The Nature of Mahatma
The Nature of Mahatma
The Nature of Mahatma
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Sri Srimad
Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Çré Çrémad
Gour Govinda Swami
The Nature of a
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Table of Contents
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Sri Srimad
;(; ; =( = 0 * ( 9 ( 7 < ) 3 0 * (; 0 6 5 :
The Nature of a
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D1 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D2 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D3 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
oà ajïäna-timirändhasya jïänäïjana-çaläkayä
cakñur unmélitaà yena tasmai çré-gurave namaù
(Gautaméya Tantra)
D4 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D5 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D6 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
of Kåñëa, and now they are preaching and speaking about Kåñëa,
engaging in Kåñëa’s loving service. How have they done this?
mahad-vicalanaà nèëäà
gåhiëäà déna-cetasäm
niùçreyasäya bhagavan
kalpate nänyathä kvacit
D7 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
na karma-bandhanaà janma
vaiñëavänäà ca vidyate
viñëur anucaratvaà hi
mokñam ähur manéñiëaù
D8 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D9 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
na tathä me priyatama
ätma-yonir na çaìkaraù
na ca saìkarñaëo na çrér
naivätmä ca yathä bhavän
D 10 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D 11 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
A Vaiñëava Suffers
D 12 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D 13 X
M The Nature of a Mahatma I
D 14 X
The Nature of a
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Sri Srimad
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