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Republic of The Philippines

Department of Education
Region 1
Schools Division of Ilocos Norte


Measures of Central Tendency


MELC: Calculates the Measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data (M7SP-IVf-g-1)

Grade 7

Date of Teaching: June 22, 2023

Prepared by:

Teacher I

Approved by:


Head Teacher III
Grade Level 7 Date & Time June 22, 2023; 2:00-3:00 PM
Quarter Fourth Learning Area Mathematics

A. Content The learners demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and
Standards importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different forms
of data representation, measures of central tendency, measures of
variability, and probability.
B. Performance
Standards The learners are able to collect and organize data systematically and
compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability and
apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in different

C. Learning MELC: Calculates the measures of central tendency of ungrouped data.

Competencies (M7SP-IVf-g-1)
Write the LC
code for each
D. Unpacked 1. Define the mean, median, and mode.
Learning 2. Find the mean, median, and mode of the given set of data.
Competencies/ 3. Describe the data in terms of the mean, median, and mode, and
Objectives range.
4. Apply the concepts of mean, median, mode in real life situation.

II. CONTENT Measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data

A. References  SDOIN Modules Mathematics 7 Quarter 4 – Module 4: Measures of
Central Tendency of Ungrouped Data. Department of Education.
Republic of the Philippines.
3. Materials Materials Method Activities
MS Powerpoint Direct Teaching Interactive
Sheet Inquiry Based Discussion
Calculator Approach/Modula Individualized
r ICT-Based


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good afternoon, Grade 7 students.

Welcome to our class!

Let me have roll call of our attendees for today.

Please say Present if your section is called.

Before we start our lesson for today, may I present

the classroom etiquettes that we shall adhere for
the duration of our class.

1. Review

Before we start our lesson, let us recall our In our last discussion, we learned how to construct
previous lesson. a pie graph integrating the SULTAN Method
which is Scale for S, Unit for U, Label for L, Title
for T, Accurate for A, and Neat for N.
SULTAN Method helps us construct an easily
read graph

2. Motivational Activity

Let us start this class with a warm up!

You are going to compute what is being shown in

the screen. Bring out your notebook and your pen.
I will also distribute these calculators to check your
for you to familiarized yourselves on how to use it.
(The students will bring out a piece of paper and
ballpen to compute what is in the screen.)

Are you ready?

Yes, Maam!

For 5 minutes, you are going to arrange the first

two items in ascending order then compute items 3
to 6.

Your time starts now.

(Students will arrange and compute the data.)

(Students will calculate the sum manually then

using calculator.)

Time is up! Exchange notebook with your

For items 1-2, the data must be arranged in
ascending order. How did you arrange the data in
number 1 and number 2, Aljehn?
Maam, for number 1, the arrangement would be
2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15

while for number 2, the arrangement is

21, 22, 36, 54, 70

That is right, Aljhen! 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 15 is the

arrangement for number 1 and 21, 22, 36, 54, 70 is
for number 2.

How about items 3 to 6? The answer for number is 205. Then 650/10 is 65.
Then 1125/25 is equal to 45. The answer of
2275/7 is 325.

All are correct, Christian. Thank you! Yes, Maam.

Did you get all the correct answers manually?
Yes, Maam.. We got it all!
How about when you use the calculators?

For the problem of the day,

You complete the expression using the numbers 3,
4, and 5 so that the answer is 19.

For 2 minutes, do this problem. Your time starts

now. (Students will complete the expression for 2

Time is up!
Kindly present your answer, Cyrus. For the incomplete expression using 3, 4, and 5 so
the answer would be 19, it would look like this:
4 + 5*3 recalling GEMDAS. The answer is 19.
The commutative property allows us to add or
multiply any two numbers in any order. Hence,
4+ 3*5 will also fulfill the expression.

Very good. Both is correct. You may now sit.

Let us learn to find the mean, median, mode, and

range of a data set.

3. Lesson Proper

Thank you! And that activity awhile ago has a

connection in our topic for today which is
Measures of Central Tendency.

Look at the words in the screen.

Let us see if you did your assignment.

Let us test your vocabulary.

First, let us talk about the mean. Maam, mean is the sum of the data values divided
by the number of data items. It is also known as
average. For example, our final rating in Math.
The final rating is obtained through getting the
average of our grades from 1st quarter to 4th
That is correct, Dianne. Mean is also the average.
If mean is the sum of the data values, median is
the middle value of an odd number of data items
arranged in order. For an even number of data
items, the median is the average of the two middle

Median is the middlemost value in a distribution The mode is the value or values that occur most
when arranged in ascending or descending order. often. When all the data values occur the same
number of times, there is no mode.

The range of a set of data is the difference

between the greatest and least values. It is used to
show the spread of the data in a data set.
You really did your homework, Byron.
To understand all of this, let us try this problem:

First, find the mean.

Add all the numbers then divide to 8.

Correct, the mean of this data set is 3.75.

Who got the correct answer? (Everyone will say they got 3.75.)

The formula in finding the mean is

x 1+ x 2+....+ xn
∨∑ ¿ 1 xi
n i

If the mean is 3.75, then what is the median? In finding the median, the data set should be
arrange first in ascending order or descending
order. For this example, I preferred it to be
arranged in ascending order.
There are two middle values, so add the two
middle values which is 2 and 4.

After getting the sum of the two numbers, divide it

to 2 to get the median of the data set.

Hence, the median is 3.

That is correct. First, you arrange the data set in
ascending or descending. Then find the middle
values if it is even. As you said, sum them up then
divide to two. Then you will get the median of the
data set.

We are done with the mean and the median. Now,

let us find the mode of the data set. Mode is the most frequent values in the data set.
In the given example of data set, after arranging in
ascending order, it is easily determined if what is
the mode.

The value “2” appeared three times.

Hence, the mode is 2.

Very good! How about the range? In getting the range, identify first the lowest value
and the highest value. Then subtract the least
value from the highest value.
Hence, the range is 7.

Okay. Let us do this next example. Do it n your


For the past few week, it was reported and

recorded by the DOST PAGASA that the average
temperature in the Philippines per day from June
12 to 19, 2023 is the following:

28 ゚, 27 ゚, 27 ゚, 28 ゚, 26 ゚, 31 ゚, 30 ゚, 28 ゚

You have 10 minutes to do it. (Students will answer the given set of data in their
Your time starts now. notebook.)

Time is up!

Now, let us try to answer the given example. Any

volunteer? (A student will write his/her answer with
Very good!


(Just in case the learners want another set of

activity. If not, this activity will be a game or
contest by group (5 groups). The winner will get
extra points for their summative.

Answer the following.

4. Formative/Summative Assessment

For 10 minutes, answer the following in your

notebook. 12 points per item. Total of 24 points.
Your time starts now.
(After 10 minutes….)
Time is up!
Exchange notebook with your seatmate, write
corrected by and the date for today.

What are the answers for item number 1?

What are the answers for item number 1?

Very good! As I call the name of your classmate

tell me his/her score. (Students will get perfect score.)

5. Generalization

What are the three most important measures of

Mean, median, and mode.
central tendency?
The mean is the number you get by dividing the
Define/Explain what are the differences these three
measures of central tendency? sum of a set of values by the number of values in
the set. In contrast, the median is the middle
number in a set of values when those values are
arranged from smallest to largest. The mode of a
set of values is the most frequently repeated value
in the set.

The range, the difference between the largest

How about the range?
value and the smallest value, is the simplest
measure of variability in the data. The range is
determined by only the two extreme data values.

What do you think are the real-life example or Computation of Grades.

application of this

Do you have any question about our class today?

For your assignment, read and study then desribe
how outliers affect measures of central tendency. None, ma’am.

Thank you for actively participating today. Goodbye and thank you, ma’am!
Goodbye, class.

Prepared by:

Teacher I


Head Teacher III

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