hero’s Enemy token is on a Stranger, it counts as
an enemy instead of a Stranger for that hero - but not for
other heroes - for the rest of the game. Since they are now
an enemy in the hero’s location, the hero will engage them
when their action completes; which is now. For this first
engagement, neither side can have Surprise.

“Veil:” - If an ability begins with “Veil:” then it

can only be resolved if its card is in an unveiled
(upright) state. The cost of resolving the ability Example: The ‘Place’ encounter card Remote Town
is to turn the card 90 degrees clockwise to its has ‘Sneak 3’ and ‘Study 4’. This means the encounter
veiled (sideways) state. A veiled ability cannot be requires you to gain 3 successes using Sneak, or 4
resolved again until it becomes unveiled. Cards successes using Study, to defeat it. You decide to Sneak
enter play in an unveiled state unless specified in. With a Sneak attribute value of 5, you roll 5 dice and
otherwise. If a Veil ability has a triggering gain 1 success. On your next turn, you repeat the Action
condition, then the ability can only be resolved and roll 5 dice again, this time gaining 2 additional
when that triggering condition occurs. Veiled successes. Adding them together, the number of
cards do not directly contribute any bonuses to successes equals or passes the Remote Town’s Sneak
Tests, though other cards may trigger off them. attribute of 3, so it is defeated.

Gloom of Kilforth
Reward: Loot and Rumour
Each time a hero defeats an encounter, they perform the
following two Reward steps in order... Take a reward card rumour from the hero’s hand that has the
same location as the hero’s current location, and place that
1. Loot Step - The hero may either: rumour in the hero’s play area, turning it into a usable asset.

a. Gain Gold equal to the gold value of the

defeated encounter card, or Rumour: a reward or encounter card in a hero’s hand.
Asset: a reward card in a hero’s play area.
b. Draw 1 random Loot token from the Loot bag.

2. Rumour Step - Then the hero may either: Important: Each reward card has a unique keyword
identified by an * asterisk. A hero can only have at most
a. Place the defeated encounter card in one asset with each unique keyword. If the hero already
their hand as a rumour, or has an asset with this unique keyword, the old asset is
discarded when the new reward card enters play.
b. Discard the defeated encounter card, and
draw a card from the reward deck that
Type Unique Keywords
corresponds to the encounter’s reward type,
the most common of which are shown in the Ally Arcane, Martial, Pious, Shadow
chart below. The hero then places the reward Item Armour, Jewellery, Potion, Weapon
card in their hand as a rumour.
Spell Aid, Combat, Healing, Kinetic
Title Order, Rank, Reputation, Steed
Encounter Type Reward Type

Enemy Item
Limit of 6: Each hero can only have a maximum of 6 assets
Place Title
in play, 6 Loot tokens in play, and 6 rumours in hand. If they
Quest Spell ever have more, then after resolving the ability or process
Stranger Ally that led to that situation, they must discard down to 6.

Exception: When a hero defeats a Stranger that has their

Enemy token on it, option a. must be chosen for the Loot and ACTION: MARKET
for the Rumour Step. Dead Strangers reveal no secrets!
Restriction: Hero must be at Sprawl City. (Some cards allow
Important: The hero now has the option of receiving / heroes to perform Market Actions elsewhere).
performing any Trophy benefits (see ‘Trophy’ p. 24) listed
on the defeated encounter card. Each of the following options may be performed once, in the
order of the hero’s choosing; at least one must be performed.
Loot: Each Loot token has a one time effect and can be
discarded as a Resolve Deed (see Deeds p. 19) to carry out its Option 1 - Heal: For each hero at this location that has fewer
effect, e.g. ‘Gain 1 Move AP’. Gold Loot tokens are discarded HP than their maximum health (including the active hero) the
immediately for their Gold value. Discarded Loot tokens are hero can purchase HP for that hero at a cost of 1 gold per HP.
returned to the Loot token bag and randomly shuffled in.
Option 2 - Purchase: Draw the top 3 cards from a single
reward deck - Ally, Item, Spell, or Title. The hero must (gold
permitting) purchase one – and only one – of these cards by
ACTION: REST paying gold equal to the card’s gold value, and immediately
adding that card to their play area as an asset. Discard all
cards not purchased.
Restriction: Hero must be at a location with no encounters
and have fewer HP than their maximum health. Option 3 - Sell: Discard (from hand) 1 or more rumours and/
or sacrifice (discard from play area) 1 or more assets. Each
The hero gains 1 HP (represented by transferring 1 HP token discarded/sacrificed card earns the hero gold equal to half
from the token pile to their play area). They do not regain an that card’s gold value, rounded down.
Action Point.
Important: Cards purchased during a Market Action
are placed directly into play as assets and do not
have to be Discovered first. Gloom of Kilforth
ACTION: REGALE Advanced Variant: Instead of spending 5 gold, heroes spend gold
equal to their current chapter number x2. All players must agree
to this variant before the game begins.
Restriction: Hero has not already performed a Regale Action
to complete a saga chapter during this same Daylight Phase. Reward Types and Encounter Types (on Rewards and
Encounters) are always considered keywords and may be
The Regale Action allows a hero to complete a saga chapter, used during a Regale Action.
or attempt to complete a saga finale.
If a keyword is preceded by the 1-2 players icon, then that
Chapters can be regaled at any location, but to regale a finale, keyword need only be resolved if that many heroes started
the hero must be at the location specified on the finale card. the game (in addition to the other keywords).

Cooperative game: All the heroes in a cooperative game

must be present at the same location for the active hero to be Example: For a chapter card with a keyword
able to complete their finale. “(1-2) Martial”, you would also need to resolve the
Martial keyword, using Option a) or b), if only 1 or 2
heroes started the game.
Note: You’ll only do this Action 5 or so times in
the game but they’re pretty important. Defeating
encounters to gain rewards, acquiring cards in When a saga chapter is completed, the hero:
the market, trading cards with other heroes …
these are all just means by which you gain the Must increase their maximum health by 1 and their
requisite keywords and gold needed to complete HP by 1 (represented by taking a HP token from the
your saga chapters and finale. Once they’re done, token pool).
you can battle the Ancient in an attempt to
win the game. By the way, reading a completed May gain a skill of level equal to this chapter number
chapter’s flavour text aloud in a dramatic voice is in one of the skill types available to their hero’s class,
a nice way to commemorate the occasion. if available.

Example: Upon completing chapter 2, your Martial

Saga Chapter Completion hero chooses to gain the level 2 Martial skill ‘Killer’.

A hero completes their current saga chapter by spending

Must replace the completed chapter with the next
5 gold and, for each keyword on the saga chapter card,
higher numbered chapter in the hero’s saga; or if
resolving one of the following options:
chapter 4 was just completed, with the hero’s finale.
Option a:
Discard one rumour which has that keyword.

Option b: ‘Competitive Pressure’ Rule.

Select an asset (that hasn’t yet been selected during this In the Competitive game only:
Action) which has that keyword. Either keep the asset, or
sacrifice it and gain gold equal to its gold value. a. When a hero completes chapter 3 of
their saga, any other hero who has not
yet completed chapter 1 may (in player
order) immediately complete their
Example: You are on chapter 2 of your saga,
current chapter, without spending any
‘Assassinate Lord’, in a 2 hero game. You perform a
AP, gold, or keywords.
Regale Action and spend 5 gold. For the first keyword,
‘Place’, you discard a rumour from your hand with the
b. When a hero completes chapter 4 of
keyword ‘Place’. For the second keyword, ‘Enemy’, you
their saga, any other hero who has not
discard a rumour from your hand with the keyword
yet completed chapter 1 or 2 may
‘Enemy’. For the third and final keyword, ‘Title’, you
(in player order) immediately complete
select one of your assets with the keyword ‘Title’, and
their current chapter, without spending
elect to keep the asset (but you could have discarded it
any AP, gold, or keywords.
for its gold value too). You’ve completed chapter 2.

Gloom of Kilforth
Saga Finale Completion
Requirement: A hero must be at the location listed on their
finale before they can Regale it. Unlike saga chapters, Finales
do not cost 5 gold to complete.

Much like a Confront Action with a normal encounter, a hero

attempts to complete their saga finale by performing a Test
in the finale’s attribute value. After the Test is performed, add
the successes gained to any previous successes this hero has
gained from performing previous Tests against this finale this
day. If the hero’s total number of successes equals or exceeds
the finale’s attribute value, then the finale is defeated. As
with encounters, successes gained against a finale are lost
during the Night phase or if the hero leaves the finale’s

Example: You’ve completed your 4 saga chapters,

so your finale, ‘Take Fortress – Storm the Keep’, is
in play. It has a Fight 6 attribute value. You’re at its
location, Spire Tor. To defeat it, you’ll need to perform
Fight Tests using the Regale Action until you have 6
or more successes!

When a saga finale is completed, the hero’s saga is

completed. They turn their finale card over to its totem side
and either:

a. put the totem card into play as an asset, or

b. remove the totem card from the game and gain gold
equal to its gold value.

Important: The first time a saga finale is completed in

the game by any hero, the Ancient (or all Ancients in the
cooperative game) enters play at the location specified on
the Ancient’s card. It is now possible for heroes who have
completed their finales to try to Assault the Ancient and
win the game.

In the cooperative game: All heroes must have completed

their saga finales before any hero can Assault an Ancient.

Gloom of Kilforth
9. Engagement
A hero knows that ultimately every negotiation comes down to
the threat of the sword.
Place HP on the foe equal to its health. This stage consists
of a series of battle rounds, which continue until the hero is
Engagements do not cost AP, and are mandatory for any hero
defeated, the hero escapes, or the foe is defeated. In each
in a location with an enemy.
battle round, the following steps are performed in order:
An engagement is an attempt by a hero to defeat a foe.
1. Skirmish: the hero and the foe each separately
Usually a foe is an Enemy encounter card and does not
resolve a Fight Test (see Test p. 14). For each success
require an Action to engage.
the hero gains, the foe will lose 1 HP. For each
success the foe gains, the hero will lose 1 HP and
The way to defeat an encounter through an engagement is
1 AP. Once both Fight Tests are finished, all lost HP
different from that of defeating other encounter types (which
are removed from the hero and the foe
is usually done through the Confront Action). An engagement
is made up of 3 stages:
Important: If either the hero or the foe had Surprise, it is
Stage 1: Determine Surprise
now lost for the remainder of the battle.
Stage 2: Evasion Opportunity
Stage 3: Battle
2. Foe Defeated Check: If a foe has no HP, it is
defeated and the hero gains a reward (see
Details on how to perform each stage follow.
Reward: Loot and Rumour p. 15).

STAGE 1: DETERMINE SURPRISE Note: Because this check happens before we

check whether the hero is defeated, any reward
for defeating the foe is gained even if the hero has
This stage determines whether one of the combatants starts no HP and is about to be declared defeated!
with Surprise. A combatant with Surprise rolls 1 extra die
in the first round of battle.

If the foe is a Stranger which the hero just placed their Enemy 3. Hero Defeated Check: If the hero has no HP, they
token on this turn, no one gains Surprise – skip the remainder are defeated with the following consequences - the hero:
of this stage. Otherwise...
Makes Camp and ends their turn immediately
An Enemy drawn from the encounter deck this Hero (even if part of a team with another hero as the
Turn has Surprise, unless the hero is Hidden. active hero, they must still follow these steps -
see Deed: Team p. 20).
If the hero is Hidden whilst at a location with an Returns their gold to the token pool.
enemy they must either choose to no longer
Either sacrifices 1 asset or discards 1 rumour.
be Hidden and gain Surprise, or they may
try to evade the enemy whilst remaining Hidden... Returns their hero standee to Sprawl City.
Cannot be affected by abilities.

STAGE 2: EVASION OPPORTUNITY 4. Escape Option: If neither the foe nor the hero
is defeated, the hero may choose to escape. If so, they
make Camp and end their turn immediately. Their
If the hero is Hidden they may perform a Sneak Test against hero standee is placed on an enemy-free location which
the foe in an attempt to evade it. If the hero’s total number would require the fewest Move Actions to move to from
of successes from the Sneak Test equals or exceeds the foe’s the battle location, not using shortcuts (if tied: the
Sneak value, then the Sneak Test succeeds and the foe is hero chooses).
successfully evaded. The rest of the engagement is skipped,
and the hero continues the game as if the foe doesn’t exist After the battle ends, if the foe is non-Ancient and not
until either the day ends or the hero leaves this location, defeated, it restores to full health.
whichever happens first.

If the Sneak Test fails, the hero is no longer Hidden and the
Note: In the Night phase, a defeated hero will
foe gains Surprise.
regain 2 HP and re-join the game, so all is not lost.
But if you’re eliminated by an Ancient, your future
Advanced Variant: If the hero’s Sneak value is higher than
contributions will be limited to cheerleading!
the foe’s the hero may choose to succeed at this Sneak Test

Gloom of Kilforth

Engagement Example: upon moving into an empty
Badlands location an Elf Priest hero with 4 HP draws 10. Deeds
a ‘Kobold’ Enemy from the Badlands encounter deck
and has to engage it. The Elf Priest then goes to Stage
1: Determine Surprise. The hero is not Hidden, so the A Deed may be performed by a hero at any time during their
Kobold has Surprise as it was drawn this turn. turn - including during an Action, an engagement, or another
Deed. (Hidden heroes cannot perform Deeds.)
As the hero is not Hidden they do not get an Evasion
Opportunity so they move straight on to Stage 3:
Battle. The Kobold has a Trap ability “Trap: Lose 1
Deed Summary
HP” which triggers and resolves immediately before
the Skirmish step (see Trap, p. 24), so the Elf loses 1 Attempt to defeat the Ancient
HP (and 1 AP). During the Skirmish step the Kobold Assault in battle (once your saga finale is
rolls 3 dice (2 Fight dice + 1 additional die from having completed!).
Surprise) and rolls: 2, 5, and 6, forcing the hero to lose
2 HP (and 2 AP). The Elf has 2 Fight dice and rolls a Exchange gold, rumours, Loot, Item
3 and a 5, causing the Kobold to lose 1 HP. Deciding Exchange assets, Spell assets with another hero
to take no chances the Elf decides to call on Fate by at your location.
discarding a Fate token and inflicting 1 extra HP loss Defeat an encounter which has a
on the Kobold. Weakness matching one of your
The Kobold now loses Surprise but it has more to worry keywords in play (see Weakness
about than that: during the Foe Defeated Check we p. 24).
can see the Kobold’s 2 HP have both been removed – so Resolve the Deed ability on a card or
it is defeated and the Elf claims their Rewards Resolve
token in the hero’s play area.
(see Reward p. 8).
Form a team with 1 or more other
During the Hero Defeated Check we see the Elf has
heroes at your location to jointly
survived, but with just 1 HP remaining. Had the Elf not Team
attempt an engagement or to
used Fate to defeat the Kobold they would have had to
Confront an encounter.
either survive another round of Battle, or tried to make
an Escape during step 4: Escape Option. Maybe next

time the Elf will consider Hiding before exploring…


ANCIENT BATTLES Restriction: Hero must have completed their saga finale, they
must be at the Ancient’s location, and that location must
have no other encounters.
Engaging an Ancient is a special, separate Deed called an
Assault – it functions in a similar way to normal engagements Important - In the cooperative game: All heroes must have
but with the following differences: completed their saga finales before any hero can Assault
an Ancient.
It is not mandatory for a hero in the same location as the
Ancient to battle it, they must perform the Assault Deed The hero and the Ancient perform an engagement (see
to initiate battle with it. Engagement p. 18). If the Ancient is defeated, the game ends
When a hero assaults an Ancient, any unresolved plots immediately in a win. In the cooperative game all Ancients
for that Ancient are now removed from the Map and must be defeated for the win.
placed next to it. The Ancient gains any abilities or
benefits listed on their unresolved plot cards and these
plots can no longer be defeated.
There is no Surprise or Evasion when battling an Note: You’ll only perform this Deed towards the
Ancient, so skip stages 1 and 2 of the engagement. end of the game, but as it’s the only way to win,
Foe Defeated Check: If the Ancient has no HP, it is it’s also a pretty important Deed!
defeated. The hero takes gold equal to the Ancient’s
gold value, and if it was the last remaining Ancient
the game immediately ends.
Hero Defeated Check: If the hero has no HP, the hero
is eliminated from the game. All their cards and tokens
are returned to their appropriate discard piles and token
pools. All rules and card references to heroes no longer
include that hero in their consideration.
A hero cannot escape or leave the battle by any means.
All HP loss inflicted on the Ancient remains after the
battle, even if the hero is defeated.
Gloom of Kilforth
Assault Example: In the competitive game, a Hero
has completed their saga finale and is at the Old Wood,

where the Ancient Prince of Ruin awaits. There are no
other encounters at the location. The hero carries out
an Assault deed and performs an engagement with
the Ancient. All undefeated plot cards for that Ancient
are gathered together and placed next to the Ancient,
giving the Ancient their respective Ancient Abilities for
the rest of the game.

The Prince’s Trap ability then triggers and the hero

must sacrifice 1 Title from play, if able. The Prince’s
battle ability gives the Prince +1 maximum and current
HP for each Place in play. There are 3 Places still in
play, so the Prince gains 3 HP.

Neither combatant can have Surprise, and the hero DEED: RESOLVE
cannot escape so battle Stages 1 and 2 are skipped.
When each battle round starts the hero sacrifices 1
Asset of his choice, and since this is the first battle The hero resolves the Deed ability on an Asset or token (e.g.
round the hero discards an asset now. The hero gathers by discarding a Loot token) in the hero’s play area. If the
his dice, and the Ancient’s, and prepares to do battle. asset or token specifies ‘Veil:’, then it becomes Veiled and its
Deed can no longer be Resolved until it is Unveiled during
the next Night phase. Veiled cards or tokens do not directly
contribute any bonuses to Tests (see Unveil p. 22).


The hero may perform any number of agreed exchanges with The hero may form a team with any number of agreeable
any number of heroes who are at the hero’s location. An heroes who are at the hero’s location, with the aim of
exchange may be a one-way donation, in either direction. cooperating to attempt to defeat an encounter, resolve an
An exchange can only be undertaken in the following - gold, engagement, or complete a finale. Heroes cannot Team to
Loot tokens, rumours, Item assets, Spell assets. resolve an Event encounter. A hero may join a team even if
they have already made Camp this phase. No team member
Rumours are transferred from hand to hand, remaining can be Hidden, each must come out of hiding first.
rumours. Assets move from play area to play area, whilst
remaining assets. Each hero in a team may call on Fate during a Test performed
by the active hero (following the normal Fate limit of once per
day per hero). Teams have the following special rules...

If the hero is at the same location as an encounter that has

the “Weakness – [Keyword(s)]” trait (see Ability Types Non-Engagement Test
p. 23), and the hero has 1 or more of the specified
keywords on a card in play, they may perform this Deed
to automatically defeat the encounter. When the active hero performs a Test, total the values and
bonuses in the tested attribute for that hero. Add 1 to that
1. All heroes that have gained successes against the total for each other hero in the team, and use that total in
defeated encounter discard those successes. the Test.
2. The hero claims a reward (see Reward: Loot and
Rumour p. 15).
Example: A hero with Sneak 3 is trying to sneak into
Example: A Priest hero with the keyword ‘Pious’ on a “Place” with a Sneak value of 2. They are in the same
his class card is in the same location as the ‘Cleric’ location as another hero and both heroes decide to
Stranger encounter card. The Priest performs the team together. The active hero’s Sneak plus 1 for the
Overcome Deed to match his Pious keyword with the additional hero in the team means that they roll 4 dice
Cleric’s ‘Weakness – Pious’ to automatically defeat (instead of 3) to try to get 2 successes in order to defeat
the Cleric and claim his reward. the Place and claim its reward.

Gloom of Kilforth
Team Engagement Example Solo Hero Turn

In a solo one-hero game, a Human Warrior hero starts

the game at Sprawl City. They have 4 current HP and so
The first 2 stages of an engagement (Determine Surprise and
gather 4 Actions to spend this Day. For their first action
Evasion Opportunity) are skipped.
they spend one AP to take a Hidden token in case they
run into any trouble with enemies.
In the Battle stage, the steps are resolved as follows:
The hero spends their next AP to Move to an
Step 1 - Fight: each team hero resolves this step
orthogonally adjacent location, which happens to be
simultaneously (meaning each team hero makes a Fight Test
the Green Meadows (a Plains location). The location is
against the enemy, and the enemy performs a Fight Test
empty so the warrior draws a Plains encounter card to
against each team hero).
fill the location: it is the Farmer, a Stranger. The Farmer
has a Weakness towards the Martial keyword. Since our
Step 2 - Foe Defeated Check: resolved by the active hero
hero is a Warrior and has the Martial keyword on their
class card, the hero decides to come out of Hiding by
simply discarding their Hidden token. Without having
Step 3 - Hero Defeated Check: resolved by each team hero
to spend an AP, the hero uses the Overcome deed (a
separately, starting with the active hero and continuing
‘free’ action) to match their Martial class keyword to
the Farmer’s Martial Weakness, instantly defeating the
Farmer encounter: the characters have an ale or two and
Step 4 - Escape: is skipped.
share some stories - the farmer is so impressed with the
warrior’s fighting prowess he decides to help the warrior
on their quest!
Example: 3 heroes team up on an enemy with 2 HP
and Fight 3. The enemy will roll 3 Fight dice against each hero
Having defeated an encounter, the hero goes to the
each battle round, and after each round we see whether the
Reward: Loot and Rumour steps. The Farmer’s Gold
foe or any of the heroes are defeated.
Value is 1 so the Warrior decides to draw a Loot token
instead of taking 1 Gold. The Loot token is worth 2
Gold, so the Warrior’s gamble paid off (the Loot token
Rewards and Disbandment
could have been worth nothing, or worse!). The Warrior
The active hero decides how any reward(s) will be split
can then decide to either take the Farmer card into their
amongst the team when the reward is claimed. Agreements
hand as a rumour, or discard it to draw an Ally rumour
made during the formation of the team are not binding!
from the Ally reward deck. The Farmer has the keyword
‘Plains’, which the Warrior needs to complete chapter 1
A team automatically disbands at whichever happens first:
of their Take Fortress saga, so they take the Farmer card
into hand as a rumour for later use in their saga.
Completion of the active hero’s next engagement.
Completion of the active hero’s next Non-Engagement The keywords ‘Mountain’ and ‘Enemy’ are still required
Test. to complete chapter 1 of the warrior’s saga, so with
Completion of the current turn. their third AP they perform a Move to an adjacent
Forest location ‘Blessed Grove’ on the way towards some
Mountains. The location is empty so the hero draws a
Forest encounter, Sacred Shrine, a Place encounter that
can heal heroes if defeated. The hero hasn’t lost any HP
yet and isn’t currently interested in a Place encounter so
they ignore the Sacred Shrine for now, noting that it has
created a ‘safe’ path through this location (as long as the
Sacred Shrine remains, the hero will not need to draw
another encounter when they move back into the
Blessed Grove).

So for their fourth and final AP of the Day they spend

another Move action to move into an adjacent empty
Mountain location, the Rolling Hills, to try to defeat an
encounter with the Mountain or Enemy keyword. They
draw an encounter to fill the location and it is indeed an
Enemy - a Devil! However, the hero was not Hidden so
the Devil has Surprise, gaining one extra die in the first
round of battle, which begins immediately …

Gloom of Kilforth
11. Night Phase 12. Additional Rules
At night the heroes must camp down and sleep, but the gloom Asset: A card may become an asset even if the hero doesn’t
spreads its deadly tendrils across the land whilst the Ancient’s currently have the capability to use it.
forces are ever watchful.

Example: A hero may Discover a Spell even if they

STEP 1: GLOOM don’t have a high enough Study to “cast” it yet..

Each hero at a gloom location loses 1 HP.

Decks and Discard Piles: Each deck has its own face-up
discard pile. Discard piles for encounter and reward decks
STEP 2: DARKNESS may be examined by any hero at any time but the card order
within the discard pile cannot be changed.

a. Draw: The First Hero draws a card from the Night deck. If an effect says to draw to find a card meeting a specific
criterion (Example: “the first Enemy”), any cards drawn that
b. Gloom Spreads: Flip the location named on the Night don’t meet the criterion are not resolved but are immediately
card to its gloom side – this is now a gloom location. discarded instead. If the required card isn’t found by the time
the deck runs out, the effect ends without the card(s) being
c. Resolve: The Night card’s effect is now resolved, found.
dependent on its card type as follows:
When the last card is drawn from an encounter or reward
Weather: Any Weather card currently in play is deck, its discard pile is immediately shuffled to form a new
discarded. Place the new Weather card in play beside deck. If the last drawn card was also discarded, include that
the map - its effect will apply until a new Weather in the shuffle.
card is drawn.
Encounter Attribute Tests: If an encounter’s attributes are
Enemy, Place, Quest, Stranger: Place this encounter modified in such a way that a hero now has enough successes
in play on the location named on the card. in that attribute against that encounter this phase to defeat
it, the hero must still trigger the appropriate rules process
Event: Resolve its effect and discard the card. in order to defeat it (e.g. perform a Confront Action, with its
If a Night card Event effect offers a choice, the associated attribute Test, which contains a rules process that
First Hero chooses. determines whether the encounter is defeated).

d. Plot: When a particular location type falls into gloom Gold: Heroes may make change at any time, and there is no
the Ancient will bring a plot card into play, as limit to how much gold a hero can have.
detailed on the Ancient’s card. This happens after
the Night card is fully resolved. Health / Health Points (HP): A hero cannot gain more HP
than their maximum health. A hero’s maximum health is
defined during setup as that which is on the hero’s race card,
Example: When a Badlands location falls into gloom but it may be increased or decreased during the game by
the Abbess of Penance places a random plot card on abilities. When a hero loses 1 or more HP, that hero also loses
that location. 1 AP (if able) for each HP lost. When a hero loses their last
HP, they are defeated. A hero can’t lose more HP than they

STEP 3: DAWN Hero (Race, Class and Saga) Cards: Cannot be affected by
Perform the following steps in order:
a. Successes: Each hero discards all encounter Obstacles: Obstacles are placed by card effects. They prevent
successes. heroes from playing Search or Confront actions in their
b. Hidden Heroes: Each hero is no longer Hidden location, and they stay in play until removed by an effect or
(return Hidden tokens to the token pool). Action. There is no limit to the number of obstacles a location
c. Defeated Heroes: Each defeated hero regains 2 HP may have.
and is no longer considered defeated.
d. Unveil: Each card and skill that is veiled is rotated to Token Limitations: There is no limit to the number of tokens
its unveiled state (see Veil: p. 14). that can be in play. If the provided tokens run out, any
substitute may be used in lieu.

Gloom of Kilforth
13. Rules Reference Guide
Example: An ability that says “When a battle starts,
Unless specifically stated, effects on cards always take gain 1 gold” would allow that hero to gain 1 gold each
precedence over the rules in this rulebook. time they start a battle.

Ability Types If multiple abilities with the same triggering condition are
to be resolved, the active hero decides the order in which to
resolve them. If there’s no active hero, the First Hero decides.
(Revealed): - A Revealed ability must be resolved
immediately when the card is drawn from its deck.
Cost - Some abilities have a “do X to do Y” construct, where
the “do X” text is considered a cost, and the “do Y” text is the
(Map): - A Map ability stays in force while the card is in play.
effect that’s resolved after the cost is paid. Such an ability
If it refers to an interaction that can be made with this card
may be performed multiple times, as long as the cost can be
(such as a battle or a Test), then the ability only affects these
paid each time.
interactions with itself. Otherwise it’s a mandatory effect that
affects all elements in play (e.g. Weather on a Night card).
Example: An ability that says “Pay 1 gold to re-roll a
If a Map ability specifies an effect that occurs during an die” may be performed multiple times in an attempt
interaction with a hero or team, then only the active hero to get the desired result. At least until your gold runs
is affected by the ability. The active hero must comply with out anyway.
the effect as much as able, but if the effect can’t be fully or
partially met, the game continues regardless.
“Enters Play:” - If an ability begins with “Enters Play:” it can
Example: A Map ability that says “When a battle only be resolved when the card goes from out of play to in
starts, sacrifice 1 Item” only applies to a battle with play (see Definitions p. 25).
this card. When a hero starts a battle against this
card, that hero must sacrifice 1 Item if they have one. “Leaves Play:” - If an ability begins with “Leaves Play:” it can
Either way, the battle continues regardless. only be resolved when the card goes from in play to out of
play (see Definitions p. 25).
(Deed): - A Deed ability is an optional ability available to its
“Sacrifice:” - If an ability begins with “Sacrifice:” it can
hero while the card is in their play area. It’s resolved when
only be resolved at the cost of removing its card from play
the hero performs a Resolve Deed.
and returning it to its appropriate discard pile. If a sacrifice
has a triggering condition, then the sacrifice may only be
(Hero): - A Hero ability stays in force while the card is in play.
made when that triggering condition occurs. A card may be
It’s a mandatory effect that affects only the hero and the
sacrificed from either a veiled or unveiled state.
elements they’re interacting with. If a Hero ability contains
“you may”, then the hero may choose whether to use the
effect or not each time it’s appropriate.
Example: An effect (on the Battle Elemental card)
that says “(Deed) Sacrifice: When a battle round
Event - An event is an encounter or Night card effect (usually
starts, gain Fight +8 until the end of the battle
in a ‘Revealed:’ format) that is resolved immediately by the
round” may only be resolved when the hero starts a
active hero and then discarded. Events may not be defeated
battle round. If they so choose - remembering that
or kept by heroes unless specifically stated. An attribute Test
Deeds are optional - they may remove the card from
generated by an event does not require expenditure of Action
play to gain the Fight +8 (i.e. 8 extra dice) benefit.
Points (unless stated on the card) and is only rolled once.

Requirements Spell - A spell asset can only be used if the hero has a Study
value equal or greater than the spell’s Study value.

“Veil:” - If an ability begins with “Veil:” then it can only be

Some abilities have requirements which must be met for the resolved if its card is in an unveiled (upright) state. The cost of
ability to be initiated. resolving the ability is to turn the card 90 degrees clockwise
to its veiled state. A veiled ability cannot be resolved again
Triggering condition - Some abilities have a “When X, do Y” until it becomes unveiled. Cards enter play in an unveiled
construct, where the “When X” text is considered a triggering state unless specified otherwise. If a Veil ability has a
condition. The ability can only be resolved at the point in the triggering condition, then the ability can only be resolved
game when X occurs, before the game continues. An ability when that triggering condition occurs. Veiled cards or tokens
with a triggering condition can be resolved a maximum of do not directly contribute any bonuses to Tests, though other
once each time the triggering condition occurs. cards may trigger off them.

Gloom of Kilforth
Relocate: Simply pick up the hero standee and place it on a
location allowed by the ability. It doesn’t cost AP and is not
Veil Example: An effect (on the Fireball card) that considered a move.
says “(Deed) Veil: When a battle round starts,
gain Fight +4 until the end of the battle round” Spend AP: Can be any type of AP (e.g. a card might specify
may only be resolved when the hero starts a battle ‘Move AP’), and it doesn’t need to correlate to what the
round, and only if the card is unveiled. If they so ability will allow.
choose - remembering that Deeds are optional -
they may veil the card to gain the Fight +4 benefit. Skill: If an ability allows a hero to gain a skill, they can only
choose from those not yet taken by a hero. Skills are limited
to those provided by the game.

Trap: This is triggered and resolved immediately each time its

Ability Terminology card is Confronted, or if engaged in battle, just before the first
Skirmish step of the battle. A trap specifies a cost that must
be paid by the active hero. If the full cost cannot be met, then
as much of the cost that can be paid must be. If none of the
Common phrases used in abilities include: cost can be paid, the trap can be ignored. The engagement
or Confront action continues after the trap is resolved,
As your [type] Action: After spending the required Action regardless of whether the cost was paid or not.
Point, instead of performing an Action (or if type is listed, the
specified type of Action), do this ability’s effect instead.
Example: A hero engages a Ravenous Werewolf
Defeat: If a card effect allows a hero to defeat an encounter, Enemy encounter. It has the ability ‘Trap: Sacrifice
the hero claims the reward for it. If the hero was performing 1 Ally’, so before the Skirmish step the hero must
an engagement or a Confront Action, it immediately ends. immediately sacrifice one of his ally assets from
An Ancient cannot be defeated by an ability. play. If he has no allies in play the trap is ignored.

Fail a [attribute X] Test: If the number X is not specified,

the Test is failed if the hero gains no successes in the given Trophy [attribute(s)] – [Benefit]: When this encounter is
attribute against this card. If X is specified, then the Test is defeated the hero has the option of receiving/performing the
failed if fewer than X successes are gained. If an attribute is listed benefit after the last step in claiming the reward for the
not specified, then the effect applies to any Test made against encounter. If multiple benefits are listed then, in order from
this card. If no Pass effect is given, there is no effect if the Test left to right, each is decided on and either taken or not before
is passed. the next in order is resolved. If a benefit lists a card type,
draw a card of that type from the appropriate deck. It may be
Heal X HP: Gain HP equal to X, up to the entity’s maximum put into play as an asset immediately, or may be discarded,
health. If an ability heals more HP than the entity has lost, it whereupon the hero receives gold equal to its gold value.
gains those HP that it can, back up to its maximum health.
Trophy (Forced): Same as Trophy above, but the ‘benefit’
Immune: If a card is immune to a card type, then it cannot effect must be performed if possible, it is not optional.
be affected by abilities or attribute bonuses of that card
type. Treat all cards in the specified card type as blank for Use [attribute1] for a [attribute2] Test: When a hero
interactions with the card with immunity. determines how many dice to roll during a Test in attribute2,
the hero has the option of using their value in attribute1
instead, which includes any bonuses in attribute1.
Example: An enemy is immune to skills. The
abilities on your skill cards have no effect on it and
the attribute bonuses on skills are lost while you’re
interacting with the enemy. It may be that a spell you
wanted to cast against the enemy could no longer be Example: You have Fight 2, Influence 3, and bonuses
cast if you were relying on a Study bonus to meet the that provide Influence +2. With the ability “You may
spell’s casting requirement. use Influence for a Fight Test”, you have the option of
rolling 5 dice instead of 2 during a Fight Test.

Pass a [attribute X] Test: If the number X is not specified,

the Test is passed if the hero gains 1 or more successes in the Weakness – [Keyword(s)]: If a hero at this location has 1 or
given attribute against this card. If X is specified, then the Test more of the specified keywords in play, they may defeat the
is passed if X or more successes are gained. If an attribute is card with this weakness.
not specified, then the effect applies to any Test made against
this card. If no Fail effect is given, there is no effect if the Test
is failed.

Gloom of Kilforth
Foe: The encounter you’re battling in an engagement, which
Explanations of some common terms follow. may be an Enemy, Enemy Stranger, or Ancient.

Active Hero: The hero currently performing their turn. Gain: When instructed to gain a reward, that card is drawn
Outside of a turn, there’s no active hero. from the appropriate deck as a rumour.

Adjacent: Orthogonally bordering - not diagonal, not via a Keyword: Encounter Types and Reward Types also count as
shortcut. Keywords.

Action Points (AP): represents how many Actions a hero In Play: All cards and skills a hero has; the map; encounters
may take during a Day. Note: engagements and Deeds do not on the map; face-up cards beside the map.
consume AP.
Out of Play: Cards in hand, deck, discard pile, or removed
Asset: Reward cards in a hero’s play area. from game; skills not yet acquired; the token pool.

Battle: Stage 3 of an engagement where you make Fight Tests Play Area: Includes the map and each hero’s cards in play.
against an enemy to try to defeat it.
Rumour: Reward, plot and encounter cards held in a hero’s
Encounter: a card in a location, drawn from that location’s hand.
encounter deck, or sometimes from the Night deck.
Skill level: The level of a hero’s highest skill.
Encounter Deck: the deck with the same terrain type as its
location. Strongest: The hero with the highest skill level (tie: First Hero
decides). If there’s only 1 hero, they are automatically the
Enemy Stranger: An encounter card of type “Stranger” is an Strongest.
enemy to each hero that has an Enemy token on it. It remains
a Stranger to all other heroes. Success: A successful die result during a Test, usually a
5 or a 6.
Engagement: Divided into 3 stages: Determine Surprise,
Evasion Opportunity, Battle. Weakest: The hero whose highest skill level is the lowest
amongst all heroes (tie: First Hero decides). If there’s only 1
Event: Some encounters cards have the Ability Type ‘Event’. hero, they are automatically the Weakest.
These are resolved immediately by the active hero and
then discarded. Heroes cannot Team up to tackle Event X: The hero may substitute X for any positive integer of
encounters. their choice.

Fate: One-use only tokens, or discarded rumours, each can

add 1 success to a Test, maximum of once per day.

Gloom of Kilforth

For more information on variant ways to play, please subscribe Engagements do not cost AP.
to the game online at boardgamegeek.com.
Stage 1: Determine Surprise (+1 die) – gained by Enemies
just drawn or a hero discarding a Hidden token.

14. Summaries Stage 2: Evasion Opportunity – pass Sneak Test if Hidden,

foe gains Surprise if failed.


1. Skirmish – hero and foe each do a Fight Test,

Element Acquisition Expenditure inflicting HP loss on successes.
Asset Discover: Move a Market: Sell for half value. 2. Foe Defeated Check – gain reward.
rumour into play. Regale: discard to resolve saga
Regale: Totem enters keyword (and gain Gold equal 3. Hero Defeated Check – make Camp, lose gold,
play upon finale to its value). discard rumour or asset, relocate to Sprawl City.
completion. Market:
Move a rumour into
4. Escape Option – retreat, make Camp.

Fate Setup Test: Gains 1 success (MAX.

once per day). CONFRONT TEST
Gold Setup Market: Heal 1 HP per 1 gold.
Reward: Defeated Market: Purchase reward card.
encounter card. Regale: Saga chapter 1. Determine how many dice to roll, which is the sum of:
Reward: Draw ‘Gold’ completion (5 gold).
Loot token (instead of a. The tester’s value in the attribute being tested.
Market: Sell rumour/
b. Add attribute bonuses. Veiled cards do not contribute.
asset for half value. c. Add 1 if the tester has Surprise.
Regale: Sell asset after
resolving saga keyword. 2. Roll the determined number of dice.
Regale: Discard Totem
3. Perform any re-roll and die manipulation abilities.
upon finale completion.
Assault: Defeated 4. Gain 1 success for each die showing ‘5’ or ‘6’.
5. Fate: The testing hero may optionally add 1 success
Rumour Setup Test: Gains 1 success (MAX.
by discarding either a Fate token or a rumour.
Reward: Defeated once per day, whether fate or
encounter card. rumour).
Reward: Drawn reward Market: Sell for half value. Strangers: NB: Hidden heroes cannot confront Strangers!
card. Regale: Discard to resolve saga
keyword. Either:
Skill Regale: Chosen after
completing a saga Place an Enemy token on the Stranger, or
Perform an Influence Test. No successes = place an
Type Unique Keywords Enemy token on the Stranger.
Ally Arcane, Martial, Pious, Shadow
Confront Result
Item Armour, Jewellery, Potion, Weapon
Spell Aid, Combat, Healing, Kinetic Pool hero’s successes in the same attribute against the same
Title Order, Rank, Reputation, Steed encounter during this day. If successes equal or exceed
the encounter’s attribute value it is defeated - all heroes
who gained successes against this encounter discard those
successes. Then the hero claims a Reward.
Important: If a hero leaves a location, by any means, all their
Avoid negative effects of certain Night cards. successes at that location are lost.
Negate element of Surprise an enemy might have
when it engages you.
Discard to gain Surprise when you engage an enemy.
Evade an enemy instead of battling it.
Does not work during an Ancient Assault.
Cannot peacefully confront Strangers.
Heroes automatically stop being Hidden and lose their
Hidden tokens at the end of the Night phase.
Gloom of Kilforth

1. Loot Step: When claiming a reward for defeating an Move: Move to another location (orthogonally adjacent or via
encounter the hero Loots the location. They may either: a shortcut). Engage enemies. Draw location encounter if new
location has no encounters (engage drawn enemies). Resolve
a. Gain Gold equal to the gold value of the defeated Events immediately.
encounter card, or
b. Draw 1 Loot token. Clear: Remove an obstacle or plot from the hero’s location and
gain 1 Loot token (Maximum of 6 Loot tokens).
2. Rumour Step: Hero gains a rumour (to a maximum of 6).
They may either: Search: Location must have no encounters or obstacles - draw and
place an encounter at the hero’s location.
a. Place the defeated encounter card in their hand as a
rumour, or Hide: Become Hidden to avoid Night effects, evade enemies, gain
b. Discard the defeated encounter card, and draw a
reward card as a rumour. Confront: Location must have no obstacles. Attempt to defeat
a Quest, Place, or Stranger (if not Hidden) encounter and gain
Exception: When a hero defeats a Stranger that has their Enemy Rewards: Loot and Rumours. Accumulate successes (5s or 6s) on
token on it option a. must be chosen each time! this Day equal to the encounter’s chosen attribute value to defeat
it. Rolling zero successes against a Stranger will make it an Enemy!
Trophy: Perform any Trophy benefits on the defeated encounter.
Rest: Location must have no encounters - regain 1 HP.
Limit of 6: If a hero ever has more than 6 rumours, 6 assets, or
6 Loot, they must discard down to 6. Discover: Move a rumour card from your hand into your play area
when at the asset’s required location.

Market: Heal: 1 Gold per HP. Purchase: draw 3 cards from one
DEEDS reward deck, must purchase 1 (if able) and only 1, and put it
straight into play as an asset. Sell: rumours or assets for half gold
value, rounded down.
Exchange: Exchange gold, rumours, Loot tokens, Item assets, and/
or Spell assets with another hero at your location. Regale - Saga chapter: spend 5 gold, resolve keywords: discard
distinct rumours for their keyword, and discard assets (or simply
Overcome: Defeat an encounter which has a weakness matching select assets) for their keyword and gold value. Gain 1 HP, 1, 1 Skill
one of your keywords in play. matching this chapter level, then flip or discard chapter to replace
Resolve: Resolve the Deed ability on a card or token in the hero’s
play area. Regale - Finale: Confront like an encounter. Gain totem if
defeated and place ancient(s) into play.
Team: Form a team with 1 or more other heroes at your location
to jointly attempt an engagement or to Confront an encounter.
Assault: Attempt to defeat an Ancient in battle (if your saga is
completed) if no other encounters at your location. No Surprise, no
evasion, no escape by any means, death is permanent!
If the hero has no HP during a Hero Defeated Check, or as a
result of losing their last HP by some other means (e.g. Gloom or
‘Competitive Pressure’ Rule. Weather), they are defeated with the following consequences...
In the Competitive game only: If the foe was not an Ancient, the hero:

a. When a hero completes chapter 3 of

Makes Camp and ends their turn immediately
their saga, any other hero who has not
(even if part of a team with another hero as the active
yet completed chapter 1 may (in player
hero, they must still follow these steps - see
order) immediately complete their
Deed: Team p. 20).
current chapter, without spending any
AP, gold, or keywords. Returns their gold to the token pool.
Either sacrifices 1 asset or discards 1 rumour.
b. When a hero completes chapter 4 of Returns their hero figure to Sprawl City.
their saga, any other hero who has not Cannot be affected by abilities.
yet completed chapter 1 or 2 may Night Phase, Dawn: each defeated hero regains 2 HP
(in player order) immediately complete and is no longer considered defeated.
their current chapter, without spending
any AP, gold, or keywords.
Gloom of Kilforth
Actions 12 Keyword 6, 15, 16, 20, 24, 25
Move 12 Limits 15
Clear 13 Asset Limit 15
Search 13 Hand Limit 15
Hide 13 Loot Limit 15
Confront 13-14 Limit of 6 15
Rest 15 Unique Keyword Limit 15
Discover 15 Leaves Play: 23
Market 15 Loot Step 15
Regale 16 Loot token 13, 15, 20
Action Points (AP) 11, 12, 25 Making Camp 11
Active Hero 25 Map 5
Adjacent 25 (Map): 23
Ally 8, 15 Movement 12
Ancient 5, 9, 10, 17, 19 Night 22
Asset 15, 16, 20, 25, 26, 27 Obstacle 3, 13, 27
Battle 18, 19, 21, 23, 25 Out of Play 25
Competitive 2, 10, 16 Place 13, 15
Competitive Pressure Rule 16, 27 Play Area 25
Cooperative 2, 5, 10, 17, 19 Player 2
Cost 23 Plot 9, 13, 19, 22
Darkness 22 Purchase 15
Daylight 10, 11 Quest 13, 15
Dawn 22 Relocate 24
Deck 5, 12, 25, 26 Resolve 22
(Deed): 19, 23 (Revealed): 23
Deeds 19, 20, 23 Reward 8, 15, 16
Assault 19, 20 Reward Type 8, 15, 16, 26
Exchange 20 Rumour 15, 16, 25
Overcome 20 Rumour Step 15
Resolve 20 Sacrifice: 15, 16, 23
Team 20 Safe 5
Defeat 20, 24, 27 Saga 7, 16
Defeated 14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 27 Saga Chapter 16
Foe Defeated 18, 19, 21, 26 Saga Finale 17
Hero Defeated 18, 19, 21, 26, 27 Sell 15
Discard 15, 26 Skill 7, 16, 24
Encounter 8, 13-14, 26 Skill level 25
Encounter Type 8, 15, 16 Skill Type 6, 7
Encounter Deck 12, 13, 25 Skirmish 18
Enemy 11, 15, 18, 21 Solo Play 2, 10, 21
Enemy Stranger 14, 15, 25 Spell 8, 15, 20, 23
Engagement 18, 19, 21, 25 Spend AP 24
Enters Play: 23 Stranger 14
Escape 18 Strongest hero 25
Evasion 18 Success 13, 14, 25
Events 12, 23, 25, 27 Surprise 18
Fail 24 Team 20, 21
Fate 14, 20, 25 Test 14
Finale 16, 17, 20 Title 8, 15
First Hero 11, 22 Tokens 3, 22
Foe 14, 18, 21, 25 Totem 7, 17
Gain 25 Trap 24
Gloom 22 Triggering condition 23
Gold 10, 15-23, 26 Trophy 24
Health Points (HP) 3, 6, 11, 18, 27 Turn 11
Maximum HP 6, 15, 16, 24 Unique Keyword Limit 26
Heal 15, 24 Unveil 22
Hero 2 Use 24
(Hero): 23 Veil, Veiled Cards 14, 23
Hidden 13, 18 Victory Points 10
Immune 24 Weakest hero 25
In Play 25 Weakness 24
Item 8, 15, 20 Weather 22
Winning the Game 10

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