Mathmworld Module 2 Section 2.2
Mathmworld Module 2 Section 2.2
Mathmworld Module 2 Section 2.2
that is used to describe the relationship that communicate the results or information.
exists between two variables Based on what you have learned, identify
the most appropriate statistical graph to be used
in presenting the following data and state your
a. Common cyber crimes
b. Monthly maximum temperature
recorded in 2019
c. Population of ASEAN countries in 2019
d. Earth’s composition of gases
e. Number of HAU Passers in Mechanical
Engineer Examination from 2015-2019
average value. Three common measures of Legends: 𝜇 – population mean; N – population size; 𝑥̅ – sample mean; n
– sample size; xi – individual value
variation are range, variance, and standard
Table 2.2 Formulas for Variance and Standard Deviation
▪ is obtained by computing the difference of 1. A sample of 8 drivers shows the time (in
the highest value and the lowest value in a minutes) that they spent in rush-hour traffic
data set that day. Given the data set below, compute
▪ is denoted by R for the mode, median, mean, range, standard
deviation, and variance.
Driver A B C D E F G H
▪ is obtained by getting the average of the Time 52 61 53 60 55 47 60 44
squares of the distance each value is from
the mean
a. Mode = 60 minutes
▪ is represented by 𝜎 2 (population variance)
60 has the highest frequency.
or s2 (sample variance)
b. Median = 54 minute
▪ is the square of standard deviation
Arrange the values in ascending order: 44,
Standard Deviation 47, 52, 53, 55, 60, 60, 61
Since the number of values is (8) even, the
▪ is obtained by the square root of variance
average of the two middle values (53 and
▪ is represented by 𝜎 (population standard
55) is 54.
deviation or s (sample standard deviation)
∑(𝑥𝑖 −𝑥̅ )2
each will last before fading. The testing lab
Use the formula 𝑠 = √ 𝑛−1 makes 6 trials for each brand. The results (in
Supplemental Readings
Descriptive statistics: Use these tools to analyze data vital to practice-improvement projects
by Corner, B. & Johnson, E.
Singh, S. (2018). Descriptive and inferential Singh.
Blumann, A. (2016). Elementary statistics: A step by step approach, A brief Version (7 th ed.). McGraw-
Hill Education.
Statistics, as a mathematical tool, is
designed to help the researcher or statistician in
different fields to make decisions about the
outcomes of potentially important body of
knowledge for planning, development, and
evaluation. Inferential statistics is most
appropriate in situations that call for testing,
comparing, and predicting outcomes. One
crucial process in conducting inferential
statistics is hypothesis testing. In this topic, you
will explore the applications of hypothesis
testing. Statistics in Real World
When you were in Senior High School, Today many higher education institutions offer
online courses because of the impact of the
you already had an introductory course on Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. With
parametric statistics through the mathematics the increased use of this learning platform, some
subject “Statistics and Probability.” In this topic questions about the effectiveness of online learning
have been raised. For instance,
your knowledge and skills about statistical
▪ Do students perform better in online learning
hypothesis testing will be further enhanced.
setting than in the face-to-face classroom
Hypothesis testing can be likened to a court setting?
trial. We assume that the defendant is either ▪ Do gender, types of interaction, and technology
innocent or guilty, and the defendant will be facility influence student satisfaction with online
convicted or acquitted.
▪ Is there is a significant relationship between self-
Your MMW teacher assumes that you are efficacy and online learning environments?
equipped with basic knowledge about statistical To answer these questions, we need to work with
hypothesis testing. Let us begin with defining data set and perform data analysis using various
statistical tests through hypothesis testing
some terms related to hypothesis testing.
▪ is a claim that indicates the presence of ▪ is a test that indicates the null hypothesis
relationship or difference between values, should be rejected when the test statistic
denoted by symbol Ha or H1 value is in either of the two critical
regions, a.k.a. non-directional test
Hypothesis Testing
Confidence Level
▪ is a decision-making process for
evaluating or testing claims about a ▪ is the probability that a parameter lies
population based on information obtained within the specified interval estimate of
from samples the parameter
Steps in Hypothesis Testing For the sample size, according the Central
Table 2.3 summarizes the steps to be Limit Theorem, at least 30 samples is
undertaken when conducting statistical recommended. The test statistics to be employed
hypothesis testing. Every hypothesis-testing depends on the nature of data and the purpose of
context starts with declaration of hypothesis. test. What are the scales of measurement of the
There are two types of statistical hypotheses data? Are data continuous? Is it a test of
for each context: the null hypothesis and the association, comparison, or difference? In the
alternative hypothesis. next subtopic, common statistical tests will be
Steps in Statistical Hypothesis Testing
The numerical value obtained from a
1 State the null hypothesis and alternative
hypothesis statistical test (called the computed value or test
2 Set the level of significance and determine the
statistic) is compared with critical value to
direction of the tests
3 Collect data decide on the rejection or acceptance of null
4 Calculate a test statistic and determine the hypothesis. There are four possible outcomes as
critical value
5 Decide on the rejection or acceptance of null shown in Table 2.4 in hypothesis-testing
hypothesis situation.
6 Draw a conclusion
Finally, based on the decision, we have to
Table 2.3 Formulas for Variance and Standard Deviation
draw a conclusion. When drawing a conclusion
Moreover, in hypothesis testing, the or summary of results of a statistical study, it is
researcher decides what level of significance important to state whether there is enough
(𝛼) to use. In research 𝛼 is usually set at 0.01 or evidence to reject the null hypothesis or support
0.05. After a significance level is chose, the type the alternative hypothesis.
of test is determined: one-tailed test or two-
For you, which hypothesis-testing step is
tailed test. The type of test depends on the
difficult to accomplish? Why?
statement of alternative hypothesis. If the
alternative hypothesis involves the symbol > or True Ho False Ho
Type I Correct
<, then the test requires one-tailed test. If the Reject Ho
Error Decision
alternative hypothesis involves, involves the Accept Ho
Correct Type II
Decision Error
symbol ≠, then the test requires two-tailed test. Table 2.4 Four Possible Outcomes of a Hypothesis Test
Some Properties of a Normal Distribution Figure 2.6 IQ Score Normal Distribution Curve
▪ A normal distribution curve is bell-shaped.
▪ The mean, mode, and median are equal and located
at the center of distribution. Suppose the mean IQ sore of college
▪ A normal distribution has only one mode. freshmen of Holy Angel University is 110. Is the
▪ A normal distribution curve is symmetric about the
mean. mean IQ score of first year college students of
▪ A normal distribution curve is continuous and never Holy Angel University significantly higher than
touches the x-axis.
▪ The total area under a normal distribution is equal the population mean IQ score? To answer this
to 1 or 100%.
question, we need to perform statistical
▪ The area under the part of a normal distribution
curve that lies within 1 standard deviation of the hypothesis test using appropriate test statistic
mean is approximately 0.68, within 2 standard
deviations, about 0.95, and within 3 standard and applying the concept of normal
deviations, about 0.997. distribution.
Table 2.5 Properties of a Normal Distribution
There is a wide range of statistical tests. Situation: A teacher wishes to see there is a difference in the mathematics
achievement of two groups of students who are exposed on different learning
As mentioned before, the decision of which to environments. One group of students is exposed to an online learning
environment, while the other group is exposed to a face-to-face classroom
environment. The former group has 40 students, while the latter group has 38
statistical test to use depends on the students. The teacher administers a 50-item posttest to measure students’
mathematics achievement to both groups. The mean test score of online
distribution of data, the type of variable, and learning environment groups is 38.5 and the standard deviation is 6.2. The mean
test score of face-to-face classroom environment group is 35.6 and the standard
the purpose of the hypothesis testing. Below is deviation is 4.5. Assume that the variable is normally distributed, can the teacher
conclude that there is difference in mathematics achievement of the two groups
list of just a few common statistical tests. An of students at level of significance of 5%?
illustrative example (Table 2.7) of the use of Step Procedure
1 Ho: There is no difference in the mathematics achievement of
statistical tests vis-à-vis hypothesis testing. the two groups of students. In symbol, ̅̅̅
𝑥1 = ̅̅̅.
Ha: There is difference in the mathematics achievement of the
two groups of students. In symbol, ̅̅̅ 𝑥2 (This is the claim
𝑥1 ≠ ̅̅̅.
Parametric Tests of the teacher.)
2 The level of significance is set at 5% or 0.05, in symbol, 𝛼 =
▪ Z-test for one sample mean The hypothesis testing requires non-directional test or two-
tailed test because the alternative hypothesis makes use of
▪ T-test for one sample mean the symbol ≠.
3 𝑥1 = 38.5
̅̅̅ 𝑥2 = 35.6
▪ Paired t-test 𝑠1 = 6.2 𝑠2= 4.5
𝑛1 = 40 𝑛2= 38
▪ Independent t-test Assume 𝜇1 − 𝜇2 = 0.
4 The hypothesis requires testing the difference between two
▪ Pearson product moment correlation means of independent samples. The appropriate statistic test
is t-test of two means for independent samples because the
coefficient or Pearson’s r sample data are independent of one another and the
population standard deviation is not known. As mentioned, the
▪ Analysis of variance (ANOVA) population is assumed to be normally distributed.
(𝑥 𝑥2 − (𝜇1 − 𝜇2)
̅̅̅1 − ̅̅̅)
Nonparametric Tests 𝑡=
(𝑠 )2 (𝑠 )2
√ 1 + 2
𝑛1 𝑛1
▪ Chi-square test (38.5 − 35.6) − (0 − 0)
2 2
▪ Spearman rank correlation √(6.2) + (4.5)
40 38
▪ Wilcoxon sign-rank test 𝑡 ≈ 2.373