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What should I expect?
At the end of this lesson, the student is able to:
1. Improve the interactivity of your websites;
2. Embed multimedia content from YouTube; and
3. Create a viewer or customer friendly experience for those who visit their website through
multimedia content.

What do I know?
Answer the following questions:
1. What is Media?
2. Give an example of Interactive Multimedia

What do I remember?
There was a time that the Internet was not as fast as today’s Internet that only text, images, and
bits of sound are placed on most websites. Today, however, videos and music are now placed freely on
most websites. If you visit CNN.com’s website today using the Internet of the year 2000, your World Wide
Web (WWW) would turn into a different kind of WWW: world-wide-wait. CNN now hosts videos placed on
their home page, which was unthinkable in the past because of slow Internet speed. Videos way back then
were never on the home page and can be viewed “on-demand” or only when a user clicks on it.
What do I need to know?
Most website you see today have embedded YouTube videos on them. To remedy the problem
that not everyone has fast Internet connection, these YouTube videos can be set to e played “on-demand”
rather than having them played automatically.


The word “media” comes from the Latin medius meaning 'middle', 'intermediate' or 'introduction'.
Arsyadquoted Gerlach& Ely defines the media is human, material, or events that make conditions in
creating student enables to acquire knowledge, skills or attitudes. If the media carries messages or
information which has instructional aimed or teaching objective so the media is called a media of learning.

types of media based on technological developments into 2 forms:
1. Traditional media
a. operated visual quietly, e.g. projection opaque, overheads, slides, filmstrips.
b. unprojected visual e.g., image, posters, photo, charts, graphs, etc.
c. Audio, e.g. tape, disk recording, etc.
d. Print, e.g. textbooks, modules, handouts, etc.
e. Games, e.g., puzzles, simulation, board games.
f. Realia, for example maps, dolls, and the specimen.

2. Modern Media Technology

a. Media based telecommunications, including teleconferencing and distance learning.
b. Media based Microprocessor, e.g. computer-assisted instruction, computer games,
intelligent tutoring systems, hypermedia, interactive video, video compact disc.


Information technology enables the use of alternative media as the media of teaching beside the
conventional teaching media likes textbooks. This media can be used as a supporting media for the
effective of education and teaching and also facilitate easily learning for students. The use of media
through a systematic design can help teachers teach easily and memorable after the objective design of
teaching and learning is known. The use of the media more refers to the using technology. The use of
concrete visuals is able to attract students interest because they can describe the subject material and
provide concrete experiences to make the learning process easily. The use of visuals has also been known
to stimulate learning and knowledge processing.


Getting the right message across to the identified target audience in the most concise manner is
always a challenge. This is crucial in today’s media packed world where our attention span is ever
decreasing.At ICT Interactive, our practice is to always create a holistic view of our customers’ needs before
embarking to develop a solution for them. We also place great emphasis on end user experience; believing
that user friendliness is a pre-condition instead of an added bonus.

Our expertise in interactive media includes:

1. Web - It is essential for websites to be designed in a standard compliant way to facilitate constant
content changes and revisions. Furthermore, the benefits of standard compliant design also include
user friendliness in terms of ease of loading, optimization for search engine and multiple browsers
compliant. For example, most of our websites are XHTML and CSS compliant. Fundamental concept
to separate design from content has proven from time to time to reduce support cost and shorten
turn around upload time.
2. Audio - Increasing demand for quality audio clips is fueled by broader penetration of broadband
technology. ICT Interactive has an in house audio recording facility such as sound room and
recording equipment. Our qualified local and foreign vocal talents are able to produce quality
educational voice over such as audio books, pronunciations, conversations and etc. These audio can
be delivered via web or CD and work hand in hand with technology such as podcasting to provide
engaging learning experience.
3. Flash - We adopt the Macromedia pioneered Flexible Messaging Area (FMA) that convey important
high impact messages as an advertising method in our interactive media approach. We also develop
flash applications such as educational games and learning objects.

4. Video - We believe in blended learning approach in making learning an enjoyable experience. Small
video clips over the Internet are made popular by YouTube. In line with this current trend, we are
capable of producing interactive clips of learning video as well as marketing/advertisement
promotional video on demands.
5. Photo/Print - Photography and print media creativity is the bare essential of any media company.
Our experience multimedia developers are able to capture the essential ideas and produce work
with styles that range from professional and elegant to humorous and funky. ICT Interactive has in
depth industry experience in digitizing magazine layout and works frequently with various printers.


Here are multimedia contents that you can find on some websites:

1. Videos. Through video hosting sites, you can take a video and show it to the entire world (e.g.,
2. Sound, Music, or Audio.If videos are too much for you, you can always record sounds. You can
share your sound bites to the entire world (e.g. SoundCloud).
3. Online Games. Game developers now create what is called “browser-based games.” You do not
need to install these games to your computer as they run in most updated web browsers
(AdventureQuest, Farmville, Candy Crush)
4. Courseware. Online survey forms and tests that automatically display the results when finished
(Online IQ and Personality Tests).
5. Online Test. Online courses that simulate the classroom online (e.g., E-learning Courses using a
Learning Management System)
6. Podcast. An episodic series of audio or text files streamed online (e.g., Stuff You Should Know, TED
Talks, The Starters, Ear Biscuits).
7. Vodcast. An episodic series of video streamed online (e.g., YouTube series/shows like Video Game
High School, Good Mythical Morning).


Modern websites add multimedia content to their site without sacrificing too much
bandwidth. This is done to give the site visitor a way to interact with what is on the website.
Multimedia content could range from videos, sound, online browser-based games, online tests,
courseware, podcasts, and vodcasts.


Rex Book Store (2017)Empowerment Technologies, 856 Nicanor Reyes, Sr. St., Rex Book Store, p. 174-180.

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