Department of Education
Region XII
Cotabato Division
Matalam West District
I. Introduction
Spelling is basically the study to spell the language correctly. Learning to spell helps to cement
the connection between the letters and their sounds, and learning high-frequency “sight words” to
mastery improves both reading and writing.
Spelling is a personal ability, and accomplishing the task of correct spelling depends on the
person performing it. Let’s consider the basic case of writing something down, perhaps a small
exercise in English spelling. First, spellers face the difficulty of developing an ear for the way words
sound in a language. In developing a phonological awareness, they should be sensitive to the way
spoken sounds are represented in a language’s alphabet, and acquire the skill of translating them to
the page. Second, spellers face the challenge of having to master the structural aspects of a language.
Though this morphological awareness, they should become familiar with a language’s grammar, with
its function, and, naturally, with the proper spelling 0f words. Third, spellers must acquire a semantic
awareness. This enables to recognize the context in which words appear, and how their senses can
change in accordance. In the end, a speller must develop skills to overcome all of these difficulties and
others, in order to make it possible to express a single thought graphically in signs. It is supported by
the study conducted by( Stice & Bertrand, 1990) young children using invented spelling employ a
considerably greater variety of words in their writing than those encouraged to use only the words
they can spell correctly.
The researcher will use Peer Tutorial as an intervention in mastering the words; through this
intervention we will determine the effectiveness in enhancing the performance of the students.
Statement of Purpose
The goal of this study is to determine the effectiveness of using peer tutorials in enhancing the
skills of the students in spelling.
1. What is the percentage increase of the test scores of the tested students after the peer
2. Is there a difference between the pre-test and post test results of the students after the
The learner. If the students will be able to master the words, they will not find difficult in
giving the correct spelling of words, using the peer tutorials will eventually help them in increasing
their academic performance not only in English but also in other subject areas.
The Researcher and other Teacher. The teacher will not have the difficulty in introducing lessons. The
result of this study can be used also by the other teachers and researchers as basis for classroom
intervention and as reference;
The School Administration. The results of this study can be used in designing interventions in
teaching English subject specifically on the other subject areas.
Future Researchers. This study will serve as reference for their study related to this topic.
Spelling according to Coulmas (1996, 477) is the conventions which determine how the graphemes of
a writing system are used to write a language.
Study conducted by Clarke (1988) young children encouraged to use invented spellings seem to
develop word recognition and phonics skills sooner than those not encouraged to spell the sounds
they hear in words. It is also supported by Krashen (1991) that at least in grades 3-6, it is not clear
that spelling instruction has much of an effect beyond what is learned through reading alone, if
children are reading extensively.
As also pointed out by Clarke, 1988; Stice & Bertrand, 1990 that the end of first grade, children
encouraged to use invented spellings typically score as well or better on standardized tests of spelling
than children allowed to use only correct spellings in first drafts.
This study will be conducted at Agustin M. Valdevieso Sr. High School- Bato Extension Class,
Bato ,Matalam, Cotabato.
Grade VII students of Agustin M. Valdevieso Sr. High School – Bato Extension Class enrolled in
the school year 2015 – 2016 will be the respondents of this study.
Sampling Procedure
Research Instrument
A 50 words spelling will be used in conducting the pre- test and post test. The pre- test and
post test results will be used as sources of data.
Pre- test scores of the respondents will be recorded after conducting the 50 item test.
After conducting the intervention activity (one week period), a post test will be conducted and the
scores of the students will be recorded.
Descriptive statistics will be used to describe the increase of scores of the students after
the intervention activity. A graphical representation of the mean of pre- test and the post test results
of the students using MS excel.
25 Scores
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49
The graph shows that most of the students got the lowest score during the pre-test.
25 Scores
20 Frequency
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49
The graph shows that during the post test most of the students got a high score.
The study revealed that the spelling ability of students was greatly improved because they were
provided with sufficient reading materials to increase their vocabulary. The study revealed that the
Grade 7 Del Rosario inability to spell words in English was caused by inadequate vocabulary and poor
study habits.