Rhetorical_Devices_-_Speeches__2_ (3)
Rhetorical_Devices_-_Speeches__2_ (3)
Rhetorical_Devices_-_Speeches__2_ (3)
Anaphora repetition of a word or phrase at the ● ‘I have a dream’ - MLK ● Evoke Emotion
beginning of successive sentences, ● “We came, we saw, we ● Reinforce or Emphasise a
phrases, or clauses conquered.” - Caesar Concept
● “Fool me once, shame on you. ● Create Urgency or Call to
Fool me twice, shame on me.” - Action
common phrase ● can have a strong effect on an
● “It’s not the size of the dog in audience by appealing to
the fight; it’s the size of the fight emotions, inspiration,
in the dog.” - Twain motivation, and even memory
● Engages audience, holds
attention and creates a lasting
Diacope repeats a word or phrase with one or ● “To be, or not to be!” - ● emphasise, describe, or
more words in between Shakespeare specify
● Maybelline: “Maybe she’s born ● express strong emotion or to
with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline.” draw attention to the repeated
● The Energizer Bunny: “Keeps phrase --- memorable and
going and going and going.” even rhythmic
● ‘Free at last, free at last; thank
god almighty, free at last.” -
Antithesis two opposite ideas are put together ● “It was the best of times, it was ● convey ideas in different ways
in a sentence to achieve a the worst of times, it was the from the common words and
contrasting effect - “opposite” age of wisdom, it was the age expressions of daily life
of foolishness, it was the epoch ● conveys meaning more vividly
of belief, it was the epoch of than ordinary speech
incredulity, it was the season of ● idea is expressed more
Light, it was the season of emphatically
Darkness, it was the spring of ● makes contrasts in order to
hope, it was the winter of examine pros and cons of a
despair, we had everything subject under discussion, and
before us, we had nothing helps to bring forth judgement
before us, we were all going on that particular subject
direct to Heaven, we were all
going direct the other way.” -
Tale of Two cities - Dickens
Chiasmus refers to a grammatical structure that ● Live simply so that others might ● creates a highly symmetrical
inverts a previous phrase. That is, simply live. (Gandhi) structure, and gives the
you say one thing, and then you say ● Ask not what your country can impression of completeness -
something very similar, but flipped do for you; ask what you can do seems to tie up all the loose
around. - “crossed” for your country.” (John F. ends
Kennedy, 1961) ● make readers perceive your
● In the pre-capitalist stages of writing as more complete
society, commerce rules (even though it might not be)
industry. In capitalist society, ● chiasmus often uses
industry rules commerce. (Karl parallelism - we process this
Marx, Das Capital) info more quickly ----
● All for one and one for all! (The perceived as more
Three Musketeers) memorable, humorous, and
● The things you own end up persuasive than those without
owning you. (Tyler Durden, parallelism, probably due to
Fight Club) this feature of the reader’s
● The Sabbath was made for brain.
man, not man for the Sabbath.
(Mark 2:27)
Anadiplosis figure of speech in which a word or ● "The general who became a ● Emphasis
group of words located at the end of slave. The slave who became a ● power to persuade, to create a
one clause or sentence is repeated gladiator. The gladiator who sense of urgency or emotion,
at or near the beginning of the defied an emperor." - Gladiator as well as to give a pleasing
following clause or sentence. ● "She opened a café, a café that rhythm to text or speech.
ruined her financially." ● often used to stretch a logical
● Suffering breeds character; progression of ideas across
character breeds faith; in the three or more clauses
end faith will not disappoint. ● to beautify words through
rhythm and cadence, and
sometimes to give prose a
more natural sound, closer to
the way we speak.
Amplification embellish a sentence or statement ● “Mr. and Mrs. Veneering were ● bring the readers’ attention to
by adding further information; bran-new people in a bran-new an idea, which they may miss
increase readability and worth of the house in a bran-new quarter of otherwise
statement or sentence London. Everything about the ● add more information and
Veneerings was spick and span details to the original
new. All their furniture was new, description
all their friends were new, all ● highlight the importance of an
their servants were new, their idea, to stimulate an emotional
place was new, … their harness response among the audience
was new, their horses were ● adds an exaggeration,
new, their pictures were new, increases the rhetorical effect,
they themselves were new, they and emphasises to further
were as newly-married as was elaborate definitions,
lawfully compatible with their descriptions, and arguments in
having a bran-new baby …” - a piece
Dickens “Our Mutual Friend” ● highlights the persuasive
aspects of an idea by
elaborating the reason why it
needs to be considered.
Alliteration reflects repetition in two or more ● Coca Cola, Dunkin’ Donuts, ● creating emphasis, attention,
nearby words of initial consonant Weight Watchers, Fantastic significance, and importance
sounds Four, Hip Hop ● can have a pleasing effect for
Assonance = repetition of vowel ● Lois Lane, Peter Parker, readers and listeners.
sounds Wonder Woman, Mickey ● calls attention to the rhetorical
Consonance = alliteration is Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Bugs and artistic impact of the
considered a subcategory, is the Bunny, Daffy Duck words in that alliteration
repetition of consonant sounds in ● Once upon a midnight dreary, signifies that the alliterative
successive words while I pondered, weak and words are linked purposefully
Assonance and consonance refers weary, and thematically
to the repetition of these sounds at ● Over many a quaint and curious
the beginning, middle, or end of volume of forgotten lore—While
words. However, alliteration is I nodded, nearly napping,
limited to consonant sounds suddenly there came a tapping,
repeated at the beginning of words. - Poe - The Raven
● From forth the fatal loins of
these two foes - Shakespeare
(Romeo and Juliet)
Tricolon consists of three parallel clauses, ● “And when the night grows ● give a greater sense of
phrases, or words, which happen to dark, when injustice weighs roundness, completeness, and
come in quick succession without heavy on our hearts, when our wholeness, whereas the third
any interruption. best-laid plans seem beyond part brings in a surprising
our reach,” - Obama speaks in effect in the sentence
Rule of 3 = writing principle that Memorial Service for Nelson ● helps readers absorb the idea,
suggests that a trio of events or Mandela and remember it more
characters is more humorous, ● “You are talking to a man who effectively.
satisfying, or effective than other has laughed in the face of ● creating a humorous effect.
numbers --- collection of three death, sneered at doom, and ● create a memorable and
words, phrases, sentences, lines, chuckled at catastrophe.” - captivating display of
paragraphs/stanzas, Wizard of Oz - Baum information
chapters/sections of writing and
even whole books
Polysyndeton several coordinating conjunctions ● “Let the whitefolks have their ● brings continuity to a sentence
are used in succession in order to money and power and ● brings rhythm to the text with
achieve an artistic effect -- and/or segregation and sarcasm and the repetition of conjunctions
big houses and schools and in quick succession
Asyndeton = the words in a list are lawns like carpets, and books, ● lay emphasis to the ideas the
separated by commas, and no and mostly–mostly–let them conjunctions connect.
conjunctions are used to join the have their whiteness.” - I Know
words in a list. --- Jane’s days Why the Caged Bird Sings (By
became a blur of meaningless Maya Angelou)
events – wake up, brush teeth, make
the coffee, get the mail, fix dinner,
watch TV. It was hard to keep
depression at bay.”
Ethos represents credibility, or an ethical ● “Doctors all over the world ● confirms the credibility of a
appeal, which involves persuasion recommend this type of writer or a speaker, and thus
by the character involved treatment.” they become trustworthy in the
● “John is a forensics and eyes of listeners and readers
Ad hominem = speaker or a writer ballistics expert, working for the who, as a result, are
attacks the character or personality federal government for many persuaded by the arguments.
of an opponent speaker or writer, years. If anyone’s qualified to ● Ethos of a speaker or a writer
rather than criticising the matter of determine the murder weapon, is created largely by the
his or her point of view. (logical it’s him.” choice of words he or she
fallacy) ● “If his years as a soldier taught chooses to convince listeners
him anything, it’s that caution is or readers.
the best policy in this sort of ● Being an expert on the subject
situation.” matter determines his or her
Pathos inspire emotions from readers ● Any emotional word ever ● stirring people’s emotions is
appeal to an audience’s emotions used??? - effective in turning their
● Ads = television commercial opinion towards the speaker
showing neglected or
mistreated animals; political ad
utilising fear tactics; holiday
commercial showing a family
coming together for a meal
● Movies = Love means never
having to say you’re sorry.
(Love Story); I have to remind
myself that some birds aren’t
meant to be caged. (The
Shawshank Redemption)
● Literature = If growing up is
painful for the Southern Black
girl, being aware of her
displacement is the rust on the
razor that threatens the throat.
It is an unnecessary insult. - I
Know Why the Caged Bird
Sings (Maya Angelou)
Logos statement, sentence, or argument ● “All men are mortal. Socrates is ● persuade the audience
used to convince or persuade the a man. Therefore, Socrates is ● rationality and logic are greatly
targeted audience by employing mortal.” - The Art of Rhetoric valued, and this type of
reason or logic (By Aristotle) convincing approach is
Inductive reasoning ● “Reading maketh a full man; generally honoured more than
Deductive reasoning conference a ready man; and appeals made by a speaker or
writing an exact man.” - Of character to the audience
Studies (By Francis Bacon)
Parallelism repetition of grammatical elements in ● “That’s one small step for man, ● engages the audience’s
writing and speaking - writers utilise one giant leap for mankind.” - attention and emphasises the
parallelism as a figure of speech, Armstrong contrast
this literary device extends beyond ● stupid is as stupid does; no ● Create Sense of Rhythm
just a technique of grammatical pain, no gain; you get what you ● Create Sense of Relationship
sentence structure. It may feature get; it takes one to know one; I ● effective way for writers to set
repetition of a word or phrase for think, therefore I am; up relationships between two
emphasis, or it can be used as a ● To err is Human, to forgive, or more things or ideas,
literary device to create a parallel divine. (Alexander Pope) through comparison or
position between opposite ideas ● Clap along if you feel like a contrast.
through grammatical elements as a room without a roof / Clap along
means of emphasising contrast. if you feel like happiness is the
Takes on many forms: anaphora, truth (Pharrell Williams - Happy
antithesis, asyndeton, epistrophe, :))
chiasmus, antithesis, juxtaposition, ● Give a man a fish, and he eats
etc… for a day. Teach a man to fish,
Parallelism must reflect grammatical and he eats for a lifetime.
and/or structural element; repetition ● “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and
simply repeated words or phrases tomorrow” features word
repetition. It also features
parallelism due to the
grammatical structure of the
phrasing, utilising “and” as a
conjunction. This grammatical
similarity enhances the rhythm
of the phrase and emphasises
the concept and meaning of
“tomorrow” as an ongoing,
repeating aggregate of time and
experience. - Shakespeare
Hypophora writer raises a question, and then ● “What should young people do ● create curiosity among the
immediately provides an answer to with their lives today? Many readers, while a well-timed
that question things, obviously. But the most silence produces heightened
daring thing is to create stable effect, and creates interest
Rhetorical question = not communities in which the ● helps to capture the attention
answered terrible disease of loneliness of the audience
can be cured.”(Palm Sunday: ● introduce new discussions or
An Autobiographical Collage, topics of importance about
by Kurt Vonnegut) which the readers might not
● ESTRAGON: have information
(gesture toward the universe). ● used as a directional device to
“This one is enough for you? change the topic
(Silence.) It’s not nice of you, ● raise the types of question
Didi. Who am I to tell my private readers might already have on
nightmares to if I can’t tell them their minds and would like to
to you …” get answers to
“That would be too bad, really
too bad. (Pause.) Wouldn’t it,
Didi, be really too bad?
(Pause.) When you think of the
beauty of the way. (Pause.) And
the goodness of the wayfarers.
(Pause. Wheedling.) Wouldn’t
it, Didi?” - Waiting for Godot (By
Samuel Beckett)
Repetition intentionally using a word or phrase ● Time after time, Heart to heart, ● bring clarity to an idea and/or
for effect, two or more times in a Boys will be boys, Hand in make it memorable for the
speech or written work hand, Get ready; get set; go reader.
● Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and ● repetition of sound can provide
Alliteration, consonance, assonance tomorrow, Creeps in this petty rhythm, pacing, and musicality
pace from day to day, - ● means of reinforcing a
MacBeth, Shakespeare concept, thought, or idea for a
● reader by repeating certain
words or phrases
Figurative speech word or phrase that is used in a ● Simile ● enhance the meaning of
non-literal way to create an effect; ● Metaphor written and spoken words
Words are used in other ways than ● Personification ● clarify, enhance description,
their literal meanings or typical ● Paradox and create interesting use of
manner of application ● Understatement language
● Metonymy ● enhance the writer’s ability for
● Apostrophe description and expression so
● Hyperbole that readers have a better
● Synecdoche understanding of what is being
● Irony conveyed.
● Pun
● Euphemism
● Epigram
● Oxymoron
● Antithesis
● Litotes
● Alliteration
● Onomatopoeia
● Circumlocution
● Pleonasm
● A book is a loaded gun in the
house next door…Who knows
who might be the target of the
well-read man? - Fahrenheit
451 (Ray Bradbury)
Allusion reference, typically brief, to a ● His smile is like kryptonite to ● provide context for the reader
person, place, thing, event, or other me. (Superman’s weakness) ● provide exposition for a story
literary work with which the reader is ● She felt like she had a golden by referring to the plot and/or
presumably familiar; allows a writer ticket. (Charlie and the character of another work that
to compress a great deal of meaning Chocolate Factory) helps the reader understand
and significance into a word or ● Achilles’ heel (alluding to the more about the story’s events
phrase one weakness of Achilles) or character motivations
● pushing a boulder uphill every
day (allusion to Sisyphus)
● garden (Eden, creation)
● snake (serpent, Satan)
● flood (Noah’s Ark)
Antimetabole The repetition of words or phrases in ● “Not all schooling is education ● appeal to reason and are
successive clauses, but in reverse nor all education, schooling.” – easy to remember
order. Economist Milton Friedman
● “Absence of evidence is not
evidence of absence.” –
Scientist Carl Sagan