Stonfil OP2 Product Data - en_US
Stonfil OP2 Product Data - en_US
Stonfil OP2 Product Data - en_US
Stonfil OP2 is a three-component, polymer modified, cementitious, PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS
osmotic pressure resistant grout used in conjunction with all Stonhard
flooring systems. Stonfil OP2 is specifically designed to eliminate Compressive Strength .................. 4,000 psi @ 24 hrs
osmotic blistering of the floor caused by excess moisture occurring in (ASTM C-579) ............................. 8,000 psi @ 7 days
slabs on or below grade.
Note: The above physical properties were measured
USES, APPLICATIONS in accordance with the referenced standards.
• Osmotic pressure barrier grout for use on concrete Samples of the actual floor system, including binder
• Protective base grout for coatings and overlayments with low vapor and filler, were used as test specimens. All sample
permeability preparation and testing is conducted in a laboratory
• Use on horizontal concrete surfaces where a vapor barrier is not environment, values obtained on field applied
present or performing adequately materials may vary and certain test methods can only
• Used in conjunction with all Stonhard flooring systems be conducted on lab made test coupons.
Stonfil OP2 is suitable for application over concrete only. All other overlayments or coatings must be removed by mechanical means
to expose the concrete substrate.
Proper preparation is critical to ensure an adequate bond and system performance. The substrate must be dry and properly prepared
utilizing mechanical methods. Questions regarding substrate preparation should be directed to your local Stonhard representative or
Technical Service.
Stonfil OP2 is supplied in units for easy handling. Each unit consists of:
1.5 cartons of latex emulsion (4 bags per carton)
6 poly bags of latex emulsion
6 bags of Part C (coarse aggregate)
6 bags of Part C-1 (cement and fine aggregate)
Approximately 200 sq. ft./18.6 sq. m per unit at an application thickness of 1/8 in./3 mm.
Store all components of Stonfil OP2 between 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C in a dry area. Avoid excessive heat and do not freeze. The shelf
life is one year in the original, unopened container.
The use of Stonfil OP2 Primer is necessary for all applications of Stonfil OP2 . Apply one coat of Stonfil OP2 Primer with a squeegee.
Remove any puddles using a broom or medium nap roller. Allow the primer to dry before applying Stonfil OP2. Drying time is
approximately 1 to 2 hours.
Note: Do not start mixing until the surface is properly prepared and dry, with the temperatures of both the Stonfil OP2 and the surface
at least 60˚F/16˚C or higher.
Stonfil OP2 is supplied in pre-measured quantities. Mixing must be achieved by mechanical means. Stonfil OP2 must be mixed with a
very heavy-duty, slow-speed (400 to 600 rpm) drill and a Jiffler Mixer. Pour one bag of the liquid latex into a 5 gallon mixing bucket,
then slowly add one bag of Part C-1 (fine aggregate) while mixing for 90 seconds. Next, slowly add one bag of the Part C (course
aggregate) while mixing for another 90 seconds. If the mixing drill bogs down and doesn’t run at peak rpm, the material will not mix
properly. Sufficient mixing is absolutely necessary for the proper application of Stonfil OP2. Insufficient mixing will result in a stiff material
with poor flow properties.
Note: It is essential that no extra latex be added to the mix in order for the Stonfil OP2 to achieve its full physical characteristics.
At the time of application, all surfaces must be primed and allowed to dry. Stonfil OP2 must be applied immediately after mixing. Pour
a bead of material and rake out with a V-notched rake. This material is applied at a thickness of 1/8 in./3 mm. The material must then
be rolled with a spiked roller to release any entrained air and produce a smooth finish layer. Remember to maintain a wet edge so that
each subsequent mix may be knit into the previous mix within a 15-minute period.
The Stonfil OP2 must cure a minimum of 24 hours prior to surface preparation or the application of any epoxy or overlayments. The
OP2 surface must be prepared by shot blasting to ensure proper adhesion. Edges and confined spaces must be ground with a grinder.
Once the Stonfil OP2 is prepared, treat it like a concrete substrate.
• Do not attempt to install material if the temperature of Stonfil OP2 components and substrate are not within 60 to 85˚F/16 to 30˚C.
The cure time and application properties of the material are severely affected.
• Clean up tools and uncured material with water. Cured material can only be removed mechanically. Dispose of waste material in
accordance with federal, state and local regulations.
• An N95 dust mask is required while mixing and applying aggregate.
• The selection of proper protective clothing and equipment will significantly reduce the risk of injury. Body covering apparel, safety
goggles or safety glasses and impermeable gloves are required.
• In case of contact, flush the area for 15 minutes with copious amounts of water and seek medical attention. Wash skin with soap and
• Use only with adequate ventilation.
• Procedures for cleaning of the flooring system during operations can be found in the Stonhard Floor Maintenance Guide.
• Specific information regarding chemical resistance is available in the Stonres Chemical Resistance Guide.
• Safety Data Sheets for Stonfil OP2 are available on line at under Products or upon request.
• A staff of technical service engineers is available to assist with installation or to answer questions related to Stonhard products.
• Requests for literature can be made through local sales representatives and offices or corporate offices located worldwide.
Stonhard believes the information contained here to be true and accurate as of the date of publication. Stonhard makes no warranty, expressed or implied, based on this literature and assumes no responsibility for consequential or
incidental damages in the use of the systems described, including any warranty of merchantability or fitness. Information contained here is for evaluation only. We further reserve the right to modify and change products or literature
at any time and without prior notice.
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