Software Manual
Dimensioning tool for the TECCO® / SPIDER® slope and rock stabilization system
Date: 11.03.2024
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Geobrugg AG, Geohazard Solutions, is grateful to you for using the RUVOLUM ® Online Tool software.
Every effort is made to give you the best possible support in the dimensioning of the TECCO ® / SPIDER®
slope and rock stabilization system.
RUVOLUM® offers the possibility of considering streaming pressure and accelerations due to earthquake
in horizontal as well as in vertical direction. The calculations can be done based on International as well as
American Units in English and several other languages.
This manual provides you with the most important references and function descriptions to enable you to
use the program correctly. The aim has been to develop a program which, despite its complexity of structure
and application, is as clear and straightforward as possible as far as aspects of graphic presentation and
user-friendliness are concerned.
Numerous parameters need to be entered for the dimensioning operations. It is the responsibility of the
user of this program to select and enter these parameters correctly.
Armin Roduner
Geobrugg AG
March 2024
Rockfall, landslides, debris flows or avalanches are sporadic and unpredictable. Causes can be e.g. human
(construction, etc.) or environmental (weather, earthquakes, etc.). Due to the multiplicity of factors affecting
such events it is not and cannot be an exact science that guarantees the safety of individuals and property.
However, by the application of sound engineering principles to a predictable range of parameters and by
the implementation of correctly designed protection measures in identified risk areas the risks of injury and
loss of property can be reduced substantially.
Inspection and maintenance of such systems are an absolute requirement to ensure the desired protection
level. The system safety can also be impaired by events such as natural disasters, inadequate dimension-
ing parameters or failure to use the prescribed standard components, systems and original parts; and/or
corrosion (caused by pollution of the environment or other man-made factors as well as other external
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1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3
2. PURPOSE OF THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM ..................................................................... 4
3. FUNDAMENTALS ................................................................................................................................ 5
4. ELEMENTS OF THE SLOPE STABILIZATION SYSTEM ................................................................... 6
5. ACCESS TO THE ONLINE-TOOL ....................................................................................................... 8
6. STRUCTURE OF THE PROGRAM .................................................................................................... 10
7. RANGES OF VALUES ....................................................................................................................... 21
8. CONVERSION .................................................................................................................................... 23
9. DIMENSIONING VALUES OF THE GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS ........................................... 24
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The software RUVOLUM® Online Tool serves to dimension the TECCO® slope stabilization system con-
sisting of the high-tensile steel wire mesh TECCO® G45/2, TECCO® G65/3 and TECCO® G65/4 with a wire
diameter of 2.0, 3.0, respectively 4.0 mm and a mesh width of 45 respectively 65 mm, system spike plates
P25, P33 and P66 and adequate nailing.
Furthermore, with software the SPIDER® rock protection system consisting of the high-tensile spiral rope
net SPIDER® S3-130 with a strand diameter of 6.5 mm and a mesh width of 130 mm, system spike plates
P33 and P66, can be dimensioned.
The software is based on the homonymous RUVOLUM® concept. This concept is basically applicable to all
slope stabilization systems which are commonly available on the market and which allow for a flexible
application of the nails both horizontally and in the line of the slope.
The RUVOLUM® concept investigates both simple wedge-shaped and composite mechanisms liable to
break out from the area close to the surface between the individual nails down to a depth of approximately
1.5 to 2.0 m maximum. It can be applied to soil slopes as well as superficially and heavily disintegrated,
loosened or weathered rock slopes.
If, depending on the prevailing geological circumstances, potential sliding surfaces exist at deeper levels,
the overall stability of the slope must be analyzed in addition to the investigation of the instabilities close to
the surface, and the protection measures must be dimensioned accordingly.
In-depth information about the dimensioning concept (model approach, sliding mechanisms, equilibrium
relationships and equations) and about the application of flexible slope stabilization systems in soil as well
as strongly weathered, loosened rock slopes is provided in the Summary of Published Technical Papers in
the Period of 1998 – 2019.
The purpose of the TECCO® and SPIDER® slope stabilization system is to stabilize instabilities close to the
surface and, depending on the prevailing subsoil circumstances and where applicable, also fault mecha-
nisms with deeper sliding surfaces. Within the framework of the present explanations the investigations are
limited to the area near the surface.
For the individual proofs of bearing safety, it is necessary to determine the maximum stress on the system.
These stresses are established by the investigation of the equilibriums of simple wedge-shaped as well as
composite faults. By a concept adapted to the case on hand and correct dimensioning it must be guaranteed
that the slope stabilization system is able to absorb the occurring stresses and that, with the appropriate
safety factors considered; it can pass them on to the stable subsoil outside the instability under examination.
If the slope stabilization system is planned as a permanent solution (which is normally the case), it must be
guaranteed that the system can absorb the determined maximum stresses during the construction's entire
life span. Reference is made in the technical literature on the TECCO® and SPIDER® system concerning
protection against corrosion.
If the subsoil is prone to weathering, additional measures may have to be taken to oppose further loosening
and erosion. One possible measure is to cover the surface with an erosion protection mat before the steel
wire mesh is laid out and to suitably green the protected slope after completion of the installation work.
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The TECCO® and SPIDER® slope stabilization system is a flexible system with a static function. Corre-
sponding deformations of the subsoil are required before the system can display its maximum stabilizing
effect. This must be kept in mind especially in the case of constructions which do not allow any or only a
minor deformation such as e.g. in the area of the road edge on the downslope side. Under certain circum-
stances additional measures with a stiffening effect may be required, for example a concrete bar in combi-
nation with infiltration dowelling.
With the TECCO® respectively SPIDER® slope stabilization system each row of nails must be offset by half
a horizontal distance between nails in relation to the next row. In this way, the maximum possible bodies
liable to break out between the individual nails are clearly defined. This forms the basis for the RUVOLUM ®
concept. The horizontal distance between nails is denoted by parameter 'a' and the one in the direction of
fall by 'b'. With older protection systems, the type of nail arrangement was often influenced by the actual
type of mesh or rope net cover. The nails were usually positioned in a staggered pattern.
The concept underlying the TECCO® and SPIDER® system is such that the system can be tensioned ac-
tively with a certain force V against the subsoil to be stabilized. This is affected by tightening of the nuts
with the aid of a torque spanner or by means of a suitable feed press, i.e. by pressing the spike plates firmly
onto or slightly into the ground. Optimal tensioning of the slope stabilizing system can be achieved if the
area around the nail head is slightly recessed. If the mortar reaches too far up the nail, with the result that
the system cannot be tensioned at all or only insufficiently, it must be chipped away to the appropriate level
right around the nail. In the RUVOLUM® concept the force V is considered in the investigation of slope-
parallel instabilities as an outer force with a stabilizing effect and can be selected variably.
For further application-technical information reference is made here to the system manual of the TECCO ®
and SPIDER® system.
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The slope stabilization system consists of the high-tensile steel wire mesh TECCO® / SPIDER®, the system
spike plate and a corresponding nailing.
The high-tensile steel wire mesh TECCO® and the high-tensile spiral rope net SPIDER®
G45/2 G65/3
G45/2 G65/3 G65/4 S3-130
164 x 270
[mm] 62 x 95 62 x 95 83 x 143 83 x 143 83 x 138
6.46 x
[in] 2.44 x 3.74 2.44 x 3.74 3.27 x 5.63 3.27 x 5.63 3.27 x 5.44
Mesh width
[mm] 48 48 65 65 63 130
[in] 1.89 1.89 2.56 2.56 2.48 5.12
Wire diameter
[mm] 2 2 3 3 4 3
[in] 0.079 0.079 0.118 0.118 0.158 0.118
Tensile strength of
the steel wire
≥ 1‘650
[N/mm2] ≥ 1‘770 ≥ 1‘650 ≥ 1‘770 ≥ 1‘770 ≥ 1‘770
≥ 239
[ksi] ≥ 256 ≥ 239 ≥ 256 ≥ 256 ≥ 256
Tensile strength of
the mesh
≥ 75
[kN/m] ≥ 85 ≥ 150 ≥ 140 ≥ 250 ≥ 220
≥ 5.7
[kips/ft] ≥ 5.7 ≥ 10.2 ≥ 9.5 ≥ 17.1 ≥ 15.1
Bearing re- Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate
sistances P25 / P33 P33 P33 / P66 P33 P33 / P66 P33 / P66
Bearing resistance
of the mesh against
puncturing DR
[kN] 80 / 110 100 180 / 240 170 280 / 370 230 / 300
[kips] 18.0 / 24.7 22.5 40.5 / 54.0 38.2 62.9 / 83.2 51.7 / 67.4
Bearing resistance
of the mesh against
shearing-off at the
upslope edge of the
spike plate PR
[kN] 40 / 55 50 90 / 120 85 140 / 185 115 / 150
[kips] 9.0 / 12.4 11.2 20.2 / 27.0 19.1 31.5 / 41.6 25.9 / 33.7
Bearing resistance
of the mesh against
slope-parallel ten-
sile stress ZR
[kN] 10 / 10 10 30 / 45 25 50 / 75 45 / 70
[kips] 2.2 / 2.2 2.2 6.7 / 10.1 5.6 11.2 / 16.9 10.1 / 15.7
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Two lengthwise bridges in the spike plate serve to increase the plate's bending resistance and to guide the
optional boundary ropes. Ball-type nuts should be used to secure the spike plates.
Alternatively, other nail types can be used if suited. In principle, each nail must satisfy the static proofs.
Additionally, the nail diameter and the corresponding (ball) nut must be matched to the whole diameter of
the system spike plate. A suitable corrosion protection must be envisaged for the nail as a permanent
measure, unless rusting away of usually 4.0 mm (= 0.158 in) with reference to the nail's diameter is con-
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After clicking on the top right corner to “myGeobrugg” the below shown window appears, which offers
the possibilities of the first-time personal registration, the Login and the function of the delivery of the
forgotten password per e-mail.
If the program is used the first time one must click on “register here" and the registration form with the 3
steps should be filled out once. Afterwards one will get the personal username and password automatically
sent per e-mail.
The dimensioning tool for flexible ring net barriers against debris flows, in German, English, Spanish,
French, Russian, Chinese and Italian.
The dimensioning tool for the SPIDER® rock protection system in German and English.
The dimensioning tool for flexible barriers against shallow landslides in German and English.
There is no installation of the software on the user’s computer neither necessary nor possible. The soft-
ware has to be used online only.
Every calculation can be stored as a json or pdf file with all information included.
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Starting window:
Units: You can choose between the International Units or the American Units.
Language: Choose between German, English, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Romanic, Rus-
sian, Chinese, Turkish, Italian and French languages.
In the area below information about the project and the author can be put in which are than on the printout
in the head area visible afterwards.
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The main parameters for a calculation are directly visual in the starting window and can be adapted there.
These are the following parameters: Layer thickness „t“, slope inclination α, nail inclination to horizontal ,
as well as the characteristic values for the friction angle and the volume weight for the ground. They can
be overwritten in the field or adjusted by clicking with the mouse.
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At the right side on the screen the nail distance „a“ and “b“, the nail and the rusting away can be selected.
On the basis of the selected input quantities, if at least one proof of bearing safety is not established, a
corresponding message will display.
The input quantities must be selected in such a manner that all proofs of bearing safety concerning both
the nail and the mesh are established.
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In the middle part of the starting window are eight sub-windows selectable:
Load cases:
In this sub-window the two load cases earthquake and streaming pressure can be activated.
All standard values can be adjusted in this window:
The Zd value varies and is defined for each mesh+spike plate separately. For the TECCO® G45/2 the
maximum pretensioning force V is reduced automatically to 20 kN.
Default values Zd and G45/2 G65/3
G45/2 G65/3 G65/4 S3-130
Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate Spike plate
P25 / P33 P33 P33 / P66 P33 P33 / P66 P33 / P66
Slope-parallel force Zd
[kN] 5/5 5 15 / 25 15 30 / 45 25 / 40
[kips] 1.1 / 1.1 1.1 3.4 / 5.6 3.4 6.7 / 10.1 5.6 / 9
Pretensioning force V
[kN] 20 / 20 20 30 / 30 30 30 / 30 30 / 30
[kips] 4.5 / 4.5 4.5 6.7 / 6.7 6.7 6.7 / 6.7 6.7 / 6.7
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Safety factors:
The following safety factors are given as a standard and can be adapted according to the project:
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Nail types:
To alter the specifications of an existing nail type it is possible to overwrite the values. To define a new,
additional nail type, a new line can be inserted by clicking button .
The following lines must be filled in under all circumstances when altering an existing nail type and also
when defining a new one: nail type, the external diameter D E, the internal diameter DI if 0, rusting away
∆ and the yielding point fy. The tensile strength ft and the nail's weight G per running meter or per foot,
respectively, are only informative and do not necessarily have to be stated. If a cell is empty, this corre-
sponds to the value 0.
To delete an existing nail type, place the cursor anywhere on the corresponding line and click button .
A window is then displayed asking whether or not this nail type should really be deleted.
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The next three sections show the proofs of bearing safety concerning the investigation of slope-parallel
instabilities close to the surface.
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In the investigation of superficial, slope-parallel instabilities, the whole unstable layer of thickness t needs
to be stabilized by the shear resistance of the nails taking into account the stabilizing influence of the pre-
tensioning of the system. Based on the equilibrium consideration, the maximum shear force Sd on dimen-
sioning level is determined. In a second step, the thereby static equivalent tensile force T d can be calculated
considering the tangent of the friction angle:
Td = Sd / tand Td
The nail length needs to be chosen, so that the dimensioning value of the static equivalent tensile force Td
can be transmitted into the stable subsoil behind the superficial layer to be stabilized of thickness t via the
nail fully mortared. This is for the case of superficial instabilities only, for global stability problems the nail
length needs to be evaluated separately.
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Based on the corrosivity category at the project site, the theoretical service life can be estimated:
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The chart below shows an overview of the minimum, maximum and default values as well as of the incre-
ments in International Units. The default values are called up when a new project and thereby automatically
a new calculation is established.
Friction angle ground (charact. value) k [degrees] 0.0 60.0 32.0 0.5
Volume weight ground (charact. value) k [kN/m3] 0.0 35.0 20.0 0.5
Partial safety corr. value for friction angle [-] 1.00 2.00 1.25 0.05
Partial safety correction value for cohesion c [-] 1.00 2.00 1.25 0.05
Partial safety corr. value for volume weight [-] 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.05
Model uncertainty correction value mod [-] 1.00 2.00 1.10 0.05
Coeffic. of vertical accel. due to earthquake v [-] 0.000 1.000 0.175 0.005
Coeffic. of horiz. accel. due to earthquake h [-] 0.000 1.000 0.085 0.005
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The chart below shows an overview of the minimum, maximum and default values as well as of the incre-
ments in American Units. The default values are called up when a new project and thereby automatically a
new calculation is established.
Friction angle ground (charact. value) k [degrees] 0.0 60.0 32.0 0.5
Volume weight ground (charact. value) k [lbs/ft3] 0.0 225.0 130.0 5.0
Partial safety corr. value for friction angle [-] 1.00 2.00 1.25 0.05
Partial safety correction value for cohesion c [-] 1.00 2.00 1.25 0.05
Partial safety corr. value for volume weight [-] 1.00 2.00 1.00 0.05
Model uncertainty correction value mod [-] 1.00 2.00 1.10 0.05
Coeffic. of vertical accel. due to earthquake v [-] 0.000 1.000 0.175 0.005
Coeffic. of horiz. accel. due to earthquake h [-] 0.000 1.000 0.085 0.005
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In the standard mode the TECCO® and SPIDER® slope stabilization system is dimensioned in line with the
partial safety concept. Hereby the characteristic values of the ground are transformed into dimensioning
values according to the relationships listed below, whereby the corresponding partial safety correction val-
ues are taken into account:
If the system is to be dimensioned in the traditional manner according to the global safety concept, all partial
safeties can be put equal 1.00. In this case the model uncertainty correction factor mod corresponds to the
global safety.