Classification and Identification of Fertilizers
Classification and Identification of Fertilizers
Classification and Identification of Fertilizers
fertilizer. For example, the fertilizer grade of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) is 18-46-0, which means
hundred kg of DAP contains 18 kg N, 46 kg P2O5 and 0 kg of K2O.
i. Complete and incomplete fertilizer
a. Complete fertilizers: Fertilizer having all three primary nutrients.
b. Incomplete fertilizers: Fertilizer doesn’t have all three primary nutrients.
ii. Granular, powdered and liquid fertilizer
a. Granular: Fertilizer having larger particle size, ex: DAP, SSP
b. Powdered: Amorphous structure, finer particle size, ex: powdered SSP, rock phosphate
c. Liquid: Present in liquid form and are concentrated, usually mixed with water before use,
ex: anhydrous ammonia, aqua ammonia
iii. Straight, complex and mixed fertilizer
a. Straight: Fertilizers which supply only one primary nutrient (N or P or K). Ex.: Urea,
SSP, MOP, etc.
b. Complex fertilizer: Fertilizers containing more than one primary nutrient in chemically
combined form. Ex.: Nitro phosphate, Diammonium phosphate (DAP), etc. These
fertilizers are usually produced in granular form.
c. Mixed fertilizers: Fertilizers which are the physical mixture of straight fertilizers or
straight and complex fertilizers. They are made by thorough mixing of fertilizers
mechanically or manually and contains more than one primary plant nutrient.
iv. Low and high analysis fertilizers
a. Low analysis fertilizers: Fertilizers containing less than 25% primary nutrients. Ex.:
Sodium nitrate, SSP, etc.
b. High analysis fertilizers: Total content of primary nutrients in these fertilizers are above
25%. Ex.: Urea, DAP, etc.
v. Acid forming, base forming and neutral fertilizers
a. Acid forming fertilizers: Fertilizers which leave an acid residue in the soil. These
fertilizers are recommended to apply in alkaline soils. Ex.: Ammonium chloride,
ammonium sulphate, ammonium phosphate, urea, etc.
b. Base forming fertilizers: Fertilizer which leave an alkaline residue in the soil and are
mostly recommended for application in acidic soils. Ex.: Sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate,
calcium cyanide, dicalcium phosphate, etc.
c. Neutral fertilizers: These fertilizers on applying to soil don’t leave any acidic or alkaline
residue. Ex.: Calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN).
vi. Nitrogenous, phosphatic, potassic and micronutrient fertilizers
sugarcane, tea, coffee, low land rice, etc. Ex.: Di-calcium phosphate (DCP) and
basic slag.
iii. Water and citric acid insoluble phosphatic fertilizers: These fertilizers are
suitable for strongly acidic and organic soils and suitable for long duration,
plantation crops like tea, coffee, rubber, cocoa and coconut.
c. Potassic fertilizers: Potassium content in potassic fertilizers expressed in oxidized form
(% K2O), in soil and plant it is expressed in elemental form (% K). To convert elemental
potassium to oxidized potassium and vis-à-vis, following linear formulae can be used;
% 𝐾 × 1.2 = % 𝐾2 𝑂
% 𝐾2 𝑂 × 0.83 = % 𝐾
Based on presence or absence of chloride in potassic fertilizers, they are classified into
chloride form and non-chloride form.
i. Chloride form: These fertilizers are suitable for acidic and heavy soil, but not
suitable for alkaline soils. Presence of chloride in the fertilizer makes it
unsuitable for sugar or starchy crops i.e., potato, tobacco, sugarcane, etc. as they
affect sugar translocation. Ex.: Muriate of potash or MOP.
ii. Non-chloride form: Used in fruit trees and starchy crops i.e., potato, tobacco,
sugarcane, etc.
Identification and characterization of important fertilizers
a. Urea
• Empirical formulae: CH4N2O or NH2CONH2
• Appearance: Powdered or white crystalline solid
• Melting point: 133-135 °C
• Water solubility: 1.1 kg/L
• Molecular weight: 60.056
• Contains 46% N
b. Ammonium sulphate
• Empirical formulae: H8N2O4S or (NH4)2SO4
• White, odorless, orthorhombic crystal granule
• Melting point: 280 °C
• Solubility: Freely soluble in water, 0.764 kg/L
• Molecular weight: 132.14
• Contains 20.6% N
26. Ferrous Ammonium (NH4)2Fe(SO4)2.6H2O 6 - - S-16 -
sulphate (FAS) Fe-16
27. Elemental Sulphur S - - - S-100 -
Fertilizers containing micronutrients
28. Ferrous sulphate FeSO4 - - - Fe-19 -
29. Ferrous oxide FeO - - - Fe-77 -
30. Iron chelates Fe - - - Fe-14 -
31. Iron frits Fe - - - Fe-22 -
32. Manganese sulphate MnSO4 - - - Mn-31.5 -
33. Manganese oxide MnO - - - Mn-41 -
34. Manganese chelates Mn - - - Mn-12 -
35. Manganese frits Mn - - - Mn-10 -
36. Zinc sulphate monohydrate ZnSO4.H2O - - - Zn-33 -
37. Zinc sulphate heptahydrate ZnSO4.7H2O - - - Zn-21 -
38. Zinc oxide ZnO - - - Zn-78 -
39. Zinc chelates Zn - - - Zn-14 -
40. Borax Na2B4O7.10H2O - - - B-11 -
41. Sodium tetraborate Na2B4O7 - - - B-14 -
42. Boric acid H3BO3 - - - B-17 -
43. Solubor Na2B8O13.4H2O - - - B-20 -