Voltage Divider
Voltage Divider
Voltage Divider
Abstract: This paper describes structure and method of operation uncertainty (at or below 0.1%) together with wide band,
of active high voltage divider with automatic calibration capable of while keeping low cost due to lack of high precision
measuring multi-harmonic signals. With the use of this structure components in a circuit.
identification of varying parameters of the measurement instrument
is possible. Measured signal is used for automatic calibrations as
the only excitation. To achieve such performance modification of
1.1. The two-sensor method
two-sensor method was proposed. Simulation studies on proposed The two-sensor method also being referred as blind
model were conducted that examined influence of Analog to Digital method was proposed in 1936 by H. von Pfriem. The basic
Converters (ADCs) quantization and amplifier parameters, and also version of method was proposed for sensors of inertial
ability of self-identification of structure’s parameters. Relative character, which can be described by first order differential
errors of divider ratio estimation were calculated for different cases: equation. A system realizing this method is presented in
the structure with an ideal amplifier, the structure with an amplifier Figure 1.
with defined parameters and the structure with an amplifier with
defined parameters with gain correction procedures.
Figure 2 shows the simplified circuit of active Using (5) the gain of amplifier A is calculated
adaptive divider in two stable configurations. In order to
maintain transparency of the picture we do not show digital U 6U 7 2U 6U 8 U 8U 5 (6)
control and synchronization system. Constantly repeated A .
U 6U 8 U 5U 7
operation cycle of adaptive divider is divided into three
distinctive steps:
Step 1: Left and right branch of the adaptive divider Evaluation of A is prone to accuracy of voltages U5 U8
circuit are made of unknown impedances (Fig.2a) – Z1 and measurement like (2) due to bad condition number of the
Z2 for the left branch and Z3 and Z4 for the right branch. denominator.
Voltages U1 and U2 on Z2 and Z4 impedances are acquired by Modified divider constant is given by
ADCs. Parallel connected unknown input impedances of
ADCs and impedances of divider itself are considered U1 (7)
k .
together as a single object in self-identification process. 1 U4
U 2 1 U 1
Voltage UA is computed based on U1 andU2 measurement A U3
Z1 Z 2 Z Z4 (1)
UA U1 3 U2.
Z2 Z4
Słowa kluczowe: dzielnik napięcia, autokalibracja, metoda dwuczujnikowa, charakterystyki częstotliwościowe, odpowiedź