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Book Title Author(s) Description Used to support an

inclusive, collaborative
community of learners
One Kathryn Blue is a quiet color. Red’s a This book helps young
Otoshi hothead who likes to pick on readers learn about
Blue. Yellow, Orange, Green, numbers, counting, and
and Purple don’t like what primary and secondary
they see, but what can they colors, while also learning
do? When no one speaks up, about accepting each other's
things get out of hand — until differences and how it
One comes along and shows sometimes just takes one
all the colors how to stand up, voice to make everyone
stand together, and count. count.

It’s okay to Todd Parr This book touches on the This is a wonderful book that
be different important topics of can be used at the beginning
acceptance, confidence and of the year to celebrate each
uniqueness. Targeted to young other’s individual
children first beginning to differences and help
read, this book will inspire kids contribute to a healthy
to celebrate their individuality classroom environment. An
through acceptance of others example of an extension
and self-confidence. activity could be making self-
portraits to be displayed in
the classroom!
The family Todd Parr The Family Book celebrates This is a great book to
book the love we feel for our celebrate diversity and talk
families and all the different about our own unique
varieties they come in. families. This may lead into
Whether you have two moms great discussions about
or two dads, a big family or a family traditions and history.
small family, a clean family or
a messy one, every family is
special in its own unique way.

And Tango Peter Parnell This is a book about two This is a wonderful book to
makes three and Justin enguins would create a non- be used to discuss the
Richardson traditional family. At Central importance of family and
Park Zoo, two male penguins how we all come from
named Roy and Silo, fall in different families. It is a
love and with the help of a great resource to use when
kindly zookeeper, Roy and Silo discussing topics around
get the chance to welcome a LGBTQ2+.
baby penguin of their very
I am Jazz Jazz Jennings This is a story about a This is a great book to use
and Jessica transgender child based on the when discussing topics
Herthel real-life experience of Jazz around LGBTQ2+ and
Jennings. From the time she children identifying as trans
was two years old, Jazz knew or not. It would also help
that she had a girl's brain in a spark discussion around
boy's body. She loved pink gender identify and how
and dressing up as a children relate to gender.
mermaid and didn't feel like For example, “Pink is a girl’s
herself in boys' clothing. This color and blue is a boy’s
confused her family, until they color”.
took her to a doctor who said
that Jazz was transgender and
that she was born that way.
Sometimes I Danielle The Anishinaabe tradition of This book helps students
feel like a fox Daniel totem animals is introduced in recognize individual
this book through the eyes of differences not only
children. Each page depicts a amongst the animals but
child in mask identifying with a how they themselves relate
different animal and their to the animals. It helps to
characteristics. promote diversity and
recognize each other’s
unique traits.
A possible learning activity
would be to brainstorm
animals in which the
children relate to and one
they have chosen an animal,
they can complete the
following worksheet, with a
drawing and ideas on how
they sometimes feel like a…..

Sam the cat Sam Bowring Change is difficult at the best This is a great book to spark
of times, but there are some discussion around our given
unusual changes that Sam the names and how our parents
Cat must come to accept. Not chose our unique names.
only has a new baby joined his While reading the book,
family, but that baby has taken discussion may spark around
his name. the importance of names
and how Sam the cat may be
feeling. Gathering
information, the students
may be able to inquire how
they got their own name
and draw from family
I am Raven: David Written by Metis author David This is a great book to
A story of Bouchard Bouchard on the importance encourage discussion
Discovery of understanding one's around everyone’s unique
character. It is a story about qualities and attributes and
finding one's true identity how we can contribute to
through the story about a wise the larger group! Great for
chief and his quest to organize building classroom
a potlatch provides readers community and bringing in
with concrete examples from First People’s principles of
the human and animal worlds. learning.

When I was Christy This is the true story of the This is a great book
Eight Jordan- author's life at a residential highlighting the struggles
Fenton and school and her resilience and that some people face in the
Margaret determination to survive and world. Although residential
Pokiak- learn to read. It depicts the schools is a relevant topic
Fenton experiences she encounters for Canadians, it highlights
and how her language, culture difficult experiences, much
and dignity is taken away from like those felt by children of
her and some of the ways she refugee backgrounds.
is treated by the nuns.
Although this book speaks to
some harsh realities that
happened at the residential
schools, as teachers, we have
a moral obligation to share
what happened with our
students. It could start a
conversation about
punishment and cruelty and is
also a good book to talk about
resilience and
determination. It is also good
for teaching story elements as
it has a problem and solution.

Stella brings Miriam B. This book is about a little girl This is a great story to
the family Schiffer who has 2 dads. Stella has her highlight acceptance and
Papa and Daddy who take care what it means to have a
of her, and a whole gaggle of family. It is a great book to
other loved ones who make discuss topics around
her feel special and supported LGBTQ2+.
every day. Her class is having a
Mother's Day celebration, but
she just doesn't have
a mom to invite to the party.
Fortunately, Stella finds a
unique solution to her party
problem in this sweet story
about love, acceptance, and
the true meaning of family.

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