Introducing Arabic Letters - Alif

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Arabic Letters
Alif - ‫ا‬
The first letter in the arabic
The Letter Alif - At a Glance
Name : Alif ( ‫) اﻟف‬
Basic Appearance : Alif looks like a vertical line. It is drawn from the top down.
How Alif is written in a word di ers according to it’s position in the word. Alif is
only connectable to the letter before (the letter to the right) -َ‫ﻗَﺎل‬

Alif in isolated form - ‫ا‬

Alif at the beginning of a word - As in other languages – as a vowel, it doesn’t
come at the beginning of the word, it only comes in the medial or final
Alif in the middle of a word - ‫ﺣﺻﺎن‬
Alif at the end of a word - ‫دﻧﯾﺎ‬
Makhraj of Alif

Al - Jawf

Al- Jawf literally means hollow,

cavity or emptiness.

The technical meaning is the empty

space in the mouth and the throat.

Makhraj of Alif

Letter Alif comes from a general

(non specific) Makhraj – there is no
specific point from which it is

The Alif is always preceded by a

fathah ( َ ), which is called
Alif Maddiyyah. For example -, ‫ﻗَﺎ َل‬
‫اﻷﻟف اﻟﻣدﯾﺔ‬
Alif Maddiyyah - Position of the Tongue
The opening of the mouth with
respect to the ‫ أﻟف‬with the
tongue completely relaxed.

When we recite the letter of

Madd the mouth
remains open, the sound
continues and then
fades without anything
obstructing it: not from
the lips, not from the tongue,
and not even from
the vocal chords themselves.
Characteristics /Sifaats of Alif

★ Jahr -‫ﺟﮭر‬
★ Rikhwah - ‫رﺧوة‬
★ Istifaal - ‫إﺳﺗﻔﺎل‬
★ Infitaah - ‫إﻧﻔﺗﺎح‬
★ Ismaat - ‫إﺻﻣﺎت‬
Characteristics /Sifaats of Alif
Jahr -‫ﺟﮭر‬ Rikhwah - ‫رﺧوة‬

Literally means to be Literally means softness

Technically means the
Technically means the continuation of the sound
discontinuation of the while pronouncing the
breath when pronouncing letter causing weakness in
the letter due to strength in its reliance on its makhraj.
its origin, causing it to rely
greatly on its makhraj.
Characteristics /Sifaats of Alif
Istifaal - ‫إﺳﺗﻔﺎل‬ Infitaah - ‫إﻧﻔﺗﺎح‬

• Literally means • Literally means

lowering or dropping separation

• Technically means • Technically means

keeping the tongue keeping the tongue
lowered from the roof of separated from the roof of
the mouth while the mouth while
pronouncing a letter. pronouncing a letter.
Confusion !
Letter Alif ( ‫ ) ا‬is sometimes confused with the
letter Hamzah ( ُ ‫ أ‬/ ِ‫ إ‬/ َ‫ أ‬/ ‫)ء‬

When Alif comes after a letter it causes the long

"aa" sound. This is called a plain Alif because it
carries no symbols.

Alif can also carry a hamza (with harakah and

then it becomes hamzah). Remember, the long
"aa" sound is only made with a plain alif. If you
see an alif with anything on it, it will NOT make
the "aa" sound. For example - ‫ ﺑَدَ ا‬، َ‫ﺑَدَ أ‬
Arabic Letters - Written and Spoken
Common Errors in Pronouncing
Alif Maddiyyah

➢ Pronouncing Alif like ➢ Pronouncing Alif like ➢ Extending the sound of

Hamza « ‫» ﯾﻐﺷﺎھﺎ‬ Ha « ‫» زﻟزاﻟﮭﺎ‬ Alif
« ‫» ﺑﻧﺎھﺎ‬ « ‫» ﻣﺎﻟﮭﺎ‬ « ‫ ﺿﺣﺎھﺎ‬, ‫ ﺳواھﺎ‬,‫» ﺑﻧﺎھﺎ‬

➢ Making the Alif ➢ Making the Alif ➢ Imaalah / Taqleel

ta kheem (heavy) when tarqeeq (light) when ‫ طﺣﮭﺎ‬، ‫زﻟزاﻟﮭﺎ‬
there is no ta kheem there is no tarqeeq (light)
(heavy) letter before it - letter before it -
‫ ﺗﺑﺎرك‬،‫ﻛﺎن‬ ‫ ﺻﺎﻟﺣﯾن‬،‫ﻗﺎل‬
Common Errors in Pronouncing
Alif Maddiyyah

Not opening the mouth Pronouncing Alif like Pronouncing Alif like
properly - ‫ﻣوﺳﻰ‬ Yaa - ‫ﻣﺎﻟك‬ Waw - ‫ﻓطﺎل‬

Doing Gunnah -

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