Coromandel (Fertilizer) (BRSR)

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Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

Annexure E to Board’s Report b. What is the contribution of exports as a percentage of the total turnover of the entity?
Business Responsibility and 3.31%

Sustainability Reporting c. A brief on types of customers

The Company serves global and domestic agrochemical manufacturers, distributors, dealers, state and central government
co-operatives and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). Retail business unit of the company directly serves farmers
via a network of 751 rural retail stores.
I. Details of the listed entity IV. Employees:
1. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the Listed Entity : L24120TG1961PLC000892 18. Details as at the end of Financial Year:
a. Employees and workers (including differently abled):
3. Year of incorporation : 1961
4. Registered office address : Coromandel House’, 1-2-10, Sardar Patel Road, Male Female
Secunderabad - 500 003 S. No. Particulars Total (A)
No. (B) % (B / A) No. (C) % (C / A)
5. Corporate address : Olympia Terraces, #15B(SP), SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Guindy, Chennai – 600 032 EMPLOYEES
6. E-mail : 1. Permanent (D) 3833 3665 95.6% 168 4.4%
7. Telephone : 040-66997500/7300 2. Other than Permanent (E) 0 0 0% 0 0%
8. Website : 3. Total employees (D + E) 3833 3665 95.6% 168 4.4%
9. Financial year for which reporting is being done : 2022-23 WORKERS
10. Name of the Stock Exchange(s) where shares are listed : BSE Limited and National Stock Exchange of India Limited 4. Permanent (F) 1231 1228 99.8% 3 0.2%
11. Paid-up Capital : INR 29,40,13,749/- 5. Other than Permanent (G) 7636 7557 98.9% 79 1%
12. Name and contact details (telephone, email address) of the : Mr. Rajesh Mukhija, 6. Total workers (F + G) 8867 8785 98.8% 82 0.9%
person who may be contacted in case of any queries on the Sr. Vice President - Legal & Company Secretary
BRSR report Phone: 040 66997500/7300 Note:
1. All management people have been considered permanent employees
13. Reporting boundary - Are the disclosures under this report : Standalone
made on a standalone basis (i.e. only for the entity) or on 2. All associates and non-management people have been considered permanent workers
a consolidated basis (i.e. for the entity and all the entities
which form a part of its consolidated financial statements, 3. All contract workers have been considered other than permanent workers
taken together).
b. Differently abled Employees and workers:
II. Products/services:
14. Details of business activities (accounting for 90% of the turnover): Male Female
S. No. Particulars Total (A)
No. (B) % (B / A) No. (C) % (C / A)
S.No Description of Main Activity Description of Business Activity
the entity
1. Permanent (D) 11 10 90.9% 1 9.09%
1. Manufacturing Chemical and chemical products, pharmaceuticals, medicinal 100% 2. Other than Permanent (E) 0 0 0% 0 0%
chemical and botanical products 3. Total differently abled 11 10 90.9% 1 9.09%
employees (D + E)
15. Products/Services sold by the entity (accounting for 90% of the entity’s Turnover): DIFFERENTLY ABLED WORKERS
4. Permanent (F) 1 1 100% 0 0%
% of total Turnover
S.No Product/Service NIC Code 5. Other than permanent (G) 0 0 0% 0 0%
6. Total differently abled workers 1 1 100% 0 0%
1. Fertilisers & Pesticides 20122, 20211 100% (F + G)

III. Operations: 19. Participation/Inclusion/Representation of women57

16. Number of locations where plants and/or operations/offices of the entity are situated:
No. and percentage of Females
Total (A)
Location Number of plants Number of offices Total No. (B) % (B / A)
National 16 8 24 Board of Directors 11 2 18%
International 0 8 8 Key Management Personnel * 2 1 50%

*Executive Vice Chairman and 2 Executive Directors have been included in Board of Directors segment and hence,
17. Markets served by the entity:
excluded from KMP segment.
a. Number of locations
20. Turnover rate for permanent employees and workers
Locations Number
(Disclose trends for the past 3 years)
National (No. of States) 23 (including States & UTs)
International (No. of Countries) 69 Please refer to page no. 77 of Human Capital

GRI 405-1
204 205
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

V. Holding, Subsidiary and Associate Companies (including joint ventures):

FY 2022-2023 Current Financial Year FY 2021-2022 Previous Financial Year
21. (a) Names of holding / subsidiary / associate companies / joint ventures Grievance Redressal Number of Number of
Stakeholder Mechanism in Place (Yes/ Number of
group from complaints Number of complaints
Does the entity No) (If Yes, then provide complaints pending complaints pending
whom complaint web-link for grievance Remarks Remarks
indicated at column filed during resolution at filed during resolution
Indicate whether is received
Name of the holding / subsidiary / associate % of shares held by A, participate in the 58
redress policy ) the year close of the the year at close of
S. No. holding/ Subsidiary/
companies / joint ventures (A) listed entity Business Responsibility year the year
Associate/ Joint Venture
initiatives of the listed
entity? (Yes/No) Shareholders Yes
Shareholders may lodge
1 Dare Ventures Limited Subsidiary 100 No their query/complaints
26 0 NA 11 0 NA
2 Coromandel Chemicals Limited Subsidiary 100 No addressed to this e-mail
3 Coromandel Technology Limited Subsidiary 100 No id or to RTA ’s e-mail id
4 Coromandel Brasil Limitada Subsidiary 100 No
Employees and Yes https://www. 8 1 (This includes 6 0 (This includes
5 Coromandel Australia Pty Ltd Subsidiary 100 No
workers only the only the
6 Coromandel Agronegocios de Mexico SA de CV Subsidiary 100 No content/uploads/2022/08/ number of number of
7 Parry America, Inc. Subsidiary 100 No Whistle-Blower-Policy-F. complaints complaints
8 Coromandel International (Nigeria) Limited Subsidiary 99.99 No pdf reported by reported by
Employees Employees
9 Sabero Organics America S.A Subsidiary 99.98 No
Policy of Prevention to the to the
10 Sabero Argentina S.A Subsidiary 95 No of Sexual Harassment Ombudsman Ombudsman
11 Coromandel Mali SASU Subsidiary 100 No (POSH) as well as as well as
12 CFL Mauritius Limited Subsidiary 100 No POSH related POSH related
13 Yanmar Coromandel Agrisolutions Private Joint Venture 40 No complaints) complaints)
Limited Customers Yes
14 Sabero Organics Philippines Asia Inc. Associate 40 No The customers are
covered as part of Whistle
15 Baobab Mining and Chemicals Corporation, SA Associate 45 No
blower Policy

VI. CSR Details: https://www.coromandel.

22. (i) Whether CSR is applicable as per section 135 of Companies Act, 2013: (Yes/No): Yes biz/wp-content/
(ii) Turnover (in Rs.): INR 29,609.55 crores Blower-Policy-F.pdf 44 0 NA 54 0 NA

(iii) Net worth (in Rs.): INR 7,867.96 crores The Toll-free - Hello
Gromor center phone
VII. Transparency and Disclosures Compliances: number are provided in
all packs for enabling
23. Complaints/Grievances on any of the principles (Principles 1 to 9) under the National Guidelines on Responsible Business customers to register their
Conduct: queries and complaints.

Value Chain Yes

FY 2022-2023 Current Financial Year FY 2021-2022 Previous Financial Year
Partners https://www.coromandel.
Grievance Redressal Number of Number of
Stakeholder biz/wp-content/ 0 0 NA 0 0 NA
Mechanism in Place (Yes/ Number of complaints Number of complaints
group from uploads/2022/08/Whistle-
No) (If Yes, then provide complaints pending complaints pending
whom complaint web-link for grievance Remarks Remarks Blower-Policy-F.pdf
is received filed during resolution at filed during resolution
58 Other (please
redress policy ) the year close of the the year at close of NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
year the year
Communities Formal grievance 24. Overview of the entity’s material responsible business conduct issues
redressal policy is not
in place. Through CSR Please indicate material responsible business conduct and sustainability issues pertaining to environmental and social
activities the company 0 0 NA 0 0 NA matters that present a risk or an opportunity to your business, rationale for identifying the same, approach to adapt or
takes care of the concerns
and grievances of the
mitigate the risk along-with its financial implications, as per the following format:
Investors Yes Please refer to page no. 57-59 of Materiality Assessment
(other than To facilitate faster
shareholders) redressal of investors’
grievances the
Company has created 0 0 NA 0 0 NA
an exclusive e-mail ID:

GRI 2-25
206 207
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
This section is aimed at helping businesses demonstrate the structures, policies and processes put in place towards adopting Questions
the NGRBC Principles and Core Elements. 6. Performance of
the entity against
the specific The organization has enforced governing policies enabling it to conduct its operations in compliance with the highest governance standards.
Disclosure commitments, Coromandel has been able to offer quality products and services. At the same time, improvement initiatives have also been taken up basis
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 goals and targets the customer feedback received. It adheres to the product stewardship principles by further improving environmental, health, and safety
along-with reasons impacts of products and services.
Policy and management processes in case the same
1. a. Whether your Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y are not met.
entity’s policy/ (Code of (Product (Coromandel (Code for (Human Rights (Environment (Coromandel (CSR (Coromandel Governance, leadership and oversight
policies cover each Conduct, Stewardship Guide to Practices and Policy) Policy, Guide to Policy) Guide to 7.Statement by director responsible for the business responsibility report, highlighting ESG related challenges, targets and achievements (listed entity has
principle and its Code for Policy, Business Procedure for EHSQ Policy) Business Business
core elements of Practices and Sustainable Conduct, Fair Disclosure Conduct) Conduct) flexibility regarding the placement of this disclosure59)
the NGRBCs. (Yes/ Procedure Procurement EHSQ of Unpublished Coromandel maintains a strong focus on ESG while ensuring uninterrupted operations, highlighting their commitment to sustainability and business continuity.
No) for Fair Policy) Policy, Price Sensitive The company has identified key areas for intervention, encompassing three pillars: (i) Protecting the Planet, (ii) Minimizing Resource Use, and (iii) Inclusive
Disclosure of Prevention Information, Growth, emphasizing their comprehensive approach towards sustainable development. The company is dedicated to addressing a comprehensive set of 10
Unpublished of Sexual Coromandel Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), working towards the overarching objective of promoting sustainable development and addressing global challenges.
Price Harassment Guide to
Sensitive Policy) Business Coromandel has demonstrated a strong commitment to environmental sustainability through its ongoing greenbelt expansion initiatives (Green Visakha,
Information, Conduct) Miyawaki plantations, Neem plantations). Additionally, the company has taken proactive measures within its manufacturing plants to reduce freshwater
Coromandel consumption and mitigate Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions, with specific projects currently underway. Recognizing the importance of renewable
Guide to energy, Coromandel is prioritizing the increase of renewable sources in its energy sourcing mix. Furthermore, the Company is determined to go beyond
Business Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) compliance in the near future in terms of plastic waste management. The company's research and development team
Conduct, is focused on developing greener and safer products that pose minimal risks to the environment, further exemplifying Coromandel's dedication to sustainability
Policy on RPT, and responsible practices. In FY2022-23, it has innovatively developed Nano DAP, a nanotechnology-based product that offers farmers a more sustainable
Whistle-blower alternative compared to traditional solutions. Moreover, during the year, Coromandel has strategically invested in 3 Agtech startups that provide cutting-edge,
Policy) technology-driven sustainable solutions in agriculture domain.
Coromandel places a high priority on the well-being and safety of its employees and workers, constantly upgrading and investing in occupational health and
b. Has the policy safety measures. The organization also acknowledges the significance of gender diversity and strives to foster an environment that promotes equal opportunities
been approved by and inclusion. This commitment is reflected in its certification as a 'Great Place to Work' during the year, reaffirming its dedication to creating a positive and
the Board? (Yes/ inclusive workplace culture. Furthermore, the company has Sustainable Procurement policy in place, underscoring its commitment to responsible sourcing
No) practices that consider environmental, social, and economic factors. Coromandel’s CSR initiatives across the areas of Education, Health and Community
c. Web Link of Development have enhanced and positively impacted the lives of more than ~59000, ~644000 and ~487000 people respectively. Recent setting up of Centre
the Policies, if of Excellence (CoE) at Visakhapatnam is aimed at enhancing the employee’s capabilities in addition to several other benefits.
This year, Coromandel took a significant step towards reinforcing its commitment to sustainability by establishing a dedicated CSR and Sustainability
2. Whether Committee within the organization. This committee focuses on ensuring robust sustainability governance and practices across the company's operations. The
the entity has company's commitment and efforts were recognized in the DJSI Corporate Sustainability Assessment (2022), where it achieved a score of 50. The company has
translated the embraced the Coromandel Guide to Business Conduct (CGBC) as a framework that governs its engagements with essential stakeholders, ensuring well-defined
policy into governance practices are followed. Furthermore, as part of the Murugappa Group, Coromandel adheres to the Five Lights - Integrity, Passion, Responsibility,
procedures. (Yes Respect, and Quality. These values serve as a guiding force, driving the company to conduct its business in an ethical and transparent manner, further
/ No) enhancing its commitment to sustainability and responsible practices.
3. Do the enlisted 8. Details of the
policies extend to highest authority
your value chain responsible for
partners? (Yes/No) implementation
Mr. Arun Alagappan, Executive Vice Chairman (Also, Chairman of Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Committee)
4. Name of the GRI, ISO 9001, ISO 45001 GRI, SA8000* GRI, GRI, GRI ISO 9001, and oversight
national and Integrated ISO 14001, Integrated ISO 14001 Integrated ISO 14001, of the Business
international Reporting ISO Reporting Reporting ISO 27001* Responsibility
codes/ Council’s 14040/44 Council’s Council’s policy (ies).
certifications/ (IIRC) (IIRC) (IIRC) 9. Does the entity Yes, the Company has a Board level Corporate Social Responsibility & Sustainability Committee. This Committee provides strategic
labels/ standards Integrated Integrated Integrated have a specified direction to implement sustainability roadmap and advises the management to ensure alignment of social and environmental aspect with
(e.g. Forest Reporting Reporting Reporting Committee of the business objectives. The committee is comprised of:
Stewardship <IR> <IR> <IR> Board/ Director
Council, Fairtrade, Framework Framework Framework responsible for (i) Mr. Arun Alagappan (Chairman) - Executive Vice Chairman
Rainforest decision making (ii) Dr. Nagarajan (Member) - Non-Executive & Independent Director
Alliance, Trustee) on sustainability (iii) Mr. S Sankarasubramanian (Member) - Executive Director
standards (e.g. SA related issues? (iv) Dr. Raghuram Devarakonda (Member) - Executive Director
8000, OHSAS, (Yes / No). If yes, (v) Dr. Deepali Pant Joshi (Member) - Non-Executive & Independent Director
ISO, BIS) adopted provide details.
by your entity and Position in bracket pertains to the committee responsibility.
mapped to each 10. Details of Review of NGRBCs by the Company:
principle. Subject for Indicate whether review was undertaken by Director / Committee of Frequency
5. Specific Coromandel commits to conduct its business with highest ethical and governance standards. It has taken proactive quality improvement Review the Board/ Any other Committee (Annually/ Half yearly/ Quarterly/ Any other – please specify)
commitments, targets internally to ensure our customers are able to use best-in-class products. The business has also defined initiatives to enhance Performance
goals and targets employee engagement and well-being. Our ESG Framework consists of three interlinked pillars, i.e., Protecting the Planet, Minimising against above
set by the entity Resource Use, and Inclusive Growth that reflect our commitment to minimizing the adverse impact of our operations on the planet and Yes, the review is undertaken by the board on quarterly basis
policies and follow
with defined people. Each pillar encompasses specific themes and focus areas that guide our sustainability roadmap. The company is also in the process up action
timelines, if any. of setting ESG targets at organizational level within the defined boundaries.

GRI 2-22

208 209
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23


P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9
with statutory
requirements of Essential Indicators:
relevance to the Yes, the review is undertaken by the Board of Directors on quarterly basis
principles, and, 1. Percentage coverage by training and awareness programmes on any of the Principles during the financial year:
rectification of any
11. Has the % age of persons in
Topics / principles covered
entity carried Total number of training and respective category
Segment under the training and its
out independent awareness programmes held covered by the awareness
assessment/ impact
evaluation of the
working of its Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd. Board of Directors 5 Board of Directors and Key 100%
policies by an Managerial Personnel (KMP)
external agency? had dedicated their time
(Yes/No). If yes,
throughout the year to stay
provide name of
the agency.
informed about updates specific
to the company, regulations
12. If answer to question (1) above is “No” i.e. not all Principles are covered by a policy, reasons to be stated:
including environment, social
Questions P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 and governance aspects. These
The entity does discussions encompassed
not consider the Key Managerial Personnel* 3 100%
valuable insights on various
Principles material
principles. Additionally,
to its business
(Yes/No) Independent Directors
are familiarized about the
The entity is not
at a stage where Company’s operations and
it is in a position businesses through a curated
to formulate 'Familiarisation Programme'.
and implement Employees other than BoD and 104 Topics covered include
the policies
KMPs (including offline and online Coromandel Guide to Business 84%
on specified
principles (Yes/No)
modules) Conduct (CGBC), Whistle Blower
Not Applicable Workers (Non-management staff) 56(including offline and online Policy, Prevention of Sexual
The entity does 100%
not have the modules) Harassment (PoSH)
financial or/human
and technical
resources available
*Executive Vice Chairman and 2 Executive Directors have been included in Board of Directors segment and hence,
for the task (Yes/ excluded from KMP segment.
It is planned to be 2.  etails of fines / penalties /punishment/ award/ compounding fees/ settlement amount paid in proceedings (by the
done in the next
financial year (Yes/ entity or by directors / KMPs) with regulators/ law enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions, in the financial year, in
No) the following format (Note: the entity shall make disclosures based on materiality as specified in Regulation 30 of SEBI
Any other reason (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Obligations) Regulations, 2015 and as disclosed on the entity’s website):
(please specify)

*Internal policies have been developed based on the standard Monetary

Name of the
Has an appeal been
NGRBC Principle enforcement Amount (In INR) Brief of the Case
preferred? (Yes/No)
agencies/ judicial
Penalty/ Fine
Settlement Nil
Compounding fee

Name of the
Has an appeal been
NGRBC Principle enforcement Brief of the Case
preferred? (Yes/No)
agencies/ judicial

210 211
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

3. Of the instances disclosed in Question 2 above, details of the Appeal/ Revision preferred in cases where monetary or Leadership Indicators:
non-monetary action has been appealed. 1. Awareness programmes conducted for value chain partners on any of the principles during the financial year:

% age of value chain partners covered (by

Name of the regulatory/ enforcement agencies/ judicial Total number of awareness programmes Topics / principles covered under the
Case Details value of business done with such partners)
institutions held training
under the awareness programmes
Not Applicable
Nil N/A N/A

4. Does the entity have an anti-corruption or anti-bribery policy? If yes, provide details in brief and if available, provide a
2. Does the entity have processes in place to avoid/ manage conflict of interests involving members of the Board?
web-link to the policy60.
(Yes/No) If Yes, provide details of the same.
Yes, the company has an Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy in place as part of Coromandel Guide to Business Yes, Coromandel has Code of Conduct for the Board and Senior Management in place
Conduct and the same extends to all the employees across the organization. content/uploads/2021/07/CodeOfConductForDirectors_2019.pdf62

The company has also adopted a Whistle-blower Policy and Vigil Mechanism whose objective is to provide Directors, PRINCIPLE 2 BUSINESSES SHOULD PROVIDE GOODS AND SERVICES IN A MANNER THAT IS SUSTAINABLE
Employees, customers and vendors an avenue to raise concerns, in line with the commitment of Coromandel to the AND SAFE:
highest possible standards of ethical, moral and legal business conduct and its commitment to open communication. Essential Indicators:
1.  ercentage of R&D and capital expenditure (capex) investments in specific technologies to improve the environmental
Coromandel Guide to Business Conduct is accessible on the company's website at:
and social impacts of product and processes to total R&D and capex investments made by the entity, respectively.

Details of improvements in
The Whistle-blower Policy as of the Company is available on the Company’s website at:
Current Financial Year Previous Financial Year environmental and social
wp-content/uploads/2022/08/Whistle-Blower-Policy-F.pdf impacts
All R&D investments are
5. Number of Directors/KMPs/employees/workers against whom disciplinary action was taken by any law enforcement concentrated on sustainable
agency for the charges of bribery/ corruption61: technologies and the
advancement of green
R&D 100% 100% chemistries. This involves
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 various areas of study, such as
(Current Financial (Previous the development of products
Year) Financial Year) based on Nanotechnology
Directors that can enhance nutrient-
use efficiency while causing
Nil Nil minimal impact on the
Employees environment. Coromandel is
Workers developing an array of microbial
based biopesticides for pest
6. Details of complaints with regard to conflict of interest: Capex* 92% 49% management in agriculture.
These biopesticides are eco-
friendly, cost effective and
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 integral part of organic and
(Current Financial Year) (Previous Financial Year) inorganic agriculture.
Number Remarks Number Remarks
Number of complaints received in relation to issues
*R&D related capital expenditures have been considered here
of Conflict of Interest of the Directors
Nil Nil
Number of complaints received in relation to issues
of Conflict of Interest of the KMPs 2. a. Does the entity have procedures in place for sustainable sourcing?
(Yes/No) Yes
7.  rovide details of any corrective action taken or underway on issues related to fines / penalties / action taken by regulators/
law enforcement agencies/ judicial institutions, on cases of corruption and conflicts of interest. b. If yes, what percentage of inputs were sourced sustainably?
Not Applicable
Please refer to page no 47 of Corporate Governance and 88 of Social and Relationship Capital

60 62
GRI 205-2 GRI 2-15
GRI 205-3
212 213
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

3 Describe the processes in place to safely reclaim your products for reusing, recycling and disposing at the end of life, 5. Reclaimed products and their packaging materials (as percentage of products sold) for each product category.
for (a) Plastics (including packaging) (b) E-waste (c) Hazardous waste and (d) other waste.
Gromor Nutri-Clinics have been established to provide farm advisory services and support to growers. These clinics, Reclaimed products and their packaging materials as % of total
Indicate product category
products sold in respective category
managed by agronomists, are strategically located near agricultural markets that offer guidance on soil health, cropping
practices, nutrition, pest management and safe usage of products. Coromandel reclaims and recycles the plastic The Company’s products are designed to be applied in farms and easily absorbed by the soil, resulting in no hazardous waste
generation at the consumer end.
packaging material under Extended Producer Responsibility.
We reclaim the plastic packaging material of our products as per the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan. The Company
reclaimed and recycled 9,953 MT plastic packaging material in FY 2022-23 and 5,462.29 MT in FY 2021-22.
4. Whether Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) is applicable to the entity’s activities (Yes / No). If yes, whether the
waste collection plan is in line with the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) plan submitted to Pollution Control
Boards? If not, provide steps taken to address the same.
Yes, Coromandel is registered as Brand Owner and Importer; submitted the waste collection plan in line with the Extended Essential Indicators:
Producer Responsibility (EPR) Plan.
1. a. Details of measures for the well-being of the employees:
Leadership Indicators:
% of employees covered by
1. Has the entity conducted Life Cycle Perspective / Assessments (LCA) for any of its products (for manufacturing industry)
Health Accident Maternity Paternity Day care
or for its services (for service industry)? If yes, provide details in the following format?
Category Total (A) Insurance Insurance benefits benefits facilities
No. (B) % (B/A) No. (C) % (C/A) No. (D) % (D/A) No. (E) % (E/A) No. (F) % (F/A)
Results Permanent Employees
Boundary for
Whether conducted communicated in
which the Life Male 3665 3665 100% 3665 100% NA NA 3665 100% 0 0%
Name of the % of total Turnover by independent public domain
NIC Code Cycle Perspective Female 168 168 100% 168 100% 168 100% NA NA 0 0%
Product/ Service contributed external agency (Yes/No)
/ Assessment was
(Yes/No) If yes, provide the Total 3833 3833 100% 3833 100% 168 100% 3665 100% 0 0%
web-link. Other than Permanent Employees
20211 Select Crop 3% Cradle to Grave Yes No (report awaited Male 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Protection technical from service Female 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
products providers)
Total 0 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%

2. If there are any significant social or environmental concerns and/or risks arising from production or disposal of your b. Details of measures for the well-being of workers:
products / services, as identified in the Life Cycle Perspective / Assessments (LCA) or through any other means, briefly
describe the same along-with action taken to mitigate the same. % of Workers covered by
Health Accident Maternity Paternity Day care
Category Total (A) Insurance Insurance benefits benefits facilities
Name of Product / Service Description of the risk / concern Action Taken
No. (B) % (B/A) No. (C) % (C/A) No. (D) % (D/A) No. (E) % (E/A) No. (F) % (F/A)
Report associated with Life Cycle Assessment study carried out is awaited.
Permanent Workers
3. Percentage of recycled or reused input material to total material (by value) used in production (for manufacturing industry) Male 1228 1228 100% 1228 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
or providing services (for service industry63). Female 3 3 100% 3 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Total 1231 1231 100% 1231 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Other than Permanent Workers
Recycled or re-used input Male 7557 7557 100% 7557 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
material to total material Female 79 79 100% 79 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
Indicate input material FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 Total 7636 7636 100% 7636 100% 0 0% 0 0% 0 0%
(Current (Previous
Financial Year) Financial Year)
2. Details of retirement benefits, for Current FY and Previous Financial Year:
Liquid Bromine (at CPC plants) 0% 8.7%
FY 2022-2023 (Current Financial Year) FY 2021-2022 (Previous Financial Year)
4. Of the products and packaging reclaimed at end of life of products, amount (in metric tonnes) reused, recycled, and No. of No. of
Deducted and Deducted and
safely disposed, as per the following format: Benefits employees No. of workers
deposited with
employees No. of workers
deposited with
covered as covered as a % covered as covered as a %
the Authority the Authority
FY 2022-2023 (Current Financial Year) FY 2021-2022 (Previous Financial Year) a % of total of total workers a % of total of total workers
(Y/N/N.A.) (Y/N/N.A.)
Re-used Recycled Safely disposed Re-used Recycled Safely disposed employees employees

Plastics (including - 9,953 - - 5,462.29 - PF 100% 100% Yes 100% 100% Yes
packaging)* Gratuity 100% 100% Yes 100% 100% Yes
E-waste Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable ESI* 11% 10% Yes 15% 8% Yes
Hazardous waste Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Others – please specify N/A
Other waste Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
*All the employees and workers whose monthly gross is less than 21000 are eligible for ESIC benefits.
*Coromandel is reclaiming and recycling the plastic packaging material as per the Extended Producer Responsibility Plan.

GRI 301-2

214 215
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

3. Accessibility of workplaces 8. Details of training given to employees and workers:

Are the premises / offices of the entity accessible to differently abled employees and workers, as per the requirements of
the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016? If not, whether any steps are being taken by the entity in this regard. FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
(Current Financial Year) (Previous Financial Year)
Our Corporate office in Chennai is accessible to differently abled employees and workers. While all of the current facilities Category On health and safety On health and safety
On skill upgradation On skill upgradation
may not be fully equipped for differently abled individuals, company is actively working to improve accessibility across Total (A) measures Total (D) measures
the organization. No. (B) % (B/A) No. (C) % (C/A) No. (B) % (B/A) No. (C) % (C/A)
4. Does the entity have an equal opportunity policy as per the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016? If so, provide Male 3665 3282 90% 3337 91% 3619 1976 55% 3619 100%
a web-link to the policy. Female 168 34 20% 115 68% 175 34 19% 162 92%
No separate policy is in place, but Coromandel believes in fostering an inclusive workplace and does not discriminate Total 3883 3316 87% 3452 90% 3794 2010 53% 3781 99%
based on any factor, including gender, nationality, culture, age, disability, etc. Workers
Male 8785 8785 100% 1228 14% 9235 9235 100% 1201 13%
5. Return to work and Retention rates of permanent employees and workers that took parental leave. Female 82 82 100% 3 4% 137 137 100% 3 2%
Total 8867 8867 100% 1231 14% 9372 9372 100% 1204 13%
Permanent Employees Permanent Workers
Gender 9. Details of performance and career development reviews of employees and worker:
Return to work rate Retention rate Return to work rate Retention rate
Male 100% 100% N/A N/A FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Female 100% 38% N/A N/A Category (Current Financial Year) (Previous Financial Year)
Total 100% 97.2% N/A N/A Total (A) No. (B) % (B/A) Total (C) No. (D) % (D/C)
Permanent Employees
Is there a mechanism available to receive and redress grievances for the following categories of employees and worker?
Male 3665 3339 91.1% 3619 3036 83.89%
If yes, give details of the mechanism in brief.
Female 168 159 94.6% 175 147 84%
Total 3833 3498 91.2% 3794 3183 83.89%
(If Yes, then give details of the mechanism in brief) Permanent Workers
Male 1228 1228 100% 1245 1245 100%
Permanent Workers
Yes, the grievance mechanism is as per the whistle-blower policy under which Directors, Female 3 3 100% 3 3 100%
Other than Permanent Workers
employees, customers, and vendors can register concerns and violations of Coromandel’s Total 1231 1231 100% 1248 1248 100%
Permanent Employees ethical, moral, and legal business conduct standards.
Other than Permanent Employees
The permanent workers do not have Appraisal Metrics as permanent employees. They are governed by Long Term
Settlements. All permanent workers go through Appraisal, review feedback etc.
7. Membership of employees and worker in association(s) or Unions recognised by the listed entity:
10. Health and safety management system:
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
(Current Financial Year) (Previous Financial Year) a. Whether an occupational health and safety management system has been implemented by the entity?
No. of No. of (Yes/ No). If yes, the coverage such system?
employees employees
Total Total Please refer to page no 81 of Human Capital
Category / workers in / workers in
employees employees
respective respective
/ workers in % (B / A) / workers in % (D / C)
category, who category, who b. 
What are the processes used to identify work-related hazards and assess risks on a routine and non-routine basis
respective respective
are part of are part of by the entity?
category (A) category (C)
association(s) association(s)
or Union (B) or Union (D) Please refer to page no 81 of Human Capital
Total Permanent Employees 3833 0 0% 3794 0 0%
-Male 3665 0 0% 3619 0 0% c. Whether you have processes for workers to report the work-related hazards and to remove themselves from such
-Female 168 0 0% 175 0 0% risks. (Y/N)
Total Permanent Workers 1231 877 71% 1248 900 72% Yes, the HIRA framework is being utilized by the workers to report the work-related hazards and to remove themselves
-Male 1228 875 71% 1245 898 72% from such risks.
-Female 3 2 67% 3 2 67%
d. Do the employees/ worker of the entity have access to non-occupational medical and healthcare services?
Please refer to page no 78 of Human Capital

11. Details of safety related incidents, in the following format:

Please refer to page no 81 of Human Capital

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Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

12. Describe the measures taken by the entity to ensure a safe and healthy workplace. 4. Does the entity provide transition assistance programs to facilitate continued employability and the management of
career endings resulting from retirement or termination of employment? (Yes/ No)
The company has taken below mentioned measures to ensure a safe and healthy workplace:
No, there are no structured transition assistance programs in place.
• Regular advisories/communications to all employees
5. Details on assessment of value chain partners:
• Monitoring employee health status
• Strengthen security & safety procedures % of value chain partners (by value of business done with such
partners) that were assessed
• Strict compliance to the policies laid down for shutdown and restarting the production activities
Health and safety practices
• Identification of critical activities and ensuring actions are being taken Working Conditions

• Established Business Continuity Plans

6.  rovide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks / concerns arising from assessments
of health and safety practices and working conditions of value chain partners.
13. Number of Complaints on the following made by employees and workers:
To avoid any risks related to health and safety practices and working conditions of value chain partners the Company's
Please refer to page no 81 of Human Capital
integrated nutrient marketing structure, backed by a dedicated team of agronomists and Nutri-clinics, provides valuable
guidance and advice to farmers, the end-user consumers regarding health and safety practices when using fertilizers.
14. Assessments for the year:
Through this support system, we ensure that farmers receive the necessary information and recommendations to use
Please refer to page no 81 of Human Capital our products responsibly, safeguarding their health and promoting safe practices in agricultural operations.

15. P
 rovide details of any corrective action taken or underway to address safety-related incidents (if any) and on significant PRINCIPLE 4: BUSINESSES SHOULD RESPECT THE INTERESTS OF AND BE RESPONSIVE TO ALL ITS
risks / concerns arising from assessments of health & safety practices and working conditions. STAKEHOLDERS
Not applicable Essential Indicators:
1. Describe the processes for identifying key stakeholder groups of the entity.
Leadership Indicators:
1. Does the entity extend any life insurance or any compensatory package in the event of death of (A) Employees (Y/N) (B) The company has identified both internal and external stakeholders who have a direct influence on its operations and
Workers (Y/N) activities.

Employees: Yes 2. List stakeholder groups identified as key for your entity and the frequency of engagement with each stakeholder group.
Workers: Yes
Please refer to page no 53-54 of Stakeholder Engagement
2. Provide the measures undertaken by the entity to ensure that statutory dues have been deducted and deposited by the
Leadership Indicators
value chain partners.
1. Provide the processes for consultation between stakeholders and the Board on economic, environmental, and social
Coromandel does monthly reconciliation of recording of GST charged by the supplier and availing of input tax credit in its
topics or if consultation is delegated, how is feedback from such consultations provided to the Board.
books with the data populated from the supplier in the GST portal on filing of return and remittance of tax by the supplier.
Through this mode, it is possible to identify the GST defaulters and accordingly alert the concerned stakeholders as well 
C oromandel’s management engages with key stakeholders including customers, investors, suppliers, employees,
as SSC to block such GST defaulter’s payment. Currently, the business is in the process of automating this process. communities, etc. on a regular basis. The company also has a CSR & Sustainability Committee which provides periodic
updates to the Board on the status of the actions undertaken. and takes inputs on a quarterly basis.
3. Provide the number of employees / workers having suffered high consequence work- related injury / ill-health / fatalities
(as reported in Q11 of Essential Indicators above), who have been are rehabilitated and placed in suitable employment 2.  hether stakeholder consultation is used to support the identification and management of environmental, and social
or whose family members have been placed in suitable employment: topics (Yes/No). If so, provide details of instances as to how the inputs received from stakeholders on these topics were
incorporated into policies and activities of the entity.
No. of employees/workers that are Yes, through materiality study, the Company engages with its stakeholders to identify and prioritise the issues pertaining
rehabilitated and placed in suitable to economic, environmental, and social topics.
Total no. of affected employees/
employment or whose family members
have been placed in suitable Coromandel always believes in community participatory approach. We approach the community by recognizing them
employment as a unit of identity and focus on building upon collective strengths. We identify the requisite resources which can
FY 2022- 2023 FY 2021-2022 FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 empower the community and facilitate the group towards ensuring overall development of the society. Coromandel
(Current (Previous (Current (Previous
Financial Year) Financial Year) Financial Year) Financial Year) always supplements Public and Private partnership and facilitates this by building local capacities. As part of community
development programs, we ensure that all our projects have direct impact.
Employees 0 2 0 1*
Workers 6 0 2** 0

*1 injured employee has resumed the duty in the same role and hence have not been included. The injury was not that
significant that it requires rehabilitation.
**2 contract workers have joined in the same role and 2 contract workers who were injured during FY23 are yet to
resume duty; hence, these 4 workers have not been included.

218 219
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

3. Provide details of instances of engagement with, and actions taken to, address the concerns of vulnerable/ marginalized 3. Details of remuneration/salary/wages, in the following format:
stakeholder groups.
Male Female
Following are some of the instances of engagement aimed at addressing the concerns of vulnerable / marginalize Median remuneration/ Median remuneration/
stakeholder groups Number*** salary/ wages of Number*** salary/ wages of
respective category** respective category**
• Conducted community mappings
Board of Directors (BoD) 3 334.80 ## 0 -
• Developed Public-Private Partnership models Key Managerial Personnel* 1 171.95 1 318.84
• Partnership in providing drinking water to the community Employees other than BoD and 3661 8.03 167 9.20
• Ensured monitoring of programs by community leaders Workers (Permanent) 1228 6.28 3 10.14

• Held focus group discussions with the vulnerable / marginalized stakeholder groups to understand the requirements *Executive Vice Chairman and 2 Executive Directors have been included in Board of Directors segment and hence,
/ need excluded from KMP segment.
• Involved them in getting permissions to build infrastructure ** All median remuneration figures are in INR Lakhs
• Handing over the assets to the community *** Active headcount as of 31st March 2023
• Volunteered in conducting medical camps, eye camps, sports and providing coaching for children to identify hidden ## This excludes sitting fees
talents, etc.
4. Do you have a focal point (Individual/ Committee) responsible for addressing human rights impacts or issues caused or
Essential Indicators:
Yes, the Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) is the nodal authority responsible for addressing any human rights impacts
1. Employees and workers who have been provided training on human rights issues and policy(ies) of the entity, in the or issues caused or contributed to by the business. Moreover, Ms. Jayashree Satagopan, a Key Managerial Personnel, is
following format: the Chairperson of the Internal Compliance Committee - PoSH.
Please refer to page no 84 of Human Capital
5. Describe the internal mechanisms in place to redress grievances related to human rights issues.
2. Details of minimum wages paid to employees and workers, in the following format: Please refer to page no 84 of Human Capital

FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 6. Number of Complaints on the following made by employees and workers:
Current Financial Year Previous Financial Year
Category Equal to More than Equal to More than
Total (A) Minimum Wage Minimum Wage Total (D) Minimum Wage Minimum Wage FY 2022-2023
FY 2021-2022 Previous Financial Year
No. (B) % (B /A) No. (C) % (C /A) No. (E) % (E /D) No. (F) % (F / Current Financial Year
Pending Pending
Employees Filed during resolution at Filed during resolution at
Permanent 3833 - - 3833 100% 3794 - - 3794 100% Remarks Remarks
the year the end of the year the end of
Male 3665 - - 3665 100% 3619 - - 3619 100% year year
Female 168 - - 168 100% 175 - - 175 100% Sexual Harassment 3 1 N/A 1 0 N/A
Other than Discrimination at workplace 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
0 - - 0 0% 0 - - 0 0%
Child Labor 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
Male 0 - - 0 0% 0 - - 0 0%
Forced Labor/ Involuntary Labor 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
Female 0 - - 0 0% 0 - - 0 0%
Wages 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
Other human Rights related issues 0 0 N/A 0 0 N/A
Permanent 1231 - - 1231 100% 1245 - - 1245 100%
Male 1228 - - 1228 100% 3 - - 3 100% 7. Mechanisms to prevent adverse consequences to the complainant in discrimination and harassment cases.
Female 3 - - 3 100% 1248 - - 1248 100%
Other than In accordance with the Company's Whistle blower policy, utmost care is taken to ensure the confidentiality of the
7636 - - 7636 100% 8124 - - 8124 100%
Permanent complainant's identity by all individuals involved in handling the complaint and those who come across any information
Male 7557 - - 7557 100% 7990 - - 7990 100% related to such complaints, while also considering legal obligations and constraints.
Female 79 - - 79 100% 134 - - 134 100%

GRI 405-2

220 221
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

8. Do human rights requirements form part of your business agreements and contracts? 2. Does the entity have any sites / facilities identified as designated consumers (DCs) under the Performance, Achieve and
(Yes/No) Trade (PAT) Scheme of the Government of India? (Y/N) If yes, disclose whether targets set under the PAT scheme have
been achieved. In case targets have not been achieved, provide the remedial action taken, if any.
Yes, human rights requirements are part of all our business agreements and contracts.
None of our plants are part of PAT scheme.
9. Assessments for the year:
3. Provide details of the following disclosures related to water, in the following format:
% of your plants and offices that were assessed (by entity or
statutory authorities or third parties) FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Parameter (Current (Previous
Child labor 100% Financial Year) Financial Year)
Forced/involuntary labor 100%
Water withdrawal by source (in kiloliters)
Sexual harassment 100%
(i) Surface water 6,67,139 6,26,263
Discrimination at workplace 100%
(ii) Groundwater 3,88,260 3,83,767
Wages 100%
(iii) Third party water 48,92,711 46,22,650
Others – please specify 100%
(iv) Seawater / desalinated water 83,224 1,21,411
10. P
 rovide details of any corrective actions taken or underway to address significant risks/ concerns arising from the (v) Others - -
assessments at Question 9 above. Total volume of water withdrawal (in kilolitres) (i + ii + iii + iv + v) 60,31,334 57,54,091
Total volume of water consumption (in kilolitres) 60,62,201 59,91,914
Internal audit and external audits are in place, and corrective actions are being taken by the inquiry/committee. Water intensity per rupee of turnover (kL/INR Crores) 205 313
Water intensity (optional) the relevant metric may be selected by the entity - -
Leadership Indicators:
1. Details of a business process being modified / introduced as a result of addressing human rights grievances/complaints. Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency?
The company adopted Human Rights Policy during FY 2021-22. There have been no grievances / complaints reported (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
during the period. Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd.

2. Details of the scope and coverage of any Human rights due diligence conducted. 4. Has the entity implemented a mechanism for Zero Liquid Discharge? If yes, provide details of its coverage and
The company does not conduct human rights due diligence. implementation.
Yes, Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) has been adopted by company. All the SSP plants, the Bio plant and the Kakinada-
3. Is the premise/office of the entity accessible to differently abled visitors, as per the requirements of the Rights of Persons fertiliser plant have the ZLD. The fertiliser plants- Ennore and Vizag have the provision to discharge during the rainy
with Disabilities Act, 2016? season.
Company’s corporate office in Chennai is accessible to differently abled employees and workers. While all of the current
facilities may not be fully equipped for differently abled individuals, company is actively working to improve accessibility 5. Please provide details of air emissions (other than GHG emissions) by the entity, in the following format:
across the organization.
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Please specify
Parameter (Current (Previous
Financial Year) Financial Year)
NOx MT 42 24
Essential Indicators: Sox MT 158 274
1. Details of total energy consumption (in Joules or multiples) and energy intensity, in the following format: Particulate matter(PM) MT 562 568
Persistent organic pollutants (POP) MT - -
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 Volatile organic compounds (VOC) MT - -
Parameter (Current (Previous
Hazardous air pollutants (HAP) MT - -
Financial Year) Financial Year)
Others MT - -
Total electricity consumption (A) 15,34,427 GJ 14,65,066 GJ
Total fuel consumption (B) 21,69,690 GJ 16,78,806 GJ Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency?
Energy consumption through other sources (C) 0 0 (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
Total energy consumption (A+B+C) 37,04,117 GJ 31,43,872 GJ
Energy intensity per rupee of turnover (GJ/INR Crores) 125 165 Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd.
Energy intensity (optional) – the relevant metric may be selected by the entity - -

Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency?
(Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd.

222 223
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

6. Provide details of greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions) & its intensity, in the following format: 9.  riefly describe the waste management practices adopted in your establishments. Describe the strategy adopted by your
company to reduce usage of hazardous and toxic chemicals in your products and processes and the practices adopted
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 to manage such wastes.
Parameter Unit (Current (Previous
Please refer to page no 100 of Natural Capital
Financial Year) Financial Year)
Total Scope 1 emissions (Break-up of the GHG i Metric tons of CO2 10. If the entity has operations/offices in/around ecologically sensitive areas (such as national parks, wildlife sanctuaries,
1,67,017 1,21,406
nto CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs,SF6, NF3, if available) Equivalent
biosphere reserves, wetlands, biodiversity hotspots, forests, coastal regulation zones etc.) where environmental approvals
Total Scope 2 emissions (Break-up of the GHG i Metric tons of CO2
nto CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs,SF6, NF3, if available) Equivalent
1,66,243 1,33,855 / clearances are required, please specify details in the following format:
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions per rupee of
11 13
Turnover (tCO2e/INR Crores) Whether the conditions of environmental
Total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emission intensity approval / clearance are being complied
- - S.No. Location of operations/office Type of Operations
(optional) – the relevant metric may be selected by the entity with? (Y/N) If no, the reasons thereof
and Corrective action taken, if any.
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? Not Applicable
(Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
11. Details of environmental impact assessments of projects undertaken by the entity based on applicable laws, in the
Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd.
current financial year:
7. Does the entity have any project related to reducing Green House Gas emission? If yes, then provide details.
Whether conducted Results
Please refer to page no 97 of Natural Capital Name and brief by independent communicated in
EIA Notification No. Date Relevant Web link
details of project external agency public domain
(Yes / No) (Yes / No)
8. Provide details related to waste management by the entity, in the following format:
Not Applicable
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Parameter (Current (Previous 12. Is the entity compliant with the applicable environmental law/ regulations/ guidelines in India; such as the Water
Financial Year) Financial Year) (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Environment protection act and
Total Waste generated (in metric tons) rules thereunder (Y/N). If not, provide details of all such non-compliances, in the following format:
Plastic waste (A) 122 146
E-waste (B) 12 19 Any fines/ penalties/action
Specify the law/ regulation/
Bio-medical waste (C) 7 14 Provide details of the non- taken by regulatory agencies Corrective action
S. No. guidelines which was not
Construction and demolition waste (D) 0 0 compliance such as pollution control taken, if any
complied with
Battery waste (E) 56 7 boards or by courts
Radioactive waste (F) 0 0 Not Applicable
Other Hazardous waste. Please specify, if any. (G) 61,439 46,980
Other Non-hazardous waste generated (H). Please specify, if any.(Break-up by composition Leadership Indicators:
3,838 7,697
i.e. by materials relevant to the sector) 1. Provide break-up of the total energy consumed (in Joules or multiples) from renewable and non-renewable sources, in
Total (A+B + C + D + E + F + G + H) 65,474 54,863 the following format:
For each category of waste generated, total waste recovered through recycling, re-using or other
recovery operations (in metric tonnes) FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Category of waste Parameter (Current (Previous
(i) Recycled 11,302 10,960 Financial Year) Financial Year)
(ii) Re-used 23,244 22,648 From renewable sources
(iii) Other recovery operations Total electricity consumption (A) 21,573 GJ 22,677 GJ
14,335 9,002
(Co-Processing, Sold to PCB authorized vendor/Battery buy-back) Total fuel consumption (B) 862 GJ 422 GJ
Total 48,881 42,610 Energy consumption through other sources (C) 0 0
For each category of waste generated, total waste disposed by nature of disposal method (in metric tonnes) Total energy consumed from renewable sources (A+B+C) 22,435 GJ 23,099 GJ
Category of waste From non-renewable sources
(i) Incineration 4,624 3,278 Total electricity consumption (D) 15,12,854 GJ 14,42,389 GJ
(ii) Landfilling 1,461 2,032 Total fuel consumption (E) 21,68,828 GJ 16,78,384 GJ
(iii) Other disposal operations 7,425 6,957 Energy consumption through other sources (F) 0 0
Total 13,510 12,267 Total energy consumed from non-renewable sources (D+E+F) 36,81,682 GJ 31,20,773 GJ

Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency?
(Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency. (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd. Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd.

224 225
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

2. Provide the following details related to water discharged:

FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 Parameter (Current (Previous
Parameter (Current (Previous Financial Year) Financial Year)
Financial Year) Financial Year) (i) Into Surface water
Water discharge by destination and level of treatment (in kilolitres) -No treatment
(i) To Surface water - - -With treatment – please specify level of treatment
-No treatment - - (ii) Into Groundwater
-With treatment – please specify level of Treatment - - -No treatment
(ii) To Groundwater - - -With treatment – please specify level of treatment
-No treatment - - (iii) Into Seawater
- With treatment – please specify level of Treatment - - -No treatment
No Discharge
(iii) To Seawater - - -With treatment – please specify level of treatment
- No treatment 47,756 50,585 (iv) Sent to third parties
- With treatment – please specify level of treatment - - -No treatment
(iv) Sent to third parties (Common Effluent Treatment Plant and Common Multi-Effect -With treatment – please specify level of treatment
- -
Evaporator) (v) Others
- No treatment 9,614 1,14,115 -No treatment
3,94,145 4,06,988 - With treatment – please specify level of treatment
 ith treatment – please specify level
(After Tertiary (After Tertiary
of treatment Total water discharged (in kiloliters)
treatment) Treatment)
(v) Others - -
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency?
- No treatment - -
(Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
- With treatment – please specify level of treatment - -
Total water discharged (in kilolitres) 4,51,515 5,71,688 Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd.

Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency? 4. Please provide details of total Scope 3 emissions & its intensity, in the following format:
(Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Yes, Third Party Assurance for FY 2022-23 has been carried out by TUV India Pvt. Ltd. Parameter Unit (Current (Previous
Financial Year) Financial Year)
3. Water withdrawal, consumption, and discharge in areas of water stress (in kilolitres): Total Scope 3 emissions (Break-up of the GHG into CO2, CH4, Metric tons of CO2
N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3, if available) Equivalent The company is planning to conduct
For each facility / plant located in areas of water stress, provide the following information:
Total Scope 3 emissions per rupee of turnover the scope 3 emission inventorization
(i) Name of the area: Udaipur, Block Girwa, Rajasthan Total Scope 3 emission intensity (optional) – the relevant metric in the coming year
may be selected by the entity
(ii) Nature of operations: Manufacturing of Single Super Phosphate Fertilisers
Note: Indicate if any independent assessment/ evaluation/assurance has been carried out by an external agency?

(iii) Water withdrawal, consumption, and discharge in the following format: (Y/N) If yes, name of the external agency.
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022
Parameter (Current (Previous 5. With respect to the ecologically sensitive areas reported at Question 10 of Essential Indicators above, provide details
Financial Year) Financial Year)
of significant direct & indirect impact of the entity on biodiversity in such areas along-with prevention and remediation
Water withdrawal by source (in kiloliters) activities.
(i) Surface water 0 0
(ii) Groundwater 59,411 52,008 Not Applicable
(iii) Third party water 0 0
(iv) Seawater / desalinated water 0 0
(v) Others 0 0
Total volume of water withdrawal (in kiloliters) 59,411 52,008
Total volume of water consumption (in kiloliters) 59,411 52,008
Water intensity per rupee of turnover (kL/INR Crores) 2 3
Water intensity (optional) – the relevant metric may be selected by the Entity - -
Water discharge by destination and level of treatment (in kiloliters)

226 227
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

6. If the entity has undertaken any specific initiatives or used innovative technology or solutions to improve resource
Details of the initiative (Web-link,
efficiency, or reduce impact due to emissions / effluent discharge / waste generated, please provide details of the same Sr. No Initiative undertaken if any, may be provided along-with Outcome of the initiative
as well as outcome of such initiatives, as per the following format: summary)
11 Laid Port and Market Connectivity Roads through Laid 2-Kilometer-long road with Distance saving by ~2
Details of the initiative (Web-link, shortest route green plantation as barrier on the kilometers to and from,
Sr. No Initiative undertaken if any, may be provided along-with Outcome of the initiative road periphery for dust control resulting in fuel oil savings,
summary) during transportation (Cost own private road with improved
incurred: ~INR 14 crores) logistical benefits
1 Solar Street lighting (Visakhapatnam Plant) Installation of solar street lighting Green energy and annual cost
12 Effluent generation reduction at source Daily monitoring of different Effluent generation reduction,
within plant premise (Cost incurred: savings
effluent streams was initiated. power and steam consumption
~INR 7.1 Lakhs)
Change in operation philosophy for reduction, annual cost savings
2 Replacement of existing lights with LED Lights Replacement of metal halides & Less energy consumption vacuum application into process.
compact fluorescent lamps with leading to annual cost savings
13 Multi-Effect Evaporator Capacity Enhancement SOP modification to optimize feed, Annual cost savings, solid waste
LED lights within plant premise as well and improved luminosity
installation of standby centrifuge, impact reduction, reduced
and administration building (Cost
modification of line to avoid dilution dependency on external vendor
incurred: ~INR 5 Lakhs)
of feed, etc. to enhance the MEE for effluent treatment
3 Battery-Operated Electric Automotive for internal - Elimination of higher running capacity.
transport cost of diesel automotive,
14 Yield improvement of key crop protection products Reduced degradation of Annual cost savings, yield
emission reduction, lower
intermediate through replacement enhancement
maintenance cost
of compressed air with nitrogen for
4 Bicycles for all employees for commuting 660 no’s bicycles distributed to Zero emissions, lower pressurized filtration
employees for commuting to and maintenance cost, healthier
15 Natural Gas norms reduction Installation of magnetic system at Annual cost savings, relative
from the workplace. workforce
inlet of Natural gas pipeline has positive impact on environment
5 Higher pipe size instrument air piping Instrument airline (from Utilities Energy conserved, annual cost resulted in overall improvement in
to Complex, Utilities to Sulphuric savings, smooth operation of gas consumption norms.
Acid, Phosphoric acid and ETP instrument air compressors,
plants) size increased. 2 numbers lower pressure drop and
of Instrument Air Receivers operating cost of instrument air 7. Does the entity have a business continuity and disaster management plan? Give details in 100 words/ web link.
installed to increase air hold up system The company has Enterprise Risk Management Framework in place for the identification, analysis, evaluation of risks
capacity and reduce instrument air
pressure drop in the system. (Cost at entity level, business level and operational level. The mitigation plan is also being prepared for each kind of risks
incurred: ~INR 80 Lakhs) identified. The company has adopted the ISO 31000 Standard on “Risk Management” as well. Each manufacturing site
6 Evaporator steam condensate recovery at utilities Evaporator steam condensate Energy conserved, improved has On-site emergency plan in place which includes essential information about the hazardous materials present in the
Plant recovery at utilities plant for recovery of steam condensate, plant, potential emergencies, accident-prone areas, and the emergency control plan. It outlines authority delegation,
reuse at medium pressure boiler. control on effluent generation
control measures, and other relevant details. Additionally, the plan provides general information such as the plant's
Laid steam condensate piping for
recovery at utilities plant along with location, layout, neighbouring industries, and the assistance they can provide.
instrument controls.
7 Installation of modern 3 Star Packaged Air Handling - Improved air conditioning, lower 8.  isclose any significant adverse impact to the environment, arising from the value chain of the entity. What mitigation
Units by replacing multiple Window / Split Air energy consumption or adaptation measures have been taken by the entity in this regard?
conditioner units
8 Miyawaki Plantation – Greening with fence Miyawaki Plantation involves Creating Carbon sink in There has been no significant adverse impact on the environment resulting from Coromandel’s value chain. The business
plantation of trees, native to the the area, control of fugitive also takes extra efforts in communicating customers as well as farmers on safe handling and disposal of agrochemical
area, with species that complement emissions arising out of road products.
each other. As saplings receive traffic
sunlight from the top and grow
upward, rather than sideways. It 9. Percentage of value chain partners (by value of business done with such partners) that were assessed for environmental
helps prevent growth of weeds, by impacts.
avoiding sunlight reaching the soil.
Not Available
9 Greening Transport Roll out of BS VI compliant raw Lower emissions by adoption
material commercial vehicles, of cleaner fuels, improved fuel
filter, selective catalytic reduction DO SO IN A MANNER THAT IS RESPONSIBLE AND TRANSPARENT
system Lean NOx trap, real-time
Essential Indicators:
driving emission monitoring and
onboard diagnostics and most 1. a. Number of affiliations with trade and industry chambers/ associations.
importantly BS6 compliant fuel to
meet emission norms. Please refer to page no 89 of Social and Relationship Capital
10 Dust Monitoring Installation of Dust Monitoring Regulatory Compliance to PCB,
devices on exhaust stacks control on SPM emissions b. List the top 10 trade and industry chambers/ associations (determined based on the total members of such body)
the entity is a member of/ affiliated to.
Please refer to page no 89 of Social and Relationship Capital

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Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

2. Provide details of corrective action taken or underway on any issues related to anti- competitive conduct by the entity, 3. (a) Do you have a preferential procurement policy where you give preference to purchase from suppliers comprising
based on adverse orders from regulatory authorities. marginalized /vulnerable groups? (Yes/No)

Name of authority Brief of the case Corrective action taken

Yes, Coromandel's Bioproducts SBU sources its raw material from marginalized / vulnerable groups indirectly.

Nil (b) From which marginalized /vulnerable groups do you procure?

Leadership Indicators: Coromandel's Bioproducts SBU sources raw materials from traders who, in turn, procure from rural communities
1. Details of public policy positions advocated by the entity: comprising of old, unemployed and underprivileged village population (mostly women).

Please refer to page no 89 of Social and Relationship Capital (c) What percentage of total procurement (by value) does it constitute?

Essential Indicators:
4. Details of the benefits derived and shared from the intellectual properties owned or acquired by your entity (in the current
1. Details of Social Impact Assessments (SIA) of projects undertaken by the entity based on applicable laws, in the current financial year), based on traditional knowledge:
financial year.

Intellectual Property based Owned/ Acquired Benefit shared Basis of calculating benefit
Whether conducted Results S.No.
on traditional knowledge (Yes/No) (Yes / No) share
Name and Brief SIA Date of by independent communicated in Relevant
details of the project Notification No. notification external agency public domain Web link Not Applicable
(Yes / No) (Yes / No)
5. Details of corrective actions taken or underway, based on any adverse order in intellectual property related disputes
Not Applicable
wherein usage of traditional knowledge is involved.
2. Provide information on project(s) for which ongoing Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) is being undertaken by your
Name of authority Brief of the Case Corrective action taken
entity, in the following format:
Not Applicable

Name of Project No. of Project Amounts paid to

% of PAFs 6. Details of beneficiaries of CSR Projects:
S.No. for which R&R is State District Affected Families PAFs in the FY (In
covered by R&R
ongoing (PAFs) INR)
No. of Persons benefitted % of beneficiaries from vulnerable and
Not Applicable Sr.No. CSR Project
from CSR Projects marginalized groups
1 Education 59,421 100%
3. Describe the mechanisms to receive and redress grievances of the community.
2 Health 6,44,052 100%
Please refer to page no 90 of Social and Relationship Capital 3 Community Development 4,87,392 100%

4. Percentage of input material (inputs to total inputs by value) sourced from suppliers: PRINCIPLE 9 BUSINESSES SHOULD ENGAGE WITH AND PROVIDE VALUE TO THEIR CONSUMERS IN A
FY 2022-2023 FY 2021-2022 Essential Indicators:
Current Previous
Financial Year Financial Year 1. Describe the mechanisms in place to receive and respond to consumer complaints and feedback.
Directly sourced from MSMEs/ small producers 2% 3% Please refer to page no 85 of Social and Relationship Capital
Sourced directly from within the district and neighboring districts 4% 5%
2. Turnover of products and/ services as a percentage of turnover from all products/service that carry information about:
Leadership Indicators:
1.  rovide details of actions taken to mitigate any negative social impacts identified in the Social Impact Assessments
P As a percentage to total turnover
(Reference: Question 1 of Essential Indicators above): Environmental and social parameters
relevant to the product
Details of negative social impact identified Corrective action taken Safe and responsible usage 100%
Not Applicable Recycling and/or safe disposal 9%

2. Provide the following information on CSR projects undertaken by your entity in designated aspirational districts as
identified by government bodies:

Amount Spent
Sr.No. State Aspirational District
(In INR)
1 Andhra Pradesh Visakhapatnam 2,96,19,920

230 231
Coromandel International Limited Forging New Paths, Fortifying Future Integrated Report FY 2022-23

3. Number of consumer complaints in respect of the following65: 6400 farmers participating in the event across India. Coromandel's Retail SBU is in constant engagement with farmers
and conducts campaigns to spread awareness in the regions where it operates its offline retail stores. Coromandel, through
FY 2022-23 FY 2021-22 its Nutri-Clinics and backed by its agronomists, have also been able to transmit information related to best application
(Current Financial Year) (Previous Financial Year)
practices aimed at enhancing nutrient use efficiency. The organization has also conducted drone spraying pilots with
Pending Remarks Pending Remarks
Received during Received during select farmers which further enhanced the knowledge of the latter community and enabling them to get accustomed to
resolution at end resolution at end
the year the year the latest advancements in technology. Lastly, through Vidhya Online, Coromandel's learning and development portal, is
of year of year
also accessible to the dealer community wherein all the information related to the products sold by the company have
Data privacy
been detailed. This transmission of information, through the portal, will help them to advise farmers in the most optimal
Delivery of
essential services 3. Mechanisms in place to inform consumers of any risk of disruption/discontinuation of essential services.
Restrictive Trade Coromandel is continuously in touch with its trade channel partners in addition to the periodic meets that are held.
Through this medium, product as well as service-related updates are provided to the channel partners to keep them at
Unfair Trade
pace with the market. Coromandel, through the retail stores, are in continuous engagement with the farmers and convey
updates accordingly to them. Farmer awareness programmes are also held during which any updates can be conveyed
by the business. COVID had also enabled connects with farmers on virtual mode and this mode of communication can
4. Details of instances of product recalls on account of safety issues66 also be tapped on need-basis.

Number Reason for recall 4. Does the entity display product information on the product over and above what is mandated as per local laws? (Yes/No/
Voluntary recall
Not Applicable) If yes, provide details in brief. Did your entity carry out any survey about consumer satisfaction relating
Nil to the major products / services of the entity, significant locations of operation of the entity or the entity as a whole?
Forced recall
5. Does the entity have a framework/ policy on cyber security and risks related to data privacy? Yes, as per the Government guidelines, the company mentions product information as per legal metrology. In addition
(Yes/No) If available, provide a web-link of the policy. to the statutory contents mandated as per law, Coromandel also provides crop wise dosage, precaution, compatibility,
Yes. The Information Security Policy is available on the intranet of the company providing the guidelines for acceptable safety guidelines etc. for the benefit of the farmers.
use of information resources and seeks to reduce risks to information resources through implementation of controls Yes, Coromandel actively gathers consumer feedback and closely monitors the Net Promoter Score (NPS) to enhance
designed to detect and prevent errors or irregularities. its product and service offerings based on customer preferences. To gain a deeper understanding of customer needs,
the company has undertaken an independent assessment that analyses key trends and assesses customer satisfaction
6. Provide details of any corrective actions taken or underway on issues relating to advertising, and delivery of essential in relation to its products and services. Furthermore, Coromandel is dedicated to enhancing its MyGromor ecommerce
services; cyber security and data privacy of customers; re-occurrence of instances of product recalls; penalty / action application by actively soliciting customer feedback through various channels, including Hello Gromor, to make necessary
taken by regulatory authorities on safety of products / services. refinements and provide an optimal user experience.
Not Applicable
5. Provide the following information relating to data breaches:
Leadership Indicators:
a. Number of instances of data breaches along-with impact
1. Channels / platforms where information on products and services of the entity can be accessed (provide web link, if
available). Nil

Details on products and services of the company can be accessed on: b. Percentage of data breaches involving personally identifiable information of customers. Nil

Additionally, we have launched MyGromor app through which customers can access the information on any of Coromandel’s
products and services of the Company.

2. Steps taken to inform and educate consumers about safe and responsible usage of products and/or services.
Coromandel follows multi-pronged approach in dissemination of information regarding safe and responsible usage of its
products and services. Product Stewardship is an integral part of this approach. As part of this, Coromandel celebrated
Product Stewardship Day on 23rd December 2022 (coinciding with Farmers' Day / Kisan Diwas) across the company and
promoted safe and responsible usage of its Agrochemical products. A total of 137 meetings were conducted with nearly

GRI 417-2,3; GRI 418-1
GRI 416-2
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