The purpose of this study is to investigate students’ ability in speaking before and after
using Direct Method in learning English. The method in this research was experimental
quantitative method by using quasi experimental design with one group pretest-posttest
model. The design only see students’ achievement in speaking before and after using
Direct Method.
The object of the research was English Department students. They were randomly
selected. The technique of collecting the data was done through observation and the data
were gotten from the students when they did oral communication. The instrument in this
research was oral test.
The result of this study shown that the use of Direct Method could improve students’
ability in speaking. It was proved from the students’ average was higher after using
Direct Method. The data in this research had normal distribution. Based on data analysis
by using T-test was gotten that tcount = 7,14 at the significant level = 5% and dk (n-1) =
(40-1) =39 was gotten ttable = 1,82. So, tcount > ttable. It proved that Ho was rejected and Ha
was accepted. It’s meant that there was a significant difference between students’ ability
before and after implementing Direct Method.
Keywords: Direct Method, Speaking
Language is a tool that used to communicate and interact one each other. Through
language human can express the ideas to the other. Language consists of oral language,
written language and gesture. Oral language and written language are called verbal
communication whereas gesture is non verbal communication.
One of the languages in the world is English. It is an International language. It is
placed as an important tool in economic, politic, business, facing MEA, and looking for
a job. It is very necessary to be learnt. It has been taught at Elementry School, Junior
High School, Senior High School, and university level. Now, English is not only
necessary to be learnt but it is as a tool of self development for everyone especially for
English Department students. English Department students should have a skill. There
are four skills in English, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They are
necessary to be known and mastered. From the skills, speaking is difficult thing for
consisted of 40 students. And the writer took the sample randomly. The sample was
group A that consisted of 40 students. The technique of collecting data was done
through observation. And the source of the data was gotten from the students when they
did oral communication.
The instrument used in this research was oral test. The students were asked to do
oral communication (speaking) in front of the class. There were some aspects that the
writer used to asses the students’s ability in speaking. They were grammar, vocabulary,
comprehension, fluency, pronunciation, and task. The data obtained were analyzed by
using Liliefors normality test, testing homogeneity F, and testing hypothesis by using T-
After the writer knew the results of the students’ ability before and after using
Direct Method, then the writer made the table of frequency distribution. It was done to
know the mean, standart deviation, and standart error from the data (Pre-test and post-
Table 1 The Distribution of Students’ Score Frequency in Speaking (Pre test)
X F Fx x x2 fx2
45 5 225 -13,75 189,06 945,3
50 6 300 -8,75 76,56 459,36
55 5 275 -3,75 14,06 70,3
60 10 600 1,25 1,56 15,6
65 8 520 6,25 39,06 312,48
70 4 280 11,25 126,56 506,24
75 2 150 16,25 264,06 528,12
N=40 ∑fX=2350 ∑fx2= 2837,4
From the data above shown that the highest score is 75 in pre test. And the mean
score of the data above was 58,75, the standart deviation was 8,42, and standart error of
the group was 1,35.
Table 2 The Distribution of Students’ Score Frequency in Speaking (Post test)
X F Fx x x2 fx2
60 4 240 -15 225 900
65 3 195 -10 100 300
70 8 560 -5 25 200
75 9 675 0 0 0
80 8 640 5 25 200
85 6 510 10 100 600
90 2 180 15 225 450
N=40 ∑fX=3000 ∑fx = 2650
From the data above shown that the highest score in post test was 90. And the
mean score of the data above was 75, the standart deviation was 8,14, and standart error
of the group was 1,30.
After the writer knew the mean, standart deviation and the error before and after
using Direct Method, then the writer analyzed the data. Data analysis was done by using
Liliefors normality test, testing homogeneity F, and testing hypothesis by using T-test.
1. Normality Test for Pre-Test Group (X)
The normality test that the writer used was normality test by Lilliefors. The table
of normality test for variable X could be seen below.
Table 3 The Normality test for Pre-Test Group
X F fKum Zi Table F(Zi) S(Zi) L
45 5 5 -1,63 -0,4484 0,0516 0,125 0,0734
50 6 11 -1,04 -0,3508 0,1492 0,275 0,1258
55 5 16 -0,44 -0,1700 0,3300 0,4 0,07
60 10 26 0,15 0.0596 0,5596 0,65 0,0904
65 8 34 0,74 0,2704 0,7704 0,85 0,0796
70 4 38 1,34 0,4099 0,9099 0,95 0,0401
75 2 40 1,93 0,4732 0,9732 1 0,0268
Mx= 58,75 ; N = 40; S= 8,42
Based on the table above, the greatest value among the absolute value
(Lcount)= 0,1258. Then, Lcount was consulted with critical value (L) at the level α = 0,05
(5%). Where N=40, so Ltable with α (0,05) = 0,140
So, Lcount < Ltable (0,1258 < 0,140). It proved that the data of variable X were
normally distributed.
2. The Normality Test for Post-Test Group
The normality test that the writer used was normality test by Lilliefors. The table
of normality test for variable Y could be seen below.
Table 4 The Normality Test for Post-Test Group
Based on the table above, the greatest value among the absolute value
(Lcount)= 0,1040. Then, Lcount was consulted with critical value (L) at the level α = 0,05
(5%). Where N=40, so Ltable with α (0,05) = 0,140
So, Lcount < Ltable (0,1040 < 0,140). It proved that the data of variable Y were
normally distributed.
3. Testing Homogeneity
The homogeneity test of variance is used to test the equality of variables. The
method used is Barlet’s test (Sudjana, 1989:261). The calculation can be seen below.
Sx2 = (8,42)2 = 70,89
Sy2 = (8,14)2 = 66,26
Degress of Freedom (df)
df = N – 1
= 40-1 = 39
After the writer obtained the values that use for Bartlet’s test, then the writer
calculated combined variance of all samples ( S2 ), the value for B, and the writer used
the statistics chi square ( 2 ). The calculation of the homogeneity data of each research
variable as the following.
Table 5 The Necessary Values for Bartlett’s Test
(n i) S
i i
(n 1)i
(nx 1) S x (nY 1) S y
2 2
(nx n y ) 2
(39)(70,89) (39)(66,26)
(2764,71) (2584,14)
S 68,575
= (1,84) (78)
= 143,52
c. Bartlett’s Test by Using Chi Square
X2 = ln 10 {B - (ni-1) Log Si2}
= (2,3026)(143,52 – 143,20)
= (2,3026) (0,32)
= 0,736
From the calculation above was gotten X2count (chi square) 0,736, X2table at
the level of trust 95 % with df 39 was 54,572. That’s why, X2count < X2table, (0,736 <
54,572). It proved that the variance of population was homogen.
C. Testing Hyphothesis
To test the hyphothesis, the writer used T-test (Sudijono, 2007: 282-285):
M1 M 2
SEM 1 M 2
75 58,75
So, tcount = 8,69
Based on the data above, tcount = 8,69 at the significant level = 5%, dk (n-1) =
(40-1) = 39 so, ttable = 1,68. It could be concluded that tcount > ttable (8,69 > 1,68). It meant
that Ho was rejected dan Ha was accepted. It stated that there was a significant
differences between students’ ability before and after implementing the Direct Method
in speaking.
Based on the data analysis of the research, the findings of the research are:
1. The students’ ability before implementing the direct method was enough and the
average of students’ achievement was 58,75
2. The students’ ability before implementing the Direct method was good and the
average of students’ achievement was 75.
3. The data of the students’ ability before and after implementing the direct method
were on normal distribution, namely at the level = 5 % and N = 40 is gotten
Lcount < Ltablel yaitu 0,1258 < 0,140 (before treatment) dan Lo < Ltabel yaitu
0,1040 < 0,140 (after treatment).
4. The homogeneity test by using variance test was obtained Fcount = 0,06 dan Ftable
= 79,1 jadi Fcount < Ftable so the variance of the sample came from homogenous
5. By usibg T-test was obtained tcount = 8,69 at significant level 5% dk = (n-1) = 40-
1 = 39 and t table = 1,68 so thitung > t tabel = 8,69 > 1,68. It could be concluded
that there is a significant difference between the students’ ability in speaking
before implementing direct method and after implementing direct method.
2. Discussion
Students’ ability increase after using Direct Method. It can be seen from the
mean of students’ achievement before and after using Direct Method, namely 58,75 be
75 and the percentage of students’ achievement also increase (57,5% be 62,5%). It is
proved that the using of Direct Method can improve the students’ ability in speaking.
Based on the normality and homogeneity test, the data before and after doing
treatment has normal distribution and has same variance. And based on data analysis by
using T-test was gotten that tcount = 7,14 at the significant level = 5 % and dk (n-1) =
(40-1) =39 was gotten ttable = 1,82. So, tcount > ttable. It proved that Ho was rejected and Ha
was accepted. It means that there was a significant difference between students’ ability
before and after implementing Direct Method.
Based on the result that has been described above that Direct Method is a
teaching method can improve students’ ability in speaking by using English as
introduction language. Here, the educator uses English when s/he explain the lesson.
And in the classroom, the students are not permitted to use Indonesian language when
they ask something to the educator or communicate to the educator or their friends. In
this case, the educator must be able to describe the words that the students do not know
by using visual aid or explain them by using her words. There is no translation here.
That’s why the students try and try to speak in English and at last, they are able to speak
in English.
Based on the finding of the research, it can be concluded that:
1. The students’ ability in speaking before implementing Direct Method is inadequate.