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the brighter the light, the lower the resistance of the Cadmium sulphide
LDR. The symbolic representation of a photoresistor is stnp

shown in Fig. 2.18. Light

Cadmium sulphide cells This device is capable of
reacting with a broad range of frequencies of light,
including infrared (IR), visible light, and ultraviolet
(UV) below lHz. Therefore, this type of a device
is suitable for data links and picture scanning. It is
suitable for street light control as an automatic on/of
Switch. Silicon-based photodiodes and phototransistors
Terminals Symbol photo resistor
are faster compared to CdS cells. An ORP12 is a well Fig. 2.18 LDR or photoresistor
known LDR. It is used for control of camera light, street light, security alarms, heaters, outdoor clocks, etc.
Piezoresistive material This type of material can change their resistance due to a change in the applied
pressure and is known as a piezoresistive material. When pressure is applied on it, the material is either
elongated or compressed due to a mechanical force, resulting in a change in resistance too. This is referred to
as a piezoresistive or piezoelectric effect.
Thermoresistive sensors Thermoresistive transducers are made of materials the resistivity of which
changes with temperature. These are simple interface circuits, with good sensitivity and long-term stability.
These transducers are of three types: RTDs, P-N junction detectors, and thermistors.
Resistance temperature detectors The resistance of most metallic resistors change with change in
temperature and the change remains linear over a certain range with increase in temperature. An RTD
is made from positive temperature coeficients (PTCS) resistive element wire of Pt, Ni, Cu, etc. A thin
film RTD is made by depositing thin layers of platinum or its alloys on a suitable silicon substrate using
micro-machining. It maintains a large length to breadth ratio in the shape of a serpentine. It works in the
temperature range from -200°C to 0°C. However, it is also made of platinum and tungsten for higher ranges
of temperature-200°C to +850°C, and 600°C, respectively. An RTD transducer offers high
is reproducible over a time period of 0.5-5 s. The relation between
stability, and
temperature change and change in
resistance is given as follows:
R,= Ro(1 +xt +yft zr) or R, =Ro{1 +a(T- T)} (2.15)
where x,), and z represent the constants related to RTD material properties, and t is the
resistance at temperature T, R, =resistance at temperature T, To = reference temperature: R, =
temperature, and a=resistance
temperature coefficient.
Thermodio des and transistors As semiconductors are temperature sensitive, diode transistors and
integrated circuits (ICs; thermal sensors) are used as temperature sensors in the
to 150°C. The output signal of a semiconductor sensor is available as an temperature range of -40°C
electrical signal, like a current or
voltage. An IC output signal of a thermal sensor does not require any circuit of an additional interface to be
converted into a digital signal. Therefore, signals can be sent directly to further
Semiconductor transducers that use diodes, transistors, etc., are more signal-processing If such
devices are forward biased using a constant-current source, as shown in Fig. 2.19(a), the output voltage has a
linear relationship with the junction temperature, as shown in Fig. 2.19(b). The calibration of such a
done using its sensitivity and its line of intercept. The input-output relation of voltage and current is given
by Eq. (2.16).

voltage (mV) St
-2.0 mVPC
600 mV Transistor

-2.3 mV/PC = L0 mA

400 mV

Diode |= 10 LA

200 mV
Vo: Output

-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Forward biased diode and transistor
Temperature (°C)
(a) (b)

Fig. 2.19 (a) Temperature transducers: diodes and transistors (b) V-Icharacteristic curve

When there is a temperature change at the P-N junction, the charge in carrier mobility also changes,
affecting the rate of electron-hole difusion across the junction. In this way, a potential difference () is
developed across the junction, causing a current to flow through it. If the current is constant, the voltage
developed is directly proportional to the temperature (in Kelvin unit) of the IC thermal sensor.
I=I(ekI - 1) and I, = T³Re gVglkT (2.16)
where k is the Boltzmann's constant, I the diode current, T the temperature, the junction voltage, and q a

Thermistors This device shows the thermal relationship with the resistor, literally. It is used for
measurement of temperature, as its electrical resistance changes with temperature change. It is used as an
absolute-temperature transducer referenced to an absolute-temperature scale. The material for fabrication of
Such a sensor uses mixtures of semiconductor oxides of chromium, cobalt, iron, manganese, and nickel. It is
available in various forms such as beads, discs, and rods, as shown in Fig. 2.20.


Terminals Rod
Rod-type thermistor
Fig. 2.20 Various types of thermistors

The relation between resistance and temperature is given mathematically as follows:

R,- Rye
where R, = resistance of the thermistors at temperature t, Roreference resistance of the thermistors (2.17)
B= materialproperty constant, and t= temperature
The change in thermistor resistance with temperature is shown by anon-linear and exponential curve, as
shown in Fig. 2.21. However, achievement of a linear input-output relationship over a range of
requires linearization and ease of calibration at the cost of sensitivity of the device. temperature
Thermistor integrated with an operational amplifier outputs
an electrical current or a voltage signal. The resistance of the 1000
thermistor is given by the following equation:
R= R[1 + A(T,-T) + B(T, - T)] (2.18) 100
where Ro and T are the reference resistance and temperature, 25°C
However, a thermistor IC (KTY-81)offers an operating range at 10
of-55°Cto +150°C, for coefficients of A= 0.007874/K and B=
1.874 x 10 /K2.
Types of thermistors There are two types of thermistors w.r.t
depending on the properties of material, as discussed in the resistance
following subsections. 0.1 Non-linear curve
Negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistors Thermistors in
that are made from silicon and germanium semiconducting Change0.01
materials have an NTC. The resistance of such a thermistor
decreases with increase in temperature due to the NTC. For
example, due to the reverse property of thermistor, it is used 0.001
to protect from current surge in electrical systems like fine
temperature-measuring devices.
Positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors These -S00 50 100 150 200
thermistors are made of oxides of manganese, cobalt, nickel, and Input: Temperature in °C
copper. The resistance of PTC thermistors increases, due to a Fig. 2.21 Thermistor characteristics
PTC, with increase in temperature, as shown in Fig. 2.22.
The value of change in resistance can be measured with the help ofa
bridge circuit, as shown in Fig. 2.23.
R Ry To amplifier
Excitation, V

PL = thermal power loss

Fig. 2.22 Thermistor in circuit Fig. 2.23 Thermistor in bridge circuit
Almetallic resistors offer PTC characteristics with a low temperature
coefficient of resistance (TCR) as
compared to RTD (small). However, ceramic-based PTC materials using barium and strontium titanate offer a

change in resistance with temperature change over certain ranges, asshown in Fig 2.24.
verylarge temperature
This type of thermistor is used for switching on an electrical system or
switching it off for protection.
Characteristics of thermistors Figure 2.25shows the characteristic curves of a PTC, an NTC, and an RTD.
Thefollowing observations are made based on the curves.

NTC curve Ohm's law

PTC curve
PTC Curve
V-I curve of PTC

RTD curve

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Temperature (°C)
Voltage Fig. 2.25 Hcharacteristic
curve of PTC, NTC, and RTD
Fig. 2.24 Input-Output characteristic curve of PTC
Mathematically, the TCR is defined as follows:
AR (2.19)
highest value of 2°C, that is,
The change in coefficient is significantly high with temperature at point x
Solid chemical
200% per °Cchange.
Positive electrolyte Reference
Applications A PTC thermistor is used for protecting an electrical electrode electrode
circuit. It is also suitable for use in level detectors with heat dissipation,
bio-medical applications, thermostats, etc.
in Fig. 2.26. It is used
An electrolyte-type potentiometric transducer is shown filling
to determine the analytical concentration of acomponent(s) of an analyte The gas
chemical sensor.
or solution. Therefore, this transducer can be used as a
difference across
Output of the transducer provides an electrical potential Fig. 2.26 Electrolyte-type
potential without any
the electrodes with respect to the reference electrode depends potentiometric transducer
Cürrent flow. The output potential diference between the electrodes
On the concentration of the analyte of the solution or gas.


shape of a coil, to produce a
An inductor is an electrical passive element made from a conducting wire in the
through it, the kinetic
magnetic field. When it is connected to an electrical circuit to allow an electrical current

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