Models 5PFCC & 10PFCC
• Filtering new fluid before putting Parker portable filter carts are the Once water comes into contact with
into service ideal way to prefilter and transfer this material, it is removed from the
• Transferring fluid from drums or fluids into reservoirs or to clean up system.
storage tanks to system reservoirs existing systems. The Parker portable filter cart uses
• Conditioning fluid that is already in Fluid should always be filtered two high capacity ModuFlow™ Plus
use before being put into use. New fluid filters for long element life and better
is not necessarily clean fluid. Most system protection. The first stage
• Complimenting existing system new fluids (right out of the drum) (inlet) filter captures larger particles,
filtration are unfit for use due to high initial while the second stage (outlet) filter
• Removing free and emulsified water contamination levels. Contamination, captures finer particles or removes
from a system both particulate and water, may water. A rugged industrial quality gear
be added to a new fluid during pump gets the job done fast.
• For use with fluids such as
processing, mixing, handling and Using a Parker portable filter cart is
hydraulic, gear and lube oils
storage. the most economical way to protect
Water is removed by installing your system from the harm that can
Par-Gel™ elements in the outlet filter. be caused by contamination.
Par-Gel™ elements are made from a
polymer which has a very high affinity
for free water.
icountPD (Intelli-Cart™ option)
• Allows for real time monitoring of fluid ISO code cleanliness while
• Early warning digital display indicators for low, medium and high
contamination levels
• Moisture % RH LED indicator
Gear pump
• Available in both 5 gpm and 10 gpm sizes
• Industrial quality with a long life and quiet operation
110V/220VAC motor
• Standard 1 HP industrial brand name motor for both 5 gpm and 10 gpm
• Allows for use in both higher and lower viscosity applications
Visual indicator
• Know from just a glance when to change the filter element
• Helps prevent bypass condition
• 35 psid 3-band
Maximum Recommended Fluid
5PFCC – 5 GPM pump
3500 SUS (755cSt)
Operating Temperature:
Seal option “B” (standard)
-40°F to +150°F (-40°C to +66°C) A
Electrical Service Required:
110/220 volts, 60 Hz
Single phase, 10/5.5 amps
Electrical Motor:
1 hp @ 1745 rpm
open, drip proof
Cart frame – Steel
Filter head – Aluminum
Filter bowl – Steel
Hoses – Parker EZ form Buna
Wands – PVC
145 lbs (65.77 kg)
Typical Fluid Cleanliness Level Filter Cart Performance
Requirements Fluid cleanliness levels are a function of initial contamination
Many manufacturers of hydraulic components have levels, contamination ingression rates, reservoir size and filter
established fluid cleanliness levels for their components. Using element efficiency.
a portable filter cart can be a very effective way to reach and The chart below lists approximate time requirements to
maintain these cleanliness levels. achieve certain cleanliness levels based on the assumptions
Component ISO Cleanliness Level
Reservoir Capacity Time Required Projected Cleanliness
Servo control valves 16/14/11
(Gallons) (Hours) Level (ISO)
Proportional valves 17/15/12
50 0.5 20/18/15
Vane and piston pumps/motors 18/16/13
50 1.0 17/15/12
Directional and pressure control valves 18/16/13
50 2.5 16/14/11
Gear pumps/motors 19/17/14
100 1.5 18/16/13
Flow control valves cylinders 20/18/15
100 2.5 17/15/12
New fluid 20/18/15
100 4.0 16/14/11
200 2.5 19/17/14
Filter Cart Element Performance 200 3.5 18/16/13
(two-stage filtration) 200 5.0 17/15/12
Element Element Minimum Overall Notes: The results in the chart are based on the following assumption:
1 2 Capacity, grams 1. Initial contamination level is 500,000 particles greater than 10
20Q 20Q 391 micrometers per 100 ml of fluid (10PFCC cart).
2. Element 1:20Q element; Element 2:10Q element.
20Q 10Q 375 3. System ingression rate equal to 1 X 106 particles greater than 10
20Q 05Q 326 micrometers entering the system per minute.
20Q 02Q 296
The Intelli-Cart™ with particle detector provides an excellent
method for filtering and trending contamination levels.
In-Series Filtration Efficiency
Beta Rating Efficiency %
For optimum particle detector performance results when
10000 monitoring contamination levels, fluid viscosity range should
20Q-02Q be 50 - 250 SUS.
20 95.0 Notes:
1. Par-Gel™ elements are designed to remove “free water”, which is
defined as water that is above a particular fluid’s saturation level.
2. Capacity is very dependent on flow rate and viscosity. Not
2 recommended with fluids in excess of 500 SUS.
0 4 8 12 16 20
Micron Size (c)
Assembly & Operating Instructions
1. Install hoses to inlet strainer and to fill with oil. If repeated attempts Maintenance Instructions
outlet of series filters by threading to obtain oil flow fail, check pump 1. Turn switch to OFF position and
the hose end with the straight inlet fittings for tightness. unplug cord from electrical outlet.
thread o-ring seal fitting. 5. The condition of the filter elements 2. Remove tube wands from oil to
2. Connect the PVC tube wands to the should be monitored by observing prevent siphoning.
swivel fitting. the cleanliness indicator on the 3. Loosen hex head screws on filter
3. The Intelli-Cart™ is shipped with a filters. When the indicator is in cover. Turn cover to clear screws,
bag that contains accessory parts. the CHANGE position, both filter remove cover.
4. The iPD is shipped with the elements MUST be replaced to 4. Pull filter element from the filter
factory default setting. Users can prevent fluid from going through head.
reprogram the iPD with the cable the bypass in the filters. 5. Replace with new filter element.
located in the attached bag and the 6. The inlet strainer element is Make sure element o-rings seat
iPD owners manual. provided to protect the pump from properly into the head, making
damaging contaminants. The series sure that the notch on the element
Operating Instructions filter elements are provided with a lines up with the notch in the head.
1. Insert the inlet wand assembly into 35 PSI bypass to prevent excessive 6. Inspect the cover o-ring and
the supply fluid receptacle pressure which may be harmful to replace if necessary.
(drum/reservoir). personnel or to the filter cart. 7. Replace cover and tighten hex
2. Insert the outlet wand assembly head screws until they are snug.
Warning: The filter bypass acts as a relief valve
into the clean fluid receptacle for the pump. Do not restrict the discharge hose Do not over-torque (16 - 19 Ft. lbs.)
(drum/reservoir). in any way which will defeat the function of these screws.
the bypass valve, causing excessive pressure, 8. Remove drain plug from strainer
Caution: Do not kink the hose assemblies. This which may be harmful to personnel or to the
bowl and allow oil to drain.
may result in excessive vacuum or pressure at filter cart.
the pump.
Remove strainer bowl and replace
used element with a new element.
7. The cleanliness indicator works
3. Verify that the ON/OFF switch is on differential pressure and
OFF and plug the cord into the will indicate the condition of the
proper grounded power source (3 element (CLEAN - green, CHANGE -
wire). yellow, or BYPASS - red).
4. Turn switch to ON position and
check outlet wand for oil flow. NOTE: The filter cart must be in operation for
the indicator to read properly.
Allow 30 to 60 seconds for filters
Parts List
16 15
9 3
7 11
Item Item
Qty PN Description Qty PN Description
No. No.
1 2 941666 Filter Housing 11 1 947632 Strainer Assembly
2 1 16 F5OX-S Straight Thread Fitting 12 1 12-16 F5OX-S Fitting Reducer / Expander
3 1 12 F5OX-S Straight Thread Fitting 13 2 16-F65OX-S Fitting
4 1 947584 Inlet Tube Assembly w/o IPD 14 1 16-12 F5OX-S Straight Thread Fitting
4 See Below Inlet Tube Assembly with IPD 15 1 947458 Manual Motor Starter Assembly
1 947556 Tubing 16 1 940978 Elbow Fitting
1 12 6F4OMXS Male tubing connector 17 1 947633 Axle
1 STI.0144.100 IPD In-Line Sensing Ports 18 2 947638 10 Inch Wheel
1 16 3-8 AOE4O-S Male Elbow 19 2 926750 Visual Indicator
5 1 947636 Filter Cart Frame 1 Elements for both Stage 1, 2, and
See Chart *
each Strainer
6 1 947586 10 GPM Pump
1 IPD12322230 LCD IPD with RH Sensor
6 1 947623 5 GPM Pump
2 ACC6NH001 Hose Extension with M12 Coupling
7 1 947561 Bell Housing
2 EMA3_1_8ED IPD Fitting
8 2 928784 Wand Assembly - Buna
2 2-2A4OEG4M-S IPD Fitting
9 2 945582 EZ Form Hose
10 1 947398 1 HP Motor
How to Order
Select the desired symbol (in the correct position) to construct a model code. Example:
Replacement Elements
Symbol Media Element 1 Element 2 Strainer
02Q Microglass NA 937397Q NA
05Q Microglass NA 937398Q NA
10Q Microglass 937399Q 937399Q NA
20Q Microglass 937400Q 937400Q NA
WR Water Removal NA 940734 NA
74W 4 Woven Wire NA NA 947629
149W Woven Wire NA NA 947630