3. Atomic Structure
3. Atomic Structure
3. Atomic Structure
The concept of atom was given by Hindu and Greek
Philosophers in early days.
Around 700 B.C. Maharshee Kapila gave the concept of paramanu,
around 600 B.C. Maharshee Kanada, proposed that matter is composed
of minute individual particles called paramanus.
Around 400 B.C. the concept of atomic character of matter was given by
Leucippus and was recorded by Democritus, according to them, every
matter is composed of tiny, discrete and indivisible particles called atoms.
The word atom is derived from Greek word atomos (a=absence, tomos=
cut) which means indivisible or uncuttable.
In 1808 A.D., John Dalton put forward 1st atomic theory of matter.
Discharge tube i.e a glass tube containing two electrodes (electrodes are metal plates and
metal consist of electrons) connected to a high voltage source (10,000V) and a high vacuum
pump. Pressure was reduced to o.oo1 mm Hg. When electric current is passed on tube, a
beam of current travelled in a straight lines from cathode to anode.
Characteristics of a neutron:
4Be + 2He 6C 0n
9 4 12 1
Isobars are atoms that have same atomic mass (Greek isos
equal + Greek baros weight) but different atomic numbers.
Isobars have different atomic numbers because they have
different numbers of protons.
They have the same atomic mass because they have just
enough neutrons to make the same total of nucleons.
1. JJ Thomson’s Atomic model
2. Rutherford’s Atomic model
3. Bohr’s Atomic model
Atomic Models
• J.J Thomson’s atomic model (1898)
After the discovery of positively charged particles and
negatively charged particles, Thomson was the first person
who discovered atomic model. He considered an atom to be
sphere of uniform positive charge (protons) into which
negatively charged particles (electrons) were embedded just
like seeds in watermelon so this model is also called Thomson’s
watermelon model or plum pudding model.
This model could not explain how a
positive charge hold the negatively
charged electron in atom.
Postulates (Assumptions)
2. Stationary states
3. Stability of atom
b) Energy of quantum
Each quantum is associated with definite amount of energy
which is proportional to the frequency of radiation.
c) Quantization of energy
The amount of energy emitted or absorbed by a body is a whole
number multiple of quantum i.e. E=n*hᶹ
n must not be decimal or fractional, should be whole number.
Spectra simply means colour bands.
The arrangement of wavelength or frequency of radiations
in increasing or decreasing order is called spectrum.
Discontinuous Spectrum
If a spectrum arises with some kind of discontinuity in the
wavelength, with in the range of spectrum, it is called discontinuous
spectrum. E.g. Hydrogen spectra
Emission Spectrum
If a light emitted from atoms/ molecules is passed through a prism
followed by a photographic plate, lines of selected colours of
different wavelength are observed, such spectra are called emission
Absorption Spectrum
If a light is passed through a chemical substance, certain waves are
absorbed by atoms or molecules, then, light is passed through a prism
followed by photographic plate, continuous spectra having some dark
spaces are observed. Such spectra are known as absorption spectra.
Hydrogen Spectra
When an electric discharge is passed through
hydrogen gas at low pressure, hydrogen molecules
split into hydrogen atoms.
The electrons in different hydrogen atoms absorb a
different amount of energy and jump to different
energy levels. Since the lifetime of electrons in the
excited state is very short, electrons jump to lower
energy level or even to ground state in one or more
jumps by emitting electromagnetic radiation (photon)
and produce a large number of lines called spectral
Depending on the wavelength of the radiation
emitted, 5 different types of spectral series are
Hydrogen Spectra
Hydrogen Spectra
•Limitations of Bohr Atomic Model Theory
It violates the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. The Bohr
atomic model theory considers electrons to have both a
known radius and orbit i.e. known position and momentum
at the same time, which is impossible according to
∆x × ∆p ≥ h/4π
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
• The exact and simultaneous determination of position
and momentum of a moving microscopic particle is
impossible at same time.
• If Δx and Δp are uncertainties in position and
momentum respectively, then
Δx. Δp ≥ h/4π
or, Δx. m Δv ≥ h/4π
or, Δx. Δv ≥ h/4πm
• If Δx is large, Δp is small, and vice versa. This means
that certainty in the measurement of one parameter
leads to the uncertainty in the measurement of other.
•Hence, uncertainty principle suggests that in an
atom, an electron does not always remain at a fixed
distance from the nucleus.
∆x × ∆v ≥ 6.626 ×10-34/4 π × 1
≥ 5.27 × 10-35(small error compared to mass of large object)
One of the most important outcome of uncertainity principle is
that the exact location of electron in an atom cannot be
The energy of the electron and its distance from the nucleus for
hydrogen atom are given by En = 13.6/ n2 eV/atom
and rn = 0.529 n2 Å
or, rn = 0.529 n2 * 10-10m
This means that there are two subshells in the second energy shell with
n = 2. These subshells are designated as 2s and 2p.
For a given value of principal quantum number the order of increasing energy
for different subshells is
Thus when l = 0, m = 0 and no other value. This means that for each
value of principal quantum number ‘n’, there is only one orientation for l
= 0 (s orbital) or there is only one s orbital. For s orbital, there is only
one orientation, it must be spherically symmetrical about the nucleus.
The p orbital are of dumb-bell shape consisting of two lobes. The two
lobes of a p orbital extend outwards and away from the nucleus along
the axial line. Thus the two lobes of a p orbital may be separated by a
plane that contains the nucleus and is perpendicular to the
corresponding axis. Such plane is called a nodal plane. There is no
likelihood of finding the electron on this plane.
The five d orbitals are designated as dxy, dyz, dzx, dx2-y2 and
dz2 These orbitals have complex geometrical shapes as
compared to p orbitals.
Figure: Clockwise and anticlockwise spins of electrons about their own axis produce opposite magnetic fields.
After having concept of atomic orbitals and quantum numbers, the arrangement of electrons
in these orbitals of an atom is guided by 3 principles.
1. Aufbau principle
2. Hund’s rule of maximum multiplicity
3. Pauli’s exclusion principle
Hund’s Rule of Maximum Multiplicity
The electronic structures of the first few atoms in the periodic table may be written as
An alternative way of showing the electronic structure of an atom is to draw
boxes for orbitals, and arrows for the electrons. By convention, electron spins are
represented by arrows pointing up (↑) or down (↓). The orbital diagram for
electronic configuration is more beneficial as all the four quantum numbers are
represented by it.
Explanation for Exceptions in Electronic Configuration in
The rules that we have learnt for predicting electron
configurations work most of the time, but not always.
However, determined electronic configuration of atoms reveals
that there are quite a few exceptions to the rules. For example,
two important exceptions are for chromium and copper.
Following the rules, we would expect the configurations to be
Apparently, half-filled and completely filled subshells (particularly the latter) have
some special stability that makes such borrowing energetically favorable.
The stability of half-filled and completely filled subshells can be
attributed to the following two reasons: