Cisco Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference

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Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference

Cisco IOS Releases 12.0(5)WC5 and 12.0(5)WC6 November 2002

Corporate Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 526-4100
Customer Order Number: DOC-7812155= Text Part Number: 78-12155-05

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xi xi xi xii xii xiii

Audience Purpose

Organization Conventions

Related Publications

Obtaining Documentation xiv World Wide Web xiv Documentation CD-ROM xiv Ordering Documentation xiv Documentation Feedback xiv Obtaining Technical Assistance xv xv Technical Assistance Center xv Cisco TAC Web Site xvi Cisco TAC Escalation Center xvi


Using the Command-Line Interface


Command Usage Basics 1-2 Accessing Command Modes 1-2 Specifying Ports in Interface Configuration Mode 1-4 Abbreviating Commands 1-5 Using the No and Default Forms of Commands 1-5 Redisplaying a Command 1-5 Getting Help 1-5 Command-Line Error Messages

Accessing the CLI 1-7 Accessing the CLI from a Browser Saving Configuration Changes Command Summary
1-9 1-8


Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05




Cisco IOS Commands abort apply cgmp

2-1 2-3 2-5 2-7


clear cgmp

clear controllers ethernet-controller clear controllers lre log clear ip address

2-11 2-12 2-13 2-10


clear lre rate selection clear mac-address-table clear vmps statistics clear vtp counters

clear mac-address-table notification

2-16 2-17 2-18 2-20


cluster commander-address cluster discovery hop-count cluster enable cluster holdtime cluster member cluster run cluster timer cpe protected debug lre delete duplex
2-34 2-36 2-37 2-39 2-28 2-29 2-21 2-23

cluster management-vlan


cluster standby-group

controller LongReachEthernet


errdisable detect cause errdisable recovery exit

2-42 2-44 2-40

flowcontrol interface ip address ip igmp filter

hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre

2-48 2-50 2-51


Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference




ip igmp max-groups ip igmp profile lre log

2-57 2-59 2-61 2-54


login authentication lre patchfile lre persistence lre profile



lre profile global lre reset


2-64 2-66

lre rate selection sequence lre sequence lre shutdown

2-69 2-71

lre upgrade default family device-family binary mac-address-table aging-time mac-address-table dynamic mac-address-table notification mac-address-table secure mac-address-table static management margin
2-85 2-87 2-90 2-83 2-79 2-81 2-74 2-75 2-77


mvr (global configuration) mvr (interface configuration) ntp broadcast client ntp broadcast key

ntp broadcast destination

2-95 2-96 2-97


ntp broadcast version ntp max-associations ntp source port block port group port monitor port network port protected port security
2-98 2-99 2-100 2-102 2-104 2-105 2-106

port storm-control


Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


power inline profile



rate selection

2-113 2-114 2-115

rate selection profile lock rate selection sequence rcommand reset session
2-119 2-117

rmon collection stats

2-121 2-122 2-124 2-126


show cgmp show changes show cluster

show cluster candidates show cluster members

2-128 2-130 2-132

show controllers ethernet-controller show controllers lre cpe info


show controllers lre cpe protected

2-137 2-139 2-141

show controllers lre interface-id actual show controllers lre interface-id admin show controllers lre log
2-143 2-146 2-147 2-153

show controllers lre log level show controllers lre profile show controllers lre sequence show controllers lre status show controllers lre version show current show diags show env
2-163 2-165 2-166 2-167

2-156 2-159 2-161

show controllers lre version mfg

show errdisable detect show errdisable recovery show file systems show interface show ip igmp profile
2-169 2-170


2-174 2-175

show local ethernet-statistics

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference




show lre upgrade binaries show lre upgrade status show lre upgrade version show mac-address-table show mvr
2-188 2-189 2-191

2-176 2-178 2-181 2-183 2-185

show mac-address-table notification show mvr interface show mvr members show port block show port group show port monitor show port network show port protected show port security show power inline show proposed

2-193 2-194 2-195 2-196 2-197 2-198 2-199

show port storm-control

2-201 2-202

show remote ethernet-statistics show remote interfaces status show rps

2-210 2-212

2-204 2-208

show spanning-tree show tacacs show udld show version show vlan show vmps show vtp shutdown

show tech-support
2-224 2-227 2-229 2-231


show vmps statistics

2-234 2-239 2-241


shutdown vlan

snmp-server enable traps mac-notification snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership snmp-server enable traps vtp snmp-server host
2-246 2-245

2-243 2-244

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05



snmp trap mac-notification spanning-tree

2-249 2-251


spanning-tree cost

spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree hello-time spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree portfast

2-253 2-255

2-256 2-258 2-259

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree priority spanning-tree protocol spanning-tree rootguard spanning-tree stack-port spanning-tree uplinkfast speed
2-270 2-272 2-274 2-276 2-278 2-261 2-262 2-264 2-266 2-268 2-269

switchport access switchport mode switchport multi switchport priority

switchport trunk allowed vlan switchport trunk encapsulation switchport trunk native switchport trunk pruning switchport voice vlan tacacs-server attempts udld
2-291 2-292 2-293 2-294 2-295 2-284 2-285

2-280 2-282

2-287 2-289 2-290

tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup udld enable udld reset

upgrade binary upgrade preserve vlan


vlan database vmps reconfirm vmps reconfirm

2-302 2-303 2-304

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference




vmps retry vmps server vtp


2-305 2-306

vtp domain vtp file vtp password vtp pruning vtp v2-mode


2-311 2-312 2-313 2-314

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05



Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference


The Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference is for the network manager responsible for configuring the Catalyst 2900 series XL and Catalyst 3500 series XL switches, hereafter referred to as the switches. Before using this reference manual, you should be familiar with the concepts and terminology of Ethernet and local area networking.


This guide describes the features for all Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, including the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switches. Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)WC5 is not for the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switches. Do not install Release 12.0(5)WC5 on the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switches. Release 12.0(5)WC6 is only for the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switches. Do not install Release 12.0(5)WC6 on non-LRE switches. This reference manual provides detailed information about the commands that have been created or changed specifically for the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches. This manual also provides information about configuring the Cisco Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) devices. Use this manual with other Catalyst 2900 series XL and Catalyst 3500 series XL documents for these topics:

Software configuration guide: For concepts and procedures for configuring and troubleshooting a switch or switch clusters. It includes descriptions of the management interface options and the features supported by the software. Release notes: For the hardware and software requirements and cluster compatibility requirements. For information and procedures for assigning switch IP information and passwords by using the setup program. For information about Cluster Management Suite (CMS) requirements and the procedures for browser configuration and accessing CMS. CMS online help: For CMS field-level window descriptions and procedures, refer to the CMS online help. Standard Cisco IOS Release 12.0 commands available from the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 documentation on

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Preface Organization

The organization of this reference manual is as follows: Chapter 1, Using the Command-Line Interface, lists the features included in this software release. Chapter 2, Cisco IOS Commands, describes the IOS commands changed or customized for the switches.

This publication uses the following conventions to convey instructions and information: Command descriptions use these conventions:

Commands and keywords are in boldface font. Arguments for which you supply values are in italic. Alternative keywords are grouped in braces ({}) and separated by vertical bars ( | ). Elements in square brackets ([ ]) are optional.

Interactive examples use these conventions:

Terminal sessions and system displays are in screen font. Information you enter is in boldface screen font. Nonprinting characters, such as passwords or tabs, are in angle brackets (< >).

Notes, cautions, and tip information use the following conventions and symbols:


Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in this manual.


Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage or loss of data.


Means the following will help you solve a problem. The tips information might not be troubleshooting or even an action, but could be useful information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Preface Related Publications

Related Publications
These documents provide complete information about the switch and are available from the site: You can order printed copies of documents with a DOC-xxxxxx= number from the sites and from the telephone numbers listed in the Ordering Documentation section on page xiv.


Switch requirements and procedures for initial configurations and software upgrades tend to change and therefore appear only in the release notes. Before installing, configuring, or upgrading the switch, refer to the release notes on for the latest information.

Release Notes for the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Switches (not orderable but is available on Release Notes for the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL Switches (not orderable but is available on


The Release Notes for the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Switches is for switches that are not Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switches. For LRE switches, refer to the Release Notes for the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL Switches.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide (order number DOC-7812155=) Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference (order number DOC-7812155=) Cluster Management Suite (CMS) online help (available only from the switch CMS software) Catalyst 2900 Series XL Hardware Installation Guide (order number DOC-786461=) Catalyst 3500 Series XL Hardware Installation Guide (order number DOC-786456=) Catalyst 2900 Series XL Modules Installation Guide (order number DOC-CAT2900-IG=) Catalyst 2900 Series XL ATM Modules Installation and Configuration Guide (order number DOC-785472=) 1000BASE-T Gigabit Interface Converter Installation Note (not orderable but is available on Catalyst GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter Hardware Installation Guide (order number DOC-786460=) Installation Note for the CWDM Passive Optical System (not orderable but is available on Cisco LRE CPE Hardware Installation Guide (order number DOC-7811469=) Installation Notes for the Cisco LRE 48 POTS Splitter (not orderable but is available on

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Preface Obtaining Documentation

Obtaining Documentation
The following sections explain how to obtain documentation from Cisco Systems.

World Wide Web

You can access the most current Cisco documentation on the World Wide Web at the following URL: Translated documentation is available at the following URL:

Documentation CD-ROM
Cisco documentation and additional literature are available in a Cisco Documentation CD-ROM package, which is shipped with your product. The Documentation CD-ROM is updated monthly and may be more current than printed documentation. The CD-ROM package is available as a single unit or through an annual subscription.

Ordering Documentation
Cisco documentation is available in the following ways:

Registered Cisco Direct Customers can order Cisco product documentation from the Networking Products MarketPlace:

Registered users can order the Documentation CD-ROM through the online Subscription Store:

Nonregistered users can order documentation through a local account representative by calling Cisco corporate headquarters (California, USA) at 408 526-7208 or, elsewhere in North America, by calling 800 553-NETS (6387).

Documentation Feedback
If you are reading Cisco product documentation on, you can submit technical comments electronically. Click Leave Feedback at the bottom of the Cisco Documentation home page. After you complete the form, print it out and fax it to Cisco at 408 527-0730. You can e-mail your comments to To submit your comments by mail, use the response card behind the front cover of your document, or write to the following address: Cisco Systems Attn: Document Resource Connection 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-9883 We appreciate your comments.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Preface Obtaining Technical Assistance

Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco provides as a starting point for all technical assistance. Customers and partners can obtain documentation, troubleshooting tips, and sample configurations from online tools by using the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Web Site. registered users have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. is the foundation of a suite of interactive, networked services that provides immediate, open access to Cisco information, networking solutions, services, programs, and resources at any time, from anywhere in the world. is a highly integrated Internet application and a powerful, easy-to-use tool that provides a broad range of features and services to help you to

Streamline business processes and improve productivity Resolve technical issues with online support Download and test software packages Order Cisco learning materials and merchandise Register for online skill assessment, training, and certification programs

You can self-register on to obtain customized information and service. To access, go to the following URL:

Technical Assistance Center

The Cisco TAC is available to all customers who need technical assistance with a Cisco product, technology, or solution. Two types of support are available through the Cisco TAC: the Cisco TAC Web Site and the Cisco TAC Escalation Center. Inquiries to Cisco TAC are categorized according to the urgency of the issue:

Priority level 4 (P4)You need information or assistance concerning Cisco product capabilities, product installation, or basic product configuration. Priority level 3 (P3)Your network performance is degraded. Network functionality is noticeably impaired, but most business operations continue. Priority level 2 (P2)Your production network is severely degraded, affecting significant aspects of business operations. No workaround is available. Priority level 1 (P1)Your production network is down, and a critical impact to business operations will occur if service is not restored quickly. No workaround is available.

Which Cisco TAC resource you choose is based on the priority of the problem and the conditions of service contracts, when applicable.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Preface Obtaining Technical Assistance

Cisco TAC Web Site

The Cisco TAC Web Site allows you to resolve P3 and P4 issues yourself, saving both cost and time. The site provides around-the-clock access to online tools, knowledge bases, and software. To access the Cisco TAC Web Site, go to the following URL: All customers, partners, and resellers who have a valid Cisco services contract have complete access to the technical support resources on the Cisco TAC Web Site. The Cisco TAC Web Site requires a login ID and password. If you have a valid service contract but do not have a login ID or password, go to the following URL to register: If you cannot resolve your technical issues by using the Cisco TAC Web Site, and you are a registered user, you can open a case online by using the TAC Case Open tool at the following URL: If you have Internet access, it is recommended that you open P3 and P4 cases through the Cisco TAC Web Site.

Cisco TAC Escalation Center

The Cisco TAC Escalation Center addresses issues that are classified as priority level 1 or priority level 2; these classifications are assigned when severe network degradation significantly impacts business operations. When you contact the TAC Escalation Center with a P1 or P2 problem, a Cisco TAC engineer will automatically open a case. To obtain a directory of toll-free Cisco TAC telephone numbers for your country, go to the following URL: Before calling, please check with your network operations center to determine the level of Cisco support services to which your company is entitled; for example, SMARTnet, SMARTnet Onsite, or Network Supported Accounts (NSA). In addition, please have available your service agreement number and your product serial number.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference




Using the Command-Line Interface

This chapter provides this information:

Command Usage Basics, page 1-2 Command-Line Error Messages, page 1-6 Accessing the CLI, page 1-7 Saving Configuration Changes, page 1-8 Command Summary, page 1-9

You can use the switch command-line interface (CLI) to configure and monitor the switch features, as described in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide. This reference manual provides detailed information about the commands that have been created or changed specifically for the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches. This manual also provides information about configuring the Cisco Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) devices.


This switch software release is based on Cisco IOS Release 12.0. It has been enhanced to support a set of features for the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches. This reference manual does not repeat the CLI commands already documented in the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 documentation on


This manual describes the features for all Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, including the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switches. Cisco IOS Release 12.0(5)WC5 is not for the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switches. Do not install Release 12.0(5)WC5 on the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switches. Release 12.0(5)WC6 is only for the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switches. Do not install Release 12.0(5)WC6 on non-LRE switches. The Cisco IOS Releases 12.0(5)WC4 and 12.0(5)WC5 software supports the hardware listed in the release notes (

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command Usage Basics

Using the Command-Line Interface

Command Usage Basics

This section provides these topics:

Accessing Command Modes section on page 1-2 Specifying Ports in Interface Configuration Mode section on page 1-4 Abbreviating Commands section on page 1-5 Using the No and Default Forms of Commands section on page 1-5 Redisplaying a Command section on page 1-5 Getting Help section on page 1-5

For complete information about CLI usage, refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 documentation on

Accessing Command Modes

The CLI is divided into different modes. The commands available to you at any given time depend on which mode you are in. Entering a question mark (?) at the system prompt provides a list of commands for each command mode. When you start a session on the switch, you begin in user mode, often called user EXEC mode. Only a limited subset of the commands are available in user EXEC mode. For example, most of the user EXEC commands are one-time commands, such as show commands, which show the current configuration status, and clear commands, which clear counters or interfaces. The user EXEC commands are not saved when the switch reboots. To have access to all commands, you must enter privileged EXEC mode. Normally, you must enter a password to enter privileged EXEC mode. From this mode, you can enter any privileged EXEC command or enter global configuration mode. Using the configuration modes (such as global, VLAN, and interface), you can make changes to the running configuration. If you save the configuration, these commands are stored when the switch reboots. To access the various configuration modes, you must start at global configuration mode. From global configuration mode, you can enter interface configuration mode and line configuration mode. Table 1-1 describes the main command modes supported on the switch, the prompt you see in that mode, and how to exit the mode. The examples in the table use the host name switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Command Usage Basics

Table 1-1

Command Modes Summary

Modes User EXEC

Access Method Begin a session with your switch.


Exit Method Enter logout or quit.

About This Mode1 The EXEC commands available at the user level are a subset of those available at the privileged level. Use this mode to

Change terminal settings. Perform basic tests. Display system information.

Privileged EXEC

Enter the enable command while in user EXEC mode.


Enter disable to exit.

The privileged command set includes those commands contained in user EXEC mode, as well as the configure command through which you access the remaining command modes. Because many of the privileged commands configure operating parameters, privileged access should be password-protected to prevent unauthorized use. If your system administrator has set a password, you are prompted to enter it before being granted access to privileged EXEC mode. The password does not appear on the screen and is case sensitive.

Global configuration

Enter the configure command while in privileged EXEC mode. Enter the vlan database command while in privileged EXEC mode. Enter the controller longreachethernet command (with a specific interface) while in global configuration mode. Enter the interface command (with a specific interface) while in global configuration mode.


To exit to privileged EXEC mode, enter exit or end, or press Ctrl-Z. To exit to privileged EXEC mode, enter exit. To exit to global configuration mode, enter exit. To exist to privileged EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z or end.

Use this mode to configure parameters that apply to your switch as a whole. Use this mode to configure VLAN-specific parameters.

VLAN database


Controller configuration

Switch(config-contro ller)#

Controller configuration

Interface configuration


To exit to global configuration mode, enter exit. To exist to privileged EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z or end.

Interface configuration

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command Usage Basics

Using the Command-Line Interface

Table 1-1

Command Modes Summary (continued)

Modes Sequence configuration

Access Method Enter the lre sequence command while in global configuration mode. Specify a line with the line vty or line console command while in global configuration mode.


Exit Method To exit to global configuration mode, enter exit. To exit to privileged EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z or end.

About This Mode1 Use this mode on Long-Reach Ethernet switches to configure sequences for rate selection.

Line configuration


To exit to global configuration mode, enter exit. To exit to privileged EXEC mode, enter Ctrl-Z or end.

Use this mode to configure parameters for the terminal line.

1. For any of the modes, you can see a comprehensive list of the available commands by entering a question mark (?) at the prompt.

Specifying Ports in Interface Configuration Mode

To configure a port, you need to specify the interface type, slot, and switch-port number with the interface configuration command. For example, to configure port 4 on a switch, you enter:
switch(config)#interface fa 0/4

To configure port 4 on a 10/100 module in the first module slot on the switch, you enter:
switch(config)#interface fa 1/4

Interface typeEach switch in the Catalyst 2900 series XL and Catalyst 3500 series XL platform supports different types of interfaces. To display a complete list of the interface types supported on your switch, enter the interface ? command from the global configuration mode. This example shows what the interface ? command displays on a Catalyst 2900 LRE XL switch:
lreswitch(config)#interface ? FastEthernet FastEthernet IEEE 802.3 LongReachEthernet Ethernet over VDSL Multilink Multilink-group interface Port-channel Ethernet Channel of interfaces VLAN Switch VLAN Virtual Interface Virtual-TokenRing Virtual TokenRing


The multilink, port-channel, and virtual-Token Ring interface types are not supported on the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches.

Slot numberThe slot number on the switch. On the modular Catalyst 2900 XL switches, the slot number is 1 or 2. On non-modular Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, the slot number is 0. Port numberThe number of the physical port on the switch. Refer to your switch for the port numbers.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Command Usage Basics

Abbreviating Commands
You only have to enter enough characters for the switch to recognize the command as unique. This example shows how to enter the show configuration command:
Switch# show conf

Using the No and Default Forms of Commands

Almost every configuration command has a no form. In general, use the no form to

Disable a feature or function. Reset a command to its default values. Reverse the action of a command. For example, the no shutdown command reverses the shutdown of an interface.

Use the command without the no form to reenable a disabled feature or to reverse the action of a no command. Configuration commands can also have a default form. The default form of a command returns the command setting to its default. Most commands are disabled by default, so the default form is the same as the no form. However, some commands are enabled by default and have variables set to certain default values. In these cases, the default command enables the command and sets variables to their default values.

Redisplaying a Command
To redisplay a command you previously entered, press the up-arrow key. You can continue to press the up-arrow key for more commands.

Getting Help
Entering a question mark (?) at the system prompt displays a list of commands for each command mode. When using context-sensitive help, the space (or lack of a space) before the question mark (?) is significant. To obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character sequence, enter those characters followed immediately by the question mark (?). Do not include a space. This form of help is called word help, because it completes a word for you. To list keywords or arguments, enter a question mark (?) in place of a keyword or argument. Include a space before the ?. This form of help is called command syntax help, because it reminds you which keywords or arguments are applicable based on the command, keywords, and arguments you already have entered.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command-Line Error Messages

Using the Command-Line Interface

You can also obtain a list of associated keywords and arguments for any command, as shown in Table 1-2.
Table 1-2 Help Summary

Command help abbreviated-command-entry?

Purpose Obtain a brief description of the help system in any command mode. Obtain a list of commands that begin with a particular character string. For example:
Switch# di? dir disable disconnect


Complete a partial command name. For example:

Switch# sh conf<tab> Switch# show configuration

? command ? command keyword ?

List all commands available for a particular command mode. For example:
Switch> ?

List the associated keywords for a command. For example:

Switch> show ?

List the associated arguments for a keyword. For example:

Switch(config)# cdp holdtime ? <10-255> Length of time (in sec) that receiver must keep this packet

Command-Line Error Messages

Table 1-3 lists some error messages that you might encounter while using the CLI.
Table 1-3 Common CLI Error Messages

Error Message
% Ambiguous command: "show con"

Meaning You did not enter enough characters for your switch to recognize the command.

How to Get Help Reenter the command followed by a space and a question mark (?). The possible keywords that you can enter with the command appear.

% Incomplete command.

You did not enter all of the keywords or values required by this command.

Reenter the command followed by a space and a question mark (?). The possible keywords that you can enter with the command appear.

% Invalid input detected at ^ marker.

You entered the command incorrectly. Enter a question mark (?) to display all of The caret (^) marks the point of the error. the commands that are available in this command mode. The possible keywords that you can enter with the command appear.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Accessing the CLI

Accessing the CLI

This procedure assumes you have already assigned IP information and password to the switch or command switch. You can assign this information to the switch in these ways:

Using the setup program, as described in the release notes ( Manually assigning an IP address and password, as described in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.

To access the CLI from a terminal session, follow these steps:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Start up the emulation software (such as ProComm, HyperTerminal, tip, or minicom) on the management station. If necessary, reconfigure the terminal-emulation software to match the switch console port settings (default settings are 9600 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit). Establish a connection with the switch by either

Connecting the switch console port to a management station or dial-up modem. For information about connecting to the console port, refer to the switch hardware installation guide. Using any Telnet TCP/IP package from a remote management station. The switch must have network connectivity with the Telnet client, and the switch must have an enable secret password configured. For information about configuring the switch for Telnet access, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide. The switch supports up to seven simultaneous Telnet sessions. Changes made by one Telnet user are reflected in all other Telnet sessions.

After you connect through the console port or through a Telnet session, the User EXEC prompt appears on the management station.

Accessing the CLI from a Browser

This procedure assumes you have met the software requirements, (including browser and Java plug-in configurations) and have assigned IP information and a Telnet password to the switch or command switch, as described in the release notes (


Copies of the CMS pages you display are saved in your browser memory cache until you exit the browser session. A password is not required to redisplay these pages, including the Cisco Systems Access page. You can access the CLI by clicking Web Console - HTML access to the command line interface from a cached copy of the Cisco Systems Access page. To prevent unauthorized access to CMS and the CLI, exit your browser to end the browser session.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Saving Configuration Changes

Using the Command-Line Interface

To access the CLI from a web browser, follow these steps:

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3

Start one of the supported browsers. In the URL field, enter the IP address of the command switch. When the Cisco Systems Access page appears, click Telnet to start a Telnet session. You can also access the CLI by clicking Web Console - HTML access to the command line interface from the Cisco Systems Access page. For information about the Cisco Systems Access page, see the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide and the release notes (

Step 4

Enter the switch password. The User EXEC prompt appears on the management station.

Saving Configuration Changes

The switch Flash memory stores the IOS image, the startup configuration file (config.txt file), and helper files. The show command always displays the running configuration of the switch. When you make a configuration change to a switch or switch cluster, the change becomes part of the running configuration. The change does not automatically become part of the config.txt file in Flash memory, which is the startup configuration used each time the switch restarts. If you do not save your changes to Flash memory, they are lost when the switch restarts. To save all configuration changes to Flash memory, you must enter the write memory command in privileged EXEC mode.


The write memory command does not apply to the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches, which automatically save configuration changes to Flash memory as they occur.


As you make cluster configuration changes, make sure you periodically save the configuration. The configuration is saved on the command and member switches.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Command Summary

Command Summary
Table 1-4 lists and describes the IOS commands specifically created or modified for the Catalyst 2900 XL or the Catalyst 3500 XL switches. Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) commands only apply to the Catalyst 2900 XL LRE switches. The commands are sorted by the command modes from which they are entered. For detailed command syntax and descriptions, see Chapter 2, Cisco IOS Commands. For concepts and procedures, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.
Table 1-4 Command Summary

User EXEC mode

Description Executes commands on a cluster member from the command switch. Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays switches that are not currently members of the cluster but that could be. Displays information about all members in a cluster. Displays error-disable detection status. Displays the error-disable recovery timer information. Displays the state of a port or all ports on the switch. Displays the MAC address table. Displays the statistics for the Ethernet ports on the LRE CPE devices connected to the switch LRE ports. Displays the speed, duplex mode, and link status of the Ethernet ports on the LRE CPE devices connected to the switch LRE ports. Displays the status of the Cisco Redundant Power System (RPS). Displays STP information. Displays various Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) server statistics. Displays UDLD status information for all ports or the specified port. Displays the firmware version for the switch or the module. Displays information about a VLAN. Displays the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) version, the reconfirmation interval, the retry count, the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) IP addresses, and the current and primary servers. Displays general information about the VTP management domain, status, and counters. Deletes the multicast addresses and router ports maintained by CGMP.

rcommand show cluster show cluster candidates show cluster members show errdisable detect show errdisable recovery show diags show mac-address-table show remote ethernet-statistics show remote interfaces status show rps show spanning-tree show tacacs show udld show version show vlan show vmps

show vtp
Privileged EXEC mode

clear cgmp

clear controllers ethernet-controller Deletes the Ethernet link transmit and receive statistics on a switch port and on an LRE CPE (if one is connected to a switch LRE port).

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command Summary

Using the Command-Line Interface

Table 1-4

Command Summary (continued)

Commands clear controllers lre log clear lre rate selection clear mac-address-table clear mac-address-table clear vmps statistics clear vtp counters debug lre delete hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre session show cgmp

Description Deletes the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific switch LRE port or all LRE ports on the switch. Resets the current rate selection setting and restarts rate selection for a specific Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port or for all switch LRE ports. Deletes the IP address without disabling the IP processing. Deletes all addresses in the MAC address table. Clears the statistics maintained by the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) client. Clears the VTP counters. Enables debugging of LRE-related events. Deletes a file from the file system. Performs system-wide software upgrades. Logs into an ATM module. Displays the current state of the CGMP-learned multicast groups and routers.

clear mac-address-table notification Deletes entries from the MAC address notification table.

show controllers ethernet-controller Displays the Ethernet link transmit and receive statistics on a Fast Ethernet or switch LRE port. show controllers lre cpe info Displays the model numbers of the LRE CPE devices connected to the LRE switch and shows whether or not the connected CPEs meet the minimum requirements to be managed by the LRE switch. Displays the actual values of the LRE link on a specific switch LRE port. Displays the administrative settings of the LRE link on a specific switch LRE port. Displays the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific switch LRE port or all LRE ports on the switch. Displays information about the LRE event log level. Displays information about the LRE profiles available on the switch and how they are assigned to the switch LRE ports. Displays information about the LRE port and global sequences. Displays the LRE link statistics and profile information on a switch LRE port, including link state, link duration, data rates, power levels, sequence and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) error information. It also displays the Reed-Solomon error information and other line characteristics. Displays the version numbers of the various components (hardware, firmware, patch software, and bootloader firmware and application firmware) that make up the switch LRE interface and the CPE LRE interface. Displays the revision and serial numbers of the connected LRE CPE board, assembly, and system. Displays the current state of a port or all ports on the switch.

show controllers lre interface-id actual show controllers lre interface-id admin show controllers lre log show controllers lre log level show controllers lre profile show controllers lre sequence show controllers lre status

show controllers lre version

show controllers lre version mfg show diags

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Command Summary

Table 1-4

Command Summary (continued)

Commands show env show file systems show interface show ip igmp profile show local ethernet-statistics show lre upgrade binaries show lre upgrade status show lre upgrade version show mvr

Description Displays the status of the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch fans and temperature. Displays information about local and remote file systems. Displays the administrative and operational status of a switch port. Displays the details of an IGMP profile entry. Displays the details of the local VDSL chipset. Displays the LRE binaries present on the system Flash memory. Displays the upgrade status on all ports in the switch. Displays the version of binaries on local and remote ports in the switch. Displays the current multicast VLAN registration (MVR) global parameter values, including whether or not MVR is enabled, the maximum query response time, the maximum number of multicast entries, and the multicast VLAN number. Displays the MVR receiver and source ports. Use the command with keywords to display MVR parameters for a specific receiver port. Displays all receiver ports that are members of an IP multicast group. Displays the blocking of unicast and multicast filtering for the port. Displays the ports that are assigned to groups. Displays the ports that have port monitoring enabled. Displays the network ports on the switch. Displays the ports that are port protected mode. Displays the ports that have port security enabled. Displays the setting of broadcast-storm control. Displays the power status for the specified port or all ports on the 3524-PWR-XL switch. Displays general switch information for determining the nature of a switch error or for providing to a Cisco technical support representative. Displays the VQP client-side statistics. Resets all ports that have been shut down by UDLD. Enters VLAN database mode. Sends VQP queries to reconfirm all dynamic VLAN assignments with the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS). Enables CGMP and other CGMP options. Automatically provides the command switch MAC address to member switches. This command is automatically issued. Sets the hop-count limit for extended discovery of cluster candidates. Enables the cluster command switch and names the cluster.

show mac-address-table notification Displays the global parameters for the MAC address table notification feature.

show mvr interface show mvr members show port block show port group show port monitor show port network show port protected show port security show port storm-control show power inline show tech-support show vmps statistics udld reset vlan database vmps reconfirm
Global configuration mode

cgmp cluster commander-address cluster discovery hop-count cluster enable

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command Summary

Using the Command-Line Interface

Table 1-4

Command Summary (continued)

Commands cluster holdtime

Description Sets the timer that determines when a command switch declares the other switch down after not receiving a heartbeat message. Used with the cluster timer command. Changes the management VLAN for the entire cluster. Adds members to the cluster. Enables clustering on a switch. Enables command switch redundancy by binding an HSRP standby group to the cluster. Specifies the interval between heartbeat messages between the command and member switches. Used with the cluster holdtime command. Enters controller configuration mode. Enables error disable detection for a cause. Configures the recovery mechanism variables. Selects an interface to configure. Creates a new management VLAN interface. Defines a new profile for IGMP filtering or deletes an existing IGMP filtering profile. Specifies the LRE patch file used when the switch starts up. Assigns a public profile to all switch LRE ports. Assigns the rate selection sequence for the entire switch. Defines a new sequence and also enters sequence configuration mode. Defines a default mapping between an LRE device type and an LRE binary. Specifies the length of time that a dynamic entry remains in the MAC address table. Adds a dynamic address entry to the MAC address table. Enables the MAC address table notification feature on the switch. Adds a secure address entry to the MAC address table. Adds a static address entry to the address table. Enables the Multicast VLAN Registration (MVR) feature on the switch. Specifies the maximum number of NTP associations that are allowed on a server. Uses a particular source address in NTP packets. Shuts down local traffic on the specified VLAN. Enables SNMP notification for MAC address notification. Enables SNMP notification for VMPS changes. Enables SNMP notification for VTP changes. Specifies the host that receives SNMP traps. Enables a spanning-tree instance.

cluster management-vlan cluster member cluster run cluster standby-group cluster timer controller LongReachEthernet errdisable detect cause errdisable recovery interface ip igmp profile lre patchfile lre profile global lre rate selection sequence lre sequence lre upgrade default family device-family binary mac-address-table aging-time mac-address-table dynamic mac-address-table notification mac-address-table secure mac-address-table static mvr (global configuration) ntp max-associations ntp source shutdown vlan snmp-server enable traps mac-notification snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership snmp-server enable traps vtp snmp-server host spanning-tree

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Command Summary

Table 1-4

Command Summary (continued)

Commands spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree hello-time spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree portfast bpduguard spanning-tree priority spanning-tree protocol spanning-tree uplinkfast tacacs-server attempts tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup udld enable vmps reconfirm vmps retry vmps server vtp file
VLAN database mode

Description Specifies the forward delay interval for the switch. Specifies the interval between hello Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs). Changes the interval the switch waits to receive BPDUs from the root switch. Enables the BPDU guard feature on the switch. Configures the bridge priority for the specified spanning-tree instance. Defines the type of STP. Accelerates the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when STP reconfigures itself. Controls the number of login attempts that can be made on a line configured for TACACS, Extended TACACS, or TACACS+ verification. Enables IP Domain Name System alias lookup for TACACS+. Enables UDLD on all switch ports. Changes the reconfirmation interval for the VQP client. Configures the per-server retry count for the VQP client. Configures the primary VMPS and up to three secondary servers. Modifies the VTP configuration storage filename. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and remains in VLAN database mode. Displays the differences between the current VLAN database on the switch and the proposed VLAN database. Displays the current VLAN database on the switch or a single selected VLAN from it. Displays the proposed VLAN database or a single selected VLAN from it. Configures a VLAN by its VLAN ID. Configures the VTP mode. Configures the VTP administrative domain. Configures the VTP password. Enables pruning in the VTP administrative domain. Enables VTP version 2 mode in the administrative domain. Configures a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) controller upgrade. Prevents an upgrade from taking place on a controller in a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switch and on all the devices that are remotely connected to it.

abort apply exit reset show changes show current show proposed vlan vtp vtp domain vtp password vtp pruning vtp v2-mode
Controller configuration mode

upgrade binary upgrade preserve

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command Summary

Using the Command-Line Interface

Table 1-4

Command Summary (continued)

Interface configuration mode

Description Specifies the duplex mode of operation for a port. Controls traffic rates during congestion. Specifies a primary or secondary IP address of a VLAN interface. Applies a specific IGMP filtering profile to an interface. Specifies the maximum number of IGMP profiles that can be active on a port. Specify the logging mode for LRE events. Sets the amount of delay before the link reports a link failure. Assigns a private profile to a specific switch LRE port. Resets the switch LRE interface or the CPE LRE interface. Disables the LRE interface transmitter of a switch LRE port that is not being used. Shuts down the management VLAN interface. Specifies the margin value used to determine link quality during Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) rate selection. Configures a port as an MVR receiver or source port, specifies the Immediate-Leave feature, and configures the port threshold. Allows the system to receive NTP broadcast packets on a port. Configures an NTP server or peer to restrict broadcast of NTP frames to the IP address of a designated client or a peer. Configures an NTP server or peer to broadcast NTP frames with the authentication key embedded in the NTP packet. Specifies a port to send NTP broadcast packets. Prevents the flooding of unknown destination MAC addresses and multicast addresses on this port. Places a port into a port aggregation group. Implements port monitoring on this port. Enables a port as the network port for a VLAN. Isolates unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic at Layer 2 from other protected ports on the same switch. Enables port security on a port, sets the aging time for dynamic and static secure address entries, and restricts the use of the port to a user-defined group of stations. Disables broadcast, multicast, or unicast traffic if too many packets are seen on this port. Specifies how inline power is applied to the device on the specified Fast Ethernet port of the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch. Enables rate selection on a port. Locks a profile in a port that is enabled for rate selection. Assigns a sequence to a port and to start rate selection. Collects Ethernet group statistics.

duplex flowcontrol ip address ip igmp filter ip igmp max-groups lre log lre persistence lre profile lre reset lre shutdown management margin mvr (interface configuration) ntp broadcast client ntp broadcast destination ntp broadcast key ntp broadcast version port block port group port monitor port network port protected port security port storm-control power inline rate selection rate selection profile lock rate selection sequence rmon collection stats

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 1

Using the Command-Line Interface Command Summary

Table 1-4

Command Summary (continued)

Commands shutdown snmp trap mac-notification spanning-tree cost spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree rootguard spanning-tree stack-port speed switchport access switchport mode switchport multi switchport priority

Description Disables a switch port, including the Ethernet ports on the LRE CPE connected to a switch LRE port. Enables or disables the MAC notification feature on a specific port. Specifies a different path cost. Enables the Port Fast option on the switch. Configures the STP priority of a port. Enables the root guard feature for all the VLANs associated with the specified port. Controls which ports can be STP root ports. Enables cross-stack UplinkFast (CSUF) on an interface and accelerates the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when STP reconfigures itself. Specifies the speed of a port. Configures a port as an access or dynamic VLAN port. Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Configures a port to be a multi-VLAN port. Configures a port priority for untagged (native Ethernet) frames to provide quality of service (QoS). Also sets the priority of frames received by the appliance connected to the specified port. Controls which VLANs can receive and send traffic on the trunk. Sets the encapsulation format on the trunk. Sets the native VLAN for untagged traffic when in IEEE 802.1Q trunking mode. Sets the list of VLANs enabled for VTP pruning when the port is in trunking mode. Sets the voice VLAN on the port. Enables or disables UDLD on a port. Changes a login username. Configures the switch to use TACACS user authentication. Adds a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) profile to a rate selection sequence.

switchport trunk allowed vlan switchport trunk encapsulation switchport trunk native switchport trunk pruning switchport voice vlan udld
Line configuration mode

login local login tacacs

Sequence mode


Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 1 Command Summary

Using the Command-Line Interface

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference




Cisco IOS Commands

Use the abort VLAN database command to abandon the proposed VLAN database, exit VLAN database mode, and return to privileged EXEC mode. abort

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you have added, deleted, or modified VLAN parameters in VLAN database mode but you do not want to keep the changes, the abort command causes all the changes to be abandoned. The VLAN configuration that was running before you entered VLAN database mode continues to be used.


This example shows how to abandon the proposed VLAN database and to exit to the privileged EXEC mode:
Switch(vlan)# abort Switch#

You can verify that no VLAN database changes occurred by entering the show vlan brief user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 abort

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command apply

Description Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration revision number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and remains in VLAN database mode. Resets the proposed database to the currently implemented VLAN database on the switch. Displays the parameters for all configured VLANs in the administrative domain. Shuts down (suspends) local traffic on the specified VLAN. Enters VLAN database mode from the command-line interface (CLI).



show vlan shutdown vlan vlan database

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands apply

Use the apply VLAN database command to implement the proposed VLAN database to increment the database configuration revision number, to propagate it throughout the administrative domain, and to remain in VLAN database mode. apply

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The apply command implements the configuration changes that you made after you entered VLAN database mode and uses them for the running configuration. This command keeps you in VLAN database mode. You cannot use this command when the switch is in the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) client mode.


This example shows how to implement the proposed VLAN database as the running database:
Switch(vlan)# apply

You can verify that VLAN database changes occurred by entering the show vlan user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 apply

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command apply

Description Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration revision number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and remains in VLAN database mode. Resets the proposed database to the currently implemented VLAN database on the switch. Displays the parameters for all configured VLANs in the administrative domain. Shuts down (suspends) local traffic on the specified VLAN. Enters VLAN database mode from the command-line interface (CLI).



show vlan shutdown vlan vlan database

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cgmp

Use the cgmp global configuration command to enable Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP) and other CGMP options. Use the no form of this command to disable CGMP and its options. cgmp {leave-processing | holdtime time | reserved} no cgmp {leave-processing | holdtime | reserved}

Syntax Description

leave-processing holdtime time

Enable Fast Leave processing on the switch. Number of seconds a router connection is retained before the switch ceases to exchange messages with it. You can enter a number from 10 to 6000 (seconds). Allow reserved addresses from 0100.5E00.0000 to 0100.5E00.00FF to join as group destination addresses.



CGMP is enabled. Fast Leave is disabled. The hold time is 300 seconds. Reserved addresses are allowed as group destination addresses.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3 12.0(5)XP

Modification This command was first introduced. The reserved keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

CGMP must be enabled before the Fast Leave option can be enabled.


This example shows how to disable CGMP:

Switch(config)# no cgmp

This example shows how to disable the Fast Leave option:

Switch(config)# no cgmp leave-processing

This example shows how to set 400 seconds as the length of time the switch waits before ceasing to exchange messages with a router:
Switch(config)# cgmp holdtime 400

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cgmp

Cisco IOS Commands

This example shows how to remove the amount of time the switch waits before ceasing to exchange messages with a router:
Switch(config)# no cgmp holdtime

This example shows how to exclude reserved addresses from the group destination address for compatibility with Catalyst 5000 series switches.
Switch(config)# no cgmp reserved

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show cgmp user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command clear cgmp show cgmp

Description Deletes information that the switch learned by using CGMP. Displays the state of the CGMP-learned multicast groups and routers.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands clear cgmp

clear cgmp
Use the clear cgmp privileged EXEC command to delete information that was learned by the switch by using the Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP). clear cgmp [vlan vlan-id] | [group [address] | router [address]]

Syntax Description

vlan vlan-id group address

(Optional) VLAN for which the CGMP groups or routers are to be deleted. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001; do not enter leading zeros. Delete all known multicast groups and their destination ports. Limited to a VLAN if the vlan keyword is entered. Limited to a specific group if the address parameter (MAC address of the group or router) is entered. (Optional) Delete all routers, their ports, and expiration times. Limited to a given VLAN if the vlan keyword is entered. Limited to a specific router if the address parameter is entered.

router address

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using clear cgmp with no arguments deletes all groups and routers in all VLANs.


This example shows how to delete all groups and routers on VLAN 2:
Switch# clear cgmp vlan 2

This example shows how to delete all groups on all VLANs:

Switch# clear cgmp group

This example shows how to delete a router address on VLAN 2:

Switch# clear cgmp vlan 2 router 0012.1234.1234

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show cgmp user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command cgmp show cgmp

Description Enables CGMP and the Fast Leave option and sets the router port aging time. Displays the state of the CGMP-learned multicast groups and routers.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 clear controllers ethernet-controller

Cisco IOS Commands

clear controllers ethernet-controller

Use the clear controllers ethernet-controller privileged EXEC command to delete the Ethernet link transmit and receive statistics on a switch port and on a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) device. clear controllers ethernet-controller [interface-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the switch port.


There is no default.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device.

Usage Guidelines

Using the clear controllers ethernet-controller command without specifying a switch port clears the Ethernet link statistics for all ports on the switch. If you use this command on a switch LRE port, it clears the statistics on the Ethernet port on the Cisco 575 LRE CPE device or on all four Ethernet ports on the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device. The Cisco 585 LRE CPE Ethernet ports cannot be cleared on a per-port basis. The CPE Ethernet link is the connection between the CPE Ethernet port and the remote Ethernet device (such as a PC) connected to it. It is not the link between the switch LRE port and the LRE CPE device. It takes the switch several seconds to clear all of the ports. The switch LRE ports take longer to clear than all the other port types.


This example shows how to use the clear controllers ethernet-controller command to delete the Ethernet link statistics on Fast Ethernet port 0/1:
Switch# clear controllers ethernet-controller FastEthernet 0/1 Switch#

This example shows how to use the clear controllers ethernet-controller command to delete the Ethernet link statistics between the LRE CPE device and the remote Ethernet device. The LRE CPE device is connected to switch LRE port 1:
Switch# clear controllers ethernet-controller lo0/1 Switch#

You can verify that information was deleted by entering the show controllers ethernet-controller user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands clear controllers ethernet-controller

Related Commands

Command show controllers ethernet-controller

Description Displays the Ethernet link transmit and receive statistics on a Fast Ethernet or switch LRE port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 clear controllers lre log

Cisco IOS Commands

clear controllers lre log

Use the clear controllers lre log privileged EXEC command to delete the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port or for all switch LRE ports. clear controllers lre log [interface-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the switch LRE port.


There is no default.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) device.

Usage Guidelines

Using the clear controllers lre log command but without specifying a switch LRE port deletes the history of events on all switch LRE ports.


This example shows how to use the clear controllers lre log command to delete the history of events on switch LRE port 3:
Switch# clear controllers lre log longReachEthernet 0/3 Switch#

You can verify that information was deleted by entering the show controllers lre log privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show controllers lre log

Description Displays the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific switch LRE port or for all LRE ports on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands clear ip address

clear ip address
Use the clear ip address privileged EXEC command to delete an IP address for a switch without disabling the IP processing. clear ip address [vlan vlan-id]

Syntax Description

vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Delete an IP address only within the specified VLAN. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1000; do not enter leading zeros.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

A switch can have one IP address. The IP address of the switch can be accessed only by nodes connected to ports that belong to the management VLAN. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1, but you can configure a different VLAN as the management VLAN. If your switch receives its IP address from a Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and you delete the switch IP address by using the clear ip address command, the BOOTP or DHCP server reassigns the address.


This example shows how to clear the IP address for the switch on VLAN 1:
Switch# clear ip address vlan 1

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 clear lre rate selection

Cisco IOS Commands

clear lre rate selection

Use the clear lre rate selection privileged EXEC command to reset the rate selection setting and to restart rate selection for a specific Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port or for all switch LRE ports. clear lre rate selection [lock] [interface-id]

Syntax Description

lock interface-id

(Optional) Rate selection runs on all ports that have rate selection enabled, including ports that are locked. (Optional) ID of the switch LRE port.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the clear lre rate selection command without specifying a switch LRE port runs rate selection on all switch LRE ports that have rate selection enabled except those ports with locked profiles. Specifying the lock keyword runs rate selection on all profiles, including those that are locked.


This example shows how to use the clear lre rate selection command to reset the rate selection setting and to restart rate selection on port 1.
Switch# clear lre rate selection lo0/1 Switch#

This example shows how to reset and to restart rate selection on all ports, including any locked ports.
Switch# clear lre rate selection lock Switch#

This example shows how to reset and to restart rate selection on port 1, overriding the locked status.
Switch# clear lre rate selection lock lo0/1 Switch#

Related Commands

Command rate selection lre rate selection sequence

Description Enables rate selection on a specific port. Assigns a rate selection sequence for the entire switch.

rate selection sequence Assigns a rate selection sequence for a specific port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands clear mac-address-table

clear mac-address-table
Use the clear mac-address-table privileged EXEC command to delete entries from the MAC address table. clear mac-address-table [static | dynamic | secure] [address hw-addr] [interface interface] [atm slot/port] [vlan vlan-id]

Syntax Description

static dynamic secure address hw-addr interface interface atm slot/port vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Delete only static addresses. (Optional) Delete only dynamic addresses. (Optional) Delete only secure addresses. (Optional) Delete the address hw-addr of type static, dynamic, and secure as specified. (Optional) Delete an address on the interface interface of type static, dynamic, or secure as specified. (Optional) Delete only ATM addresses on this slot and port. (Optional) Delete all the MAC addresses for vlan-id. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added. The atm keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command deletes entries from the global MAC address table. Specific subsets can be deleted by using the optional keywords and values. If more than one optional keyword is used, all of the conditions in the argument must be true for that entry to be deleted.


This example shows how to delete static addresses on port fa0/7:

Switch# clear mac-address-table static interface fa0/7

This example shows how to delete all secure addresses in VLAN 3:

Switch# clear mac-address-table secure vlan 3

This example shows how to delete address 0099.7766.5544 from all ports in all VLANs. If the address exists in multiple VLANs or multiple ports, all the instances are deleted.
Switch# clear mac-address-table address 0099.7766.5544

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 clear mac-address-table

Cisco IOS Commands

This example shows how to delete address 0099.7766.5544 only in VLAN 2:

Switch# clear mac-address-table address 0099.7766.5544 vlan 2

This example shows how to delete the secure MAC address 00c0.00a0.03fa associated with the ATM port in expansion slot 2:
Switch(config)# clear mac-address-table secure 00c0.00a0.03fa atm 2/1

This example shows how to delete the static address 00c0.00a0.03fa associated with the ATM port in expansion slot 2:
Switch(config)# clear mac-address-table static 00c0.00a0.03fa atm 2/1

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show mac-address-table user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show mac-address-table

Description Displays the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands clear mac-address-table notification

clear mac-address-table notification

Use the clear mac-address-table notification privileged EXEC command to clear the addresses maintained by the MAC address notification feature. clear mac-address-table notification

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or options.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command clears the counters for the MAC addresses added, the MAC addresses removed, and the number of traps sent to the NMS counters on the switch. This command does not clear the history table on the switch.

Related Commands

Command show mac-address-table

Description Displays the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 clear vmps statistics

Cisco IOS Commands

clear vmps statistics

Use the clear vmps statistics privileged EXEC command to clear the statistics maintained by the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) client. clear vmps statistics

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to clear VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) statistics:
Switch# clear vmps statistics

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vmps statistics privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show vmps statistics

Description Displays the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) version, reconfirmation interval, retry count, VMPS IP addresses, and the current and primary servers.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands clear vtp counters

clear vtp counters

Use the clear vtp counters privileged EXEC command to clear the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) and pruning counters. clear vtp counters

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to clear the VTP counters:

Switch# clear vtp counters

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vtp counters user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show vtp counters

Description Display general information about the VTP management domain, status, and counters.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster commander-address

Cisco IOS Commands

cluster commander-address
You do not need to enter this command. The command switch automatically provides its MAC address to member switches when these switches join the cluster. The member switch adds this information and other cluster information to its running configuration file. Enter the no form of this global configuration command from the member switch console port to remove it from a cluster only during debugging or recovery procedures. cluster commander-address mac-address [member number name name] no cluster commander-address

Syntax Description

mac-address member number name name no default

MAC address of the cluster command switch. Number of member switch. The range is from 0 to 15. Name of the cluster up to 31 characters. Remove a switch from the cluster. Entered on the member switch. Remove a switch from the cluster. Entered on the member switch.


The switch is not a member of any cluster.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The member and name keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

A cluster member can belong to only one command switch. The member switch retains the identity of the command switch during a system reload by using the mac-address parameter. You can enter the no form on a member switch to remove it from the cluster during debugging or recovery procedures. You would normally use this command from the member switch console port only when the member has lost communication with the command switch. With normal switch configuration, we recommend that you remove member switches only by entering the no cluster member n global configuration command on the command switch. When a standby command-switch becomes active (becomes the command switch), it removes the cluster commander-address line from its configuration.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster commander-address


This is partial sample output from the running configuration of a cluster member.
Switch(config)# show running-configuration <output truncated> cluster commander-address 00e0.9bc0.a500 member 4 name my_cluster <output truncated>

This example shows how to remove a member from the cluster by using the cluster member console.
Switch-es3# configure terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. Switch-es3(config)# no cluster commander-address

You can verify the previous command by entering the show cluster command in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show cluster

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster discovery hop-count

Cisco IOS Commands

cluster discovery hop-count

Use the cluster discovery hop-count global configuration command on the command switch to set the hop-count limit for extended discovery of candidate switches. Use the no form of this command to set the hop count to the default value. cluster discovery hop-count number no cluster discovery hop-count default cluster discovery hop-count

Syntax Description

number no default

Number of hops from the cluster edge that the command switch limits the discovery of candidates. The range is from 1 to 7. Set the hop count to the default value (3). Set the hop count to the default value (3).


The hop count is set to 3.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command only on the command switch. This command does not operate on member switches. If the hop count is set to 1, it disables extended discovery. The command switch discovers only candidates that are one hop from the edge of the cluster. The edge of the cluster is the point between the last discovered member switch and the first discovered candidate switch.


This example shows how to set the hop count limit to 4. This command is entered on the command switch.
Switch(config)# cluster discovery hop-count 4

You can verify the previous command by entering the show cluster command in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show cluster show cluster candidates

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays a list of candidate switches.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster enable

cluster enable
Use the cluster enable global configuration command on a command-capable switch to enable it as the cluster command switch, assign a cluster name, and optionally assign a member number to it. Use the no form of the command to remove all members and to make the command switch a candidate switch. cluster enable name [command-switch-member-number] no cluster enable default cluster enable

Syntax Description

name command-switch-member-number no default

Name of the cluster up to 31 characters. Valid characters include only alphanumerics, dashes, and underscores. (Optional) Assign a member number to the command switch of the cluster. The range is from 0 to 15. Remove all member switches, and make the command switch a candidate. Switch is not a command switch.


The switch is not a command switch. No cluster name is defined. The member number is 0 when this is the command switch.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The command-switch-member-number variable was added.

Usage Guidelines

This command runs on any command-capable switch that is not part of any cluster. This command fails if a device is already configured as a member of the cluster. You must name the cluster when you enable the command switch. If the switch is already configured as the command switch, this command changes the cluster name if it is different from the previous name.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster enable

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to enable the command switch, to name the cluster, and to set the command switch member number to 4.
Switch(config)# cluster enable Engineering-IDF4 4

You can verify the previous command by entering the show cluster command in user EXEC mode on the command switch.

Related Commands

Command show cluster

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster holdtime

cluster holdtime
Use the cluster holdtime global configuration command on the command switch to set the duration in seconds before a switch (either the command or member switch) declares the other switch down after not receiving heartbeat messages. Use the no form of this command to set the duration to the default value. cluster holdtime holdtime-in-secs no cluster holdtime default cluster holdtime

Syntax Description

holdtime-in-secs no default

Duration in seconds before a switch (either a command or member switch) declares the other switch down. The range is from 1 to 300 seconds. Set the holdtime to the default value (80 seconds). Set the holdtime to the default value (80 seconds).


The holdtime is 80 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with the cluster timer global configuration command only on the command switch. The command switch propagates the values to all its cluster members so that the setting is consistent among all switches in the cluster. The holdtime is typically set as a multiple of the interval timer (cluster timer). For example, it takes (holdtime-in-secs divided by interval-in-secs) number of heartbeat messages to be missed in a row to declare a switch down.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster holdtime

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to change the interval timer and the duration on the command switch.
Switch(config)# cluster timer 3 Switch(config)# cluster holdtime 30

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show cluster command in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show cluster

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster management-vlan

cluster management-vlan
Use the cluster management-vlan global configuration command on the command switch to change the management VLAN for the entire cluster. Use the no form of this command to change the management VLAN to VLAN 1. cluster management-vlan n no cluster management-vlan default cluster management-vlan

Syntax Description

n no default

VLAN ID of the new management VLAN. Valid VLAN IDs are from 1 to 1001. Set the management VLAN to VLAN 1. Set the management VLAN to VLAN 1.


The default management VLAN is VLAN 1.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command only on the command switch. This command changes the management VLAN of the command switch and member switches. Member switches must have either a trunk connection or connection to the new command-switch management VLAN to maintain communication with the command switch. This command is not written to the configuration file.


This example shows how to change the management VLAN to VLAN 5 on the entire cluster.
Switch(config)# cluster management-vlan 5

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface vlan number user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command management

Description Shuts down the management VLAN interface and enables the new management VLAN interface on an individual switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster member

Cisco IOS Commands

cluster member
Use the cluster member global configuration command on the command switch to add members to a cluster. Use the no form of the command to remove members from the cluster. cluster member [n] mac-address H.H.H [password enable-password] no cluster member n default cluster member n

Syntax Description

n mac-address H.H.H password enable-password no default

The number that identifies a cluster member. The range is from 0 to 15. MAC address of the member switch in hexadecimal format. Enable password of the candidate switch. The password is not required if there is no password on the candidate switch. Remove the specified member from the cluster. Remove the specified member from the cluster.


A newly enabled command switch has no associated cluster members.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command only on the command switch to add a member to or remove a member from the cluster. If you enter this command on a switch other than the command switch, the switch rejects the command and displays an error message. You must enter a member number to remove a switch from the cluster. However, you do not need to enter a member number to add a switch to the cluster. The command switch selects the next available member number and assigns it to the switch joining the cluster. You must enter the enable password of the candidate switch for authentication when it joins the cluster. The password is not saved in the running or startup configuration. After a candidate switch becomes a member of the cluster, its password becomes the same as the command-switch password. If a switch does not have a configured host name, the command switch appends a member number to the command-switch host name and assigns it to the member switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster member


This example shows how to add a switch as member 2 with MAC address 00E0.1E00.2222 and the password key to a cluster.
Switch(config)# cluster member 2 mac-address 00E0.1E00.2222 password key

This example shows how to add a switch with MAC address 00E0.1E00.3333 to the cluster. This switch does not have a password. The command switch selects the next available member number and assigns it to the switch joining the cluster.
Switch(config)# cluster member mac-address 00E0.1E00.3333

You can verify the previous command by entering the show cluster members command in user EXEC mode on the command switch.

Related Commands

Command show cluster show cluster candidates show cluster members

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays a list of candidate switches. Displays information about the cluster members.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster run

Cisco IOS Commands

cluster run
Use the cluster run global configuration command to enable clustering on a switch. Use the no form of this command to disable clustering on a switch. cluster run no cluster run default cluster run

Syntax Description

no default

Disable clustering on a switch. Enable clustering on a switch.


Clustering is enabled on all switches.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you enter the no cluster run command on a command switch, the command switch is disabled. Clustering is disabled, and the switch is incapable of becoming a candidate switch. When you enter the no cluster run command on a member switch, it is removed from the cluster. Clustering is disabled, and the switch is incapable of becoming a candidate switch. When you enter the no cluster run command on a switch that is not part of a cluster, clustering is disabled on this switch. This switch cannot then become a candidate switch.


This example shows how to disable clustering on the command switch:

Switch(config)# no cluster run

You can verify the previous command by entering the show cluster command in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command cluster enable show cluster

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster standby-group

cluster standby-group
Use the cluster standby-group global configuration command to enable command switch redundancy by binding the Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) standby group to the cluster. Use the no form of this command to unbind the cluster from the HSRP standby group. cluster standby-group HSRP-group-name no cluster standby-group default cluster standby-group

Syntax Description

HSRP-group-name no default

Name of the HSRP group that is bound to the cluster. The group name is limited to 32 characters. Unbind the cluster from the HSRP standby group. Unbind the cluster from the HSRP standby group.


The cluster is not bound to any HSRP group.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

You must enter this command only on the command switch. If you enter it on a member switch, an error message appears. The command switch propagates the cluster-HSRP binding information to all members. Each member switch stores the binding information in its nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). The HSRP group name must be a valid standby group; otherwise, the command exits with an error.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 cluster standby-group

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to bind the HSRP group named my_hsrp to the cluster. This command is entered on the command switch.
Switch(config)# cluster standby-group my_hsrp

This example shows the error message when this command is entered on a command switch and the specified HSRP standby group does not exist:
Switch(config)# cluster standby-group my_hsrp %ERROR: Standby group (my_hsrp) doesnt exist

This example shows the error message when this command is entered on a member switch.
Switch(config)# cluster standby-group my_hsrp %ERROR: This command runs on a cluster command switch

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show cluster command in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command standby ip show cluster show standby

Description Enables HSRP on the interface. Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays standby group information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cluster timer

cluster timer
Use the cluster timer global configuration command on the command switch to set the interval in seconds between heartbeat messages. Use the no form of this command to set the interval to the default value. cluster timer interval-in-secs no cluster timer default cluster timer

Syntax Description

interval-in-secs no default

Interval in seconds between heartbeat messages. The range is from 1 to 300 seconds. Set the interval to the default value (8 seconds). Set the interval to the default value (8 seconds).


The interval is 8 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command with the cluster holdtime global configuration command only on the command switch. The command switch propagates the values to all its cluster members so that the setting is consistent among all switches in the cluster. The holdtime is typically set as a multiple of the heartbeat interval timer (cluster timer). For example, it takes (holdtime-in-secs divided by the interval-in-secs) number of heartbeat messages to be missed in a row to declare a switch down.


This example shows how to change the heartbeat interval timer and the duration on the command switch.
Switch(config)# cluster timer 3 Switch(config)# cluster holdtime 30

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show cluster user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show cluster

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 controller LongReachEthernet

Cisco IOS Commands

controller LongReachEthernet
Use the controller LongReachEthernet global configuration command to enter controller configuration mode. controller LongReachEthernet ctrlr#

Syntax Description


The Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) controller number. Controller numbers are device-specific. Valid entries are 0 to 23 for the Catalyst 2900 LRE XL.


There is no default.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enter controller submode. An LRE controller is the LRE chipset in the switch.


This example shows how to enter controller configuration mode for controller 0.
Switch(config)# controller Lo 0 Switch(config-controller)#

Related Commands

Command upgrade binary upgrade preserve

Description Configures upgrades on either end of an LRE link. Prevents an upgrade of the local customer premises equipment (CPE) controller and all remote CPE devices connected to it.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands cpe protected

cpe protected
Use the cpe protected interface configuration command to restrict data traffic to individual ports on Cisco 585 LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) ports. Use the no form of this command to allow different ports on the same CPE device to exchange data directly. cpe protected [port id] no cpe protected [port id]

Syntax Description

port id

(Optional) The CPE Ethernet port identifier. Valid values vary from 1 to 4, depending on CPE device.


The default is no cpe protected.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.1(11)YJ

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To ensure that data traffic from one CPE port is not accessed on any of the other three ports, use the cpe protected command. The cpe protected command restricts CPE traffic, either at the CPE device level or at the individual port level for data security. By specifying the cpe protected command without a CPE port, data is protected for all applicable CPE ports. By specifying the additional port id parameters, you can protect an indivdual CPE Ethernet port. When protecting individual CPE ports, always specify a minimum of two ports. A single port that is configured as protected has no effect. Data traffic does not flow between two ports that are protected.


This example show how to protect CPE port 1 on Long-Reach Ethernet 0/1:
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# interface long 0/2 Switch(config-if)# cpe protected port 1 Switch(config-if)#

Related Commands

Command show controllers lre cpe protected

Description Shows CPE protected port information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 debug lre

Cisco IOS Commands

debug lre
Use the debug lre privileged EXEC command to enable debugging of Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE)-related events. Use the no form to disable debugging. debug lre [controller | errors | profile | state | timing] no debug lre [controller | profile | state | timing]

Syntax Description

controller errors profile state timing

Display the customer premises equipment (CPE) device Ethernet interface control access and CPE timing information. Display certain types of unexpected events that mean that the switch is configured or operating in a nonstandard way. Display profile management events on the switch. Display state transition events of each switch LRE port. Display timing information.


The default is off.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device. This command was extended to support the display of timing information.

Usage Guidelines

If you use the debug lre command without providing a specific debug option, all LRE debug options are enabled. Conversely, if you use the no debug lre command without providing a specific debug option, all LRE debug options are disabled. You can enable and disable the LRE debug options on individual ports for the controller, profile, and state debug options. For example, the debug lre state interface-id command debugs the state transition events on a specific port. If a specific port is not provided, the debug option applies to all switch LRE ports. To troubleshoot LRE connectivity problems, use the debug lre state command to display the state machine transitions and the debug lre errors command to display other information that might explain unusual occurrences that could be affecting connectivity.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands debug lre


This example shows how to use the command to enable LRE controller event debugging on all switch LRE ports:
Switch# debug lre controller LRE Controller Events debugging is on

This is an example of output when the debug lre state option is enabled.
*Mar *Mar *Mar 1 02:11:39: LRE: Lo0/3: FSM_PROFILE_LINKUP: event:EVT_PORT_CONFIG_CHANGE 1 02:11:40: LRE: Lo0/3: FSM_PROFILE_APPLIED: event:EVT_LRE_LINK_DOWN 1 02:11:41: LRE: Lo0/3: FSM_PROFILE_APPLIED: event:EVT_LRE_LINK_UP

This example shows how to disable LRE controller event debugging:

Switch# no debug lre controller

This example shows show to enable debugging with timing information:

Switch# debug lre timing LRE Timing Information debugging is on Switch#

Related Commands

Command show controllers lre status

Description Displays the LRE link statistics and the profile information on a switch LRE port, including link state, link duration, data rates, power levels, signal-to-noise ratio, and Reed-Solomon errors.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 delete

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the delete privileged EXEC command to delete a file from the file system. delete {device:}filename

Syntax Description


Device containing the file to be deleted. Valid devices include the switch Flash memory and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) module files. To access the ATM module, specify the slot number (1 or 2). Name of file.


Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A colon (:) follows the device variable. Do not enter spaces after the colon.


This example shows how to delete the file atm_image from the file system for an ATM module installed in slot 1:
Switch# delete slot1:atm_image

This example shows how to delete a file from the switch Flash memory:
Switch# delete flash:filename

You can verify that the file was removed by entering the show flash: user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command copy tftp

Description Downloads a file from a TFTP server to a device.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands duplex

Use the duplex interface configuration command to specify the duplex mode of operation for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet ports. Use the no form of this command to return the port to its default value. duplex {full | half | auto} no duplex

Syntax Description

full half auto

Port is in full-duplex mode. Port is in half-duplex mode. Port automatically detects whether it should run in full- or half-duplex mode.


For 10/100, 100BASE-FX, and Gigabit ports, the default is auto.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 575 LRE CPE device. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device.

Usage Guidelines

Certain ports can be configured as either full duplex or half duplex. Applicability of this command depends on the device to which the switch is attached. For Fast Ethernet ports, setting the port to auto has the same effect as specifying half if the attached device does not autonegotiate the duplex parameter. For Gigabit Ethernet ports, setting the port to auto has the same effect as specifying full if the attached device does not autonegotiate the duplex parameter. If the speed is set to auto, the switch negotiates with the device at the other end of the link for the speed setting and then forces the speed setting to the negotiated value. The duplex setting remains as configured on each end of the link, which could result in a duplex setting mismatch. If both the speed and duplex are set to specific values, autonegotiation is disabled. This command is not supported on the ATM module. For CPE Ethernet ports, the default is half duplex with back pressure. You can change the duplex setting on the Cisco 575 LRE CPE device, but not on the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device. Duplex autonegotiation is supported on the Cisco 575 LRE CPE device, but not on the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device.


For guidelines on setting the switch speed and duplex parameters, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 duplex

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to set port 1 on a Fast Ethernet module installed in slot 2 to full duplex:
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet2/1 Switch(config-if)# duplex full

This example shows how to set port 1 on a Gigabit Ethernet module installed in slot 2 to full duplex:
Switch(config)# interface gigabitethernet2/1 Switch(config-if)# duplex full

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config speed

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Specifies the speed of a Fast Ethernet port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands errdisable detect cause

errdisable detect cause

Use the errdisable detect cause global configuration command to enable error disable detection for a UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) cause. Use the no form of this command to disable the error disable detection feature. errdisable detect cause {udld} no errdisable detect cause {udld}

Syntax Description


Enable error detection on udld.


Detection is enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Release 12.0(5)WC5

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A cause (udld) is defined as the reason why the error-disabled state occurred. When a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in error-disabled state, an operational state similar to link-down state. Use the errdisable recovery global configuration command to set a recovery mechanism for the cause. The switch re-enables the interface and tries the operation again when all causes have timed out. If you do not set a recovery mechanism, you must enter the shutdown and then the no shutdown commands to manually recover an interface from the error-disabled state.


This example shows how to enable error disable detection for the udld error-disable cause:
Switch(config)# errdisable detect cause udld

You can verify your setting by entering the show errdisable detect user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show errdisable detect

Description Displays errdisable detection information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 errdisable recovery

Cisco IOS Commands

errdisable recovery
Use the errdisable recovery global configuration command to configure the recovery mechanism variables. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting. errdisable recovery {cause {udld} | {interval interval} no errdisable recovery {cause {udld} | {interval interval}

Syntax Description

cause udld interval interval

Enable error disable to recover from a specific cause. Enable the timer to recover from the UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) error-disable state. Specify the time to recover from the specified error-disable state. The range is 30 to 86400 seconds. The same interval is applied to all causes.


Recovery is disabled for all causes. The default recovery interval is 300 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release Release 12.0(5)WC5

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A cause (udld) is defined as the reason why the error-disabled state occurred. When a cause is detected on an interface, the interface is placed in error-disabled state, an operational state similar to link-down state. Use this command to set a recovery mechanism for the cause. The switch re-enables the interface and tries the operation again when all causes have timed out. If you do not set a recovery mechanism, you must enter the shutdown and then the no shutdown commands to manually recover an interface from the error-disabled state.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands errdisable recovery


This example shows how to enable the recovery timer for the udld error-disable cause:
Switch(config)# errdisable recovery cause udld

This example shows how to set the timer to 500 seconds:

Switch(config)# errdisable recovery interval 500

You can verify your settings by entering the show errdisable recovery privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show errdisable recovery

Description Displays errdisable recovery timer information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 exit

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the exit VLAN database command to implement the proposed VLAN database, to increment the database configuration number, to propagate it throughout the administrative domain, and to return to privileged EXEC mode. exit

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The exit command implements all the configuration changes that you made since you entered VLAN database mode and uses them for the running configuration. This command returns you to privileged EXEC mode.


This example shows how to implement the proposed VLAN database and to exit to privileged EXEC mode:
Switch(vlan)# exit Switch#

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vlan brief user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands exit

Related Commands

Command abort apply

Description Abandons the proposed VLAN database, exits VLAN database mode, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration revision number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and remains in VLAN database mode. Resets the proposed database to the currently implemented VLAN database on the switch. Displays the parameters for all configured VLANs in the administrative domain. Shuts down (suspends) local traffic on the specified VLAN. Enters VLAN database mode from the command-line interface (CLI).


show vlan shutdown vlan vlan database

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 flowcontrol

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the flowcontrol interface configuration command on Gigabit Ethernet ports to control traffic rates during congestion. Use the no form of this command to disable flow control on the port. flowcontrol {asymmetric | symmetric} no flowcontrol

Syntax Description


Enable the local port to perform flow control of the remote port. If the local port is congested, it can request the remote port to stop transmitting. The local port requests that the remote port begin transmitting after the congestion clears. Enable the local port to perform flow control only if the remote port can also perform flow control of the local port. If the remote port cannot perform flow control, the local port also does not.



The default is asymmetric.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to configure the local port to support any level of flow control by the remote port:
Switch(config-if)# flowcontrol

This example shows how to configure the local port to control the traffic flow from the remote port:
Switch(config-if)# flowcontrol asymmetric

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show interface [interface-id] flow-control

Description Displays flow-control information for the specified port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre

hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre

Use the hw-module slot module-slot # lre upgrade lre privileged EXEC command to perform firmware upgrades on Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) systems. hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre [force] [{local ctrlr unit # | remote interface-id}]

Syntax Description

module-slot # force

Physical slot that connects the local (LRE switch) and remote (customer premises equipment [CPE] device) ends of the upgrade. (Optional) LRE binaries upgrade, even when the version of the LRE binary on the switch Flash memory and the LRE binary currently in use are the same. (Optional) The single LRE chipset for a controller at the local end of the LRE link. (Optional) One or more chipsets on a single CPE device at the remote end of the LRE link.

local ctrlr unit # remote interface-id


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre command to start an LRE upgrade these ways:

Upgrade all LRE local chipsets (controllers) and remote CPE devices by entering the hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre command with no additional parameters. Upgrade a single local LRE controller by entering the hw-module slot module-slot # lre upgrade command with the local parameter. Upgrade a single remote LRE CPE device by entering the hw-module slot module-slot # lre upgrade command with the remote parameter.

The force option allows users to upgrade an LRE binary on a local LRE controller or a remote LRE CPE device even though the device is already running the version of the desired LRE binary. The default behavior is not to upgrade LRE binaries that are already up-to-date. During an upgrade, users on the LRE links being upgraded experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet connectivity. All LRE local and remote upgrades run concurrently and take 3 to 6 minutes to complete. The IOS CLI remains available while an LRE upgrade is in progress. Once started, an LRE upgrade can only be stopped by physically changing the remote CPE device or by reloading the IOS software on the Ethernet switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre

Cisco IOS Commands

Under most circumstances, configuration for upgrades is not necessary.


This example shows how to start a system-wide LRE upgrade:

Switch# hw-module slot 0 upgrade lre You are about to start an LRE upgrade on all LRE interfaces. Users on LRE links being upgraded will experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet connectivity. Start LRE upgrade ? [yes]: Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting Starting remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/1. remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/2 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/3 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/4 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/5 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/6 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/7 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/8 upgrade on local controller LongReachEthernet 0 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/9 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/10 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/11 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/12 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/13 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/14 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/15 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/16 upgrade on local controller LongReachEthernet 1 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/17 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/18 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/19 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/20 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/21 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/22 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/23 remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/24 upgrade on local controller LongReachEthernet 2

This example shows how to start an LRE upgrade on a single LRE controller in a switch. In this example, LongRangeEthernet 0 causes an LRE upgrade on controller 0 in the switch.
Switch# hw-module slot 0 upgrade lre local lo 0 You are about to start an LRE upgrade on local controller LongReachEthernet 0. Users on LRE links being upgraded will experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet connectivity. Start LRE upgrade ? [yes]: Starting Upgrade on local controller LongReachEthernet 0

This example shows how to start an LRE upgrade on a single CPE device. In this example, LongRangeEthernet 0/1 causes an LRE upgrade to run on the CPE device connected to LRE link LongRangeEthernet 0/1.
Switch# hw-module slot 0 upgrade lre remote lo 0/1 You are about to start an LRE upgrade on CPE Lo0/1. Users on LRE links being upgraded will experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet connectivity.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands hw-module slot module-slot # upgrade lre

Start LRE upgrade ? [yes]: Starting remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/1

This example shows what happens when you attempt to upgrade firmware without using the force option.
Switch# hw-module slot 0 upgrade lre remote lo 0/1 You are about to start an LRE upgrade on CPE Lo0/1. Users on LRE links being upgraded will experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet connectivity. Start LRE upgrade ? [yes]: No upgrade required on CPE Lo0/1

This example shows the output when you attempt to upgrade current firmware on a CPE device by using the force option:
Switch# hw-module slot 0 upgrade lre force remote lo 0/1 You are about to start an LRE upgrade on CPE Lo0/1. Users on LRE links being upgraded will experience a temporary disruption of Ethernet connectivity. Start LRE upgrade ? [yes]: Starting remote upgrade on CPE Lo0/1 Switch#

Related Commands

Command controller LongReachEthernet show lre upgrade binaries show lre upgrade status show lre upgrade version

Description Entry for controller submode. Displays the LRE binaries present on the system Flash memory. Displays the upgrade status on all ports in the switch. Displays the version of binaries on local and remote ends of an LRE link.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 interface

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the interface global configuration command to configure an interface type, to create a switch virtual interface to be used as the management VLAN interface, and to enter interface configuration mode. interface type slot/port | vlan number no interface type slot/port | vlan number

Syntax Description

type slot port vlan number

Type of interface to be configured. Can be Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, or Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Slot number (0, 1, or 2). For an ATM module, use slot number 1 or 2. Port ID. VLAN number from 1 to 1001 to be used as the management VLAN. Do not enter leading zeros.


The default management VLAN interface is VLAN 1.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

When creating a management VLAN interface, a space between vlan and number is accepted. Only one management VLAN interface can be active. You cannot delete the management VLAN 1 interface. Before bringing up a new management VLAN interface with the no shutdown command, you must enter the shutdown command to disable the old one. You can use the management command to shut down the active management VLAN interface and to enable the newly created management VLAN interface. You can configure the management VLAN interface on static-access, multi-VLAN, dynamic-access, and trunk ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands interface


This example shows how to enable the switch to act on ATM interface 1/2:
Switch(config)# interface atm 1/2 Switch(config-if)#

This example shows how to change the management VLAN from VLAN 1 to VLAN 3. Enter this series of commands only from the console. If you enter these commands through a Telnet session, the shutdown command disconnects the session, and you cannot to use IP to access the system.
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# interface vlan 3 Switch(config-subif)# ip address Switch(config-subif)# exit Switch(config-if)# exit Switch(config)# interface vlan 1 Switch(config-subif)# shutdown Switch(config-subif)# exit Switch(config-if)# exit Switch(config)# interface vlan 3 Switch(config-subif)# no shutdown Switch(config-subif)# exit Switch(config-if)# exit

This example shows how to change the management VLAN from VLAN 1 to VLAN 3 through a Telnet session. In this situation, the management command shuts down VLAN 1 and brings up VLAN 3. The Telnet session must be re-established through the new management VLAN.
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# interface vlan 3 Switch(config-subif)# ip address Switch(config-subif)# management

This example shows how to copy the IP address and the network mask information from the current management VLAN to VLAN 3 and to make VLAN 3 the new management VLAN:
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# interface vlan 3 Switch(config-subif)# management

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show interface and show interface vlan number commands in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command management show interface shutdown

Description Shuts down the current management VLAN interface and enables the new management VLAN interface. Displays the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port. Disables a port and shuts down the management VLAN.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 ip address

Cisco IOS Commands

ip address
Use the ip address interface configuration command to set an IP address for a switch. Use the no form of this command to remove an IP address or to disable IP processing. ip address ip-address subnet-mask no ip address ip-address subnet-mask

Syntax Description

ip-address subnet-mask

IP address. Mask for the associated IP subnet.


No IP address is defined for the switch.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A switch can have one IP address. The IP address of the switch can be accessed only by nodes connected to ports that belong to the management VLAN. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1, but you can configure a different VLAN as the management VLAN. If you remove the IP address through a Telnet session, your connection to the switch will be lost. If your switch receives its IP address from a Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and you remove the switch IP address by using the no ip address command, IP processing is disabled, and the BOOTP or DHCP server cannot reassign the address.


This example shows how to configure the IP address for the switch on a subnetted network:
Switch(config)# interface vlan 1 Switch(config-if)# ip address

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config clear mac-address-table

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Deletes an IP address for a switch without disabling the IP processing.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands ip igmp filter

ip igmp filter
Use the ip igmp filter interface configuration command to apply an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) profile to an interface and to prevent hosts on an interface from joining one or more IP multicast groups. Use the no form of this command to remove a specified profile from an interface. ip igmp filter profile number no ip igmp filter profile number

Syntax Description

profile number

The range is from 1 to 4294967295.


No IGMP filtering profiles are assigned to an interface.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The same IGMP profile can be applied to more than one switch port interface.


This example shows how to apply an IGMP filtering profile to an interface:

Switch(config-if)# ip igmp filter 30

You can verify your settings by entering the show ip igmp profile profile number user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command ip igmp profile show ip igmp profile

Description Defines a new IGMP filtering profile. Displays the details of an IGMP filtering profile entry.

show running-config interface interface name Displays the running configuration on the switch, including any profiles assigned to a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 ip igmp max-groups

Cisco IOS Commands

ip igmp max-groups
Use the ip igmp max-groups interface configuration command to specify the maximum number of Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) groups that can be active on a port. ip igmp max-groups number

Syntax Description


The maximum number of IGMP filtering groups that can be active on a port. The range is from 0 to 256.


No maximum number of IGMP groups are defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

There is no limit to the number of multicast groups that a port can join. If 0 is specified as the maxgroups value for an interface, that interface cannot join any multicast groups.


This example shows how to limit the number of IGMP groups that an interface can join to 25.
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 0/12 Switch(config-if)# ip igmp max-groups 25

You can verify your setting by using the show running-configuration privileged EXEC command and by specifying an interface.
Switch# show running-config interface fastethernet 0/12 Building configuration... Current configuration :124 bytes ! interface FastEthernet0/12 no ip address shutdown snmp trap link-status ip igmp max-groups 25 ip igmp filter 22 end

You can verify your settings by entering the show running-config interface interface configuration command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands ip igmp max-groups

Related Commands

Command ip igmp profile show ip igmp profile

Description Applies an IGMP filtering profile to an interface. Displays the details of an IGMP filtering profile entry.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 ip igmp profile

Cisco IOS Commands

ip igmp profile
Use the ip igmp profile global configuration command to create an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) profile and to enter IGMP profile configuration mode. From this mode, you can specify the configuration of the IGMP profile. Use the no form of this command and a profile number to delete an IGMP profile. ip igmp profile profile number no ip igmp profile profile number

Syntax Description

profile number

The IGMP profile being created. The range is 1 to 4294967295.


No IGMP profiles are defined. When a profile configured, the default action is to deny the addresses in the profile.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you are in IGMP profile configuration mode, you can create the profile by using these keywords:

deny: specifies that matching addresses are denied; this is the default. permit: specifies that matching address are permitted. range: adds a range to the set range of IP address. This can be a single IP address or a range with start and end addresses. exit: saves changes to the IGMP profile and exits from IGMP profile configuration mode. no: negates the command or sets it to the defaults.


This example shows how to create an IGMP filtering profile:

host1# config terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. host1(config)# ip igmp profile 30 host1(config-igmp-profile)# host1(config-igmp-profile)# deny host1(config-igmp-profile)# range host1(config-igmp-profile)# range host1(config-igmp-profile)# end host1#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands ip igmp profile

Related Commands

Command ip igmp profile show ip igmp profile show running-config interface

Description Applies an IGMP filtering profile to an interface. Displays the details of an IGMP filtering profile entry. Displays the running configuration on the switch, including any profiles assigned to a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 login authentication

Cisco IOS Commands

login authentication
Use the login authentication line configuration command to enable authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) for logins. Use the no form of this command to either disable Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) authentication for logins or to return to the default. login authentication {default | list-name} no login {default | list-name}

Syntax Description

default list-name

Use the default list created with the AAA authentication login command. Use the indicated list created with the AAA authentication login command.


Login authentication is disabled.

Command Modes

Line configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To create a default list that is used if no list is specified in the login authentication command, use the default keyword followed by the methods that you want used in default situations. The default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces.


This example shows how to specify TACACS+ as the default method for user authentication during login:
Switch(config)# aaa new-model Switch(config)# aaa authentication login default tacacs Switch(config)# line vty 0 4 Switch(config-line)# login authentication default tacacs

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command enable password password show running-config username

Description Specifies a local password to control access to various privilege levels. Specifies a password on a line. Displays the running configuration on the switch. Establishes a username-based authentication system.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre log

lre log
Use the lre log interface configuration command to specify the mode in which LRE events are logged. Use the no form of the command to turn off logging of events. lre log {disable | event | extended | normal | maximum} no lre log {disable | event | extended | normal | maximum}

Syntax Description

disable event extended normal maximum

Disable logging for this port. Log events only. Log events and all possible parameters. Log events and some typical parameters. Set event log maximum buffer size.


The default is normal.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is not needed for nominal operation of the switch. However, it can be used as a diagnostic tool to analyze activity on the switch. The maximum number of events that can be logged on a per-port basis is 50. Eventually, the log overwrites itself when full.


This example of the lre log command shows how to disable the log:
Switch (config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre log disable Switch (config-if)#

This example of the lre log command shows how to set logging for state machines:
Switch (config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre log event Switch (config-if)#

This example of the lre log command shows how to extend event logging to include all possible parameters:
Switch (config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre log extended Switch (config-if)#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre log

Cisco IOS Commands

This example of the lre log command shows how to add some typical parameters to logging events for state machines:
Switch (config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre log normal Switch (config-if)#

This example of the lre log command shows how to not allow logging to be disabled:
Switch (config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# no lre log Switch (config-if)#

Related Commands

Command clear controllers lre log show controllers lre log

Description Deletes the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific LRE port or for all switch LRE ports. Displays the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific LRE port or all switch LRE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre patchfile

lre patchfile
Use the lre patchfile global configuration command to specify the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) patch file used when the switch starts up. lre patchfile patchfile-name no lre patchfile patchfile-name


Do not use the lre patchfile command on the switch without Cisco assistance. This command is for updating the LRE switch patch file in future maintenance releases. Contact Cisco Systems for information about the Cisco LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) device.

Syntax Description


Name of the LRE patch file for the switch.


The default name of the LRE patch file is flash:e2rb.bin.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced. The no keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The switch LRE interface might require software maintenance releases referred to as patches. Each patch provides a complete set of LRE features. To take advantage of the full feature set, the LRE switch and the connected CPE device should use the same patch version. Currently, patch 50 is supported. If you use this command to change to a different patch file, the change takes effect on the next reload only if you have saved this change to the startup configuration. If you rename the patch file, use the new name when using this command. If you use the no keyword, the patchfile is ignored when the system starts. Use the show controllers lre version privileged EXEC command to display the patch version used by the LRE switch and the CPE devices.


This example shows how to use the lre patchfile e2rb.bin command:
Switch(config)# lre patchfile flash:e2rb.bin Switch(config)#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre patchfile

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands



show controllers lre version Displays the version number of the hardware, software, and patch software components of the switch LRE interface and the CPE LRE interface. debug lre Enable debugging of LRE-related events.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre persistence

lre persistence
Use the lre persistence interface configuration command to set the amount of delay before the link reports a link failure. Use the no form of the command to return to the default settting. lre persistence delay no lre persistence delay

Syntax Description


The amount of time delay; valid values can be 1 to 20 seconds.


The default is 3 seconds.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5) WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter the lre persistence command before the link enters the profile link-up mode. If the link is already in the profile link-up mode when you enter the persistence value, the new value does not go into effect immediately. Instead, it becomes effective after the profile link goes down and then comes back up again.


This example of the lre persistence command establishes a 1-second delay before the link reports a failure:
Switch(config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre persistence 1 Switch(config-if)#

Related Commands

Command show controllers lre status

Description Displays the status of persistence.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre profile

Cisco IOS Commands

lre profile
Use the lre profile interface configuration command to add a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) profile to a to a specific switch LRE port. Use the no form of this command to return the port to the default profile. lre profile profile-name no lre profile profile-name

Syntax Description


Name of the profile. The profile name can be a Cisco-supplied profile or a user-created profile. See the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide for further details on Cisco-supplied profiles.


The LRE-10 private profile is the default profile on each switch LRE port.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC2 12.0(5)WC4 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced. Asynchronous and low-latency (LL) profiles were added. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device. Additional system-defined profiles were added.

Usage Guidelines

You can use a private profile if the LRE switch is not used with equipment connected to a public switched telephone network (PSTN). The switch supports a variety of private profiles that offer different link speeds and maximum distances. In general, the higher the link speed, the shorter the maximum distance. Private profiles are assigned on a per-port basis. The ports on an LRE switch can be assigned the same or different private profiles. Each switch LRE port always has a private profile assigned to it. The LRE-10 profile is the default. Public profiles have priority over private profiles. If you assign a public profile to the switch, the switch uses the public profile and ignores any private profile assigned to the switch LRE ports. If a public profile is configured on the switch and you want the switch LRE ports to use private profiles, you must first disable the public profile by using the no lre profile global global configuration command. When you assign a different profile to a switch LRE port, the port immediately applies and uses the newly assigned profile. Before you add an LRE switch to a cluster, make sure that you assign it the same public profile that is used by other LRE switches in the cluster. A configuration conflict occurs if a switch cluster has LRE switches using both private and public profiles. If one LRE switch in a cluster is assigned a public profile, all LRE switches in that cluster must have that same public profile. A cluster can have a mix of LRE switches using different private profiles. For more information about clusters, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre profile

For a complete list of considerations for using LRE profiles, refer to the LRE Links and LRE Profiles section in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.


This example shows how to assign the LRE-4 private profile to the switch LRE port 1:
Switch(config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre profile LRE-15 Switch(config-if)#

Related Commands

Command lre profile global show controllers lre profile names show controllers lre profile details

Description Assigns a public profile to all switch LRE ports. Displays information about the LRE profiles available on the switch. Displays information about how the LRE profiles are assigned to the switch LRE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre profile global

Cisco IOS Commands

lre profile global

Use the lre profile global global configuration command to assign a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) public profile to all switch LRE ports. lre profile global profile-name no lre profile global

Syntax Description


Name of the public profile, either PUBLIC-ANSI or PUBLIC-ETSI.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device

Usage Guidelines

We strongly recommend using a public profile if the switch is used with equipment directly connected to a public switched telephone network (PSTN) without a private branch exchange (PBX) between the LRE switch and the public telephone lines. When the switch is configured with a public profile, all LRE ports use the same configuration to prevent the switch from causing interference with the other lines on the PSTN.


Consult the regulations for connecting to the PSTN in your area.


Cisco LRE products can share lines with analog, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and digital private branch exchange (PBX) switch telephones that use the 0 to 700 kHz frequency range. Digital telephones connected to digital PBX switches that use frequencies above 700 kHz do not work when sharing a line with LRE signals. Due to the proprietary nature of PBX switches, some digital PBX switch services use frequencies above 700 kHz. The standards for spectral profiles have not yet been ratified. The PUBLIC-ANSI profile corresponds to ANSI Plan 998. The PUBLIC-ETSI profile corresponds to ETSI Plan 997. Both plans are draft standards. ANSI and ETSI requirements can vary. The PUBLIC-ANSI and PUBLIC-ETSI profiles are not meant to apply to all conditions. Contact Cisco Systems for the latest information about standards ratification or for updates to the public profiles.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre profile global

Each switch LRE port always has a private profile assigned to it. The LRE-10 profile is the default. Public profiles have priority over private profiles. If you assign a public profile to the switch, the switch uses the public profile and ignores any private profile assigned to the switch LRE ports. If a public profile is configured on the switch and you want the switch LRE ports to use private profiles, you must first disable the public profile by using the no lre profile global global configuration command. When you assign a different profile to a switch LRE port, the port immediately resets and uses the newly assigned profile. Before you add an LRE switch to a cluster, make sure that you assign it the same public profile that is used by other LRE switches in the cluster. A configuration conflict occurs if a switch cluster has LRE switches using both private and public profiles. If one LRE switch in a cluster is assigned a public profile, all LRE switches in that cluster must have that same public profile. A cluster can have a mix of LRE switches using different private profiles. For more information about clusters, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide. For a complete list of considerations for using LRE profiles, refer to the LRE Links and LRE Profiles section in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.


This example shows how to use the lre profile global PUBLIC-ANSI command:
Switch(config)# lre profile global PUBLIC-ANSI

You can verify your settings by entering the show controllers lre profile privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command lre profile show controllers lre profile names show controllers lre profile details

Description Assigns a private profile to a specific switch LRE port. Displays information about the LRE profiles available on the switch. Displays information about how the LRE profiles are assigned to the switch LRE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre rate selection sequence

Cisco IOS Commands

lre rate selection sequence

Use the lre rate selection sequence global configuration command to assign the rate selection sequence for the entire switch. Use the no form of the command to delete the assigned sequence. lre rate selection sequence sequenceName no lre rate selection sequence sequenceName

Syntax Description


Name of the rate selection sequence being applied.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(6)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The lre rate selection sequence command applies the sequence to all port that have rate selection enabled. The command is rejected if the sequence is not configured with a profile. When rate selection is enabled, profiles and sequences follow a predefined priority scheme that determines the rate for a port or for the entire switch. These are the priority levels with rate selection enabled, from highest to lowest:
1. 2. 3. 4.

Public profile Port sequence Global sequence Port profile


This example shows how to specify the sequence named lre-seq-upstream:

Switch(config)# lre rate selection sequence lre-seq-upstream Switch(config)#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre rate selection sequence

Related Commands

Command lre rate selection sequence lre sequence rate selection rate selection sequence show controllers lre sequence

Description Assigns a sequence to the entrire switch. Creates user-defined rate selection sequences. Enables rate selection on a specific port. Assigns a rate selection sequence for a specific port. Displays the list of sequences.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre reset

Cisco IOS Commands

lre reset
Use the lre reset interface configuration command to reset the switch Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) interface or the Cisco LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) interface. lre reset [local | remote | micro]

Syntax Description

local remote micro

Resets the switch LRE interface. Resets the LRE interface for the CPE device. Resets the microcontroller in the Cisco 585 CPE device.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to troubleshoot LRE port performance. The lre reset micro command is not supported on the Cisco 575 LRE CPE device.


This example shows how to reset switch LRE port 1:

Switch(config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre reset local

This example shows how to reset the Cisco 575 LRE CPE device that is connected to switch LRE port 1:
Switch(config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre reset remote

This example shows how to reset the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device that is connected to switch LRE port 1:
Switch(config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre reset micro

Related Commands

Command lre shutdown

Description Disables the LRE transmitter of an LRE interface that not being used.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre sequence

lre sequence
Use the lre sequence global configuration command to define a new sequence and to enter sequence configuration mode. Use the no form of the command to delete a user-configured sequence. lre sequence sequence-name no lre sequence sequence-name

Syntax Description


Name of the rate selection sequence being created or modified.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(6)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command creates a new sequence when the sequence name specified in the command does not match any of the existing configured sequences. When the sequence-name specified in the command matches a configured sequence, a new sequence is not created. The profiles can be edited from the sequence configuration mode. However, the system-defined sequences cannot be edited. If the sequence specified in this command is a system-defined sequence, the command is rejected. An error message appears if the sequence name matches the name of a system-defined sequence. Use the exit command to return to global configuration mode.


This example shows how to specify the a user-defined sequence called myseq.
Switch# configure t Switch(config)# lre sequence myseq Switch(config-seq)#

This example shows how to create a user-defined sequence called corpseq, with two profiles in that sequence.
Switch# configure t Switch(config)# lre Switch(config-seq)# Switch(config-seq)# Switch(config-seq)# Switch(config)# sequence corpseq profile lre-15-5 profile lre-15-3 exit

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre sequence

Cisco IOS Commands

This example show the error message when trying to edit a system-defined sequence.
Switch(config)# lre sequence lre-seq-complete-reach Error:Sequence LRE-SEQ-COMPLETE-REACH is a system defined sequence. Cannot edit this sequence Switch(config)#

This example shows how a user-defined sequence is deleted.

Switch# configure t Switch(config)# no lre sequence myseq Switch(config-seq)# exit Switch(config)#

Related Commands

Command lre rate selection sequence profile

Description Assigns sequences globally. Adds a profile to a sequence.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre shutdown

lre shutdown
Use the lre shutdown interface configuration command to disable the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) transmitter of an LRE interface. lre shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to disable the LRE transmitter of an LRE interface. Under some circumstances, the power emitted by switch LRE ports can affect other switch LRE ports. We recommend that you use this commnd to shut down ports that are not connected to CPE devices. Use this command to also disable access to the switch from a particular port.


This example shows how to deactivate the LRE link on switch LRE port 1:
Switch(config)# interface lo0/1 Switch(config-if)# lre shutdown

Related Commands

Command lre reset

Description Resets the switch LRE interface or the CPE LRE interface.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 lre upgrade default family device-family binary

Cisco IOS Commands

lre upgrade default family device-family binary

Use the lre upgrade default family global configuration command to define a map between a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) device type and an LRE binary. lre upgrade default family device-family [model model [revision revision]] binary LRE binary no lre upgrade default family device-family [model model [revision revision]] binary LRE binary

Syntax Description

device-family model revision LRE binary

Type of device that contains the chipset to be upgraded. Valid values are CISCO575-LRE, CISCO585-LRE, and CISCO2900-LRE. (Optional) Model number of the device family, for example, a model could be CISCO585-LRE. (Optional) Revision of the target device. LRE binary file being applied.


No default is defined. The system selects the binary file.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.1(11)YJ

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the lre upgrade default family device-family binary configuration command to override the default behavior for upgrading LRE firmware. This command is useful when you want to upgrade all CPE devices or local controllers of a given family to an LRE binary version.


The name of the LRE binary must by entered as it appears on Flash memory. Use show lre upgrade binaries to determine the flash file name of an LRE binary.


This example shows how to configure all CISCO585-LRE CPE devices to upgrade and use LRE binary file CISCO-585-LRE_vdslsngl_51.00.00:
Switch(config)# lre upgrade default family CISCO585-LRE binary CISCO585-LRE_vdslsngl_51.00.00.bin Switch(config)#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands lre upgrade default family device-family binary

Related Commands

Command controller LongReachEthernet show lre upgrade binaries show lre upgrade version upgrade binary upgrade preserve

Description Entry for controller submode. Displays the LRE binaries present on the system Flash memory. Displays the version of binaries on local and remote ports in the switch. Configures upgrades on either end of an LRE link. Prevents an upgrade of the local CPE controller and all remote CPE devices connected to it.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mac-address-table aging-time

Cisco IOS Commands

mac-address-table aging-time
Use the mac-address-table aging-time global configuration command to set the length of time that a dynamic entry remains in the MAC address table after the entry is used or updated. Use the no form of this command to use the default aging-time interval. The aging time applies to all VLANs. mac-address-table aging-time age no mac-address-table aging-time

Syntax Description


Number from 10 to 1000000 (seconds).


The default is 300 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If hosts do not transmit continuously, increase the aging time to record the dynamic entries for a longer time. This can reduce the possibility of flooding when the hosts transmit again.


This example shows how to set the aging time to 200 seconds:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table aging-time 200

You can verify the previous command by entering the show mac-address-table user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command clear mac-address-table mac-address-table dynamic mac-address-table secure port block show cgmp show mac-address-table

Description Deletes entries from the MAC address table. Adds dynamic addresses to the MAC address table. Adds secure addresses to the MAC address table. Blocks the flooding of unknown unicast or multicast packets to a port. Displays the state of the CGMP-learned multicast groups and routers. Displays the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mac-address-table dynamic

mac-address-table dynamic
Use the mac-address-table dynamic global configuration command to add dynamic addresses to the MAC address table. Dynamic addresses are automatically added to the address table and dropped from it when they are not in use. Use the no form of this command to remove dynamic entries from the MAC address table. mac-address-table dynamic hw-addr interface [atm slot/port] [vlan vlan-id] no mac-address-table dynamic hw-addr [vlan vlan-id]

Syntax Description

hw-addr interface atm slot/port vlan vlan-id

MAC address added to or removed from the table. Port to which packets destined for hw-addr are forwarded. (Optional) Add dynamic addresses to ATM module in slot 1 or 2. The port is always 0 for an ATM interface. (Optional) The interface and vlan parameters together specify a destination to which packets destined for hw-addr are forwarded. The vlan keyword is optional if the port is a static-access or dynamic-access VLAN port. The VLAN assigned to the port is then assumed to be that of the port associated with the MAC address.

When this command is entered on a dynamic-access port, queries to the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) do not occur. The VMPS cannot verify that the address is allowed or determine to which VLAN the port should be assigned. Use this command only for testing purposes.

The vlan keyword is required for multi-VLAN and trunk ports. This keyword is required on trunk ports to specify to which VLAN the dynamic address is assigned. The vlan-id is the ID of the VLAN to which packets destined for hw-addr are forwarded. Valid IDs are 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added. The atm keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable vlan-id is omitted and the no form of the command is used, the MAC address is removed from all VLANs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mac-address-table dynamic

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to add a MAC address on port fa1/1 to VLAN 4:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table dynamic 00c0.00a0.03fa fa1/1 vlan 4

You can verify the previous command by entering the show mac-address-table user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command clear mac-address-table mac-address-table aging-time mac-address-table static show mac-address-table

Description Deletes entries from the MAC address table. Specifies the length of time that a dynamic entry remains in the MAC address table after the entry is used or updated. Adds static addresses to the MAC address table. Displays the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mac-address-table notification

mac-address-table notification
Use the mac-address-table notification global configuration command to enable the MAC address notification feature and to configure the notification-trap interval or history table. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature or return to the default setting. mac-address-table notification [interval seconds] | [history-size value] no mac-address-table notification [interval seconds] | [history-size value]

Syntax Description

interval interval

(Optional) Configures the notification trap interval in seconds. The range is from 0 to 2147483647. The switch sends notification traps only after this interval has elapsed. (Optional) Configures the maximum number of entries in the MAC notification history table. The range is from 1 to 500. When this command is issued, the previous table is deleted, and a new table is created.

history-size size


MAC notification feature is disabled. The default trap interval value is one second. The default number of entries in the history table is one.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The MAC notification feature sends SNMP traps when a MAC address is learned or deleted from the forwarding tables.


You must use the snmp-server enable traps mac-notification global configuration command to enable MAC address traps on the switch before enabling the MAC notification feature. Use the mac-address-table notification command without keywords to enable or disable the feature. Use this command with the interval or history-size keywords to configure the trap interval or the maximum number of entries in the MAC notification history table.


The interval seconds and history-size value keywords must be entered as separate commands. Use the no mac-address-table notification interval global configuration command to reset the MAC notification history table size to the default of 1 second.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mac-address-table notification

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the no mac-address-table notification history-size global configuration command to reset the MAC notification history table size to the default of one.


This example shows how to enable the MAC notification feature:

Switch(config)# mac-address-table notification

This example shows how to set the notification trap interval to 60 seconds:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table notification interval 60

This example shows how to set the number of entries in the history table to 32:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table notification history-size 32

You can verify this command by entering the show mac-address-table notification user EXEC command.

Related Commands

snmp-server enable traps mac-notification Enables the MAC-notification traps on a port. show mac-address-table notification Displays MAC-notification parameters.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mac-address-table secure

mac-address-table secure
Use the mac-address-table secure global configuration command to add secure addresses to the MAC address table. Use the no form of this command to remove secure entries from the MAC address table. mac-address-table secure hw-addr interface [atm slot/port] [vlan vlan-id] no mac-address-table secure hw-addr [vlan vlan-id]

Syntax Description

hw-addr interface atm slot/port vlan vlan-id

MAC address that is added to the table. Port to which packets destined for hw-addr are forwarded. (Optional) Add secure address to the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) module in slot 1 or 2. The port is always 0 for an ATM interface. (Optional) The interface and vlan parameters together specify a destination to which packets destined for hw-addr are forwarded. The vlan keyword is optional if the port is a static-access VLAN port. The VLAN assigned to the port is then assumed to be that of the port associated with the MAC address. This keyword is required for multi-VLAN and trunk ports. The vlan-id is the ID of the VLAN to which secure entries are added. Valid IDs are 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added. The atm keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Secure addresses can be assigned only to one port at a time. Therefore, if a secure address table entry for the specified MAC address and VLAN already exists on another port, it is removed from that port and assigned to the specified one. Dynamic-access ports cannot be configured with secure addresses.


This example shows how to add a secure MAC address to VLAN 6 of port fa1/1:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table secure 00c0.00a0.03fa fa1/1 vlan 6

This example shows how to add a secure MAC address to ATM port 2/1:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table secure 00c0.00a0.03fa atm 2/1

You can verify the previous command by entering the show mac-address-table user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mac-address-table secure

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command clear mac-address-table mac-address-table aging-time mac-address-table dynamic mac-address-table static show mac-address-table

Description Deletes entries from the MAC address table. Specifies the length of time that a dynamic entry remains in the MAC address table after the entry is used or updated. Adds dynamic addresses to the MAC address table. Adds static addresses to the MAC address table. Displays the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mac-address-table static

mac-address-table static
Use the mac-address-table static global configuration command to add static addresses to the MAC address table. Use the no form of this command to remove static entries from the MAC address table. mac-address-table static hw-addr in-port out-port-list [atm slot/port] [vlan vlan-id] no mac-address-table static hw-addr [in-port in-port] [out-port-list out-port-list] [vlan vlan-id]

Syntax Description

hw-addr in-port

MAC address to add to the address table. Input port from which packets received with a destination address of hw-addr are forwarded to the list of ports in the out-port-list. The in-port must belong to the same VLAN as all the ports in the out-port-list. List of ports to which packets received on ports in in-port are forwarded. All ports in the list must belong to the same VLAN. (Optional) Add static addresses to Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) module in slot 1 or 2. The port is always 0 for an ATM interface. (Optional) The interface and vlan parameters together specify a destination to which packets destined for the specified MAC address are forwarded. The vlan keyword is optional if all the ports specified by in-port and out-port-list are static-access VLAN ports. The VLAN assigned to the ports is assumed. This keyword is required for multi-VLAN and trunk ports. Dynamic-access ports cannot be included in static addresses as either the source (inport) or destination (outport). The vlan keyword is required on trunk ports to specify to which VLAN the static address is assigned. The vlan-id is the ID of the VLAN to which static address entries are forwarded. Valid IDs are 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros.

out-port-list atm slot/port vlan vlan-id

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added. The atm keyword was added.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mac-address-table static

Cisco IOS Commands

Usage Guidelines

When a packet is received on the input port, it is forwarded to the VLAN of each port that you specify for the out-port-list. Different input ports can have different output-port lists for each static address. Adding a static address already defined as one modifies the port map (vlan and out-port-list) for the input port specified. If the variable vlan-id is omitted and the no form of the command is used, the MAC address is removed from all VLANs. Traffic from a static address is only accepted from a port defined in the in-port variable. Dynamic-access ports cannot be configured as the source or destination port in a static address entry.


This example shows how to add a static address with port 1 as an input port and ports 2 and 8 of VLAN 4 as output ports:
Switch(config)# mac-address-table static c2f3.220a.12f4 fa0/1 fa0/2 fa0/8 vlan 4

You can verify the previous command by entering the show mac-address-table user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command clear mac-address-table mac-address-table aging-time mac-address-table dynamic mac-address-table secure show mac-address-table

Description Deletes entries from the MAC address table. Specifies the length of time that a dynamic entry remains in the MAC address table after the entry is used or updated. Adds dynamic addresses to the MAC address table. Adds secure addresses to the MAC address table. Displays the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands management

Use the management interface configuration command to shut down the current management VLAN interface and to enable the new management VLAN interface. The management VLAN is the VLAN used for managing a cluster of switches. To use this VLAN for switch management, apply this VLAN to a switched virtual interface or to the management interface. The default management VLAN is VLAN 1; however, it can be changed to a new management interface on a different VLAN with valid IDs from 1 to 1001. This command also copies the current management VLAN IP information to the new management VLAN interface if no new IP address or network mask is provided. It also copies the cluster standby group configuration to the new management VLAN. management

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XP

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

No default management or no management command exists to return the management VLAN to its default state. The management command is not written to the configuration file, and it is not displayed in the output of the show running-config privileged EXEC command. Before entering the management command, make sure that these conditions exist:

You must be able to move your network management station to a switch port assigned to the same VLAN as the new management VLAN. (Depending on your network topology, you might not need to move your network management station: for example, you have ISL routing configured on a router between two VLANs.) Connectivity through the network must exist from the network management station to all switches involved in the management VLAN change. The switch must already have a port assigned to the same VLAN as the management VLAN.

Use the management command to change the management VLAN on a single switch. Use the global cluster management-vlan n configuration command on the command switch to change the management VLAN on the entire cluster.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 management

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to shut down the current management VLAN interface and start VLAN 2 as the management VLAN:
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# interface vlan 2 Switch(config-subif)# ip address Switch(config-subif)# management Switch(config-subif)# exit Switch(config)#

This example shows how to copy the IP address and network mask from the current management VLAN to VLAN 2 and make VLAN 2 the management VLAN:
Switch# configure terminal Switch(config)# interface vlan 2 Switch(config-subif)# management Switch(config-subif)# exit Switch(config)#

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface vlan number user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command cluster management-vlan interface vlan

Description Changes the management VLAN for the entire cluster. Configures an interface type, creates a switch virtual interface to be used as the management VLAN interface, and enters interface configuration mode. Displays the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port.

show interface vlan number

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands margin

Use the margin interface configuration command to specify the margin value used to determine link quality during Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) rate selection. Use the no form of this command to restore the default value. margin {downstream value | upstream value} no margin {downstream value | upstream value}

Syntax Description

downstream value upstream value

The value at the remote end of the link. Valid entries are from 0 to 10 dB. The value at the local end of the link. Valid entries are from 0 to 10 dB.


The default is 0 dB.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When rate selection is running, the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) shows the link quality. The switch does not provide any internal mechanism to assure link quality. There can be different requirements for link quality, depending on the required bit-error rate and the noise level of the environment. A noisier environment would require a higher SNR to be able to provide a stable link. A lower bit-error rate would require a higher SNR. Typically a 6-dB margin provides an error rate of 10-21 bits. In order to provide link stability, you should add a margin to the required SNR. You can configure your margins to an amount that is appropriate for the noise level of your environment. Increasing the margin requirement can cause the system to choose a lower profile, which would in turn translate to a lower rate but with a longer reach. The switch does not guarantee any margins after a link is activated. Margins are only guaranteed when the link is established. When a link is activated, if the SNR requirements do not match the configured margin level, the link is not established. Downstream means the remote end of the link and upstream the local end. The link has to satisfy both the local and remote margin requirements. If either one is not met, the link is advertised as down. This command has no significance if rate selection is not running on this interface.


Setting a margin requirement might cause the system to choose another profile, which might translate to a lower rate but a longer reach. For a full discussion of link stability and margins, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 margin

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to specify a margin of 2 dB for both upstream and downstream. If the SNR is 2 dB above the theoretical minimum for the chosen profile when the link is established, the link is classified as down, and the next profile in the sequence is attempted.
Switch(config-if)# margin upstream 2 downstream 2 Switch(config-if)#

This example shows show to specify a margin of 1 dB for downstream:

Switch(config-if)# margin downstream 1 Switch(config-if)#

Related Commands

Command lre rate selection sequence rate selection rate selection sequence

Description Assigns a rate selection sequence for the entire switch. Enables rate selection on a specific port. Assigns a rate selection sequence for a specific port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mvr (global configuration)

mvr (global configuration)

Use the mvr global configuration command without keywords to enable the multicast VLAN registration (MVR) feature on the switch. Use the no form of this command to disable MVR and its options. Use the command with keywords to set the maximum time to wait for a query reply before removing a port from group membership and to specify the MVR multicast VLAN. Use the no form of the commands to return the switch to the default settings. mvr [group ip-address [count] [querytime value] [vlan vlan-id] ] no mvr [group ip-address [count] [querytime value] [vlan vlan-id] ]

Syntax Description

group ip-address

Statically configure an MVR group IP multicast address on the switch. Use the no form of this command to remove a statically configured IP multicast address or contiguous addresses or, when no IP address is entered, to remove all statically configured MVR IP multicast addresses.

querytime value

(Optional) Set the maximum time to wait for IGMP report memberships on a receiver port. This time only applies to receiver-port leave processing. When an IGMP query is sent from a receiver port, the switch waits for the default or configured MVR querytime for an IGMP group membership report before removing the port from multicast group membership. The value is the response time in units of tenths of a second. The default is 0.5 second. Use the no form of the command to return to the default setting.

vlan vlan-id

Specify the VLAN on which MVR multicast data is expected to be received. This is also the VLAN to which all the source ports belong.


MVR is disabled. The switch hardware determines the maximum number of MVR entries. No IP multicast addresses are configured on the switch. The default count is 1. The default query response time is 0.5 second. The default multicast VLAN is VLAN 1.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mvr (global configuration)

Cisco IOS Commands

Usage Guidelines

The switch hardware determines the maximum number of MVR entries. Use the mvr group command to statically set all the IP multicast addresses that will take part in MVR. Any multicast data sent to a configured multicast address is sent to all the source ports on the switch and to all receiver ports that have registered to receive data on that IP multicast address.


The mvr group command prevents adding IP multicast addresses that cause address aliasing. Each IP multicast address translates to a multicast 48-bit MAC address. If the IP address being configured translates (aliases) to the same 48-bit MAC address as a previously configured IP multicast address, the command fails. The mvr querytime parameter applies only to receiver ports. You should configure the query time before enabling MVR and configuring the static multicast groups. You can change the query time after MVR is enabled, but you receive a warning message:
Warning: Changing MVR query response time while MVR is running.

Set the MVR multicast VLAN before the multicast addresses are configured. If it is necessary to change the multicast VLAN, disable MVR, change the VLAN number, and then reenable MVR. Previously configured groups are restored.


This example shows how to enable MVR:

Switch(config)# mvr

This example shows how to disable MVR:

Switch(config)# no mvr

Use the show mvr privileged EXEC command to display the setting for maximum multicast groups. This example shows how to configure as an IP multicast address:
Switch(config)# mvr group

This command fails because of address aliasing:

Switch(config)# mvr group Cannot add this IP address - aliases with previously configured IP address

This example shows how to configure ten contiguous IP multicast groups with multicast addresses from to
Switch(config)# mvr group 10

This example shows how to delete the previously configured ten IP multicast addresses:
Switch(config)# no mvr group 10

This example shows how to delete all previously configured IP multicast addresses:
Switch(config)# no mvr group

Use the command show mvr members to display the IP multicast group addresses configured on the switch. This example shows how to set the maximum query response time as 1 second (10 tenths):
Switch(config)# mvr querytime 10

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mvr (global configuration)

This example shows how to return the maximum query response time to the default setting of 0.5 second:
Switch(config)# no mvr querytime

This example shows how to set VLAN 2 as the multicast VLAN:

Switch(config)# mvr vlan 2

You can verify your settings by entering the show mvr privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command mvr (interface configuration) show mvr show mvr members show mvr interface

Description Configures MVR source or receiver ports. Displays MVR global parameters or port parameters. Displays all receiver ports that are members of an MVR multicast group. Displays the configured MVR interfaces.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mvr (interface configuration)

Cisco IOS Commands

mvr (interface configuration)

Use the mvr interface configuration command to configure a port as a multicast VLAN registration (MVR) receiver or source port and set the Immediate Leave feature. Use the no form of the commands to return the port to the default settings. mvr {type {source | receiver} | immediate} no mvr {type {source | receiver} | immediate}

Syntax Description

type value

(Optional) Configure the port as an MVR receiver port or source port. The default port type is neither an MVR source nor receiver port. The no mvr type command resets the port to the default.


Configure the port as an uplink port that can send and receive multicast data for the configured multicast groups. All source ports on a switch belong to a single multicast VLAN. Configure the port as a subscriber port that can only receive multicast data. Receiver ports cannot belong to the multicast VLAN. Enable the Immediate Leave feature of MVR on a port. Use the no form of this command to disable the feature.

receiver immediate


A port is configured as neither receiver nor source. The Immediate Leave feature is disabled on all ports. No receiver port is a member of any configured multicast group.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Configure a port as a source port if that port should be able to both send and receive multicast data bound for the configured multicast groups. Multicast data is received on all ports configured as source ports. Configure a port as a receiver port if that port should only be able to receive multicast data and should not be able to send multicast data to the configured multicast groups. None of the receiver ports receives multicast data unless it sends an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) group join message for a multicast group.


For the Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, all receiver ports must belong to the same VLAN and must not be trunk ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands mvr (interface configuration)

A port that is not taking part in MVR should not be configured as an MVR receiver port or source port. This port is a normal switch port and is able to send and receive multicast data with normal switch behavior. The Immediate Leave feature applies only to receiver ports. When the Immediate Leave feature is enabled, a receiver port leaves a multicast group more quickly. When the switch receives an IGMP leave message from a group on a receiver port, it sends out an IGMP query on that port and waits for IGMP group membership reports. If no reports are received in a configured time period, the receiver port is removed from multicast group membership. With Immediate Leave, an IGMP query is not sent from the receiver port on which the IGMP leave was received. As soon as the leave message is received, the receiver port is removed from multicast group membership, thus speeding up leave latency. Enable the Immediate Leave feature only on receiver ports to which a single receiver device is connected. All receiver ports must be on the same VLAN and cannot be trunk ports. A receiver configured as a static member of a multicast group remains a member until statically removed from membership. MVR does not support IGMP dynamic joins. You must configure static multicast addresses for receiver ports. The receiver VLAN is the VLAN to which the first configured receiver port belongs. If the first receiver port is a dynamic port with an unassigned VLAN, it becomes an inactive receiver port and does not take part in MVR until it is assigned to the receiver VLAN. The receiver VLAN is reset whenever there are no remaining receiver ports on the switch (active or inactive), which means that the receiver VLAN might change every time the first receiver port is configured.


This example shows how to configure port 0/1 as an MVR receiver port:
Switch(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 Switch(config-if)# mvr type receiver

This example shows how to configure port 0/3 as an MVR source port:
Switch(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/3 Switch(config-if)# mvr type source

This example shows how to remove port 0/1 from taking part in MVR:
Switch(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 Switch(config-if))# no mvr

This example shows how to display configured receiver ports and source ports.: Switch# show mvr interface
MVR PORTS Port: Fa0/1 Type: RECEIVER Status: ACTIVE Port: Fa0/2 Type: RECEIVER Status: ACTIVE Port: Fa0/3 Type: SOURCE Status: ACTIVE

This example shows how to enable Immediate Leave on Fast Ethernet port 0/1:
Switch(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 Switch(config-if)# mvr immediate

This example shows how to disable Immediate Leave on port 0/1:

Switch(config)# interface FastEthernet 0/1 Switch(config-if)# no mvr immediate

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 mvr (interface configuration)

Cisco IOS Commands

To display whether or not Immediate Leave is enabled on an interface, use the command show mvr for the interface as in this example:
Switch# show mvr interface fastethernet 0/1 Interface: Fa0/1 Immediate Leave: FALSE

Use the show mvr members privileged EXEC command to display the multicast group address, the VLAN, and the receiver port.

Related Commands

Command mvr (global configuration) show mvr show mvr members show mvr interface

Description Enables multicast VLAN registration on the switch. Displays MVR global parameters or port parameters. Displays all receiver ports that are members of an MVR multicast group. Displays the configured MVR ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands ntp broadcast client

ntp broadcast client

Use the ntp broadcast client interface configuration command to allow the system to receive Network Time Protocol (NTP) broadcast packets on an interface. Use the no form of the command to disable this capability. ntp broadcast client no ntp broadcast client

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Broadcast client mode is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to allow the system to listen to broadcast packets on an interface-by-interface basis. Enter this command on the management VLAN interface. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1, but you can configure a different VLAN as the management VLAN.


This example shows how to synchronize the router to NTP packets that are broadcast on interface VLAN1:
Switch(config-if)# interface vlan1 Switch(config-if)# ntp broadcast client

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 ntp broadcast destination

Cisco IOS Commands

ntp broadcast destination

Use the ntp broadcast destination interface configuration command to configure a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server or peer to restrict the broadcast of NTP frames to the IP address of a designated client or a peer. Use the no form of the command to return the setting to its default. ntp broadcast destination IP-address no ntp broadcast destination

Syntax Description


IP address or host name of a designated client or a peer.


No IP address or host name is assigned.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command on the management VLAN interface. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1, but you can configure a different VLAN as the management VLAN.


This example shows how to restrict the broadcast of NTP frames to a specific IP address:
Switch(config-if)# interface vlan1 Switch(config-if)# ntp broadcast destination

Related Commands

Command ntp broadcast client

Description Allows the system to receive NTP broadcast packets on an interface.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands ntp broadcast key

ntp broadcast key

Use the ntp broadcast key interface configuration command to configure a Network Time Protocol (NTP) server or peer to broadcast NTP frames with the authentication key that is embedded in the NTP packet. Use the no form of the command to return the setting to its default. ntp broadcast key number no ntp broadcast key

Syntax Description


The NTP authentication key that is embedded in the NTP packet. The range is from 0 to 4294967295.


No NTP broadcast key is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command on the management VLAN interface. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1, but you can configure a different VLAN as the management VLAN.


This example shows how to assign an authentication key to outgoing NTP frames:
Switch(config)# interface vlan1 Switch(config-if)# ntp broadcast key 1

Related Commands

Command ntp broadcast client

Description Allows the system to receive NTP broadcast packets on an interface.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 ntp broadcast version

Cisco IOS Commands

ntp broadcast version

Use the ntp broadcast interface configuration command to specify that a specific interface should send Network Time Protocol (NTP) broadcast packets. Use the no form of the command to disable this capability. ntp broadcast version number no ntp broadcast

Syntax Description


The range is 1 to 3.


Version 3 is the default.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Cisco IOS uses NTP version 3 by default. If the network (NTP server) is using NTP version 2, and synchronization does not occur, use NTP version 2. Enter this command on the management VLAN interface. By default, the management VLAN is VLAN 1, but you can configure a different VLAN as the management VLAN.


This example shows how to configure interface VLAN 1 to send NTP version 2 packets:
Switch(config-if)# interface vlan1 Switch(config-if)# ntp broadcast version 2

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command ntp broadcast client show running-config

Description Allows the system to receive NTP broadcast packets on an interface. Displays the running configuration on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands ntp max-associations

ntp max-associations
Use the ntp max-associations global configuration command to set the maximum number of Network Time Protocol (NTP) associations that are allowed on a server. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature. ntp max-associations [number] no ntp max-associations

Syntax Description


(Optional) Specify the number of NTP associations. The range is from 0 to 4294967295.


The number of NTP associations is 100.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command can control the number of peers that can use the switch to synchronize to it through NTP. After you enable a switch as an NTP server, use this command to set the maximum number of associations that are allowed on a server.


This example shows how to set the maximum number of NTP associations to 44:
Switch(config)# ntp max-associations 44

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 ntp source

Cisco IOS Commands

ntp source
Use the ntp source global configuration command to use a particular source address in Network Time Protocol (NTP) packets. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified source address. ntp source interface no ntp source

Syntax Description


Any valid system interface name.


No source address is defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command when you want to use a particular source IP address for all NTP packets. The address is taken from the specified interface. This command is useful if the address on an interface cannot be used as the destination for reply packets. If the source keyword is present on an ntp server or ntp peer command, that value overrides the global value.


This example shows how to configure the switch to use the IP address of VLAN1 as the source address of all outgoing NTP packets:
Switch(config)# ntp source vlan1

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command ntp source show running-config

Description Allows the switch system clock to be synchronized by a time server. Displays the running configuration on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands port block

port block
Use the port block interface configuration command to block the flooding of unknown unicast or multicast packets to a port. Use the no form of this command to resume normal forwarding. port block {unicast | multicast} no port block {unicast | multicast}

Syntax Description

unicast multicast

Packets with unknown unicast addresses are not forwarded to this port. Packets with unknown multicast addresses are not forwarded to this port.


Flood unknown unicast and multicast packets to all ports.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The port block command cannot be entered for a network port. If a trunk port is not a network port, the unicast keyword applies. The multicast keyword is supported on trunk ports. Both port block features affect all the VLANs associated with the trunk port.


This example shows how to block the forwarding of multicast and unicast packets to a port:
Switch(config-if)# port block unicast Switch(config-if)# port block multicast

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show port block user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port block

Description Displays the blocking of unicast or multicast flooding to a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 port group

Cisco IOS Commands

port group
Use the port group interface configuration command to assign a port to a Fast EtherChannel or Gigabit EtherChannel port group. Up to 12 port groups can be created on a switch. Any number of ports can belong to a destination-based port group. Up to eight ports can belong to a source-based port group. Use the no form of this command to remove a port from a port group. port group group-number [distribution {source | destination}] no port group

Syntax Description

group-number distribution {source | destination}

Port group number to which the port belongs. The range is from 1 to 12. (Optional) Forwarding method for the port group.

sourceSet the port to forward traffic to a port group based on the packet source address. This is the default forwarding method. destinationSet the port to forward traffic to a port group based on the packet destination address.


Port does not belong to a port group. The default forwarding method is source.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

An Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) port is the only port that cannot belong to a port group. For all other ports, these restrictions apply:

Do not group Fast Ethernet and Gigabit ports together. No port group member can be configured for Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) port monitoring. No port group member can be enabled for port security. You can create up to 12 port groups. You can have source-based port groups and destination-based source groups. A source-based port group can have up to eight ports in its group. A destination-based port group can contain an unlimited number of ports in its group. You cannot mix source-based and destination-based ports in the same group. You can independently configure port groups that link switches, but you must consistently configure both ends of a port group.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands port group

Port group members must belong to the same set of VLANs and must be all static-access, all multi-VLAN, or all trunk ports. Dynamic-access ports cannot be grouped with any other port, not even with other dynamic-access ports.

When a group is first formed, the switch automatically sets these parameters to be the same on all ports:

VLAN membership of ports in the group VLAN mode (static, multi, trunk) of ports in the group Encapsulation method of the trunk Native VLAN configuration if the trunk uses IEEE 802.1Q Allowed VLAN list configuration of the trunk port Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Port Fast option STP port priority STP path cost Network port configuration for source-based port group Protected port

Configuration of the first port added to the group is used when setting the above parameters for other ports in the group. After a group is formed, changing any parameter in the above list changes the parameter on all other ports. Use the distribution keyword to customize the port group to your particular environment. The forwarding method you choose depends on how your network is configured. However, source-based forwarding works best for most network configurations. This command is not supported on the ATM modules or on Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) ports..


This example shows how to add a port to a port group by using the default source-based forwarding:
Switch(config-if)# port group 1

This example shows how to add a port to a group by using destination-based forwarding:
Switch(config-if)# port group 2 distribution destination

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show port group user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port group

Description Displays the ports that belong to a port group.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 port monitor

Cisco IOS Commands

port monitor
Use the port monitor interface configuration command to enable Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN) port monitoring on a port. Use the no form of this command to return the port to its default value. port monitor [interface | vlan vlan-id] no port monitor [interface | vlan vlan-id]

Syntax Description

interface vlan vlan-id

(Optional) Module type, slot, and port number for the SPAN to be enabled. The interface specified is the port to be monitored. (Optional) ID of the VLAN to be monitored.

VLAN 1 is the only valid option.


Port does not monitor any other ports.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced. The vlan keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Enabling port monitoring without specifying a port causes all other ports in the same VLAN to be monitored. Entering the port monitor vlan 1 command causes monitoring of all traffic to and from the IP address configured on VLAN 1. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) ports are the only ports that cannot be monitor ports. However, you can monitor ATM ports. These restrictions apply for ports that have port-monitoring capability:

A monitor port cannot be in a Fast EtherChannel or Gigabit EtherChannel port group. A monitor port cannot be enabled for port security. A monitor port cannot be a multi-VLAN port. A monitor port must be a member of the same VLAN as the port monitored. VLAN membership changes are not allowed on monitor ports and ports being monitored. A monitor port cannot be a dynamic-access port or a trunk port. However, a static-access port can monitor a VLAN on a trunk, a multi-VLAN port, or a dynamic-access port. The VLAN monitored is the one associated with the static-access port. Port monitoring does not work if both the monitor and monitored ports are protected ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands port monitor


This example shows how to enable port monitoring on port fa0/2:

Switch(config-if)# port monitor fa0/2

You can verify the previous command by entering the show port monitor user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port monitor

Description Displays the ports for which SPAN port monitoring is enabled.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 port network

Cisco IOS Commands

port network
Use the port network interface configuration command to define a port as the switch network port. All traffic with unknown unicast addresses is forwarded to the network port on the same VLAN. Use the no form of this command to return the port to the default value. port network no port network

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No network port is defined.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

These restrictions apply to network ports:

A network port can be a static-access port, a multi-VLAN port, a port group, or a trunk port. Both the multi-VLAN port and the trunk port become the network port for all the VLANs associated with that port. A network port cannot be an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM), a secure, a monitor, a protected, or a dynamic-access port. You can assign a dynamic-access port to a VLAN in which another port is the network port. Each VLAN can have one network port. A network port cannot be in a destination-based port group. A network port cannot be on an ATM module. A network port cannot be a protected port.


This example shows how to set a port as a network port:

Switch(config-if)# port network

You can verify the previous command by entering the show port network privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port network

Description Displays the network port defined for the switch or VLAN.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands port protected

port protected
Use the port protected interface configuration command to isolate unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic at Layer 2 from other protected ports on the same switch. Use the no form of the command to disable the protected port. port protected no port protected

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


No protected port is defined. A protected port does not forward any unicast, multicast, or broadcast traffic to any other protected port. A protected port continues to forward and receive unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic to and from unprotected ports.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The port protection feature is local to the switch; communication between protected ports on the same switch is possible only through a Layer 3 device. To prevent communication between protected ports on different switches, you must configure the protected ports for unique VLANs on each switch and configure a trunk link between the switches. A protected port cannot be a network port. Port monitoring does not work if both the monitor and monitored ports are protected ports. A protected port is different from a secure port.


This example shows how to enable a protected port on interface fa0/3:

Switch(config)# interface fa0/3 Switch(config-if)# port protected

You can verify the previous command by entering the show port protected user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port protected

Description Displays the ports that are in port-protected mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 port security

Cisco IOS Commands

port security
Use the port security interface configuration command to enable port security on a port, to set the aging time for dynamic and static secure address entries, and to restrict the use of the port to a user-defined group of stations. Use the no form of this command to return the port to its default value. port security [action {shutdown | trap} | aging | max-mac-count addresses] no port security

Syntax Description

action {shutdown | trap}

(Optional) Action to take when an address violation occurs on this port.

shutdownDisable the port when a security violation occurs. trapGenerate a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap when a security violation occurs.

aging {time time}

(Optional) Enable port security aging for this port and set the aging time. The range is 0 to 1440 minutes. If aging time is 0, aging is disabled for the port. (Optional) The maximum number of secure addresses that this port can support. The range is from 1 to 132.

max-mac-count addresses


Port security is disabled. When enabled, the default action is to generate an SNMP trap. The port security aging feature is disabled. The default time is 0.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To enable aging for all dynamic and static secure addresses on a particular port, set the aging time to a value other than 0 for that port. If you specify trap, use the snmp-server host global configuration command to configure the SNMP trap host to receive traps. These restrictions apply to secure ports:

A secure port cannot belong to a Fast EtherChannel or Gigabit EtherChannel port group. A secure port cannot have Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) port monitoring enabled on it. A secure port cannot be a multi-VLAN port. A secure port cannot be a network port.

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Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands port security

A secure port cannot be an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) port. A secure port cannot be a dynamic-access port or a trunk port.


This example shows how to enable port security and what action the port takes in case of an address violation (shutdown).
Switch(config-if)# port security action shutdown

This example shows how to set the port security aging time to 2 hours on port 1.
Switch(config)# interface fa0/1 Switch(config-if)# port security aging time 120

This example shows how to set the maximum number of addresses that the port can learn to 8.
Switch(config-if)# port security max-mac-count 8

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show port security privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port security

Description Displays the port security settings defined for the port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 port storm-control

Cisco IOS Commands

port storm-control
Use the port storm-control interface configuration command to enable broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm control on a port. Use the no form of this command to disable storm control or one of the storm-control parameters on the port. port storm-control {broadcast | multicast | unicast} {{action {filter | shutdown} | threshold {rising rising-number falling falling-number} | trap}} no port storm-control {broadcast | multicast | unicast}

Syntax Description

{broadcast | multicast | unicast} Determine the type of packet-storm suppression.

broadcastEnable broadcast storm control on the port. multicastEnable multicast storm control on the port. unicastEnable unicast storm control on the port. filterFilter traffic during a storm. shutdownDisable the port during a storm. rising rising-numberBlock the flooding of storm packets when the value specified for rising-number is reached. The rising-number is 0 to 4294967295 packets per second. falling falling-numberRestart the normal transmission of broadcast packets when the value specified for falling-number is reached. The falling-number is 0 to 4294967295 packets per second.

{action {filter | shutdown}

(Optional) Determine the type of action to perform.

threshold {rising rising-number falling falling-number}

Defines the rising and falling thresholds.


(Optional) Generate a Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) trap when the traffic on the port crosses the rising or falling threshold. Traps are generated only for broadcast traffic and not for unicast or multicast traffic.


Broadcast, multicast, and unicast storm control are disabled. The rising thresholds are 500 broadcast packets per second, 2500 multicast packets per second, and 5000 unicast packets per second. The falling thresholds are 250 broadcast packets per second, 1200 multicast packets per second, and 2500 unicast packets per second.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands port storm-control

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The multicast, unicast, action, and shutdown keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

Do not set the rising and falling thresholds to the same value.


This example shows how to enable broadcast storm control on a port. In this example, transmission is inhibited when the number of broadcast packets arriving on the port reaches 1000 and is restarted when the number drops to 200.
Switch(config-if)# port storm-control broadcast threshold rising 1000 falling 200

You can verify the previous command by entering the show port storm-control user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show port storm-control

Description Displays the packet storm-control information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 power inline

Cisco IOS Commands

power inline
Use the power inline interface configuration command to determine how inline power is applied to the device on the specified Fast Ethernet port of the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch. Use the no form of this command to return the setting to its default. power inline {auto | never} no power inline

Syntax Description

auto never

Automatically detect and power inline devices. Never apply inline power.


Power is applied when a telephone is detected on the port (auto).

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to always apply power to the port:

Switch(config-if)# power inline auto

You can verify the previous command by entering the show power inline privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show power inline switchport priority extend switchport voice vlan

Description Displays the power status for the specified port or for all ports. Determines how the inline device connected to the specified port handles priority traffic received on its incoming port. Configures the voice VLAN on the port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands profile

Use the profile sequence configuration command to add a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) profile to a rate selection sequence. Use the no form of this command to delete a profile from the sequence. profile profile-name no profile profile-name

Syntax Description


Name of the profile. The profile name can be a Cisco-supplied profile or a user-created profile. See the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide for further details on Cisco-supplied profiles.


The default is LRE-10.

Command Modes

Sequence mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you add an LRE profile to a sequence, the profile is added to a first-in, first-out (FIFO) queue. Rate selection attempts to establish a link with the first profile in the queue. If the link is not established in that profile, rate selection uses the next profile in the queue. You cannot add a profile in the middle of the sequence or queue. You cannot add or delete a profile from a system-defined sequence. In order to add a profile to a user-defined sequence in the middle of a sequence, you would first need to delete the most recent profiles. Although you can delete a profile from a sequence, you cannot change a sequence configuration if it is in use by an interface. You also cannot add or delete a profile from a system-defined sequence. For a complete list of considerations for using LRE profiles and profile sequences, refer to the LRE Links and LRE Profiles section in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.


This example shows how to assign the LRE-4 profile to the SEQ2DOWNSYM sequence:
Switch(config)# lre sequence seq2down Switch(config-seq)# profile LRE-4 Switch(config-seq)#

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Chapter 2 profile

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command lre rate selection sequence lre sequence rate selection rate selection sequence

Description Assigns the rate selection sequence for the entire switch. Defines a new sequence. Enables rate selection on a specific port. Assigns a rate selection sequence for a specific port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands rate selection

rate selection
Use the rate selection interface configuration command to enable rate selection on a port. Use the no form of this command to disable rate selection on ports already configured for rate selection. rate selection no rate selection

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The default is that rate selection is enabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use this command to enable rate selection on a port. The rate selection command does not cause rate selection to start. To start rate selection, a sequence needs to be assigned to a port. This command does not specify a sequence. Use the rate selection sequence command or the lre rate selection sequence command to specify a sequence. If rate selection is disabled on the switch and a global sequence is also configured on the switch, configuring rate selection at the port sequence level causes rate selction to run. Rate selection runs because the port sequences have precedence over global sequences.


This example shows how to disable the rate selection feature on a port.
Switch(config-if)# no rate selection Switch(config-if)#

Related Commands

Command rate selection sequence lre rate selection sequence

Description Assigns a sequence on a port. Assigns a sequence for the entire switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 rate selection profile lock

Cisco IOS Commands

rate selection profile lock

Use the rate selection profile lock interface configuration command to lock a profile in a port that is enabled for rate selection. Use the no form of the command to unlock a profile in a port. rate selection profile lock no rate selection profile lock

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command does not enable rate selection. It only has significance when a sequence is assigned to a port. If rate selection is already converged on the port, this command causes the profile chosen by rate selection to immediately lock. During the lock process, the name of the profile appends to the end of this command. For example, if rate selection converges on LRE-15 and you enter this command, the resulting locked configuration looks like this:
rate selection profile lock LRE-15

If rate selection is not already converged on the port, this command has no immediate effect. However, when rate selection converges for that port, the profile is locked immediately, and the output of the running configuration is saved as in this example.


This example locks a profile to a port that is running rate selection:

Switch(config-if)# rate selection profile lock Switch(config-if)#

Related Commands

Command rate selection sequence lre rate selection sequence show controllers lre status sequence

Description Assigns a sequence on a port. Assigns a sequence for the entire switch. Displays information about the profiles and sequences when the sequence parameter is specified.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands rate selection sequence

rate selection sequence

Use the rate selection sequence interface configuration command to assign a sequence to a port and to start rate selection. The no form of the command removes a specific rate selection sequence on a port. rate selection sequence sequenceName no rate selection sequence sequenceName

Syntax Description


The name of the sequence being applied to the port. Refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide for a names of system-supplied sequences.

Command Modes

Interface configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

A sequence is a list of profiles. Using this command overrides the default profile of LRE-10 and assigns a sequence of your choice. When rate selection is enabled, profiles and sequences follow a predefined priority scheme that determines the rate for a port or for the entire switch. These are the priority levels with rate selection enabled, from highest to lowest:
1. 2. 3. 4.

Public profile Port sequence Global sequence Port profile

Cisco provides a set of preconfigured sequences, called system-defined sequences. System-defined sequences cannot be modified. Users can create and modify their own sequences by using the lre profile command. For further details on profiles, sequences and their priority scheme, see Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.


This example of the rate selection sequence command applies the sequence, CISCO-COMPLETE-SEQUENCE to the port:
Switch(config-if)# rate selection sequence CISCO-COMPLETE-SEQUENCE Switch(config-if)#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 rate selection sequence

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command rate selection show controllers lre sequence

Description Enables rate selection on ports already configured for rate selection. Displays the list of sequences.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands rcommand

Use the rcommand user EXEC command to start a Telnet session and to enter commands on a member switch from the command switch. To end the session, enter the exit command. rcommand {n | commander | mac-address hw-addr}

Syntax Description

n commander mac-address hw-addr

Provide the number that identifies a cluster member. The range is from 0 to 15. Provide access to the command switch from a member switch. MAC address of the member switch.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the switch is the command switch but the member switch n does not exist, an error message appears. To obtain the switch number, enter the show cluster members privileged EXEC command from the command switch. You can use this command to access a member switch from the command-switch prompt or to access a command switch from the member-switch prompt. For Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, the Telnet session accesses the member-switch command-line interface (CLI) at the same privilege level as on the command switch. For example, if you enter this command at user level on the cluster command switch, the member switch is accessed at user level. If you use this command on the command switch at privileged level, the command accesses the remote device at privileged level. If you use an intermediate enable-level lower than privileged, access to the member switch is at user level. For Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches running standard edition software, the Telnet session accesses the menu console (the menu-driven interface) if the command switch is at privilege level 15. If the command switch is at privilege level 1, you are prompted for the password before being able to access the menu console. Command switch privilege levels map to the member switches running standard edition software as follows:

If the command switch privilege level is from 1 to 14, the member switch is accessed at privilege level 1. If the command switch privilege level is 15, the member switch is accessed at privilege level 15.

The Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 CLI is available only on switches running Enterprise Edition Software. This command does not work if the vty lines of the command switch have access-class configurations. You are not prompted for a password because the member switches inherited the password of the command switch when they joined the cluster.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 rcommand

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to start a session with member 3. All subsequent commands are directed to member 3 until you enter the exit command or close the session.
Switch> rcommand 3 Switch-3> show version Cisco Internet Operating System Software ... ... Switch-3> exit Switch>

Related Commands

Command show cluster members

Description Displays information about the cluster members.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands reset

Use the reset VLAN database command to abandon the proposed VLAN database and to remain in VLAN database mode. This command resets the proposed database to the currently implemented VLAN database on the switch. reset

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to abandon the proposed VLAN database and to reset to the VLAN database:
Switch(vlan)# reset Switch(vlan)#

You can verify the previous command by entering the show changes and show proposed VLAN database commands.

Related Commands

Command abort apply

Description Abandons the proposed VLAN database, exits VLAN database mode, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration revision number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Displays the differences between the VLAN database currently on the switch and the proposed VLAN database. Displays the proposed VLAN database or a selected VLAN from it. Shuts down (suspends) local traffic on the specified VLAN. Enters VLAN database mode from the command-line interface (CLI).


show changes show proposed shutdown vlan vlan database

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 rmon collection stats

Cisco IOS Commands

rmon collection stats

Use the rmon collection stats interface configuration command to collect Ethernet group statistics. The Ethernet group statistics include utilization statistics about broadcast and multicast packets, and error statistics about Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) alignment errors and collisions. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting. rmon collection stats index [owner name] no rmon collection stats index [owner name]

Syntax Description

index owner name

Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) collection control index. The range is from 1 to 65535. (Optional) Owner of the RMON collection.


The RMON statistics collection is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The RMON statistics collection command is based on hardware counters.


This example shows how to collect RMON statistics for the owner root on interface fa01:
Switch(config)# interface fa0/1 Switch(config-if)# rmon collection stats 2 owner root

You can verify this command by entering the show rmon statistics command in user EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show rmon statistics

Description Displays RMON statistics. Refer to the Cisco IOS Release 12.0 documentation on for information about this command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands session

Use the session privileged EXEC command to log into the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) module operating system and to start a command-line interface (CLI) session. Enter the exit command, or press Ctrl-G to return to the switch command-line interface. session number

Syntax Description


Slot number (1 or 2).

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to log in to the ATM module number 1:

Switch# session 1

Related Commands

Command exit

Description Exits the session with the ATM module and returns you to the CLI.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show cgmp

Cisco IOS Commands

show cgmp
Use the show cgmp user EXEC command to display the state of the Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP)-learned multicast groups and routers. show cgmp [state | holdtime | [vlan vlan-id] | [group [address] | router [address]]] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

state holdtime vlan vlan-id group address

(Optional) Display whether CGMP is enabled or not, whether Fast Leave is enabled or not, and the router port timeout value. (Optional) Display the router port timeout value in seconds. (Optional) Limit the display to the specified VLAN. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001; do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display all known multicast groups and the destination ports. Limited to given VLAN if vlan keyword is entered; limited to a specific group if the address variable is entered. The address is the MAC address of the group. (Optional) Display all routers, their ports, and expiration times. Limited to a given VLAN if the vlan keyword entered; limited to a specific router if the address variable is entered. The address is the MAC address of the router. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

router address

| begin | exclude | include expression

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays CGMP information about known routers and groups, as well as whether CGMP is enabled, whether Fast Leave is enabled, and the value of the router timeout. If show cgmp is entered with no arguments, all information appears.


This is an example of output from the show cgmp command.

Switch> show cgmp CGMP is running. CGMP Fast Leave is not running. CGMP Allow reserved address to join GDA. Default router timeout is 300 sec.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show cgmp

vLAN -----1 1

IGMP MAC Address ----------------0100.5e01.0203 0100.5e00.0128

Interfaces ----------Fa0/8 Fa0/8

vLAN -----1

IGMP Router ----------------0060.5cf3.d1b3

Expire -------197 sec

Interface ---------Fa0/8

Related Commands

Command cgmp clear cgmp

Description Enables CGMP. Also enables and disables the Fast Leave parameter and sets the router port aging time. Deletes information that was learned by the switch by using CGMP.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show changes

Cisco IOS Commands

show changes
Use the show changes VLAN database command to display the differences between the VLAN database on the switch and the proposed VLAN database. You can also display the differences between the two for a selected VLAN. show changes [vlan-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the VLAN in the current or proposed database. If this variable is omitted, all the differences between the two VLAN databases are displayed, including the pruning state and version 2 mode. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

| begin | exclude | include expression

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show changes command. It displays the differences between the current and proposed databases.
Switch(vlan)# show changes DELETED: VLAN ISL Id: 4 Name: VLAN0004 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100004 State: Operational MTU: 1500 DELETED: VLAN ISL Id: 6 Name: VLAN0006 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100006 State: Operational MTU: 1500 MODIFIED: VLAN ISL Id: 7 Current State: Operational Modified State: Suspended

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show changes

This is an example of output from the show changes 7 command. It displays the differences between VLAN 7 in the current and proposed database.
Switch(vlan)# show changes 7 MODIFIED: VLAN ISL Id: 7 Current State: Operational Modified State: Suspended

Related Commands

Command show current show proposed

Description Displays the VLAN database on the switch or a selected VLAN from it. Displays the proposed VLAN database or a selected VLAN from it.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show cluster

Cisco IOS Commands

show cluster
Use the show cluster user EXEC command to display the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. This command can be entered on command and member switches. show cluster [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the switch is not a command switch or a member switch, the command displays an empty line at the prompt. On a member switch, this command displays the identity of the command switch, the switch member number, and the state of its connectivity with the command switch. On a command switch, this command displays the cluster name and the number of members. It also shows the cluster status and length of time since the status changed. If redundancy is enabled, it displays the primary and secondary command-switch information.
cluster member

If you enter this command on a switch that is not a cluster member, the error message Not a management appears.


This is an example of output when this command is entered on the active command switch:
Switch> show cluster Command switch for cluster "Ajang" Total number of members: Status: Time since last status change: Redundancy: Standby command switch: Standby Group: Standby Group Number: Heartbeat interval: Heartbeat hold-time: Extended discovery hop count:

7 1 members are unreachable 0 days, 0 hours, 2 minutes Enabled Member 1 Ajang_standby 110 8 80 3

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show cluster

This is an example of output when this command is entered on a member switch:

Switch1> show cluster Member switch for cluster "mcluster" Member number: Management IP address: Command switch mac address: Heartbeat interval: Heartbeat hold-time:

3 0000.0c07.ac14 8 80

This is an example of output when this command is entered on a member switch that is configured as the standby command switch:
Switch> show cluster Member switch for cluster "mcluster" Member number: Management IP address: Command switch mac address: Heartbeat interval: Heartbeat hold-time:

3 (Standby command switch) 0000.0c07.ac14 8 80

This is an example of output when this command is entered on the command switch that has lost connectivity with member 1:
3524-24> show cluster Command switch for cluster "Ajang" Total number of members: Status: Time since last status change: Redundancy: Heartbeat interval: Heartbeat hold-time: Extended discovery hop count:

7 1 members are unreachable 0 days, 0 hours, 5 minutes Disabled 8 80 3

This is an example of output when this command is entered on a member switch that has lost connectivity with the command switch:
3512-12> show cluster Member switch for cluster "mcluster" Member number: Management IP address: Command switch mac address: Heartbeat interval: Heartbeat hold-time:

<UNKNOWN> 0000.0c07.ac14 8 80

Related Commands

Command cluster enable show cluster candidates show cluster members

Description Enables a command-capable switch as the cluster command switch, assigns a cluster name, and optionally assigns a member number to it. Displays a list of candidate switches. Displays information about the cluster members.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show cluster candidates

Cisco IOS Commands

show cluster candidates

Use the show cluster candidates user EXEC command on the command switch to display a list of candidate switches. show cluster candidates [mac-address H.H.H. | detail] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

mac-address H.H.H. detail | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) MAC address of the cluster candidate. (Optional) Display detailed information for all candidates. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The detail keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Enter this command only on a command switch. If the switch is not a command switch, the command line displays an empty line at the prompt. The SN in the display means switch member number. If E appears in the SN column, it means that the switch is discovered through extended discovery. If E does not appear in the SN column, it means that the switch member number of the upstream neighbor of the candidate switch. The hop count is the number of devices that the candidate is from the command switch.


This is an example of output from the show cluster candidates command.

Switch> show cluster candidates |---Upstream---| SN PortIf FEC Fa0/13 0 Fa0/24 0 Fa0/11 Fa0/3 Fa0/7 Fa0/9 E E

MAC Address 00d0.7961.c4c0 00d0.bbf5.e900 00e0.1e7e.be80 00e0.1e9f.7a00 00e0.1e9f.8c00 00e0.1e9f.8c40 0050.2e4a.9fb0 0050.354e.7cd0

Name Device Type PortIf 3512-12 WS-C3512-XL Fa0/3 ldf-dist-128 WS-C3524-XL Fa0/7 1900_Switch 1900 3 2924-24 WS-C2924-XL Fa0/5 2912-12-2 WS-C2912-XL Fa0/4 2912-12-1 WS-C2912-XL Fa0/1 murali-132 WS-C3508-XL murali-134 WS-C2924-XL

FEC Hops 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show cluster candidates

This is an example of output from the show cluster candidates command that uses the MAC address of a member switch directly connected to the command switch:
Switch> show cluster candidates mac-address 00d0.7961.c4c0 Device '3512-12' with mac address number 00d0.7961.c4c0 Device type: cisco WS-C3512-XL Upstream MAC address: 00d0.796d.2f00 (Cluster Member 0) Local port: Fa0/3 FEC number: Upstream port: Fa0/13 FEC Number: Hops from cluster edge: 1 Hops from command device: 1

This is an example of output from the show cluster candidates command that uses the MAC address of a member switch three hops from the cluster edge:
Switch> show cluster candidates mac-address 0010.7bb6.1cc0 Device '2912MF' with mac address number 0010.7bb6.1cc0 Device type: cisco WS-C2912MF-XL Upstream MAC address: 0010.7bb6.1cd4 Local port: Fa2/1 FEC number: Upstream port: Fa0/24 FEC Number: Hops from cluster edge: 3 Hops from command device: -

This is an example of output from the show cluster candidates detail command:
Switch> show cluster candidates detail Device '3512-12' with mac address number 00d0.7961.c4c0 Device type: cisco WS-C3512-XL Upstream MAC address: 00d0.796d.2f00 (Cluster Member 1) Local port: Fa0/3 FEC number: Upstream port: Fa0/13 FEC Number: Hops from cluster edge: 1 Hops from command device: 2 Device '1900_Switch' with mac address number 00e0.1e7e.be80 Device type: cisco 1900 Upstream MAC address: 00d0.796d.2f00 (Cluster Member 2) Local port: 3 FEC number: 0 Upstream port: Fa0/11 FEC Number: Hops from cluster edge: 1 Hops from command device: 2 Device '2924-24' with mac address number 00e0.1e9f.7a00 Device type: cisco WS-C2924-XL Upstream MAC address: 00d0.796d.2f00 (Cluster Member 3) Local port: Fa0/5 FEC number: Upstream port: Fa0/3 FEC Number: Hops from cluster edge: 1 Hops from command device: 2

Related Commands

Command show cluster show cluster members

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays information about the cluster members.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show cluster members

Cisco IOS Commands

show cluster members

Use the show cluster members user EXEC command on the command switch to display information about the cluster members. show cluster members [n | detail] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

n detail | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Number that identifies a cluster member. The range is from 0 to 15. (Optional) Display detailed information for all cluster members. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The detail keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

You should enter this command only on a command switch. If the cluster has no members, an empty line appears at the prompt.


This is an example of output from the show cluster members command. The SN in the display means switch number.
Switch> show cluster members |---Upstream---| PortIf FEC Hops SN PortIf FEC State 0 Up (Cmdr) 255 Down 2912-12-2 Fa0/4 1 0 Fa0/7 Up (Standby) 2924-24 Fa0/5 1 0 Fa0/3 Up ldf-dist-128 Fa0/7 1 0 Fa0/24 Up 3512-12 Fa0/3 1 0 Fa0/13 Up 2912-12-1 Fa0/1 1 0 Fa0/9 Up 1900_Switch 3 0 1 0 Fa0/11 Up 2924M Fa0/11 2 5 Fa0/12 Up 2912MF Fa2/1 3 8 Fa0/24 Up 2820-01 24 0 4 9 Fa2/3 Up Name 3524-24

SN 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

MAC Address 00d0.796d.2f00 00d0.7960.66c0 00e0.1e9f.8c00 00e0.1e9f.7a00 00d0.bbf5.e900 00d0.7961.c4c0 00e0.1e9f.8c40 00e0.1e7e.be80 00e0.1e9f.8300 0010.7bb6.1cc0 00e0.1e87.2140

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show cluster members

This is an example of output from the show cluster members for cluster member 3:
Switch> show cluster members 3 Device '2924-24' with member number 3 Device type: cisco WS-C2924M-XL MAC address: 00e0.1e9f.9440 Upstream MAC address: 00d0.796d.2e00 (Cluster member 0) Local port: Fa0/18 FEC number: Upstream port: Fa0/20 FEC Number: Hops from command device: 1

This is an example of output from the show cluster members detail command:
Switch> show cluster members detail Device '3524-24' with member number 0 (Command Switch) Device type: cisco WS-C3524-XL MAC address: 00d0.7964.1f00 Upstream MAC address: Local port: FEC number: Upstream port: FEC Number: Hops from command device: 0 'Unknown'device with member number 1 Device type: MAC address: Upstream MAC address: Local port: FEC number: Upstream port: FEC Number: Hops from command device: 255 Device '2912-12-2' with member number 2 Device type: cisco WS-C3548-XL MAC address: 00d0.5868.f5c0 Upstream MAC address: 00d0.7964.1f00 (Cluster member 0) Local port: Fa0/7 FEC number: 1 Upstream port: Fa0/6 FEC Number: Hops from command device: 1 Device '2924-24' with member number 3 Device type: cisco WS-C3508G-XL MAC address: 00d0.7968.5380 Upstream MAC address: 00d0.7964.1f00 (Cluster member 0) Local port: Gi0/6 FEC number: Upstream port: Gi0/1 FEC Number: Hops from command device: 1

Related Commands

Command show cluster show cluster candidates

Description Displays the cluster status and a summary of the cluster to which the switch belongs. Displays a list of candidate switches.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers ethernet-controller

Cisco IOS Commands

show controllers ethernet-controller

Use the show controllers ethernet-controller privileged EXEC command to display the Ethernet link send and receive statistics on a Fast Ethernet or Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port. show controllers ethernet-controller [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the Fast Ethernet or LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show controllers ethernet-controller command without specifying a Fast Ethernet or LRE port displays the Ethernet link statistics of all Ethernet ports on the switch and on the connected customer premises equipment (CPE) devices. The output shows the internal switch statistics, the statistics collected by the LRE interface on the switch, and the statistics collected by the LRE interface on the CPE device. The CPE Ethernet link on a switch LRE port is the connection between the Cisco LRE CPE and the remote Ethernet device (such as a PC) connected to it. It is not the link between the switch LRE port and the LRE CPE.


This is an example of output from the show controllers ethernet-controller command on Fast Ethernet port 1:
Switch# show controllers ethernet-controller fa0/1 Transmit 877634 3853 606 3496 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Receive 8834435 5212 20600 32756 0 0 10697 42555 0 0 0 0

Bytes Unicast frames Multicast frames Broadcast frames Discarded frames Too old frames Deferred frames 1 collision frames 2 collision frames 3 collision frames 4 collision frames 5 collision frames 6 collision frames

Bytes Unicast frames Multicast frames Broadcast frames No bandwidth frames No buffers frames No dest, unicast No dest, multicast No dest, broadcast Alignment errors FCS errors Collision fragments

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers ethernet-controller

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

7 collision frames 8 collision frames 9 collision frames 10 collision frames 11 collision frames 12 collision frames 13 collision frames 14 collision frames 15 collision frames Excessive collisions Late collisions

0 33602 75929 760 1527 2 0 0

Undersize frames Minimum size frames 65 to 127 byte frames 128 to 255 byte frames 256 to 511 byte frames 512 to 1023 byte frames 1024 to 1518 byte frames Oversize frames

This is an example of output from the show controllers ethernet-controller command to display the Ethernet link statistics between the CPE device and the PC when the CPE device is connected to switch LRE port 2:
Switch# show controllers eth lo0/2 Transmit 64 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Receive 64 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bytes Unicast frames Multicast frames Broadcast frames Discarded frames Too old frames Deferred frames 1 collision frames 2 collision frames 3 collision frames 4 collision frames 5 collision frames 6 collision frames 7 collision frames 8 collision frames 9 collision frames 10 collision frames 11 collision frames 12 collision frames 13 collision frames 14 collision frames 15 collision frames Excessive collisions Late collisions

Bytes Unicast frames Multicast frames Broadcast frames No bandwidth frames No buffers frames No dest, unicast No dest, multicast No dest, broadcast Alignment errors FCS errors Collision fragments Undersize frames Minimum size frames 65 to 127 byte frames 128 to 255 byte frames 256 to 511 byte frames 512 to 1023 byte frames 1024 to 1518 byte frames Oversize frames

LRE Enet Stats on Switch: 0 Bytes 0 Frames 0 65 0 0 0 0 0 Pause frames 1 collision frames Multiple collisions Late collisions Excessive collisions Deferred frames Carrier sense errors 0 0 0 0 520 0 0 0 Bytes Frames Broadcast frames Pause frames Alignment errors Collisions and Runts Oversize frames FCS errors

LRE Enet Stats on CPE: 0 Bytes 0 Frames 0 Pause frames 24 1 collision frames 0 0 0 0 150 Bytes Frames Broadcast frames Pause frames Alignment errors

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers ethernet-controller

Cisco IOS Commands

0 0 0 0 0

Multiple collisions Late collisions Excessive collisions Deferred frames Carrier sense errors

0 Collisions and Runts 0 Oversize frames 0 FCS errors

Related Commands

Command clear controllers ethernet-controller

Description Deletes the Ethernet link transmit and receive statistics on a Fast Ethernet or LRE switch port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre cpe info

show controllers lre cpe info

Use the show controllers lre cpe info privileged EXEC command to display the model numbers of the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) devices connected to the LRE switch. This command also shows whether or not the connected CPE devices meet the minimum requirements to be managed by the LRE switch. show controllers lre cpe info [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the switch LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The status of a connected LRE CPE device can be certified or not certified. A pass status means the CPE device meets the minimum requirements (such as having a certain CPE patch version) to be managed by the LRE switch. A failed status means that it does not. Using the show controllers lre cpe info command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the model numbers and status of all connected CPE devices.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre cpe info command:
Switch# show controllers lre cpe info Port -----Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 CPE Model -----------CISCO575-LRE NA NA NA NA CISCO575-LRE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Status --------------CERTIFIED NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK CERTIFIED NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK NO LINK Family ------CISCO575-LRE NA NA NA NA CISCO575-LRE NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre cpe info

Cisco IOS Commands

Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20 Lo0/21 Lo0/22 Lo0/23 Lo0/24





Related Commands

Command debug lre show controllers lre version

Description Enables debugging of LRE-related events. Displays the version number of the hardware, software, and patch software components of the switch LRE interface and the CPE LRE interface.

show controllers lre version mfg Displays the revision and serial numbers of the connected Cisco LRE CPE board, assembly, and system.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre cpe protected

show controllers lre cpe protected

Use the show controllers lre cpe protected privileged EXEC command to display and identify Cisco 585 LRE customer premises equipmement (CPE) Ethernet ports that are configured as protected. show controllers lre cpe protected [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the switch Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.1(11)YJ

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show controllers lre cpe protected command without specifying an LRE switch port displays the version numbers of all switch LRE interfaces. Cisco 575 LRE CPE devices display a protected filed output of NA.


This is an example of output that shows the CPE protected information for LRE interface lo0/1:
Switch# show controllers lre cpe protected lo0/9 Interface Port Protected -------------------Lo0/9 1 true Lo0/9 2 true Lo0/9 3 true Lo0/9 4 true

This is an example of output that shows the CPE protected information for all switch LRE interfaces:
Switch# show controllers lre cpe protected Interface Port Protected -------------------Lo0/1 1 NA Lo0/2 1 NA Lo0/3 1 NA Lo0/4 1 NA Lo0/5 1 NA Lo0/6 1 NA Lo0/7 1 NA Lo0/8 1 false Lo0/8 2 false Lo0/8 3 false

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre cpe protected

Cisco IOS Commands

Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/9 Lo0/9 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Interface --------Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20 Lo0/21 Lo0/22 Lo0/23 Lo0/24

4 1 2 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 Port ---1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

false true true true true NA NA NA NA NA Protected --------NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Related Commands

Command cpe protected

Description Restricts data traffic to individual ports on Cisco 585 LRE CPE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre interface-id actual

show controllers lre interface-id actual

Use the show controllers lre interface-id actual privileged EXEC command to display the actual values of the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) link on a specific switch LRE port. show controllers lre interface-id actual [dsrserrs | usrserrs | txpower | rxpower | snr | link] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id actual dsrserrs usrserrs txpower rxpower snr link | begin | exclude | include expression

ID of the switch LRE port. Display the LRE port current status, which might not be the same as the administratively configured settings. Display the downstream Reed-Solomon errors on the LRE port. Display the upstream Reed-Solomon errors on the LRE port. Display the remote transmit power (dBm/Hz) on the LRE port. Display the local receive power (dBm/Hz) on the customer premises equipment (CPE) port. Display the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ratio on the LRE port. Display the LRE link status of the LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Reed-Solomon error information to measure the quality of the LRE link. The SNR represents the amount of increased received signal power (in decibels) relative to the noise power level that the switch is designed to tolerate without disconnecting from the CPE device. The higher the ratio, the more resilient is the link. The Reed-Solomon errors show the number of errors detected and corrected in the data being received on and transmitted from the switch LRE ports. Reed-Solomon errors are the result of noise exceeding the noise margin. For short bursts of noise (such as motor startup or power surges), the interleaver prevents the loss of Ethernet data packets. In this case, the number of Reed-Solomon errors exceeds the number of Ethernet CRC errors. The remote transmit power rates from the connected CPE devices might be different, depending on the length of the cable between the switch and the CPE device. A longer cable typically causes the CPE device to send a higher signal to overcome the loss due to distance.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre interface-id actual

Cisco IOS Commands

The local receive power actually displays the switch adjustment to the incoming power level. These numbers might be different from LRE port to LRE port, as the length of the cables to the CPE devices might be different. If the SNR is too low for the environment but the link still establishes, the Reed-Solomon error rate will be high, and there might be link instability (as shown by the number of Fail events counted). If the network is being used for data only, a high incidence of Ethernet Frame Check Sequence (FCS) errors or micro-interruptions might be tolerable. For more information about what can affect the LRE link and for the minimum required SNR ratios, refer to the LRE Links and LRE Profiles section in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre interface-id actual dsrserrs command on switch LRE port 1:
Switch# show 0 Switch# show UP Switch# show 26.0 Switch# show 27 Switch#s how -89.7 Switch# show 0 controller lre lo0/2 actual dsrserrs controller lre lo0/2 actual link controller lre lo0/2 actual rxpower controller lre lo0/2 actual snr controller lre lo0/2 actual txpower controller lre lo0/2 actual usrserrs

This is an example of output from the show controllers lre interface-id actual link command on switch LRE port 1:
Switch# show controllers lre lo0/1 actual link DOWN

Related Commands



show controllers lre interface-id Displays the administrative settings of the LRE link on a specific admin switch LRE port. show controllers lre status Displays the LRE link status of a specific switch LRE port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre interface-id admin

show controllers lre interface-id admin

Use the show controllers lre interface-id admin privileged EXEC command to display the administrative settings of the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) link on a specific switch LRE port. show controllers lre interface-id admin [dsrate | usrate] [| {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id admin dsrate usrate | begin | exclude | include expression

ID of the switch LRE port. Display the administrative settings, which might not be the same as the actual values. Display the downstream rate (Mbps) of the LRE link. Display the upstream rate (Mbps) of the LRE link. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the private profile settings of a switch LRE port, even though they might not be active if a global profile is configured on the switch. The upstream and downstream rates are defined by the profile on the switch LRE port. To change these rates, assign a different profile to the switch LRE port. For information about the LRE profiles, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre interface-id admin dsrate and show controllers lre interface-id admin usrate commands on switch LRE ports 1 and 2:
Switch# show controller lre lo0/1 admin usrate 18.750 Switch# Switch# show controller lre lo0/1 admin dsrate 16.667 Switch# Switch# show controller lre lo0/2 admin usrate 12.500 Switch#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre interface-id admin

Cisco IOS Commands

Switch# show controller lre lo0/2 admin dsrate 12.500 Switch#

Related Commands

Command lre profile global lre profile

Description Assigns a public profile to all switch LRE ports. Assigns a private profile to a specific switch LRE port.

show controllers lre interface-id Displays the actual values of the LRE link on a specific switch actual LRE port. show controllers lre status Displays the LRE link status of a specific switch LRE port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre log

show controllers lre log

Use the show controllers lre log privileged EXEC command to display the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port or all switch LRE ports. show controllers lre log [maximum] [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

maximum interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) LRE event log buffer size. (Optional) ID of the switch LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) device.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show controllers lre log command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the events for all LRE ports on the switch.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre log command that displays events on LRE interface lo0/5:
Switch# show controllers lre log LongReachEthernet0/1: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 00:00:51: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up 1 00:00:56: [2]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Down 1 00:00:58: [3]: State PROFILE_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up 1 00:01:27: [4]: State PROFILE_APPLIED: Got event:Timer 1 Expired

LongReachEthernet0/2: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:51: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre log

Cisco IOS Commands

LongReachEthernet0/3: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:51: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

LongReachEthernet0/4: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:51: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

LongReachEthernet0/5: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/6: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar *Mar 1 00:00:51: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up 1 00:01:13: [2]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:CPE General Failure

LongReachEthernet0/7: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:50: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:52: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

LongReachEthernet0/8: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:51: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:52: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

LongReachEthernet0/9: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:51: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:52: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

LongReachEthernet0/10: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:51: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/11: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:51: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/12: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:51: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/13: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:51: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar *Mar *Mar 1 00:01:01: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up 1 00:01:36: [2]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Down 1 00:01:37: [3]: State PROFILE_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre log

LongReachEthernet0/14: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:52: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset LongReachEthernet0/15: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:52: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar 1 00:00:53: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up

LongReachEthernet0/16: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:52: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/17: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:52: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/18: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:52: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/19: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:52: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/20: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:53: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/21: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:53: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset *Mar *Mar 1 00:00:54: [1]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:Link Up 1 00:01:29: [2]: State MODEZERO_APPLIED: Got event:CPE Patchfile Failure

LongReachEthernet0/22: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:53: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/23: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:53: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

LongReachEthernet0/24: Events Log: ================================== *Mar 1 00:00:53: [0]: State RESTART: Got event:Reset

Related Commands

Command clear controllers lre log service timestamps log show controllers lre log level

Description Deletes the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific switch LRE port or all LRE ports on the switch. Enables log timestamps. Displays the log level for a specific switch LRE port or for all LRE ports on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre log level

Cisco IOS Commands

show controllers lre log level

Use the show controllers lre log level privileged EXEC command to display information about the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) event log level. show controllers lre log level [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the switch LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(6) WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show controllers lre log level command without specifying a switch LRE port lists the log level for each LRE port on the switch.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre log level command, displaying the log level on LRE port lo0/1:
Switch> show controller lre log level lo0/1 Port Log Level ================ Lo0/1 Logging disabled Switch#

Related Commands

Command clear controllers lre log lre log show controllers lre log

Description Deletes the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific switch LRE port or all LRE ports on the switch. Specifies the logging level on the LRE port. Display the history of link, configuration, and timer events for a specific LRE port or all switch LRE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre profile

show controllers lre profile

Use the show controllers lre profile privileged EXEC command to display information about the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) profiles available on the switch and how they are assigned to the switch LRE ports. show controllers lre profile [ contents | details | names] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

contents details names

Display the register settings. Display the profile details per port. Display the names, types, and upstream and downstream data rates of all profiles available on the switch. The data rates displayed are the gross data rates of each direction of the channel. The actual bandwidth is somewhat less.

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC2 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. Asynchronous and low-latency (LL) profiles were added. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) device.

Usage Guidelines

Table 2-1 lists the LRE profiles shipped with the switch, including the upstream and downstream data rates that they support on the LRE link. For more information about LRE profiles and LRE links, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre profile

Cisco IOS Commands


Use the rates in Table 2-1 only as guidelines. Factors such as the type of cable that you use, how it is bundled, and the interference and noise on the LRE link can affect the actual LRE link performance. Contact Cisco Systems for information about limitations and optimization of LRE link performance.
Table 2-1 LRE Profiles

Profile Name PUBLIC-ANSI PUBLIC-ETSI LRE-2 LRE-3 LRE-4 LRE-4-1 LRE-5 LRE-7 LRE-8 LRE-10 (default) LRE-10-1 LRE-10-3 LRE-10-5 LRE-15 LRE-15-1 LRE-15-3 LRE-15-5 LRE-5LL LRE-10LL LRE-15LL

Profile Type Public Public Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private Private

LRE Link Downstream Rate (Mbps) 16.667 12.5 2.08 3.13 4.17 4.167 5.69 8.33 9.38 12.5 12.5 11.38 11.38 16.667 16.667 16.667 16.667 5.69 11.38 15.17

LRE Link Upstream Rate (Mbps) 4.688 4.688 2.08 3.13 4.17 1.563 6.25 8.33 9.38 12.5 1.56 3.125 6.25 18.75 1.56 3.125 6.25 5.69 11.38 17.06


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre profile contents command:
Switch# show controllers lre profile contents LRE profile: LRE-15 Downstream Rate: 16.667 Type: Port Upstream Rate: 18.750

Addr Register Fixed Active Latest ----------------------------------------------------8C40: DS_RATE : 0x30 0x30 0x30 8C41: US_RATE : 0x22 0x22 0x22 8C42: DS_STEP_L : 0x58 0x58 0x58 8C43: DS_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C44: US_STEP_L : 0xF1 0xF1 0xF1

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre profile

8C45: 8C46: 8C47: 8C48: 8C49: 8C4A: 8C4B: 8C4C: 8C4D: 8C4E: 8C4F: 8C50: 8C51: 8C52: 8C53: 8C54: 8C55: 8C56: 8C57: 8C58: 8C59: 8C5A: 8C5B: 8C60: 8C62: 8C63: 8C64: 8C65: 8C66: 8C67: 8C68: 8C69: 8C6A: 8C6B: 8C6F:


: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

0x00 0x78 0x2D 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x10 0xB2 0x28 0xF6 0xB2 0x28 0xF6 0xF2 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

0x00 0x78 0x2D 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x10 0xB2 0x28 0xF6 0xB2 0x28 0xF6 0xF2 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 Type: Port

0x00 0x78 0x2D 0x03 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x10 0xB2 0x28 0xF6 0xB2 0x28 0xF6 0xF2 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

LRE profile: LRE-10 Downstream Rate: 12.500

Upstream Rate: 12.500

Addr Register Fixed Active Latest ----------------------------------------------------8C40: DS_RATE : 0x32 0x32 0x32 8C41: US_RATE : 0x24 0x24 0x24 8C42: DS_STEP_L : 0x58 0x58 0x58 8C43: DS_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C44: US_STEP_L : 0xF1 0xF1 0xF1 8C45: US_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C46: DAFE : 0x78 0x78 0x78 8C47: MAX_PSD_L : 0x2D 0x2D 0x2D 8C48: MAX_PSD_H : 0x03 0x03 0x03 8C49: NTCHA1_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4A: NTCHA2_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4B: NTCHA_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4C: NTCHB_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4D: NTCHB_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4E: PMFLAGS : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4F: MIN_PSD_L : 0x10 0x10 0x10 8C50: MIN_PSD_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C51: M_TX : 0x10 0x10 0x10 8C52: TXPRE_L : 0xB2 0x51 0x51 8C53: TXPRE_M : 0x28 0x4D 0x4D 8C54: TXPRE_H : 0xF6 0xC7 0xC7 8C55: RXPRE_L : 0xB2 0x51 0x51

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre profile

Cisco IOS Commands

8C56: 8C57: 8C58: 8C59: 8C5A: 8C5B: 8C60: 8C62: 8C63: 8C64: 8C65: 8C66: 8C67: 8C68: 8C69: 8C6A: 8C6B: 8C6F:

RXPRE_M RXPRE_H UART_RATE SLP_MODE SLPCNT_L SLPCNT_H PowerDown 1 PREFI Tuning 1 PREFI Tuning 2 PREFI Tuning 3 PREFI Tuning 4 Var.Gain Amp. POCO DCX0 1 DCX0 2 DCX0 3 Gen. Purpose Version/ID

: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :

0x28 0xF6 0xF2 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

0x4D 0xC7 0xF2 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 Type: Port

0x4D 0xC7 0xF2 0x20 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00

LRE profile: LRE-5 Downstream Rate: 6.250

Upstream Rate:


Addr Register Fixed Active Latest ----------------------------------------------------8C40: DS_RATE : 0x36 0x36 0x36 8C41: US_RATE : 0x28 0x28 0x28 8C42: DS_STEP_L : 0x58 0x58 0x58 8C43: DS_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C44: US_STEP_L : 0xF1 0xF1 0xF1 8C45: US_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C46: DAFE : 0x78 0x78 0x78 8C47: MAX_PSD_L : 0x2D 0x2D 0x2D 8C48: MAX_PSD_H : 0x03 0x03 0x03 8C49: NTCHA1_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4A: NTCHA2_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4B: NTCHA_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4C: NTCHB_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4D: NTCHB_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4E: PMFLAGS : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4F: MIN_PSD_L : 0x10 0x10 0x10 8C50: MIN_PSD_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C51: M_TX : 0x10 0x10 0x10 8C52: TXPRE_L : 0xB2 0xB2 0xB2 8C53: TXPRE_M : 0x28 0x28 0x28 8C54: TXPRE_H : 0xF6 0xF6 0xF6 8C55: RXPRE_L : 0xB2 0xB2 0xB2 8C56: RXPRE_M : 0x28 0x28 0x28 8C57: RXPRE_H : 0xF6 0xF6 0xF6 8C58: UART_RATE : 0xF2 0xF2 0xF2 8C59: SLP_MODE : 0x20 0x20 0x20 8C5A: SLPCNT_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C5B: SLPCNT_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C60: PowerDown 1 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C62: PREFI Tuning 1 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C63: PREFI Tuning 2 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C64: PREFI Tuning 3 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C65: PREFI Tuning 4 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C66: Var.Gain Amp. : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C67: POCO : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C68: DCX0 1 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C69: DCX0 2 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C6A: DCX0 3 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C6B: Gen. Purpose : 0x00 0x00 0x00

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre profile

8C6F: Version/ID

: 0x00

0x00 Type: Global Upstream Rate:


LRE profile: Public-ANSI Downstream Rate: 16.667


Addr Register Fixed Active Latest ----------------------------------------------------8C40: DS_RATE : 0x30 0x30 0x30 8C41: US_RATE : 0x62 0x62 0x62 8C42: DS_STEP_L : 0x58 0x58 0x58 8C43: DS_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C44: US_STEP_L : 0xB7 0xB7 0xB7 8C45: US_STEP_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C46: DAFE : 0x78 0x78 0x78 8C47: MAX_PSD_L : 0x2D 0x2D 0x2D 8C48: MAX_PSD_H : 0x03 0x03 0x03 8C49: NTCHA1_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4A: NTCHA2_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4B: NTCHA_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4C: NTCHB_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4D: NTCHB_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4E: PMFLAGS : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C4F: MIN_PSD_L : 0x10 0x10 0x10 8C50: MIN_PSD_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C51: M_TX : 0x10 0x10 0x10 8C52: TXPRE_L : 0xB2 0xB2 0xB2 8C53: TXPRE_M : 0x28 0x28 0x28 8C54: TXPRE_H : 0xF6 0xF6 0xF6 8C55: RXPRE_L : 0xB2 0xB2 0xB2 8C56: RXPRE_M : 0x28 0x28 0x28 8C57: RXPRE_H : 0xF6 0xF6 0xF6 8C58: UART_RATE : 0xF2 0xF2 0xF2 8C59: SLP_MODE : 0x20 0x20 0x20 8C5A: SLPCNT_L : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C5B: SLPCNT_H : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C60: PowerDown 1 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C62: PREFI Tuning 1 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C63: PREFI Tuning 2 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C64: PREFI Tuning 3 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C65: PREFI Tuning 4 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C66: Var.Gain Amp. : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C67: POCO : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C68: DCX0 1 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C69: DCX0 2 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C6A: DCX0 3 : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C6B: Gen. Purpose : 0x00 0x00 0x00 8C6F: Version/ID : 0x00 0x00 0x00

This is an example of output from the show controllers lre profile details command:
Switch# show controllers lre profile details Public Profile:N/A Interface --------Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Configured Profile -----------------LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-15 LRE-5LL LRE-15 LRE-10 LRE-10 Running Profile --------------LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-15 LRE-5LL LRE-15 LRE-10 LRE-10 Type -----Port Profile Port Profile Port Profile Port Profile Port Profile Port Profile Port Profile

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre profile

Cisco IOS Commands

Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20 Lo0/21 Lo0/22 Lo0/23 Lo0/24

LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10LL LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10

LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10LL LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10

Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port Port

Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile Profile

This is an example of output from the show controllers lre profile names command:
Switch# show controllers lre profile names Profile Name Type Downstream Upstream Rate(Mbps) Rate(Mbps) ----------------- ------------------LRE-15 Port 16.667 18.750 LRE-10 Port 12.500 12.500 LRE-5 Port 6.250 6.250 Public-ANSI Global 16.667 4.688 Public-ETSI Global 12.500 4.688 LRE-15LL Port 16.667 18.750 LRE-10LL Port 12.500 12.500 LRE-5LL Port 6.250 6.250 LRE-10-5 Port 12.500 6.250 LRE-10-3 Port 12.500 3.125 LRE-10-1 Port 12.500 1.563 LRE-4-1 Port 4.167 1.563 LRE-8 Port 9.375 9.375 LRE-7 Port 8.333 8.333 LRE-15-5 Port 16.667 6.250 LRE-15-3 Port 16.667 3.125 LRE-15-1 Port 16.667 1.563 LRE-4 Port 4.167 4.167 LRE-3 Port 3.125 3.125 LRE-2 Port 2.083 2.083

Related Commands

Command lre profile global lre profile

Description (Global configuration command) Assigns a public profile to all switch LRE ports. (Interface configuration command) Assigns a private profile to a specific switch LRE port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre sequence

show controllers lre sequence

Use the show controllers lre sequence privileged EXEC command to display the list of sequences, the profiles that are configured in that sequence, and the downstream and upstream rates of the corresponding profiles. show controllers lre sequence [sequence name] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

sequence name | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Individual sequence name. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(6)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show controllers lre sequence command to display the list of sequences supported in the switch. This command displays the system-defined and user-defined sequences.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre sequence command:
Switch# show controllers lre sequence Global Sequence:LRE-SEQ-COMPLETE-REACH Sequence:LRE-SEQ-COMPLETE-REACH Profile Name -------------LRE-15 LRE-10 LRE-15-5 LRE-10-5 LRE-8 LRE-7 LRE-15-3 LRE-10-3 LRE-5 LRE-15-1 LRE-10-1 LRE-4 LRE-3 LRE-2 LRE-4-1 Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 12.500 16.667 12.500 9.375 8.333 16.667 12.500 6.250 16.667 12.500 4.167 3.125 2.083 4.167 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------18.750 12.500 6.250 6.250 9.375 8.333 3.125 3.125 6.250 1.563 1.563 4.167 3.125 2.083 1.563

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre sequence

Cisco IOS Commands

Sequence:LRE-SEQ-DOWNSTREAM Profile Name

Type:System-Configured Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------6.250 3.125 1.563 12.500 6.250 3.125 1.563 9.375 8.333 6.250 4.167 1.563 3.125 2.083


Downstream Rate(Mbps) -------------- ---------16.667 18.750 LRE-15-5 16.667 LRE-15-3 16.667 LRE-15-1 16.667 LRE-10 12.500 LRE-10-5 12.500 LRE-10-3 12.500 LRE-10-1 12.500 LRE-8 9.375 LRE-7 8.333 LRE-5 6.250 LRE-4 4.167 LRE-4-1 4.167 LRE-3 3.125 LRE-2 2.083

Sequence:LRE-SEQ-SYM Profile Name -------------LRE-15 LRE-10 LRE-8 LRE-7 LRE-5 LRE-4 LRE-3 LRE-2 Sequence:LRE-SEQ-SYM-LONGREACH Profile Name -------------LRE-5 LRE-4 LRE-3 LRE-2 LRE-4-1 Sequence:LRE-SEQ-SYMLL Profile Name -------------LRE-15LL LRE-10LL LRE-5LL

Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 12.500 9.375 8.333 6.250 4.167 3.125 2.083 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------18.750 12.500 9.375 8.333 6.250 4.167 3.125 2.083

Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------6.250 4.167 3.125 2.083 4.167 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------6.250 4.167 3.125 2.083 1.563

Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 12.500 6.250 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------18.750 12.500 6.250

Sequence:LRE-SEQ-UPSTREAM Profile Name -------------LRE-15 LRE-10

Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 12.500 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------18.750 12.500

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre sequence


LRE-8 LRE-7 LRE-15-5 LRE-10-5 LRE-5 LRE-4 16.667 LRE-10-3 LRE-3 LRE-2 LRE-4-1

9.375 8.333 16.667 12.500 6.250 4.167 3.125 12.500 3.125 2.083 4.167

9.375 8.333 6.250 6.250 6.250 4.167 3.125 3.125 2.083 1.563

Sequence:LRE-SEQ-VIDEO-TRANSMIT1 Profile Name -------------LRE-15 LRE-15-5 LRE-15-3 LRE-15-1 LRE-10 LRE-10-5 LRE-10-3 LRE-10-1 Sequence:LRE-SEQ-VIDEO-TRANSMIT2 Profile Name -------------LRE-15 LRE-15-5 LRE-10 LRE-10-5 LRE-15-3 LRE-10-3 LRE-15-1 LRE-10-1 Sequence:SEQ3 Profile Name -------------LRE-15-5 LRE-15-3 LRE-15-5 LRE-15-3 LRE-15LL LRE-15-1 LRE-3 LRE-5

Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 16.667 16.667 16.667 12.500 12.500 12.500 12.500 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------18.750 6.250 3.125 1.563 12.500 6.250 3.125 1.563

Type:System-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 16.667 12.500 12.500 16.667 12.500 16.667 12.500 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------18.750 6.250 12.500 6.250 3.125 3.125 1.563 1.563

Type:User-Configured Downstream Rate(Mbps) ---------16.667 16.667 16.667 16.667 16.667 16.667 3.125 Upstream Rate(Mbps) ---------6.250 3.125 6.250 3.125 18.750 1.563 3.125 6.250


Related Commands

Command lre rate selection sequence lre sequence

Description Assigns a sequence for the entire switch. Defines a new sequence.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre status

Cisco IOS Commands

show controllers lre status

Use the show controllers lre status privileged EXEC command to display the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) link statistics and profile information on a switch LRE port, including link state, link duration, data rates, power levels, sequence and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) error information. It also displays the Reed-Solomon error information and other line characteristics. show controllers lre status [link | profile | sequence detail] [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id link profile sequence detail

(Optional) ID of the switch LRE port. Display various parameters and status associated with the LRE link. Display various administrative parameters and status associated with the LRE link. Display the status of profiles in a sequence. Possible status values are converged; waiting on link; executing; and locked. (Optional) When added to the sequence keyword, it displays additional information about the sequences, such as margins, locked profiles, and convergence times. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

| begin | exclude | include expression

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) device. This command was extended to support rate selection and LRE link persistence

Usage Guidelines

Using the show controllers lre status command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the status of all switch LRE ports. Use the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and Reed-Solomon error information to measure the quality of the LRE link. The SNR represents the amount of increased received signal power (in decibels) relative to the noise power level that the switch is designed to tolerate without disconnecting from the CPE device. The higher the ratio, the more resilient is the link.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre status

The Reed-Solomon errors show the number of errors detected and corrected in the data being received on and transmitted from the switch LRE ports. Reed-Solomon errors are the result of noise exceeding the noise margin. For short bursts of noise (such as motor startup or power surges), the interleaver prevents the loss of Ethernet data packets. In this case, the number of Reed-Solomon errors exceeds the number of Ethernet CRC errors.


The Reed-Solomon errors are reset each time the show controllers lre status link command is executed. The remote transmit power from the connected CPE devices might be different from each other, depending on the length of the cable between the switch and the CPE device. A longer cable typically causes the CPE device to transmit a higher signal to overcome the effects of distance. The local receive power rates actually displays the switch adjustment to the incoming power level. These numbers might be different from LRE port to LRE port, as the length of the cables to the CPE devices might be different. The interleaver columns display the interleaver block size for both directions of data. A higher interleaver setting is less susceptible to certain kinds of impairments but can introduce a very small amount of delay in the data path. The PMD-S column refers to physical media dependent status and is provided as diagnostic information. For more information about what can affect the LRE link and for the minimum required SNR ratios, refer to the LRE Links and LRE Profiles section in the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide. Use the show controllers lre status sequence command without specifying a switch LRE port to display the name of the profile executing on the port. This command is useful for determining which profile in a sequence is successful in making a link.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre status link command:
Switch# show controllers lre status link Port -----Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20 Lo0/21 Link ---UP UP UP UP DOWN UP UP UP UP DOWN DOWN DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN UP SNR RS Errs (dB) ---- ----------28 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 0 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 CPE-Tx (dBm/Hz) -------- 91.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 0.0 - 85.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 91.9 0.0 - 85.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 84.4 Sw-AGC-Gain (dB) ----------26.8 23.7 23.3 23.3 0.0 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.8 0.0 23.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.0 Interleaver Rx-Bsz Tx-Bsz ------------16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 PMD-S ----0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre status

Cisco IOS Commands

Lo0/22 Lo0/23 Lo0/24


0 0 0

0 0 0

0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0

24 0 0

0 0 0

0x04 0x04 0x04

This is an example of output from the show controllers lre status profile:
Switch# show controllers lre status profile Port -----Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20 Lo0/21 Lo0/22 Lo0/23 Lo0/24 Link ---UP UP UP UP DOWN UP UP UP UP DOWN DOWN DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN DOWN UP DOWN DOWN DOWN Uptime -------2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 00:00:00 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 Profile ------------------LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 DSRate -----12.500 4.167 4.167 4.167 0.000 4.167 4.167 4.167 4.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.500 0.000 4.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 USRate -----12.500 1.563 1.563 1.563 0.000 1.563 1.563 1.563 1.563 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.500 0.000 1.563 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.563 0.000 0.000 0.000 Fail ---0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

This is an example of output from the show controllers lre status sequence detail:
Switch# show controller lre status sequence detail

Related Commands



show controllers lre interface-id Displays the actual values of the LRE link on a specific switch actual LRE port. show controllers lre interface-id Displays the administrative settings of the LRE link on a specific admin switch LRE port. show controllers lre profile debug lre Displays information about the LRE profiles available on the switch. Enables debugging of LRE-related events.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre version

show controllers lre version

Use the show controllers lre version privileged EXEC command to display the version numbers of the various components (hardware, firmware, patch software, and bootloader firmware and application firmware) that make up the switch Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) interface and the LRE customer premises equipment (CPE) interface. show controllers lre version [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the switch LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. The bootloader firmware version was added.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show controllers lre version command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the version numbers of all switch LRE interfaces and the CPE interfaces of all connected CPE devices.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre version command:
Switch# show controllers lre version --- SWITCH --Interface Hw Lo0/1 32 Lo0/2 32 Lo0/3 32 Lo0/4 32 Lo0/5 32 Lo0/6 32 Lo0/7 32 Lo0/8 32 Lo0/9 32 Lo0/10 32 Lo0/11 32 Lo0/12 32 Lo0/13 32 Lo0/14 32 Lo0/15 32 Lo0/16 32 Lo0/17 32 ------------ CPE ----------Sw Patch Hw Sw Patch Boot B4 50 32 B4 50 NA B4 50 32 B4 50 NA B4 50 32 B4 50 NA B4 50 32 B4 50 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA B4 50 32 B4 51 NA B4 50 32 B4 51 NA B4 50 32 B4 51 NA B4 50 32 B4 50 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA B4 50 32 B4 51 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA B4 50 32 B4 50 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA B4 50 00 00 00 NA


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Chapter 2 show controllers lre version

Cisco IOS Commands

Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20 Lo0/21 Lo0/22 Lo0/23 Lo0/24

32 32 32 32 32 32 32

B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4 B4

50 50 50 50 50 50 50

00 00 00 32 00 00 00

00 00 00 B4 00 00 00

00 00 00 49 00 00 00



Related Commands

Command debug lre show controllers lre cpe info

Description Enables debugging of LRE-related events. Displays the model numbers of the LRE CPE devices connected to the LRE switch and shows whether or not the connected CPE devices meet the minimum requirements to be managed by the LRE switch.

show controllers lre version mfg Displays the revision and serial numbers of the connected Cisco LRE CPE board, assembly, and system.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show controllers lre version mfg

show controllers lre version mfg

Use the show controllers lre version mfg privileged EXEC command to display the revision and serial numbers of the connected Cisco Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) device board, assembly, and system. show controllers lre version mfg [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the switch LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE device.


This is an example of output from the show controllers lre version mfg command:
switch# show controllers lre version mfg Lo0/1 Assembly Revision Number: Model Number :CISCO575-LRE Model Revision Number :A0 Board Assembly Number : Board Serial Number : System Serial Number : Lo0/2 Assembly Revision Number: Model Number : Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number : Board Serial Number : System Serial Number : Lo0/3 Assembly Revision Number: Model Number : Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number : Board Serial Number : Lo0/4 Assembly Revision Number: Model Number : Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number :

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show controllers lre version mfg

Cisco IOS Commands

Board Serial Number System Serial Number

: :

Lo0/5 Assembly Revision Number: Model Number : Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number : Board Serial Number : System Serial Number : Lo0/6 Assembly Revision Number:02 Model Number :CISCO575-LRE Model Revision Number :A0 Board Assembly Number :73-5579-07 Board Serial Number :FAA0506010H System Serial Number :

Related Commands

Command debug lre show controllers lre version

Description Enables debugging of LRE-related events. Displays the version number of the hardware, software, and patch software components of the switch LRE interface and the CPE LRE interface. Displays the model numbers of the LRE CPE devices connected to the LRE switch and shows whether or not the connected CPE devices meet the minimum requirements to be managed by the LRE switch.

show controllers lre cpe info

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show current

show current
Use the show current VLAN database command to display the current VLAN database on the switch or a selected VLAN from it. show current [vlan-id]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the VLAN in the current database. If this variable is omitted, the entire VLAN database displays, included the pruning state and version 2 mode. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show current command. It displays the current VLAN database.
Switch(vlan)# show current VLAN ISL Id: 1 Name: default Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100001 State: Operational MTU: 1500 Translational Bridged VLAN: 1002 Translational Bridged VLAN: 1003 VLAN ISL Id: 2 Name: VLAN0002 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100002 State: Operational MTU: 1500 VLAN ISL Id: 3 Name: VLAN0003 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100003 State: Operational MTU: 4000 VLAN ISL Id: 4 Name: VLAN0004 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100004 State: Operational MTU: 1500

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show current

Cisco IOS Commands

VLAN ISL Id: 5 Name: VLAN0005 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100005 State: Operational MTU: 1500 VLAN ISL Id: 6 Name: VLAN0006 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100006 State: Operational MTU: 1500

This is an example of output from the show current 2 command. It displays only VLAN 2 of the current database.
Switch(vlan)# show current 2 VLAN ISL Id: 2 Name: VLAN0002 Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100002 State: Operational MTU: 1500

Related Commands

Command show changes show proposed

Description Displays the differences between the VLAN database currently on the switch and the proposed VLAN database. Displays the proposed VLAN database or a selected VLAN from it.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show diags

show diags
Use the show diags user EXEC command to display the state of a port or all ports on the switch. show diags [addr-move | link-flap] [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

addr-move link-flap interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

Show learned address movement count and rate. Show link up/down count and rate. (Optional) ID of the Fast Ethernet or Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) port number. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show diags command without specifying a port to show the state of all ports on the switch. Use the show diags link-flap command to check if link flapping on a port is occurring. Link flapping can be caused by a loose connection to a port or by numerous changes to a port connection. Use the show diags addr-move command to check if address flapping is occurring. Address flapping can be caused when the switch learns the same MAC address on different ports on the same VLAN. The address table keeps changing because the MAC address is first learned on one interface, is learned on another interface, and then relearned on the previous interface, and so on. This can be caused by a loop that Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) has not blocked.


This is an example of output from the show link-flap command.

Switch> show diags link-flap fa0/1 Interface Total Last Min -------------------- ---------- ---------FastEthernet0/1 14 0 FastEthernet0/2 12 0 FastEthernet0/3 1 0 FastEthernet0/7 6 0 FastEthernet0/12 6 0

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show env

Cisco IOS Commands

show env
Use the show env privileged EXEC command to display fan and temperature information for the 3524-PWR-XL switch. show env {all | fan | temperature}

Syntax Description

all fan temperature

Display both fan and temperature environmental status. Display the switch fan status. Display the switch temperature status.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show env all command:

Switch# show env all FAN 1 is OK FAN 2 is OK FAN 3 is OK FAN 4 is OK FAN 5 is OK TEMPERATURE is OK

This is an example of output from the show env fans command:

FAN 1 is OK FAN 2 is OK FAN 3 is OK FAN 4 is FAULTY FAN 5 is OK

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show errdisable detect

show errdisable detect

Use the show errdisable detect user EXEC command to display error-disable detection status. show errdisable detect [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

begin exclude include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC5

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Expressions are case sensitive. For example, if you enter exclude output, the lines that contain output are not displayed, but the lines that contain Output are displayed.


This is an example of output from the show errdisable detect command:

Switch> show errdisable detect ErrDisable Reason ----------------udld Detection status ---------------Enabled

Related Commands

Command errdisable detect cause show errdisable recovery

Description Enables error-disable detection for a specific cause or all causes. Displays error-disable recovery timer information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show errdisable recovery

Cisco IOS Commands

show errdisable recovery

Use the show errdisable recovery user EXEC command to display the error-disable recovery timer information. show errdisable recovery [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

begin exclude include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC5

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Expressions are case sensitive. For example, if you enter exclude output, the lines that contain output are not displayed, but the lines that contain Output are displayed.


This is an example of output from the show errdisable recovery command:

Switch> show errdisable recovery ErrDisable Reason ----------------udld Timer Status -------------Disabled

Timer interval: 300 seconds Interfaces that will be enabled at the next timeout: Interface --------Errdisable reason ----------------Time left(sec) --------------

Related Commands

Command errdisable recovery show errdisable detect

Description Configures the recover mechanism variables. Displays error disable detection status.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show file systems

show file systems

Use the show file systems privileged EXEC command to display file system information. show file systems [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

begin exclude include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Types

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show file systems command:

Switch# show file systems File Systems: Size(b) 3612672 3612672 32768 Free(b) 1234432 1234432 30917 Type flash unknown opaque nvram network opaque opaque network Flags rw rw ro rw rw rw rw rw Prefixes flash: zflash: bs: nvram: tftp: null: system: rcp:

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show interface

Cisco IOS Commands

show interface
Use the show interface privileged EXEC command to display the administrative and operational status of a switching port. show interface [interface-id | vlan number] [accounting | crb | description | ethernet | fair-queue | irb | link-trap | mac-accounting | precedence | random-detect | rate-limit | status | switchport [allowed-vlan | prune-elig | native-vlan] | trbrf | type ] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id vlan number accounting crb description ethernet fair-queue irb link-trap mac-accounting precedence random-detect rate-limit status switchport

(Optional) ID of the module and port. VLAN number of the management VLAN. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1000. Do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display interface accounting information. (Optional) Display interface concurrent routing and bridging information. (Optional) Display interface description. (Optional) Display Ethernet VLAN information. (Optional) Display weighted fair queueing (WFQ) information for the interface. (Optional) Display interface integrated routing and bridging information. (Optional) Display interface traps when there is not a link. (Optional) Display the interface MAC accounting information. (Optional) Display the interface precedence accounting information. (Optional) Display weighted random early detection (WRED) information. (Optional) Display the interface rate-limit information. (Optional) Display the status of the interface. (Optional) Display the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port. This option is only available if an interface is specified.

allowed-vlanDisplay the VLAN IDs that receive and transmit all types of traffic on the trunk port. By default, all VLAN IDs are included. prune-eligDisplay the VLAN ID whose flood traffic can be pruned. By default, all VLANs, except VLAN 1 and 1002 through 1005, are pruning-eligible on the trunk. native-vlanDisplay the native VLAN ID for untagged traffic when the port is in 802.1Q trunking mode.

trbrf type begin exclude include expression

(Optional) Show bridge relay function(BRF) token ring VLAN type. (Optional) Show VLAN types. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show interface

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4 11.2(8)SA5 12.0(5)XP 12.0(5)XU 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced. The native-vlan keyword was added. The vlan number keyword was added. The pruning keyword was added. The status keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show interface command without specifying a port to display the administrative and operational status of all ports on the switch.


This is an example of output from the show interface gi0/1 flow-control command.
Switch# show interface gi0/1 flow-control Any,Input only

The display shows two values separated by a comma. The first value is the value that you configured by using the flowcontrol command or the Cluster Management Suite (CMS) (or the default value if you did not configure it). The first value can be one of these settings:

NoneFlow control is not enabled. AsymmetricOnly the transmit or receive flow control is enabled. SymmetricBoth the transmit and receive flow control are enabled. AnyAny type of flow control is supported.

The second value represents the flow control value that is autonegotiated with the link partner and can be one of these settings:

NoneFlow control with the link partner does not occur. Output onlyThe interface can only transmit pause frames but not receive any. Input onlyThe interface can only receive pause frames but not transmit any. Output and InputThe interface can transmit and receive pause frames.


If you enter the show interface interface-id flow-control command on a GigaStack Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC), the first value in the display is the setting for both GigaStack GBIC ports, and the second value is the autonegotiated setting for both ports. This is an example of output from the show interface fa0/2 switchport command. Table 2-2 describes each field in the display.
Switch# show interface fa0/2 switchport Name: fa0/2 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: Trunk Operational Mode: Trunk Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: ISL Operational Trunking Encapsulation: ISL

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show interface

Cisco IOS Commands

Negotiation of Trunking: Disabled Access Mode VLAN: 0 (inactive) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Trunking VLANs Enabled: 1-30, 50, 100-1005 Trunking VLANs Active: 1-4 Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Priority for untagged frames: 0 Voice VLAN: none Appliance trust: none

Table 2-2

Show Interface fa0/2 Switchport Field Descriptions

Field Name Switchport Administrative Mode Operational Mode Administrative Trunking Encapsulation Operation Trunking Encapsulation Negotiation of Trunking Access Mode VLAN Trunking Native Mode VLAN Trunking VLANs Enabled Trunking VLANs Active Pruning VLANs Enabled Priority for untagged frames Voice VLAN Appliance trust

Description Displays the port name. Displays the administrative and operational status of the port. In this display, the port is in switch port mode. Displays the administrative and operational mode. Displays the administrative and operational encapsulation method. Also displays whether trunking negotiation is enabled.

Displays the VLAN ID to which the port is configured. Lists the VLAN ID of the trunk that is in native mode. Lists the allowed VLANs on the trunk. Lists the active VLANs on the trunk.

Lists the VLANs that are pruning-eligible. Displays the port priority on incoming untagged frames. Displays the voice VLAN. Displays how the appliance (telephone) connected to the specified port handles priority traffic that is received on its incoming port.

This is an example of output from the show interface fa0/9 pruning command when pruning is enabled in the VTP domain:
Switch# show interface fa0/9 pruning Port Vlans pruned for lack of request by neighbor Fa0/9 3,4 Port Fa0/9 Vlans traffic requested of neighbor 1-3

This is an example of output from the show interface status command:

Switch# show interface status Port Name Status ------- ------------------ -----------Fa0/1 connected Fa0/2 notconnect Vlan Duplex Speed Type -------- ------ ------- ---trunk A-Full A-100 100BASE-TX/FX 1 Auto Auto 100BASE-TX/FX

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show interface

Fa0/3 Fa0/4 Fa0/5 Fa0/6 Fa0/7 Fa0/8 Fa0/9 <output truncated>

notconnect notconnect notconnect notconnect notconnect notconnect notconnect

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto

Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto Auto


Related Commands

Command switchport access switchport mode switchport multi switchport priority default switchport trunk pruning switchport voice vlan

Description Configures a port as a static-access or dynamic-access port. Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Configures a list of VLANs to which the port is associated. Provides a default port priority for the incoming untagged frames. Configures the VLAN pruning-eligible list for ports in trunking mode. Configures the voice VLAN on the port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show ip igmp profile

Cisco IOS Commands

show ip igmp profile

Use the show ip igmp profile privileged EXEC command to display the details of an Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) profile entry. show ip igmp profile [profile number] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

profile number | begin | exclude | include expression

The IGMP profile to be displayed. The range is from 1 to 4294967295. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show ip igmp profile command with an IGMP filter profile to display parameters for a specific IGMP profile. Expressions are case sensitive. For example, if you enter | exclude output, the lines that contain output are not displayed, but the lines that contain Output are displayed.


This is an example of output from the show ip igmp profile command:

host1# show ip igmp profile 30 IGMP Profile 30 range range host1#

Related Commands

Command ip igmp filter ip igmp profile

Description Apply a specific IGMP profile to an interface. Define an IGMP profile.

show running-config interface Displays the running configuration on the switch, including any profiles assigned to a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show local ethernet-statistics

show local ethernet-statistics

Use the show local ethernet-statistics privileged EXEC command to display the details of the local Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) chipset. show local ethernet-statistics [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id begin exclude include expression

ID of the switch LRE port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(6)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show local ethernet-statistics command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the Ethernet statistics of all switch LRE interfaces.


This is an example of output from the show local ethernet-statistics command:

Switch# show local ethernet-statistics lo0/1 Transmit 0 Bytes 0 Frames 0 130 0 0 0 0 0 Pause frames 1 collision frames Multiple collisions Late collisions Excessive collisions Deferred frames Carrier sense errors Receive 0 0 0 0 1028 0 0 0

Bytes Frames Broadcast frames Pause frames Alignment errors Collisions and Runts Oversize frames FCS errors

Related Commands

Command show remote ethernet-statistics

Description Displays the Ethernet statistics for a remote CPE device.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show lre upgrade binaries

Cisco IOS Commands

show lre upgrade binaries

Use the show lre upgrade binaries privileged EXEC command to display the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) binaries present on the system Flash memory. show lre upgrade binaries [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show lre upgrade binaries command displays the LRE binary information for each interface. The output of the command shows the path to the LRE binaries, which are always in the same directory as the IOS image. LRE binary file names consist of:

The device family. A device family could be an LRE switch or a customer premises equipment (CPE) device. The function of the firmware, such as an upgrade for an application, for the bootloader, or for the LRE chipset. The firmware version.

Files marked with an exclamation point (!) are version description files. A version description file is for informational purposes only and are not candidates for upgrade. Version description files are used to determine whether or not a CPE device on an LRE link is running a supported LRE binary version.


This example of output is from the show lre upgrade binaries command:
Switch# show lre upgrade binaries Directory containing LRE binaries is flash:/lre-bin/ LRE Binary:CISCO585-LRE_MC8051boot_01.03.00,Flash file name:CISCO585-LRE_MC8051boot_01.03.00.bin! LRE Binary:CISCO585-LRE_vdslsngl_51.00.00,Flash file name:CISCO585-LRE_vdslsngl_51.00.00.bin

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show lre upgrade binaries

LRE Binary:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00,Flash file name:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00.bin LRE Binary:CISCO585-LRE_MC8051appl_01.03.00,Flash file name:CISCO585-LRE_MC8051appl_01.03.00.bin! LRE Binary:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00,Flash file name:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00.bin Switch#

Related Commands

Command show lre upgrade status show lre upgrade version

Description Displays the upgrade status on all ports in the switch. Displays the versions of binaries on local and remote ends on all ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show lre upgrade status

Cisco IOS Commands

show lre upgrade status

Use the show lre upgrade status privileged EXEC command to display the upgrade status on all ports in the switch. show lre upgrade status [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show lre upgrade status command during LRE upgrades to display both the local and remote upgrade status levels in progress on an LRE link: NoneAn upgrade is not in progress. PendingAn upgrade is initalized, but transfer has not begun. ActiveThe data transfer is in progress. CmpltAn upgrade is complete. When an upgrade is running on an LRE switch controller, the status for the controller does not change to complete until all hardware elements on the controller are completed. Other information displayed includes the local current (lcl curr) and proposed configuration (cfg) for each LRE interface. LRE binary file names consist of:

The device family. A device family could be an LRE switch or a customer premises equipment (CPE) device. The function of the firmware, such as an upgrade for an application, for the bootloader, or for the LRE or CPE chipsets. The firmware version.

During data transfer but before the upgrade completes, the status also shows the amount of time in hours and minutes that the upgrade has been in progress. It also shows the number of attempts.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show lre upgrade status


This example shows the status of an upgrade at completion:

Switch# show lre upgrade status Lo0/1: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/2: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/3: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/4: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/5: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/6: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/7: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/8: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:2830 Lo0/9: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 No remote devices on Lo0/9 Lo0/10: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 No remote devices on Lo0/10 Lo0/11: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 No remote devices on Lo0/11 Lo0/12: lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 new:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Status:Cmplt, Bytes Sent:0 No remote devices on Lo0/12 Switch#

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show lre upgrade status

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command show lre upgrade binaries show lre upgrade version

Description Displays the LRE binary information present on the system Flash memory. Displays the versions of binaries on local and remote ends on all ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show lre upgrade version

show lre upgrade version

Use the show lre upgrade version privileged EXEC command to display the version of binaries on local and remote ends of an LRE link. show lre upgrade version [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show lre upgrade version command displays the LRE binary version for each interface. The command shows the local current (lcl curr) and the proposed configuration (cfg) for each LRE interface. LRE binary file names consist of:

The device family The function of the firmware, such as an upgrade for an application, the bootloader, or for the LRE chipsets for a customer premises equipment (CPE) device. The firmware version.


This example of output is from the show lre upgrade version command:
Switch# show lre upgrade version Lo0/1: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model Cisco575-LRE , Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/2: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model CISCO575-LRE, Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/3: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model CISCO575-LRE, Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/4: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model Cisco575-LRE , Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show lre upgrade version

Cisco IOS Commands

Lo0/5: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model Cisco575-LRE , Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/6: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model Cisco575-LRE , Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/7: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model Cisco575-LRE , Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/8: CPE:Family CISCO575-LRE, Model Cisco575-LRE , Rev A0 lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 rmt curr:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO575-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/9: CPE:Family NONE, Model NONE, Rev NONE lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/10: CPE:Family NONE, Model NONE, Rev NONE lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/11: CPE:Family NONE, Model NONE, Rev NONE lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 Lo0/12: CPE:Family NONE, Model NONE, Rev NONE lcl curr:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00 cfg:CISCO2900-LRE_vdslsngl_50.00.00

Related Commands

Command show lre upgrade binaries show lre upgrade status

Description Displays the LRE binary information present on the system Flash memory. Displays the upgrade status on all ports in the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show mac-address-table

show mac-address-table
Use the show mac-address-table user EXEC command to display the MAC address table. show mac-address-table [static | dynamic | secure | self | aging-time | count] [address hw-addr] [interface interface] [atm slot/port] [vlan vlan-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

static dynamic secure self aging-time count address hw-addr interface interface atm slot/port vlan vlan-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display only the static addresses. (Optional) Display only the dynamic addresses. (Optional) Display only the secure addresses. (Optional) Display only addresses added by the switch itself. (Optional) Display aging-time for dynamic addresses for all VLANs. (Optional) Display a count for different kinds of MAC addresses. (Optional) Display information for a specific address. (Optional) Display addresses for a specific port. (Optional) Add dynamic addresses to ATM module slot/port. Use 1 or 2 for the slot number. Use 0 as the port number. (Optional) Display addresses for a specific VLAN. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced. The self, aging-time, count, and vlan vlan-id keywords were added. The atm slot/port keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

This command displays the MAC address table for the switch. Specific views can be defined by using the optional keywords and values. If more than one optional keyword is used, then all of the conditions must be true in order for that entry to be displayed.


This is an example of output from the show mac-address-table command:

Switch> show mac-address-table

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show mac-address-table

Cisco IOS Commands

Dynamic Addresses Count: 9 Secure Addresses (User-defined) Count: 0 Static Addresses (User-defined) Count: 0 System Self Addresses Count: 41 Total MAC addresses: 50 Non-static Address Table: Destination Address Address Type VLAN Destination Port ------------------- ------------ ---- -------------------0010.0de0.e289 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1 0010.7b00.1540 Dynamic 2 FastEthernet0/5 0010.7b00.1545 Dynamic 2 FastEthernet0/5 0060.5cf4.0076 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1 0060.5cf4.0077 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1 0060.5cf4.1315 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1 0060.70cb.f301 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1 00e0.1e42.9978 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1 00e0.1e9f.3900 Dynamic 1 FastEthernet0/1

Related Commands

Command clear mac-address-table

Description Deletes entries from the MAC address table.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show mac-address-table notification

show mac-address-table notification

Use the show mac-address-table notification privileged EXEC command to display the global parameters for the MAC address notification feature. show mac-address-table notification [interface interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Specify a interface. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.


This command has no default setting.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification The notification keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

Use the show mac-address-table notification command without keywords to display parameters for all interfaces. Use this command with the interface keyword and interface ID to display parameters for a specific interface. Expressions are case sensitive. For example, if you enter | exclude output, the lines that contain output are not displayed, but the lines that contain Output are displayed.


This is an example of output from the show mac-address-table notification command:

Switch# show mac-address-table notification MAC Notification Feature is Enabled on the switch Interval between Notification Traps : 10 secs Number of MAC Addresses Added : 18 Number of MAC Addresses Removed : 15 Number of Notifications sent to NMS : 28 Maximum Number of entries configured in History Table : 5 Current History Table Length : 5 MAC Notification Traps are Enabled History Table contents ---------------------History Index 3, Entry Timestamp 1790800, Despatch Timestamp 1790800 MAC Changed Message :

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show mac-address-table notification

Cisco IOS Commands

Operation: Deleted Vlan: 1

MAC Addr: 00c0.4301.101b Dot1dBasePort:16

History Index 4, Entry Timestamp 1794810, Despatch Timestamp 1794810 MAC Changed Message : Operation: Added Vlan: 1 MAC Addr: 00c0.4301.101b Module: 0 Port: 2 History Index 0, Entry Timestamp 1825868, Despatch Timestamp 1825868 MAC Changed Message : Operation: Deleted Vlan: 1 MAC Addr: 00c0.4301.101b Module: 0 Port: 2 History Index 1, Entry Timestamp 1850929, Despatch Timestamp 1850929 MAC Changed Message : Operation: Added Vlan: 1 MAC Addr: 00c0.4301.101b Module: 0 Port: 2 History Index 2, Entry Timestamp 1880988, Despatch Timestamp 1880988 MAC Changed Message : Operation: Deleted Vlan: 1 MAC Addr: 00c0.4301.101b Module: 0 Port: 2


This is an example of output from the show mac-address-table notification interface command for all interfaces on a switch:
MAC Notification Flags For All Ethernet Interfaces : ---------------------------------------------------Interface MAC Added Trap MAC Removed Trap ---------------------- ---------------FastEthernet0/1 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/2 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/3 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/4 Enabled Enabled FastEthernet0/5 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/6 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/7 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/8 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/9 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/10 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/11 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/12 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/13 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/14 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/15 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/16 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/17 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/18 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/19 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/20 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/21 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/22 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/23 Disabled Disabled FastEthernet0/24 Disabled Disabled

This is an example of output from the show mac-address-table notification interface interface-id command for one interface on a switch:
Interface --------FastEthernet0/4 Switch# MAC Added Trap MAC Removed Trap -------------- ---------------Enabled Enabled

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show mac-address-table notification

Related Commands

Command clear mac-address-table notification mac-address-table notification snmp trap mac-notification

Description Clears the counters maintained by the MAC address notification feature. Enables the MAC notification feature. Enables MAC-notification traps on a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show mvr

Cisco IOS Commands

show mvr
Use the show mvr privileged EXEC command without keywords to display the multicast VLAN registration (MVR) global parameter values, including whether or not MVR is enabled, the maximum query response time, and the multicast VLAN number. show mvr [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to view the MVR global parameter values:
Switch# show mvr MVR Enabled MVR multicast vlan: 2 MVR Current multicast groups: 1 MVR Global query response time: 100 (tenths of sec)

Related Commands

Command show mvr interface show mvr members mvr (global configuration) (global configuration mode) mvr (interface configuration) (interface configuration mode)

Description Displays the configured MVR interfaces or displays the multicast groups to which a receiver port belongs. Displays all receiver ports that are members of an MVR multicast group. Enables and configures multicast VLAN registration on the switch. Configures MVR ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show mvr interface

show mvr interface

Use the show mvr interface privileged EXEC command without keywords to display the multicast VLAN registration (MVR) receiver and source ports. Use the command with keywords to display MVR parameters for a specific receiver port. show mvr interface [interface-id [members [vlan vlan-id]]] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id members vlan vlan-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Enter a receiver port identification to display parameters for the specified port. (Optional) Display all MVR groups that the specified receive port is a member of. (Optional) Display the VLAN to which the receiver port belongs. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Usage Guidelines

If the entered port identification is a non-MVR port or a source port, the command returns an error message. For receiver ports, it displays the port type and per port parameters, such as maximum threshold and Immediate Leave setting.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to display all MVR interfaces:

Switch# show mvr interface MVR PORTS Port: Fa0/1 Type: RECEIVER Status: ACTIVE Port: Fa0/2 Type: RECEIVER Status: ACTIVE Port: Fa0/3 Type: SOURCE Status: ACTIVE

This example shows how to view the MVR parameters for Fast Ethernet port 0/1:
Switch# show mvr interface fastethernet 0/1 Interface: Fa0/1 Threshold: 20 Immediate Leave: Disabled Multicast packets received: 13

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show mvr interface

Cisco IOS Commands

This example shows the response displayed when the entered port is not a receiver port:
Switch# show mvr fastethernet 0/3 Sorry, Cannot display parameter information for non-receiver port

Related Commands

Command show mvr show mvr members

Description Displays the global MVR configuration on the switch. Displays all receiver ports that are members of an MVR multicast group.

mvr (global configuration) (global Enables and configures multicast VLAN registration on the configuration mode) switch. mvr (interface configuration) (interface configuration mode) Configures MVR ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show mvr members

show mvr members

Use the show mvr members privileged EXEC command to display all receiver ports that are members of an IP multicast group. show mvr members [ip-address] | [{begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description


(Optional) The IP multicast address. If the address is entered, all receiver ports that are members of the multicast group are displayed. If no address is entered, all members of all MVR groups are listed. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

| begin | exclude | include expression

Usage Guidelines

The show mvr members command only applies to receiver ports. All source ports are members of all multicast groups.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to view the members of any IP multicast group:
Switch# show mvr members MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/16 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/17 DYNAMIC ACTIVE MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/15 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/17 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/20 DYNAMIC ACTIVE MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/23 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/16 DYNAMIC ACTIVE MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/26 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/16 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/23 DYNAMIC ACTIVE MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/15 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/14 DYNAMIC ACTIVE

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show mvr members

Cisco IOS Commands

MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/17 Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/18 Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/20 Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/23 Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/15



This example shows how to view the members of the IP multicast group
Switch# show mvr members MVR Group IP: Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/26 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/16 DYNAMIC ACTIVE Vlan 2 Interface:Fa0/23 DYNAMIC ACTIVE

Related Commands

Command show mvr show mvr interface mvr (global configuration) mvr (interface configuration)

Description Displays the global MVR configuration on the switch. Displays the configured MVR interfaces or displays the multicast groups to which a receiver port belongs. Enables and configures multicast VLAN registration on the switch. Configures MVR ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show port block

show port block

Use the show port block privileged EXEC command to display the blocking of unicast or multicast flooding to a port. show port block {unicast | multicast} [interface-id | vlan number] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

unicast multicast interface-id vlan number | begin | exclude | include expression

Display whether or not ports are blocking unicast packets. Display whether or not ports are blocking multicast packets. (Optional) ID of the module and port. (Optional) VLAN number from 1 to 1000. Do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guideliness

If the variable interface is omitted, the show port block unicast and show port block multicast commands display packet blocking information on all ports.


This is an example of output from the show port block command:

Switch# show port block unicast fa0/8 FastEthernet0/8 is blocked from unknown unicast addresses

Related Commands

Command port block

Description Blocks the flooding of unknown unicast or multicast packets to a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show port group

Cisco IOS Commands

show port group

Use the show port group privileged EXEC command to display the ports that belong to a port group. show port group [group-number] | [{begin | exclude | include} expression] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

group-number | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Port group to which the port is assigned.

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable group-number is omitted, the show port group command displays all port groups on the switch. Port groups are not supported on Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) ports.


This is an example of output from the show port group command:

Switch# show port group 1 Group ----1 1 Interface --------------FastEthernet0/1 FastEthernet0/4

Related Commands

Command port group

Description Assigns a port to a Fast EtherChannel or Gigabit EtherChannel port group.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show port monitor

show port monitor

Use the show port monitor privileged EXEC command to display the ports for which Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) port monitoring is enabled. show port monitor [interface-id | vlan number] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id vlan number | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port enabled for SPAN. (Optional) VLAN number from 1 to 1000. Do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable interface is omitted, the show port monitor command displays all monitor ports on the switch.


This is an example of output from the show port monitor command:

Switch# show port monitor fa0/8 Monitor Port -----------------FastEthernet0/8 FastEthernet0/8 FastEthernet0/8 FastEthernet0/8 Port Being Monitored -------------------FastEthernet0/1 FastEthernet0/2 FastEthernet0/3 FastEthernet0/4

Related Commands

Command port monitor

Description Enables SPAN port monitoring on a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show port network

Cisco IOS Commands

show port network

Use the show port network privileged EXEC command to display the network port defined for the switch or VLAN. show port network [interface-id | vlan number] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id vlan number | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port. (Optional) VLAN number from 1 to 1000. Do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable interface is omitted, the show port network command displays all network ports on the switch.


This is an example of output from the show port network command:

Switch# show port network Network Port -----------FastEthernet0/11 VLAN ID ------1

Related Commands

Command port network

Description Defines a port as the switch network port. All traffic with unknown unicast addresses is forwarded to the network port on the same VLAN.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show port protected

show port protected

Use the show port protected privileged EXEC command to display the port protected mode for all ports. show port protected [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show port protected command:

Switch# show port protected FastEthernet0/3 is in protected mode GigabitEthernet1/1 is in protected mode

Related Commands

Command port protected

Description Isolates unicast, multicast, and broadcast traffic at Layer 2 from other protected ports on the same switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show port security

Cisco IOS Commands

show port security

Use the show port security privileged EXEC command to display the port security settings defined for the port. show port security [interface-id | vlan number] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id vlan number | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port. (Optional) VLAN number from 1 to 1000. Do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable interface is omitted, the show port security command displays all secure ports on the switch.


This is an example of output from the show port security command for fixed port 07:
Switch# show port security fa0/7 Secure Port --------------FastEthernet0/7 Secure Addr Cnt (Current) ------------0 Secure Addr Cnt (Max) ----------132 Security Security Action Reject Cnt ---------- ---------------0 Send Trap

Related Commands

Command port security

Description Enables port security on a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show port storm-control

show port storm-control

Use the show port storm-control privileged EXEC command to display the packet-storm control information. This command also displays the action that the switch takes when the thresholds are reached. show port storm-control [interface] [{broadcast | multicast | unicast | history}] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface broadcast multicast unicast history | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Port for which information is to be displayed. (Optional) Display broadcast storm information. (Optional) Display multicast storm information. (Optional) Display unicast storm information. (Optional) Display storm history on a per-port basis. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The broadcast, multicast, unicast, and history keywords were added.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable interface is omitted, the show port storm-control command displays storm control settings on all ports on the switch. You can display broadcast, multicast, or unicast packet-storm information by using the corresponding keyword.


This is an example of output from the show port storm-control command:

Switch# show port storm-control Interface --------Fa0/1 Fa0/2 Fa0/3 Fa0/4 Filter State ------------<inactive> <inactive> <inactive> <inactive> Trap State ------------<inactive> <inactive> <inactive> <inactive> Rising -----1000 500 500 500 Falling ------200 250 250 250 Current ------0 0 0 0 Traps Sent ---------0 0 0 0

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show port storm-control

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command port storm-control

Description Enables broadcast, multicast, or unicast storm control on a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show power inline

show power inline

Use the show power inline privileged EXEC command to display the power status for the specified port or for all ports on the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch. show power inline [interface-id] [actual | configured] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id actual configured | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port. (Optional) Display the current power status, which might not be the same as the configured power. (Optional) Display the configured power status. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show power inline fa0/4 actual command:
Switch# show power inline fa0/4 actual Interface Power -------------------- ----FastEthernet0/4 no

Related Commands

Command power inline

Description Determines how inline power is applied to devices on the specified Fast Ethernet port of the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show proposed

Cisco IOS Commands

show proposed
Use the show proposed VLAN database command to display the proposed VLAN database or a selected VLAN from it. show proposed [vlan-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description


(Optional) ID of the VLAN in the proposed database. If this variable is omitted, the entire VLAN database displays, included the pruning state and version 2 mode. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

| begin | exclude | include expression

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable vlan-id is omitted, the show proposed command displays the entire proposed VLAN database. The proposed VLAN database is not the running configuration until you use the exit or apply command.


This is an example of output from the show proposed command:

Switch(vlan)# show proposed VLAN ISL Id: 1 Name: default Media Type: Ethernet VLAN 802.10 Id: 100001 State: Operational MTU: 1500 Translational Bridged VLAN: 1002 Translational Bridged VLAN: 1003 VLAN ISL Id: 2 Name: VLAN0002 Media Type: FDDI Net VLAN 802.10 Id: 100002 State: Operational MTU: 1500 STP Type: IBM VLAN ISL Id: 1002 Name: fddi-default

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show proposed

Media Type: FDDI VLAN 802.10 Id: 101002 State: Operational MTU: 1500 Bridge Type: SRB Translational Bridged VLAN: Translational Bridged VLAN: VLAN ISL Id: 1003 Name: trcrf-default Media Type: TRCRF VLAN 802.10 Id: 101003 State: Operational MTU: 4472 Bridge Type: SRB Ring Number: 3276 Bridge Number: 1 Parent VLAN: 1005 Maximum ARE Hop Count: 7 Maximum STE Hop Count: 7 Backup CRF Mode: Disabled Translational Bridged VLAN: Translational Bridged VLAN: VLAN ISL Id: 1004 Name: fddinet-default Media Type: FDDI Net VLAN 802.10 Id: 101004 State: Operational MTU: 1500 Bridge Type: SRB Bridge Number: 1 STP Type: IBM VLAN ISL Id: 1005 Name: trbrf-default Media Type: TRBRF VLAN 802.10 Id: 101005 State: Operational MTU: 4472 Bridge Type: SRB Bridge Number: 15 STP Type: IBM

1 1003

1 1002

Related Commands

Command show changes show current

Description Displays the differences between the VLAN database currently on the switch and the proposed VLAN database. Displays the VLAN database on the switch or a selected VLAN from it.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show remote ethernet-statistics

Cisco IOS Commands

show remote ethernet-statistics

Use the show remote ethernet-statistics user EXEC command to display the statistics for the Ethernet ports on the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) devices connected to the switch LRE ports. show remote ethernet-statistics [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show remote ethernet-statistics user EXEC command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the Ethernet statistics for all switch LRE ports connected to LRE CPE devices. When a Cisco 585 LRE CPE device is connected to a switch LRE port, this command displays the statistics for the five Ethernet connections on the CPE device. Statistics for CPE Fast Ethernet Ports 1 through 4 are the statistics for the CPE Ethernet links between the CPE device and remote Ethernet devices such as PCs and television-set-top boxes. Statistics for CPE Fast Ethernet Port 5 are the statistics for the LRE link between the CPE device and the switch LRE port.


This is an example of output from the show remote ethernet-statistics user EXEC command when a Cisco 575 LRE CPE device is connected to switch LRE port 1:
Switch> show remote ethernet-statistics lo 0/1 Transmit 0 Bytes 0 Frames 0 156 0 0 0 0 0 Pause frames 1 collision frames Multiple collisions Late collisions Excessive collisions Deferred frames Carrier sense errors Receive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bytes Frames Broadcast frames Pause frames Alignment errors Collisions and Runts Oversize frames FCS errors

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show remote ethernet-statistics

This is an example of output from the show remote ethernet-statistics user EXEC command when a Cisco 585 LRE CPE device is connected to switch LRE port 13:
Switch> show remote ethernet-statistics lo 0/13 Transmit 145192685 Bytes 1964998 Frames 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pause frames 1 collision frames Multiple collisions Late collisions Excessive collisions Deferred frames Carrier sense errors Receive 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Bytes Frames Broadcast frames Pause frames Alignment errors Collisions and Runts Oversize frames FCS errors

CPE Fast Ethernet Port: 1 0 Bytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Collision Frames One Collision Frames Multiple Collisions Late Collisions Excess Collisions Frame Discard Deferred Frames 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bytes Good Bytes Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Alignment Errors Fragments Undersize Frames Oversize Frames FCS errors Excess Size Discards Jabbers Source Address Chang Symbol Errors 64 Byte Frames 65-127 Byte Frames 128-255 Byte Frames 256-511 Byte Frames 512-1023 Byte Frames 1024-1522 Byte Frame

CPE Fast Ethernet Port: 2 0 Bytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Collision Frames One Collision Frames Multiple Collisions Late Collisions Excess Collisions Frame Discard Deferred Frames 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bytes Good Bytes Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Alignment Errors Fragments Undersize Frames Oversize Frames FCS errors Excess Size Discards Jabbers Source Address Chang Symbol Errors 64 Byte Frames 65-127 Byte Frames 128-255 Byte Frames

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show remote ethernet-statistics

Cisco IOS Commands

0 256-511 Byte Frames 0 512-1023 Byte Frames 0 1024-1522 Byte Frame CPE Fast Ethernet Port: 3 0 Bytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Collision Frames One Collision Frames Multiple Collisions Late Collisions Excess Collisions Frame Discard Deferred Frames 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bytes Good Bytes Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Alignment Errors Fragments Undersize Frames Oversize Frames FCS errors Excess Size Discards Jabbers Source Address Chang Symbol Errors 64 Byte Frames 65-127 Byte Frames 128-255 Byte Frames 256-511 Byte Frames 512-1023 Byte Frames 1024-1522 Byte Frame

CPE Fast Ethernet Port: 4 0 Bytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Collision Frames One Collision Frames Multiple Collisions Late Collisions Excess Collisions Frame Discard Deferred Frames 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bytes Good Bytes Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Alignment Errors Fragments Undersize Frames Oversize Frames FCS errors Excess Size Discards Jabbers Source Address Chang Symbol Errors 64 Byte Frames 65-127 Byte Frames 128-255 Byte Frames 256-511 Byte Frames 512-1023 Byte Frames 1024-1522 Byte Frame

CPE Fast Ethernet Port: 5 0 Bytes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Collision Frames 771205439 771206817 4915 10301553 243462 0 0 0 Bytes Good Bytes Unicast Frames Multicast Frames Broadcast Frames Dropped Frames Pause Frames Alignment Errors

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show remote ethernet-statistics

0 0 0 0 0 0

One Collision Frames Multiple Collisions Late Collisions Excess Collisions Frame Discard Deferred Frames

0 0 0 0 0 0 4596242 0 730759 9795377 41 23717 11 0

Fragments Undersize Frames Oversize Frames FCS errors Excess Size Discards Jabbers Source Address Chang Symbol Errors 64 Byte Frames 65-127 Byte Frames 128-255 Byte Frames 256-511 Byte Frames 512-1023 Byte Frames 1024-1522 Byte Frame

Related Commands

Command show remote interfaces status

Description Displays the speed, duplex mode, and link status of the Ethernet ports on the LRE CPE devices connected to the switch LRE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show remote interfaces status

Cisco IOS Commands

show remote interfaces status

Use the show remote interfaces status user EXEC command to display the speed, duplex mode, and link status of the Ethernet ports on the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) devices connected to the switch LRE ports. show remote interfaces status [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Using the show remote interfaces status user EXEC command without specifying a switch LRE port displays the status for all switch LRE ports connected to LRE CPE devices. When a Cisco 585 LRE CPE device is connected to a switch LRE port, this command displays the status for the five Ethernet connections on the CPE device. Status for CPE Ports 1 through 4 are the status for the CPE Ethernet links between the CPE and remote Ethernet devices such as PCs and television-set-top boxes. Status for CPE Port 5 are the status for the LRE link between the CPE and the switch LRE port.


This is an example of output from the show remote interfaces status command:
Switch# show remote interfaces status Port CPE-Port ------ -------Lo0/1 1 Lo0/2 1 Lo0/3 1 Lo0/4 1 Lo0/5 1 Lo0/6 1 Lo0/7 1 Lo0/8 1 Lo0/9 1 Lo0/10 1 Lo0/11 1 Lo0/12 1 Lo0/13 1 Status Speed Duplex ------------ ----- -----unconnected auto NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA unconnected auto NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show remote interfaces status

Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20

1 1 1 1 1 1 1




Related Commands

Command show remote ethernet-statistics

Description Displays the statistics for the Ethernet ports on the LRE CPE devices connected to the switch LRE ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show rps

Cisco IOS Commands

show rps
Use the show rps user EXEC command to display the status of the Cisco Redundant Power System (RPS). show rps [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show rps command. Table 2-3 describes the possible display output.
Switch> show rps ACTIVATED

Table 2-3

Show RPS Display Output Description


Description The RPS is off or not installed.

Switch RPS LED Color Off (all switch and RPS models)

The internal power supply of the switch is down. The Blinking amber (3524-PWR switch connected switch is operating through the RPS. to RPS 300) Solid green (all Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, except the 3524-PWR, connected to the Cisco RPS)


The RPS is connected, operational, and in standby mode. The switch is operating from its own internal power supply.

Solid green (3524-PWR switch connected to RPS 300) Blinking green (all Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, except the 3524-PWR, connected to the Cisco RPS)

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show rps

Table 2-3

Show RPS Display Output Description (continued)

Display FAULTY


Switch RPS LED Color

The RPS is connected but not operating correctly Solid amber (all switch and RPS models) (faulty). One of the power supplies in the RPS could be powered down or a fan on the RPS could have failed. Blinking green (3524-PWR switch connected to RPS 300)

NOT AVAILABLE The RPS is backing up another switch; power (Catalyst 3524-PWR redundancy is lost. only)

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show spanning-tree

Cisco IOS Commands

show spanning-tree
Use the show spanning-tree user EXEC command to display spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. show spanning-tree [brief] | [summary] | [vlan stp-list] | [interface interface-list] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

brief summary vlan stp-list

Display a brief status of the spanning tree. Display a summary of the spanning-tree states. (Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. List of ports for which spanning-tree information appears. Enter each port separated by a space. Ranges are not supported. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

interface interface-list | begin | exclude | include expression

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3 12.0(5)XW 12.0(5)WC5

Modification This command was first introduced. The brief and summary keywords were added. The summary keyword was extended to show whether the BPDU guard feature is enabled or disabled.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the spanning-tree instance associated with VLAN 1.


This is an example of output from the show spanning-tree command for VLAN 1:
Switch> show spanning-tree vlan 1 Spanning tree 1 is executing the IEEE compatible Spanning Tree protocol Bridge Identifier has priority 49152, address 00b0.6476.08c0 Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15 Current root has priority 32768, address 0001.42cd.a200 Root port is 31, cost of root path is 42 Topology change flag not set, detected flag not set, changes 1 Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2 hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show spanning-tree

Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0 Fast uplink switchover is enabled Stack port is GigabitEthernet0/1 Interface Fa0/1 (port 13) in Spanning tree 1 is down Port path cost 3100, Port priority 128 Designated root has priority 32768, address 0001.42cd.a200 Designated bridge has priority 49152, address 00b0.6476.08c0 Designated port is 13, path cost 42 Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0 BPDU: sent 0, received 0 <output truncated>

This is an example of output from the show spanning-tree interface command for port 3:
Switch> show spanning-tree interface fa0/3 Interface Fa0/3 (port 3) in Spanning tree 1 is down Port path cost 100, Port priority 128 Designated root has priority 6000, address 0090.2bba.7a40 Designated bridge has priority 32768, address 00e0.1e9f.4abf Designated port is 3, path cost 410 Timers: message age 0, forward delay 0, hold 0 BPDU: sent 0, received 0

This is an example of output from the show spanning-tree summary command:

Switch> show spanning-tree summary UplinkFast is enabled PortFast BPDU Guard is disabled Stack port is GigabitEthernet0/1 Name -------------------VLAN1 VLAN2 VLAN3 <output truncated> Blocking -------13 1 1 Listening --------0 0 0 Learning -------0 0 0 Forwarding ---------1 1 1 STP Active ---------14 2 2

Related Commands

Command spanning-tree spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree protocol

Description Enables STP on a VLAN. Specifies the forwarding-time for the specified spanning-tree instances. Changes the interval between messages that the spanning tree receives from the root switch. Configures a port priority, which is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show tacacs

Cisco IOS Commands

show tacacs
Use the show tacacs user EXEC command to display various Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+) server statistics. show tacacs [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show tacacs command:

Switch> show tacacs Server: closes=4 aborts=0 errors=0 packets in=6 packets out=6 no connection

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show tech-support

show tech-support
Use the show tech-support privileged EXEC command to display switch information that can be given to a Cisco technical support representative. show tech-support [page | password] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description


(Optional) Causes the output to display a page of information at a time. Use the return key to display the next line of output, or use the space bar to display the next page of information. If not used, the output scrolls (that is, does not stop for page breaks). (Optional) Leaves passwords and other security information in the output. If not used, passwords and other security-sensitive information in the output are replaced with the label <removed> (the default). (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.


| begin | exclude | include expression

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC4

Modification Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) information was added to the output.

Usage Guidelines

The output of this command is used to troubleshoot a switch error. This command displays the information about the switch, including:

Hardware and software version Running configuration Port status and statistics (including the status and statistics for the customer premises equipment (CPE) devices that are connected to the switch Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) ports) Version numbers of the various components (hardware, firmware, patch software, and bootloader firmware and application firmware) that make up the switch LRE interface and the CPE LRE interface Revision and serial numbers of the connected CPE device board, assembly, and system

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show tech-support

Cisco IOS Commands


This is an example of output from the show tech-support command:

Switch# show tech-support ------------------ show version -----------------Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software IOS (tm) C2900xl Software (C2900xl-C3H2L9S-M), Version 12.0(5)WC4, RELEASE SOFT) Copyright (c) 1986-2002 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Tue 02-Apr-02 12:57 by antonino Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x0035AF3C ROM: Bootstrap program is C2900xl boot loader 2900LRE-239-34 uptime is 2 days, 23 hours, 24 minutes System returned to ROM by reload System image file is "flash:c2900xl-c3h2l9s-mz.120-5.WC4.bin" cisco WS-C2924-LRE-XL (PowerPC403) processor (revision 0x01) with 16384K/1024K . Processor board ID FAA0514E08L, with hardware revision 0x00 Last reset from warm-reset Processor is running Enterprise Edition Software Cluster command switch capable Cluster member switch capable 4 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 24 LongReachEthernet/VDSL interfaces(s) 32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory. Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:04:DD:7B:DE:C0 Motherboard assembly number: 73-5663-06

------------------ show running-config ------------------

Building configuration... Current configuration: ! version 12.0 no service pad service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log datetime no service password-encryption service sequence-numbers ! hostname 2900LRE-239-34 ! enable secret level 7 5 <removed> ! ! no spanning-tree vlan 121 no spanning-tree vlan 126 no spanning-tree vlan 128

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show tech-support

------------------ show controllers -----------------CPU Interface ASIC unit 1 chip 0 IDB = 0x5C45CC, ds = 0x5C612C ds fields: no_fsd_space = 0, enabled_count = 0 invalid_frames = 0, unexpected_valid_frames = 0 Aged frames from notify queues and unexpected retrieves: aged_frames[0] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[0] = 0 aged_frames[1] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[1] = 0 aged_frames[2] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[2] = 0 aged_frames[3] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[3] = 0 aged_frames[4] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[4] = 0 aged_frames[5] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[5] = 0 aged_frames[6] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[6] = 0 aged_frames[7] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[7] = 0 aged_frames[8] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[8] = 0 aged_frames[9] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[9] = 0 aged_frames[10] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[10] = 0 aged_frames[11] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[11] = 0 aged_frames[12] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[12] = 0 aged_frames[13] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[13] = 0 aged_frames[14] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[14] = 0 aged_frames[15] = 0, unexpected_retrieves[15] = 0 sc_cpu_buffer = 0x5C612C, sc_regs = 0x5C6130 sc_notify_ram = 0x5C6134

------------------ show stacks ------------------

Minimum process stacks: Free/Size Name 5032/6000 mflash init 5068/6000 CPU Interface POST 824/3000 Switch Parameters Initialization Process 2332/3000 Module Management Process 5440/6000 Ethernet Controller Init 7032/12000 malibu static front-end post 2764/3000 Address Aging Init 1932/3000 Address Table Init 2524/3000 VQPC Startup 5496/6000 malibu post 5652/6000 VTP Malibu Shim Process 5588/6000 Frank Mainboard Init 4932/6000 Del Mar Init 8804/12000 Init 4700/6000 cmdr NAT config 2624/3000 Inline Power 5488/6000 atm Init 5360/6000 RADIUS INITCONFIG 5516/6000 malibu init 7812/9000 DHCP Client

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show tech-support

Cisco IOS Commands

------------------ show interfaces ------------------

VLAN1 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is CPU Interface, address is 0004.dd7b.dec0 (bia 0004.dd7b.dec0) Internet address is MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue 0/40, 0 drops; input queue 0/75, 0 drops 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 77972 packets input, 6033758 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 17299 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 77411 packets output, 22057375 bytes, 0 underruns 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped outt ------------------ show controllers lre version ------------------

Interface Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19 Lo0/20

--- SWITCH --Hw Sw Patch 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50 32 B4 50

------------ CPE ----------Hw Sw Patch Boot App 32 B4 50 NA NA 32 B4 50 NA NA 32 B4 50 NA NA 32 B4 50 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 32 B4 51 NA NA 32 B4 51 NA NA 32 B4 51 NA NA 32 B4 50 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 32 B4 51 1.01 0.30 00 00 00 NA NA 32 B4 50 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA 00 00 00 NA NA

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show tech-support

------------------ show controllers lre version mfg ------------------

CPE Manufacturer Information Lo0/1 Assembly Revision Number:05 Model Number :CISCO575-LRE Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number :73-5579-08 Board Serial Number :FAA05160569 System Serial Number :FAA0516E0KL Lo0/2 Assembly Revision Number:05 Model Number :SUDHI-575 Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number :73-5579-08 Board Serial Number :FAA05160561 System Serial Number :FAA0516E0KM Lo0/3 Assembly Revision Number:05 Model Number :NON-CERT-575 Model Revision Number : Board Assembly Number :73-5579-08 Board Serial Number :FAA05160576 ------------------ show controllers lre status profile ------------------

Port -----Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19


Uptime -------2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 00:00:00 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00

Profile ------------------LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10 LRE-10

DSRate -----12.500 4.167 4.167 4.167 0.000 4.167 4.167 4.167 4.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.500 0.000 4.167 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

USRate -----12.500 1.563 1.563 1.563 0.000 1.563 1.563 1.563 1.563 0.000 0.000 0.000 12.500 0.000 1.563 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Fail ---0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show tech-support

Cisco IOS Commands

------------------ show controllers lre status fsm ------------------

Port -----Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18 Lo0/19



Uptime -------2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 00:00:00 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 2d23h 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00

Timer0 -------Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped

Timer1 -------Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped

Timer2 -------Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped

PFC --0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

------------------ show controllers lre status link ------------------

Port -----Lo0/1 Lo0/2 Lo0/3 Lo0/4 Lo0/5 Lo0/6 Lo0/7 Lo0/8 Lo0/9 Lo0/10 Lo0/11 Lo0/12 Lo0/13 Lo0/14 Lo0/15 Lo0/16 Lo0/17 Lo0/18


SNR RS Errs (dB) ---- ----------28 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 0 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 0 0 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

CPE-Tx (dBm/Hz) -------- 91.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 0.0 - 85.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 - 85.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 91.9 0.0 - 85.9 0.0 0.0 0.0

Sw-AGC-Gain (dB) ----------26.8 23.7 23.3 23.3 0.0 21.1 21.1 21.1 21.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 23.8 0.0 23.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

Interleaver Rx-Bsz Tx-Bsz ------------16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

PMD-S ----0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04 0x04

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show tech-support

------------------ show controllers lre status eft local ------------------

Port 8C70 8C71 SNR RS Errs TxPwr SwAGCGain Fail 8214 8216 8217 8218 SwRst ------ ---- ---- --- ----------- ----- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----Lo0/1 00 AE 28 0 - 57.0 26.8 0 51 83 2D D7 0 Lo0/2 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 23.7 0 51 83 2E CF 0 Lo0/3 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 23.3 0 50 83 30 CF 0 Lo0/4 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 23.3 0 50 83 2E CF 0 Lo0/5 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A C0 24 E4 0 Lo0/6 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 21.1 0 4B 83 2F CF 0 Lo0/7 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 21.1 0 4B 83 2F CF 0 Lo0/8 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 21.1 0 4B 83 2F CF 0 Lo0/9 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 21.1 0 4B 83 2E CF 0 Lo0/10 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A C4 20 EE 0 Lo0/11 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A E8 2A E4 0 Lo0/12 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A B0 20 ED 0 Lo0/13 00 AE 28 0 - 57.0 23.8 0 4A 83 2F D7 0 Lo0/14 00 02 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A DC 3B DC 0 Lo0/15 00 AE 35 0 - 54.3 23.7 0 51 80 2F CF 0 Lo0/16 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A E4 23 E4 0 Lo0/17 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A 94 20 EC 0 Lo0/18 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A CC 30 E4 0 Lo0/19 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 5A FC 20 EE 0 ------------------ show controllers lre status eft remote ------------------

Port 8C70 8C71 SNR RS Errs TxPwr SwAGCGain Fail 8214 8216 8217 8218 SwRst ------ ---- ---- --- ----------- ----- --------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----Lo0/1 94 AE 42 0 - 91.9 - 3.7 0 0A 83 27 D7 225 Lo0/2 94 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 6.9 0 0D 80 2B CF 69 Lo0/3 94 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 7.3 0 0C 80 2B CF 186 Lo0/4 94 AE 41 0 - 85.9 - 7.3 0 0C 83 2C CF 158 Lo0/5 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/6 D4 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 8.6 0 06 80 2D CF 95 Lo0/7 D4 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 9.9 0 06 80 2C CF 185 Lo0/8 D4 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 8.1 0 07 80 2D CF 206 Lo0/9 D4 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 10.3 0 05 83 2C CF 214 Lo0/10 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/11 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/12 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/13 D4 AE 42 0 - 91.9 - 5.9 0 05 80 2B D7 145 Lo0/14 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/15 94 AE 44 0 - 85.9 - 7.7 0 0B 83 2B CF 118 Lo0/16 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/17 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/18 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0 Lo0/19 00 00 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 00 00 00 00 0

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show tech-support

Cisco IOS Commands

------------------ show process memory ------------------

Total: 11655816, Used: 2640180, Free: 9015636 PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs 0 0 50304 1504 463500 0 0 0 2092 94258192 2092 0 0 0 146444420 153682876 1418364 4415372 1 0 268 268 3836 0 2 0 0 0 6900 0 3 0 0 2364 6836 0 4 0 20248 0 27084 0 5 0 93528 1224 13052 26520 6 0 268 268 6836 0 7 0 1216 140 7912 0 8 0 0 0 6836 0 9 0 348 168 7016 0 10 0 0 0 3836 0 11 0 96 0 6932 0 12 0 27212 752 16220 0 13 0 364 268 12932 0 14 0 13256 916 6924 0 15 0 242431300 231953936 6836 1560 16 0 192 0 7028 0 17 0 268 268 6836 0 ------------------ show process cpu ------------------

Retbufs 0 0 3911376 0 0 0 0 3448 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21672 0 0

Process *Init* *Sched* *Dead* Load Meter LRE Link Monitor Check heaps Chunk Manager Pool Manager Timers Entity MIB API HC Counter Timer ARP Input RAM Access (dm 0 Critical Bkgnd Net Background Logger TTY Background Per-Second Jobs Net Input Compute load avg

CPU utilization for five seconds: 52%/8%; one minute: 60%; five minutes: 59% PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process 1 895 51504 17 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Load Meter 2 32270190 20722247 1557 6.83% 6.33% 6.57% 0 LRE Link Monitor 3 133858 28515 4694 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 0 Check heaps 4 3 1 3000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Chunk Manager 5 14 43 325 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Pool Manager 6 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Timers 7 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Entity MIB API 8 5312 64314 82 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 HC Counter Timer 9 3719 8031 463 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ARP Input 10 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RAM Access (dm 0 11 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Critical Bkgnd 12 16913 222337 76 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Net Background 13 8 18 444 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Logger 14 8462 254794 33 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TTY Background 15 709384 758557 935 0.04% 0.15% 0.17% 0 Per-Second Jobs 16 0 7 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Net Input 17 2478 51504 48 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Compute load avg 18 72442 4293 16874 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0 Per-minute Jobs 19 58575 1490 39312 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 LRE Monitor 20 6998145 16506781 423 2.33% 1.78% 1.84% 0 LED Control Proc

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show tech-support

------------------ show buffers ------------------

Buffer elements: 500 in free list (500 max allowed) 4962874 hits, 0 misses, 0 created Public buffer pools: Small buffers, 104 bytes (total 49, permanent 25): 40 in free list (20 min, 60 max allowed) 70361936 hits, 291 misses, 600 trims, 624 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Middle buffers, 600 bytes (total 18, permanent 15): 17 in free list (10 min, 30 max allowed) 339217 hits, 8 misses, 21 trims, 24 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Big buffers, 1524 bytes (total 11, permanent 5): 10 in free list (5 min, 10 max allowed) 30029 hits, 760 misses, 2274 trims, 2280 created 0 failures (0 no memory) VeryBig buffers, 4520 bytes (total 0, permanent 0): 0 in free list (0 min, 10 max allowed) 3 hits, 1 misses, 2 trims, 2 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Large buffers, 5024 bytes (total 0, permanent 0):

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show udld

Cisco IOS Commands

show udld
Use the show udld user EXEC command to display UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) status for all ports or the specified port. show udld [interface-id] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

interface-id | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) ID of the module and port or a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1000. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show udld fa0/11 command. In this display, UDLD is enabled on both ends of the link, and UDLD detects that the link is bidirectional. Table 2-4 describes the fields in this display.
Switch> show udld fa0/11 Interface Fa0/11 Port enable configuration setting: Follows global setting Operational enable state: Enabled Current bidirectional state: Bidirectional Message interval: 60 Message timer: 38 Current operational state: Advertisement Time out interval: 5 Time out timer: 0 Restart counter: 0 Neighbors counter: 1 Probe counter: 0 No multiple neighbors detected Current pool id: 1 --Cache entry 1 (0x69D8E4) Device name: Device MAC address: 00:E0:1E:9F:85:80 Port ID: Fa1/1 Expiration time: 159 Cache device ID: 1 Resynch flag clear Current neighbor state: Bidirectional Most recent message type received: Probe Message interval: 5

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show udld

Neighbor echo 1 device: 00:50:0F:08:A4:00 Neighbor echo 1 port: Fa0/11

Table 2-4

Show UDLD Field Descriptions

Field Interface Port enable configuration setting

Description The interface on the local device configured for UDLD. How UDLD is configured on the port. If UDLD is enabled or disabled, the port enable configuration setting is the same as operational enable state. Otherwise, the enable operational setting depends on the global enable setting. Operational state that indicates whether UDLD is actually running on this port. The bidirectional state of the link. An unknown state appears if the link is down or if it is connected to an UDLD-incapable device. A bidirectional state appears if the link is a normal two-way connection to a UDLD-capable device. All other values mean miswiring. How often advertisement messages are sent from the local device. Measured in seconds. The length of time before the next advertisement is sent from the local device. Measured in seconds. The current phase of the UDLD state machine. For a normal bidirectional link, the state machine is usually in the Advertisement phase. The time period, in seconds, that UDLD waits for echoes from a neighbor device during the detection window. The remaining time in seconds in the detection window. This setting is meaningful only if UDLD is in the detection phase. The number of times UDLD sends probe messages in the detection phase. The number of neighbors detected. For point-to-point links, this value should always be one. It is greater than one only when the port is connected to a hub. The remaining number of probe messages to send in the detection window. This setting is meaningful only if UDLD is in the detection phase. An internal index number on the local device. Information from the first cache entry, which contains a copy of echo information received from the neighbor. The neighbor device name. The neighbor MAC address. The neighbor port ID enabled for UDLD. The amount of time in seconds remaining before this cache entry is aged out. The ID of the cache device.

Operational enable state Current bidirectional state

Message interval Message timer Current operational state

Time out interval Time out timer Restart counter Neighbors counter

Probe counter

Current pool id Cache entry 1 Device name Device MAC address Port ID Expiration time Cache device ID

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show udld

Cisco IOS Commands

Table 2-4

Show UDLD Field Descriptions (continued)

Field Resynch flag clear Current neighbor state

Description There are no outstanding requests from neighbors to resynchronize cache data. The neighbors current state. If both the local and neighbor devices are running UDLD normally, the neighbor state and local state should be bidirectional. If the link is down or the neighbor is not UDLD-capable, no cache entries are displayed. The type of message received from the neighbor. The rate, in seconds, at which the neighbor is sending advertisement messages. The MAC address of the neighbors neighbor from which the echo originated. The port ID of the neighbor from which the echo originated.

Most recent message type received Message interval Neighbor echo 1 device Neighbor echo 1 port

Related Commands

Command udld udld enable udld reset

Description Enables UDLD on a port. Enables UDLD on all ports on the switch. Resets any interface that has been shut down by UDLD.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show version

show version
Use the show version user EXEC command to display version information for the hardware and firmware. show version [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

The command has no arguments.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show version command:

Switch> show version Cisco Internetwork Operating System Technology Software IOS Technology(tm) C3500XL Software (C3500XL-C3H2S-M), Version 12.0 Copyright (c) 1986-1998 by cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Mon 22-Nov-99 10:51 by mollyn Image text-base: 0x00003000, data-base: 0x0031B6B4 ROM: Bootstrap program is C3500XL boot loader Switch uptime is 1 hour, 32 minutes System returned to ROM by reload System image file is "flash:c3500XL-c3h2s-mz-" cisco WS-C3524-XL (PowerPC403) processor (revision 0x01) with 8192K/1024K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 0x12, with hardware revision 0x00 Last reset from warm-reset Processor is running Enterprise Edition Software Cluster command switch capable Cluster member switch capable 24 FastEthernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 2 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s) 32K bytes of flash-simulated non-volatile configuration memory. Base ethernet MAC Address: 00:D0:79:6D:2F:00 Motherboard assembly number: 73-3904-08

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show version

Cisco IOS Commands

Power supply part number: 34-0851-02 Motherboard serial number: FAA03269NLK Power supply serial number: PHI031200D2 Model revision number: A0 Model number: WS-C3524-XL-A System serial number: FAA0328K01G Configuration register is 0xF

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show vlan

show vlan
Use the show vlan user EXEC command to display the parameters for all configured VLANs or one VLAN (if the VLAN ID or name is specified) in the administrative domain. show vlan [brief | id vlan-id | name vlan-name] [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

brief id vlan-id name vlan-name | begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display one line for each VLAN with the VLAN name, status, and its ports. (Optional) ID of the VLAN displayed. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005; do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Name of the VLAN displayed. The VLAN name is an ASCII string from 1 to 32 characters. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced. The name vlan-name keywords were added.


This is an example of output from the show vlan command:

Switch> show vlan VLAN Name Status Ports ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/3, Fa0/4, Fa0/5, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12, Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16, Fa0/17, Fa0/18, Fa0/19, Fa0/20, Fa0/21, Fa0/22, Fa0/23, Fa0/24, Gi0/1, Gi0/2 1002 fddi-default active 1003 token-ring-default active 1004 fddinet-default active 1005 trnet-default active VLAN ---1 6 7 1002 Type ----enet fdnet trnet fddi SAID ---------100001 100006 100007 101002 MTU ----1500 1500 1500 1500 Parent -----RingNo -----BridgeNo -------5 Stp ---ieee ieee Trans1 -----1002 0 0 1 Trans2 -----1003 0 0 1003

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show vlan

Cisco IOS Commands

1003 tr 101003 1004 fdnet 101004 1005 trnet 101005

1500 1500 1500

1005 -

3276 -

1 15

ibm ibm

1 0 0

1002 0 0

This is an example of output from the show vlan brief command:

Switch> show vlan brief VLAN Name Status Ports ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------1 default active Fa0/1, Fa0/2, Fa0/5, Fa0/6, Fa0/7, Fa0/8, Fa0/9, Fa0/10, Fa0/11, Fa0/12, Fa0/13, Fa0/14, Fa0/15, Fa0/16, Fa1/1, Fa1/2, Fa1/3, Fa1/4, Fa2/3, Fa2/4 2 VLAN0002 active 3 VLAN0003 active 6 VLAN0006 active 7 VLAN0007 active 1002 fddi-default active 1003 token-ring-default active 1004 fddinet-default active 1005 trnet-default active

This is an example of output from the show vlan id 6 or show vlan name VLAN006 command:
Switch> show vlan id 6 VLAN Name Status Ports ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------6 VLAN0006 active VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp Trans1 Trans2 ---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- ------ -----6 fdnet 100006 1500 ieee 0 0

Related Commands

Command switchport mode vlan

Description Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Configures VLAN characteristics.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show vmps

show vmps
Use the show vmps user EXEC command to display the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) version, the reconfirmation interval, the retry count, the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) IP addresses, and the current and primary servers. show vmps [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show vmps command:

Switch> show vmps VQP Client Status: -------------------VMPS VQP Version: 1 Reconfirm Interval: 60 min Server Retry Count: 3 VMPS domain server: (primary, current) Reconfirmation status --------------------VMPS Action: No Dynamic Port

Related Commands

Command vmps reconfirm and vmps reconfirm vmps retry vmps server

Description Sends VQP queries to reconfirm all dynamic VLAN assignments with the VMPS.

Configures the per-server retry count for the VQP client. Configures the primary VMPS and up to three secondary servers.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show vmps statistics

Cisco IOS Commands

show vmps statistics

Use the show vmps statistics privileged EXEC command to display the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) client-side statistics and counters. show vmps statistics [ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

| begin | exclude | include expression

(Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show vmps statistics command. Table 2-5 describes each field in the display.
Switch# show vmps statistics VMPS Client Statistics ---------------------VQP Queries: VQP Responses: VMPS Changes: VQP Shutdowns: VQP Denied: VQP Wrong Domain: VQP Wrong Version: VQP Insufficient Resource:

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Table 2-5

Show VMPS Statistics Field Descriptions

Field VQP Queries VQP Responses VMPS Changes VQP Shutdowns

Description Number of queries sent by the client to the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS). Number of responses sent to the client from the VMPS. Number of times that the VMPS changed from one server to another. Number of times that the VMPS sent a response to shut down the port. The client disables the port and removes all dynamic addresses on this port from the address table. You must re-enable the port to restore connectivity.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show vmps statistics

Table 2-5

Show VMPS Statistics Field Descriptions (continued)

Field VQP Denied

Description Number of times that the VMPS denied the client request for security reasons. When the VMPS response is to deny an address, no frame is forwarded to or from the workstation with that address (broadcast or multicast frames are delivered to the workstation if the port has been assigned to a VLAN). The client keeps the denied address in the address table as a blocked address to prevent further queries from being sent to the VMPS for each new packet received from this workstation. The client ages the address if no new packets are received from this workstation on this port within the aging time period. Number of times that the management domain in the request does not match the one for the VMPS. Any previous VLAN assignments of the port are not changed. This response means that the server and the client have not been configured with the same VTP management domain. Number of times that the version field in the query packet contains a value that is higher than the version supported by the VMPS. The previous VLAN assignment of the port is not changed. The switch sends only VMPS version 1 requests. Number of times that the VMPS is unable to answer the request because of a resource availability problem. If the retry limit has not yet been reached, the client repeats the request with the same server or with the next alternate server, depending on whether the per-server retry count has been reached.

VQP Wrong Domain

VQP Wrong Version

VQP Insufficient Resource

Related Commands

Command clear vmps statistics

Description Clears the statistics maintained by the VQP client.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show vtp

Cisco IOS Commands

show vtp
Use the show vtp user EXEC command to display general information about the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) management domain, status, and counters. show vtp {counters | status}[ | {begin | exclude | include} expression]

Syntax Description

counters status | begin | exclude | include expression

Display the VTP counters for the switch. Display general information about the VTP management domain. (Optional) Display begins with the line that matches the specified expression. (Optional) Display excludes lines that match the specified expression. (Optional) Display includes lines that match the specified expression. Expression in the output to use as a reference point.

Command Modes


Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This is an example of output from the show vtp counters command. Table 2-6, describes each field in the display.
Switch> show vtp counters VTP statistics: Summary advertisements received Subset advertisements received Request advertisements received Summary advertisements transmitted Subset advertisements transmitted Request advertisements transmitted Number of config revision errors Number of config digest errors Number of V1 summary errors

: : : : : : : : :

38 0 0 13 3 0 0 0 0

VTP pruning statistics: Trunk Summary advts received from non-pruning-capable device ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- --------------------------Fa0/9 827 824 0 Fa0/10 827 823 0 Fa0/11 827 823 0 Join Transmitted Join Received

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show vtp

Table 2-6

Show VTP Counters Field Descriptions

Field Summary Advts Received

Description Number of summary advertisements received by this switch on its trunk ports. Summary advertisements contain the management domain name, the configuration revision number, the update timestamp and identity, the authentication checksum, and the number of subset advertisements to follow. Number of subset advertisements received by this switch on its trunk ports. Subset advertisements contain all the information for one or more VLANs. Number of advertisement requests received by this switch on its trunk ports. Advertisement requests normally request information on all VLANs. They can also request information on a subset of VLANs. Number of summary advertisements sent by this switch on its trunk ports. Summary advertisements contain the management domain name, the configuration revision number, the update timestamp and identity, the authentication checksum, and the number of subset advertisements to follow. Number of subset advertisements sent by this switch on its trunk ports. Subset advertisements contain all the information for one or more VLANs. Number of advertisement requests sent by this switch on its trunk ports. Advertisement requests normally request information on all VLANs. They can also request information on a subset of VLANs. Number of revision errors. Whenever you define a new VLAN, delete an existing one, suspend or resume an existing VLAN, or modify the parameters on an existing VLAN, the configuration revision number of the switch increments. Revision errors increment whenever the switch receives an advertisement whose revision number matches the revision number of the switch, but the MD5 digest values do not match. This error means that the VTP password in the two switches is different or that the switches have different configurations. These errors mean that the switch is filtering incoming advertisements, which causes the VTP database to become unsynchronized across the network.

Subset Advts Received

Request Advts Received

Summary Advts Transmitted

Subset Advts Transmitted

Request Advts Transmitted

No. of Configuration Revision Errors

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show vtp

Cisco IOS Commands

Table 2-6

Show VTP Counters Field Descriptions (continued)

Field No. of Configuration Digest Errors

Description Number of MD5 digest errors. Digest errors increment whenever the MD5 digest in the summary packet and the MD5 digest of the received advertisement calculated by the switch do not match. This error usually means that the VTP password in the two switches is different. To solve this problem, make sure that the VTP password on all switches is the same. These errors mean that the switch is filtering incoming advertisements, which causes the VTP database to become unsynchronized across the network.

No. of version 1 Summary Errors Number of version 1 errors. Version 1 summary errors increment whenever a switch in VTP version 2 mode receives a VTP version 1 frame. These errors mean that at least one neighboring switch is either running VTP version 1 or VTP version 2 with version 2-mode disabled. To solve this problem, change the configuration of the switches in VTP version 2-mode to disabled. Join Transmitted Join Received Summary Advts Received from non-pruning-capable device Number of VTP pruning messages transmitted on the trunk. Number of VTP pruning messages received on the trunk. Number of VTP summary messages received on the trunk from devices that do not support pruning.

This is an example of output from the show vtp status command. Table 2-7, describes each field in the display.
Switch> show vtp status VTP Version : 2 Configuration Revision : 1 Maximum VLANs supported locally : 68 Number of existing VLANs : 7 VTP Operating Mode : Server VTP Domain Name : test1 VTP Pruning Mode : Disabled VTP V2 Mode : Disabled VTP Traps Generation : Disabled MD5 digest : 0x3D 0x02 0xD4 0x3A 0xC4 0x46 0xA1 0x03 Configuration last modified by at 3-4-93 22:25:

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands show vtp

Table 2-7

Show VTP Status Field Descriptions

Field VTP Version

Description Displays the VTP version operating on the switch. By default, Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches implement version 1 but can be set to version 2. Configuration revision number on this switch. Maximum number of VLANs supported locally. Number of existing VLANs. Displays the VTP operating mode, which can be server, client, or transparent. Server: a switch in VTP server mode is enabled for VTP and sends advertisements. You can configure VLANs on it. The switch guarantees that it can recover all the VLAN information in the VTP database from nonvolatile storage after reboot. By default, every switch is a VTP server. Client: a switch in VTP client mode is enabled for VTP, can send advertisements, but does not have enough nonvolatile storage to store VLAN configurations. You cannot configure VLANs on it. When a VTP client starts up, it does not transmit VTP advertisements until it receives advertisements to initialize its VLAN database. Transparent: a switch in VTP transparent mode is disabled for VTP, does not transmit advertisements or learn from advertisements sent by other devices, and cannot affect VLAN configurations on other devices in the network. The switch receives VTP advertisements and forwards them on all trunk ports except the one on which the advertisement was received. The configuration of multi-VLAN ports causes the switch to automatically enter transparent mode.

Configuration Revision Maximum VLANs Supported Locally Number of Existing VLANs VTP Operating Mode

Catalyst 2912MF, 2924M, and Catalyst 3500 XL switches support up to 250 VLANs. All other Catalyst 2900 XL switches support up to 64 VLANs. If you define more than 250 or 64 or if the switch receives an advertisement that contains more than 250 or 64 VLANs, the switch automatically enters VTP transparent mode and operates with the VLAN configuration preceding the one that sent it into transparent mode.

VTP Domain Name VTP Pruning Mode

Name that identifies the administrative domain for the switch. Displays whether pruning is enabled or disabled. Enabling pruning on a VTP server enables pruning for the entire management domain. Pruning restricts flooded traffic to those trunk links that the traffic must use to access the appropriate network devices. Displays if VTP version 2 mode is enabled. All VTP version 2 switches operate in version 1 mode by default. Each VTP switch automatically detects the capabilities of all the other VTP devices. A network of VTP devices should be configured to version 2 only if all VTP switches in the network can operate in version 2 mode.

VTP version 2 Mode

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 show vtp

Cisco IOS Commands

Table 2-7

Show VTP Status Field Descriptions (continued)

Field VTP Traps Generation MD5 Digest Configuration Last Modified

Description Displays whether VTP traps are transmitted to a network management station. A 16-byte checksum of the VTP configuration. Displays the date and time of the last configuration modification. Displays the IP address of the switch that caused the configuration change to the database.

Related Commands

Command clear vtp counters vtp

Description Clears the VTP and pruning counters. Configures the VTP mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands shutdown

Use the shutdown interface configuration command to disable non-Long-Reach Ethernert (LRE) switch ports and to shut down the management VLAN. Use this command on an LRE switch port to disable the Ethernet ports on the connected customer premises equipment (CPE) device. Use the no form of this command to restart a disabled port or to activate the management VLAN. shutdown no shutdown

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 12.0(5)XP 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support the management VLAN interface. This command was extended to support the CPE Ethernet ports.

Usage Guidelines

The shutdown command for a non-LRE port causes it to stop forwarding. You can enable the port with the no shutdown command. Entering the shutdown command for a switch LRE port disables the Ethernet ports on the CPE device connected to that switch LRE port. The no shutdown command has no effect if the port is a static-access port assigned to a VLAN that has been deleted, suspended, or shut down. The port must first be a member of an active VLAN before it can be re-enabled. Only one management VLAN interface can be active at a time. The remaining VLANs are shut down. In the show running-config command, the active management VLAN interface is the one with the shutdown command displayed.


These examples show how to disable fixed port fa0/8 and how to re-enable it:
Switch(config)# interface fa0/8 Switch(config-if)# shutdown Switch(config-if)# no shutdown

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show interface user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 shutdown

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command management

Description Shuts down the current management VLAN interface and enables the new management VLAN interface.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands shutdown vlan

shutdown vlan
Use the shutdown vlan global configuration command to shut down (suspend) local traffic on the specified VLAN. Use the no form of this command to restart local traffic on the VLAN. shutdown vlan vlan-id no shutdown vlan vlan-id

Syntax Description


ID of the VLAN to be locally shut down. Valid IDs are from 2 to 1001, excluding VLANs defined as default VLANs under the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). The default VLANs are 1 and 1002 to 1005. Do not enter leading zeros.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The shutdown vlan command does not change the VLAN information in VTP database. It shuts down traffic locally, but the switch still advertises VTP information.


This example shows how to shutdown traffic on VLAN 2:

Switch(config)# shutdown vlan 2

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vlan user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 shutdown vlan

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command abort apply

Description Abandons the proposed VLAN database, exits VLAN database mode, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration revision number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and remains in VLAN database mode. Resets the proposed database to the currently implemented VLAN database on the switch. Enters VLAN database mode from the command-line interface (CLI).



vlan database

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands snmp-server enable traps mac-notification

snmp-server enable traps mac-notification

Use the snmp-server enable traps mac-notification global configuration command to enable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps used by the MAC address notification feature. Use the no form of this command to disable SNMP MAC address traps. snmp-server enable traps mac-notification no snmp-server enable traps mac-notification

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


SNMP traps for the MAC notification feature are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC(3)

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Traps are generated only when these conditions are met:

The MAC address notification feature is enabled. The appropriate interface flag for address addition or deletion is enabled. Global MAC notification traps are enabled.


This example shows how to enable SNMP traps used by the MAC address notification feature:
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable trap traps notification

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command mac-address-table notification show running-config snmp-server host snmp trap mac-notification

Description Enables the MAC address notification feature. Displays the running configuration on the switch. Specifies the host that receives SNMP traps. Enables or disables MAC notification traps on a specific port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership

Cisco IOS Commands

snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership

Use the snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership global configuration command to enable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification for VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) changes. Use the no form of this command to disable the VMPS trap notification. snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership no snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


SNMP traps for VMPS are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Specify the host that receives the traps by using the snmp-server host global configuration command.


This example shows how to enable VMPS to send trap notifications:

Switch(config)# snmp-server enable trap vlan-membership

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config snmp-server host

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Specifies the host that receives SNMP traps.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands snmp-server enable traps vtp

snmp-server enable traps vtp

Use the snmp-server enable traps vtp global configuration command to enable Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) notification for VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) changes. Use the no form of this command to disable VTP trap notification. snmp-server enable traps vtp no snmp-server enable traps vtp

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


SNMP traps for VTP are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Specify the host that receives the traps by using the snmp-server host global configuration command.


This example shows how to enable VTP to send trap notifications:

Switch(config)# snmp-server enable trap vtp

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vtp status user EXEC command or the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config show vtp status snmp-server host

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Displays general information about the VTP management domain and status. Specifies the host that receives SNMP traps.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 snmp-server host

Cisco IOS Commands

snmp-server host
Use the snmp-server host global configuration command to specify the host that receives Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) traps. Use the no form of this command to remove the specified host. snmp-server host host-address community-string [c2900 | config | snmp | tty | udp-port port-number | vlan-membership | vtp] no snmp-server host host-address community-string

Syntax Description

host-address community-string c2900 config snmp tty udp-port port-number vlan-membership vtp

IP address or name of the SNMP trap host. Password-like community string sent with the trap operation. (Optional) Send SNMP Catalyst 2900 XL or Catalyst 3500 XL switch traps. (Optional) Send SNMP configuration traps. (Optional) Send SNMP-type traps. (Optional) Send Cisco enterprise-specific traps when a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connection closes. (Optional) UDP port of the host to use. The default is 162. (Optional) Send SNMP VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) traps (Optional) Send SNMP VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) traps.


The SNMP trap host address and community string are not defined. Traps are disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the snmp-server host global configuration command with the snmp-server enable traps global commands to generate traps.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands snmp-server host


This example shows how to configure an SNMP host to receive VTP traps:
Switch(config)# snmp-server host traps vtp

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command snmp-server enable traps vlan-membership snmp-server enable traps vtp

Description Enables SNMP notification for VMPS changes. Enables SNMP notification for VTP changes.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 snmp trap mac-notification

Cisco IOS Commands

snmp trap mac-notification

Use the snmp trap mac-notification interface configuration command to enable or disable the MAC notification traps on a particular port. Use the no form of the command to return the port to default settings. snmp trap mac-notification [added | removed] no snmp trap mac-notification [added | removed]

Syntax Description

added removed

(Optional) Enable MAC notification traps whenever a MAC address is added on this port. (Optional) Enable MAC notification traps whenever a MAC address is removed from this port.


The SNMP address-addition and address-removal traps are disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Even though the notification trap is enabled for a particular port, the trap is actually generated only when the global MAC trap flag is also enabled. To enable the global trap flag, use the snmp-server enable traps mac-notification global configuration command.


This example shows how to enable an address-addition trap on a port:

Switch(config-if)# snmp trap mac-notification added

This example shows how to enable an address-removal trap on a port:

Switch(config-if)# snmp trap mac-notification removed

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command mac-address-table notification show mac-address-table notification

Description Enables the MAC notification feature on a switch. Displays MAC-notification parameters.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree

Use the spanning-tree global configuration command to enable Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) on a VLAN. Use the no form of the command to disable STP on a VLAN. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list]

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported.


STP is enabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Disabling STP causes the VLAN or a list of VLANs to stop participating in STP. Ports that are administratively down remain down. Received bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) are forwarded like other multicast frames. The VLAN does not detect and prevent loops when STP is disabled. You can disable STP on a VLAN that is not active and verify the change by using the privileged EXEC show running-config or the show spanning-tree vlan stp-list privileged EXEC commands. The setting takes effect when the VLAN is activated. If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the STP instance associated with VLAN 1. You can enable STP on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it.


This example shows how to disable STP on VLAN 5:

Switch(config)# no spanning-tree vlan 5

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command. In this instance, VLAN 5 does not appear in the list.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree protocol

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the forwarding-time for the specified spanning-tree instances. Changes the interval between messages the spanning tree receives from the root switch. Configures a port priority, which is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree cost

spanning-tree cost
Use the spanning-tree cost interface configuration command to set the path cost for Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) calculations. In the event of a loop, spanning tree considers the path cost when selecting an interface to place into the forwarding state. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] cost cost no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] cost

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. Path cost can range from 1 to 65535, with higher values indicating higher costs. This range applies whether or not the IEEE STP has been specified.



The default path cost is computed from the interface bandwidth setting. These are the IEEE default path cost values:

10 Mbps 100 100 Mbps 19 155 Mbps 14 1 Gbps 4 10 Gbps 2 Speeds greater than 10 Gbps 1

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the spanning-tree instance associated with VLAN 1. You can set a cost for a port or on a VLAN that does not exist. The setting takes effect when the VLAN exists.


This example shows how to set a path cost value of 250 for VLAN 1:
Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree vlan 1 cost 250

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree cost

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree portfast spanning-tree priority

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Enables the Port Fast feature on a port in all its associated VLANs. Configures the switch priority for the specified spanning-tree instance.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree forward-time

spanning-tree forward-time
Use the spanning-tree forward-time global configuration command to set the forwarding-time for the specified spanning-tree instances. The forwarding time determines how long each of the listening and learning states last before the port begins forwarding. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] forward-time seconds no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] forward-time

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. Forward-delay interval from 4 to 200 seconds.



The default forwarding-time for IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) is 15 seconds. The default for IBM STP is 4 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the STP instance associated with VLAN 1. You can set the forwarding-time on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it. The setting takes effect when you assign ports to it.


This example shows how to set the spanning-tree forwarding time to 18 seconds for VLAN 20:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 20 forward-time 18

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree forward-time

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree protocol

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Changes the interval between messages the spanning tree receives from the root switch. Configures a port priority, which is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree hello-time

spanning-tree hello-time
Use the spanning-tree hello-time global configuration command to specify the interval between hello bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). Use the no form of this command to return to the default interval. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] hello-time seconds no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] hello-time

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. Interval from 1 to 10 seconds.



The default hello time for IEEE Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) and IBM STP is 2 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the STP instance associated with VLAN 1. You can set the hello time on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it. The setting takes effect when you assign ports to it.


This example shows how to set the spanning-tree hello-delay time to 3 seconds for VLAN 20:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 20 hello-time 3

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree protocol

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Enables STP on a VLAN. Configures a port priority, which is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree max-age

Cisco IOS Commands

spanning-tree max-age
Use the spanning-tree max-age global configuration command to change the interval between messages the spanning tree receives from the root switch. If a switch does not receive a bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) message from the root switch within this interval, it recomputes the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) topology. Use the no form of this command to return to the default interval. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] max-age seconds no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] max-age

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. Interval the switch waits between receiving BPDUs from the root switch. Enter a number from 6 to 200.



The default max-age for IEEE STP is 20 seconds. The default for IBM STP is 10 seconds.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The max-age setting must be greater than the hello-time setting. If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the STP instance associated with VLAN 1. You can set the max-age on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it. The setting takes effect when you assign ports to the VLAN.


This example shows how to set spanning-tree max-age to 30 seconds for VLAN 20:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 20 max-age 30

This example shows how to reset the max-age parameter to the default value for spanning-tree instances 100 through 102:
Switch(config)# no spanning-tree vlan 100 101 102 max-age

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree max-age

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree hello-time spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree protocol

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the forwarding-time for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the interval between hello bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). Configures a port priority, which is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree portfast

Cisco IOS Commands

spanning-tree portfast
Use the spanning-tree portfast interface configuration command to enable the Port Fast feature on a port in all its associated VLANs. When the Port Fast feature is enabled, the port changes directly from a blocking state to a forwarding state without making the intermediate Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) status changes. Use the no form of this command to return the port to default operation. spanning-tree portfast no spanning-tree portfast

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


The Port Fast feature is disabled; however, it is automatically enabled on dynamic-access ports.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This feature is not supported on the Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) modules. Use this feature only on ports that connect to end stations. This feature affects all VLANs on the port. A port with the Port Fast feature enabled is moved directly to the spanning-tree forwarding state.


This example shows how to enable the Port Fast feature on fixed port 2.
Switch(config-if)# interface FastEthernet 0/2 Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree portfast

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config in privileged EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree port-priority

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Configures a port priority, which is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree portfast bpduguard

spanning-tree portfast bpduguard

Use the spanning-tree portfast bpduguard global configuration command to globally enable the Bridge Protocol Data Unit (BPDU) guard feature on the switch. It shuts down Port Fast-configured interfaces that receive BPDUs rather than putting them into the spanning-tree blocking state. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting. spanning-tree portfast bpduguard no spanning-tree portfast bpduguard

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


The BPDU guard feature is disabled on the switch.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC5

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

In a valid configuration, Port Fast-enabled interfaces do not receive BPDUs. When the BPDU guard feature is enabled on the switch, STP shuts down Port Fast-enabled interfaces that receive BPDUs rather than putting the interfaces into the blocking state.


When enabled on the switch, STP applies the BPDU guard feature to all Port Fast-enabled interfaces.


The BPDU guard feature works on Port Fast-enabled interfaces. Configure Port Fast only on interfaces that connect to end stations; otherwise, an accidental topology loop could cause a data packet loop and disrupt switch and network operation.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree portfast bpduguard

Cisco IOS Commands


This example shows how to enable BPDU guard feature:

Switch(config)# spanning-tree portfast bpduguard

You can verify your setting by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree portfast

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Enables the Port Fast feature on an interface in all its associated VLANs.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree port-priority

spanning-tree port-priority
Use the spanning-tree port-priority interface configuration command to configure a port priority that is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] port-priority port-priority no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] port-priority

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. Number from 0 to 255. The lower the number, the higher the priority.



The default port-priority for IEEE STP and IBM STP is 128.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the STP instance associated with VLAN 1. You can set the port priority on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it. The setting takes effect when you assign ports to the VLAN.


This example shows how to increase the likelihood that the spanning-tree instance 20 is chosen as the root switch on port fa0/2:
Switch(config)# interface fa0/2 Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree vlan 20 port-priority 0

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree protocol

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree priority

Cisco IOS Commands

spanning-tree priority
Use the spanning-tree priority global configuration command to configure the switch priority for the specified spanning-tree instance. This changes the likelihood that the switch is selected as the root switch. Use the no form of this command to revert to the default value. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] priority bridge-priority no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] priority

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. A number from 0 to 65535. The lower the number, the more likely the switch will be chosen as root.



The default bridge priority for IEEE STP and IBM STP is 32768.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If the variable stp-list is omitted, the command applies to the STP instance associated with VLAN 1. You can configure the switch priority on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it. The setting takes effect when you assign ports to the VLAN.


This example shows how to set the spanning-tree priority to 125 for a list of VLANs:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 20 100 101 102 priority 125

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree priority

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree hello-time spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree protocol

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the forwarding-time for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the interval between hello bridge protocol data units (BPDUs). Changes the interval between messages the spanning tree receives from the root switch. Specifies the STP version to be used for specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree protocol

Cisco IOS Commands

spanning-tree protocol
Use the spanning-tree protocol global configuration command to specify the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) to be used for specified spanning-tree instances. Use the no form of this command to use the default protocol. spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] protocol {ieee | ibm} no spanning-tree [vlan stp-list] protocol

Syntax Description

vlan stp-list

(Optional) List of spanning-tree instances. Each spanning-tree instance is associated with a VLAN ID. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005. Enter each VLAN ID separated by a space. Do not enter leading zeros. Ranges are not supported. IEEE Ethernet STP. IBM STP.

ieee ibm


The default protocol is ieee.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Changing the spanning-tree protocol command changes spanning-tree parameters to change to the default values of the new protocol. If the variable stp-list is omitted, this command applies to the spanning-tree instance associated with VLAN 1. You can change the protocol on a VLAN that has no ports assigned to it. The setting takes effect when you assign ports to it.


This example shows how to change the STP version for VLAN 20 to the IBM version of STP:
Switch(config)# spanning-tree vlan 20 protocol ibm

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree protocol

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree spanning-tree spanning-tree forward-time spanning-tree max-age spanning-tree port-priority

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Enables STP on a VLAN. Specifies the forwarding-time for the specified spanning-tree instances. Changes the interval between messages that the spanning tree receives from the root switch. Configures a port priority, that is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree rootguard

Cisco IOS Commands

spanning-tree rootguard
Use the spanning-tree rootguard interface configuration command to enable the root guard feature for all the VLANs associated with the selected port. Root guard restricts which port is allowed to be the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) root port or the path-to-the root for the switch. The root port provides the best path from the switch to the root switch. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature. spanning-tree rootguard no spanning-tree rootguard

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


The root guard feature is disabled.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When the root guard feature is enabled, if spanning-tree calculations cause a port to be selected as the root port, the port transitions to the root-inconsistent (blocked) state to prevent the customers switch from becoming the root switch or being in the path to the root. When the no spanning-tree rootguard command is entered, the root guard feature is disabled for all VLANs on the selected port. If this port is in the root-inconsistent (blocked) state, the port automatically transitions to the listening state. Do not enable the root guard on ports that will be used by the UplinkFast feature. With UplinkFast, the backup ports (in the blocked state) replace the root port in the case of a failure. However, if root guard is also enabled, all the backup ports used by the UplinkFast feature are placed in the root-inconsistent state (blocked) and prevented from reaching the forwarding state.


This example shows how to enable the root guard feature on all the VLANs associated with interface fa0/3:
Switch(config)# interface fa0/3 Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree rootguard

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree rootguard

Related Commands

Command show running-config show spanning-tree spanning-tree cost

Description Displays the current operating configuration. Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances. Specifies the path cost for STP calculations. In the event of a loop, spanning tree considers the path cost when selecting an interface to place into the forwarding state. Configures a port priority that is used when two switches tie for position as the root switch. Configures the switch priority for the specified spanning-tree instance and affects the likelihood that the switch is selected as the root switch.

spanning-tree port-priority spanning-tree priority

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 spanning-tree stack-port

Cisco IOS Commands

spanning-tree stack-port
Use the spanning-tree stack-port interface configuration command to enable cross-stack UplinkFast (CSUF) on an interface and to accelerate the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) reconfigures itself. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting. spanning-tree stack-port no spanning-tree stack-port

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


CSUF is disabled on all interfaces.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XW

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command is effective only if you enable the UplinkFast feature by using the spanning-tree uplinkfast global configuration command. Use this command only on access switches. You can enable CSUF only on one stack-port Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC) interface. The stack port connects to the GigaStack GBIC multidrop backbone. If you try to enable CSUF on a Fast Ethernet or a copper-based Gigabit Ethernet port, you receive an error message. If CSUF is already enabled on an interface and you try to enable it on another interface, you receive an error message. You must disable CSUF on the first interface before enabling it on a new interface.


This example shows how to enable CSUF on the GBIC interface gi0/1:
Switch(config)# interface gi0/1 Switch(config-if)# spanning-tree stack-port

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands spanning-tree uplinkfast

spanning-tree uplinkfast
Use the spanning-tree uplinkfast global configuration command to accelerate the choice of a new root port when a link or switch fails or when Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) reconfigures itself. Use the no form of this command to return to the default value. spanning-tree uplinkfast [max-update-rate pkts-per-second] no spanning-tree uplinkfast [max-update-rate pkts-per-second]

Syntax Description

max-update-rate pkts-per-second

The number of packets per second at which stations address update packets are sent. The range is 0 to 1000.


UplinkFast is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you enable UplinkFast, it is enabled for the entire switch and cannot be enabled for individual VLANs. When you enable UplinkFast, the bridge priority of all VLANs is set to 49152, and the path cost of all ports and VLAN trunks is increased by 3000. This change reduces the chance that the switch will become the root switch. When you disable UplinkFast, the bridge priorities of all VLANs and path costs are set to their default values. Do not enable the root guard on ports that will be used by the UplinkFast feature. With UplinkFast, the backup ports (in the blocked state) replace the root port in the case of a failure. However, if root guard is also enabled, all the backup ports used by the UplinkFast feature are placed in the root-inconsistent state (blocked) and prevented from reaching the forwarding state.


This command shows how to enable UplinkFast:

Switch(config)# spanning-tree uplinkfast

You can verify the previous command by entering the show spanning-tree user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show spanning-tree

Description Displays spanning-tree information for the specified spanning-tree instances.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 speed

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the speed interface configuration command to specify the speed of a Fast Ethernet port. Use the no form of this command to return the port to its default value. speed {10 | 100 | auto} no speed

Syntax Description

10 100 auto

Port runs at 10 Mbps. Port runs at 100 Mbps. Port automatically detects whether it should run at 10 or 100 Mbps on Fast Ethernet ports.


For Fast Ethernet ports, the default is auto. For Gigabit Ethernet ports, the speed is 1000 Mbps and is not configurable. For Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) ports, the speed is 155 Mbps and is not configurable.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA 12.0(5)WC1 12.0(5)WC4

Modification This command was first introduced. This command was extended to support Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) customer premises equipment (CPE) devices. This command was extended to support the Cisco 585 LRE CPE.

Usage Guidelines

Certain ports can be configured to be either 10 or 100 Mbps. Applicability of this command is hardware-dependent. If the speed is set to auto, the switch negotiates with the device at the other end of the link for the speed setting and then forces the speed setting to the negotiated value. The duplex setting remains as configured on each end of the link, which could result in a duplex setting mismatch. For LRE CPE devices connected to the switch LRE ports, autonegotiation for speed is supported. You can change the speed setting on the Cisco 575 LRE CPE devices, but you cannot on the Cisco 585 LRE CPE devices. If both the speed and duplex are set to specific values, autonegotiation is disabled.


For guidelines on setting the switch speed and duplex parameters, refer to the Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Software Configuration Guide.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands speed


This example shows how to set port 1 on module 2 to 100 Mbps:

Switch(config)# interface fastethernet2/1 Switch(config-if)# speed 100

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show running-config in privileged EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command duplex

Description Specifies the duplex mode of operation for Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet ports.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport access

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport access
Use the switchport access interface configuration command to configure a port as a static-access or dynamic-access port. If the mode is set to access, the port operates as a member of the configured VLAN. If set to dynamic, the port starts discovery of VLAN assignment based on the incoming packets it receives. Use the no form of this command to reset the access mode to the default VLAN for the switch. switchport access vlan {vlan-id | dynamic} no switchport access vlan {vlan-id | dynamic}

Syntax Description

vlan vlan-id dynamic

ID of the VLAN. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Do not enter leading zeros. Port is assigned to a VLAN based on the source MAC address of a host (or hosts) connected to that port. The switch sends every new source MAC address received to the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) to obtain the VLAN name to which the dynamic-access port should be assigned. If the port already has a VLAN assigned and the source has already been approved by the VMPS, the switch forwards the packet to the VLAN.


All ports are in static-access mode in VLAN 1. A dynamic-access port is initially a member of no VLAN and receives its assignment based on the packets it receives.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced. The dynamic keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The port must be in access mode before the switchport access vlan vlan-id or switchport access vlan dynamic command can take effect. For more information, see the switchport mode section on page 2-274. An access port can be assigned to only one VLAN. When the no switchport access vlan form is used, the access mode is reset to static access on VLAN 1. These restrictions apply to dynamic-access ports:

The software implements the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) client, which can query a VMPS such as a Catalyst 5000 series switch. Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches are not VMPS servers. The VMPS server must be configured before a port is configured as dynamic. Use dynamic-access ports only to connect end stations. Connecting them to switches or routers (that use bridging protocols) can cause a loss of connectivity.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport access

Configure the network so that STP does not put the dynamic-access port into an STP blocking state. The Port Fast feature is automatically enabled on dynamic-access ports. Dynamic-access ports can only be in one VLAN and do not use VLAN tagging. Dynamic-access ports cannot be configured as:
The source or destination port in a static address entry. A network port (dynamic-access ports can be assigned to a VLAN in which one of the other

ports is a network port).

A port group (dynamic-access ports cannot be grouped with any other port including other

dynamic ports).
A secure port. A port with a secure address. A monitor port.


This example shows how to assign a port already in access mode to VLAN 2 (instead of the default VLAN 1):
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 2

This example shows how to assign a port already in access mode to dynamic:
Switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan dynamic

This example shows how to reconfigure a dynamic-access port to a static-access port:

Switch(config-if)# no switchport access vlan dynamic

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show interface interface-id switchport command in privileged EXEC mode and examining information in the Administrative Mode and Operational Mode rows.

Related Commands

Command switchport mode switchport multi

Description Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Configures a list of VLANs to which the port is associated.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport mode

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport mode
Use the switchport mode interface configuration command to configure the VLAN membership mode of a port. Use the no form of this command to reset the mode to the appropriate default for the device. switchport mode {access | multi | trunk} no switchport mode {access | multi | trunk}

Syntax Description


Set the port to access mode (either static-access or dynamic-access depending on the setting of the switchport access vlan command). The port operates as a nontrunking, single VLAN interface that transmits and receives nonencapsulated frames. An access port can be assigned to only one VLAN. Set the port to multi-VLAN port mode. The port operates as a nontrunking VLAN interface that transmits and receives nonencapsulated frames. A multi-VLAN port can be assigned to one or more VLANs. Set the port to a trunking VLAN Layer 2 interface. The port transmits and receives encapsulated (tagged) frames that identify the VLAN of origination. A trunk is a point-to-point link between two switches or between a switch and a router.




All ports are static-access ports in VLAN 1.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced. The trunk keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

The access, multi, or trunk keywords take effect only when you change the port to the corresponding mode by using the switchport mode command. The static-access, multi-VLAN, and trunk configurations are saved, but only one configuration is active at a time. The no switchport mode form resets the mode to static access. Only these combinations of port modes can appear on a single switch:

Multi-VLAN and access ports Trunk and access ports

Trunk and multi-VLAN ports cannot coexist on the same switch. If you want to change a multi-VLAN or trunk port into another mode, you must first change it to an access port and then reassign it to the new mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport mode


This example shows how to configure a port for access mode:

Switch(config-if)# switchport mode access

This example shows how to configure a port for multi-VLAN mode:

Switch(config-if)# switchport mode multi

This example shows how to configure a port for trunk mode:

Switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show interface interface-id switchport command in privileged EXEC mode and examining information in the Administrative Mode and Operational Mode rows.

Related Commands

Command switchport access switchport multi

Description Configures a port as a static-access or dynamic-access port. Configures a list of VLANs to which the port is associated.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport multi

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport multi
Use the switchport multi interface configuration command to configure a list of VLANs to which the port is associated. If the mode is set to multi, the port operates as a member of all VLANs in the list. Use the no form of this command to reconfigure the port as an access port. switchport multi vlan {add vlan-list | remove vlan-list} no switchport multi vlan

Syntax Description

vlan add vlan-list

Indicate the VLAN to which the port is associated. List of VLAN IDs to add. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros. List of VLAN IDs to remove. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros.

remove vlan-list


The default for VLAN membership of a multi-VLAN port is VLAN 1.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA3

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The switchport mode multi command must be entered before the switchport multi vlan vlan-list command can take effect. In the variable vlan-list, separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. A multi-VLAN port cannot be a secure port or a monitor port. A multi-VLAN port cannot coexist with a trunk port on the same switch.


To avoid loss of connectivity, do not connect multi-VLAN ports to hubs or switches. Connect multi-VLAN ports to routers or servers.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport multi


This example shows how to assign a multi-VLAN port already in multimode to two VLANs:
Switch(config-if)# switchport multi vlan 2,4

This example shows how to assign a multi-VLAN port already in multimode to a range of VLANs:
Switch(config-if)# switchport multi vlan 5-10

This example shows how to reset the VLAN list of a multi-VLAN port to the default (VLAN 1 only):
Switch(config-if)# no switchport multi vlan

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show interface interface-id switchport command in privileged EXEC mode and examining information in the Administrative Mode and Operational Mode rows.

Related Commands

Command switchport access switchport mode

Description Configures a port as a static-access or dynamic-access port. Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport priority

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport priority
Use the switchport priority interface configuration command to set a port priority for the incoming untagged frames or the priority of frames received by the appliance connected to the specified port. Use the no form of this command to return the setting to its default. switchport priority {default default-priority-id | extend {cos value | none | trust} | override} no switchport priority {default default-priority-id | extend | override}

Syntax Description

default-priority-id extend

The priority number for untagged traffic. The priority is a number from 0 to 7. Seven is the highest priority. Set the 802.1P priority of the switch.

cos valueOverride the 802.1P priority of devices connected to the switch. The cos value is a number from 0 to 7. Seven is the highest priority. The cos keyword only applies to the 3524-PWR and the 3548 XL switches. noneThe switch is not instructed what to do with the priority. trustSpecify that the switch should trust (honor) the received 802.1P priority from devices connected to it.


Override the priority of tagged frames with the default value.


The port priority is not set, and the default value for untagged frames received on the port is zero. The appliance connected to the port is not instructed (none) what to do with the priority.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XP 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced. The extend keyword and its options were added.

Usage Guidelines

The default port priority applies if the incoming frame is an untagged frame received from a VLAN trunk or static-access port. This port priority does not apply to the ISL or IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagged frames. If the incoming frame is an 802.1Q VLAN tagged frame, the 802.1P User Priority bits is used. The cos keyword only applies to the 3524-PWR and 3548 XL switches.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport priority


This example shows how to set a default priority on port 3.

Switch(config)# interface fa0/3 Switch(config-if)# switchport priority default 7

All untagged frames received from this port will have the same priority value. You can verify the previous commands by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command. This example shows how to configure the appliance connected to the specified port to honor the received 802.1P priority:
Switch(config-if)# switchport priority extend trust

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command power inline show interface switchport access switchport mode switchport voice vlan

Description Determines how inline power is applied to the specified port on the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch. Displays the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port. Configures a port as a static-access or dynamic-access port. Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Configures the voice VLAN on the port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport trunk allowed vlan

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport trunk allowed vlan

Use the switchport trunk allowed vlan interface configuration command to control which VLANs can receive and transmit traffic on the trunk. Use the no form of this command to reset the allowed list to the default value. switchport trunk allowed vlan {add vlan-list | all | except vlan-list | remove vlan-list} no switchport trunk allowed vlan

Syntax Description

add vlan-list

List of VLAN IDs to add. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros. Add all VLAN IDs to the list. List of exception VLAN IDs. VLANs are added except the ones specified. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros. List of VLAN IDs to remove. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros.

all except vlan-list

remove vlan-list


All VLANs are included in the allowed list.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When you use the no switchport trunk allowed vlan form, the allowed list resets to the default list, which includes all VLANs. In the variable vlan-list, separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. You cannot remove VLANs 1 or 1002 to 1005 from the list. A trunk port cannot be a secure port or a monitor port. However, a static-access port can monitor a VLAN on a trunk port. The VLAN monitored is the one associated with the static-access port. If a trunk port is identified as a network port, the trunk port becomes the network port for all the VLANs associated with the port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport trunk allowed vlan


This example shows how to add VLANs 1, 2, 5, and 6 to the allowed list:
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 1,2,5,6

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command switchport mode switchport trunk encapsulation switchport trunk native

Description Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Specifies the encapsulation format on the trunk port. Specifies the native VLAN for untagged traffic when in 802.1Q trunking mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport trunk encapsulation

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport trunk encapsulation

Use the switchport trunk encapsulation interface configuration command to set the encapsulation format on the trunk port. Use the no form of this command to reset the format to the default. switchport trunk encapsulation {isl | dot1q} no switchport trunk encapsulation

Syntax Description


Set the encapsulation format to Inter-Switch Link (ISL). The switch encapsulates all received and transmitted packets with an ISL header. The switch filters native frames received from an ISL trunk port. Set the tagging format to IEEE 802.1Q. With this format, the switch supports simultaneous tagged and untagged traffic on a port.



The default encapsulation format is ISL.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4 11.2(8)SA5

Modification This command was first introduced. The dot1q keyword was added.

Usage Guidelines

You cannot configure one end of the trunk as an 802.1Q trunk and the other end as an ISL or nontrunk port. However, you can configure one port as an ISL trunk and another port on the same switch as a 802.1Q trunk. This command is only applicable on switch platforms and port hardware that support both formats.


This example shows how to configure the encapsulation format to 802.1Q:

Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation dot1q

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport trunk encapsulation

Related Commands

Command switchport mode switchport trunk allowed vlan switchport trunk native

Description Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Controls which VLANs can receive and transmit traffic on the trunk. Specifies the native VLAN for untagged traffic when in 802.1Q trunking mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport trunk native

Cisco IOS Commands

switchport trunk native

Use the switchport trunk native interface configuration command to set the native VLAN for untagged traffic when in 802.1Q trunking mode. Use the no form of this command to reset the native VLAN to the default. switchport trunk native vlan vlan-id no switchport trunk native

Syntax Description

vlan vlan-id

ID of the VLAN that is sending and receiving untagged traffic on the trunk port. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001. Do not enter leading zeros.


VLAN 1 is the default native VLAN ID on the port.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

All untagged traffic received on the 802.1Q trunk port is forwarded with the native VLAN configured for the port. If a packet has a VLAN ID that is the same as the sending port native VLAN ID, the packet is transmitted untagged; otherwise, the switch transmits the packet with a tag.


This example shows how to configure VLAN 3 as the default port to send all untagged traffic:
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk native vlan 3

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command switchport mode switchport trunk allowed vlan switchport trunk encapsulation

Description Configures the VLAN membership mode of a port. Controls which VLANs can receive and transmit traffic on the trunk. Specifies the encapsulation format on the trunk port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport trunk pruning

switchport trunk pruning

Use the switchport trunk pruning interface configuration command to configure the VLAN pruning-eligible list for ports in trunking mode. Use the no form of this command to return the pruning list to the default setting. switchport trunk pruning vlan {add vlan-list | all | except vlan-list | remove vlan-list} no switchport trunk pruning

Syntax Description

add vlan-list

List of VLAN IDs to add. Valid IDs are from 2 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros. Add all VLAN IDs to the list. List of exception VLAN IDs (VLANs are added except the specified ones). Valid IDs are from 2 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros. List of VLAN IDs to remove. Valid IDs are from 2 to 1001. Separate nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces; use a hyphen to designate a range of IDs. Do not enter leading zeros. Set the pruning list to the default.

all except vlan-list

remove vlan-list



VLANs 2 through 1001 are pruning eligible.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The pruning-eligible list applies only to trunk ports. Each trunk port has its own eligibility list. If you do not want a VLAN to be pruned, remove it from the pruning-eligible list. VLANs that are pruning-ineligible receive flooded traffic.


This example shows how to remove VLANs 3 and 10 to 15 from the pruning-eligible list:
Switch(config-if)# switchport trunk pruning vlan remove 3,10-15

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command.

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Chapter 2 switchport trunk pruning

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command show interface interface-id pruning show interface interface-id switchport vtp pruning

Description Displays pruning information for the trunk port. Displays the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port. Enables pruning in the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) administrative domain.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands switchport voice vlan

switchport voice vlan

Use the switchport voice vlan interface configuration command to configure the voice VLAN on the port. Use the no form of this command to return the setting to its default. switchport voice vlan {vlan-id | dot1p | none | untagged} no switchport voice vlan

Syntax Description


VLAN used for voice traffic. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1001 (IDs 1002 to 4094 are not supported on Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches). Do not enter leading zeros. The switch port is an 802.1Q trunk port. The telephone uses priority tagging and uses VLAN 0 (the native VLAN). The switch port is an 802.1Q trunk port. The telephone is not instructed through the CLI about the voice VLAN. The telephone uses the configuration from the telephone key pad. The telephone does not tag frames and uses VLAN 4095. The switch port can be an access port or an 802.1Q trunk port.

dot1p none untagged


The switch default is not to automatically configure the telephone (none). The telephone default is not to tag frames.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Ports that are not configured as trunk ports but have a configured voice VLAN are access ports with a voice VLAN ID (VVID).


This example shows how to configure VLAN 2 as the voice VLAN:

Switch(config-if)# switchport voice vlan 2

You can verify the previous command by entering the show interface interface-id switchport privileged EXEC command.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 switchport voice vlan

Cisco IOS Commands

Related Commands

Command power inline show interface interface-id switchport switchport priority extend

Description Determines how inline power is applied to the specified port on the Catalyst 3524-PWR XL switch. Displays the administrative and operational status of a switching (nonrouting) port. Determines how the appliance connected to the specified port handles priority traffic received on its incoming port.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands tacacs-server attempts

tacacs-server attempts
Use the tacacs-server attempts global configuration command to control the number of login attempts that can be made on a line set up for Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS), Extended TACACS, or TACACS+ verification. Use the no form of this command to disable this feature and to restore the default. tacacs-server attempts count no tacacs-server attempts

Syntax Description


Integer that sets the number of attempts. The range is from 1 to 1000.


The default number of login attempts is 3.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to change the login attempt to just one:
Switch(config)# tacacs-server attempts 1

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command login tacacs show tacacs tacacs-server directed request

Description Configures the switch to use TACACS user authentication. Displays various TACACS+ server statistics. Sends only a username to a specified server when a direct request is issued in association with TACACS, Extended TACACS, and TACACS+. Specifies a TACACS, Extended TACACS, or TACACS+ host. Specifies the authentication encryption key used for all TACACS+ communications between the access server and the TACACS+ daemon. Causes the network access server to request the privileged password as verification for TACACS or Extended TACACS or to allow successful login without further user input. Specifies the interval that the server waits for a TACACS, Extended TACACS, or TACACS+ server to reply.

tacacs-server host tacacs-server key

tacacs-server last-resort


Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup

Cisco IOS Commands

tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup
Use the tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup global configuration command to enable IP Domain Name System alias lookup for Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus (TACACS+). Use the no form of this command to disable this feature. tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup no tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


The DNS alias lookup is disabled.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA6

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to enable the IP DNS alias lookup:

Switch(config)# tacacs-server dns-alias-lookup

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command ip domain-name ip name-server

Description Defines a default domain name that is used to complete unqualified host names (names without a dotted-decimal domain name). Specifies the address of one or more name servers to use for name and address resolution.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands udld

Use the udld interface configuration command to enable UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) on a port to assist with the detection of spanning-tree loops on logical one-way connections. Use the no form of this command to return the port setting to the global setting. udld {enable | disable} no udld {enable | disable}

Syntax Description

enable disable

Enable UDLD on the specified port. Disable UDLD on the specified port.


UDLD follows the setting of the udld enable global configuration command and is disabled on all ports.

Command Modes

Interface configuration

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

UDLD is supported on fiber- and copper-based Ethernet ports. UDLD is not supported on ATM interfaces. A UDLD-capable port cannot detect a unidirectional link if it is connected to a UDLD-incapable port of another switch. Setting UDLD on an interface overrides the global UDLD configuration for that specific interface.


This example shows how to enable UDLD on port 2:

Switch(config)# interface fastethernet 0/2 Switch(config-if)# udld enable

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config or the show udld interface command in privileged EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show running-config udld enable udld reset

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Enables UDLD on all ports on the switch. Resets any interface that has been shut down by UDLD.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 udld enable

Cisco IOS Commands

udld enable
Use the udld enable global configuration command to enable UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD) on all ports on the switch to assist with the detection of spanning-tree loops on logical one-way connections. Use the no form of this command to return the switch setting to its default value. udld enable no udld enable

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.


UDLD is disabled on the switch.

Command Modes

Global configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

UDLD is supported on fiber- and copper-based Ethernet ports. UDLD is not supported on Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) interfaces. A UDLD-capable port cannot detect a unidirectional link if it is connected to a UDLD-incapable port of another switch. The udld enable global configuration command setting is overwritten by each specific port UDLD configuration.


This example shows how to enable UDLD on the switch:

Switch(config)# udld enable

You can verify the previous command by entering the show running-config in privileged EXEC mode.

Related Commands

Command show running-config udld udld reset

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Enables UDLD on a port. Resets any interface that has been shut down by UDLD.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands udld reset

udld reset
Use the udld reset privileged EXEC command to reset all interfaces that have been shut down by UniDirectional Link Detection (UDLD). udld reset

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)XU

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to reset all interfaces that have been shut down by UDLD:
Switch# udld reset 1 ports shutdown by UDLD were reset.

You can verify the previous command by entering the show udld user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show running-config udld udld enable

Description Displays the running configuration on the switch. Enables UDLD on a port. Enables UDLD on all ports on the switch.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 upgrade binary

Cisco IOS Commands

upgrade binary
Use the upgrade binary controller configuration command to configure the behavior of a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) controller upgrade. upgrade binary LRE binary [ remote lre-interface ] no upgrade binary LRE binary [ remote lre-interface ]

Syntax Description

LRE binary remote lre-interface

LRE binary file name being applied. (Optional) LRE interface. If you do not specify the remote parameter for the customer premises equipment (CPE) device end of the LRE link, the local or controller end of the LRE link is implied.

Command Modes

Controller configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This configuration command is normally not needed. The default behavior for an upgrade is for the system to select the binary version. Use this command when you need to specify a particular upgrade binary file for a local controller in an LRE switch or for a remote CPE device connected to the controller. If you use the command without parameters, the LRE binary is applied to the local controller when it is upgraded. If you specify the remote keyword and interface, the LRE binary is applied to the CPE device at the end of the remote LRE link at upgrade time. Upgrade configurations entered from the controller configuration mode take precedence over upgrade configurations entered from in the global configuration mode.


This example shows how to configures a Cisco 585 LRE CPE on LRE link 0/1 to use version 51.00.00.bin the next time LRE update runs.
Switch# configure t Switch(config)# controller Lo 0 Switch(config-controller)# upgrade binary CISCO585-LRE_vdslsngl_51.00.00.bin remote lo 0/1 Switch(config-controller)#

Related Commands

Command upgrade preserve

Description Prevents an upgrade of the local CPE controller and all remote CPE devices connected to it.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands upgrade preserve

upgrade preserve
Use the upgrade preserve controller configuration command to prevent an upgrade from taking place on a controller in a Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) switch and on all the devices that remotely connect to it. This command does not affect other controllers in the switch and their connected devices. Use the no form of the command to allow upgrades on all the devices. upgrade preserve no upgrade preserve

Syntax Description

This command has no keywords or arguments.

Command Modes

Controller configuration mode

Command History

Release 12.0(5)WC6

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Use the upgrade preserve command to cause an LRE upgrade to not upgrade a controller and the customer premises equipment (CPE) devices connected to it.


This example of the upgrade preserve command prevents the controller 0 and the CPE devices attached to it from being upgraded.
Switch# configure t Switch(config)# controller Lo 0 Switch(config-controller)# upgrade preserve Switch(config-controller)#

Related Commands

Command controller LongReachEthernet upgrade binary

Description Enters into controller configuration mode. Configures upgrades on either end of an LRE link.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vlan

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the vlan VLAN database command to configure VLAN characteristics. Use the no form of this command to delete a VLAN and its configured characteristics. vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] [media {ethernet | fddi | fdi-net | tokenring | tr-net}] [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [ring ring-number] [bridge bridge-number | type {srb | srt}] [parent parent-vlan-id] [stp type {ieee | ibm | auto}] [are are-number] [ste ste-number] [backupcrf {enable | disable}] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id] no vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] [media {ethernet | fddi | fdi-net | tokenring | tr-net}] [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [ring ring-number] [bridge bridge-number | type {srb | srt}] [parent parent-vlan-id] [stp type {ieee | ibm | auto}] [are are-number] [ste ste-number] [backupcrf {enable | disable}] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id]


Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL switches support only Ethernet ports. You configure only FDDI and Token Ring media-specific characteristics for VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) global advertisements to other switches. These VLANs are locally suspended. Table 2-8 lists the valid syntax for each media type.
Table 2-8 Valid Syntax for Different Media Types

Media Type Ethernet FDDI

Valid Syntax vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media ethernet [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id] vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media fddi [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [ring ring-number] [parent parent-vlan-id] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id] vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media fdi-net [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [bridge bridge-number] [stp type {ieee | ibm | auto}] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id] If VTP version 2 mode is disabled, do not set the stp type to auto. VTP version 2 mode is disabled. vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media tokenring [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [ring ring-number] [parent parent-vlan-id] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id]


Token Ring

Token Ring concentrator relay function (TRCRF)

VTP version 2 mode is enabled. vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media tokenring [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [ring ring-number] [parent parent-vlan-id] [bridge type {srb | srt}] [are are-number] [ste ste-number] [backupcrf {enable | disable}] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id]

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vlan

Table 2-8

Valid Syntax for Different Media Types (continued)

Media Type

Valid Syntax vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media tr-net [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [bridge bridge-number] [stp type {ieee | ibm}] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id]

Token Ring-NET VTP version 2 mode is disabled.

Token Ring bridge relay function (TRBRF)

VTP version 2 mode is enabled. vlan vlan-id [name vlan-name] media tr-net [state {suspend | active}] [said said-value] [mtu mtu-size] [bridge bridge-number] [stp type {ieee | ibm | auto}] [tb-vlan1 tb-vlan1-id] [tb-vlan2 tb-vlan2-id]

VLAN Configuration Rules

Table 2-9 describes the rules for configuring VLANs.
Table 2-9 VLAN Configuration Rules

Configuration VTP version 2 mode is enabled, and you are configuring a TRCRF VLAN media type.

Rule Specify a parent VLAN ID of a TRBRF that already exists in the database. Specify a ring number. Do not leave this field blank. Specify unique ring numbers when TRCRF VLANs have the same parent VLAN ID. Only one backup concentrator relay function (CRF) can be enabled. Do not specify a backup CRF.

VTP version 2 mode is enabled, and you are configuring VLANs other than TRCRF media type. VTP version 2 mode is enabled, and you are configuring a TRBRF VLAN media type.

Specify a bridge number. Do not leave this field blank.

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Chapter 2 vlan

Cisco IOS Commands

Table 2-9

VLAN Configuration Rules (continued)

Configuration VTP version 2 mode is disabled. Add a VLAN that requires translational bridging (values are not set to zero).

Rule No VLAN can have an STP type set to auto. This rule applies to Ethernet, FDDI, FDDI-NET, Token Ring, and Token Ring-NET VLANs. The translational bridging VLAN IDs that are used must already exist in the database. The translational bridging VLAN IDs that a configuration points to must also contain a pointer to the original VLAN in one of the translational bridging parameters (for example, Ethernet points to FDDI, and FDDI points to Ethernet). The translational bridging VLAN IDs that a configuration points to must be different media types than the original VLAN (for example, Ethernet can point to Token Ring). If both translational bridging VLAN IDs are configured, these VLANs must be different media types (for example, Ethernet can point to FDDI and Token Ring).

Syntax Description

vlan-id name vlan-name media ethernet fddi fdi-net tokenring tr-net

ID of the configured VLAN. Valid IDs are from 1 to 1005 and must be unique within the administrative domain. Do not enter leading zeros. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the VLAN name. ASCII string from 1 to 32 characters that must be unique within the administrative domain. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the VLAN media type. Ethernet media type. FDDI media type. FDDI network entity title (NET) media type. Token Ring media type if the VTP version 2 mode is disabled. TRCRF media type if the VTP version 2 mode is enabled. Token Ring network entity title (NET) media type if the VTP version 2 mode is disabled. TRBRF media type if the VTP version 2 mode is enabled. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the VLAN state. VLAN is operational. VLAN is suspended. Suspended VLANs do not pass packets. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the security association identifier (SAID) as documented in IEEE 802.10. Integer from 1 to 4294967294 that must be unique within the administrative domain. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the maximum transmission unit (packet size in bytes). Packet size in bytes from 1500 to 18190 that the VLAN can use.

state active suspend said said-value mtu mtu-size

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vlan

ring ring-number bridge

(Optional) Keyword to be followed by the logical ring for an FDDI, Token Ring, or TRCRF VLAN. Integer from 1 to 4095. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the logical distributed source-routing bridge. This bridge that interconnects all logical rings having this VLAN as a parent VLAN in FDDI-NET, Token Ring-NET, and TRBRF VLANs. Integer from 0 to 15. Keyword to be followed by the bridge type. Applies only to TRCRF VLANs. Source-route bridging VLAN. Source-route transparent bridging VLAN. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the parent VLAN of an existing FDDI, Token Ring, or TRCRF VLAN. This parameter identifies the TRBRF to which a TRCRF belongs and is required when defining a TRCRF. Integer from 0 to 1005. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the spanning-tree type for FDDI-NET, Token Ring-NET, or TRBRF VLAN. IEEE Ethernet STP running source-route transparent (SRT) bridging. IBM STP running source-route bridging (SRB). STP running a combination of source-route transparent bridging (IEEE) and source-route bridging (IBM). Keyword to be followed by the number of all-routes explorer (ARE) hops. This keyword applies only to TRCRF VLANs. Integer from 0 to 13 that defines the maximum number of ARE hops for this VLAN. Keyword to be followed by the number of spanning-tree explorer (STE) hops. This keyword applies only to TRCRF VLANs. Integer from 0 to 13 that defines the maximum number of STE hops for this VLAN. Keyword to be followed by the backup CRF mode. This keyword applies only to TRCRF VLANs. Enable backup CRF mode for this VLAN. Disable backup CRF mode for this VLAN. (Optional) Keyword to be followed by the first and second VLAN to which this VLAN is translationally bridged. Translational VLANs translate FDDI or Token Ring to Ethernet, for example. Integer that ranges from 0 to 1005.

bridge-number type srb srt parent

parent-vlan-id stp type ieee ibm auto are are-number ste ste-number backupcrf enable disable tb-vlan1 and tb-vlan2

tb-vlan1-id and tb-vlan2-id

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vlan

Cisco IOS Commands


The vlan-name variable is VLANxxxx, where xxxx represents four numeric digits (including leading zeros) equal to the VLAN ID number. The media type is ethernet. The state is active. The said value is 100000 plus the VLAN ID. The mtu size for Ethernet, FDDI, and FDDI-NET VLANs is 1500 bytes. The MTU size for Token Ring and Token Ring-NET VLANs is 1500 bytes. The MTU size for TRBRF and TRCRF VLANs is 4472 bytes. The ring number for Token Ring VLANs is zero. For FDDI VLANs, there is no default. For TRCRF VLANs, you must specify a ring number. The bridge number is zero (no source-routing bridge) for FDDI-NET and Token Ring-NET VLANs. For TRBRF VLANs, you must specify a bridge number. The parent VLAN ID is zero (no parent VLAN) for FDDI and Token Ring VLANs. For TRCRF VLANs, you must specify a parent VLAN ID. For both Token Ring and TRCRF VLANs, the parent VLAN ID must already exist in the database and be associated with a Token Ring-NET or TRBRF VLAN. The STP type is ieee for FDDI-NET VLANs. For Token Ring-NET and TRBRF VLANs, the default is ibm. The ARE value is 7. The STE value is 7. Backup CRF is disabled. The tb-vlan1-id and tb-vlan2-id variables are zero (no translational bridging).

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

When the no vlan vlan-id form is used, the VLAN is deleted. Deleting VLANs automatically resets to zero any other parent VLANs and translational bridging parameters that refer to the deleted VLAN. When the no vlan vlan-id name vlan-name form is used, the VLAN name returns to the default name (VLANxxxx, where xxxx represent four numeric digits (including leading zeros) equal to the VLAN ID number). When the no vlan vlan-id media form is used, the media type returns to the default (ethernet). Changing the VLAN media type (including the no form) resets the VLAN MTU to the default MTU for the type (unless the mtu keyword is also present in the command). It also resets the VLAN parent and translational bridging VLAN to the default unless the parent, tb-vlan1, and tb-vlan2 keywords, or any combination are also present in the command. When the no vlan vlan-id state form is used, the VLAN state returns to the default (active). When the no vlan vlan-id said form is used, the VLAN SAID returns to the default (100,000 plus the VLAN ID).

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vlan

When the no vlan vlan-id mtu form is used, the VLAN MTU returns to the default for the applicable VLAN media type. You can also modify the MTU by using the media keyword. When the no vlan vlan-id ring form is used, the VLAN logical ring number returns to the default (0). When the no vlan vlan-id bridge form is used, the VLAN source-routing bridge number returns to the default (0). The vlan vlan-id bridge command is only used for FDDI-NET and Token Ring-NET VLANs and is ignored in other VLAN types. When the no vlan vlan-id parent form is used, the parent VLAN returns to the default (0). The parent VLAN resets to the default if the parent VLAN is deleted or if the media keyword changes the VLAN type or the VLAN type of the parent VLAN. When the no vlan vlan-id stp type form is used, the VLAN spanning-tree type returns to the default (ieee). When the no vlan vlan-id tb-vlan1 or no vlan vlan-id tb-vlan2 form is used, the VLAN translational bridge VLAN (or VLANs, if applicable) returns to the default (0). Translational bridge VLANs must be a different VLAN type than the affected VLAN, and if two are specified, the two must be different VLAN types from each other. A translational bridge VLAN resets to the default if the translational bridge VLAN is deleted, if the media keyword changes the VLAN type, or if the media keyword changes the VLAN type of the corresponding translation bridge VLAN.


This example shows how to add an Ethernet VLAN with default media characteristics. The default includes a vlan-name of VLANxxx, where xxxx represents four numeric digits (including leading zeros) equal to the VLAN ID number. The default media option is ethernet; the state option is active. The default said-value variable is 100000 plus the VLAN ID; the mtu-size variable is 1500; the stp-type option is ieee. The VLAN is added if it did not already exist; otherwise, this command does nothing.
Switch(vlan)# vlan 2

This example shows how to modify an existing VLAN by changing its name and MTU size:
Switch(vlan)# no vlan name engineering mtu 1200

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show vlan user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show vlan

Description Displays the parameters for all configured VLANs or one VLAN (if the VLAN ID or name is specified) in the administrative domain.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vlan database

Cisco IOS Commands

vlan database
Use the vlan database privileged EXEC command to enter VLAN database mode from the command-line interface (CLI). From the CLI, you can add, delete, and modify VLAN configurations and globally propagate these changes by using the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP). vlan database

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

To return to the privileged EXEC mode from the VLAN database mode, enter the exit command.


This command mode is different from other modes because it is session-oriented. When you add, delete, or modify VLAN parameters, the changes are not applied until you exit the session by entering the apply or exit commands. When the changes are applied, the VTP configuration version is incremented. You can also not apply the changes to the VTP database by entering abort.


This example shows how to enter the VLAN database mode from the privileged EXEC mode:
Switch# vlan database Switch(vlan)#

Related Commands

Command abort apply

Description Abandons the proposed VLAN database, exits VLAN database mode, and returns to privileged EXEC mode. Implements the proposed VLAN database, increments the database configuration revision number, propagates it throughout the administrative domain, and remains in VLAN database mode. Abandons the proposed VLAN database and remains in VLAN database mode. Resets the proposed database to the currently implemented VLAN database on the switch. Shuts down (suspends) local traffic on the specified VLAN.


shutdown vlan

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vmps reconfirm

vmps reconfirm
Use the vmps reconfirm privileged EXEC command to immediately send VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) queries to reconfirm all dynamic VLAN assignments with the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS). vmps reconfirm

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


No default is defined.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to immediately send VQP queries to the VMPS:
Switch# vmps reconfirm

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vmps user EXEC command and examining the VMPS Action row of the Reconfirmation Status section. The show vmps command shows the result of the last time the assignments were reconfirmed either as a result of reconfirmation timer expiring or because the vmps reconfirm command was entered.

Related Commands

Command show vmps vmps reconfirm and vmps reconfirm

Description Displays VQP and VMPS information. Sends VQP queries to reconfirm all dynamic VLAN assignments with the VMPS.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vmps reconfirm

Cisco IOS Commands

vmps reconfirm
Use the vmps reconfirm global configuration command to change the reconfirmation interval for the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) client. vmps reconfirm interval

Syntax Description


Reconfirmation interval for VQP client queries to the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) to reconfirm dynamic VLAN assignments. The interval range is from 1 to 120 minutes.


The default reconfirmation interval is 60 minutes.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to set the VQP client to reconfirm dynamic VLAN entries every 20 minutes:
Switch(config)# vmps reconfirm 20

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vmps user EXEC command and examining information in the Reconfirm Interval row.

Related Commands

Command show vmps vmps reconfirm and vmps reconfirm

Description Displays VQP and VMPS information. Sends VQP queries to reconfirm all dynamic VLAN assignments with the VMPS.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vmps retry

vmps retry
Use the vmps retry global configuration command to configure the per-server retry count for the VLAN Query Protocol (VQP) client. vmps retry count

Syntax Description


Number of attempts to contact the VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) by the client before querying the next server in the list. The retry range is from 1 to 10.


The default retry count is 3.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.


This example shows how to set the retry count to 7:

Switch(config)# vmps retry 7

You can verify the previous command by entering the show vmps user EXEC command and examining information in the Server Retry Count row.

Related Commands

Command show vmps

Description Displays VQP and VMPS information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vmps server

Cisco IOS Commands

vmps server
Use the vmps server global configuration command to configure the primary VLAN Membership Policy Server (VMPS) and up to three secondary servers. Use the no form of this command to remove a VMPS server. vmps server ipaddress [primary] no vmps server [ipaddress]

Syntax Description

ipaddress primary

IP address or host name of the primary or secondary VMPS servers. If you specify a host name, the Domain Name System (DNS) server must be configured. (Optional) Determines whether primary or secondary VMPS servers are being configured.


No primary or secondary VMPS servers are defined.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The first server entered is automatically selected as the primary server whether or not primary is entered. The first server address can be overridden by using primary in a subsequent command. If a member switch in a cluster configuration does not have an IP address, the cluster does not use the VMPS server configured for that member switch. Instead, the cluster uses the VMPS server on the command switch, and the command switch proxies the VMPS requests. The VMPS server treats the cluster as a single switch and uses the IP address of the command switch to respond to requests. When using the no form without specifying the ipaddress, all configured servers are deleted. If you delete all servers when dynamic-access ports are present, the switch cannot forward packets from new sources on these ports because it cannot query the VMPS.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vmps server


This example shows how to configure the server with IP address as the primary VMPS server. The servers with IP addresses and are configured as secondary servers:
Switch(config)# vmps server primary Switch(config)# vmps server Switch(config)# vmps server

This example shows how to delete the server with IP address
Switch(config)# no vmps server

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show vmps user EXEC command and examining information in the VMPS Domain Server row.

Related Commands

Command show vmps

Description Displays VQP and VMPS information.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vtp

Cisco IOS Commands

Use the vtp VLAN database command to configure the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) mode. Use the no form of this command to return to the default setting. vtp {server | client | transparent} no vtp {server | client | transparent}

Syntax Description


Place the switch in VTP server mode. A switch in VTP server mode is enabled for VTP and sends advertisements. You can configure VLANs on it. The switch can recover all the VLAN information in the VTP database from nonvolatile storage after reboot. Place the switch in VTP client mode. A switch in VTP client mode is enabled for VTP, can send advertisements, but does not have enough nonvolatile storage to store VLAN configurations. You cannot configure VLANs on it. When a VTP client starts up, it does not transmit VTP advertisements until it receives advertisements to initialize its VLAN database. Place the switch in VTP transparent mode. A switch in VTP transparent mode is disabled for VTP, does not transmit advertisements or learn from advertisements sent by other devices, and cannot affect VLAN configurations on other devices in the network. The switch receives VTP advertisements and forwards them on all trunk ports except the one on which the advertisement was received. The configuration of multi-VLAN ports causes the switch to automatically enter transparent mode.




The switch supports up to 250 VLANs on the Catalyst 2912MF, 2924M, and Catalyst 3500 XL switches. All other Catalyst 2900 XL switches support up to 64 VLANs. If you define more than 250 or 64, respectively, or if the switch receives an advertisement that contains more than 250 or 64 VLANs, the switch automatically enters VTP transparent mode and operates with the VLAN configuration preceding the one that put it into transparent mode. The count of 250 or 64 VLANs always includes VLAN 1 but never includes VLANs 1002 to 1005. The switch can have 250 or 64 active VLANs, plus VLANs 1002 through 1005, which are inactive.


Server mode is the default mode.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vtp

Usage Guidelines

The no vtp client and no vtp transparent forms of the command return the switch to VTP server mode. The vtp server command is the same as no vtp client or no vtp transparent except that it does not return an error if the switch is not in client or transparent mode.


This example shows how to place the switch in VTP transparent mode:
Switch(vlan)# vtp transparent

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show vtp status privileged EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show vtp status

Description Displays general information about the VTP management domain, status, and counters.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vtp domain

Cisco IOS Commands

vtp domain
Use the vtp domain VLAN database command to configure the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) administrative domain. vtp domain domain-name

Syntax Description


ASCII string from 1 to 32 characters that identifies the VTP administrative domain for the switch. The domain name is case sensitive.


No domain name is defined.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

The switch is in the no-management-domain state until you configure a domain name. While in the no-management-domain state, the switch does not transmit any VTP advertisements even if changes occur to the local VLAN configuration. The switch leaves the no-management-domain state after receiving the first VTP summary packet on any port that is trunking or after you configure a domain name by using the vtp domain command. If the switch receives its domain from a summary packet, it resets its configuration revision number to zero. After the switch leaves the no-management-domain state, it can never be configured to reenter it until you clear the nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) and reload the software. Domain names are case sensitive. Once you configure a domain name, it cannot be removed. You can only reassign it to a different domain.


This example shows how to set the administrative domain for the switch:
Switch(vlan)# vtp domain OurDomainName

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show vtp status user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show vtp status vtp password

Description Displays general information about the VTP management domain, status, and counters. Configures the VTP administrative domain password.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vtp file

vtp file
Use the vtp file global configuration command to modify the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) configuration storage filename. Use the no form of this command to return the filename to its default name. vtp file ifsfilename no vtp file

Syntax Description


The IOS IFS filename where the VTP VLAN configuration is stored.


The default filename is flash:vlan.dat.

Command Modes

Global configuration

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

This command cannot be used to load a new database; it only renames the file in which the existing database is stored.


This example shows how to rename the filename for VTP configuration storage to vtpfilename:
Switch(config)# vtp file vtpfilename

Related Commands

Command vtp

Description Configures the VTP mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vtp password

Cisco IOS Commands

vtp password
Use the vtp password VLAN database command to configure the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) administrative domain password. Use the no form of this command to remove the password. vtp password password-value no vtp password password-value

Syntax Description


Set the password for the generation of the 16-byte secret value used in MD5 digest calculation to be sent in VTP advertisements and to validate received VTP advertisements. ASCII string from 8 to 64 characters. The password is case sensitive.



No password is defined.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Passwords are case sensitive. Passwords should match on all switches in the same domain. When the no vtp password form of the command is used, the switch returns to the no-password state.


This example shows how to configure the VTP domain password:

Switch(vlan)# vtp password ThisIsOurDomainsPassword

Related Commands

Command vtp domain

Description Configures the VTP administrative domain.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



Chapter 2

Cisco IOS Commands vtp pruning

vtp pruning
Use the vtp pruning VLAN database command to enable pruning in the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) administrative domain. Use the no form of this command to disable pruning. vtp pruning no vtp pruning

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


Pruning is disabled.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

If you enable pruning on the VTP server, it is enabled for the entire management domain. Only VLANs included in the pruning-eligible list can be pruned. VLANs 2 through 1001 are pruning-eligible on Catalyst 2900 XL and Catalyst 3500 XL trunk ports. Pruning is supported with VTP version 1 and version 2.


This example shows how to enable pruning in the proposed VLAN database:
Switch(vlan)# vtp pruning

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show vtp status user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show interface interface-id pruning show vtp status switchport trunk pruning

Description Displays pruning information for the trunk port. Displays general information about the VTP management domain, status, and counters. Configures the VLAN pruning-eligible list for ports in trunking mode.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference 78-12155-05


Chapter 2 vtp v2-mode

Cisco IOS Commands

vtp v2-mode
Use the vtp v2-mode VLAN database command to enable VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP) version 2 in the administrative domains. Use the no form of this command to disable version 2 mode. vtp v2-mode no vtp v2-mode

Syntax Description

This command has no arguments or keywords.


VTP version 2 is disabled.

Command Modes

VLAN database

Command History

Release 11.2(8)SA4

Modification This command was first introduced.

Usage Guidelines

Toggling the version 2 mode state modifies certain parameters of certain default VLANs. Each VTP switch automatically detects the capabilities of all the other VTP devices. To use version 2 mode, all VTP switches in the network must support version 2; otherwise, you must configure them to operate in VTP version 1 mode (no vtp v2-mode). If you are using VTP in a Token Ring environment, VTP version 2 mode must be enabled. If you are configuring a Token Ring bridge relay function (TRBRF) or Token Ring concentrator relay function (TRCRF) VLAN media type, you must use version 2. If you are configuring a Token Ring or Token Ring-NET VLAN media type, you must use version 1.


This example shows how to enable version 2 mode in the proposed VLAN database:
Switch(vlan)# vtp v2-mode

You can verify the previous commands by entering the show vtp status user EXEC command.

Related Commands

Command show vtp status vtp vtp pruning

Description Displays general information about the VTP management domain, status, and counters. Configures the VTP mode. Enables pruning in the VTP administrative domain.

Catalyst 2900 Series XL and Catalyst 3500 Series XL Command Reference



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