Light Reflection and Refraction
1. LIGHT screen.
Light is that form of energy which produces the Image of an object formed by a plane mirror is
sensation of sight. Light energy travels through virtual and erect, same size as the object, as much
vacuum well as different transparent media in the form behind the mirror as the object is placed in front of it
of electromagnetic waves. In vacuum as well as in air, and is laterally inverted.
light travels with a constant speed of 3 # 10 8 ms -1 .
Light travels from one point to other along a 4. SPHERICAL MIRROR
straight path. This is called rectilinear propagation of
It is a mirror whose reflecting surface is a part of a
light. A bundle of rays constitutes a light beam.
hollow sphere of the glass. A spherical mirror whose
reflecting surface is curved inwards is called a concave
2. REFLECTION OF LIGHT mirror. A spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is
curved outwards is called a concave mirror.
It is the phenomenon of bouncing back of light to the
same medium after striking a surface. A glass sheet A spherical mirror whose reflecting surface is
having a uniform thin coating of silver on one side curved outwards is called a convex mirror.
acts as a reflector and is called a mirror. 1. In a spherical mirror, the centre point of the
reflecting surface is ‘pole’ (P) .
2.1 Laws of Reflection
Two important laws of reflection are as follows:
1. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal
to the reflecting surface at the point of incidence,
all lie in the same plane.
2. The angle of incidence and angle of reflection are
equal and they lie on opposite sides of normal.
When rays of light starting from a point object, after
reflection from a mirror, actually meet or appear to
meet at a point, then this second point is called the
image of that object point.
given mirror is a part. The radius of curvature 6. Focal plane is a plane passing through principal
(R = PC ) of the given mirror is defined as the focus and normal to the principal axis of a mirror.
radius of the sphere, of which the reflecting 7. The position, nature and relative size of image
surface of the mirror forms a part. formed by a concave mirror depend upon the
3. Principal axis is the line passing through pole position of the object situated in front of the
P and centre of curvature C of a mirror. The mirror as shown in the following table.
diameter of reflecting surface of a spherical mirror Formation of image by a concave mirror for
is called its aperture. different positions of the object
4. The principal focus (F ) of a spherical mirror
Position Position Relative Nature of
is a point on its principal axis where light rays
of the of the size of the the image
travelling parallel to the principal axis of the
object image image
mirror, after reflection, actually meet (in concave
mirror) or appear to meet (in convex mirror). 1. At At the Highly Real and
Principal focus of a concave mirror is a real point infinity focus (F ) diminished inverted
situated in front of the mirror and of a convex (point-
mirror is a virtual point situated behind it. sized)
5. The distance between pole P and principal focus 2. Beyond Between Diminished Real and
F of a spherical mirror is focal length (f ) , i.e., C F and inverted
PF = f . For a spherical mirror, C
R 3. At C At C Same size Real and
f = 2
as the inverted
R = 2f object
4. Between Beyond Enlarged Real and
C and C inverted
5. At F At Highly Real and
infinity enlarged inverted
6. Between Behind Enlarged Virtual
P and the and erect
F mirror
8. A convex mirror forms a virtual, erect and
diminished image of an object situated in front of
it as shown in the following table.
Formation of image by a convex mirror for
different positions of the object
in medium 2 (v2) .
So, refractive index of medium 2 w.r.t. medium 1,
n21 = v12
v n
or n21 = v12 = n12
Therefore, n12 = n21
2. Relative refractive index of one medium w.r.t.
another medium too is a unit-less quantity and
its numerical value may be equal to 1 or greater
than 1 or even less than 1.
3. The refractive index of vacuum is called absolute
refractive index.
4. If a ray of light is refracted through a rectangular
glass slab, the angle of emergence is same as angle
of incidence. Hence, emergent ray travels in a
direction parallel to that of incident ray.
But, the ray suffers a lateral displacement whose
value is based on (i) thickness of the glass slab, (ii)
refractive index of the glass slab, and (iii) angle
of incidence. For angle of incidence (+i) = 0c , the 3. The optical centre of a lens is the point on its
lateral displacement is also zero (0). principal axis, a ray of light passing through
5. Due to refraction of light, a pencil immersed in which goes undeviated. It is the centre of the lens.
water in a glass tumbler appears to be displaced
at water-air interface. When a glass slab is placed
over some printed matter, words appear raised up
when observed or seen through the glass slab.
6. If a coin is placed at the bottom of a tumbler
filled with water, the apparent depth of the coin
appears to be less than its true depth because of
refraction of light.
Real depth (h)
Apparent depth (h l )
= Refractive index of water (nw)
For similar reason, a pond of water appears to be
10. LENS
Is is a part of refracting material, i.e., glass, bound by
two non-parallel surfaces, of which either both or one
surface is spherical.
A lens thicker at the middle and thinner at the
edges is known as a convex (converging) lens.
A lens thicker at the edges and thinner at the
middle is known as a concave (diverging) lens.
1. A lens contains two centres of curvature and two
radii of curvature as shown in the figure.
2. Principal axis is a line passing through two centres
of curvature of a lens. 4. A point where a light beam travelling parallel
to the principal axis of the lens, after refraction,
actually meets in convex lens or appears to be
Page 194 Light Reflection and Refraction Chap 10
diverged from in concave lens is called principal Position Position Relative Nature of
focus (F ) of the lens. As, in a lens, parallel beam of the of the size of the the image
of light may be incident on any of its two surfaces object image image
having two principal foci F1 and F2 , placed
symmetrically on two sides of a lens. 1. An At focus Highly Virtual
infinity F1 diminished and erect
5. Focal length (f ) is the distance of principal focus
from optical centre of a lens.
6. Focal plane is a plane passing through principal
focus and perpendicular to the principal axis of a 2. Between Behind Diminished Virtual
lens. infinity focus and erect
The position, nature and size of the image formed and F1 and
by a convex lens are based upon the position of optical O optical
the object placed in front of the lens as mentioned of the lens centre O
in the following table.
8. Lenses are used in spectacles, different optical
Formation of image by a convex lens for different
instruments such as microscope, telescope,
positions of the object
photographic camera, film projector, etc.
Position Position Relative Nature of The sign convention for lenses is same as that for
of the of the size of the the image mirrors except the optical centre of the lens which
object image image is taken to be the origin point.
If object distance = u , image distance = v and
1. At infinity At focus Highly Real and focal length = f , then from the lens formula, we
F2 diminished inverted have
(point- 1-1 =1
sized) v u f
2. Beyond Between Diminished Real and 9. For a linear object placed normal to the principal
2F1 F2 and inverted axis of a spherical lens, linear magnification of a
2F1 lens is stated as follows:
3. At 2F1 At 2F2 Same size Real and Linear magnification of a lens,
as the inverted Height of the (h l )
m =
object Height of the object (h)
4. Between Beyond Enlarged Real and Distance of the image (v)
F1 and 2F2 inverted Distance of the object (u)
2F1 Linear magnification is negative for a real image
but positive for a virtual image.
5. At focus At Infinitely Real and
F1 infinity large inverted
(highly 11. POWER OF A LENS
enlarged) It is a measure of its degree of convergence or
6. Between On the Enlarged Virtual divergence of light rays incident on it. It is also defined
focus same and erect as reciprocal of its focal length.
F1 and side of Power of a lens,
optical the lens 1
(P) =
centre O as the Focal length of the lens (in metre)
object = 1
f (in m)
7. A concave lens always forms a virtual, erect and
The SI unit of power of a lens is dioptre (D),
diminished image of the object on the same side
where 1 D = 1 m -1 .
of the lens as mentioned in the following table:
Formation of image by a concave lens for different The power of convex lens is taken positive but
positions of the object power of concave lens is taken negative.
1. When two or more thin lenses of powers
P1, P2, P3, ..... are brought in contact, then
Combined power, P = P1 + P2 + P3 + .....
Page 195 Light Reflection and Refraction Chap 10
7. A beam of light is incident through the holes on side (c) between 15 cm and 30 cm in front of the mirror
A and emerges out of the holes on the other face of (d) more than 30 cm in front of the mirror
the box as shown in Figure. Which of the following Sol :
could be inside the box ?
11. A full length image of a distant tall building can
definitely be seen by using
(a) a concave mirror
(b) a convex mirror
(c) a plane mirror
(d) both concave as well as plane mirror
Sol :
10. Rays from Sun converge at a point 15 cm in front of 15. The path of a ray of light coming from air passing
a concave mirror. Where should an object be placed through a rectangular glass slab traced by four
so that size of its image is equal to the size of the students as A, B, C and D in Figure. Which one of
object ?
(a) 15 cm in front of the mirror
(b) 30 cm in front of the mirror
Page 197 Light Reflection and Refraction Chap 10
them is correct ?
16. You are given water, mustard oil, glycerine and 18. Which of the following ray diagrams is correct for the
kerosene. In which of these media a ray of light incident ray of light incident on a lens shown in Figure ?
obliquely at same angle would bend the most ?
(a) Kerosene (b) Water
(c) Mustard oil (d) Glycerine
Sol :
Column I Column II
(B) 1 against 1 (q)
n u
A B C D Column I Column II
(a) p, q q r q,r (B) (q) Virtual image
(b) r q q, r, s r, s
(c) p, r s p p, r
(d) p q, r r s
Sol :
(C) (r) Magnified image
26. Assertion : When light travels from one medium 30. Assertion : On moving from optically rarer to denser
to another. The direction of propagation of light in medium, a ray of light bends away from the normal.
second medium changes. Reason : Speed of light is more in denser medium and
Reason : Light travels with different speeds in different less in rarer medium.
mediums. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
is the correct explanation of Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
not the correct explanation of Assertion. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. Sol :
Sol :
31. Assertion : When light from sun is focussed on a sheet
27. Assertion : Radius of curvature of a spherical mirror of paper using a convex lens, the paper begins to burn
is half its focal length. producing smoke. It may even catch fire after a while.
Reason : A ray of light incident parallel to principal Reason : Convex lens is a converging lens.
axis after reflection passes through C . (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
is the correct explanation of Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
not the correct explanation of Assertion. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. Sol :
28. Assertion : After refraction though a rectangular 32. Assertion : Power of a convex lens is positive and that
glass slab, emergent ray is parallel to the direction of of a concave lens is negative.
incident ray. Reason : Convex lens forms real image and concave
Reason : Refractive indices of air and glass are lens forms virtual image.
different. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
is the correct explanation of Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
not the correct explanation of Assertion. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. Sol :
Sol :
33. Assertion : Convex mirror is used as a shaving mirror.
29. Assertion : Magnification of real images is taken Reason : Convex mirror always forms an enlarged
negative. image.
Reason : Magnification is ratio of image distance and (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
object distance. is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
is the correct explanation of Assertion. not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. Sol :
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Sol :
Page 201 Light Reflection and Refraction Chap 10
34. Assertion : A small source of light casts a sharp 38. Assertion : Large concave mirrors are used to
shadow of an opaque object. concentrate sunlight to produce heat in solar cookers.
Reason : Light travels in straight lines. Reason : Concave mirror converges the light rays
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason falling on it to a point.
is the correct explanation of Assertion. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is is the correct explanation of Assertion.
not the correct explanation of Assertion. (b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false. not the correct explanation of Assertion.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. (c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
Sol : (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Sol :
35. Assertion : Concave mirror has a real focus.
Reason : Concave mirror always forms real image. 39. Assertion : A ray incident along normal to the mirror
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason retraces its path.
is the correct explanation of Assertion. Reason : In reflection, angle of incidence is not equal
to angle of reflection.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
not the correct explanation of Assertion. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false. not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Sol :
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
36. Assertion : For observing traffic at our back, we prefer (d) Both Assertion and Reason are false.
Sol :
to use a convex mirror.
Reason : A convex mirror has a much larger field of
view than a plane mirror or a concave mirror. 40. Assertion : When a concave mirror is held under
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason water, its focal length will decrease.
is the correct explanation of Assertion. Reason : The focal length of a concave mirror is
independent of the medium in which it is placed.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
not the correct explanation of Assertion. (a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
(d) Assertion is false but Reason is true. not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Sol :
(c) Assertion is true but Reason is false.
37. Assertion : A concave mirror of focal length ‘f ’ in air (d) Assertion is false but reason is true.
Sol :
is used in a medium of refractive index 2. Then the
focal length of mirror in medium becomes double.
Reason : The radius of curvature of a mirror is double
of the focal length.
(a) Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason ONE MARK QUESTIONS
is the correct explanation of Assertion.
(b) Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason is
not the correct explanation of Assertion. 41. What is light ?
Sol : SQP 2021
44. What is real image ? 60. State a condition for no refraction of light when light
Sol : OD 2019
enters from one medium to another.
Sol : Delhi 2011
53. Define the focus of a spherical mirror. 68. Define absolute refractive index of a medium.
Sol : Foreign 2014 Sol : Foreign 2009
54. What is centre of curvature of convex mirror ? 69. What is the relation between emergent ray and incident
Sol : AI 2015
ray when light ray passes through a rectangular glass
slab ?
Sol : OD 2015
55. What is the minimum distance between an object and
its real image in case of a concave mirror ?
Sol : Delhi 2011
70. Refractive index of water is 4/3 and for glass it is 3/2,
with respect to air. What is the refractive index of
56. Draw a ray diagram to show reflection of an incident glass with respect to water ?
Sol : OD 2006
ray parallel to principal axis by a convex mirror.
Sol : OD 2019
74. Find the focal length of a convex mirror whose radius 84. The power of a lens is - 4.0 D . What is the nature of
of curvature is 32 cm. the lens ?
Sol : OD 2014 Sol : Delhi 2011
75. (a) Draw a ray diagram to show the refraction of light 85. Define refractive index of a medium.
Sol : Delhi 2009
through a glass slab and mark angle of refraction
and lateral shift suffered by the ray of light
passing through the slab. 86. Refractive index of water with respect to air is 1.33.
(b) If the refractive index of glass for light going from What is the refractive index of air with respect to
air to glass is 23 , find the refractive index of air water ?
Sol : OD 2015
for light going from glass to air.
Sol : Delhi 2012
Sol : SQP 2017 89. Distinguish between convex mirror and concave
Sol : OD 2019
77. Define the term principal focus for a convex mirror.
Sol : Delhi 2013
79. In what condition, the image formed by a concave 91. Identify the nature of the mirror and mention two
mirror is virtual ? characteristics of the image formed when magnification
Sol : OD 2015 (m) = + 6 .
Sol : Delhi 2017
99. (a) What happens to a ray of light when it travels 104. Draw a ray diagram to show the position and nature
from one medium to another having equal of the image formed by a convex lens when the object
refractive indices ? is placed;
(b) State the cause of refraction of light. (i) beyond 2F.
Sol : Foreign 2009
(ii) between F and 2F.
Sol : Foreign 2011
110. An object is placed at a distance of 40 cm infront of a 119. An object is placed at a distance of 12 cm infront of
convex mirror of radius of curvature 40 cm. List four a concave mirror. It forms a real image 4 times larger
characteristics of the image formed by the mirror. than the object. Calculate the distance of the image
Sol : Delhi 2013
from the mirror.
Sol : OD 2016
THREE MARKS QUESTIONS 133. A concave mirror produces three times enlarged real
image of an object placed at 12 cm in front of it.
Calculate the radius of curvature of the mirror.
Sol : SQP 2017
127. A concave mirror is used for image formation for
different positions of an object. What inferences can
be drawn about the following when an object is placed 134. An object is kept in front of a concave mirror of focal
at a distance of 10 cm from the pole of a concave length 20 cm. The image is three times the size of the
mirror of focal length 15 cm ? object. Calculate two possible distances of the object
(a) Position of the image from the mirror.
Sol : Foreign 2015
(b) Size of the image
(c) Nature of the image
135. Why does a ray of light passing through the centre
Draw a labelled ray diagram to justify your inferences. of curvature of a concave mirror after reflection, is
Sol : Comp 2020
reflected back along the same path ?
Sol : Delhi 2009
For solutions download NODIA app. 140. Why does a pencil immersed in water appear bent
and short ? Explain with the help of a ray diagram.
Sol : Foreign 2016
Page 207 Light Reflection and Refraction Chap 10
141. (a) State laws of refraction. 149. (a) For the same angle of incidence 45°, the angle of
(b) A ray of light is incident normally to the surface refraction in two transparent media; I and II is
of a glass slab placed in air. Find the angle of 20° and 30° respectively. Out of I and II, which
incidence and angle of refraction in this case. medium is optically denser and why ?
Sol : OD 2013
(b) Light enters from air to diamond which has
refractive index of 2.42. Calculate the speed
142. State two uses of concave mirrors. of light in diamond, if speed of light in air is
Sol : Delhi 2014
3.00 # 10 8 ms-1 .
Sol : Comp 2016
144. (a) State the relationship between focal length and 151. (a) Consider two pairs of medium – pair A (1 and 2),
radius of curvature of a spherical mirror. pair B (3 and 4). With the help of a given table
(b) Why is the refractive index of a medium always point out in which medium light speeds up as it
greater than one ? moves in pair A and in pair B respectively.
(c) A lens has - 4 D power. Is the lens concave or
Medium Refractive Index
convex ?
Sol : Delhi 2017
1. Water 1.33
2. Benzene 1.50
145. A transparent medium P floats on another
3. Turpentine 1.47
transparent medium Q . When a ray of light travels
obliquely from P to Q , the refracted ray bends away 4. Alcohol 1.36
from the normal. Which of the two media P or Q is
(b) Find refractive index of benzene with respect to
optically denser and why ?
Sol : AI 2011 water.
Sol : OD 2014
162. (a) Define power of a lens and write its S.I. unit.
156. (a) What is meant by ‘power’ of a lens ? (b) A convex lens of power 4 D is placed at a distance
(b) State its unit and define it. of 40 cm from a wall. At what distance from the
(c) Which of the two lenses has a greater power : lens should a candle be placed so that its image is
(i) a convex lens of focal length 5 cm ? formed on the wall ?
Sol : Delhi 2013
(ii) a convex lens of focal length 50 cm ?
Justify your answer.
Sol : OD 2011 163. An object is placed at a distance 100 cm from a lens of
power - 4 D . Find the position and nature of image
157. A convex lens forms a real image four times magnified so formed.
at a distance of 60 cm from the lens. Calculate the Sol : OD 2007
(b) Draw a ray diagram to show the image formed is equal to the size of the object ? Also find the
of an object placed between f and 2f distances power of the lens.
Sol : OD 2011
from a convex lens.
Sol : SQP 2013
erect or inverted. and highly enlarged image of the object. Draw a ray
Sol : Foreign 2010
Sol : Delhi 2013
187. Prove that for a concave mirror the radius of curvature say magnification produced is - 1 ?
Sol : Foreign 2009
is twice its focal length.
Sol : SQP 2018
192. (a) Draw ray diagrams for the following and state the 197. Draw a ray diagram to show a virtual image of 25 th
nature, size and position of the image formed in the size of an object 4 cm high, using a spherical
each case : mirror. Mark the position of the object, image and
focal length.
(i) For a concave mirror, object at 2F . Sol : Delhi 2014
ray diagrams. Which of the above lens can also form size of object. It is represented by m .
(i) real and magnified and (ii) virtual and magnified
Size of image
image of an object ? Draw a ray diagram to justify m =
Size of object
your answer.
Sol : OD 2016 Sign of magnification by mirror gives the information
about the nature of the image produce by it.
(i) Describe the nature of image formed.
208. A 2.0 cm tall object is placed perpendicular to the
principal axis of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm. (ii) If the object x distance from the pole of mirror,
The distance of the object from the lens is 15 cm. Find then find image distance from the pole.
the nature, position and size of the image formed. (iii) If the radius of curvature of mirror is R, then
Sol : SQP 2011
write the relation between object distance, image
distance and focal length of the mirror.
209. A needle placed 45 cm from a lens forms an image on (iv) Give one use of concave mirror.
Sol :
a screen placed 90 cm on the other side of the lens.
Identify the type of lens. Determine its focal length
and the power. What is the size of image, if needle is 213. A concave lens is thick at the edges and thin at the
5 cm in height ? centre, while a convex lens is thick at the centre
Sol : Comp 2010
and thin at the edges. We can distinguish between a
concave lens and a convex lens without touching them.
210. (i) To construct a ray diagram we use two rays For this keep a book close to a lens and observe the
which are so chosen that it is easy to know their image of the text of the book through the lens. If the
directions after reflection from the mirror. List letters appear enlarged, then it is a convex lens and if
two such rays and state the path of these rays the letters appear diminished then it is a concave lens.
after reflection in case of concave mirrors. Use Convex lens converges light rays and hence known
these two rays and draw ray diagrams to locate as converging lens. Similarly, concave lens diverges
the image of an object placed between pole and light rays and is known as diverging lens. Linear
focus of a concave mirror. magnification produced by a lens is equal to the ratio
(ii) A concave mirror produces three times magnified of the image distance to the object distance. Power of
image on a screen. If the object is placed 20 cm in a lens is defined as the reciprocal of its focal length.
front of the mirror, how far is the screen from the (i) What type of image is always made by a concave
object. lens ?
Sol : Delhi 2017
(ii) If magnification produced by a spherical lens is
+0.75, then what is the nature of the lens ?
211. (i) If the image formed by a mirror for all positions of (iii) What is the power of a convex lens with focal
the object placed infront of it is always diminished, length 80 cm ?
erect and virtual, state the type of the mirror and
(iv) What kind of lens is present in human eye ?
also draw a ray diagram to justify your answer. Sol :
Write one use such mirrors and put to and why ?
(ii) Define the radius of curvature of spherical mirrors. For solutions download NODIA app.
Kind the nature and focal length of a spherical
mirror whose radius of curvature is + 24 cm . 214. When light ray goes from one transparent medium
Sol : OD 2015
to another transparent medium, it suffers a change
in direction, into second medium. The extent of the
change in direction suffered by the phenomenon of
change in the path of light rays when going from one
COMPETENCEY BASED QUESTIONS medium to another medium is known as refraction.
Ray is a given pair of media can be expressed in terms
of refractive index. The refractive index is related to
212. A concave mirror forms image of an object thrice in an important physical quantity in the relative speed
its size on a screen. Magnification of a mirror gives
information about the size of the image relative to the
object. It is defined as the ratio of size of image to the
Page 214 Light Reflection and Refraction Chap 10
of light in different media. their centres and makes light rays passing through
them spread out. Converging lenses are thicker in
their middle than at this edges and make light rays
passing through them focus at a point. These are
used in spectacles to help people with poor vision see
better. The converging lenses magnify by bending the
rays of light that pass through them to meet at a
point called focus. Thicker the converging lens is at
its centre, the more its magnifies and closer the focus
is to the lens.
(i) Ravi uses two lenses A and B of same size and
same material as shown. P1 and P2 are the powers
of A and B. An object is kept at the same distance
(i) When light goes from one medium to another,
from the lens between F and 2F of each lens on
which of the three parameters, frequency,
the principal axis in turn. Let I 1 and I 2 be the
wavelength, velocity change ?
image formed by two lenses respectively. What is
(ii) A ray of light enters into the glass from air. Does the relation of image distances of both lens ?
it bend towards normal ?
(iii) Light enters from air to glass having refractive
index 1.50. What is the speed of light in the glass?
The speed of light in vacuum is 3 # 108 ms-1 .
(iv) What is the unit of refractive index ?
Sol :
of above given lens A. One end of this object (iii) What is the minimum distance between an object
coincides with the focus F and the other end with and its real image formed by a convex lens ?
Sol :
2F. What will be the nature of the image formed
by the lens on the other side ?
Sol :
218. Study the following table for a convex lens for different
positions of object and answer the following questions:
217. The image formed by a convex lens depends on the
position of the object in front of the lens. When the Position of Position of Relative size of
object is placed anywhere between focus and infinity, object image image
the image formed by convex lens is real and inverted. At infinity At focus F2 Highly
The image is not obtained on the screen why the diminished
object is placed between the focus and the lens. The point sized
distance between the optical centre O of the convex Beyond 2F1 Between F2 and Diminished
lens and the focus point F1 and F2 is its focal length. 2F2
When the object shifts from - 3 to F1 , the image
moves from F2 to + 3. At 2F1 At 2F2 Same size