HY14-2007 VG35EH
HY14-2007 VG35EH
HY14-2007 VG35EH
The items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker-Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are
governed by the provisions stated in the detailed “Offer of Sale” elsewhere in this document or available at www.parker.com/hydraulicvalve.
For safety information, see Safety Guide SG HY14-1000 at www.parker.com/safety or call 1-800-CParker.
Technical Information
General Description...........................................................................................................................................1
Ordering Information
Inlet . .................................................................................................................................................................5
Outlet . ..............................................................................................................................................................5
Utility Section.....................................................................................................................................................7
Work Section.....................................................................................................................................................8
Installation Information
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
General Description
The VG35 has been a strong and reliable player in the
170-246 LPM (45-65 GPM) open-center, directional
control valve market for many years. Now it has a new,
electrohydraulic package designed for open-center
systems and for those customers wanting to take ma-
chine control to the next level.
Open-center valves that are operated by either hydrau-
lic-remote or electrohydraulic require a way to generate
and regulate the pilot pressure. For hydraulic-remote
operation, the regulated pilot pressure is needed for
the pilot controllers. For electrohydraulic operation, the
regulated pilot pressure is required for the work section
solenoids. Generation and regulation of the pilot signal
can be accomplished externally with an in-line solution,
however, this approach requires extra plumbing.
The VG35 has an integrated section that selectively
Solenoid generates and regulates the pilot pressure to be sent
to the hydraulic-remote controllers, or the solenoids
installed in the work section.
When an operator selects a spool, a signal is sent to a
normally open solenoid in the “utility” section. Pressure
will then build until it reaches the setting of relief valve.
This is sufficient pressure to move the main spool, so
that it can be connected to the load pressure. At that
point, the inlet of the valve will see system pressure,
and the pressure-reducing valve in the “utility section”
will regulate the pilot pressure to the hydraulic-remote
controllers or the work section solenoids.
For electrohydraulic operation, optimizing machine
Outlet control is achieved by having a dedicated drain for the
work section solenoids. Therefore, the VG35EH pack-
age isolates the solenoid within the control valve, and
the solenoid drain port is located in the “utility section”.
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Schematic Assembly
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Standard Optional
Example: ZT99022
Low Pressure Port Coding
Outlet Code Side Top Bottom Pilot In Pilot Drain Out
ZT 0 no port 0 no port 0 no port 2 SAE 6 2 SAE 6
8 SAE 16 8 SAE 16 8 SAE 16 (Omit from code if PG section is used)
9 SAE 20 9 SAE 20 9 SAE 20
10 SAE 24
NOTES: 1. Pilot in & drain out ports are not required if Pilot Generation section is used.
2. Pilot in & out ports are cost drivers, do not specify unless required for EXTERNAL pilot source entry.
3. A traditional VG35 outlet cannot be used here. This is a unique casting that accomodates internal/external pilot
machining requirements.
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Example: YT99099
1. Consult with factory for High Pressure SAE-20 ports above 242 Bar (3500 PSI).
2. Power beyond outlets require "last in line" work section housing to terminate internal pilot & drain machining.
Contact Factory.
3. Power beyond outlets cannot accommodate external pilot & drain ports.
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Utility Section
Example PGP2DA
PG Solenoid Sol. Dump
Solenoids Connector Accum Check External Pilot Filter Circuit
Code Dump Connector
External Filter Used
- external
PG P2 12VDC D Deutsch A P2 12VDC D Deutsch EF1 - Filter not supplied with valve
port is SAE 6
- includes 2 external pilot ports
(Omit from code if no pilot filter circuit
P4 24VDC (Included by default) P4 24VDC
(Omit from
code if no
dump required)
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Work Section
Example: HP2AS899
Port Accessory
Code Description Actuator A & B Porting Port A Port B
double-acting, 12 volt, double-ended solenoid, on/off or
H P2 S7 SAE 12 0 Not Machined 0 Not Machined
parallel cylinder proportional
double-acting, 24 volt, double-ended solenoid, on/off or
L P4 S8 SAE 16 1 RV-AC 1 RV-AC
parallel, motor proportional
single-acting @ B,
J 2 Anti-cav 2 Anti-cav
parallel, cylinder
single-acting @ B,
N Connector B7 BSP 3/4" 3 RV-shim adj 3 RV-shim adj
parallel, motor
HT A Amp Jr.Timer B8 BSP 1" 6 RV-screw adj 6 RV-screw adj
tandem, cylinder
double-acting, Deutsch (no override pin due to
LT D 5 Plastic closure 5 Plastic closure
tandem, motor connector)
9 Steel plug 9 Steel plug
- only available with Amp Jr. connector
only & in 12VDC
- not available with override pin/bleed
(Omit from code if no diode)
Manual Override/Bleed Screw - available with
Amp Jr. connector only
O Override pin/bleed screw
Omit from code if no override pin
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Offer of Sale
The items described in this document and other documents or descriptions provided by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its autho-
rized distributors are hereby offered for sale at prices to be established by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and its authorized distributors.
This offer and its acceptance by any customer ("Buyer") shall be governed by all of the following Terms and Conditions. Buyer’s order for any such
items, when communicated to Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiary or an authorized distributor ("Seller") verbally or in writing, shall constitute
acceptance of this offer.
1. Terms and Conditions of Sale: All descriptions, quotations, proposals, discard or otherwise dispose of any special tooling or other property in
offers, acknowledgments, acceptances and sales of Seller’s products are its sole discretion at any time.
subject to and shall be governed exclusively by the terms and conditions 8. Buyer’s Property: Any designs, tools, patterns, materials, drawings,
stated herein. Buyer’s acceptance of any offer to sell is limited to these terms confidential information or equipment furnished by Buyer or any other
and conditions. Any terms or conditions in addition to, or inconsistent with items which become Buyer’s property, may be considered obsolete and
those stated herein, proposed by Buyer in any acceptance of an offer by may be destroyed by Seller after two (2) consecutive years have elapsed
Seller, are hereby objected to. No such additional, different or inconsistent without Buyer placing an order for the items which are manufactured using
terms and conditions shall become part of the contract between Buyer and such property, Seller shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to
Seller unless expressly accepted in writing by Seller. Seller’s acceptance such property while it is in Seller’s possession or control.
of any offer to purchase by Buyer is expressly conditional upon Buyer’s 9. Taxes: Unless otherwise indicated on the face hereof, all prices and
assent to all the terms and conditions stated herein, including any terms in charges are exclusive of excise, sales, use, property, occupational or like
addition to, or inconsistent with those contained in Buyer’s offer, Acceptance taxes which may be imposed by any taxing authority upon the manufac-
of Seller’s products shall in all events constitute such assent. ture, sale or delivery of the items sold hereunder. If any such taxes must
2. Payment: Payment shall be made by Buyer net 30 days from the date be paid by Seller or if Seller is liable for the collection of such tax, the
of delivery of the items purchased hereunder. Amounts not timely paid amount thereof shall be in addition to the amounts for the items sold. Buyer
shall bear interest at the maximum rate permitted by law for each month agrees to pay all such taxes or to reimburse Seller therefore upon receipt
or portion thereof that the Buyer is late in making payment. Any claims of its invoice. If Buyer claims exemption from any sales, use or other tax
by Buyer for omissions or shortages in a shipment shall be waived un- imposed by any taxing authority, Buyer shall save Seller harmless from
less Seller receives notice thereof within 30 days after Buyer’s receipt of and against any such tax, together with any interest or penalties thereon
the shipment. which may be assessed if the items are held to be taxable.
3. Delivery: Unless otherwise provided on the face hereof, delivery shall 10. Indemnity For Infringement of Intellectual Property Rights: Seller
be made F.O.B. Seller’s plant. Regardless of the method of delivery, how- shall have no liability for infringement of any patents, trademarks, copy-
ever, risk of loss shall pass to Buyer upon Seller’s delivery to a carrier. rights, trade dress, trade secrets or similar rights except as provided in
Any delivery dates shown are approximate only and Seller shall have no this Part 10. Seller will defend and indemnify Buyer against allegations
liability for any delays in delivery. of infringement of U.S. Patents, U.S. Trademarks, copyrights, trade dress
4. Warranty: Seller warrants that the items sold hereunder shall be free and trade secrets (hereinafter ‘Intellectual Property Rights’). Seller will
from defects in material or workmanship for a period of 18 months from defend at its expense and will pay the cost of any settlement or damages
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5. Limitation Of Remedy: SELLER’S LIABILITY ARISING FROM OR IN purchase price less a reasonable allowance for depreciation. Notwithstand-
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6. Changes, Reschedules and Cancellations: Buyer may request to 11. Force Majeure: Seller does not assume the risk of and shall not be
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Seller may require. 12. Entire Agreement/Governing Law: The terms and conditions set
7. Special Tooling: A tooling charge may be imposed for any special forth herein, together with any amendments, modifications and any dif-
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of any charges by Buyer. In no event will Buyer acquire any interest in This Agreement shall be governed in all respects by the law of the State
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or adapted for such manufacture and notwithstanding any charges paid after the cause of action accrues.
by Buyer. Unless otherwise agreed, Seller shall have the right to alter, 9/91-P
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
■ Valves or parts thereof thrown off at high speed ■ Contact with fluid that may be hot, cold, toxic or otherwise injurious
■ High velocity fluid discharge ■ Injuries resulting from injection, inhalation or exposure to fluids
■ Explosion or burning of the conveyed fluid ■ Injury from handling a heavy item (dropped, awkward lift)
■ Contact with suddenly moving or falling objects controlled by the Valve ■ Electric shock from improper handling of solenoid connections
■ Injections by high-pressure fluid discharge ■ Injury from slip or fall on spilled or leaked fluid
Before selecting or using any of these Products, it is important that you read and follow the instructions below. In general, the Products are not approved
for in-flight aerospace applications. Consult the factory for the few that are FAA approved.
SG HY14-1000, 2/12/07
3.1 Component Inspection: Prior to use, a careful examination of the Valve(s) must be performed. The Valve intended for use must be checked for correct style, size,
catalog number and external condition. The Valve must be examined for cleanliness, absence of external defects or gouges, cracked or otherwise deformed parts or
missing items. The mounting surface or port connections must be protected and free of burrs, scratches, corrosion or other imperfections. Do NOT use any item that
displays any signs of nonconformance. In addition, any accessory including but not limited to fittings, bolt kits, hoses, sub bases, manifolds, and electrical connectors
must be subjected to the same examination.
3.2 Handling Valves: Many Valves whether HVD Valves or of another manufacturer can be large, bulky or otherwise difficult to handle. Care must be taken to use
proper lifting techniques, tools, braces, lifting belts or other aids so as not to cause injury to the user, any other person or to property.
3.3 Filtration: Fluid cleanliness is a necessity in any hydraulic system. Fluid filters must be installed and maintained in the system to provide the required level of fluid
cleanliness. Filters can be placed in the inlets, pressure lines and return lines. The level of cleanliness required is specified in the HVD product catalog for the specific
Valve(s) selected or intended for use. For additional information on Filter selection contact Parker Filter Division at 800-253-1258 or 419-644-4311.
3.4 Servo Valves: Application of Servo Valves in general requires knowledge and awareness of “closed loop control theory” and the use of electronic controls for
successful and safe operation. Individuals who do not have such experience or knowledge must gain training before use of such Products. Parker offers both
classroom training as well as manuals to assist in gaining this knowledge. These aids can be obtained by contacting Hydraulic Valve Division at 440-366-5100,
calling the general Parker help line 800-CPARKER or going to the Parker web site at www.parker.com.
3.5 Accessory Ratings: All accessories used in combination with the selected or intended Valve product must be rated and compatible with the selected Valve.
Specifically, the items must be of equal or greater rating including but not limited to pressure, flow, power, size, port style, thread connectors and material.
3.6 Connection Styles: It is the responsibility of the user of the Parker product to properly select connectors and accessories that match the connections on the sub plate,
Valve, flange or threaded connection or manifold. It is also the responsibility of the installer to possess adequate skill and knowledge including but not limited to
thread preparation, torque technique, hose assembly and inspection, tube preparation and assembly, and fitting installation. Parker Tube Fitting Division
(www.parker.com/tfd) catalog 4300 and Parker Hose Products (www.parkerhose.com) catalog 4400 describe some basic technical information relative to proper
fitting assembly.
3.7 Electrical Connections: All electrical connections must be made to the applicable codes and local safety requirements.
3.8 Gauges and Sensors: The user must install sufficient gauges and sensors in the system so as to be able to determine the condition of the system. This includes but is
not limited to pressure gauges, flow meters, temperature sensors and site gauges. These are of utmost importance should removal or disassembly of a Valve, portion
of a Valve or portion of the system become necessary. Refer to “VALVE MAINTENANCE AND REPLACEMENT INSTRUCTIONS” for details and especially
item 4.8.
3.9 System Checkout: Once installed, the Valve installation must be tested to insure proper operation and that no external leakage exists. All safety equipment must be in
place including but not limited to safety glasses, helmets, ear protection, splash guards, gloves, coveralls and any shields on the equipment. All air entrapment must be
eliminated and the system pressurized to the maximum system pressure (at or below the Valve maximum working pressure) and checked for proper function and
freedom from leaks. Personnel must stay out of potentially hazardous areas while testing and using.
10 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Valve Division
Elyria, Ohio, USA
Catalog HY14-2007/US
Parker Hydraulics International Sales Offices
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
10 Parker Hannifin Corporation
Hydraulic Valve Division
Elyria, Ohio, USA
Catalog HY14-2007/US
Cat HY14-2007.indd, dd
Pressure and return line Solutions for complex cir- Full line of high and low Parker Chelsea leads the
filters enhances machine cuits that include threaded speed motors provides industry for engineering,
life, reduces maintenance cartridge valves integrated power up to 15,000 in-lbs innovation and performance
and lowers costs. into a single manifold. of torque. in auxiliary power systems.
www.parker.com/hydraulicfilter www.parker.com/ihd www.parker.com/pumpmotor www.parker.com/chelsea
The most complete line of Broad line of energy- effi- Industry leader in the design Hydraulic valves for virtual-
standard, pre-engineered, cient hydraulic pumps that and manufacture of hydrau- ly every hydraulic equipment
cataloged hydraulic power includes piston, vane and lic rack and pinion, and application, from simple to
units in the industry. gear pumps. vane style rotary actuators. precise control.
www.parker.com/pumpmotor www.parker.com/mobpump www.parker.com/actuator www.parker.com/hydraulicvalve
Industrial Bulletin
HY01-1000/US Truck Bulletin
Mobile Bulletin HY19-1004/US
Parker Hydraulics International Sales Offices
North America Mobile Sales Asia Pacific
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