SSCC using Four Point Bend Testing
SSCC using Four Point Bend Testing
SSCC using Four Point Bend Testing
Work Instruction
1.1 This standard establishes the method for evaluating the resistance to cracking failure
Of metal subjected to tensile stress to evaluate resistance to cracking in low P H
Aqueous enviorment containing H2S .It evaluates enviormental cracking
Susceptibility of these material in presence of stress concentration.
4.7 Bent beam specimen loaded to a particular deflection gives a failure/ no failure test
For a specified period of time.
4.8 This method consist of exposing stressed test specimen to one of the standard test
Solutions either solution “A” or solution “B” saturated H2S at ambient temperature &
4.7 H2S gas is highly toxic & must be handled with caution { see appendix A
Mentioned in NACE TM 0177-96 }
4.8 All machining operations of bent beam test specimen should be prepared carefully &
Slowly so that overheating excessive gouging & cold work do not alter critical physical
properties of the material .
5.7 one set of three specimen shall be taken from each sample
5.8 orientation of sample should be noted , which could affect the results.
5.9 The surface of the test specimen shall be finished to 0.7 microns or with 240 grit paper.
Prior to testing specimen shall be degreased with trichloroethane rinse with acetone &
dried. Test specimen shall be stored in descicator until the test starts.
CSM-QCP.DOT 836416193.doc
Kuwait Internaitonal Industrial Laboratory & Inspection
Services (KIL)
WI- KIL-21 Rev. 0
6.7 the test specimen should be assembled as per NACE TM0177-96 ASTM G39
6.8 the test vessel shall be sized to maintain a solution volume of 30 + 10mm/cm2 of test
specimen surface area .
6.9 deflection of the stressing bent specimen shall be determined from equation as below
4.4 dial guage graduated in 0.01/ 0.001mm shall be used for purpose of stressing.
4.5 measure the specimen dimension & calculate the deflection for desired stress level.
4.6 stress the specimen in jig by deflecting them with dial guage & fixture. Clean the
Specimen & dry with acetone , place them in test vessel fill the test vessel with
Deareated test solution & seal it.
4.7 the deareated test solution is prepared by purging nitrogen gas for minimum 1hr.
4.8 the solution in the test vessel shall be purged for 60 minutes. The flow rate shall be
maintained at 100 cc/ litre / hr.
4.9 the solution is then saturated with H2S gas at the rate of 200cc/litre/hr for 60 minutes the test
duration shall begin immediately after H2S saturation , there after positive of H2S gas is
maintained 12 to 15 bubbles per minute.the H2S in the test vessel is replenished
periodically by bubbling H2S for a duration of 20 to 30 minutes at a rate of 100 to 200
ml/min/litre of solution for 1hr. three times per week for duration of the test , the days for
replenishement should be 1st ,3rd &5th of each week.
4.10 The test shall Be terminated after 720 hrs , the specimen shall be cleaned & examined
for cracks 10X magnification,specimen found to contain crack shall be considered failed.
5 Test temperature shall be maintained at 25o C +/- 3o C & will be recorded after every
2 hrs till the completion of the test .
6 test solution preparation & determination of the H2S concentration shall be as per annexure
attached , initial & final PH of the test solution shall be reported .
CSM-QCP.DOT 836416193.doc