RHTL Brochure Anti Bullying
RHTL Brochure Anti Bullying
RHTL Brochure Anti Bullying
Grades K–12
s i c a l
a l Verbal
l a t i o n
R e
This brochure includes books and resources to discourage bullying in all
its forms. We have selected titles that showcase characters who practice
self-helpful skills or ask for help in standing up to bullies. Importantly, we
have also included books that help build a positive classroom climate—
books that communicate values of love, tolerance, and kindness, and
books that illustrate characters building healthy self-esteem. Discuss
titles that tackle bullying head-on, explicating healthy and unhealthy
relationships and boundaries. Collaborate with school counselors to
empower students with knowledge about what is and is not acceptable
behavior in your classroom—and beyond!
Picture Books For a Positive Classroom Climate
All Are Welcome KINDergarten
Follow a group of children Calling all kindergarten
through a day in their and pre-K educators! This
school, where students from story about a classroom
all backgrounds learn from coming together to make
and celebrate each other’s a kindergarten into a
traditions. Set the tone for KINDergarten is sure to
your classroom with this warm, calm the nerves of—and
accessible read-aloud with offer inspiration to—new
strong themes of charity and kindergartners. This story
empathy. beautifully explains how CHAPTER BOOK FEATURE
even the smallest acts—like Harry Versus the First
Horton Hears a Who raising your hand—can help 100 Days of School
In the colorful Jungle of Nool, the classroom to feel kind for
Horton discovers something everyone. In just one hundred days, Harry will
that at first seems impossible: learn how to overcome first-day
a tiny speck of dust that The World Need jitters, what a “family circle” is,
contains an entire miniature More Purple Schools why guinea pigs aren’t scary after
world—Who-ville—complete Adorable character Penny and all, what a silent “e” is about, how
with houses and grocery her pals put their purple skills to count to 100 in tons of different
stores and even a mayor! But into action in their very favorite ways, and much more. He’ll make
when no one will stand up for place—their classroom! How great friends, celebrate lots of
the Whos of Who-ville, Horton do you make a purple school? holidays, and become an expert first
uses his elephant-sized heart It will take curiosity, sharing, grader who experiences the sorrows
to save the day. This tale of hard work, and lots of laughs! and joys of the first 100 days of
compassion and determination school.
Celebrate these characteristics
proves that any person, big or
to create a healthy classroom Normalize good days and bad days
small, can choose to speak out
culture. and everything in between with
for what is right. Teach students
that in your classroom, you this realistic, laugh-out-loud funny
speak up for each other! chapter book, with a character who
models self-helpful skills in a warm
classroom environment.
Be consistent in your word and actions.
• Weave themes from the books above into lessons across your
• When you see bullying—even the seemingly smallest of
behaviors—take it seriously, informing school counselors,
principals, and parents so that a team of people can work
together to address the situation.
• Bombard students with messages about kindness, acceptance,
and tolerance.
Make kindness a community effort. The behavior that students
observe in the hallway or from older students can affect their
RELATIONAL understanding about acceptable behavior (or can signal that a
BULLYING behavior is tolerated). Be the classroom that starts a movement at
your school.
• Select one of these books as an all-school or all-community read.
• Invite older student leaders, who students might look up to, to
read to your class.
BULLYING • Involve parents:
◦ Communicate regularly about the social-emotional concepts
you’re discussing in the classroom. Parents will be better able
to partner in this learning if they are kept informed.
◦ Picture books are for everyone! Invite parents to attend an
all-school read-aloud for one of the picture books. All adults
could also use a reminder about the kindness, acceptance,
and tolerance showcased in these picture books.
Middle Grade Books for Healthy Classrooms
The Hero Next Door The List of Things That Will to invite your school nurse, a
Published in partnership with We Need Not Change counselor, or a doctor to discuss
Diverse Books, this vibrant anthology After her parents’ divorce, she can bullying as well as aspects of
features thirteen acclaimed authors always look back at the list Bea keeps puberty. Changing bodies can
whose powerful and diverse voices in her green notebook to remember coincide with fluctuating self-
show how small acts of kindness can the things that will stay the same. The esteem, which can lead to bullying
save the day. This beautiful collection first and most important: Mom and or being the target of bullying.
will show readers that the hero could Dad will always love Bea, and each Normalizing conversations around
be right beside them—or the hero could other. When Dad tells Bea that he these changes—and infusing them
even be them! and his boyfriend, Jesse, are getting with humor and understanding—can
married, Bea is thrilled. As the wedding bring some relief to the self-
Because this anthology is broken conscious tweens and teens.
up into segments, you can infuse a day approaches, Bea will learn that
little kindness into various lessons by making a new family brings questions,
surprises, and joy. Superpowered
reading aloud one segment at a time— Bullying can take many forms and
easily incorporating it into an existing Discuss with readers how Bea has a can result in anxiety and depression
curriculum. team of trusted adults who support her in children. One way to help
and equip her with self-helpful tools, students is by showing them how to
Growing Pangs especially during this period of change. manage stress and build confidence.
Katie’s always felt different. She’s Ask readers to consider their team of This bestselling book offers young
homeschooled, she has freckles, and adults who can advocate for them. readers the tools they need to
her teeth are really crooked. But none overcome their insecurities and
of these things matter to Kacey. But Puberty Is Gross but Also uncover their inner superheroes—
when they go to summer camp, Kacey Really Awesome superheroes who can advocate for
starts acting weird. And when Katie This book discusses all aspects of themselves and others. It’s a must-
gets home, she can’t stop worrying. puberty—easy-to-understand scientific read for every teen and preteen.
About getting braces. About sixth information, interesting studies, and
grade. About friends. Is something Include this on your classroom
tips from experts, covering everything
wrong with her? And will anyone want bookshelf and read excerpts of it
from breast development and gender
to be friends with her if they find out? aloud to offer your students self-
identity to acne and mental health.
helpful tools.
Talk to students about the changes that Offer this book as a resource for kids.
friendships can go through, especially If it’s not already coordinated by
as they approach and enter middle your school, work with administration