solar system journal teacher
solar system journal teacher
solar system journal teacher
2 What is Astronomy?
A Look at Space, Celestial Objects, and
the Universe
8 Earth’s Satellite:
All About the Moon
Image by AL2TB on Wikimedia Commons
Vocabulary Image by AL2TB on Wikimedia Commons
Asteroid Belt The space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids orbit
Astronomy The branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space, and
the physical universe as a whole
Comet A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust and, when
near the sun, a “tail” of gas and dust particles pointing away from
the sun
Dwarf Planet A celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain
technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as such
Galaxy A system of billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held
together by gravitational attraction
Gravity The force that attracts a body toward the center of the Earth, or
toward any other physical body having mass
Mars The fourth planet of the Solar System
Meteoroid A small body moving in the Solar System that would become a
meteor if it entered the Earth's atmosphere
Solar System The collection of eight planets and their moons in orbit around
the Sun, together with smaller bodies in the form of asteroids,
meteoroids, and comets
Sunspot A spot or patch appearing from time to time on the Sun's surface,
appearing dark by contrast with its surroundings
Telescope An optical instrument used to observe objects that are far away.
Introduction to the Solar System
The Solar System is made up of nine planets.
The Sun has a lot of gravity, which is why it tries to pull the planets towards it.
This is why the Sun is the center of the universe.
There are 180 moons in the Solar System. Moons do not orbit the Sun; they
orbit the closest planet.
For many years, people were unaware of the Solar System; they believed
Earth was the center of the universe.
In the Milky Way Galaxy, there are about 200 billion stars.
The Sun makes up 99.85% of the Solar System’s mass; planets, asteroids, and
other objects make up 0.15% of the remaining mass.
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images on
Pixabay 6
How Did the Solar System Form:
The Nebular Theory
The Solar System began forming 5 billion years ago from a giant spinning
cloud of gas and dust.
The cloud became denser and hotter under the influence of gravity.
Near the Sun was heavier, rocky material and metallic with high melting
Mutual gravity caused the rocks to come together and form planets.
In the early 1600s, the telescope was invented. The invention of the
telescope helped scientists get a better view of the sky, stars, the moon,
and planets.
Major discoveries in astronomy are still being made today. The 20th
Century saw the discoveries of new galaxies, black holes, neutron stars,
and quasars.
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Galileo Galilei
Born February 25, 1564
Pisa, Italy
Nicolaus Copernicus
Born February 19, 1473
Torun, Royal Prussia (now Poland)
Copernicus’ Model of
Nicolaus Copernicus
the Solar System
Sir Isaac Newton
Born January 4, 1643
Woolsthorpe, England
Image by NASA, ESA, H. Teplitz and M. Rafelski (IPAC/Caltech), A. Koekemoer (STScI), R. Windhorst (Arizona State University), and Z. Levay (STScI) on Wikimedia Commons
the study of the planets, moons,
Planetary asteroids, and comets
History of Space Exploration
Prior to 17th Century, astronomers viewed the sky only with their
From the 1950s on, people have landed on the Moon, orbited
other planets, and have even taken pictures of Mars!
Do You Have What it Takes?
Astronaut Information Picture
Buzz Aldrin Born: 1930
Died: N|A
Famous For… being the
second person to walk on
the Moon.
Astronaut Information Picture
John Glenn Born: 1921
Died: 2016
Famous For…being the
first American to orbit the
Earth. He was also the
oldest person to go into
space—at age 77 he
again traveled to outer
Image by NASA on Wikimedia Commons
“Space Race”
The “Space Race” occurred in the 1960s.
During the Cold War, the United States and Soviet Union (present day Russia)
began a competition to see which country would get to outer space first. This
included putting a man on the moon and sending out a spaceship with
The “Space Race” was very important because it showed which country had
better technology, more access to science information, and smarter
astronauts and engineers.
In 1955, the United States and Soviet Union announced that they would be
putting a satellite into outer space.
On October 4, 1957, Sputnik I was placed into orbit by the Soviet Union. The
United States placed Explorer I into orbit in February 1958.
The Russians were also the first country to launch an animal into space. On
November 3, 1957, Sputnik 2 was launched with Soviet space dog, Laika, on
On April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut (astronaut), Yuri Gagarin became the
first man to orbit Earth. He orbited on the space craft known as Vostok I.
In early May 1961, Alan Shepherd became the first American to go into outer
space. Shepherd, however, did not orbit the Earth.
In 1961, the Apollo Moon Project was launched by President Kennedy (United
States). The goal was to be the first country to put a man on the Moon.
On July 16, 1969, three astronauts, Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael
Collins, left for the Moon on Apollo 11. It took three days to get to the Moon.
On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.
Armstrong’s first words on the Moon we: “That’s one small step for man, one
giant leap for mankind.”
In 1975, the United States and the Soviet Union were beginning to mend their
The United States and the Soviet Union created the Apollo-Soyez Project in
1975; this officially ended the “Space Race.”
Image by NASA / Neil A. Armstrong on
Wikimedia Commons
Notable Space Explorations
Year Event
1543 Nicolaus Copernicus claims the Earth and
planets orbit the Sun.
Year Event
1969 Neil Armstrong becomes the first man to
walk on the Moon.
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors on Pixabay
Planets of the Solar System
The Solar System is really amazing! Currently, scientists say that,
in the Solar System, there are:
566,000 asteroids
3,100 comets
181 moons
8 planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune
5 dwarf planets: Pluto, Ceres, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris
1 big star (Sun)
Dwarf planets are bigger than comets and asteroids, but smaller than planets.
The Solar System has 5 dwarf planets: Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake, and Haumea.
Planet Year of Distance from the Sun Picture
Pluto 1930 5,874,000,000
Order from the Sun: First
Number of Moons: 0
Order from the Sun: Second
Number of Moons: 0
Order from the Sun: Third
Number of Moons: 1
Order from the Sun: Fourth
Number of Moons: 2
Order from the Sun: Fifth
Number of Moons: 67
Order from the Sun: Sixth
Number of Moons: 62
Order from the Sun: Seventh
Number of Moons: 27
Order from the Sun: Eighth
Number of Moons: 14
Order from the Sun: Ninth
Number of Moons: 5
Rotate Revolve
Rotate means to Revolve means to
spin or turn. go around.
The Inner Planets
Orbit Quicker Inner planets orbit the Sun quicker than
the outer planets because they are
Think Back!
Directions: Read each statement. Without using your notes, write a T for
statements that are true; write an F for statement that are false.
The Outer Planets
Orbit Slower Since the outer planets are further away
from the Sun, they orbit slower.
Think Back!
Directions: Read each statement. Without using your notes, write a T for
statements that are true; write an F for statement that are false.
Sun Facts
Mass: 4.18 nonillion pounds
(333 thousand times the mass of the Earth).
Why Do Planets Orbit the Sun?
The Sun’s mass makes up 99.8% of the Solar System.
Image by cheifyc on Pixabay
Heliocentric Model of the Universe
“Helios” is Greek for Sun.
New Moon When the Earth and Sun are aligned.
Moons in the Solar System
Moons are also called natural satellites.
Image by PIX1861 on Pixabay 51
Planet Number of Moons
Mercury 0
Venus 0
Earth 1
Mars 2
Jupiter 67
Saturn 62
Uranus 27
Pluto 5
Star Facts
Stars are spheres of hot gas called plasma.
Nuclear fusion occurs in the core of the star and is the process of
hydrogen fusing and making helium.
There are between 200 million and 400 million stars in the Milky Way
Brown stars are the hottest while blue stars are the coolest.
It takes a million years for the light from a star to reach Earth.
Image by Qaswara.awad on Wikimedia Commons
Types of Stars
There are three different types of stars:
- Dwarfs
- Giants
- Neutrons
Dwarf Small
Very tiny
Guess the Star
Next to each picture, write either dwarf, giant, or neutron.
Image by Kevin Gill on Flickr
Image by WikiImages on Pixabay
Constellations are a group of stars that form a pattern when they are
viewed from Earth.
- Mythological creatures
- People
- Objects
Star maps help to guide you as to where in the sky you can see the
Not all the constellations are visible from every location on Earth.
Constellations are also used for navigation. Ursa Minor helps you find
the North Pole.
Here are the names of the most famous constellations and where they can
be seen.
Southern Zodiac
(found in the west):
Virgo, Libra, Scorpius,
Sagittarius, Capricornus,
and Aquarius.
Little Dipper
Big Dipper
Image by Torsten Bronger on Wikimedia Commons 60
How Big is Each Planet?
Planet Actual Size Scaled Size
(Diameter in (Diameter in
Kilometers) Centimeters)
Words to Describe Eclipses
During an eclipse, the shadow of the Moon has three main parts:
There are three types of eclipses which vary by which part of the
shadow you are located:
Image by Daniel M. Short on Wikimedia Commons
What is a Solar Eclipse?
When the Moon passes in front of the Sun, a solar eclipse
occurs. The Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.
Image by Luc Viatour on Wikimedia Commons Image by HypnoArt on Pixabay
What is a Lunar Eclipse?
When the Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth, a
lunar eclipse occurs. The Earth is between the Sun and
Image by Alfredo Garcia, Jr on Flickr Image by Alfredo Garcia, Jr on Flickr
How Big is the Solar System?
If you drove from the Sun to Pluto, the distance would be
7,440,000,000 miles, which is equivalent to roughly 6,000 years.
If you drove from the Sun to the comets and clouds that surround
the Solar System, then the distance would be 5,580,000,000,00
The Solar System doesn’t end at the last planet. The Solar System
ends where gravity does—where objects can no longer orbit the
Scientists have also estimated that there are about 300 million stars in the
Milky Way Galaxy.
The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way and is
about 6 trillion miles away.
Our Galaxy: The Milky Way
We live in the Milky Way Galaxy, in one of the spiral arms.
The Milky Way Galaxy contains 100 billion stars, dust, and gas.
It takes 100,00 years for light to get from one side of the galaxy to the
Scientists have predicted that in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy there
is a giant black hole.
The Local Group contains two large spiral galaxies: the Milky Way and the
When looking at the Milky Way in the night sky, it has a milky
appearance—which is how it got its name.
The Sun’s orbit around the Milky Way takes 225 million to 250 million years.
What is the Hubble Telescope?
The Hubble Telescope is one of the most famous telescopes in history.
The Hubble Telescope was put into orbit on April 24, 1990 by Space
The Hubble Telescope is very big and very wide! It weighs 24,500
pounds and is 43.5 feet long and 14 feet wide.
Many of the beautiful pictures of outer space have been taken by the
Hubble Telescope.