DOI: 10.1049/gtd2.12721
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Abstract
Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China
The valve-side bushing of the UHV converter transformer is the key equipment in the
China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing, DC transmission project, and its running state directly affects the security and stability
of the power system. This paper analyses the attributes of the physical entities, uses the
digital twins to establish the state feature set and proposes a zero-sample state evaluation
Kai Liu, School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest algorithm for the valve-side bushing. First, the geometric, materials and electrical character-
Jiaotong University, Chengdu, China. istics are analyzed, and the detailed components of carrier current are obtained by empirical
Email: liukai@swjtu.edu.cn
mode decomposition. Then, COMSOL is used to establish digital twins, verify the validity
of twins with axial heat distribution of bushing, and establish a state feature set with the
Funding information
Science and Technology Project of Headquarter of extreme temperature inside and outside bushing. Finally, the fuzzy clustering algorithm is
SGCC, Grant/Award Number: SGTYHT/19- used to classify the state feature set, and the similarity is used as the index to realize the
JS-215. zero-sample state evaluation of the valve-side bushing. Through the demonstration and
analysis of examples, the evaluation model solves the problems of difficulty in extract-
ing the internal features, fewer fault samples, and training difficulty, which is conducive
to improving the operation and maintenance management level of power transmission
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Institution of Engineering and Technology.
established the CloudEPS platform by using digital twin tech- Based on the above analysis, this paper proposes to obtain
nology to plan and process physical entities at the virtual level, the twin data of the valve-side bushing of the UHV converter
thus providing a feasible scheme for the optimal control of transformer under the attribute analysis based on the digital
the energy internet. To improve the operation and maintenance twin technology and realize the zero-sample status evaluation
level of high-voltage cables, He et al. [18] proposed the use of combined with the fuzzy clustering algorithm. First, the phys-
the digital twin framework to carry out full-cycle state manage- ical entity is analyzed, including attribute parameters, electrical
ment of high-voltage cables. As the heavy equipment in power features, ambient temperature, and current-carrying. To extract
systems, the development of digital twin technology also brings more details of the carried current of the bushing, empiri-
new opportunities and challenges to the valve-side bushing of cal mode decomposition (EMD) is used to decompose the
UHV converter transformers. fundamental and harmonic components. Then, the COMSOL
To ensure the reliability of the state evaluation of the valve- software is used to complete the mapping from physical entity
side bushing of the UHV converter, the analysis of its effective to digital twin, which is verified and analyzed according to the
state feature information is a key step. Elsisi et al. [19] con- axial heat distribution of the bushing, and use different carrier
ducted fault diagnosis for transformers based on an effective current components to obtain the temperature extremum inside
deep-learning platform. Cong et al. [20] tested the infrared spec- and outside the bushing to establish the twin data. Finally, the
trum of the transformer in running and established the electric initial state feature sets of valve-side bushing under different
heating fault diagnosis model of the transformer oil. Leong et al. defect degrees are established, the fuzzy clustering algorithm
[21] studied the transformer health state index and proposed is used to process them, and the state evaluation of valve-side
the method of transformer state feature extraction using the bushing is completed with the similarity matching degree in the
ultraviolet-visible spectrum for the first time. Du et al. [22] used dynamic clustering diagram. Through the verification and analy-
currents of different frequencies as testing tools to analyse the sis of examples, the state evaluation method can ensure the safe
influence of water in oil on bushing aging. Monga et al. [23] running of equipment and further improve the operation and
proposed the calculation method for bushing electric fields and maintenance level of the valve-side bushing.
studied the influence of key components on electric field distri- The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (a)
bution in combination with the bushing structure model. The Analyse the basic physical attributes of the bushing, and then
research on bushing state characteristics also includes insulation establish the physical entity in the digital twin technology,
features [24], dielectric features [25], partial discharge [26], and including not only the fundamental and harmonic components
other objects, but the above feature objects have problems such of the input current after EMD processing, but also the analy-
as fewer data and lower sensitivity to training parameters in the sis of the bushing structural materials, electrical characteristics,
process of bushing state evaluation. and geometric dimensions. (b) The overheating mechanism of
In the state evaluation model of the valve-side bushing of the the bushing is simulated by COMSOL to obtain the overheat-
UHV converter transformer, Záliš et al. [27] proposed to estab- ing characteristics of internal defects, and then the bushing state
lish an expert mapping system using historical fault data, but due feature set under different defects is established. (c) Aimed at
to the differences between valve-side bushing models and run- the characteristic of a few bushing fault samples, a zero-sample
ning environments, the stability of its weight parameters is poor. state evaluation model based on a fuzzy clustering algorithm
Liao et al. [28] used the dielectric model to analyse the water is proposed. The bushing state evaluation is completed by
content of oil-penetrating bushing and took the grey correlation similarity matching degree, which does not require advanced
degree as a parameter index to complete the state evaluation. training.
Elsisi et al. [29–34] applied machine learning and optimization The structure of this paper is as follows: (1) Analysis of basic
algorithms to automatic driving, hybrid battery control, robot algorithms, mainly including digital twin framework, attribute
arm cooperative control, etc., while there are relatively few state analysis algorithm, and fuzzy clustering algorithm; (2) state eval-
assessment optimization algorithms in ultra-high voltage power uation of valve-side bushing of UHV converter transformer,
equipment. including physical entity analysis, virtual twin, state evaluation
The valve-side bushing of the UHV converter transformer process; (3) example demonstration, mainly including the simu-
is different from other power insulation equipment. It has a lation of virtual space, the establishment of state feature set of
large internal current and a complex external running envi- data twins, and the evaluation of running state; 4) conclusion.
ronment, which will cause serious accidents when it fails [35].
Due to the rapid occurrence of valve-side bushing accidents
and the low accident rate, it is difficult to collect status data. 2 ALGORITHM ANALYSIS
The combination of digital twin technology and status feature
analysis can solve the problem of insufficient status representa- 2.1 Digital twin framework for state
tion. When using the fuzzy clustering algorithm to establish the assessment system
state evaluation model, it has the characteristics of zero-samples
[36], and the state evaluation results can be intuitively expressed The concept of digital twins was first proposed by Grieves
through the similarity matching degree in the dynamic clustering [37, 38] and used to establish the mapping relationship
graph. between physical entities and abstract virtual entities. With the
LI ET AL. 1125
development of information technology, the internet of things, x (t ) = im fi (t ) + r (t ), (1)
cloud computing, communications, and other technologies, i=1
higher requirements are put forward for digital twin technol-
where i is the variable of decomposition layer n, r(t) is the
ogy in the operation and maintenance of specific equipment.
residual component, and different intrinsic mode function
The application of digital twin technology in the field of power
components imfi (t) meet the Dirichley conditions:
equipment mainly consists of five parts: physical entity (PE),
The termination condition of the whole decomposition pro-
digital twin (DW), operations management (OM), digital link
cess is that r(t) is a monotone signal. The corresponding EMD
(DL), and Data twin (DT). The system framework is shown in
is shown in Algorithm 1.
Figure 1.
The specific meanings of digital twin technology are as
1. PE: When the research object of the physical entity is the ALGORITHM 1: EMD
valve-side bushing, the characteristic description of the input Input: Original signal x(t); Decomposition layers i; Intermediate
object includes not only the geometric, material, and envi- variable k.
ronment, but also the output current characteristics, defect Output: Intrinsic mode function component imfi (t), residual
distribution, sensing equipment, and other elements. component r(t).
2. DW: Digital twin is to complete the mapping from physical 1 // initialization
entity to virtual space, including product simulation, dynamic
2: i←1, k←0
display, and operation parameters.
3: set r(t) = x(t)
3. OM: Operation and maintenance management is the
premise to ensure the safe and stable running of equipment, 4: r(t) local maximum point emax (t), r(t) local minimum
point emin (t)
mainly including fault diagnosis, state evaluation, and state
prediction. 5: // evaluate
4. DT: Data twinning runs through the whole physical entity, 6: m(t ) = (emax (t ) + emin (t ))∕2, update k = k+1
digital twinning, operation and maintenance management, 7: pk (t ) = r (t ) − m(t ), r (t ) = pk (t )
and other links. 8: If pk (t )satisfies two conditions then
5. DL: As a bridge, the digital link realizes the data interac-
9 im fi (t ) = pk (t )
tion between physical entities, digital twins, operation, and
10 r (t ) = r (t ) − im fi (t )
maintenance management.
11 and if r(t) is the monotone signal then
The digital twin framework based on the state evaluation 12 x(t ) = i=1 im fi (t ) + r (t )
system fully maps the running characteristics of physical enti- 13 else i = i+1
ties into the virtual space. While establishing the digital twin, it 14 Return r(t) local maximum point emax (t), r(t) local minimum
obtains the internal characteristics to realize the expansion of point emin (t)
the running status features and solves the problems of online 15 else
monitoring difficulty and a small sample size of fault defects.
16 Return r(t) local maximum point emax (t), r(t) local minimum point
Thus, the whole life cycle of physical entities and digital twins emin (t)
can be synchronously evolved and evaluated.
1126 LI ET AL.
2) Calculation principle of heat distribution. fuzzy clustering algorithm based on the initial feature matrix Xn
The heat source on the valve-side bushing of the UHV * m is shown in Algorithm 2.
converter transformer is generated by the Joule effect of the
conductive tube; the heat conduction between different solid
materials, the convection heat transfer between solid and
non-solid materials, and the thermal radiation of the solid itself ALGORITHM 2: Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm
need to be comprehensively considered in the heat distribution Input: Original signal x(t); Decomposition layers i; Intermediate variable
calculation. k.
Heat conduction exists between two solids with a cer- Output: Intrinsic mode function component imfi (t), residual component
tain temperature difference. The solid materials of the r(t).
valve-side bushing include a catheter, capacitor core, flange, 1: // initialization
watchband contact, and other devices, and the heat con- 2: i←(1,2, …n), j←(1,2, …m)
duction satisfies the mathematical definition shown in
3: k←0
Equation (2) [39]:
4: // evaluate
( ) 6: Standardization (X→X′′ )
𝜆t 𝜕 𝜕T 𝜕2 T
⋅ r + 𝜆t ⋅ + Qtc = 0, (2)
r 𝜕r 𝜕r 𝜕z 2 xi j − x̄ j
7 ∶ xik = (i = 1, 2, … , n; j = 1, 2, … , m) (5)
where r is the geometric radius; T the temperature; λt the ther-
mal conductivity; Qtc the amount of heat conduction between
solids in contact. x ′ i j − min {x ′ i j }
′′ 1≤i≤n
The convective heat transfer of the valve-side bushing 8∶ xik = ( j = 1, 2, … , m) (6)
max {x ′ i j } − min {x ′ i j }
1≤i≤n 1≤i≤n
includes two contact modes: the external natural environment
and the transformer insulating oil; the convective heat transfer 9: Similitude matrix (X′′ →R)
satisfies the mathematical model of Equation (3) [40]:
[ ]
1 ∑
3 (xik − x jk )
2.3 State evaluation algorithm Finally, when the confidence factor 𝜆 changes from 1 to 0 (the
computer automatically reduces by 0.001 steps), the columns
Suppose there are n objects to be inspected xt (t = 1, 2, …, n), with the same equivalent Boolean matrix are classified into one
and there are m characteristic indicators under each object to category. When 𝜆 = min {ri j } completes the classification, the
1≤i, j ≤n
be inspected. According to the theory of fuzzy mathematics, a dynamic clustering graph is established accordingly.
LI ET AL. 1127
Relative Conductivity
Material inductivity (S/m)
and the theoretical difference between the two is not more than
60K±2K. The bushing excitation is also an important part of
external input. Figure 3 shows the current waveforms at both
ends of the bushing when a UHV power plant is running at FIGURE 4 Construction of digital twin for valve-side bushing of UHV
±800kV full load. converter transformer
FIGURE 5 Evaluation process of valve-side bushing state of UHV 4.1 Construction of digital twins for the
converter transformer
valve-side bushing
It can be seen from Figure 5 that the zero-sample state evalu- 4.1.1 Current decomposition of the valve-side
ation of valve-side bushing based on attribute analysis is mainly bushing
composed of four parts: physical entity analysis, simulation anal-
ysis of virtual space, the establishment of state feature set based The carrier voltage and current of the valve-side bushing are
on data twins, and running state evaluation. related to the working mode of the converter transformer. To
1) Physical entity analysis establish the corresponding digital twins of the bushing and
Based on the analysis of physical characteristics (attribute extract more detailed features, it is necessary to decompose
parameters and electrical characteristics of ±800kV valve-side other detailed components except for the 50 Hz fundamental
bushing in Section 3.1), the physical entity analysis of valve-side component.
bushing is completed in combination with running environment Taking the dry-type SF6 gas insulated bushing of phase A
temperature (insulation oil temperature and hall temperature). at Y-Y side of ±800kV UHV as an example, its input signal
2) Simulation of virtual space waveform is shown in Figure 3. The initial current waveform is
First, COMSOL is used to set geometric, material prop- decomposed at different centre frequencies using EMD algo-
erties and physical fields; then, the measured carrier current rithm. The decomposed intrinsic mode function component
is analyzed in the frequency domain, and it is decomposed imf(t) and residual component r(t) are shown in Figure 6.
into decomposition components with different frequency cen- As shown in Figure 6, after the bushing current is pro-
tres by EMD; Finally, combined with the heat loss calculation cessed by the EMD algorithm, there are four intrinsic mode
model in Section 3.2, the digital twins of valve side bushing are componentsim f1 (t )∼im f4 (t )and one residual component r(t),
established. and r(t) meets the termination condition of EMD.
3) Establishment of state feature set based on data twin
Through the analysis of the digital twin, the bushing heat
distribution is taken as the research object, and the charac- 4.1.2 Simulation analysis of virtual space based
teristics data of the bushing external maximum temperature, on sample attributes
external minimum temperature, internal maximum tempera-
ture, and internal minimum temperature under different carrier When the valve-side bushing has fault defects, the most direct
current decomposition components are obtained. features are the changes in DC impedance and carrier cur-
4) Running status evaluation rent. Although the external thermal feature distribution of the
1130 LI ET AL.
Decomposition of
component imf1 (t) imf2 (t) imf3 (t) imf4 (t) r(t)
4.2 Defect analysis of bushing and To realize the state evaluation of the valve-side bushing of the
establishment of state feature set UHV converter transformer, the state feature vectors of the
bushing under different defects are established according to the
Taking a ±500 kV power plant as an example, the picture of the method of establishing the feature vectors under normal con-
capacitor core when the valve-side bushing is faulty is shown in ditions in the above section. In the example demonstration,
Figure 10. x1 ∼x5 are used to represent the state feature vectors of the dif-
According to field detection, the blackening substance of ferent bushing. x1 is the bushing with the impedance of 52.2 μΩ
the capacitor core is the substance produced after the local under normal condition, and x2 ∼x5 are the bushing with defect
temperature rises due to the rise of the impedance at the impedance of 120.4, 180.6, 200.3, and 260.8 μΩ.
copper–aluminium connection, and then local flashover occurs.
Analyse other faults such as SF6 gas leakage, and the change
of impedance of the bushing conductive tube is the first. 4.3.1 Grey relation analysis
Therefore, in the face of the diversity of fault defect forms
of the bushing and the features of fewer fault data in oper- To further verify the effectiveness of the fuzzy clustering algo-
ation and maintenance management, the use of digital twins rithm in the state evaluation, this paper analyses the initial
to obtain twin data under different impedance changes is con- matrix X by citing the grey correlation coefficient, in which
ducive to achieving zero-sample state evaluation under online the calculation method of the grey correlation coefficient is as
monitoring. follows:
In the process of establishing the state feature set, first, the min min |x1 (k) − xi (k)| + 𝜌 max max |x1 (k) − xi (k)|
digital twin is established according to the decomposition result i k i k
𝜉i (k) = ,
of the carrier current and the impedance of the catheter in the |x1 (k) − xi (k)| + 𝜌 max max |x1 (k) − xi (k)|
i k
physical entity, and then the maximum temperature and mini-
mum temperature of the catheter are obtained. Then, the initial where 𝜉i (k)is the correlation coefficient of x0 to xi at point k,
state feature set is established. Finally, to reduce the dimension min min |x0 (k) − xi (k)|is the absolute value of the second level
of the feature set, principal component analysis is used to map i k
the initial state features into one-dimensional space. Based on minimum difference of x1 to xi at point k, ρ Is the grey reso-
the analysis of ±800kV valve-side dry-type SF6 gas-insulated lution coefficient, generally 0.5, and the final grey correlation is
bushing under normal conditions in Section 4.1, the state fea- ri :
tures under different decomposition components are shown in
Table 3. ri = 𝜉 (k).
To complete the dimension reduction analysis of the fea- n k=1 i
ture set, the principal component analysis of the feature set in
Table 3 under normal conditions is carried out, and the results Finally, the grey correlation coefficient of x1 in the initial
are as follows: characteristic matrix X is shown in Figure 11.
As shown in the Figure 11, the grey correlation coefficients of
xt = [184.37 6.19 0.51 0.51] x1 are very similar; the grey correlation degrees are 0.776, 0.795,
1132 LI ET AL.
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS 13. Jim, G.: Software specialist, rFpro develops digital modelling tool of
Zheng Li: writing - original draft. Kai Liu: data curation; for- Applus+ IDIADA proving grounds for real world trials of autonomous
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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 15. Tao, F., Zhang, M., Liu, Y., et al.: Digital twin driven prognostics and health
management for complex equipment. CIRP Anna. 67(1), 169–172 (2018)
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CONFLICT OF INTEREST 18. He, W., Wu, Z., Ren, X., et al.: Research on the application of digital twin
technique in high voltage cable. In 2020 4th International Conference on
There is no conflict of interest.
Power and Energy Engineering (ICPEE), pp. 90–93. IEEE, Piscataway, NJ
DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT 19. Elsisi M., Tran M., Mahmoud K., et al.: Effective IoT-based deep learn-
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