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Financial Risk Management: IIT Jodhpur

Puneet Gupta
Option Greeks

• Delta – A measure of the rate of change in an options theoretical value for a one-unit change in the price of the underlying
• Gamma – A measure of the rate of change in an options delta for a one-unit change in the price of the underlying. In other words,
the rate of change in delta.
• Vega - A measure of the rate of change in an option’s theoretical value for a one-unit change in implied volatility.
• Theta - A measure of the rate of change in an option’s theoretical value for a one-unit change in time to the option’s expiration
• Rho - A measure of an option’s theoretical sensitivity to changes in the risk-free interest rate

Puneet Gupta
Concept and how does it change?

Call deltas are often also interpreted as an indicator of the probability of the option
finishing in-the-money. For this reason, a deep in-the-money option will have a
delta close to 1, and a deep out-of-the-money option will have a delta close to 0.

Puneet Gupta
Concept and how does it change?

• Long call, long puts: Have positive gamma

• Short call, short puts: Have negative gamma
• Pure stock positions: Have no gamma, ie zero gamma.

For a deep in-the-money option, delta approaches 1 and gamma

approaches zero. Similarly delta for far out-of-the-money options will be
close to zero as delta is already zero.
Gamma is maximum at or near the exercise price, ie it is maximum when
the option is at-the-money.

Gamma change with stock price Gamma and time to maturity

Puneet Gupta
Delta hedging

Periodic need for rebalancing as delta changes with the

change in stock price

Cost of hedging with the stock being bought high, sold low

How do we extend to gamma hedging?

Puneet Gupta

Vega is higher the further away we are from the exercise date. However,
vols of short dated options tend to change more than that of long dated
options during periods of big vol changes.

If we want to capture forward volatility, then we have to trade options

with the largest vega. If we want to trade the spot volatility, then we
have to trade options with largest gamma.

Puneet Gupta
How will these Greeks behave for exotic options?
Extrapolating to non-vanilla options

• With non-vanilla options, e.g. Barrier options, path-dependent options, the profile of the greeks with respect to underlying
movements (spot, vol etc.) can become quite dynamic making it difficult to hedge/ monitor the risk.

Example of a delta profile for up and out call option

Puneet Gupta
Black Scholes Option pricing

Pricing formulae:

Call delta is N(d1) and the probability of finishing in the money is N(d2)

While deriving the BS pricing, the assumption made is stock price follows a lognormal
distribution with sigma constant.

Concept of implied volatility:

• If we reverse compute the sigma used in the BS pricing from the observed call/put
price, we would obtain what’s called implied volatility.
Where • This will be different from realized volatility, what you will compute if you use historical
K: strike price stock log returns.
S0: spot price
r: risk free rate

Puneet Gupta
Volatility smile
Equity vol smile/ skew

Volatility is not constant, in general for lower strikes, implied

volatility is lower

Often explained by demand for lower strike puts (crashophobia)

and a heavier left tail in the implied world.

Implied distribution vs lognormal distribution for Equity

Puneet Gupta
Volatility surface
Extending volatility smile to include time to maturity

• One dimension is time to maturity

• The other is the strike

Puneet Gupta
Var for options

• Taylor based calcs

• Full reval based calcs

Puneet Gupta
Mortgage Backed securities

• Agency backed MBS

• Pass Through Prepayment risk
• Specified Pool
• Collateralized Mortgage Obligation (CMO)

• Non Agency MBS Credit risk, Prepayment risk

• Key Agencies: GNMA, a government agency and FNMA, FHLMC government sponsored enterprises
• Agencies buy mortgages from backs and underlying mortgages packed into pools of Mortgage backed securities,
where in the investors receive principal and interest payment.

• With the agency guarantee, there is minimal credit risk and investors receive their share of cash flows from mortgages
excluding agency fees for guaranteeing and servicing mortgages. MBS coupons generally paid monthly.

• Key risk is then prepayment risk, With non-agency MBS credit risk comes in.

Puneet Gupta
More details on drivers/ impact of prepayment

Key prepayment drivers:

• Refinancing (low interest rates, age of mortgage/ burnout, size of loan)
• Turnover
• Defaults

For CMOs, prepayment risk borne in higher proportion by specific tranches

Variants of CMOs e.g. PO, IO only exist as well
PO only for example, receives only principal payments from the underlying mortgage pool. If faster prepayment, beneficial as cash flows received earlier
than anticipated.
Reverse true for IO only where not much interest payments available if prepayment rate is high.

Option adjusted spread: Expected return on MBS- Treasury risk free rate. Higher the OAS, more attractive is the MBS

Puneet Gupta

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