1.1 26. [Textbook] Reported Speech.pdf

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Reported Speech


Reported Speech

1) When we want to tell somebody what someone else has said we can use either direct
speech (exact words in quotation marks) or indirect speech (also called reported speech).
The latter variant is more common.

Liz said, ‘​ I work as a nanny’​. (direct speech)

Liz said that ​she works as a nanny​. (reported speech)

2) In reported speech the reporting verb can stay in the present simple if the original words
are still true or repeated very often.

Pam always tells me​ that she is going to get a gym membership.

If something is no longer true or happened some time ago, there is a backshift of tenses in
reported speech (e.g. we use the past simple instead of the present simple). Study the
following table:
Backshift of Tenses Direct Speech Reported Speech
present simple → I like this movie. Kate told me that she liked that
past simple movie.
present continuous → I’m working on the Jim said that he was working on
past continuous important project. the important project.
past simple → We bought a house. The Smiths said that they had
past perfect bought a house.
present perfect → I have known Mr. Ola Peter claimed that he had known
past perfect for ages. Mr. Ola for ages.
present perfect continuous → I have been waiting for Mike complained that he had been
past perfect continuous you for an hour! waiting for me for an hour.
past continuous → We were working day They told me that they had been
past perfect continuous and night. working day and night.
will → would I will see you tomorrow! Andrew told me that he would see
me the following day.
can → could Can you open this jar? Betty asked me if I could open that

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Reported Speech

Note that we also need to change time/place expressions and demonstratives in reported
Indirect Speech Reported Speech
today that day
now then
yesterday the day before
… days ago … days before
last week the week before
next year the following year
tomorrow the next/following day
here there
this that
these those

The structure of the reported clause depends on whether we are reporting a statement, a
question, or an imperative:
a) statements consist of a reporting clause and a reported clause beginning with​ that
(although we can omit ​that​ in informal speech).

My sister told me​ (that) ​she wanted to move to China for a year.

b) ​yes-no​ questions and questions with ​or​ consist of a reporting clause and a reported
clause beginning with ​if​/​whether.​ Note that the reported clause does not retain the word
order of questions; use ​if/whether + subject + verb​ instead.

My boss asked me ​if/whether I had written the report on Thursday.

My boss asked me i​ f/whether I had written the report on Thursday or Friday.

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Reported Speech

Wh-q​ uestions consist of a reporting clause and a reported clause beginning a ​wh​-word (​who,
what, when, where, why, or how​)​.​ Note that the reported clause does not retain the word
order of questions; use ​if/whether + subject + verb​ instead.

Jack wanted to know ​what happened to our colleague.

The police was investigating​ who lived in that building.

c) imperatives consist of a reporting clause and a reported clause beginning with ​(not) to +

My mom told me ​not to come home very late​. She also asked me​ to buy some bread.

Short Story Dialogue

– How did the meeting go?
– Well, our boss told us that he had been researching the current market and he had
found an additional source of funding.
– And what will you be doing now? Will your tasks change?
– He stated that some of us would be working on new projects the following month but
he couldn’t disclose any details at that time.

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Reported Speech

Independent Practice - Reported Speech

1) Find mistakes in the following sentences.
a. Sarah was complaining that she had spend a month looking for an apartment.
b. They asked me if did I want to sign up for free.
c. Peter told to me that they were going to Bali.
d. It was stated that the meeting will be called off.
e. Bill told me that he had never be abroad.
2) Write sentences in reported speech.

a. My parents said to me, ‘Don’t worry!’


b. ‘I’m busy looking for an apartment now’, Kelly said.


c. ‘Why weren’t you at the party?’, he asked.


d. It is written, ‘Mr. A. will launch a new project’.


e. Phillip asked, ‘Jane, do you want to go to the movies with me?’.


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Reported Speech

Independent Practice: Answers - Reported Speech

1) Find mistakes in the following sentences.
a. Sarah was complaining that she had ​spend​ ​spent​ a month looking for an apartment.
b. They asked me if ​did I want​ ​I wanted​ to sign up for free.
c. Peter told ​to me​ ​me​ that they were going to Bali.
d. It was stated that the meeting ​will be​ ​would be​ called off.
e. Bill told me that he had never ​be​ ​been​ abroad.
2) Write sentences in reported speech.
a. My parents told me not to worry.
b. Kelly said that she was busy looking for an apartment then.
c. He asked me why I hadn’t been at the party.
d. It was written that Mr. A. would launch a new project.
e. Phillip asked Jane if she wanted to go to the movies with him.

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