Concert Setlist

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You come, you come
First Part of Celebration: Eu já escuto os teus sinais
THE ANNUNCIATION I already hear your signals

1st Song: English

(Medley Intro)
Misty Mountains (Re-written with
Christian lyrics, originally from The
Hobbit soundtrack)
O Come O Come Emmanuel (8th
or 9th century hymn originally in

2nd Song: English Second Part of Celebration:

Ave Maria (Acoustic rendition of THE NATIVITY
the classic prayer to the Virgin
originally composed by Kiko 4th Song: Quechua (Native Peruvian
Arguello, founder of the Neo- Language)
Catechumenal Way of Christian Hanaq Pachap Kusikuynin
Formation) (Processional hymn to the Virgin
3rd Song: Brazilian Portuguese
Anunciação (Annunciation) Verses translation:
(One of the most popular songs in Hanaq pachap kusikuynin
Brazilian music, 1983.) Waranqakta much’asqayki
Yupayruru puquq mallki
First verse & Chorus translation: Runakunap suyakuynin
A voz do anjo sussurrou no meu Kallpannaqpa q’imikuynin
ouvido Waqyasqayta.
The angel's voice whispered in my Uyariway much’asqayta
ear Diospa rampan Diospa maman
Eu não duvido, já escuto os teus Yuraq tuqtu hamanq’ayman
sinais Yupasqalla, qullpasqayta
I don't doubt it, I already hear your Wawaykiman suyusqayta
signals Rikuchillay.
Que tu virias numa manhã de --
domingo Oh, Joy of heaven
That you would come on a Sunday forever adore you,
morning flowering tree that gives us the
Eu te anuncio nos sinos das Sacred Fruit,
catedrais Hope of Humanity,
I announce you in the cathedral the strength that sustains me,
bells yet I still fall.
Keep in mind my veneration
Tu vens, tu vens You, guiding hand of God, Mother
of God,
Flourishing amancaicito (flowering 6th Song: Spanish
tree) of tender and white wings, Los Peces En El Rio
my worship and my tears; (Popular Christmas carol in Spain and
to let Him know this son Latin America. It is one of the few
places his stock in the Kingdom of Christmas songs that was originally
Heaven. created in Spanish.
The song contrasts the excitement of
the fish in the river at Jesus' birth with
the daily chores of the Virgin
Mary. Some authors interpret the fish
as being Jesus' followers, and
celebrating his birth by drinking
means they are toasting his arrival.)

Verse & Chorus translation:

The virgin is combing her hair
La virgen se está peinando
5th Song: Italian Between curtain and curtain
Tu Scendi Dalle Stelle Entre cortina y cortina
(Christmas carol from Italy, written Her hair is gold
in 1744) Sus cabellos son de oro
And the fine silver comb
First Verse translation: Y el peine de plata fina
You come down from the stars But look how the fish in the river
Tu scendi dalle stelle drink
O King of Heaven Pero mira como beben los peces en
O Re del Cielo el río
And come to a cave But look how they drink to see God
E vieni in una grotta born
In the cold in the frost Pero mira como beben por ver a
Al freddo al gelo Dios nacido
O my Divine Child They drink and drink and drink
O Bambino mio Divino again
I see you here trembling Beben y beben y vuelven a beber
Io ti vedo qui a tremar The fish in the river to see God be
O Blessed God born
O Dio Beato Los peces en el río por ver a Dios
Ouch, how much did it cost you nacer
Ahi, quanto ti costò
Having loved me! Third Part of Celebration:
L'avermi amato! THE EPIPHANY
Ouch, how much did it cost you
Ahi, quanto ti costò 7th Song: English
Having loved me! Little Drummer Boy
L'avermi amato!
(Popular Christmas song written in
1941. 9th Song: English/Spanish (Medley)
In the lyrics, the singer relates how, O Happy Day-Campanas De
as a poor young boy, he was Belen-Feliz Navidad
summoned by the Magi to
the Nativity of Jesus. Without a gift (Medley of English Gospel song
for the Infant, the little drummer from 1968, traditional Spanish
boy played his drum with approval Christmas carol originating from
from Jesus's mother, Mary.) the Andalusian region of Spain, and
a Christmas song from 1970 by
8th Song: Argentine Spanish Puerto Rican singer-songwriter José
Los Reyes Magos Feliciano.)

Verses translation: Campanas De Belen translation:

Llegaron ya los reyes y eran tres Bell on bell
Melchor, Gaspar y el negro Baltasar Campana sobre campana
Arrope y miel, le llevarán And on a bell
Y un poncho blanco de alpaca real Y sobre campana una
Changos y chinitas, duérmanse Look out the window
Que ya Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar Asómate a la ventana
Todos los regalos, dejarán You will see the child in the crib
Para jugar mañana al despertar Verás al niño en la cuna
El niño Dios, muy bien, lo Bethlehem, bells of Bethlehem
agradeció Belén, campanas de Belén
Comió la miel y el poncho lo abrigó that the angels touch
Y fue después que sonrió Que los ángeles tocan
Y, a medianoche, el Sol relumbró What new things must they bring?
Que nueva han de traer
The kings arrived and there were Gathered your flock
three of them Recogido tu rebaño
Melchior, Gaspar and the black Where are you going, shepherd
Baltasar boy?
Cloth and honey, they will take you ¿A dónde vas, pastorcillo?
And a white real alpaca poncho I will take you to the portal
Boys and girls, go to sleep Voy a llevar al portal
Let Melchior, Gaspar and Baltasar Cottage cheese, butter and wine
All the gifts, they will leave Requesón, manteca y vino
To play tomorrow when you wake
The child God, very good, thanked 10th Song: Hebrew
him Hine Ma Tov—Atah Echad—
He ate the honey and the poncho Evenu Shalom Alechem
warmed him
And it was after that he smiled (All derived from Jewish celebration
And at midnight the sun shone songs.
“Hine ma tov" is a Hebrew phrase
that translates to "how good and
pleasant it is,
“Atah Echad” is a Hebrew phrase
that means “Thou Art One”, “Evenu
shalom aleichem" is a Hebrew folk
song that translates to "We brought
peace upon you".)

Hineh ma tov uma na'im
Shevet achim gam yachad.
How good and pleasant it is
For brothers & sisters to sit

Potpourri Finale Mix:

White Christmas
Winter Wonderland
Para Pedir Posada (Mexican
Deck The Halls
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the
Pasko Na Naman (Tagalog, Filipino)
Boas Festas (Portuguese)
Ande Ande (Spaniard Spanish
Aguinaldo A La Virgen (Spanish)
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (Latin)
Holly Jolly Christmas
Santa Claus Is Coming to Town
Noite Feliz (Brazilian Portuguese)

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